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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Regigigas returned fire on the prisms by focusing fire with both of it's hands, both hyper beams shooting in one place: Terrerian himself. This beamed against the prism laser, their power shaking the entire cavern. It was unknown to which would win the fight, not this early.

Instead of waiting for the outcome however, Hareta sprinted over to the the conveyor belt. It was at an upward angle...the perfect plan! Running up to get momentum, they ran across it before he leaped up from the incline, just enough for him to go and smash Terrerian across the face before going down to earth


Previously Deathstalker62
Though the prism beams clashed against the hyper beams, the Terrarian did not go without sighting Hareta in the corner of his eyes. However, the Terrarian just kept firing his weapon back at the beams, pretending as if he hadn't spotted his enemy. There, he remained hooked to the ceiling.. waiting.. and waiting.. gripping his Rod of Discord tightly until finally, Hareta was back in his view, much closer to him than before. With a little wag of his discordian rod, the Terrarian was warped away, right behind Hareta, with his prism moving up from below to both strike the trainer in the back while the hyper beams, as the Terrarian hoped, would end up striking the boy from the front.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Huh?? Where did he-"

Terrerian had teleported away, but so instantly came Regigigas's hyper beams. Regigigas's many eyes too noticed this move, attempting to swerve the attack away to little effectiveness. Instead, it struct foot in front of Hareta, debris from the ceiling raining down as the ceiling began to collapse. The dust kicked up from the impact had Hareta hacking as Boulders and rocks fell from above all over the stage. One such Boulder fell atop Hareta as he was sent plummeting down to the ground. Several hit Regigigas, bouncing off his exterior.

Regigigas had an opening to destroy the helpless Terrerian, but instead chose to grab the Boulder it's trainer was stuck to, preventing their defeat.

"Huh? Regigigas...!" Hareta thanked nonverbally.

The Pokémon plopped the trainer on his top as it dropped the Boulder down, attempting to look for where the Terrerian was amongst the debris.
Gemini Black had been watching carefully through the worm hole, though bolas were a new thing for them. Unable to quite figure out what they were or what they did, he managed to raise his Rocket Knuckle as the bolas wrapped around his other arm and body. Bothersome. As the Thunder Ball soon followed, Gemini grinned to himself, turned his Elec Sword back to his Rocket Knuckle and backhanded the Thunder Ball back through the worm hole like it was a game of tennis. The Thunder Ball would hurt, but his black suit was resisted to electricity and similar to rubber as a safety mechanism, so the electricity merely coursed through the Rocket Knuckle that had no feeling in it. Cutting himself free with Elec Sword, he prepared for another turn of Thunder Tennis.

Gemini White in the meantime managed to free himself from the scrap, without his barrier. He might be invincible, but he was not immune to pain and the barrier did not protect him from fall damage or any attack that broke through because of incredible power or piercing abilities. "I hate to be this crude, but it has worked before."

Climbing up a scrapped radio tower up to a comfortable viewing height, he grabbed a battle card and grabbed the radio tower tightly as a rocket pad rose from his back. "Radar Missile!" Homing missiles were once again launched, though the force of the launch caused the rusty old tower to finally give way and snap, sliding down the scrap heap towards Tethi. Not wanting to get caught amidst missile explosions, Gemini White jumped off and landed on a scrapped car, causing the roof to heavily dent.


Though the Bolas was easily cut by the Elec sword, it reformed in the air and returned to Tethi's pocket through the wormhole.

"Alright, now what...oh." Tethi began to say before spotting the Thunder Ball returning. So, she did the same thing again, whacking it back in and trying to ignore the slight electrical shock coursing through her hands from the sword, a grin starting to show on her face. She wasn't...enjoying this, right?
"Wait, what's that sound?!" She quickly turned her head, surprised to see more missiles. Oh, and a huge tower, of some kind of make she couldn't recognise. And she didn't exactly have time to whip out her crossbow or wand this time, weirdly enough. She braced for impact this time, figuring she had no chance to dodge.

Of course, that's when another Water Barrier popped up from Khepri, luckily enough. You know what they say, teamwork makes the dream work...er...bubble shield work. The missiles rattled it with a mighty explosion, the radio tower sliding into it as well, making the barrier fall, but it was enough, and the tower was stopped in place. Not wanting to get pincered again, Tethi took glances around before looking at Khepri.

"Go find a cave and then come back to tell me, alright? It's gonna be night soon, I have a plan." She told, and khepri flew off. She was right, it was nearing sunset in the desert/scrapyard. She took glances around her again, and winced as she saw White's landing. Still, she prepared the best she could, keeping her sword ready.
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Gemini Black smirked as the Thunder Ball got sent back, smacking it away from the worm hole and towards Tethi. The ball would slowly move towards Tethi, but not from the angle she would expect. Firing a Rocket Knuckle through the worm hole at Tethi, he closed the worm holes the moment the Rocket Knuckle passed through the second one. Whilst it would hopefully catch Tethi off guard, it did leave Gemini Black without a weapon and a functional arm which made him find cover behind abandoned oil drums.


As Gemini White heard the yell of his counterpart, he opened two worm holes above each other and jumped in, constantly falling as he built up more and more momentum. "Battle card! Stun Knuckle!" Gemini White's Rocket Knuckle turned into a broader fist that had electricity visibly surge through it as he became a white blur. When he felt that he had sufficient speed, he closed the top portal and opened it again behind Tethi, sending him flying out as he prepared to punch Tethi in the back of the skull.

Metal Sonic
As the gray Jedi approached the two, Metal looked at him inquisitively, crossing his arms as he did so. The man proposed an alliance with the droid and his simian sympathizer. Metal personally didn’t care whether he joined them or not, the droid didn’t think they really needed a new ally to succeed. So, the robot just stood there with slight impatience as Specter and Revan discussed things, going back and forth a few times for no good reason, but they seemed to finally reach an agreement after a minute, since the intelligent ape then directed his attention towards Metal, asking him how his war had gone.

