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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously mallard
The rock struck Psyduck in the head, that hurt. His headache was really starting to ramp up, now. "PSYYYDUUUCK!!!" He screeched in frustration, how hard was it to get up the damn stairs?! He turned his head away from Leon and he used Hydro Pump to propel himself though the doorway finally, tumbling across the roof and somehow managing to clumsily roll to his feet. It was close quarters now, and Leon was armed with, ironically, a vine whip. Psyduck was currently unarmed, but he now stood next to Leon's supply of concrete slabs, and as such he picked up a smaller one. Now it was a fair fight, and he grit his teeth as another wave of cranial pain throbbed.


THUNK, the sword embedded into the wood of a flying tree, flying with a crash course towards the other tree. Turner performed a twisting maneuver to simultaneously get free of the tree sandwich and to rip his sword out of the wood. He landed on his feet without a problem, and made a beeline for Revan much faster than any human. When he got moderately close, he feinted a stab with the dagger only to get down on the ground and slide past the grey jedi whilst swinging his sword at the man's lower thigh.

Master Kohga

"Sheesh, it's about time you showed up! I'm glad to see you're finally ready to lose! Ehehehehehehe!" He twirled into the gate after his totally original insult. The voice asked him where to go, and he knew where a the Zora would hate: the Gerudo Desert. More specifically: "The entrance to Karusa Valley!" The voice heard, and the world around him began to shift...
The world became a mixture of both Axe and Kohga's picks, splotches of sand and grass scattered around in equal amounts, where trees and giant stone pillars rise out of the earth with equal number as well. There was a small shack at one end, and at the other a farmhouse. Both buildings were up against a huge cliff, that, in the middle, split down into a valley that seemed to slope upwards and to the right, out of view. Inside the canyon there were a few round frog statues that had cloths draped eerily over their faces; the cloths each had a red eye design painted on. Besides the cliff faces, the battlefield was lined with a white picket fence, and beyond that, a shining blue moat. And beyond that, a raging sandstorm, impermeable to view. Electric Lizalfos with glowing green horns chased sheep around the place, waving various weapon types in the air.
"Alright, you guys have fun fighting!" The Top Banana clasped his hands together and poofed away, to one of the many hiding spots somewhere around the map, waiting for his opponents to hash stuff out first.
@Shen: King of Digimon @Fraseandchico
Metal Sonic
Metal both heard and saw Luxray revving up and was easily able to piece together what was about to happen. Utilizing his momentum from rolling, Metal flipped up into the air, spinning rapidly as he did so. He positioned himself in a way so that the dislodged part of his engine hit a streetlight, greatly moving it back, but not far enough yet. This also allowed him to avoid Luxray’s beginning attack. Metal then curled into a ball and dashed upwards, landing on a roof. The robot looked at the rest of the city from his vantage point and noticed a specific area that gave him an idea.

Metal Sonic looked down at Hareta from the roof and scoffed tauntingly, intentionally trying to aggravate him. The robot then tore up a solar panel from the roof and broke it in half like the last one, holding the pieces like two staffs. He was ready for Hareta’s move.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Are you sure?" Kassandra questioned. "How can you be certain of your own victories, how can you be certain that your accomplishments don't belong to somebody pulling your strings? This isn't your first tournament, right? We fight for the amusement of Gods, they dictate our actions. They already know who wins this conflict- it's just a matter of seeing it to please their sick amusement for a brief moment. How do you know without a shadow of doubt that there aren't beings doing the same in your timeline? I'm already being used by Gods for a future I'll never get to see," she paused, sufficiently regaining her breath.

"To assume nothing goes beyond you doesn't show intellect, or power... it shows your ignorance, and arrogance. If I were to die honorable, it would be bringing you down with me. No alternatives," the brief time she'd spent speaking had allowed one of her charges to automatically fill (a process only working for one slot). "Or perhaps you're afraid of the truth, and shroud your mind in lies to comfort your own fragile ego- after all, you're nothing without that hat, aren't you?"

