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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His words didn't come as a surprise- as mentioned before, the spirit within the Staff revealed much of the future. Naturally, Kassandra had asked about the future of the land she was born in. How far it fell to the very things it once considered weak. Specter exposed his blatant disposition on Kassandra's species before he launched another attack, making this his fifth unique attack (throwing boxes hardly counted).
"Oh, I'm aware," the woman replied as she tracked the movements of the energy, aiming to surround and overwhelm her, spitting through the air with impressive speed. "But you only seem to be interested in looking at the negatives. Perhaps I can't blame you, though. You must hate us for good reason."

She leaped upward, tucking her body together almost like a rocket as the energy spun down, leaping over just as they made contact, all slamming together and erupting in a brilliant explosion that only managed to launch Kassandra higher into the air while she notched an arrow, pushing into one of her charges, aiming for his chair's thruster with a Ghost Arrow, which would ignore any barriers before its target, and with enough power to punch through several feet of stone.


Previously mallard
Master Kohga
A three-way fight, eh? Against a child and a Zora? Ha! They might as well have given him a win on a silver platter. Kohga could manipulate one against- oh. It seemed like the Zora was one step ahead of him, that sly little fish. That definitely made it harder, but not unmanageable. Kohga would force them to fight each other, whether they wanted to or not. The strategy was flawless. With that, he floated over to the gateway and waited for his opponents to come to him before he entered.

Well there wasn't that much new to look at, and Psyduck got bored quickly. It was time for his fight anyways, as he saw the human he was supposed to fight enter the weird portal. So, The Duck got up and waddled in after the cop.
"Please select a sta-"
He cut off the voice, he was getting accustomed to this, and was ready to rumble already. He chose Route 3 of the Unova region, again.
The Pokémon was transported to a mixture of the two stages. It was mostly the city Leon knew, but a large pond with a thick wooden bridge was dug into an intersection. Small pine trees and patches of tall grass had burst through the roads and even inside some buildings, the trees in increasing density the farther away one travelled from the pond.
This looked even further from Psyduck's home as last time! That stage-selecting computer must be broken or something. Oh, well, Psyduck dove into the pond anyways. Though, the water was dirtier than before, it connected to the city's sewer system. Ew.


So... Punk was up some cloud-haired weirdo? Not as weird as a robotic furry, but the delinquent had no idea what to expect. But he was a loser, so it would probably be easier than Metal. Rebellio was waiting at the gate like he wanted to talk. No way, Punk wanted to brawl, and so he rushed into the gate past the Adept Slayer with comical speed.
The last battle was a shitshow, so Punk decided to choose a stage this time, something a little more homely. He thought of where he wanted to go, and he was transported to the arena...


Revan wanted to get on with the fight as soon as the option was available. So be it. Turner followed suit, not caring what stage he was sent to.
And so, he was transported to Revan's choice of battlefield. It was a beautiful place, nary a cloud in the sky, with a large modern, yet comfortable-looking house in front of him. The house was wedged into a grove of dark trees, and a path that led through a stretch of flat grassland and then crossed a river via an arcing cobblestone bridge. That river broke apart later in the flow to turn into a miniature tributary that then went over a rocky cliff as a waterfall, that, if one was looking at from below, would be beautiful as it poured into the lake beneath. A few shaak grazed in the distance, very odd-looking creatures.
But Turner saw no Revan. Then, his ear twitched. Inside.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Anything that falls from itself is of not interest to me, the Spartans were weak minded fools they got what they deserved for embracing the nature of self destruction!"

How does she know of it then if she speak of her experience in their culture? A time traveler perhaps? A holographic database, An oracle? How odd...

During this, Specter prepared a single bolt of that rainbow emerged from earlier, twirling it around his finger as his chair continued to float back. He snickered, amused by her attempt to draw an arrow. When she fired at him, he flicked a finger, attempting to snap the projectile in two on approach, however, instead it stuck into the thruster of his chair, causing some damage to it, but not knocking it offline.

huh? Energy does not effect such constructs...?

Specter growled, slamming the armrest of his throne.

"Nonsense! You will never win with these little trinkets...you insult me. Your tactics bore me, how about we spice things up?"

Using his psychic power, he raised the hydraulics of the conveyor belts...but only one side of them. Now they all slide down to the right side at a steer Incline. The steel boxes tumbled down their belts and through the Tesla fields. The conveyor belt she was in even following suit, meaning to throw her off her feet, hit her with a steel box, and into the Tesla field!
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Metal Sonic
The dog-like creature fell to the ground, unable to battle. Metal crossed his arms smugly. That wasn’t very hard at all. However, Hareta then summoned another creature right after recalling the previous one. He has multiple…? The droid thought to himself. That seemed strange. How many were there? Did they all have the same amount of battle-prowess?

Metal had to leave those questions for later as the lion-esque creature roared up to the sky, a large lightning bolt emerging right above Metal. Thinking fast, Meta crossed his arms, a large black rhombus covering his entire body. This shield blocked the lightning bolt, but quickly flickered away afterwards. That was a strong attack…Metal thought to himself. It seemed this one wouldn’t be as easy to take out. The droid hovered to the ground, unsure of what to do next. Deciding to play it safe for now, he merely fired another beam from his chest at Luxray, waiting to see how it would react.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
Maybe he should have specified the time period or something. Or universe? Multiverse stuff was confusing as hell, and the Raccoon City before him wasn't exactly like he had been hoping. The layout remained mostly the same, but the town appeared as though nature had reclaimed it. A post-apocalyptic scene, and the sun was hidden behind some buildings. At least they wouldn't have to worry about a dark and moot setting.

The duck wasn't hard to spot, diving and splashing carelessly about in a grey pond of water, a thick layer of algae sitting on a lot of its surface. Pretty gross, but if that was its thing he wouldn't judge.
The Agent stood on the edge of a short building (short compared to many of the skyscrapers rising around them), leaning on a knee, staring at his opponent. He almost felt bad he'd have to interrupt.

