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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The mercenary took a few steps back- before the shockwave reached him. "Hng," Snake grunted as it blunted into him. He was at enough of a distance to avoid getting bowled over, merely skidding back a few feet as sand was kicked up all around and went flying, caught in the gust of the concussive wave of energy released from the explosion. The leveled facility (the parts that hadn't gone flying outward) crumbled in on itself, thick plumes of smoke rising from the wreckage, its size warranting a continued collapse.

It didn't take long for a red hue to fall over the land, the smoke filling up the skybox of this generated world and hanging high in the sky. Changing the frequency of his codec, Snake placed a finger behind his ear. "Do it," he rumbled, before he lowered his hand, Uratekumon pushing himself up out of the water, knocked into it by the force of the explosion- and he was currently extending his arm to swipe it through the sand with the clear intent of swatting the soldier.
Tossing down a grenade, Snake leaped up- and summoned Cypher, rising quickly into the air, intending for Uratekumon's hand to take a little damage from the resulting explosion. It wouldn't do much, Snake was aware, but the little it could do would count toward something.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The explosion caused a hole in the armor to rupture outwards, but nothing that would hamper the giant imp from his next move. Using the hand, it grabbed a handful of sand from the beach, throwing it right up at snake in ridiculous quantities. Aiming to obscure his vision, he used the cover to bring his chord tail, cracking it like a whip to snap him down to surface.


Previously Manu456Alola

Merak's attack worked as intended, landing a direct blow on Korikakumon and sending him tumbling to the ground, the Lazy Laser and its associated wormholes disappearing. Seeing as the beast's weapons had been dropped, the Adept was quick to open two wormholes below them to prevent his opponent from using them, spitting them out far behind the Armed Chair if successful.

Injured as he was, it was clear the Beast Spirit of ice was not done yet. The Digimon called out his next move as its dreadlocks shot into the ground, the genius not intending on finding out what they'd do next. As such, he commanded his mech to fly upwards to stay away from the next portion of the attack - but the dreadlocks suddenly emerged with great speed and range, a few of them striking the underside of the Armed Chair's body and accomplishing their task, bringing the flying mech back down to the ground.

"Not coool..." Merak whined, looking his opponent straight in the eye. This guy simply refused to give up. He had to end things soon, and another Lazy Laser would potentially be enough to finish him off. He just had to hold on a little longer. The boy and his mech stood at the ready, the Armed Chair beginning to gather energy for its next Lazy Laser.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The wormholes successfully deposited his axes elsewhere, clanking to the floor. It wasn't as though the beast spirit had recovered enough to go run and grab them yet. In fact, he had just gathered enough power to rise to his feet.

The dreadlocks coiled around their target, dragging them closer to Korikakumon as it screeched against the ground. That's when he held out his hands. Suddenly, the twin Tomahawks began to budge before they flew back his way, attempting to enter their master's hands. However, Merak's Chair was in the way of that, and would soon be Skewered by the blades as they came.


Previously Manu456Alola

Merak frowned as he and his mech were brought closer to Korikakumon, though he didn't seem to be doing much just yet. The beast just... held his hands out in front of him. Weird. Why didn't he just go for a punch or something?

Hold on a sec...

Looking behind him, Merak was greeted by a very unexpected sight, the tomahawks he'd disposed of earlier flying right back towards him! This was bad. He wouldn't be able to open another wormhole in time. Thinking quick, the Adept commanded the one hand his mech had left to move behind him to either block or deflect the incoming projectiles. This would hurt the hand really badly, but it would buy him a little bit of time to prepare his Lazy Laser.

C'mon, almost there...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The twin Tomahawks slammed right into the hand, harshly slicing into the mechanisms, breaking the hand's function completely, the stress fractures from the ice-heat before helped.

However, this meant Korikakumon was without blades to deliver the finishing blow with. With feeling back in his arms and legs and Merak pulled in completely by his dreadlocks, he stepped forward. He was go atop the chair and grab Merak himself before pounding him in with his massive fists!


Previously Manu456Alola


Merak's legs flailed in all directions as Korikakumon picked him up, the boy gritting his teeth while his foe stared at him menacingly. He barely had any options here. His mech's remaining hand had been destroyed, and he could only summon a wormhole or two in this state. He was simply growing too tired. So that left him with only one choice...