Leon S. Kennedy
Finally, the water fowl had left the safety of the stairwell. That had been an almost frustrating process. He watched as the duck spit itself out into the open, and proceeded to pick up a rock as he had. Leon raised a brow, before he snapped the vine forward, aiming to strike the duck mid-center- though he was anticipating it to move in a certain direction, whichever that was, Leon would spin the vine to swing in the same direction. Not as lethal as the initial whip strike, but with the aid of inertia and his own strength, it wouldn't tickle most people.

It continued to dive and weave, put its stamina could only push for so long, meanwhile Revan had barely had to lift a hand. Even now, as the hare made to strike a passing blow following a feint. The feint, Revan narrowed his eyes at, but his intuition and faith in the force prevailed, as he used the vibroblade to slap the true attack out of the way, turning on his heel to immediately become a blur of sight, matching Turner's speed step-for-step as Revan began to launch a flurry of blows, all while being aided by additional power from the force, giving every strike of his triple their strength, making blocking them a rather exhausting and daunting task.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Huh? What's he doing up there?

Hareta scratched his hatless head, wondering what Metal was trying to do. He figured that meant Metal Sonic was ready for more.

"Alright Metal! If that's what you want, then that's what you'll get! C'mon Luxray!"

Luxray nodded as Hareta jumped atop of it with a panel of his own, mounting it like a horse. The X-ray Pokémon bounded ahead, running atop the side of the building was surprising agility. Then, it leaped up to the rooftop as Haret slammed his solar panel into Metal Sonic's, the two blades crossing.

"Hehe! Your pretty good at this! Maybe you can become a trainer one day, then we can battle like this more often!"

With these encouraging words, he'd sweep up with his blade, trying to knock Metal's aside while Luxray dove down to reliever / thunder fang to Metal's legs.


"Humph! This desert won't do wonders to my skin..." Ranamon poured as he fanned herself.

That's when the goofy mask wearing man vanished with a cartoony puff of smoke. This aggravated Ranamon even further.

"Ugh! That aint no way to fight! Out you!" She growled, looking to Axe. "You search the ground over there hun, I got my side."

That's when she conjured up a force of water in a rain cloud, gushing water down over a small part of the stage.

"Drainin' rain!"

The energy sapping rain would slowly creep across the land, dousing the area with dangerous rain droplets that would surely snuff out wherever he was hiding.


"My strings? Pulled? Ha! That sounds like some nonsense only you humans could come up with. No one controls me, and I alone control my destiny. I think you realize that your loss is inevitable, and seek to weaken my spirit so that I may falter. I'm afraid that my spirit is the most resolute amongst us all here."

The ape smirked before he looked in the corner of his eye, looking as if he saw something that wasn't there.

"You do have one point though." He frowned. "I have not an idea of what goes on in my realm in my absence. My intellect does have limits. Hence why I would want to go back as soon as possible, to see my monkeys safe and sound."

His eyes darted back to her, a laugh stifling. Not a sinister laugh, but one of pity.

"You seem genuine. Misguided and naive, but genuine. I respect that. But this is the end of the line for you. I hope we meet again, perhaps under different circumstances. Ciao."

Suddenly, two arms emerged from the sides of his chair, an energy encompassing them. That's when they projected an intense stream of electricity toward her, aiming to zap her while her defense were down. While this happened, Specter aimed to use his cutting beam, pointing a hand toward the soon to be shocked woman, firing off the cyan laser.
Metal Sonic
The bot remained beepless as Hareta attempted to partake in ‘friendly banter’, though Metal showed no interest in conversing with the child, nor his feline friend. As Hareta attempted to disarm him, Metal parried the strike with robotic efficiency and impressive elegance, spinning around to end up behind the trainer and his noble steed.

Taking advantage of this, Metal quickly fired a powerful laser from his torso at Luxray, hoping to take the pokémon out while it’s back was turned.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
She'd been hoping for a little more than that, but her words rang true. He truly was too arrogant to realize the possibilities outside of the reality he understood. Kassandra had been like that not long ago, before she'd met her God of a father- as annoying as he was, he still opened her eyes to much of the truth, as did the spirit within the Staff.
Specter made to finish her off, assuming she was close to being done. He'd closed their distance somewhat in their conversation, and it had been enough. It would be enough.