A few moans echoed throughout the city, but nothing too notable. A few lingering zombies around, as to be expected when he continued to choose infested places from his world. Maybe it would have been better to let the duck choose, then maybe they wouldn't have that particular biohazard.
Matilda was raised, Leon glaring down her sights, his arms solid as a rock, the Agent not moving an inch as he aimed at the duck, waiting for an opportunity.... and there.

He fired, punching a bullet toward Psyduck just as the duck was breaking the surface of the water again.

Home. It was exactly as he remembered. The gray Jedi could sense his opponent's presence, but ignored it for now. This was what Revan fought for- but it wasn't a perfect recreation. It seemed like a sorry recreation, just resurrecting a memory. It clearly wasn't real- but he wished it was. He wished Bastila was here to greet him. To feel her breath on his cheek, her hand on his heart.
The Emperor had taken this from him, and now the Host's master had taken him from that.
There always seemed to be somebody more and more powerful, and he always found himself at odds with them.

His hands shook for a moment as a fury surged violently through his body, his eyes shining a brilliant gold for a brief moment, before he balled his hands into fists and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath... then he let it out, his eyes returning to their usual hazel color.
He didn't have time for this, why had the force directed him to choosing this stage?
What was he missing?

Revan glanced around the living room, noting how new the couch seemed. How dust didn't seem to exist. It was laughably fake.
Glaring into the kitchen, he could see that the counter was clean. Untouched. That was fairly false, he could recall accidentally wedging a knife into the metal one night, when he told Bastila he'd make dinner for a change. She'd laughed at his mishap, and he'd reluctantly allowed her to help.
He wasn't a culinary expert.
Did the force wish to remind him of his love? Of his goals? Did the force not agree with his decision of allies? It was possible, but he could interpret it a million different ways. He needed to wait for more clues. So for now... he had something to focus on.

The front door opened, and Revan's unmasked face stared at Turner for a moment, before he shut the door behind him. "Let's do this further away," he suggested, gesturing with his hand toward the distant forest.

Gritting her teeth, Kassandra yanked out the spear of Leonidas, stabbing it like a hot knife through butter into the conveyor belt as it made to throw her off into the pylons, more steel boxes making to fall her way.
Why was she so concerned for those pylons? She was a child of Zeus.
Tearing the spear tip out, Kassandra plunged into the pylons, and electricity pulsed into her, arcing about, trying to fry her. The misthios grit her teeth as she was hung in a field for a moment, her body shuddering violently, before she fought back with incredible strength, breaking one of the pylons with her spear, cutting it in half and weakening the field- not to mention most of the boxes had struck against the pylons as well, breaking plenty in the process.

Her gaze fell to what lay beneath the belts and pylons should she fully break the field, and her eyes widened at the distant pit of magma beneath her.
Screw this malakas and his stupid rooms, she wanted a fair fight. This room was NOT gonna let that shit happen. Shattering the final pylon, Kassandra once again stabbed into the belt, hanging on- before she burst from it, sailing through the air toward the hole she'd entered the room from, returning to the tunnel that separated the first room from this one, the only place stone had been.
She was quick to find a branching tunnel here, meaning the ape didn't have full control of the situation. As Kassandra rounded a corner, she pushed into her third charge, consuming it and claiming the Shadow of Nyx, her body seeming to disappear.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Woah- some kinda black...Diamond?"

The shield of Metal Sonic's was flashy, seeming to stop any damage it received. Soon after, it charged it's chest laser once more, something Hareta remembered from before.

"Quick! Luxray, Iron tail and block it!"

Luxray hissed, it's tail becoming a hard iron alloy as swatted the beam, the metal heating up from the attack, turning red hot. But it soon cooled when he attack ended. Luxray looked as though it found prey as it slowly approached Metal like a jungle cat.

"Don't let him get away this time! Shockwave!"

This was an attack that had very little chance of missing. Luxray charged up lightning before releasing a pulse of electricity toward Metal's direction, broadcasting the shock across a wide area. It traded it's lethality for accuracy, only doing a fraction of what Thunder was capable of, but enough to damage metal nevertheless.



Specter floated near her as she struggled to to get up from the electrical pylon, toiling in her position.

"Having problems there? He-He-He~"

Then, Kassandra leaped up after suffering damage, scaling the tunnel out. Specter scoffed at the idea. Did I not prove that the elements outside of these walls bend to my will? We shall see how she fairs in a hostile environment!

Floating out in pursuit, following her up the hole and down a tunnel, entering the cave in which she was in. However, he had no sight of her. Yet...he could sense her here. Stealth tech? Wouldn't put it past her, with an arrow like that...

"Come now, surely we are above parlor tricks?" Specter mocked. "I know you are here...come out or i will flush you out!"

He charged up a laser in his right hand, turning it into a precise cutting beam as he fired it in a sweeping motion, aiming to cut through light barriers and tag her on the other side, wherever she was.
Metal Sonic
As Luxray charged up once more, Metal could infer what would happen next. His eyes darted towards a nearby manhole, and he got an idea. With a beep, Metal stomped his foot onto the manhole cover, causing it to flip into the air. The droid then kicked it in Luxray’s direction. This cover intercepted the Shockwave, the move dissipating as the manhole cover fell to the ground with a clang.

So, long-distance wasn’t going to work very well against this creature. Looks like it was gonna be close-range combat. Metal flew forward quickly, not giving Luxray time to charge up one of his lightning attacks. Once Metal got close he would abruptly change direction, hoping to catch Luxray off-guard, and go in for a quick and vicious stab. After this stab, whether it was successful or not, Metal would blitz past Luxray. He knew it wouldn’t end well for him if he stayed at point-blank range for too long.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As the manhole cover launched up in the air, it blocked the shock wave attack, much to Luxray's surprise. As Metal bolted in afterwards with an impressively sharp melee attack, it indeed did stab...a manhole cover?!

Hareta had intercepted, holding them whole cover in front of Luxray as a shield that Metal had stabbed right into, leaving a sizable dent. Before he could get up to move, Hareta grasped his arms around Metal's chuckling before looking him point blank in the eyes.

"Why are you in a hurry? Afraid to get shocked?"

