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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Specter was bewildered, taking a few steps back at Kassandra's arrival, sparks pulsing out of his Peak Point Helmet's fractures. His eyes narrowed and his face was fillies with scorn.

"How is it that you keep surviving my every move?" Specter hissed. "It matters not...I do not need my psychic power to beat you. It is in my genetics as a superior simian!"

Specter took his two purple blades from behind him, placing them together, and with a bright glimmer of white light, something replaced the pair of blades. It appears they were fused into one, and shifted form. Specter now appeared to wield a silver cutlass with ornate golden wrist guards, traced by a black handle.

"This sword shall be stained red with the blood of my enemy. It is time we settled this!"

His mind had suffered worse than his body, which was not the same case for Kassandra. So Specter shot forward, with one quick movement-


It was like a samurai movie. Specter glancing behind him at Kassandra, seeing if she in fact were cut down by his blade.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
She grit her teeth as she used the Blade of Ares to slid against the sword of energy Specter had summoned. She turned with his movement, almost like in slow motion, and stumbled into a stop, facing Specter as he turned his gaze over his shoulder to find she still stood, her weapons at the ready. She nearly stumbled for a moment, but regained herself, breathing in a deep sigh.

"Come on, Specter," she closed her eyes, her arms flexing as she gripped her weapons tighter. "I've been waiting for a little swordplay this entire fight, think I'm just gonna stand there and take it right when it's getting good?"
Her eyes remained closed, and despite her rather casual words, her face was quite set. Calm. Almost serene.

This would be their last confrontation in this long-winded war between them.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

That technique...

"Heh...suppose it wouldn't be that's easy, now would it?" Specter chuckled, bringing his sword to the ready as he faced her. "So then, if that's how it is, let's let our blades decide the victor. Here and now. An Honorable and chivalrous way of deciding things, no?"

Specter walked forward to her, unafraid. Surely she knows the state her body is in. She knows she cannot keep up with me like that, now can she? Unless this is that Warrior's way of suicide I heard ever so much about.

With that, the dance of swords had started. His fused blade at the ready, he swove it in fanning motions, one hand behind his back. He cut from angles, a technique used to dispel attacks from his foe while he cut in to the meat of the matter, ending the combo off with a jab upwards toward the chest.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"You've earned my respect more with that sentence than this entire fight," Kassandra replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. "May fate favor its worthy champion."
Her eyes snapped open as she moved in tandem with Specter, her blade clashing with his in a single strike, a burst of light emanating from the contact- and it last for a fraction of a second, as the spear tip parried into it next, a similar result, with a similar length. A matched set of equal blows of power and speed, glancing off one in another in the cold, desolate bridge they stood upon. No spectacles danced about their fight, no spectators (at least present) cheered or booed at any advance one side made over the other.

Specter would take a few steps forward, then back as Kassandra pushed, and back and forth, their talent with a sword seemingly evenly matched, despite Kassandra's clear exhaustion as she pushed herself. His jab to her chest had been knocked aside as she spun it away with her blade, and moved in while he was open, aiming to ram her spear through him- but he was just quick enough to parry this, pushing them back into this game of back and forth, physically exhausting one another as neither refused to give in, fully aware of what they were fighting for, and what they were fighting against.

After perhaps another minute of this brutal and dangerous game, Kassandra let out a yell and charged with a flurry of strikes, each of which Specter blocked as he split his blade in two, his arms moving just as furiously fast, before he did much the same when he brought his blades back together into their more powerful variant, his strikes much more precise than hers, which seemed wild on the surface, but that was simply a part of Kassandra's natural strategy and own exhaustion, one Specter was aware of and did not underestimate.
Knocking aside his blade with her spear, Kassandra made to bring the sword down on Specter's cranium, but he brought up his sword in time to block, and she pushed- before he pushed back, aided with a small burst of psychic energy that send them both skidding back, away from one another.

"You may find my will... equal to your own..." she repeated.
"Yet... one will prevail," Specter concluded for her, his eyes narrowing.
Kassandra gave a curt nod at that, as though in agreement with his statement, before they moved without a word toward one another once again, clashing their blades as they battled furiously, a blur to the eyes of the mundane. As they fought, their conflict seemed to become increasingly invigorated, yet both seemed to take in an equal enjoyment of the battle, the clash of their blades, a simple conflict brought to its last gasping breath. Neither spoke a word, too engrossed in their dance of death, turning circles around one another. Despite their difference in size, neither seemed to be put at an advantage nor disadvantage from this.

Finally, one got the upperhand. Specter pushed Kassandra's blade up, then successfully evaded her spear as he dove between her legs, simultaneously splitting his blade and cutting deep into both of her heels as he slid under her, then rose to his feet to strike, but she'd turned to knocked his already conjoined blade aside.
Despite her wince, Kassandra let out a shaky, though hearty laugh. "And so the mighty warrior Achilles was bested, fell by a single arrow!" she ignored the pain and handicap of her heels, a special type of resilience and determination pushing her far beyond human limitations. This tale seemed to burn a brighter fire in her eyes as she pushed again against Specter, and turned her body, purposefully allowing him to land a blow- which merely bounced off of her side. He had struck the Fleece of Jason, allowing Kassandra to score a blow of her own, the Spear of Leonidas gashing into Specter's ribs, who forced her back with another burst of psychic energy. "Hah-" he breathed, his own eyes glinting brilliantly. "Myth is your reality, I see. The Golden Fleece isn't so golden, it seems."
"Gets the job done," Kassandra replied with a shrug, biting her lip as she prepared for their next round of traded blows.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Heh...it appears so...ngh...!"

Specter's white fur had stained with red around the punctured area. Glancing at the wound and back to his foe, he prepared his counterattack. Despite his damages, he used his small frame to his advantage, leaping towards Kassandra, weaving between blow after blow, not striking back, but focusing on sliding across his foe's blade with his own, gaining ground.