One of Korikakumon's massive fists came in to deliver the decisive blow - but it only met air. The fist had flown right into a wormhole, popping out of the other end directly in front of the Armed Chair's open mouth, stopping mere feet from its cannon. It was clear what was going to happen next.

"GGs...!" Merak spat out, controlling the mech with his thoughts to unleash Lazy Laser once more, aiming to decimate its target as the yellow beam soared straight towards the Digimon's arm, and subsequently the wormhole it was coming out from. If all went according to plan, the laser would deliver a point-blank blast and engulf Korikakumon himself!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

In a flash of light, the Kumamon/Daruk fusion's fist was redirected, coming into direct attack with another laser! He thought once he removed the boy from the chair the attack would end, but it seemed as though there were other plans in store.


His arm was completely torched by the laser, the pain forcing him to roughly drop Merak. This laser...something about it. It made his eyes struggle to stay awake. The damage and some kind of sleep factor? The injured warriors fell to the ground, his eyes attempting to stay open.


The eyes of Korikakumon closed for a split second, opening again as Kumamon.

"...I'm sorry."

His eyes closed. For good this time.

Loser: Kumamon
Winner: ...Merak!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Huh?" the soldier raised his brow beneath his bandanna at the sight of the hole ruptured into Uratekumon's glove. He needed to get close to that again, exploit it and-
"Hagh!" the soldier now closed his eye, feeling sand pelt at him from his opponent's next attack. Letting go of Cypher, Snake began to drop, relying on his solid eye in the scenario- and he could see Uratekumon mounting his next attack, swinging about one of his cord-like tails like a whip...

This was gonna hurt.

With a yell, Snake angled his body in a way to resist the initial strike, not taking it head-on, fully aware of the RPG Maker's effects. He had to make this work in a way that didn't allow the attack to "land", more or less...
In the split second the cord cracked like a whip, he grasped onto it, nearly losing his grip immediately from the momentum, feeling a violent tug in his sockets. Gritting his teeth hard enough to chip his teeth, Snake was tugged back- and forced to leg go, near amount the time he'd intended to, feeling a sharp pain shoot up his arm as his left shoulder became dislocated from the force of the whip, using its own momentum to fling himself through the air.

Just before he could pass up his chance, Snake used his good arm to tug out a grenade, pulling the pin painfully with his teeth (don't try that at home, kids, pulling pins on grenades with teeth will get you a trip from the tooth fairy 100% more times than actually pulling it out), feeling another chip in his teeth, pulling one of his teeth just enough for him to taste copper, but there it was. His one-chance opening.
If he could... just...
Snake tossed the grenade through the air, counting for its projectile and speed, as well as Uratekumon's movements, aiming to have the grenade plunge through the hole he'd opened up moments before- and then the mercenary ate sand once again.

Spitting out the grains, Snake turned his head quickly to see if his plan had worked- and to see if there were any incoming attacks, his arm dangling by his side for the moment.
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As snake tossed the grenades towards the hole, the massive Digimon was already preparing for a smack down of when he was going to land, the upward movement punting the grenade over him and it detonated right at one of his tails that swerved alongside him, snapping the end off.


Taking his anger on the subject with a mighty pound on the ground which Snake lie sand quaking out from the seismic event. After this attack, his massive form began to subside, his 50 foot form regressing to a mere 7 foot one, the Mech suit covering as 5 of those feet.


Previously mallard
No way. The Duck refused to go on a wild goose chase after this human. Geese were overrated anyhow. Psyduck fought bill and claw for this rooftop, now he was too stubborn to give it up so easily. But to see if his stubbornness outweighed his impatient nature... now that was the true battle as he temporarily occupied himself with preparing defenses.


Revan was quick to deflect and counter-thrust. In response, Turner had to act quickly. He used his sword to push down on the incoming blade, while simultaneously kicking off the ground with his powerful legs. This saved him from anything worse than a scratch on his belly as he continued upwards and over the grey jedi. At the zenith of his arc, right above his opponent, he slashed downwards with both weapons before landing on the other side. The rabbit wouldn't let his foe get his footing as he turned, and let loose with a flurry of attacks. He began upon his landing, spinning around with a low sweep. Turner then retained this spinning momentum into a jab with his knife aimed at Revan's midsection. His knifearm then snapped back, and in a flash of steel, his sword whizzed towards Revan's throat.