That's when Luxray used the opportunity to reach over and deliver a powerful crunch attack, aiming it toward Metal's Torso, attempting to rip his legs off of his body!
Metal Sonic
01010011 01101000 01101001 01110100

Metal was grabbed by the shockingly strong child, who was rather smug about the whole situation. Metal glared at the child with enough venom to make any snake jealous, before focusing on Luxray. As the lion-like creature aimed to bite Metal’s torso, the robot lifted his legs up and brought them down on Luxray’s head, causing his bite to go downwards and miss while also doing a bit of damage.


Metal then pushed off of Luxray’s head and activated his thruster at the same time, likely severely burning Hareta if he didn’t let go. The robot soared into the air before redirecting his trajectory to the ground. He landed with a slide before his head snapped up to look at his opponents to see how they handled this maneuver.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Luxray didn't expect such an unorthodox maneuver, and just as it missed it's mark, the legs swatted his head down, avoiding the bite entirely. As the engine started, Hareta held his ground, fully expecting to be able to hold him off. But as soon as his saw his feet skidding against the ground, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay on it. Then suddenly-


Hareta was flown into the air while latching onto metal, his hat flying off in the process. The boy slid down due to the momentum on the back of Metal's head, his hands holding a firm grip on his shoulders.


As Metal slid down to the ground to try and throw him off, he growled in determination, fiercely swinging with the momentum to kick Metal Sonic's central motor out of line by knocking it horizontally.
Metal Sonic
The droid scanned the area and realized Hareta wasn’t there. What the—

Metal then noticed that the kid was still holding on somehow. The droid beeped wildly in concern and tried to shake him off, but the kid held fast. As the boy kicked the engine, Metal beeped in anger as the engine was dislocated slightly. That was incredibly inconvenient, since it would make flying risky and hazardous.

Metal growled and released an electric field from his body. Whatever, he’d just end it right here with a massive shock! This boy couldn’t give instructions to his strange creatures if he was fried!
@Shen: King of Digimon
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The tunnel Specter had pursued her into opened up into a larger cavern, several other tunnels linking it throughout the meshed complex of natural and artificial structures within the Forge of Hephaestus. This particular cavern was a mess of stalagmites and stalactites, large crevices and ledges lining its interior, plenty of potential hiding places, some even linked through small, short tunnels. Kassandra's presence drifted about in the cavern, but her speed made it difficult to pinpoint.

"Flush me out?" her voice bounced around the walls, permeating throughout the messy cavern, not aiding in pinpointing the source in the slightest. "You'll need water for that, but you should know I can hold my breath for a long time."
A few pebbles cascaded down from one of the holes in the wall, but her presence had already moved away.
Specter swept a laser through the tunnel, failing to hit her, but forcing bits to collapse, bisecting some pointed rocks, and kicking up an absurd amount of dust and debris into the air.

"We played by your rules, now we get to play by mine. Sounds fair, no?" Kassandra's voice remained just as impossible to pinpoint, and while her presence was still notable, the debris had worsened visual confirmations on anything- resulting in a severed stalactite being hurled out of the smoke like a javelin at Specter.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The genius was in a rather dicey situation as the dust kicked up, a stalactite stabbing into his left armrest, breaking controls on that side. That was uncomfortably close to his hand. He yanked the stone out and thrust it to the side. The rock was dangerous, especially when it fell atop- wait.

That's it.

"You cannot corner one with a brilliant mind such as mine. My supreme intellect and power shall put you down!"

Specter charged up an aura of energy in his hands, before firing a bombardment of eight psychic bolts up and the ceiling, causing the cave in this area to collapse. Specter merely waved back at the room.


That's when he pressed a button on the right side of his Chair, the transportation intimating a teleport as he transferred the ape and the chair out of the cave and back into the room in which they had originally started, leaving the cavern to collapse with Kassandra inside.



"Heh, looks like that was important-"

Hareta didn't have much time to revel in his move as his entire body lit up with bolts of electricity! His body twitched and and spazzed as he was zapped right off metal! Before the electricity could do even further damage, Luxray leaped up in assist, absorbing excess electricity around him, pulsing around it's mane. This acted like a rudimentary charge move as it blasted back a upgraded shock wave attack to injure metal and give some distance between them.


Previously mallard
That's likely the last sound effect one would expect from the impact of a bullet, but that's the sound effect that the bullet made as it ricocheted off of Psyduck's skull. It left a small mark on the back of his head, but didn't do any considerable damage. Now he knew where the human was. So, The Duck leapt out of the yucky sewer-pond, the grey sludge rolling off his feathers, and then ran into the squat building Leon sat atop. The lowest floor was half-covered in tall grass, and it was rustling with the activity of something.
An eyeless Patrat stepped from the bushes, fur matted from both blood and grease. It walked with a janky gait, a sight very disturbing to poor Psyduck. His heart rate doubled, and his breaths became short and shallow. Fear. Something The Duck couldn't afford. He had a mission, he couldn't let some ghost-type Patrat get in his way. And so, shaking off his horror, The Duck ran reluctantly at the zombie Pokémon, which reached out to greet him. Without skipping a beat, Psyduck grabbed its arm and threw the walking corpse over his shoulder, then blasted its face open with a Hydro Pump. Just like that he was back on track, running into the open door that led to the stairwell. He was pretty slow, considering he had to climb each stair.


His hand instinctively reached for the sword that hung on his hip as the door opened, but quickly relaxed as it seemed the battle wasn't about to begin just then. This place clearly held sentimental value to his opponent, and Turner could understand Revan wanting to keep it intact. The rabbit knew all too well how it felt to see your home destroyed. He nodded, and continued into the forest.
When he reached a point deep-ish into the woods, he turned around. Turner drew both his sword and dagger, twirling the dagger around his hand one time. "I apologize in advance."
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YES! Fall! Fall and cower! You have no chance to stand against me, the rightful ruler of Planet FM! Gemini Black cackled, his Rocket Knuckle exploding and reforming on his arm as Gemini White used a worm hole to appear at his side. Noticing the amount of enemies that popped up, both Gemini's chuckled as Gemini White created another barrier around them. Tethi had locked herself in a cave, so there was no real risk left. Combining their powers, both Gemini's created a large wormhole and sent a space shuttle crashing down onto the cave.