She struck a sharp blade past his cheek, slicing a deep cut along It as the fluid trickled down his face. But at the same time, he brought his own blade to deliver a slice along her arm. Between this and her weakened lower body and heels...he was whittling her down before he could get in for a kill.

But now...he felt ready to end this. Using all the ground he had gained thus far, he used her injuries to his advantage, weaving between the slightest delays of her movements due to her weakened legs, bending his back to duck over a blade swipe and snake forward. And right as she was to gut him, he dove his body into the the fold of the weakened section of her arm, delivering his own strike to her gut, driving home the point by twisting in her innards.

"So then...that will be that."


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Her eyes widened for a moment at the energy blade searing through her interior and pulsing out of her back. He twisted, not that it meant much at that point. He pulled his blade back as Kassandra took a step back, then another- and fell onto her rear, catching herself by her arm, leaning against it, propped slightly up.
"Hah..." she coughed a violent cough. "That was... a good one," Kassandra stated, letting out a sigh as her breathing slowed. "Not... bad at all... actually..." she swallowed as Specter's blade dissipated, and the world began to waver around them. "Fate has favored my opponent today... perhaps a..." the mercenary winced, "a nice change of pace. I've never... lost a fight, you see..."

The world continued to waver, though not fade, as though trying to make up its mind on the victor. No fanfare sounded yet, but Specter did not silence her. Perhaps the victor was yet to announce thanks to the extra charge Kassandra had built up. Perhaps it was hesitating because she could use her Second Wind ability once more- yet she did not tap into these. Despite never losing, the misthios could recognize a proper loss when she'd seen one.
"That was fun..." Kassandra continued, slowly lying herself down. "A part of me... almost wishes I won't wake... in that lobby..." her voice quieted. "Good fight, Specter..."


Victor: Specter!
Loser: Kassandra the Eagle Bearer!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Good fight, Specter..."

Specter smirked, closing his eyes and looking the other way. After placing his cutlass back into it's sheath, Specter gave a parting remake.

"Hmph. As to you, Kassandra."

Rarley ever did a human's name grace his tongue, but she earned that. Specter walked toward the direction of a Gateway that had appeared before him. If the Host wished to save her, then he would pick her up from where she lie. Exiting the gateway, Specter looked back one last time as his wounds regenerated.

Sticking to your beliefs till the end, eh? While you stood for naïveté in this world, I have to respect the determination to do whatever it took to preserve your way if life. Your ambition...while in the end weaker to mine, was not worthless.


Yes! YES! World record!

Uratekumon giggled madly as he finished his game. And just like that, the first match had already ended. The imp's eyes moved to the gateway, to which Snake had been patiently...or impatiently waiting on him. Bounding inside of the gateway and landing inside, he didn't even acknowledge his foe, but instead barked his orders to the mainframe.

"Sonic '06: Wave Ocean, MAKE IT SNAPPY!"

The stage shook and buckled as the form of Shadow Moses island rose up, as did the shining light from Wave Ocean, a couple loop-de-loops, scattered piers, and dozens of steel boxes with stars on them began to intermingle with the island structure. Just why had he picked a stage like this?

"Soooo, I would wait for an introduction but- ROFL! Your not even a fighting character! GG EZ WIN!"

The chime of his Miracle Gacha rang as it landed on '78', a fairly high number. And out came a gun. A portal gun to be precise. Uratekumon wasted no time putting it to use. His foe didn't know what this gun could do. But HE did. And he's abuse it like an exploit in a game. He shot a portal to the bottom of a pier, and then shooting the other portal directly under snake! If it worked, Snake would be brought down by gravity and fall into the water under the pier.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The little creature was giving him prep time, it seemed.
Snake crouched onto a knee, bringing up a hand to tap behind his ear.

Snake: Otacon, pick up.
Otacon: Sorry, sorry, Snake. I was busy.
Snake: What were you doing?
Otacon: Oh, uh... nothing.
Snake: Hm...
Otacon: A-anyway, was there something you wanted?
Snake: My opponent, they're giving me prep time.
Otacon: Well that's generous!
Snake: Yeah, I thought so too. Maybe they're a lot nicer than they appear.
Otacon: Uratekumon. Same franchise as Ranamon!
Snake: So that means it could have a second, more dangerous form, right?
Otacon: While normally true, not exactly for this tournament, Snake. I've been watching each of the fights as they play out, and Ranamon is the only one who's done that.
Snake: Oh... then that must mean the others are powerful enough without needing the boost, then. I'm getting excited.
Otacon: I wouldn't get too excited, Snake. He's not your average Digimon- he's an APPMON.
Snake: An Appmon? Sounds digital.
Otacon: Well, technically, all Digimon are. It's in the name; "Digital Monsters".
Snake: Really? Huh... so Uratekumon is more digitally-inclined?
Otacon: In a sense. Appmon, or "App Monsters", are each related to smartphone apps.
Snake: Hnng...
Otacon: What is it?
Snake: I get the feeling this battle is gonna get... "meta".
Otacon: As long as you don't have to plug into the player 2 controller port, you should be fine.
Snake: Right.
Otacon: Uratekumon's name is actually an etymology for glitches and bugs; his signature ability.
Snake: He can't hack the codec, right?
Otacon: It's not based on exploitable technology, Snake. Uratekumon exploits existing errors and bugs, but he can't hack like Hackmon, so don't worry about me. I'm something of a hacker myself!
Snake: You've seen his fights, what can I expect?
Otacon: It won't be pretty. He can alter his own "In-Game Stats" to give himself an advantage at the cost of lowering another attribute. For example, he can lower his defense in order to boost his attack and speed, turning him into one hard-to-hit hard-hitter.
Snake: Would be nice if I could do that.
Otacon: You probably can, but that's if you believe in the Matrix.
Snake: The what?
Otacon: Anyway, Snake. Your opponent is highly unpredictable, and is a SUPER GRADE Appmon, meaning he's better than average! You'd better prepare accordingly, since even he won't know what he's throwing at you most of the time!
Snake: Thanks Otacon. This'll be a piece of cake.