Metal beeped in irritation at the frustrating memory, but answered his ally regardless. “It was going as planned. I was about to reach beyond imagination, destroy Sonic, and take over Eggman’s Empire, but then everything stopped.” The robotic hedgehog stated. “Whatever brought us here took away my victory, and I do not appreciate that in the slightest.” Metal explained.
@Shen: King of Digimon @comic

The Chieftain began to prepare the second she heard the Thunder Ball being hit back through the portal, about to swing immediately, only for the attack to slip past this time.
"AH-KK-KL-K!" Sounds of electrocution came from Tethi as she was shocked, luckily surviving, but paralysed. Of course, this left her shocked as a rocket fist slammed into her face as the wormhole closed. As she slowly got up, holding her head in pain and groaning, she equipped her Bolas.
"Oh, no you don't!" She growled, intending to stop the rocket fist now...by tying it down. Specifically to a rock, and digging sand down over it. This left her missing a weapon, but it took away one of Gemini's, so that helped her too.

"Alright, let's see-" Before Tethi could check the sky again, she heard yelling behind her, and turned around just in time to get dunked in the face again with a cry of pain from Gemini Black's momentum-powered Stun Knuckle, sending her flying across the stage, face down. The second she got up, she was coughing and clearly seemed to have a major concussion of some kind, plus the paralysis didn't help. Weakly, she looked up.

The moon was entering the sky, so Tethi smiled despite the pain.
"Perfect." She darted her eyes around, spotting Khepri. "You find one?" After getting a nod (or...Well, an indication. Scarabs can't exactly nod.), she followed them to a nearby cave with a rock above the entrance. She quickly darted in, shooting her crossbow to make the rock fall and block the entrance. Inside the cave, it was dark, so Tethi took out her wand, generating light.
"You did make sure there was a back entrance right?" She checked. Khepri seemed to act sorry for a second, before being shushed. "No, no, it's okay, I'll blow my way out later." She calmed. Inside the cave, there seemed to be a pit of quicksand, a rock pile with gems, and several large stones. Since Tethi couldn't do much, she planted her ear against the walls, trying to hear outside despite being a distance away.

Meanwhile, over at Gemini White's position, something seemed to rise from the sand...and all around the desert, too! A purple glow seemed to emanate from multiple areas in the sand, and the sand floated into the air, forming...Well, strange creatures to say the least. Some looked like snakes or huge cobras mixed with a shark, and some looked like a cross between a Leapard and a Bunny! All made of sand, and everywhere. Alongside that, this could draw attention to the multiple animals of similar design not made of sand, clearly enlarged and enraged. All these creatures immediately began searching for signs of life, aiming to attack.
Of course, that's not to say the cave Tethi hid in was entirely safe, there were creatures there too.


Previously Gamingfan2
The wolf goddess snorted with something faintly resembling pride as Snake hopped up towards her with finesse that would've made Nagi proud. She didn't let it distract her, however, as she brought up her shield again, blocking the kick. The burning shield flared up from the attack, likely burning Snake's foot in the process. However, as Snake attempted to flee through his Cypher, Amaterasu wasn't one to give up so easily. She hopped off the branches, swiping her tail against the mortar, expertly deflecting back towards Snake. The bomb exploded upon contact with the floor or, hopefully, Snake, with Amaterasu falling inside a the ensuing smoke cloud, obscuring herself from Snake's vision. Amaterasu slinked down, appearing to wait for a couple seconds, before she drew another sign, which promptly burst into a white mist, spreading a sizable distance around her. With her white pelt almost invisible, Amaterasu stood inside the mist, sharp eyes locked onto Snake

The armor's thrusters ignited again as the bug released another attack, giving another short burst of speed to evade the Shade Soul. It's robotic eyes seemed to blink as it saw the bug jump in midair, apparently going for a strike from above. Fire likely wouldn't stop it.
But fire wasn't all it had.
The bot's right arm flipped over, with the flamethrower side working as one big thruster as the point of the bot's "shoulder" enlarged. It jabbed the point directly at the descending Knight, using it's momentum against it to pierce right through its mask!

The clone failed to land their hits. DIsappointing, but not unexpected. Weavile expected another counter attack, but the boy proved smarter than he looked by sending another barrage of attacks. The weaviles began deploying more evasion tactics, each fizzling out one by one as they were struck, but the original remained completely untou-
The original Weavile unfortunately could not evade 'em all, and was struck in the back during a showy backflip. The pokemon snarked as it skid across the snow covered floor, but forced itself to grin again as the boy went for another bullet kick.
Weavile's eyes appeared to become slits, once again narrowly evading the boy by sliding under him just before he landed. Almost as if on instinct, the dark type turned and unleashed another sucker punch directly towards Copen's spine.

Galacta Knight
The warrior's lance was cocked at the ready as the knight advance, directly aiming towards Yuga's-
Galacta Knight paused in midair and, for once in his life, showed emotion. His bright eyes enlarged in....well not pain exactly, but confusion. After the potluck of weapons that was Terrarian, this was what was next? What kinda warrior was...what?
The warrior appeared to realize it's slip of it's stoic demeanor, and shook it off. His wings flapped as Galacta readied for battle again, zipping towards Yuga and slashing once more in an attempt to bisect them.

uga couldn't help but contain his mad laughter seeing the seemingly proud or bloody Galacta Knight stop like that, all from such a simple move. If you asked him, that was on purpose. In reality, Yuga didn't exactly have time to cast a spell, and he'd rather reserve the wall trickery given what happened in his match with Death. This was nothing compared to that, even Yuga knew. He really needed to get his hands on a certain Triforce to truly succeed there...

But that was in the future, alas, and the present was now! And the present involved a likely even more internally peeved galactic warrior zipping towards him.
This time, though, Yuga was prepared.