A powerful lightning strike pierced through the space shuttle, igniting its fuel and causing it to explode, wiping the cave clear off the map as debris pelted the ground. Gemini Spark meanwhile gave himself a high-five.

Winner: Gemini Spark

Loser: Tethi

With his match over, Gemini Spark left the arena and enjoyed the high that beating Tethi got him.


Saurhead turned to look at Machamp who was...weird. He lived in the same hotel as someone who collected fossilized poop and other nonsense, but they atleast had no extra limbs. Looking at the four-armed Pokémon, he tried to figure out what type Machamp was. Gray was the dominant color on their body, so perhaps Earth? Neutral was also possible, but there was no real reason for him to worry about Normal types. Nodding back at Machamp, the Master Fighter entered the archway and waited for his adversary with many arms to appear.

@Captain Pokémon
Metal Sonic
As Hareta was zapped off of his body, Metal deactivated the electric field and attempted to fly forward, but ended up zig-zagging backwards to the other side of the street, putting some distance between him and his opponent.

Metal rotated his head 180 degrees to asses the damage to his central motor. It was dislocated to the side. Metal rotated his arms around and extended them slightly so that he could fiddle with the motor. This was priority number one. The robot hit the engine repeatedly with his hand, trying to lodge it back into place. However, before he could finish, he heard Luxray hiss once again. This grabbed his attention and cause him to turn his head and arms back around.

The thunder cat charged up once more and fired another shockwave, this one larger and stronger than the previous one, likely due to absorbing excess energy. However, Metal had a significant amount of time to dodge this one, so he dashed to the side. Being bound to the ground was inconvenient, so he had to buy himself more time to fix his engine fully.

The droid scanned the area around him, looking for a possible way to occupy Hareta. He jumped into the air, homing attacked to a wall and leapt off it, before jumping onto a roof. He then picked up a large solar panel, tossed it into the air, and homing attacked it, sending it soaring to Hareta and Luxray. He then repeat this process with another solar panel, the another, then another, before grabbing a final one and breaking it in half, holding each piece like a staff in each hand.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Somehow Metal quickly evaded the nearly unavoidable shockwave again. Metal ran up toward a higher altitude while Hareta grabbed the solar panel, making some kinda plan to get close and whack him.

However this plan was quickly dashed when Metal started ripping up and throwing solar panels of his own.


Hareta hastily slapped the first few aside with his, using it as a bat, the next knocking the solar panel out of his hands and into the water below. However, before a fifth could be used against him, a cracking bolt of thunder came from the clouds, crashing down to Metal's position.

Hareta looked behind him, seeing Luxray act on it's own, using Thunder while he trainer protected it from the incoming projectiles. He gave a toothy grin in response, glad they were on the same sheet of music.

"Nice one!"
Metal Sonic
The droid was about to throw a fifth solar panel at the child, before he heard the loud crackling of lightning in the clouds above. Metal quickly leapt off of the building in the same direction as Hareta, keeping the solar panels above his head so that he didn't attract the thunderbolt.

After the lightning struck the building's roof, Metal took one of the solar panels in his hand and brought it down on top of Hareta, hoping to do big damage to the child. Right after this, he leapt off of the same solar panel, letting it go. This brought him to a higher altitude. Keeping the solar panel above his head, Metal then fired a laser beam at Luxray with a beep of annoyance. He hoped to at least damage one of them.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As Metal came down with a solar panel, Hareta instinctively leaped back from where he would have been crushed from. Metal prepared his laser beam again an attack Hareta knew wasn't going to be as easy to dodge as leaping back again. Bracing for the impact, the boy closed his eyes. However, he opened them seconds later to see Luxray taking the attack for him!

Luxray took the damage but used this as an opportunity to inflict some of his own. The thunder prepared above once more. This time Metal had no thruster to evade quickly, he only had gravity, nothing else to aid him. He was a sitting duck for the thunder! It crashed down at the Metal lightning rod suspended in the sky, aiming to to intense damage to him!
Metal Sonic
Metal’s attack was relatively successful, damaging Luxray instead of Hareta. However, damage was damage, and Metal was going to take what he could get.

However, that didn’t mean his troubles were over. The lion pokémon summoned another thunderbolt above Metal. While the solar panel above his head helped him not attract the lightning, that wouldn’t help when it was aimed at his location anyway. Thinking fast, the hedgehog robot threw the solar panel he held in his other hand into the air, directly into the lighting bolt to slow it down a bit. He then activated his thruster. It malfunctioned, sending him in a different direction then intended, but it still allowed him to escape before the thunder could crash down on top of him.

He then landed across the street from Hareta and Luxray, putting some distance between them. The droid then gazed at the dynamic duo before him. These two were apparently pretty durable, though that lion thing should be going down after another hit or two. The last creature only took a laser and an electric attack, so he imagined this one wouldn’t be too different.

The robot decided not to make his move, instead waiting for Hareta to make his. In the meantime, Metal rotated his arms around and began hitting the central motor again, trying to lodge it further back into place. However, he kept his eyes on Hareta and Luxray.
@Shen: King of Digimon
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Woah...that doesn't look good for him."

Hareta watched Metal zip across the sky uncontrollably, barreling into the ground with the grace of an impacting ballistic missile, screeching across the ground. This was an opportunity!

"He's vulnerable! Luxray! Shock wave him while he's down!"

Luxray winced in agreement, not taking kindly to have been blasted a second ago. It revved up it's lightning once more and fired a consistent electric wave, meant to damage metal further now that he had landed without his speed aiding him.


Previously Manu456Alola

Having entered after his opponent, Rebellio looked around as the world around them took shape. The two were now standing on top of a building reminiscent of Chinese architecture, the setting sun in the distance giving the sky a nice orange color. The building itself was located in the middle of a city, so maybe he could use the added verticality to his advantage. This place was much more like the kind of stuff Rebellio saw back home. No desolate alien worlds or huge rocky mountains, but a simple city home to (mostly) ordinary people.