Arms extended from either side of his floating throne, pulsing with energy and light. The lightning fired from them as Specter aimed a hand, firing the same beam he had.
Time slowed again, though not as drastically as before, just enough to give Kassandra an edge in speed. Her body shone crimson as the electricity conformed to her body- and did nothing, for she had called upon the War Cry of Ares. Like one of her arrows, she fired from the ground, bounding forth with her Blade of Ares, aptly used in the situation as the beam slugged against her chest, yet only barely slowed her by a fraction, her blade a blur through the air as she made to bisect both Specter and his throne- possibly cutting through any of his barriers in the process, taking her earlier batting game of his earlier psychic energy.

A very temporary state, this War Cry, but with the short time it granted she went from 1 to 100 in terms of speed, aggression, and sheer power.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Before Hareta could deliver his strike, Metal had swove around him and beamed Luxray as he flanked! Luxray grunted as it fell to the ground, throwing Hareta off of the creature. Hareta cringed as he ate shingles, Luxray getting knocked out in the process.

"Oof...that was a solid one." Hareta muttered, recalling Luxray. "But now I got a trump card! A legendary Pokémon that beat team galactic with me! C'mon out Regigigas!"

Hareta goosed Regigigas's pokeball into the air... But he forgot he was on a rooftop.

So it fell.

...and fell...

...and fell until it splashed into the water below. Hareta sweating as the pokeball vanished from sight.

"Oops...my bad...hehe." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well...how about this one!"

He tossed out a pokeball, releasing a Pokémon from the inside. However, nothing came out. Hareta blinked, frantically looking left and right for the mon.

Meanwhile...behind metal, something came up and-


A sudden jumpscare in the form of midrevous occurred, it's form comically grown larger as to further emphasize it's a scare factor. Unlike most scares however, this had impact. It was astonish, using a ghostly power to actual physical fright to targets in the form of damage. Even the likes of big Pokémon were often caught off guard by this. With any luck...it would scare Metal right off the edge of the building where he teetered.



What is this power...?

Before specter could even react, she was on the move. A sword at the ready going speeds only rivaled by Pipotron J. Specter's eyes widened as his chair beeped. The proximity sensor. Detecting something coming right at him, the chair seat ejected the overlord, the seat cushion and Soecter himself flying up into the air while the chair was left behind, sliced in two by the sword. The chair then exploded wildly as Kassandra bared down on him.

"...So that's how it is."

Specter floated down to the ground. Psychic power emitting from him as he stood on his own two feet.

"Enough games. Now i shall hold nothing back!"

Extending two violet blades of his own, his eyes narrowed down on her. He cloaked himself in a harsh light. This power would give him a temporary boost of speed in one direction, not like she would know. He then netted toward her, his energy blades sweeping up at her and her sword. One meant to keep her's busy and the other meant to gut her.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
He was spared from a quick death, Kassandra attack destroying his chair, which erupted, engulfing her in a pit of flames that could do nothing but lick playfully at her. She watched as Specter conjured blades of his own, moving in for the kill. She could see his stratagem from where she stood, it was something she'd utilized herself more than once. Her blade met the one he'd planned for as his other blade stabbed- and did nothing against her stomach, glancing off like a wooden stick off a boulder. Of course, that was the only time she'd be able to do that, and just before the War Cry wore off, Kassandra rushed forward at his close proximity the moment he reached her, intending on shoulder checking him directly in his face, which would hopefully knock him enough away that she could get a plan going as the War Cry faded.

Now the REAL fight had just begun.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


The stab didn't appear to do much, but she went to retaliate with an attack of her own right to his face. He drew his blade's wrist guard up to dampen the damage as it parried, but no less sent him off course, skidding to a halt on the freshly cooled igneous rock.

"This invigoration, it is new, no?" Specter wiped his cheek. "Damn you humans, you must all be destroyed!"

An energy sphere surrounded Specter, acting like a shield as he charged toward her with a powerful aura. From the sphere, he shot six trailing psychic projectiles towards her for her to focus on as he barreled in close.