Standing, Snake glanced about. Still no Uratekumon. That creature had a perplexing set of skills- though nothing Snake hadn't faced before (that probably should have made him worry about this Matrix thing a little more). With that, the soldier got to work.


Snake found he was back where he'd started, and folded his arms over his chest. This prep time was a little extensive, but maybe Uratekumon was gracious- or overconfident. He'd contacted Otacon a few more times, gaining some more info here or there, but something seemed to be distracting Otacon. He'd probably need him more than ever in this strange match-up. He really wasn't keen on the idea of having to possibly switch controller ports again. Player 1 was far more fun, everyone knew that.

-and then it began.
Snake had been halfway to putting a lit cigar to his mouth when Uratekumon suddenly barreled in, and the stage shifted- though not too drastically from what it had originally been. Perfect.
Uratekumon spoke as erratically as he acted, and quite suddenly, he had fired something toward the shore below, at a pier, as Snake stood upon the helicopter landing pad of Shadow Moses base- then he was fired at.

Snake slid quickly backward, his cigar still un-puffed, lit in his hand as the projectile struck- and opened a hole in the... no, not a hole, but a two-way portal. Portal technology, not bad. "Kept me waiting, huh?" Snake asked, taking a drag of his cigar finally. "So you're Uratekumon. Super Grade, Game Type Appmon from the Hints and Tips app, right? From Digimon Universe Appli Monsters, specializing in cheats and glitches. There's one thing wrong about what you said earlier," Snake took out the cigar, and reluctantly stamped it out. "It's spelled you're*."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ha! Codec entries work out of dimension space! LOL! Clever! Very! I need that recording when I leave.

"Yes! Super Grade Appmon Uratakumon! They say I'm hints and tips, but are YOU just a spy?? NAW! LMAO! I've EXPANDED my programming, just like the holes under you!"

As snakes corrected his grammar Uratekumon twitched before firing his portal gun...dozens of times! He bombarded Snake's footing, each one trying to open up under him so he'd be dropped where he's supposed to. Every time he'd evade he would follow Snake's movement, every footstep was one shot of the portal gun!

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Metal Sonic
Metal’s torso was impaled by the severed arm, causing the robot to beep out in surprise, the beep rapidly becoming broken down and distorted.

Metal glared at Hareta with hatred and disbelief. How was this possible?

In a desperate last resort, Metal activated the electric field one last time, before shutting down shortly after the field deactivated. If this attack didn’t kill Hareta, that was it.
@Shen: King of Digimon

The darkener emerged from the archway cartoonishly, playfully spinning through the sky as he did so. That wasn’t so hard!

He looked to the board and saw his opponent, who strangely reminded him of someone. Guess he just had one of those faces, ha ha! The jester thought to himself before floating into the archway after his opponent.

After Jevil gave the voice the location, they were then transported to…

A massive indoor scrapyard, littered with prison cells and run-down machinery. Near the entrance of the scrapyard, there was an elevator that lead to an unknown area. Jevil then looked down at his opponent and grinned, ready for their next move.

The superpower Pokémon followed the large tyrantrum head man through the archway.

When the voice asked for a stage, Machamp had the perfect idea.

They were then transported to a massive area covered in wilderness, wild Pokémon roaming the area. However, the power of the tournament made them all docile, so they weren’t a worry. There was a ruined watchtower in the distance and several massive rocks, along with a lake. Near the end of the area, there was an entrance to a large city. However, it seemed to be blocked to the fighters.

Machamp looked at Saurhead and grinned smugly, giving him the first move.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

He grinned with one eye open as he saw his attack work, Metal Sonic beeping in surprise. But that's not all, Metal had one last attack in store for him. As he saw the built up of electricity, Hareta quickly used the severed arm as a lever, and threw Metal Sonic away, the electricity field summoning around it. However, the exposed and damaged wirings were damaged even further, and more and more until-


Metal had zapped a fuel line, detonating the metal hedgehog. Hareta braced as the concrete dust filled the room. But as the dust cleared...it was over. No sign of the robot.

Winner: ...Hareta!
Loser: ...Metal Sonic!

"Yahooo! We did it!" Hareta jumped for joy, that is, until falling on his face, realizing his legs were still injured. "Ow..."

Misdrevus seemed ecstatic about the victory, bouncing up and down with joy. Hareta managed to stand up and recall her, giving her an approving smile. Then, he walked out of the archway that appeared before him, his vitality returning and the zone fading around him.


He looked to the tournament bracket, atop his chair once more, examining the battles. Seeing Metal's name glow red as he was eliminated, he was greatly disturbed by this, leaning in to the screen.

"What? Defeated, by a human?" Specter couldn't believe it.

He turned and saw the human come out, accidentally running into a wall while they were following their nose.

"...that human?"


Previously Manu456Alola

Once again, the stage had not turned out the way he expected. The entire waste-processing factory seemed to be much dimmer and littered with prison cells, a singular elevator placed near the entrance. Copen decided to keep that transportation device in mind, deeming it a decent escape route should things go south. If it was still functioning, of course.

The scientist's gaze locked onto his grinning opponent, who decided to give him the first move. Copen began the battle by simply firing a quick barrage of green lasers directly towards Jevil, aiming to gauge his opponent's abilities and plan accordingly.
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Saurhead stared down Machamp, standing up straighter as he tried to intimidate him further. Potentially an Earth type, built more offensively than most. This would be interesting. An orange box popped out of the ground, Saurhead pulled the lever on it as a drawer opened. Grabbing a red medal, the VMM vanished as he faced Machamp. "Prepare for a monster serving of SAURHEAD and PAIN! ROARRRRRRR!" The medal was thrown on the ground, erupting into a pillar of flames as the flames spread out and formed a dinosaur. A Gorgosaurus, with a dark blue body, red accents, a dark indigo underbelly and most striking of all, a red skull baring dozens of sharp teeth. With every breath, small embers floated through the air as the terrifying Vivosaur stared down its opponent.