His gaze went from the city below them to his opponent, who seemed rather silent. Maybe he just wanted to get down to business, something Rebellio could understand. They were still taking part in a tournament of death, after all. Falcon Quill in hand, Rebellio held his arm out in front of him, drawing a circle. "Contract."

Dark energy swirled around him as he entered his Weaponized state with a flash of light, gaining his signature crimson halo and armor resembling a ram. Sticking an arm out to his side, a scythe manifested in his right hand, the Adept giving his opponent a soft smile before taking a deep breath.

"Good luck." With that, Rebellio lunged straight towards Punk with a burst of speed, aiming to slice right through him with his weapon of choice.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Something Specter probably could have picked up on was the mental signal he'd been tracking to assume Kassandra's rough location, the fact that its distance didn't seem to grow as he arrived back in the assembly room. In fact, it only seemed to grow-
"Surprise," her voice permeated before Specter as she simultaneously seemed to appear out of thin air directly in front of him, in mid-lunge with her spear tip, aimed directly at his neck, a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment.

Leon S. Kennedy

Of course it fucking bounced.
Pursing his lips, Leon rose up, his cover blown. He watched the duck scramble its way out of the water. Curiously, he aimed Matilda as it neared, firing another bullet, just to make sure.

It bounced off the duck's waggling bottom as it waddled violently into the building Leon stood atop of.
"They tried to warn me," he muttered sarcastically to himself. "Mutants, monsters, magic? Easy. Bullet-proof mallards? There's a challenge."
Sliding Matilda back, he assumed she wouldn't be as useful as usual. The little creature looked a little familiar, if he was being honest. Like it was from some kid's game he'd never had the time to play- and it wouldn't surprise him. He'd fought Pac-Man already, after all.

Using that logic, if there were video game implications... then perhaps that was the reason behind its resistance to his bullets, making them look like rubber against it. Material strengths and weaknesses? That was a theory. Elemental? It seemed less likely, but not impossible. The duck was taking its sweet time, so Leon glanced about the rooftop for any potential weapons. Rubble lay about, bits of chipped rock and concrete, a small puddle of water off to a sagging corner, vines snaking across the roof, a whole-ass tree even pulling its way through the center of the roof.

Bending over, the sounds of the duck reaching the stairs echoed from the stairwell, and Leon sniffed, grabbing a piece of jagged concrete. Standing back up, he tossed the piece into the air, staring at the open doorway, where the stairs led directly up to it, a one-way trip. Catching the rock, he pulled his hand back- then threw the rock directly in the middle of where he anticipated the duck would spring from. It wouldn't strike like a bullet, but a rock that sharp with his own better-than-average strength?
It'd probably hurt any regular thing, but this was simply a test of theory, to see if this was a matter of material or element that made his bullets so ineffective.

The hare held a stoic attention not unlike a Jedi monk- a respectable stance. The force-user nearly reached for his lightsabers beneath his cloak right before Turner came to a stop, Revan having sensed it would do so. Instead, Revan raised a hand out to his side, noting the weapons the rabbit carried.
"I apologize in advance," it said. Keanu Revan's face seemed to lax for a moment at this, before his lips tugged into the slightest of smirks, almost imperceivable to one not paying attention.

"Yeah, me too," he replied calmly as a blur slashed through the forest, tearing through trees and shrubs, before it stopped as Revan caught it out of the air, holding it forward, several trees collapsing in its wake. A rusty-looking vibroblade.
If Turner was as Revan suspected, they'd probably not be sharing very many words now.
It was the time for action.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Suddenly, as he teleported, Kassandra warped with him, albeit to both of their confusion. Her reaction appeared to slow, allowing his brain's modified reaction time to recover faster.

"...! Begone...!"

He waved his hand, the chair registering this and produced a powerful electric field pin point in front of itself. This would stun her long enough for Specter to do his deed. While she would be stunned, he produced a sphere in both of his hands conjoined, firing of a powerful azure blast that would impact and send even the strongest of foes spiraling helplessly in the opposite direction!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Malakas! A field of energy like the earlier pylons halted her advance, pumping the power of Zeus through her being as her blade stopped inches in front of Specter's face. When she'd grabbed hold of the chair to try and eliminate him, they'd suddenly appeared here- greatly surprising her. She'd taken too long to strike. Had she just held off on her own curiosity, she could have scored a quick win, or at least got a good attack in.

Now here she was, at the end of another beam as it slugged into her shoulder- though it didn't do much damage to her, striking against the ever-durable Fleece of Jason. It didn't relent, slamming her into the far wall of the room where the beam proceeded to try and squash her there before it finally relented, and she fell to the ground.
Mid-air, Kassandra had tucked away the spear tip and pulled out her sword alongside her shield, landing against a platform without even the buckle of her knees- gravity was often her ally.

"You can track me," she huffed toward Specter, sweeping a lock of hair out of her face. "Nobody I know can do that, how are you?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel an inking of satisfaction seeing her hit the wall the way she did. But Specter was surprised by how quickly she bounced back, standing her ground to him.

"You can track me," she huffed toward Specter, sweeping a lock of hair out of her face. "Nobody I know can do that, how are you?"

"Why of course human." The British ape prided himself. "No knowledge, no power, no PERSON can hide from my brilliant mind! Now do you see who you are fighting? The face of the future!"

Specter boasted this as he used a hand, taking a large glob of lava that had already filled most the room, and molded it with his psychic powers. Suddenly, the glob exploded outwards into a reaching spiderweb of lava that threatened to burn his foe to ashes!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"The only future I've seen is one of fire and ash," Kassandra replied, and Specter's next attack seemed ironic following her words, a globule of magma conforming to his mind, and releasing outward like a web. Kassandra raised her shield, taking most of the brunt of the attack, sliding back maybe a couple inches as more splattered magma flecked on her fleece, sizzled against her skin in rare spots. It stung, sure, but it was only as effective as the earlier laser.
Bottom line was; she could take it.