"Now I heard of a long game, but now this is just silly."

She had covered most of the map in her rain after a few minutes, The masked weirdo not appearing. Where could he be? Her fingers did eni-meni-mini-mo as they pointed toward the only structure in the entire map.

"Well, how did I not see this earlier? Wippin' Waves!"

Two tendrils made of water came from the water bodies in the ground, wiping at the structure's foundation, causing ti to start ti crumble.
Metal Sonic
The droid stared deadpan at Hareta as he threw another one of the pokeballs, only for it to fall into the water below. The robot looked down at the pokeball as it splashed, then back up at Hareta. For a moment, the two shared a rather awkward moment as the boy rubbed his head sheepishly, before throwing another pokeball, this one doing its intended purpose.

However, no creature came out. Although, Metal’s sensors detected an anomaly in near proximity. Metal’s head quickly turned around 180 degrees, his body soon following suit. He looked around for a moment, before—


A comically large silhouette appeared in the form of a goofy-looking ghost. Metal crossed his arms instinctively and…felt something? He slid back a bit and looked at his arms for a moment and realized they were slightly damaged. That hurt…?! Metal thought, baffled by how that was even possible. However, he couldn’t waste time. Another enemy was in front of him and he had to take advantage. He charged forward quickly in the form of a curled ball, going in for the classic but powerful Homing Attack.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It seemed as though Spheres were in today, as when Metal began to charge his spin dash...Misdreavus charged it's own Shadow ball directly in front of it. Sphere vs Sphere. It threw the sphere directly toward Metal as he came towards her, Hareta grabbing a panel and placing it on the roof halfway over the edge for some reason...

"Mmmh one like thaaat." He said, placing it down."
Metal Sonic
As the two balls collided, Metal bounced off the projectile without damage, though in turn he didn’t get to damage the ghost creature. He was about to go in for another blow, but then he got another idea.

Hareta was busy sticking a solar panel into the roof, seeming pleased with himself. He was planning something…

Switching gears, Metal did indeed homing attack again, but instead aimed for Hareta, hoping to get a powerful blow on the trainer while his back was turned.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

After the two spheres collided, it seemed the ghost was satisfied, going over behind Hareta while his back was turned. Then suddenly, it swove in front of him and scared him!


Hareta fell on his butt, landing on the side of the solar panel that was teetering over the edge. Right as Metal was coming too. So In an act exactly like a see saw...


Metal was flung out into the air by the solar panel see saw, Hareta himself falling straight off the edge due to Misdrevus's shenanigans. Right before Hareta hit the bottom through, Misdrevus saved him with a Galagca inspired Psybeam, enveloping him and landing him gently down.
Metal Sonic
The robot was flung into the air. In his arrogance, he failed to notice the plan. However, this situation could be saved. While in midair, Metal utilized the momentary safety he had and turned around, focusing on his engine. He punched it rapidly, lodging it a little further into place each time. His punch speed increased faster and faster to the point where his fist was blurred due to his robotic efficiency. The central motor was nearly lodged back into place! Metal then turned back around and saw he was nearing the roof again. Misdrevus was occupied by Hareta, currently saving him from a brutal end.

Taking the opportunity, Metal curled into a ball once again and dashed forward. However, instead of doing a Homing Attack, he instead activated a large electric field around himself, hoping to take Misdrevus and Hareta by surprise!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The pair watched Metal sonic fly without a hint of grace due to the catapult seesaw they made. They thought they had won, that is, until they saw an engine flare back up. As Metal sonic approached, he pointed ahead, having an idea how to deal with this.

"C'mon misdreavus! Psybeam!"


Multicolored psychic waves emitted from their body, forming a cone formation in front of it's line of sight. Which is right where Metal was. It would slow down the electric attack all the while doing psychic damage to Metal who had found himself blindly rushing in to a counter attack!
Metal Sonic
The robot din’t react to the psychic damage due to lacking the ability to feel pain, although he knew this wasn’t ideal. As he found himself trapped in a cone of psychic damage, he crossed his arms like before, removing electric field and replacing it with the black diamond, which expanded outwards from his body, countering the psychic energy. Metal then flew out of the cone of damage and the black shield flickered away.