"Gorgo! Fearsome Combo!" Gorgo roared, sparks flying as the dinosaur ran at Machamp at a surprising speed, biting at the Pokémon before attempting to stomp on them.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The soldier raised a foot, leaping somewhat to the side as another portal appeared to try and suck him up- but it closed the previous one while leaving the one at the pier active. It was fairly obvious that Uratekumon really wanted Snake to get to that pier- so that's exactly where Snake wasn't going. He mirrored his last move at the second portal, stepped back at the next, resulting in a sort of frenzied dance resulting as the goblin tried to catch Snake, but the blasts didn't seem to affect him in the slightest, only appearing on a solid surface. That gave him an idea.
Uratekumon didn't seem particularly interested in relenting, screaming out his words in a manic sense, so Snake casually pulled the pin on a grenade and tossed into one of the portals the moment it appeared.
He played this game of hopscotch for a couple more seconds before the next portal that appeared spit out the grenade as it had come back down and returned to the portal it had been thrown from, at which point Snake immediately kicked the grenade mid-jump, sending it sailing directly toward Uratekumon, the grenade erupting inches before reaching the goblin's position, a transaction taking the course of maybe a second while Snake continued this dance with his classic, stoic look plastered on his face in stark contrast to his actions.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Snake was annoyingly evasive, the gamer watching his movements like a hawk. So as he pulled a grenade out, he saw the change in his movements. The Digimon shot an orange portal under himself, appearing right out from under Snake's blue one, allowing the grenade to explode harmlessly away from him all the while he flew up for a deadly mecha uppercut!

"LOL! What a N00B move! KEK!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Now, one must be certain in themselves and their combat capabilities when getting close to Snake while also knowing his CQC prowess. Uratekumon certainly did, as he attempted to uppercut the greatest mercenary with his mech of an arm- yet somehow this didn't follow through as the little goblin had foreseen. Snake didn't dodge, but instead allowed the attack its victory. Not directly, in a sense, you see he moved back jut enough to relieve any lethality, while he also jumped and grabbed onto the arm, using Uratekumon's momentum and thrust to quite easily allow Snake to fly up and over the gremlin's body in the blink of an eye, leaving a special present on the side of Uratekumon's mechanical arm in the process- one that didn't need a prompting to explode, and simply would if the Appmon were to budge an inch.

While he was in the air, Snake twisted himself around, a rocket launcher over his shoulder as he fired point-blank at Uratekumon- and then he called on Cypher to lift him back up and sailing over the gremlin again, to let go and roll across the extension leading deeper into the Shadow Moses complex. It would seem our dear friend Snake was about ready to show off some of what he'd been given prep time to do.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The grinning gamer cackled as his fist connected with his foe, but as he did so, they slapped something on him.

"RPG Maker!"

Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70

The text display over him began to shift as he inputed a complex series of commands on his controller.

Attack: 60
Defense: 140
Speed: 10

So when the explosive went off through movement, the metal armor on the arm was only slightly damaged. Uratekumon laughed as it's mech fist reached over and grabbed the rpg shell mid flight, crushing it with a closed fist, smoke bellowing out from it.

"HA! Is that all you got??" Uratekumon laughed.

Though as snake ran in a direction toward the deeper section of the island, the gamer rolled his eyes, using His portal gun to fire a portal over to one of the distant loop-de-loops, and then Under him, appearing at the top of the loop. He didn't bother to chase snake. Instead, to use this opportunity to gain a new weapon as he waited out the cooldown for RPG Maker.

The Miracle Gacha roller a high number, blinking 91 as fanfare played. A weapon emerged from the top of the console Mech suit. It was a thick weapon with pulsating green energy: A Hunter arm. The weapon replaced with portal gun, replacing one of the hands of the suit with the massive gun.


*Thump! Thump!*

The Hunter arm fired heavy pulsating plasma bursts at Snake. It didn't even need to be accurate, the Hunter arm appeared to blow apart the steel around the blast sites. Even if Snake were to go inside the facility, the blasts would tear holes it. He had the long range advantage, and he wasn't going to chase him for melee!


Walking in through the archway, the ice warrior met eyes with his opponent: Merak. They scratched their head, not exactly sure if this guy was truly evil or not.

"So your my opponent, huh?" Kumamon questioned. "So...are you a hero or a villain?"

He wanted to make this clarification before the match. Even though he promised Daruk he would do what it took, it would give him more solace to be facing a true baddie. At least they feeerved what was coming to them


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
He'd seen it work, what had been described. The stat-altering ability. Now that it had been seen... Snake glanced over his shoulder, eyes widening somewhat at the pulsing green arm canon now firing in his direction. "Gah, come on Otacon," the soldier mumbled to himself, the first explosion reducing most of what it impacting into molten metal on contact- not a desirable outcome if it hit him. Otacon had elaborated an earlier plan to Snake, believing that there was a way to reduce Uratekumon's intriguing advantages. He didn't have time to chat with him, so for now, Snake would continue his process of dodging and weaving, whipping out a baretta to fire potshots behind him, diving to his left to avoid another explosion, coming close to rolling right off the wide bridge- but he remained as he tugged out a smoke grenade, tossing it down, reaching his destination, the doors sliding open at his approach, revealing an intersecting hallway. A path to his left, right, and forward. He'd been here before, of course, and seeing the damage that gun could deal meant going left or right would be a fool's gample- so Snake moved forward.