"Oh, you will make a fine painting! Perhaps not beautiful, but better 1 souvenir than none!" A frame suddenly popped up in front of Yuga but behind Galacta, as if made of magic and suddenly Yuga blasted out some kind of strange spell the moment Galacta was in front of him. If this spell were to hit, then it would (presumably) push Galacta Knight inside the frame, turning him into a flat painting. A fate potentially worse than death. If not, well then, getting bisected would probably hurt a lot, especially given Yuga's confident demeanor, to say the least.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Smoke filled the arena, shrouding Amaterasu- at least she assumed so. Squinting behind his solid eye, he accessed it, the outline of Amaterasu appearing clearly to him through the smoke. "Hm..." Snake tilted his head to the side, noticing that some of the rubber on his heel had been melted. She'd deflected his skillfully redirected mortal shell back. Dropping from Cypher had spared him as it sailed out to the beautiful cherry blossom forest.
Seeing his opponent crisp and clear, the soldier lowered himself to the ground, not unlike she hunched herself. A few sparks arced across his torso, before the mercenary vanished from view, and mostly from smell as he'd covered himself in mud and shrubs at the beginning of the match. Now, with smoke surrounding her, she undoubtedly could smell nothing else.

A clunk sounded to her left- it was just a rock, thrown from somewhere deeper in the forest. Or perhaps it had been closer? Another landed behind her- or perhaps it was the soldier himself? As thumps sounded around her, one more plunked into the dirt near her.
A grenade.
It erupted in an explosion of fire the moment it landed, before Snake appeared from the rear of Amaterasu, deactivating his camouflage as he fired two tranq darts toward the wolf.


Previously Manu456Alola

Stellar Spark did its job, shocking Weavile and allowing Copen to quickly close the distance. Unfortunately for him, Weavile proved quick as always, narrowly avoiding his attack as his gun failed to make contact with the creature. The same dark aura from before covered the Pokémon's claw, a quick punch heading straight for Copen.

Two blades of ice were conjured in a split second, slashing at Weavile's limb to deflect the attack, possibly even damaging the Pokémon. Copen's momentum allowed him to bounce off the floor and propel himself to safety, Lola and the P-Bits following right behind him. "Nice job, Lola." He told his companion, the A.I.'s quick thinking having saved him from that attack.

Aiming his Border II at Weavile, Copen fired a barrage of lasers that headed straight for the Pokémon. He needed to let his weapon energy recharge, and perhaps forcing Weavile to approach him instead of the other way around could result in a favorable outcome for the Adept Slayer.

The Knight

The mech opted to go for a clever move, thrusting upwards to meet the Knight head-on with a high-speed jab. Already committed to Descending Dark, Shroom's tiny fist collided with the mech's attack, sending shadow flying everywhere. The impact sent the bug flying high up in the air, its shell noticeably cracked, small amounts of Void seeping from the cracks. It didn't take the attack too well.

Even while injured, the Knight chose to head back towards the robot, the Vessel quickly soaring back down. It raised its nail as energy surrounded it, coming ever closer to the machine. Once it was about to make contact, the bug would use its Shade Cloak to phase right through its opponent, aiming to then deliver a powerful Abyss Shriek from below, releasing a large blast of SOUL and shadow.


Previously mallard
Well there were a lot more Monkeys where that came from, apparently. And a lot of bullets were coming that way! Now, this made Psyduck panic internally in the short time he had before they struck. The only type of bullets Psyduck has seen before then was the move Bullet Seed, which was a Grass type move, and therefore super effective on him.

Then they hit.

Minigun was not very effective.

They blasted Psyduck backwards, of course, but the bullets themselves did much less damage than anyone who didn't know about Pokemon would expect. He then splashed into the water. The shurikens that were thrown at his original location would likely fly at the other monkeys on the other side of the pond, as that's the cost of missing flanking shots.
Because of this, Psyduck was still unaware of the ninjas' location though, the bullets did disorient him a bit. The Duck shook it off in the safety of under the water, and then decided to try something he saw a Flying type do once. He shot out of the liquid safety of the water, using Hydro Pump to propel himself high in the air! He soared so high up that he became only a silhouette against the sun, at which altitude he shot his Hydro Pump in the opposite direction, and coming down like a meteor. He aimed himself towards Benjamin, as even this idiot knew that he was the boss that was the reason he had to deal with all of these other monkeys. But before impact Psyduck switched from increasing velocity with Hydro Pump, to add an extra-special kick of psychic energy with Zen Headbutt, and turning a simple cannonball of a duck into a destructive magenta comet of psychic power!


Previously Gamingfan2
Snake may have assumed he had her in his sights, but he was just as visible to her sharp eyes. Although her nose couldn't track him, it wasn't the only thing she had.
Especially since he moved at a snail's pace. At least, from her perspective. The mist slowed his actions exponentially, and allowed Amaterasu a full view of his tactics, including the grenade and rocks, which she made quick work of with a few shots from her ice beads. She didn't appear to move in Snake's view, but thanks to the mist, he was simply perceiving her slower, leaving the wolf able to dash to where Snake was positioning himself, and back after she left a "present" for him.
The present of course, being a blob of poop. Easily blending in with the dirt, the excrement was almost unnoticeable....until it exploded before he could send any tranqs. With the mist's slowing effect diminishing as it vanished, Amaterasu flipped and snarled, staring down Snake as she ran towards him, leaving her signature trail of lush foliage.

Galacta Knight
The Knight paid little mind to the ensuing attack. Glacta's lance remained on course, slashing directly onto the attack and, with a bit of extension, through it. The Knight even added some of it's power inside, sending a crescent of energy in front of himself should Yuga have stepped back.

Weavile's attack shattered as it collided with the baldes, it halted her attack, but the dark aura protected her from damage to her paw. However, she wasn't happy that her move was counterd. She looked up at Copen attacking her once again with a laser, and smirked.
The lasers collided with the floor, leaving a pile of smoke and snow flying everywhere. Weavile herself was nowhere to be found. If one paid close attention, there appeared to be a burrow in the snow, but the explosion filled it up again. Weavile had seemingly vanished.
Until she appeared to burst out the snow towards Copen, her burrowing prowess evident in her barely ruffling the white powder as she slashed again and Copen's face.