The Demon Carver's vicious edge gleamed in the harsh sunlight, dead set on sinking its steel teeth into some fish meat. Kohga's attack was infallible. Nothing could save Ranamon now- except a chicken did just that. It smacked into the pudgy man's face, pecking and obscuring his sight. His blade tasted nothing but air, and he barreled into Ranamon to take them both to the ground, although Kohga rolled a bit further as he wrestled the chicken. "GAH! FOILED BY A CUCCOO! Begone, you foul fowl!" Eventually, he showed the bird who's Top Banana, and punted it away.
Master Kohga's attention slid back to his two opponents.

"Hey! One at a time, twerp!"

He fumed at Axe for the second time now, but then he stopped to think.

"...Or, I could split myself in two... like a banana!"

He clasped his hands together, aggressively mumbling some sort of incantation, and in a poof of smoke, two Master Kohgas posed fantastically in the place of the earlier one!
@Shen: King of Digimon @Fraseandchico


Cloud-hair disappeared, but where to? Well, where's the most advantageous position to be in a fight? The high ground, of course! Punk peeked behind him, and sure 'nuff, there Rebellio was, going for a quick kill.

But they're just getting started!

The delinquent twisted his lower half to a painful-looking degree, managing to reach his leg to kick the side of the scythe, offputting the swing enough to limit the strike to a small gash on his ribs. But Punk didn't stop there; he never did. His twist continued as his other foot made a round, making to drop a heel on the Falcon's head!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

In a flash, she had been barreled into by a masked madman. The water warrior growled to her feet as he wrestled with a chicken to get off of her.

"I know fans can get cling, but this is ridiculous! Hmph!" She spat, her head held high. "And now there are two of them! If one weren't annoyin' enough as it was. Oh well, you know what they say: Two idiots die just as fast as one!"

So the drainin' rain didn't work as before, so a different skill was required. He gave a little dance before twirling in a circle, her arms positioned as if she was grabbing an invisible pipe with the palms of her hands.

"Dark Vapour!"

A black beam of condensed fog shot out towards the pair of Kohgas. A stray rock blown by the wind fell into the beam...melting within a couple seconds


Previously Manu456Alola

It was already clear that Punk was capable of cartoon-like feats, but this was almost on another level. Punk's lower half twisted unnaturally to deflect Rebellio's attack, using his momentum to his advantage to immediately follow up with a heel to the head, one that made contact with the Falcon and sent him crashing down.

Rebellio was quick to deliver a counterattack, twisting so that his feet faced the ground before extending an arm skyward as he fell, a single crimson string shooting out like a bullet, one end attached to his hand. At the same time, large amounts of thread would emerge from his lower half, latching onto both of the chain link walls floating near the roof, effectively creating a temporary foothold for the Adept to land on safely.

Now positioned on this platform, Rebellio would make use of the string he launched at Punk a moment earlier, which would have wrapped around the delinquent's body should it have made contact. From there, he'd pull on the wire as hard as he could, swinging the Roof Rager all the way down to the ground!



Korikakumon fell to the ground, Merak landing on what remained of his Armed Chair with a thud. That was a little close. Dusting himself off after delivering the final blow, he rolled his eyes upon hearing the Digimon's final words. Classic hero routine...

The world around him began to fade, the Armed Chair fixing itself through unknown means before it disappeared in a flash of light, much to Merak's surprise. Did this magical healing and fixing stuff also reverse transformations? Glancing at the Glaive that just manifested in his hands before vanishing much like his mech, he thought that pretty likely.

"What a hassle... Now I gotta transform again for next match..." He groaned, back to his regular form. He looked back at Korikakumon for a brief moment, sighing before walking through the gateway that opened in front of him, bringing him back to the lobby.


Previously mallard
Master Kohga(s)
The display didn't last for long, because Ranamon had other plans with her beam of dark mist. Both Kohgas crossed their legs and spun away in opposite directions, arcing towards either opponent.
The Yiga Master traveling towards Ranamon prematurely took out his Demon Carver, translating his spinning power into a slash without even touching the ground!
Meanwhile, the other pudgy figure stopped short of Axe. He instead rose higher to get out of reach of the child, and began to summon a ring of boulders floating behind him. A quiet chuckle came from behind the mask, and then he began to rain down Yiga Boulders upon Axe! "HYEAGH!"
@Shen: King of Digimon @Fraseandchico