Metal had missed flying, and now the advantage was back! He thrusted backwards to gain speed before flipping around and rolling onto the ground, curling into a ball and dashing towards Misdrevus with devastating speed and force!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Misdrevus hadn't seen a Pokémon like this before. So as it broke out and came back around, she prepared another psybeam, only barley getting it out enough to flow down the initial impact of the spindash, knocking her back into the air.


Hareta's mind raced with what to do. Let's see...he took Damage from his thruster, smacked down on the ground, psychic and ghost damages...

"I got a strategy!" He called out.

"Misdreavus?" He asked curiously, getting close.


And so they did. They ran down the down passing odd folding structures, bolting down the city pathway until they ran into a sticker store that sold calluses for pokeballs. Now obscuring themselves from view while Metal was out there, they caught a quick breath.

"Phew. You think he saw us?"
Metal Sonic
The droid glared at them as they ran, squinting slightly. Since his central motor was lodged back into place, he didn’t excessively damage himself every time he flew, though he should still be cautious. He had to end this soon.

As the two retreated into the callus pokeball shop, there was peace for a moment.

Then, a massive flying projectile flew through the window. It was none other than Metal! He was covered in a massive field of orange energy, enough so to take up a large portion of the hall space(assuming it’s a smaller store). Metal intended to blitz right through them and finish it off!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Yup. Totally safe."



"What's that sound?"

The both exchange a horrified knowing look before they both leaped to the side. Bulldozer Metal sonic came blitzing in, the several isles becoming a danger zone with him inside. After he cleave two isles, Hareta found himself fallen next to a tabled that had stack and stacks of seals that had fallen over. Picking up handfuls of the seals, Hareta had a brilliant idea.

"Yo! Metal Head! Take some of these!"

While Metal was to surely vent from his last two energy attacks combined, Hareta flew at him, throwing a slew of seals at and on the machine. The seal exploded into a series of colorful stars, hearts, musical notes, and floral patterns as it was completely blinding. So THATS why they have a seal limit. Huh.

All the while, Misdrevus prepared an attack. Phasing through the ceiling where no rational person would look, it prepared and fired a powerful Dark Pulse, aiming to thrust the would be confused Metal Sonic out of the shop and into the concrete wall outside.
Metal Sonic
The droid vented monetarily before his attention was caught by Hareta, who yelled at him with typical comic book insults. Metal squinted at Hareta as he flew, about to attack, before—

A massive flash occurred at random, blinding the robot, who beeped frantically. In response, he curled into a ball and darted around the room like a pinball, smashing shelves and breaking display cases while avoiding the Dark Pulse in the process. He continued to do this for several seconds, possibly slamming into one of his enemies in the process before finally shooting out of a window, regaining his composure by rolling to a stop before curling out of ball form, gazing into the window to see what became of his opponents.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The trainer saw Metal sonic bang about the room, battering himself as he ripped across is. Whoever built this guy expected him to take a lot of hits, huh? He jumped up a second as Metal sweeper under him, crashing through a window. The seals wore off, right as Hareta peered through the window up at Metal.

"Heh...heh...are you still mad?"

There was but a glare in response and engine revving sounds.

"He's mad."

Misdrevus poked her head through the wall, phasing threw it as it fired off a psybeam to try and subdue the opponent while Hareta seemed to greatly weigh an option that was tough for him to decide, never taking his eyes off of metal.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Metal swerved around the Psybeam, looking a bit of speed before coming in. Somehow Hareta knew a straight up attack against Metal wouldn't work like Misdrevus had planned, Hareta stood his ground, letting Metal come closer and closer to him before-


Metal's claws his nothing...but his body did. Hareta braced for the impact and hurtled his body together as he had received the blow. His arms were extended out in reach, unable to activate the black shield. A grin was plastered on his face and a confidence burned in his eyes.

"You always try and aim for me, like I'm some kind of weak point." Hareta muttered. "But that's wrong. My Pokémon and I, we are equals. Your opponent isn't just them..."