The bot's arm took a heavy blow; the bug wasn't a pushover. However, it worked. The knight was heavily damaged, although the armor's screw shoulder was heavily dented, it's point shattered. The flamethrowers remained active, however, so it put them to full use. It's AI, fully aware of the Knight's dash happy habits, fired flames from its arms, propelling itself backwards just enough to remain in front of the Knight. The ensuing abyss shriek was terrifying, but the bot remained stoic as it brought up its arms again and fired two conjoined streams of flames, tucking in it's legs to avoid the primarily vertical attack.
The Monkees
While the gattling gun apparently didn’t do much damage, it racked up a bunch of successful hits, which meant Benjamin could call in some stronger monkees!

As Psyduck was blown back by the gattling gun, the shurikens previously thrown at him now zoomed over towards Benjamin. However, his smartly placed Tac-Shooter intercepted the projectiles, keeping the smart monkey safe. As Psyduck erupted out of the water, Benjamin could infer that whatever the duck was gonna do next was not good for his health, so he called in a new monkey as the duck began to fall down. At that speed, countering him wasn’t an option, so he had to go for a grab! Benjamin summoned a new monkey, this one with tan-white fur and a green robe around it. The new monkey, referred to by Benjamin as a ‘Druid’, raised its hand, the ground rumbling slightly.

Suddenly, a large spiked vine emerged from the ground! The unexpected force of nature went to curl around Psyduck to stop him from reaching Benjamin. While the vine likely did considerable damage by itself, the monkees weren’t finished yet. The turrets the engineer monkeys had placed then snapped towards Psyduck, firing upon the (most likely) trapped pokémon.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Seemed she had plenty of tricks of her own. Good, he was enjoying this battle more. Time seemed to crawl as he maneuvered, and by the time he'd whipped out his tranq gun, an explosion launching him backward. Spinning through the air, Snake closed his free eye, accessing solid eye fully. As Amaterasu rushed him, he landed deftly on his feet, spinning to match her with a kick- a feint.

He used the kick to spin himself away from her, effectively side-stepping any other attack as he was behind her in less than a second, firing his tranq darts quickly as his other hand conjured up his knife, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Not bad, pup. Not bad at all," he complimented.

"What!?" Yuga seemed slightly annoyed. "No one's ever done that before, how dare you-" He began to complain, but saw the energy coming right at him, and immediately darkened his expression.

"You think that puny attack would even hit me? Think again!" Yuga taunted, quickly moving a hand to a nearby wall of a broken down house, turning into a painting once more and moving to dodge the attack faster than he could've on foot. The cresent destroyed that part of the wall and was left on the other side as well, flying off into the horizon, but Yuga avoided it well enough and got out relatively unscathed.

"Is that all?" He smirked, almost giving another laugh. "Well, I think its time I end this, or at least push your luck!" He called out, waving his wand. The previously summoned frame began to float, the background of it dissappearing replaced by a mystical glow. With a grunt, Yuga waved his wand and the portrait followed towards Galacta Knight, getting under his movements before suddenly...
A huge, goldent, trident poked out! This began to follow Galacta's movements like the frame, intending to cut or stab the greatest warrior.


Previously Manu456Alola

Copen's opponent had managed to stay out of his sight, though it didn't mean the scientist was unaware of her intentions. He had detected little movement on his opponent's part ever since he opened fire, and Weavile had yet to display some kind of invisibility. So that either meant his opponent was still using the smokescreen as cover, or... she was hiding under the snow.

A ping from Lola's systems proved his suspicion correct, a faint heat signature rapidly approaching from below. His thrusters flared up to aid his jump, propelling him high enough to avoid Weavile's attack. Weapon energy at its max once more, the P-Bits unleashed a devastating flurry of green, laser-like data: Broad Circuit. Its wide area of effect, speed and close-up effectiveness made it a great choice for this situation.

The Knight

The machine proved quicker than expected, thrusting away from the Knight and staying out of range of its attacks. Twin streams of flame headed its way, and having been left vulnerable after unleashing its Abyss Shriek, Shroom had no choice but to take the attack head on. It was unfortunately not able to survive the flames and heat, the bug succumbing to its injuries as its scorched cloak was turned to ash. The mask it wore was destroyed, Void seeping from within.
  • The Winner: Kirbobot Armor!
  • The Loser: Shroom!
Both the crowd present in the colosseum and the invisible one cheered as the arena began to disappear, all that was left from the Knight being its Shade. The Void creature resembling Shroom hovered midair, its blank stare locked onto the robot.


Previously Deathstalker62
With a saddle appearing underneath him along with a big blue slime, the Terrarian had summoned his mount and plummeted to the ground way faster than the boulder above him could fall. The Terrarian had put away his Rod of Discord and, with his mount disappearing into thin smoke, had dashed away, leaving the boulder to crash into the ground with a loud thud and shatter into a thousand pieces. However, all through this, he had not once stopped firing his Last Prism. Turning around, the Terrarian easily spotted his enemies via the active effects of the Hunter Potion and quickly, the beam of his prism slammed down on the two, from above to below, the end destination being those colourful dots on the Regigigas. The prismatic beam pierced through the oncoming dust clouds, just as pieces of sharp rock shards pierced through the Terrarian, several 15's appearing above his head. Still, even with those shards flying through him, he remained steady and remained firing.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Looking down at Hareta, holding the boy in his hands, something felt off in the machine. The boy and almost perished, the foe trying to use HIM to kill his own trainer. Suddenly, the eyes of Regigigas turned a deep red. He closed his fist on Hareta, hiding him inside of his hand.

"Regigigas? What are you-"

The child was muffled by the palm of the giant, as all the red eyes locked onto Terrerian. Suddenly, the prism flooded with light around him. He was covered by the prism. Bathed in energy, it seemed as though he had been utterly annihilated.



The ire of the ancient golem was now on full display, the Pokémon tanking the attack and sprinting full force out! The laser Kept firing, but the golem didn't care. It kept tanking the fire. Then, when he closed the distance in a mere second or two, he raised his free hand...



A point blank hyper beam, deep crimson with pure anger as it ripped through the air, vaporizing water particles that strayed too close. It would completely tear through the remnants of the prism attack, and at this range? Terrerian would be disintegrated.