Funky Punk

Solid hit! Punk celebrated for a moment, disregarding the thread that Rebellio tossed at him. Needless to say, he was soon bound by that very same string, the Roof Rager becoming grounded very quickly. He splintered the wooden boards beneath him, but was quick to shake off the wooziness, spinning his body to unwind the string in a flash. Before the thread could tighten again he scrambled into a run towards Rebellio.
Dizziness washed over him, spinning like that wasn't without consequences. Punk stumbled to the side to regain his footing for just a second, and then made a beeline for his foe, head lowered exactly like a bull in an attempt to charge into the Falcon with his tougher-than-steel skull.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"I'd say your an interesting match for me, but in truth you just bore me to tears sugar!"

She put a hand on her hips as she turned away from him, raising a hand as a water wave swept up to bat him and the sword aside before they could even reach her. It seemed she was not in the mood to play with this guy.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Well... the hole plan didn't work out, but there was still the resulting accidental hit, cutting two of the cord-like tails into one- a win in Snake's book. As he'd turned to look, he saw Uratekumon's giant fist aiming to crush him- but the soldier also noticed the way his opponent was shrinking. It seemed this size difference wasn't a constant- it had a limit. Good, that worked well enough in Snake's favor, though he still had to worry about that fist, considering the RPG Maker, and Uratekumon's extendable arms, alongside the fact that his shrinking didn't seem to be a particularly rapid process.

Kicking himself off the ground, Snake launched himself back, avoiding the initial strike, but the enhanced blow resulted in a short shockwave of energy, spraying sand in every direction as the ground shook, and it blasted Snake back twenty feet or so to skid against the beach on his back with a grunt, before using the momentum to somersault backwards and slide to a stop on his feet.
It still wasn't quite time for his next attack, but he needed to have a counter for his own ultimatum. Snake grabbed his bad arm, and with a jerk and a shout, his shoulder was popped back into place, stinging rather painfully, but it would do.
Snagging out his baretta, Snake turned and began to sprint back to the massive crater left behind by the facility.

Leon S. Kennedy
After some flashlight beams cast about the place along his trudge through the water, Leon reached a storage area, boxes piled high, some dusty books piled onto shelves, and a breaker box on the far side of the room. The only problem? A single zombie standing idly in the room, not having noticed Leon yet.
Zombies weren't typically a very big deal, but in this environment, his firing of a gun to kill one could alert any that might have sunk below the surface, lying in wait, possibly even animal variants from this pokemon thing the duck was clearly from.

Conjuring his knife, Leon slid silently through the water- then plunged the blade through the zombie's skull, the tip sticking out of the other side of its head. Holding it up with his knife, he slowly lowered the corpse into the water, before yanking the blade out and washing it off with a couple swishes in the sickly green water.
Sliding the blade back away, Leon continued his search through this storage area, pulling out and moving around several books, opening boxes, unstacking a few- before he saw it. The same logo from the trading cards was present, so Leon whipped it out to find it was some kind of handbook for a video game. Flipping it open, he found that the book was mostly preserved, having been out of the water and under some books and comics in a box.

A few moments later, Leon heard the swishing of water, and quickly closed the book- he had what he needed. His beam of light cutting through the darkness, he directed back toward where he'd come from, and his eyes widened at the crimson body wading through the water, its brain-like skull pulsing atop its head.
A Licker.
Fortunately, they didn't have eyes, so it couldn't see his beam of light- it hunted based on sound. An evolved zombie due to the T-Virus, and a very deadly foe. He wasn't sure how it had wound its way down here, perhaps out of idle curiosity, or maybe he wasn't being as quiet as he'd preferred, but it was here now, and he had to find a way around it- these things practically ate bullets, Matilda wouldn't do much here.

Perhaps he should pick somewhere that wasn't zombie-infested next time. He had a duck to get back to, after all.

Turner evaded the plunge of the blade, getting merely nicked as he leaped upward, Revan deflecting his blades at the hare's arc before it landed, and they resumed their parries and blows, blades clashing against one another, a shower of sparks flying through the air more than once for every second, their blades a flurry to the naked eye. Turner made to try and sweep at Revan's legs, the gray jedi countering by shifting his foot, and a block of earth shot up just enough to absorb Turner's attack. The jab was met by a clash of steel, tabbing and sliding off of the flat side of the vibroblade, before Revan spun it to slap away Turner's follow-up attack for the throat.