Hareta's arms then wrapped around his opponent's smaller back, as he looked directly into his eyes.

"...your opponent is me!!"

That's when he bent backwards, aiming to pile drive Metal into the ground face first! Aiming to shatter his visor and his his force to try and end this fight once and for all!


Previously Manu456Alola

The Adept's scythe met wood, Punk's strength matching his. Even with the Falcon's enhanced strength, it seemed Punk was on the same level when it came to physical prowess. His foot was quickly stamped before he could attempt to do anything else, though his durable armor protected him from any sort of damage. The only disadvantage was having that foot momentarily locked in place, and given the sound of the spiked softball whizzing behind him and his opponent rearing his head back for an attack, it was definitely not the best position to be in.

With little time to act, Rebellio pushed with all of his superhuman might to try and get his opponent off of him and prevent the headbutt from making contact, the softball thrown earlier bouncing off of his back, tough it did leave a mark. With his opponent (hopefully) a little further away, Rebellio would morph his scythe into a large mace, using the string attached to it to swing it straight towards his opponent and send him flying.
Last edited:
Metal Sonic
The robot showed little interest and reaction as Hareta went on a little rant like heroes tend to do. The only thing he did was glare as Hareta attempted to piledrive him into the ground. However, just before they reached the ground—


Metal’s jet thruster flared to life, causing them to soar out of the building due to the fact that Metal’s back was facing towards the end of the store.

So, they flew, quickly reaching the building on the other side of the street, Hareta being first in line to crash into it brutally! Metal intended to end this now and shatter the boy’s body from the force and momentum!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Metal intended on crashing him into a building nearby, but that wasn't going to fly with him! Hareta swerved Metal's body to the side, sending them away from the building. It was THEIR thruster, they were a package deal! As they desperately fought for dominance, shooting every which and way, Hareta stomped on the ground, screeching his feet against the floor as they came to a halt.

"Heh...I figured out your weakness." Hareta spoke. "Your thruster can only go one direction! Meaning you can't do anything if I..."

Still facing toward him and keeping him at bay, he grabbed hold of his neck with one hand, and his other hand aiming to deliver a pivotal blow to the front of his chest, aiming to blow that engine right off of his body, taking Metal with it!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

"I thought I told you," Kassandra spoke, holding onto her last charge- for now. She needed to make sure it was saved in the event of something dire happening. She leaped up, one projectile dissipating against the ground as she batted two mid-air back at Specter, but those simply fizzled out against his shield. As she landed, Kassandra cut a fourth projectile in half, allowing the fifth to strike her under her shoulder-blade in order to dodge the last, which sizzled out as it went by, but the close call granted half a bar to fill. It would have been full if not for the sacrifice she'd taken in enduring the hit.
"You'll find my will equal to your own."

Despite her damage, it became clear that Kassandra wouldn't be slowed down by injuries. Fight hard, die well. That was the rule she lived by.
As Specter neared, Kassandra pulled out the Spear of Leonidas, grasping it in one arm as she held the sword, and she moved in to match Specter.
Metal Sonic
Metal beeped in irritation as Hareta changed the direction they went, eventually forcing them to a halt. Metal looked him right in the eyes as he went on again. This kid talked too much.

As Hareta went for a pivotal blow to his torso, Metal glared in anger before—

The blow was caught by one of Metal’s free hands, causing a small shockwave to echo throughout the street from the sheer force of both parties.


Was all the robot said before a large, deadly shockwave emerged from his body, enough to kill a person, especially an injured child. Metal tired of this fight.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Kassandra approached him with her spear, prepared to finish this. As she moved in to deliver a blow to him, she was met with the shield bubbling over with resistance. Specter held his hands up in the air as psychic energy warped around him.

"Heh...all you can do is run and hide, little man!"

Suddenly, a massive psychic explosion erupted outwards, Specter himself as the epicenter as the entire place shook with power! Due to Specter's reshaping of the room with his cutting beam...it seemed as though he purposely reduced the size of the room and blocked off that tunnel from before...so he could deliver this move with much higher kill chance!