Previously mallard
The Psyduck
So there was a big vine in the way, a minor inconvenience for the Psyduck Cannonball. The spikes of the vine were ground down into nothing, nothing, and upon contact with the vine itself, the psychic energy of Zen Headbutt was released violently in an explosion, blasting apart a large section of the vine to spray all behind it, including Benjamin, with those vine juices. But this explosion also sent Psyduck back up into the air. But pretty soon, The Duck readjusted his momentum towards Benjamin again with a Hydro Pump, and then tried using a Zen Headbutt again, although without soaring up so high it wasn't nearly as dangerous, but Zen Headbutt was still a powerful move. Whether it hit a monkey or laptop, both beware.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously Deathstalker62
Even with this hulking giant enraging, the Terrarian maintained a steady focus and kept the prism laser on it. Even while it was stomping over like a mad animal, the Terrarian had only put a hand in his pocket as if taking this all with boredom. Then, when the Golem came close enough, the 8-Bit saviour pulled out his magic mirror the same time the golem went to fire another shot - with now both the last prism still focused on the creature, the Terrarian protectively put the Magic Mirror in front of himself not just to protect himself but also to double his firepower against this armoured titan via reflecting its beam right back at it. In exchange, the Terrarian moved his prism to another spot where it could still maintain focus on blasting the creature, but so that the main target of its hyper beam would now be the mirror the hero was hiding behind, not his weapon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Regigigas! You gotta stop!" Hareta called from within the grip. "You have to get a hold of yourself! I'm fine! See?!"

The blind rage was not so easily quelled, and as the mirror was brought out, Regigigas was already within melee distance. He reached over with the same hand he was beaming, his fingers gripping around before-


The mirror shattered into a million pieces before the hyper beam exploded right on the other side of the mirror, detonating on the ground, the wall, and consequently Terrerian. All the while the hulking giant's body formed more stress fractures and smoke.


Previously Deathstalker62
The mirror crashed and sent shards everywhere, the hyper beam tearing up the ground where the Terrarian stood, destroying what remained of the mirror.. and the last prism. But, the Terrarian was nowhere to be seen. With his slime mount and grapple, he had let go of both things he was holding and took into the air, using his slime mount as a catapult and jumping off of it, leaving it to be disintegrated as well while using his Lunar Hook to get more distance in the air. While the giant was busy blasting the air and being enraged, the Terrarian took this moment to fly high into the air with his Celestial Starboard, his hooks automatically retracting and zipped away, seemingly pointing at Regigigas. However, not an eyeblink after pointing, a rapid fury of various swords made of energy launched at super speeds at the giant from up above, ready to slice and dice him into nothing. Meanwhile, down in the ground, a certain light-blue dragon darted upwards, ready to bite a large, open wound into Hareta's throat in an attempt to finally end this fight once and for all.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Regigigas / Hareta

The crimson orbs that were Regigigas's eyes burned with hatred. Terrerian was still alive. The seething giant wasn't going to let this off so easy. The dragger of continents dropped Hareta in the dirt before it reached down to the ground, its fingers lodging into the orfices on the earth. The rock bellowed and bowed before his power as the titan reclaimed it's title.

Hareta coughed dirt out of his mouth as he looked up-


Regigigas hoisted up a massive landmass, several times bigger than his body! As the swords came his way, he began to do something to the Boulder. The Boulder began to rumble...and rumble...the entire sphere now vibrating with a strange energy.

Hareta put two and two together. "Wait...is that-"


The sphere exploded outward with violent energy! Regigigas used earthquake extensively on the sphere, focusing it towards the center. And when the seismic energy reached it's peak: it was released with cataclysmic effects! The massive stone fragments flying everywhere with the seismic energy to back it! This was just enough to swat many of the swords out of the air, only a single one managing to phase through and slice the titan's legs, causing a piece to break off and make a hideous web like crack along it.

Hareta was targeted by the dragons, but was way more worried with the attack of Regigigas's. He duck and rolled to the titan as the earthquake enhanced attack crashed down at his previous position!

"You gotta stop this! You'll kill him and us!"
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Previously Deathstalker62
His Zenith's blades were knocked out of the air and now chunks of rock were flying at him. Digging his free hand in his pocket, the Terrarian quickly flew up to the ceiling and built Lihzard Bricks attached to the mud and stone around himself as a shield from the debris. With his sides and upper area now covered by the tough Lihzahrd Bricks, the Terrarian thought. This was a tough battle.. it was time to call some backup. Taking this little cubby as a short breather, the Terrarian put his Zenith away and instead swapped it out with the Nebula Blaze, causing his hand to glow with a pink energy. In the other, he held some sort of glass jar with a glowing, vibrant butterfly in it.

With a focused inhale and exhale, the Terrarian dove out of the barrier he made for himself and tossed the jar with the butterfly at Regigigas as a distraction before flying around and shooting the titan with a rapid stream of pink homing blasts containing an explosive force and, mixed in-between the pink shots, the uncommon larger blue shot with a higher damage output. The Stardust Dragon, having missed its charge, quickly turned and dove back into the ground it came from, preparing for another lunge with another U-Turn.


Previously Gamingfan2
Upon Snake's calling her "pup", Amaterasu gave a slight huff, before elegantly spinning. Much like Snake's trick, Amaterasu smoothly maneuvered around and behind Snake. Not only that, but a golden energy encased her while doing so, which would proceed to slice into snake's legs, much like knives, ironically.
With their position reversed, Amaterasu wasted no time in swinging her shield towards the point blank Snake.

The dark type unfortunately failed to land it's blow, and ended up fully in line with the ensuing lasers as they pierced through it's body.
The clone dissipated.
In fact, Weavile and two other clones appeared from behind Copen, clearly shown by the burst of snow rising in the air and Weavile popping out. Seeing the lasers, Weavile had jumped again with Icicle crash to avoid the fate of her fodder, and the triple threat slashed at Copen's back

The knight showed no reaction to the taunting. He did, however begin flying higher and higher as the frame followed, before placing his shield downward.
The trident shot through the frame, stabbing into the shield, and propelling Galacta Knight even higher, who remained undaunted as he brought down his lance, falling back down to earth and directly into the house Yuga was hiding in. Upon doing so, a massive hurricane was summoned, tearing the house into pieces, and possibly picking up Yuga , even if he left the wall.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Hareta & Regigigas

Regigigas looked down at his companion as he told him to stop. The red lights still vibrant on the creature. Hareta put his hands out to the golem, his resolve trying to reach out to their anger.