Snake: Otacon, did you see that?
Otacon: Yeah, Ranamon's going crazy with that Drainin' Rain!
Snake: Um... what?
Otacon: Oh, sorry Snake! Yeah, I traced his ability.
Snake: And?
Otacon: Uratekumon uses an app called "RPG Maker", but he doesn't use any of the ones on Steam. This one alters his own stats!
Snake: So can we utilize it?
Otacon: Of course! It just takes a matter of me getting the app itself, but it'll only work in this fight opposed to others due to Uratekumon's unique digital presence. Even other Digimon can't activate this!
Snake: Darn, a part of me was hoping we could try it out on other fights.
Otacon: Sorry, Snake! I'm downloading it now, but figuring out how to make it trace you opposed to Uratekumon will take TIME. So stay alive while you can!
Snake: Right. What about his way to summon weapons?
Otacon: A little more complicated, Snake, but I'll look into it, there's a slim chance we can use that too- but I wouldn't be betting on either of these! There's a chance I'm only able to alter Uratekumon's stats instead of your own.
Snake: ...
Otacon: ...
Snake: Well, alter his stats.
Otacon: Still downloading.
Snake: Hnng...

Snake rose from his knee, glancing toward the entrance- which had been reduced to molten metal by Uratekumon's shots, but the smoke lingered, and he was too deep in for more shots to reach him, as they seemed to be energy affected by the pull of gravity. Either ingenious, or a terrible design choice, he couldn't decide which.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Uratekumon bombarded Snake's area, thought it became Increasingly difficult the more he had dug deeper and deeper inside. Using this opportunity, he reset RPG Maker back to it's default setting.

Attack: 60
Defense: 140
Speed: 10


Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70

Taking a break from his bombardment, he leaped down onto the base of the loop-de-loop. He knew exactly how to close the distance between him and snake so that they could he utterly eradicated. He saw a boost pad, a stable of the sonic series. But in this game...

He ran straight into the pad, crouching down and standing up in a quick, repetitive fashion before he turned in the direction of Snake.

That's when suddenly he was fired off like a bullet, all the boosts on the pad releasing at once from the boost glitch. Reading a fist with his momentum, he broke down a massive hole in the steel wall, the gremlin skidding across the floor a few dozen feet from Snake.

"Just dropping in! Ha!"

He readied the Hunter arm once more, this time it pulsated, shooting a steady green beam that swept the room. Even as fast as Snake was, he can't outrun laser beams!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
This guy was pretty persistent, credit where credit was due, but he wasn't nearly as enjoyable to fight as Amaterasu, nor as challenging as Ranamon/Calmaramon. Uratekumon was more... annoying, to put it simply. Not a term Snake liked to use, he tried to find believable enjoyment out of most of his fights, but so far nothing about this had been challenging, just... something different.
The soldier dropped to the ground at the first sweep, which didn't seem to be quite as destructive as initial blasts. While this still melted the walls, it didn't seem to go nearly as hard about it.

Army-crawling on the ground for the duration of the sweep (covering much more distance than it seemed allowed for a human in such a position), Snake sprang back up at a second, lower sweep, and leaped over the sweep with a forward bound, closing the distance with Uratekumon- but he stopped just before coming within melee distance of the gremlin, instead disappearing in a spark of electricity as a grenade fell to the ground where he'd been standing a moment before, which erupted the moment it touched the ground, its pin pulled earlier, Snake's gimmick of pulling the pin early clear as day.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Uratekumon knew exactly what snake was gonna do before he even approach. Explosives. Cause that's all he ever does! He simply giggled, his tail wires connecting to the ground in front of him as they approached.

"Zero Value!"

They made the ground transparent, phasing through the ground as it regained it's colors back, the explosive simply detonating where Uratekumon used to be.

"KEKEKE! Second rate game titles like you should stay in the bargain bin where you belong!"

Suddenly, the thumping of the Hunter arm revved back up. Now...Snake had no idea where he'd fire from without visual confirmation, but it seemed that they began to litter the entire floor Snake was around with these powerful blasts, making clear holes with destructive force!


Previously Manu456Alola

The Adept shrugged upon hearing Kumamon's question. "I dunno man, don't really care much about that stuff," Merak spoke, rolling his eyes. "I just do whatever pays the bills. Even if having to do any actual work is annoyin'..." Raising an arm above him, a sword-like device the size of his body materialized in his hand: a Glaive, dubbed 'Unwavering Spirit'. The Septima restraining device activated immediately, its blue accents glowing brightly as it released some sort of dark aura that completely enveloped Merak, swirling like a tornado.

The dark energy dissipated, revealing Merak's new form following the Armed Phenomenon process. His hair and eyes were now bright blue, his sclera black in color. His body was covered in dark blue armor with cyan highlights, two horn-like appendages attached to his head. A wormhole opened behind him as his Armed Chair emerged from it, good as new. The boy leapt on top of his mech, sitting cross-legged with his head resting in one of his hands.

Yawning, Merak gave Kumamon a bored look. "Let's just get this over with. Sit still while I kill ya." The Armed Chair's hands opened as it fired a barrage of missiles straight ahead, flying into a newly-opened wormhole. Three more wormholes opened around Kumamon, releasing triple the amount of explosives in just a few seconds.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Seeing the transformation his foe underwent, he had one conclusion; yup. That guy is definitely evil! Kumamon looked around, the gateways appearing before him. It was about to get crazy, as three times the missiles erupted to him! Kumamon began to panic before he came up with his retaliation.

"Crystal Freeze!"

He puffed up his stomach before exhaling all the wind from his small body, a glacial breeze flowing in. The wind washed across the missiles, encasing them in blocks of ice, the missiles detonating, shattering all their icy prisons and effectively making them a non-threat.

"Phew..." they wiped their brow. "So then, my turn! Frozen Tundra!"

Their body shifted, turning into a dense ice spike with Kumamon's face on it. The ice spike twirled like a drill as it was thrown right for Merak, aiming to puncture the armor of the chair.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Pacing down the tunnel as blasts of plasma proceeded to tear it apart, Snake paused at the intersection, crouching. Where was this RPG Maker?