"You are quick," the Revanchist complimented. "Ruthlessly efficient as well, each of your attacks a calculated strike for vulnerable weak points," Revan continued his own flurry of attacks against Turner, matching the hare step for step, continuing to play this dance of death they had since their fight began.
"I should not be surprised- only the greatest can have made it as far as this. No matter your amount of skill, unfortunately, you pose little threat to the will of the living force," with this, Revan tapped into one of his force abilities- Force Speed. Revan's next slashes carried more weight as he wasn't forced to put as much effort into their speed, the force aiding him in this endeavor. With speed quick enough to conjure after-images, Revan stepped forward and made to slash across Turner's midsection, a potential bisect, following up by spinning to appear on Turner's other side, simultaneously cutting at Turner's wrist, attempting to sever the limb, before concluding his move with Force Speed active with an impalement attempt from behind Turner, attempting to plunge the blade between his shoulder blades and pierce the hare's heart.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Oh~ no you don't! RPG MAKER!"

Attack: 115
Defense: 25
Speed: 70


Attack: 75
Defense: 35
Speed: 120

The display box appeared to shift around his stats substantially, a decrease in attack and defense for a ludicrous jump in speed. Uratekumon dashed directly in front of snake before he even managed to get to the crater, whirling a gut punch which his fist before the operative could pull off a move. If this hit, he aimed to use Zero value on him with his good tail so he would fall out of bound of the map and be eliminated.


Previously Manu456Alola

The Falcon's crimson platform vanished once his opponent smashed into the rooftop they started out on, Punk quickly getting back on his feet - though he was clearly a little dizzy. The delinquent was quick to charge at the Adept like a bull, the attack beginning shortly after Rebellio made it down to the rooftop himself.

Rebellio conjured a new scythe as his opponent approached, entering a defensive stance and allowing Punk to get close. At the last moment, the Falcon took a step to the side, simultaneously using the flat side of the scythe in an attempt to send his opponent barreling right off the rooftop.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Hng!" Snake had cast a glance over his shoulder, recognizing the signs, Otacon's voice coming in through the codec all but confirming it.
"Snake, he's poured stats into speed, but his defenses are still fairly lowered!"
The soldier wasn't given much time as Uratekumon zoomed toward him, further enforcing Otacon's words. When the hell was he going to crack into the RPG Maker elements and apply it to Snake himself?

"Ack!" The mercenary barked, taking a step back from Uratekumon's gut punch as it landed while Snake raised his beretta, breath momentarily caught in his throat from the hit, managing to rapidly fire off one bullet in the time it took Uratekumon to jab his remaining tail forward, shouting out what was seemingly his catchphrase of "ZERO VALUE", which Snake had long since figured out the meaning of.
After he fired one shot, he quickly fell through the ground. From Uratekumon's perspective, he should have won-

That is, if Snake hadn't pulled out the same trick he always did when needing a little air time.
Once more from Uratekumon's perspective, it appeared as though Snake had simply slipped under the earth and that was that- but not even a second had passed when Snake emerged, shooting up as he held onto Cypher, simultaneously thrusting his legs out in a rapid rotation, intent on landing a few kicks as Zero Value came to an end.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As he saw Snake fall into the ground, the words filled the temporarily empty stage.

"WOOOOO!! Succ it nerd!!"

the imp pulled out a coin out of seemingly nowhere, biting it as if to tell if it were fake. He was gloating about his victory before even a second passed. This would go unrewarded as snaked kicked him from behind, the surprisingly light Digimon faceplanting into the sand.


He glared back up, spitting up sand as he shook some out of his whiskers. Oh he was not gonna have that.


Attack: 75
Defense: 35
Speed: 120


Attack: 25
Defense: 145
Speed: 80

That's when the now super bulky Uratekumon held his arms outwards as his shockingly nimble body rushed at the aerial Snake. He was going to T-Pose right into snake, asserting his dominance and assuring his victory if he slammed into him.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Again? If Uratekumon was trying to tap more into his signature ability (well, that and his Zero Value), then it was clear Snake was pushing the little gremlin out of options. He stuck his small arms, as well as his mech arms, out like a plane and zoomed through the air to collide with the still-airborne Snake, who was in the process of letting go of Cypher while Otacon warned him that Uratekumon had sacrificed pretty much all of his attack stat for defense.