"I know your worried, I don't want to be killed in this game either! But this isn't the way to do that. I know what I gotta do, will you help me do it? Just this time?"

Regigigas contemplated these words. The red lights dimmed and the normal lights replacing it, cooling off. The hatred subsided, and what replaced it? Trust. Regigigas held out it's hand, Hareta leaping into his grasp. That's when Regigigas peeled back then thrown the trainer up at Terrerian! Breaking the sound barrier!

Regigigas was left on the ground to rp ace for impact, as he took the full brunt of the assault. Explosions shook the ground all over him as it was driven to it's knees, putting a hand on the ground to stabilize itself.

"Hey you."

"Your battle is with me too!!"

The faith of his Pokémon, and the willpower burning deep in his heart. Hareta was thrown right into the fold, aiming to deliver a bone breaking punch right onto the Terrerian's face!


Previously Deathstalker62
Even though the Pokemon didn't break the jar, the sound barrier following it tossing its trainer did. The jar shattered and the lacewing within was released.. for but a brief moment before being cut up by the glass shards that came after the breaking of the glass. This in turn summoned a bright light above where the prismatic lacewing died, summoning.. the Empress of Light. Immediately, she turned her head toward the white giant below her and started her assault on the 'impure' being, zooming over and casting her clouds of homing prismatic bolts.

Meanwhile, the Terrarian dashed upward as he saw his foe get ready to toss his trainer and quickly built down the cubby he made, putting a wall of lihzahrd bricks in the way of the oncoming Hareta, aiming to have him crash straight into the nigh-indestructible bricks. If that wasn't enough, the Terrarian reinforced his attacks by firing his Nebula Blaze underneath the wall, causing the shots to turn right around and home in on the oncoming minor missile.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Regigigas only needed to hold on. It sheltered itself as it's lights began to flicker and dim due to the goddesses's bombardment. It's fuel tank was running empty. It was an endurance game now. Distracting her ire, this led Hareta to finish his move.

the wall was erected to stop him...but he underestimated the sheer power the boy had been flung. Somehow, someway, the minor grade ballistic missile shot through the walls at a speed that outran the Nebula Blaze, connecting his powerful punch right at Terrerian!


Terrerian was clobbered by the Hareta special! The boy snickering as his face was all bruised and battered from the walls. Did he just win?!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
She was quick as a whip, and the soldier could feel a grip of excitement coming over him. She was behind him in a move to mimic his own- she was observant, and caught on fast, but she assumed he couldn't take a fight in close quarters- well, there was something else for the wolf to learn.

As a golden aura surged through her, it faded when she got behind him. The sparks and sizzles of the billowing smoke that settled around them from the fire the Goddess herself had made indicated that this thing wouldn't tickle to touch- but he'd moved in tandem with her, spinning about as he slid backward slightly, matching her for speed, the grin on his face undeniable. A look of enjoyment. Snake was always one to revel in a tense battle with somebody on his level. Whereas Calmaramon had primarily sent the soldier running, the Sun Goddess was on a more even playing field, and he was getting a kick out of this, especially after so many years of fighting the same old things again and again- even Revolver Ocelot had lost his appeal (though that guy seemed as eager as ever to get to fight with Snake).

She rushed in with her shield as she had before, but this time Snake acted differently than the previous time. He met her shield with the flat-side of his blade, matching her with a blow of his own, their power clashing against one another as Snake pushed back against it- before he darted backward, anticipating her next move as his finger rubbed the button on the hilt of his blade, preparing to activate its powerful electric shock should they clash again.


Previously Manu456Alola


A fake. Three more Weaviles burst from the snow behind him, Copen seemingly unfazed by their trickery. The Adept Slayer quickly performed a Bullit Dash directly down as the P-Bits gathered where he once was, simultaneously activating Stellar Spark. A large electric orb formed around them, leaving the Pokémon to crash into it should they stay on course.

If the real Weavile ended up being the last one left, Copen would bounce off the ground and head for her at max speed, aiming to pistol whip the creature. If there were still multiple Weavile standing, he’d use his momentum to reposition and quickly take them out with his gun, aiming to use a single shot per copy.


Previously Gamingfan2
Sadly, Copen appeared to have eyes on the back of his head. Weavile and it's clones missed their shot, but managed to create another Icicle and stall just enough to avoid the electric orb, in retaliation to the gunshots, they each kicked the icicle towards Copen, the real one cracking upon getting hit and sending small, pointed shards towards Copen.

Weavile skidded on the floor and turned back, dragging her claw through the snow as she appeared to be going for an uppercut.

The wolf's shield enlarged as it took the blow. Though the action appeared defensive, time seemed to freeze for Amaterasu. Before Snake could even back off, Amaterasu charged at him, followed by two twintails of energy that twirled around Snake, hopefully immobilizing him. Amaterasu then leapt high into the air, herself and the mercenary twirling as they did, only increasing in speed as Ammy proceeded to fall back down and PILEDRIVE into the floor, leaving a sizable crater as she bounced back, looking somewhat more energized. Once again, no demon fangs. What was with this place?
(Slight auto perms allowed by @comic )


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The energy constrained him, but not well enough for him to remain like-so as he'd seen them coming, leaping up to escape but only barely managing to keep himself from being fully contained. He pushed his arms free, and as Amaterasu came close, he grasped onto her fur, aiding in repositioning himself just enough, so that when she slammed him into the earth, he instead didn't hit dead-center. Rather, he skid against the ground, heels digging into the dirt as his knees buckled, leaving a sizable skid along the ground. It was still somewhat damaging, but it could have been much worse, and he was raring to keep going, save for one simple thing.