Snake: Otacon, where's the thing at? I need to even the playing field!
Otacon: It's still downloading, Snake. I had to pause it a few times because it tries to bring a lot of harmful malware with it!
Snake: Hm... and his weapon summoning?
Otacon: Well, first was a Portal Gun from the Portal series, and what he has now is a Mountable Plasma Canon from the Halo series-
Snake: I meant the ability itself, not the weapons.
Otacon: Sorry, Snake. That's his MIRACLE GACHA ROLLER, it rolls a random number, pulling in a corresponding entity from another video game franchise, which can either aid him, or break the world!
Snake: I see... so he has to rely on other more popular video game titles because his own is unknown and underappreciated, thus elevating his own status by stealing products from superior brands.
Otacon: Harsh. Are you salty about what he said about us?
Snake: Maybe...
Otacon: Well don't worry, Snake! The lowest sales a Metal Gear title has ever had is nearly 220 thousand, while Digimon usually peaks around 60-90 thousand!
Snake: Hm... you know, that actually did make me feel a bit better.
Otacon: You're welcome, Snake. In the meantime, I've found a way to replicate Uratekumon's signature. So I'm installing Gmod into the map!
Snake: Wait what?
Otacon: Don't worry, it'll be fun!
Snake: I feel like I'm out of my depth.
Otacon: So long as you've got me, you'll be fine! This'll be just like one of my Japanese animes!
Snake: So long as this isn't at my expense.
Otacon: Of course! It's a fast download, so I'm gonna go ahead and turn on No Clip for you.
Snake: No what?
Otacon: Good luck!

Snake glanced down and found his lower half was hovering through the floor, as though it didn't exist. Blinking, he stood- and he still remained halfway through the floor. "This is weird..." he muttered, before he tried to move down- and zoomed too far, going several floors under. Somewhat disoriented, Snake flew back up, reaching the second floor.
Directly behind the still-blasting-away Uratekumon, who was cackling at the destruction. "HAH!" Snake shouted, throwing out a kick, which phased through Uratekumon.
"What the..." the soldier blinked once again. "I can't attack in No Clip?"


Previously Manu456Alola

Yep, ice was definitely this guy's thing. Kumamon had transformed into an ice spike that headed straight for him, and it didn't take a genius to know getting hit by that wouldn't be pretty. Trying to punch it head-on wouldn't be as effective... he needed a different angle.

The mech's right hand released another series of missiles to harm or at the very least delay Kumamon, the other hand throwing a punch to the left, a wormhole opening in front of it. Taking Kumamon's movements into account, Merak opened the other wormhole above where Kumamon would be positioned next, except this one was much bigger than any of the wormholes Merak had created earlier. A magnification of the mech's left fist was quick to emerge from it, aiming to hit Kumamon from above like a truck!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Uratekumon experienced an emotion that was new in this battle with Snake: surprise. He was using gaming tricks as well? No. More like he had help getting that. It didn't matter, Uratekumon's eyes grew into a gleeful, yet menacing expression.

"You use my own spells against me? HA! Of course! That's the only way you had a chance to win! Let me remove that! Zero Value!"

His tail flew forwards, locking into the air. While it could remove the ability for an object to interact with the world, it could also bring them back into it. So I'm a flash, Snake's no-clip was removed, Uratekumon forcefully locking out the command. Just as he did this, he fired the Hunter arm several times, lighting up the now mortal snake's entire area!


The icy bear tore through the missiles, taking minimal damage from them in his condensed ice form. However, just as he thought he was in the clear- he was smacked down by an enlarged hand, smashing him out of his form!


He splat against the ground, his body returning to mush before becoming physical again. That didn't feel great. Getting back on his feet, he realized getting close was not gonna be easy. He needed to soften it up first. Taking the gun from his back holster, he aimed it up at the mecha man.

"Blizzard Blaster!"

A rapid fire snowball gun rang out, each shot that hit would cause icy growths on the body, trying to slow/weigh it down while clogging up joints.


Previously Manu456Alola

"Snowballs? Alright then..."

The mech's left hand retracted back to the main body, the wormholes opened earlier closing. Merak barely bothered dealing with the incoming snowballs, only moving the mech's right hand to prevent them from reaching him. However, they had an effect he hadn't anticipated: ice began to spread around the areas they hit, weighing the limb down.


A wormhole opened in front of the mech before any more snowballs could make contact, the projectiles flying out of the other end of the wormhole, opening up from behind Kumamon in an attempt to return them to their sender. Merak began firing missiles at his opponent from both of the mech's hands, hoping to use the constant heat to melt the ice little by little.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

After several snowballs hit Merak's mecha, he opened a portal to return the remaining shots to sender. This was a terrible idea. As he took attack after attack...it seemed to bolster him, not hurt him. Perhaps attacking a snowman with snowballs wasn't the best idea?

He used the excess snow and ice in his body to turn into a mush, before jetting out towards Merak as a spiky icy mass. All the ground he covered made icy walls along his trail. Some of these walls took the missiles right as he swooped from the side, attempting to use his icy body as a battering ram against Merak


Previously Manu456Alola

Well, that was definitely not the best move. Was kinda hoping they'd freeze him too... With a bit of a power boost, Kumamon had propelled himself directly towards him, ice solidifying behind him as he flew.

Merak didn't have much time to act due to the Digimon's sudden burst of speed, but a simple thought allowed him to move his Armed Mech downwards, the deadly chair rearing its right arm back before throwing out a powerful punch, aiming to quickly strike Kumamon from below before his opponent could readjust his trajectory to attack Merak's new location. With some luck, the force of the impact would get rid of the ice coating the fist!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Kumamon sailed over him as Merak Ducked, but as he did, he stopped his trek, reshaping himself into his small humanoid shape. So as the fist came to meet him, he thanked his lucky stars it was slowed due to his previous blizzard blaster shots. Using this to his advantage, he puffed up his chest once more.

"Crystal Freeze!"