"Is it, huh?"

Hareta looked right into his eyes after he said his word. But before he could go to his move, he spoke.

"Can I explain something to you for a sec?" Hareta spoke. "Notice that Misdrevus has been absent lately? How she hasn't really been here to fight you? Well..."

a dark shadow looked over metal. It was Misdreavus! Struggling to hold what looked like a massive amount of debris! The debris from this very battle accumulated in a big package. As Metal revved up his electricity. Hareta went in for his escape plan. He brought his choppers down right on Metal's wrist, he stabilized his legs before twisting like a crocodile when-


The hand snapped off Metal's body, right in time for the electricity. No longer bound by Metal's grip, the electricity shocked him, sending him flying away into the street, right as the debris was cast down on him.

wow...that was way power power in that second of electricity than he ever gave out before... Hareta thought. Could that mean...?!

Metal could need to vent right at this pivotal moment! Unable to dodge the massive load of rocks and steel above him!



Previously turnt3chGodh34d

"Little what?"
He didn't seem to want to elaborate, as instead he raised his arms and released a great burst of energy, surrounding himself from all angles into a brilliant and blinding explosion, one that Kassandra had been caught in. Gritting her teeth, she was launched skyward, flung toward the ceiling, where she bounced off as it cracked.

When the dust settled, Kassandra found herself pushing herself to her feet, the damage completely wiping out the charge she'd built, leaving her with only one to utilize- and two options to use it for. Unsteadily, she climbed to her feet, tasting bile in the back of her throat. "Well, that was certainly something," she grunted, shaking her limbs for a moment.
"Was that the best you had?"
Metal Sonic
The robot gazed up at the accumulation of rubble and debris above him. However, Hareta seemed to be on the edge! Determined, Metal squinted before running forward, bouncing between some rocks and steel beams that began to fall, but he was able to escape before the brunt of the debris fell.

Now, Metal spin dashed forward, aiming directly for Hareta’s torso/neck area, aiming to break his body beyond repair!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"...So you are still alive. I'm impressed." The ape marveled. "Impressed, but not afraid. All things break. You are no exception. Come!"

Specter planned a retreat, going down into the hole that lead deeper into his facility section of the stage. The volcanic underground he was currently...unlivable. Lava had gurgled up everywhere from his attacks on the ceiling, walls, and his latest attack.

Landing down on a steel plate below that overlooked a series of massive gears rotating in a mechanism far outstretching their line of sight, Specter recouped his power as he waited for his foe.


That metal guy was still kicking. Not good! He was spinning in a ball too. He needed to somehow punch him back into the debris field before it fully fell. But doing so would cut his hand to ribbons...unless...it wasn't HIS. He got a brilliant idea as Metal came his way.

*Whoever built this guy must have built him to take hits* He remembered thinking earlier.

"Hey Metal...talk to the HAND!"

Hareta, who still hat Metal's relived hand in his grip punched toward, the hand overlayed atop of his fist. So that way when he impacted, the hand itself would take the brunt of the force, all the while he would walk out with minimized damages while Metal was hopefully flung to the debris field writhing a few split seconds from coming down!
Metal Sonic
Metal was punched. He was sent flying back, but he had just the thing to counteract this.He uncurled out of ball form, but just when he was about to go into the debris, his thruster kicked in, sending him flying back towards Hareta.

He curled into a ball once again, trying the same trick. However, now Hareta didn’t have the hand to take the damage for him!
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

... and there he went. Kassandra let out a huff, running her hand through her hair. She'd had a plan if he wanted to continue right here, but evidently he had other plans, performing a retreat- one that Kassandra felt was of the tactical nature. A trap? Or perhaps an arena less likely to fill with magma. Whatever the case, she glared down the hole, mulling over her options. She needed two more charges if she would be comfortable, considering there were three ways she felt comfortable about going this but...


"Ah, screw it," she shook her head, leaping into the hole as she consumed her last charge.