"A future I aim to prevent," she continued, rotating her shoulders as she began to walk forward. "If you are the face of it, then perhaps you're more my enemy than I realized- and suddenly, I have a reason to actually fight," Kassandra paused, eyeing the simian. He boasted of his mental prowess, using his mind to pull impossible feats. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the strange crown he wore. It looked like some kind of underwear made of painted metal.
Odd cosmetic choice, but he was from the future. Maybe underwear had a different role then.
"Cool hat," she called, preparing for his next attack. "What's it do?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

She could take that as well? She may have blocked it for now...but her weaponry is ever decreasing at the pace I'm ruining her trinkets!

He was about to unleash another devastating attack when she posed a question. Seeing as how he wasn't just a mere brute, he elected to oblige and answer it.

"This? It is my peak point helmet! Altering a design from a lower grade version, this model expands one's mental prowess to heights that mere humans cannot fathom! It grants me supreme intellect and power. And you are about to embrace the full brunt of it!"

Specter stood up on his chair, energy crackling along his fingertips. Then, specter began to fire a bombardment of bowling ball sized projectiles from either of his hands, alternating fire per shot. Someone like her with her shield surely about to break couldn't take the full force of this!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
At least he elaborated, he was using a few words she'd never heard before- though the Staff of Hermes had told her once that some future languages had needlessly complex intricacies. "Lowurr Graid" was not something she'd ever heard of, but from the way he'd said it, it was inferior to the helmet he wore, she inferred.
It increased his intellect, gave him these powers.
They weren't his own, this was something she could exploit.
... after she dealt with this next attack.

Balls of energy leaving crackling trails behind them flew toward her. Her eyes glanced at the simple shield she carried. It had taken that last attack, but this wasn't anything special. As expected, it shattered against the first ball, and she shook out the strap as her blade slammed against another ball- and sent it flying.
"Whoa, wasn't expecting that," she muttered, but didn't have much time to react as she slapped another ball of energy away, but it was appearing to be a test of stamina. While she had plenty of that, there seemed to be far too many of these projectiles. She'd deflected blasts from Medusa's glare with this blade, maybe that's how it had managed the earlier feat. This was the Sword of Ares, after all.

Side-stepping one ball, which barely missed her, she felt another charge fill up just as she intended to use one. Digging into Rush Assassin, Kassandra was a mere blur as she slammed into on of the balls, batting it directly back at Specter, before she was on another in the same second, slapping it in the same direction, and as the second concluded, she treated a third ball the same.

Now much closer, the remaining balls hadn't realigned, and began to burst against the ground she'd been standing earlier. "So, what if I took it off? Just one powerless ape?" she asked.


Previously mallard
The Duck saw the door, he was almost there. Before he entered the frame, he had to take a breather real quick, so he did. Phew. Suddenly, he saw as a slab of concrete sailed through the door and smashed into the opposite wall. Huh? The police officer anticipated his opponent to be much more aggressive than he actually was, and that worked against him, having alerted Psyduck to Leon's plan. As such, he cautiously peeked his bill around the door and let loose a Hydro Pump quickly, as to duck back behind cover before he could get domed by another slab of concrete.


Revan summoned a sword, something that made the rabbit tense up, but it was a weapon that wasn't as dangerous-looking as the light swords. This could be worked with. He approached the grey jedi, began strafing, and they ended up circling each other. The rabbit was analyzing his opponent as he didn't know what to expect. He tested the waters by attempting a couple quick pokes with his shortsword, but didn't want to commit to any attacks. Not yet.


The battle begun immediately, and Punk produced and pitched a spiked softball posthaste. However, it soared over Rebellio's head to bounce off the chain link fence behind him and zoom towards his backside.
At the same time, the delinquent readied his bat and clashed with Rebellio's scythe. The wood held strong against the blade as they locked weapons. This was just how the Roof Rager liked it. His left leg raised off the ground, and then he quickly attempted to stamp on Rebellio's foot, then twisting for an extra spice. Then, he reared his head back, green dreadlocks flopping accordingly, and then he attempted to headbutt the Adept Slayer with (hopefully) both his weapon and foot locked in place!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ah? Is that what you are after eh?"

Specter stop shooting projectiles as she batted them back, holding a single hand out as the projectiles fizzled out before they got to him. They were projections from his own mind after all, it would only take a thought for them to extinguish!

"I would stop right there if I were in your shoes. Disappointment is such a brutal mistress, but if you were planning to be me, perhaps i should acquaint you two!"

Safely floating on his chair, he fire a brief thin cutting beam, hitting the ceiling and the wall in a horizontal slash. Suddenly the room began to become unlivable. The ceiling had rains of boulders and other debris while lava gushed in to soak up the floor. Specter however sat bemused on his chair as he crossed his arms, the rocks bending a round his chair and falling to the side, pressing fly from his psychic powers. All the while he kept his chair up high and out of gripping range.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
The little fowl had evaded his attack- and from the panting coming from inside, it wasn't due to any level of intelligence. Just pure, dumb luck. Thanks to this slight deviation in the plan, the duck was alerted to his strategy, blasting a stream of water in his direction- which he cleared by simply taking a step out of the way.
Well, this simply wouldn't do. Fortunately, he had a little something else to flush the duck out, who seemed to be cowering inside. Reaching behind his back, Leon tagged out a frag grenade. Like with the rock, he tossed it in the air for a moment before catching it, and he pulled the pin. Normally, he was required to yell "fire in the hole" when tossing such a thing, but he had no allies of to warn on this occassion.

The grenade thudded into the stairwell wall, before it proceeded to bounce down a flight, passing over the railing, then erupted, sending a flume of smoke and dust out of the doorway (as well as completely obliterating the stairwell in the process, all while Leon had grabbed another piece of concrete, waiting to see what kind of damage the grenade had inflicted.

They began to pace, Turner's actions far more defense against Revan, who seemed to be casually strolling as he stared at the smaller creature. It moved forward with a couple jabs- testing the waters, it wasn't aiming for lethality, the jabs coming within a foot of touching him, but he did not knock them aside, or even flinch.
This tactic was one he was aware of. It was impossible to tell if this was a sign of confidence, or intimidation- though considering his prior achievements, either were fairly considerable.