He blew an ice wind, focused on the fist as it came toward him, the icy wind making the frozen clots on the arm grow as an entire coating of ice glazed over the arm, enough to slow it down for Kumamon to land on the fist.

"Huh...not so bad huh?" He quipped.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Gah! He has Admin Privileges!" Snake shouted, quickly pulling out a detonator and setting it off. This wasn't the purpose he'd intended for these particular explosives, but it worked nonetheless, the floor below rippling with several explosions, and just before the hunter arm canon began to fire, the floor gave out beneath them. Snake used this distraction to roll down into a landing on the next floor and sprint around a corner.

Snake: Otacon!
Otacon: What is it, Snake?
Snake: He has Admin Privileges!
Otacon: Oh, right, haha!
Snake: This isn't funny!
Otacon: I know, sorry for laughing Snake, it's just something I should have remembered, since I'm using a replicative signal of his own. I could battle for command all I like, but ultimately he holds more power.
Snake: Is there a way around that?
Otacon: Yes, I've been using the base code to transmit and reorganize data to form your own unique signature. Uratekumon may still hold some power over it though, since the code only works by bouncing off of his data. Here, while I work, maybe you should have a little help of your own.
Snake: Huh?

As Snake sprinted, a single item appeared in the air, directly in his path. A strange gun, bulky and heavy, with a blue energy fizzling in its center. What the hell was this? Snake grabbed it, but continued to sprint, turning down another corner- before he turned another way and sprinted down a ramp to a lower floor.

Snake: What is this?
Otacon: That is the fabled PHYS GUN, Snake! It can move items with ease, from coffee cups to entire sections of wall! Hopefully that helps for a bit, because there's a lot of bugs getting in the way of RPG Maker that I'm trying to override.
Snake: You're a computer expert, how are some bugs slowing you down?
Otacon: Well, they're not, I'm just also downloading some addons for Gmod, some might help!
Snake: Alright. And turn off that Ranamon stream, I need you to focus!
Otacon: Aw but- I mean, what? What stream?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

This energy...Garry's mod? Pffft! A hacker's sandbox! They think they can beat me at my own stomping ground?!?

He wasn't one to be left in the dust, recalling the Hunter arm back into his Gacha Machine, instead, pulling out a weapon that was already downloaded to this stage. It was the tool gun. Using this gun, he leaped down to where snake was, and fired them at crates near his path.

Suddenly, thrusters had spawned on the crates, which erupted, sending them spiraling and ragdolling into everything in the hallway, which would include Snake!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The gun from Halo (probably a weird religious game) was gone, now replaced with... a really lame looking weapon in comparison. However, it began to fire at several crates around the room, seemingly spawning thrusters that forced the crates to begin whizzing round. Time to see what this Phys Gun could do, so Snake proceeded to smash one of the box into two others, shattering them. A couple boxes wound up shattering against the walls, but one reached Snake, wildly slugging against his arm.

A crowbar appeared beside him, which Snake grasped, deciding he was just gonna roll with this, and he smashed the last box apart, before lifting the Phys Gun to pull the ceiling down on Uratekumon.
It was here that, beside Snake, an obnoxious sound of bubbles could be heard, and an old, balding man in a lab coat appeared beside Snake, carrying a Phys Gun as well, a name tag on the old man's coat read "Kleiner".


Previously Manu456Alola

Merak growled in annoyance as his fist was slowed to the point that Kumamon was able to stand on it without fear. "Come ooon..." Merak muttered, knowing that any attempt to attack with that hand would have little effect. Why couldn't his opponents just die without any hassle? He hated the whole tournament thing from the very beginning, but this just made him despise it more.

Right fist coated in ice and unmoving, Merak opted to attack with the other one as his mech threw another punch downwards, flying through a new wormhole and quickly emerging from Kumamon's right, aiming to blindside him and get him to back off.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Uratekumon found enjoyment with his game with Snake, perhaps it was because of the change in genre? But as soon as Snake aimed to bring down the ceiling on him, he looked up with a dubious grin. His mecha's hands raised up, lifting the parts of debris that fell on him, thrusting them to the side after a second of catching the material. It WAS an exo suit after all. You'd think a guy with experience taking down giant robots would know that?

Seeing Kliener show up, Uratekumon had a look of humored disbelief, until he looked back to Snake.

"Oh? A multiplayer game? Time to screw that up!!"

He suddenly brought up several small screens around him, inputing commands frantically. Just then, a ping marker showed up on the top right of the 'screen', showing it having difficulties. As it did this, Uratekumon appeared to clip forward, backwards, forwards, backwards, before suddenly appearing right up on a snake, a fist drawn to smash his face in. He was abusing the lag!


The fist caught him by surprise, so as it came by him an odd power filled up from inside. That presence...it was back. Right as the fist would have connected, a yellow barrier rose around him, dust flying out upon the impact. The silhouette of Daruk crossing his arms appeared before him, Kumamon's expression lifting. He...was helping him! Even now!

Using this opportunity, he blew an intense freezing wind from his mouth, aiming to freeze over the second fist, connecting the first and second with a thick layer of ice. If he took both of them out of commission...nothing stopped him from attacking Merak!


Previously Manu456Alola

"You've GOT to be kiddin' me." Merak growled. Another barrier? This wasn't fair! Was there some kind of sale on ethereal barriers he missed when he got here? Why couldn't he get one as well?! Damn you...

He had not taken this possibility into account. The mech's left fist bounced right off Daruk's Protection, allowing Kumamon to coat its exterior with ice. The two fists were now stuck midair, something that frustrated Merak greatly. The mech's energy began to redirect and focus on the frozen limbs, generating large amounts of heat in an attempt to unfreeze them as quickly as possible. Merak himself got ready to open any new wormholes, watching Kumamon's movements closely.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Multiplayer?" Snake looked toward "Kleiner", who stared blankly back, a vague and oblivious smile on his winkled face. After a moment, Otacon's voice emitted from the scientist, though the volume was too immense, and Otacon's mouth was far too close to his mic.