Landing as though she hadn't dropped a significant height, Kassandra shook her limbs out again, looking toward the smaller figure. "So, here we are," she said casually despite her slight wince. "You ever mix quail and hen eggs before? It's really pretty good, I think I could go for a bite after this."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"So you have arrived, chatty as usual." Specter remarked. "What a fitting stage to end this little charade."

With a flick of his hand, he ripped the chain linked fence covering from the the gear system, leaving them exposed as he used the fence as a weapon. It shot toward Kassandra, attempting to wrap about her like a net entanglement device before squeezing.


He felt the loud denting of Metal Sonic's Metal chassis as it was sent back. A part of him wondered which part of him he just banged up, but thinking time started to run out as Metal came back for a second joust. Hareta didn't think this far ahead!

He didn't have time to move out of the way, but something had time to move. A Shadowball was launched from Misdrevus on a direct intercept course with Metal to not only stop his attack, but hit him with a strong ghost move as wel!
Metal Sonic
The robotic hedgehog directly collided with the Shadowball. He took reduced damage in ball form, but it still did a bit of damage. He bounced back a bit, but was almost instantly back again. However, once he got close, he suddenly uncurled, jet to the side, then activated V. Maximum Overdrive, hoping to blitz through Hareta while he was caught by surprise and end it!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Well that ain't good...!

Hareta and misdrevius broke out into a run as Metal charged his next attack. They made it to the bridge when Metal charged their way with blinding speed. Seeing no other option, Hareta leaped off the side of the bridge, his ghost in tow. But before he plunged to the water below, he whipped out his scarf, lassoing it around a rail of the bridge, allowing him to swing under it and stay put, safe from the attack.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Ah, so you've got nowhere left to run," the misthios gave a nod of her head, glancing toward the links of metal, forming some kind of barrier. It was headed for her, but just as it reached her to work whatever Specter had in mind, a sudden slash tore it in two as a figure landed on the ground, equally as painlessly as Kassandra had.
"From desert monks to magic monkeys," Alexios boomed out a laugh as he stood tall, his blade gleaming brightly. "Never change, sister, or else I'll be out of interesting fights to get you out of!"

There he was. It was a bit risky, choosing to summon Alexios over healing herself, but hopefully his presence would grant her enough time to build up a new charge and do just that- then she'd be back to fighting at full strength.
"So, little monkey," Alexios sneered, "ready to play?"
Metal Sonic
The robot followed suit as the duo ran, but they miraculously outran him and jumped off a bridge, dangling below it safely. Metal cancelled his attack and backed up off the bridge.

Seeing an easy solution, Metal started flying, jetting up into the air before circling around and going under the bridge. Passing by quickly and out of reach of Hareta, he sliced the scarf with his remaining hand, cutting it in half, before he jet back up into the air, far away from them in case they somehow survived and tried something funny.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

So THAT Was the presence he felt earlier. He frowned, looking right past him and to Kassandra.

"Begone with you, extra."

He charged a violet sphere of energy in both of his hands before casting it forth. It bounced once, replicating into two attacks. They bounced another time, and they became four attacks. They doubled every time they hit the floor! One half of the replicates shots were headed to her brother while the other headed towards her, who was further away, meaning more replication time.

If they hit, they would do damage to the foe, inflicting severe damage straight to their nervous system


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
A new attack, it seemed. Alexios glanced back at her as Specter launched it, before she gave a nod. With a roar, Alexios charged directly into the attack, slugging almost all of the spheres, his body gyrating as he did so, eyes bulging as his veins popped- yet he laughed, his loud and deep voice thundering in the chamber they battled in.
He seemed frozen for a moment- before the Champion of the Kosmos battered his chest quickly with his fists, then continued to charge toward Specter, a wild look in his eyes.

Kassandra, meanwhile, did what she could. She dodged, weaved, sliced, and knocked back the spheres that came near her, slowly building her charge as she did so- but a few struck her as a result, lessening her progress and forcing it to take a little longer. For the most part, however, the numbing effects of the attack didn't do a whole lot to deter her- she'd fought off many herbs and drugs before. One time, she'd even had to fight off a few mercenaries while both her legs were asleep. It hadn't been fun, but it made for a good story.