Not bad form for the rodent, but it didn't seem to realize this was more than any sort of sword fight. Much as Revan enjoyed those, he wished to test this hare, see if there was anything... notable.
With the flick of his free wrist, Revan used the force to casually rip a tree out of the ground, which tilted to slam on Turner's position as rapidly as Revan himself could move. If dodged, the tree would slide in the direction Turner moved. Left, right, up, down, it hardly mattered.
The force would prevail.

Despite her predicament, it became clear that she'd spooked the ape. He held his posture well, but his tactics were quickly becoming defensive each time she adapted to his latest attacks. This move he'd used earlier, but she'd lucked out by accidentally teleporting with him. Here, however, she would be forced to kick into some of her assassin's skills.

She leaped aside from one particular boulder, refilling her third charge as she kicked off from the ground, her speed enough to keep up with the falling debris. Her fingers dug into the next rock, then she propelled herself by pushing off, bringing her legs up to kick off a third rock, ping-ponging her way rapidly along the falling debris, reaching the crumbling ceiling in a few short seconds, narrowly avoiding one particular boulder that threatened to halt her whole progress. Each of her movements had been stared at by the smug ape- before she was suddenly obscured from view, a boulder temporarily concealing her, before she appeared again, then the boulder, then Kassandra, a process of rapid development.

As she fell back to the ground, she swung a boulder about her body like a top, picking up frightening speed- before the boulder went sailing straight at Specter.
The boulder shattered through several smaller ones, whizzing through the air before making to collide with Specter's barrier- and from the front of the boulder, as close to Specter as it could get, a ghost arrow would appear through it like a bullet, aiming to slam directly into and through both Specter's crown, as well as his skull.

Kassandra landed, tucking into a ball to roll back as another boulder shuddered into the ground before her, bubbling magma crawling quickly around her. Leaping away once more, she returned to the wall of the room, mostly out of the way of a majority of the remaining rubble, which was quickly seceding in quantity, her eyes returning to Specter to see if her trick had followed through.


Previously mallard
Psyduck's strategy was foolproof, at least in his mind. He was safe, but what Leon threw next was strange, some sort of small metal thing that bounced off the back wall and-
It exploded, tearing up the stairwell and throwing Psyduck into the wall. He bounced off and fell through the broken floor, past the mangled railing and into the concrete debris on the flight below. Ouch. That wasn't going to keep The Duck down for long, however. He got back up and began clambering back up the stairs, but as he got to the exploded area, he began climbing across the twisted railing, directly into the view of Leon. "PSYYYDUCK!" he screamed angrily, then blasting another beam of high-pressure water in the cop's direction.


His opponent seemed unimpressed with Turner. That wasn't his intention, but Tevan seemed to be confident that the rabbit wasn't actually going in for the kill. Not yet.
He heard the tree instantly, then his eyes darted towards it as his opponent dashed away. He kicked backwards, easily leaping out of harm's way. Then, when the tree followed him, a quick hop sufficed to clear the tree like a jump rope. It came back around, and this time the rabbit actually hopped on top of the tree, using his knife to anchor into the wood. Then, the tree began to orient itself to flip over and slam the warrior into the ground. With quick thinking Turner jumped off and rolled along the ground, right back to his feet. He took off in a dead sprint, then hopped and kicked off a nearby tree to soar towards Revan and slash at him with his sword, this time actually aiming to cause some damage.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A Boulder? How amateur...

Specter effortlessly redirected one Boulder into it, both of them shattering on impact towards the floor. However, on the other side Specter's eyes focused on what was Kassandra about to shoot out a ghost arrow. Drat- Not having a dependable way to counter these arrows yet, he swove his head out of the way as the arrow impacted the headboard of his chair, few sparks flying out of it.

That arrow is becoming an annoyance. It has been long past time to remove it.

Taking the largest Boulder there was in the room, he lifted it with both of his psychic power imbued hands. That's when he would crashed it into the wall Kassandra was on. And if she evaded? Crashed into her again! He would keep slamming this same massive rock into other walls and the ground until he stomped her out like a cockroach!

"Be careful now or you may end up part of the floor! Ha!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
"Well there you go, you've pissed it off," Leon mumbled, tossing the item just as Psyduck reappeared. He'd anticipated the stream of water, as before- and that's exactly what it used. He tucked back into a roll out of the way as the piece of rubble bounced off of the interior wall, redirecting to collide with the duck's head while it was busy with its blast of water.
In the event that wasn't as useful, he still had a few items up here to try out- like this vine.

As he rolled, Leon grabbed one of the many vines lying about, and proceeded to rip it up and off the roof, snapping it a way- and effectively granting himself a lush whip, which he tugged back toward him, anticipating the fowl's next move- it seemed to be fairly dumb, it hadn't even been successfully flushed out as he'd hoped earlier. Instead, it had just tanked the hit. Fury and shrapnel... metal and fire.
There was a pattern too easy to see, and he knew he'd seen the little creature somewhere before.
Whatever, he'd keep throwing shit at it until something stuck.

His opponent was light on his feet as Revan inspected its agility. The hare now moved in for the kill- but it wasn't quite fast enough, as a second tree is what its blade lodged into, no doubt forcing Turner into a momentary lock as he collided with it instead- all while the first tree had followed him, making to slam violently against the second tree in that same second.

The boulder had been an intended distraction, and it would have worked had he not intercepted it, giving him the time to edge out of a lethal strike. She had two charges at the moment- but one could be used now. She needed another advantage, forcing her to consume one more bar as she utilized the Speed of Hermes.