One arm held behind his back, Snake pressed on the button charge held in his hand- he'd left Amaterasu a return gift from the brief moment he'd grasped onto her, a double-play as he'd not just re-positioned himself, but left a small explosive stuck to her fur.
Before the soldier had even come to a stop, an explosion was released as he activated the charge.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Wall and the Blaze Shots were not enough to stop the trainer and with one strong punch, the Terrarian's remaining health was depleted. One single message appeared over his head in an ominous red colour, as if predicting the very thing that would happen a moment later.

Terrarian was brutally dissected by Hareta.
With his health depleted, the Terrarian had not been launched into the wall, knocked out or even just vanished. Instead, he promptly exploded into several fountains of blood and gore as all his limbs, head included, separated themselves brutally from the torso, like a cork popping off of a bottle. The blood and guts would undoubtedly end up splashing his former opponent, as well as a wide portion of the arena.

His limbs went flying into all directions, smashing against the walls and ever-so-slowly sliding down to the ground, leaving behind wide trails of the grizzly, red bodily fluid. The Terrarian's own head flew several feet into the air before coming to a stop for a brief few moments, spinning in the air a few turns before it came crashing down, faster and faster, until... it splatted on the ground like a porcelain vase, only the upper half remaining mostly intact. With that, the creeping silence settled again, the severed hero's head unmasked and broken.
Despite his death, the Empress was still very much around, attacking the one she judged as impure, bright lights and loud screeches quickly filling the air once more.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Hareta was stunned with what he just witnessed. His pixelated enemy turned into chunks of red pixel gore and parts. While blurred and blocky pieces flew everywhere, he could still tell what most of the blocks were supposed to be. He didn't except so...so so much to come out from such a small package. It was...incredibly unsettling, even for the hardened Hareta.

That's when the holographic world disappeared, Terrerian's body included. This made him sigh of relief. That is...until something refused to disappear: The Empress! She seemed to defy this world as she knocked out Regigigas, threatening ti continue on her rampage.

"Ah! Calm down...please? Flee!"

Hareta made his own flee sound effect as he recalled Regigigas, sprinting out of the gateway as sirens alerted of an anomaly alert for the generic host.

Monkees(intense crying)
As Psyduck hit the vine, the juices sprayed onto Benjamin and the computer, making everything sticky. This was irritating, but not a massive problem, Benjamin assumed. However, as Psyduck came back down for another Zen Headbutt, the Druid couldn’t summon another vine fast enough. So, Benjamin was forced to desperately jump off of the Tac Shooter, causing Psyduck to hit it and blow the machine up, propelling Benjamin to the nearby lake, causing him to fall in the water.

He desperately tried to summon a buccaneer monkey or a submarine, but the computer was malfunctioning and wouldn’t work. So, Benjamin sunk into the lake and eventually drowned. (IN WATER, CHIMPS WILL DROWN—)

And that was it. The other monkes disappeared in a puff of smoke, and the stage was empty, except for Psyduck.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The world glitched around Psyduck. It seemed this was unusual behavior for the holographic zone. It flickered and bzzzted before suddenly whisking Psyduck away to a dark, musty room. It was spacious, black, and empty. It felt like...he wasn't supposed to be here.

In the center of the room, sat a large monument, surrounded by sculptures of ancient trees and terrain around it. Stop it, stood a tall figured, sculpted out of rock. It was a woman with green hair, and extendable arms. Her arms seemed to cherish and hold something close to her chest. Something glowing brightly yellow...

The coiled statue had faint whispers of a voice...asking the duck to come close... Upon further inspection...this yellow light seemed to be that of a key of some sort. Wait. That key was very familiar. One that had a very distinct taste to. One that was found in a jungle just recently, yet also like it was from another life. The enigmatic key beckoned. Would Psyduck answer the call?


Previously mallard
The Duck busted the Tac Shooter, and then landed on his feet to face one of the army monkees in a stance reminiscent of some sort of martial art, probably Quack-Fu. But then, the poofed out of existence. Cowards! He was just getting started!
But then again, he still won, and you know damn well he was gonna pose. "Psy!" He flexed. "Duck!" Psyduck's flex shifted into a pose with one arm flexed and the other fully extended towards the sky. It was then when he was teleported to the room.
It was dark, and he squinted to look at his surroundings until his eyes adjusted. Geez, this was like the fourth time he was teleported that day! Then he spotted a familiar woman, holding a familiar item. That thing didn't taste so good, and it wasn't great coming out, either. The woman holding it wasn't very nice, in fact. But... he felt compelled to approach. So, mumbling curses under his breath, The Duck stomped forwards. "Psyduck psyduck?! [What do YOU want?!]" A Hydro Pump bubbled in the back of his throat, just in case she tried anything funny, not just because of his general distrust in humans, which admittedly has lessened greatly recently, but because of who this was specifically.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The statue appeared non responsive. A non threat. But be it as it may...it seemed as though the statue wasn't completely lifeless either, there felt as if there was someone...in Psyduck's presence. The woman's statue had echoes of a time long since forgotten. Her lips perched in a sly snicker.