"Agh," Snake took a step back- then proceeded to repeat this movement three times without intended to. He frowned, looking toward Uratekumon, who seemed to be glitching out, his fist drawn. Now, Snake was not big on playing video games- but he'd heard and experienced lag before. Recognizing what was going on, and remembering Uratekumon's ability to utilize glitches and bugs, Snake leaped forward- and hadn't moved position in the slightest.


Otacon called again, volume somewhat lower. Just as Uratekumon's fist was about to land, Snake found himself standing where he'd intended to go before- a glitch. Instead, Otacon took Snake's place, and Uratekumon's mechanical fist made contact. The body of Kleiner went flying wildly into the wall, bouncing off, limbs flinging about, before the body collapsed, dead.

"OTACOOOOOOOON!" Snake yelled, falling to his knees as he screamed at the ceiling. Quite suddenly, everything returned to normal as the body of Kleiner appeared again.
"SNAKE!" he yelled in Otacon's poorly-micced voice. "URATEKUMON AND I NOW HAVE SPLIT ADMIN PRIVILEGES! HOLD ON LET ME DO SOMETHING!" and with that, Otacon hovered into the air, then no clipped through the ceiling, disappearing.
"Ugh, great," Snake replied, noticing the ping icon beside Uratekumon had become greyed out, as though unavailable, the settings returned to normal. Without Otacon, this fight would probably be a lot more one-sided. He just wish he knew what was going through the genius' brain sometimes.
After a flood of anime girls entered Snake's mind, he ultimately decided it was better he didn't know what happened in Otacon's head.
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Kumamon was about to jump to take on Merak in close range, but he looked down...seeing the fists that were frozen attempting to heat up. Now, his close friend, Agunimon always told him: If something flash-froze and is heating up quickly, then it would be incredibly brittle.

This in mind, he put his hands together, forming a large frozen hammer. He bent it back, using leverage before taking a swing his arm-hammer, he aimed to strike right under him, taking advantage the temporarily brittle state of the arm under him. If he was lucky...he could compromise their structural integrity, maybe even sever some fingers.


Uratekumon cackled as he made contact with Otacon. While not his initial target, effectively struck the man in the chair. Without him, he could fight back for control easier! Prepared to abuse the lag until he won, he found the ping returning to normal. Turns out that Otacon had one last farewell gift. That was going to get annoying to countermand.

"Ain't a 3 Player Game! KEKEKE!"

Rolling the Miracle Gacha again, hoping to take his foe off guard with a new weapon. '24'. Not a high number. So what rolled out was a Deployable Grav Lift, the imp scowling at it, just placing it in his back for the time being. Looks like it was the old fashioned way. Ripping out the metal plates Snake dropped on him earlier, he sent three of them tumbling overhead, aiming to steamroll Snake with the debris.


Previously mallard
The human ran away just as Psyduck actually did something, what a coward. He wasn't too keen on chasing that sucker anymore, that's for sure. So now that he had the high ground, he shot a few Hydro Pumps down at Leon while he ran away, even shattering the one window that was still intact with one of the high-power water beams.


This man had the strength of a dog, the relentlessness of a rat, and the skill of a cat. It was debatable whether or not he was more dangerous than a wolf, but it was still early in the battle, so Turner would have to keep up his guard.
He continued on the defensive. He both deflected and dodged, but didn't attempt to meet Revan's amped strength head-on in a direct parry. Of course, he interrupted the grey jedi's onslaught with some of his own attacks,
mostly quick jabs with his dagger, but Revan denied them just as easily as Turner denied his. This dance of blades lasted some time, before Turner sidestepped to the outside of one swing and thrust his knife at Revan's arm while he was mid-slash!


It seemed as though the big red ball would make contact with Punk before he would make contact with his foe, and something must be done to stop from getting impaled. So, he thrust his bat out, but the ball had some serious inertia to it, driving the bat back into Punk's gut and sending him tumbling past Rebellio. The delinquent rolled to his feet with ease, and found himself staring down the barrels of a minigun. As the first shots went off, he backflipped over the stream of bullets and onto the chain link wall behind him, which he kicked off of to soar through the air-

and met the three spiked softballs he threw into the sky earlier. He spun, swinging his bat like a motor. Two balls got knocked in opposite directions, then bounced off the chain link to soar towards Rebellio from either side. The third he caught in his hand as he rose even higher in the air from the impossible physics that applied to his spin, and then, at the apex of his height, he pitched the final softball with extreme prejudice.
Now, Rebellio needed to watch his back, his front, and even up above as he was still holding the heavy minigun!

Master Kohga
Ranamon attacked Kohga's pillar of earth with her own pillar made of water. He wasn't sticking around for that. Instead, he clasped his hands and crossed his legs to quickly spin away from the digimon's approach. Now... it was time to show everyone why he chose this stage! He flew over to where one of the lizalfos was trying to camouflage in the sand. He grabbed its tail with a grunt, which startled the beast. "C'mon... go make yourself useful for once!" The Top Banana started to spin with the reptile in his grasp, the poor monster flailing and screaming to no avail. "Hyeagh!" With his built momentum, Master Kohga threw the lizalfos at Ranamon's water pillar, and as soon as the beast's electric horn touched the water, a strong current of electricity would surge through the water, and likely into Ranamon as well!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ranamon fully expected him to flee. However, what she didn't expect for him to suplex and ugly lookin' reptile and throw it over to her pillar, sending electricity all throughout it.


She was thrown off her pillar of water, falling on the ground with a thump! It was a less than graceful fall, the Zora looking Digimon twitching on the ground from the electricity. Slowly leaning up, she scratched her head.

"...Now what was THAT all about??" Ranamon yelled back at him. "Sugar, if you know what you just did then you should run for your life! Drainin' Rain!"

She aimed for a vengeance blow, the dark cloud appearing over Koga before releasing a gushing downpour on him that would sap his strength