Time slowed to a crawl around her as the boulder slowed a foot in front of her. Kassandra let go of the wall, dropping to the ground. She didn't have a lot of time here, ironic, considering she'd just slowed it. Kicking off on the ground, she barreled herself over a few more precarious boulders, yanking out the Bow of Artemis. This weapon allowed her to generate endless arrows- meaning she'd never run out. She fired one simple arrow toward Specter, and time worked with it, slowing the arrow to a crawl like everything else. Following this, her arm became a blur as she did the same with several dozen more arrows, all aimed at Specter from various points, before she tucked the bow away and tugged out the Blade of Ares, just as time returned to normal, and she charged with her arrows, now very close to Specter, hoping her plan would bear some fruit. If not- well, she had at least three more tricks to pull out from under the fleece, and she believed she also had a way to counteract his ability of tracking her mind.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It appears she was not going to become one with the floor. Instead, a series of arrows practically materialized around him. This would be worrying to most...but not to him. Unlike the ghost arrows, they did not phase through barriers. So he erected a psychic sphere around him and his chair, the arrows simply snapping as they impacted the sphere, falling into the magma below. It seemed such low grade weaponry wasn't going to do much to impact the shield substantially.

"It appears you have a trick or two. I do not have such tricks, I have stratagems!"

As he said this, his form appeared to shift. In his stead, he split into six doppelgängers of himself, each on their own chairs. 5 missiles shot out from the top of each of their chairs, homing in toward her. 30 total missiles from different angles, the dopplegangers were in a circle formation around here, each one bent on destroying her. Even if she did have arrows...how could she possibly distinguish them from the original?


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
This guy was beginning to grind on her nerves, something shown physically with an exasperated eye-roll. Still better than Kohga, though.
Clearly getting to him physically wouldn't be an apt strategy. It was only getting her so far, he had fair enough counters to her attacks, and much the same vice versa, but she recalled something Socrates had once told her.

"I have no drachmae to give. Only knowledge, which one should prefer for it is perpetual, not transitory."

Er- not that quote. This one, which she would build to.

"I wonder if you realize that your ideals and philosophy could actually be meaningless," she spoke, eyes darting from Specter to Specter as the missiles arched into the air, before all conforming onto one target- her. Glancing about her, she could see that there were some things to utilize for her defense her, and Kassandra sprung into action, collecting one boulder nearly twice her size, and hefting it over her just as the missiles impacting.

She was shoved violently to the ground as her boulder shattered, but it had been enough to spare her for the moment. Limbs shuddering slightly, she pushed herself back up to her feet. "Does your life have reason? Does mine? Does free will exist, or is every action we both make predetermined? Or perhaps beliefs and superstitions are one in the same, and we both fight for things truly not real."

Generic Host (co-written w/ Shen)
The fish obsessed with her image kept at it, taking pictures with Frank's head, who was no doubt humiliated by the interaction, and she continued to treat others as lesser beings- it was a bit adorable. Just one problem. She didn't seem to realize she was making all these recordings for nobody. This place only transmitted what he wanted to transmit.
So, the Host slid up toward Ranamon, his usual placated grin slapped pointlessly on his face. No thoughts, head empty.

"Hey, Ranaman," the Host incorrectly spoke. "You do realize you've been doing all these uh... recordings for nobody, right? You can't reach anybody."
"Oh, really?" Ranamon didn't seem to impressed with his conclusion as she shoved her device in his face, showing 1,001 viewers.
"Oh," the Host frowned, leaning in slightly to look. "Do they have names?"
"Can't you give a girl some privacy? Very shrewd of you sugar. But if you HAD to know the names of some of my ADORING fans... ahem! Ladiesman217, emmerichIgnited, Otacoon, NotSnakBestie#Totally..."
"I think they're all the same person," the Host stroked his chin. Immediately, almost half of the viewer count began to disconnect.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A confirmed hit. Fantastic! The specter doppelgängers faded, allowing the real one to take center stage as he chuckled at the sight of the impact crater. She stood back up, shuddering and speaking her platitudes. Specter however, wasn't going to take the bait for this. She was speaking small brained gibberish.

"Ha, what drivel is that talk? I know my empire, I've already established it. My fleets cover every corner of the wretched world! Statues are built in my honor, amusement parks themed after me, my empire isn't a mere state of mind, it is already a reality!"

Approaching her closer as he saw her weakened state, he lowered his chair so he was eye level with her. He would show her this respect for her performance thus far.

"Yet you fight so hard to stop a future that has already happened. Surely you see this as an exercise in futility? Perhaps we should stop this fight, so that you may go out on your own Accord. I take it that would he an honorable death, would it not?"


"What? What?! No no no! This thing must be broken!"

She tapped on her device rigorously, trying to get these accounts online once more. She then had a look of realization, turning to the host with a scowl.

"Alright, quit it right now! I know your all magic and such, but this is just plain wrong! Put it back to normal or your face is going to be criminal number #1 overnight on trending!"

Threatening to cancel the host in response to his apparent power move, it didn't look like she was having any of this noise.

After his talk with Ranamon, Axe had quickly run off to the side and practiced, finding some rocks and setting them up as a person and using it to visualize fighting some of his past foes...and visualize his fight with Jevil. Analyse everything and anything, work hard. There had to be a reason he hadn't found...

Of course, then he heard Ranamon shouting at the Host. Now, Axe knew that Host seemed pretty terrible, and this was coming from someone who knew only one person who ever abused his power (Who he had killed), but at the same time, it couldn't have been much worse than the whole...killing people thing. So, he kept trying to keep focus on visualising, trying to visualize two opponents at once given the upcoming battle...before realising he had no experience of that to base visualising on. Whoops. So, he got himself back into the real world, and looked over at Ranamon, before noticing Kohga at the gate.
"Um, miss Ranamon! The other guy's at the gate, I think he's ready to lose!" He quickly called out, wanting to avoid conflict with Host as much as he could for now, until he could find a way to beat him. He began to head over to the gate. He heard that weird voice mention the stage selection again after he got next to Kohga. This time, Axe decided to actually choose something in his head now.
Pasmina's farm!
Axe just hoped that was the right move for himself.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"He's ready to lose, eh? Oho! How well put!" She looked back over to the host with a single glance before turning back around, snapping her fingers. "And when I get back you better fix that sugar, else you are getting the criminal treatment!"

Taking no heed to fact Axe went in first, she strode in, not bothered to suggest a map and letting the Terrain take shape for itself. In the meantime, the water gal stretched in place, limbering up for the upcoming fight.