"Y̷̨͇̹͍̦̟̣̻̦̺͒̌ ̵̢̢̡̭̝̬̮͕̹̣̤̻͙͛̌̿ ̴̨̛̦̤͙̳͇̱̘͚̺̱̫͈̗͈̫͌͑̑̀͋͜ ̷͍̤͚̭͔̼̥̪̙̪̘̺͕̍̆͋̃͛̈̽̿̎̿̃͒̑̏̚͜͠ ̵̮̬͖͍͍͍͙̪͍̟̱͑͌͒͑͝Ợ̷͖̖͎̼͕̥̝̖̫̞̩͓̀͛̈́̍̆̉͊͗̌̈́̍̚ų̸̙̤̥͙͉̤̺͎̗̟͕̰̫̮͗̏́̐̆̓̅̊̊̓͌̊̇͘͘͝͝ ̷̡̨̹͈̳͉̲͕̺̝̗̲͔̙̥̹͔̾͋̾̏̆̉̈̒̿̽ ̴͚͚̮͖̦̍̀̄̾̑͗̋̋̌͝ ̴̡̨̨̨̦͉̯̝̬̲͉̺̮̱̟͍̀̋̅̎̀͗̓͌͊̌̅͂̉͜Ḧ̸̨͕̤̫̥͚̻́̀̈͂̊̆͋̓̐̏͘ǒ̸̩͍̤̱̖̊l̵̮̗͚͉̥͂̑̽̽̒̐͌̈́͒̚ ̷̨̛̼̻̥͇̘̯̘̣̝͚̭̝͖͚̆̾̉̎̀̔̿̚͘͠ ̷̦̹̲̪͙̘̫̦̮̤͓̰͌̏̃͐͜͜͝d̶̢͚̱̬̝͓̖̞͙͍̜̈́̎͝ ̶͉̮͔͓̰̦̫̈́̽̏̽̉ͅ ̸̝̔̍͊͂̐́͑̋̈́͋̈͘̚͠͝ ̸̡̨̛̛̦͓͎̙̥̟̝̩̤̬͈̊̈́͋͗̇̿̀̂̈́̃̍̈́̽̈ͅ ̷̢̯̘̠̯͖̙̦̿̏͑͂̾̌̑̎̈̄̽̄̏͘̕M̶̢̫͓͙̙̺̰͚̺͋̍̂͐̔̏̀͒̏̓̽̚͝ỳ̵̡̭̙̥̘̝̑̆̓̌͂́͑̈̓̊̍͘ ̸̨̡͇̘̬̰̹̭͎̥̱͈̺́̊͂̚ͅ ̶̧̨̝͇͙̼͕̗͓̜͐ ̷͙͖̜͍̥̣͑͋́̋̓͂̅̍̇̄̈́͝Ä̶̮̩͈̠̬̠̯̣̩͉̜͕̾̈́̃̐̉̆̃̒̓̓̓̈͌͂́m̵̹͉̭̈̔̒̃̔́̊͑̿̔̌̊͋͋̋̚͝b̷̟̲͖͈͖̦̣̻͖͓̦̻̟͈̼̿̒̿͑͐̊͘̕̕͜ͅ ̶̤̱̥̟̪̻̹̺̼̖̣̯͕̥͎̩̠̋̇͌̒̽̓͌̈́̈́͂̅͘̚͠͝ ̷̧̼͓͙͔̞̎͂́̆̈́̋̆̑̓̄̀̆̓̚̚̚ ̸̢̟̲̗̲̲̥̼̲̞̙̯̪͔̗̼͆̓̕͝ͅi̴͓̤͕͖̯̲̲͖͍̪̰̱̫̪͑͜͜ ̵̮͉̖̰̙͗̿̇́̔ ̵̨̱̥͉̦͚͋͐͊͊̓͒̌̕͝͠ţ̶͖͕̽̍͗́̀̆͗̄̀́̎͘ơ̵̛͚̦̫̯̯̤̲̰͓̰̼͈̤̗̰̅̽̉͐̏̽̓͐͆̉̈́͒̉͠͝ͅỏ̶̰̞͉̳͑͛͊̎̒̀͒̃̏͑̕n̵̤̲̼̺̮͓͚̭̈̑͋̊͝ͅs̴̻̱̜̘̲̮͓̖̣̼͚̝̻̖̀̑̔͘͝.̴̢̢͇̭͖̝̦̰͈̬̇̍̑́͑̿͘͜͝ ̸̨̇̓͆̈́͗͑̅̊̔͛̚M̴̲̼̣͔̤̓̈́̇͛ā̴̻̳̳̖͑͌̈́̐̓͘k̷̢̡͖̠̲̹̯̙͉͍͍̋̑͋̑͊̓͐̿̀́̚͘ͅė̸͎͙͍͋̿͌͜ ̸̡̛̛̣̰͓̟͋̍̒̂͗͊͂̓̂̏̆͝ỳ̶̢̠͓̗̩̙͚͈͕̥͖̔̾͛̈́͐͒̇̄͋̐͗̀̓͛̋ȏ̴̡̡͎̺̜̭̖̭̘̻̭̳̩͗͗̒̾̚͜͝ứ̷̼̙̦̩͕̻͉͔̬̹͌̋͒̀͒̊̂̓̋̿̂͜͝ ̵̝̼̘͚̦̯̹̓̈́̾̈́́̿̿̌̿̃̇͗̔͘͘͠͝r̷̮̣̰̺̹͔̳̭̘̖̋̐̀̉͜ ̸̡̫͕͉͈̬̱͈̻̟̞̘̯̰̺̅̌͛̾̕͝ş̵͎̬̼̘͍̦̳̙͎͎̞͍̤̭̿͊̅͘͜͠ͅ ̵̹̟̭̳͉̹͌̾͊̎̅̌̐͘ ̴̲̺͔͋̌̆̐̅̃͛͊̓̕̚̚͝ ̷̡̨͕̪̯͂̿͋̍̈́̆̈́̊̆̽͛͝͠ ̸̹̗̰̾̋̏̍̅́̈͊̄̍̓̚͝͝R̴̡̧̮͇̬̻͍͕͎͕̲͇͎̟͙̝̈̆ͅ ̵̻̭͇͙̳͓̅͑̇͐̃͌̀̽̓̈́̌͌̂̑͗̆͘ę̸̰̣͇̯͙̺̫̖̜͔̤̲̀͗͊̇͑̑͝a̶͉̠͉͈͙̿̾ľ̷̡̫͓͍͉̞̮̝̦͓̻̜̦̗̖̍ͅi̵̧̨̲͇̱̘̟̫͈͔͚̝̮̓̂̑͋͗͗͌̑̈́͑͘͘͝t̵͔̏̾̓̊̓͑́̋̅̈́̒̅̋̒̀̕̚ÿ̷̢̨̰̫̗͕̗̻́ ̴͈̗͉̫̦̗̙͔̞͕͎̝͕͈̅̉̈́̽̀͗̀͜͝

The key began to float into the air, shimmering with an amber light. It was warm...inviting. Hey there felt as if there was some kind of significance to this act that flew over the duck's head...one that seemed just out of reach to comprehend.