At this, a smirk tugged at Snake's lips. He could work with that.
Slipping through the air, Snake twisted himself, and latched directly onto Uratekumon's mech as he rammed into him. The lack of attack stat made this simply rattle Snake a bit, give him a grunt, but he was already flipping himself on the other side, his shock knife pulled out, electricity sparking from it as he attempted to make several swipes at Uratekumon's remaining tail. High defense stat or not, enough damage would mount up.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Snake was on top of him. Due to his fortified defenses, he could take it. But as he did leap atop the mecha, he made one fowl mistake: his speed stat was still higher than usual. So as Snake swiped at the tail, it bowed out like if one tried to pick up a ferret, the tail coiling around his knife and his arm in one move.

"Ha! GGS!"

Uratekumon and his heavy oriented body would then latch on to Snake, trying to get him in a wrestling grip on his neck and back before he would plummet to the ground, the weight combined with the impact he would make in the operative would shatter his spine on impact with the ground!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Uratekumon was attempting to grapple and strangle the soldier's arm with the cord- but his severe lack of strength stat left Snake fully capable of grappling with the cord right back, and it simply became easier to deal with once it latched to his arm, no longer given the free movement it had before.

Despite Uratekumon's speed, Snake was quick enough to keep up now that this guy wasn't trying to replicate Sonic's speed, give or take a bit of quick reaction time needed. With a slight rumble in the back of his throat, Snake slid out of the way of grapple attempts from Uratekumon's arms, stretching the cable to lean out of the way a couple times even, something not too difficult thanks to Snake's current superiority in strength by comparison.

Another of the gremlin's mistakes during this quite odd transaction in the air was wrapping his cord around the knife as well, allowing Snake to begin attempting to saw at the cord at an angle as he played a somewhat dangerous game of duping and weaving the arms, which weren't the greatest at grappling at this angle of Snake mostly behind the creature, though the arms came close more than once at grasping Snake, he couldn't keep up this little dance forever.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Stay still! Give up! This game is mine! MINE!"

Uratekumon quickly got annoyed with snake avoiding his gripping him for the meteor slam type move. Instead, he figured to skip the middle man altogether, if that's how he wanted it...!

As Snake had begun to strip the outer layer of metal away the cable, the tip of it stuck into snake, locking into place.

"Zero Value!"

Right as he landed back to the ground, he would fling the phased Snake through the ground and out of bounds. Best case Scenario for snake? Maybe his upper body would survive!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Hm..." Snake hummed as Uratekumon shifted tactics, heading for the ground as Snake felt a sting in his armor, the cord-
Of course. Uratekumon's strategy was very clear-cut. He'd tried to hit Snake with the out-of-bounds victory before, and it wasn't a secret in the slightest what this cord was capable.
"Alright," Snake muttered, feeling the tug of the cord on his arm as it struggled against his grip, attempting to move him.

Grasping the other cord, which had been flying limply about so far, a third of it severed but the rest remained.
Tugging against the active cord and using the other, Snake kicked off of Uratekumon's mech with great force, his legs extending on the tension of the cords flinging him about just as Uratekumon yelled "Zero Value" for the... how many times was that?

Snake's rapid swing arced him under Uratekumon, and just before the effects of Zero Value took place, Snake had hit his maximum inertia, and phased through the cord, going flying skyward using his momentum and tactics simultaneously with Uratekumon landing on the ground.

Airborne again, Snake slid his knife away, hearing a warning coming in over his codec.
"Present is delivered. Unwrapping in 5."
Immediately, electricity arced over Snake's suit, and he disappeared from view just before he could disappear into the nearby forest as an odd whistling filled the air...
Courtesy of the nuclear device falling upon the arena, having been called earlier upon Snake using his codec on a different frequency earlier, when he'd said two words;
"Do it."
And the explosive went off.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ehh??? EHHHH???? Where'd he go?!?"

Snake has spring boarded somewhere just to cloak. He had lost sight of him completely. That's when something was seen flying across the sky. Uratekumon's bloodshot eyes expanded as he locked on target with what it was.

A Nuke! Heh, if I couldn't beat someone I'd nuke the whole place too! Hmph! To bad I'm not like most people!

Uratekumon grabbed hold of his controller as the nuke came bearing down. Rapidly, he began to spam the the inputs of the controller, button mashing each button as the blinking of each button's sound prompts filled the air.


Then the nuke hit, washing over most things in the map, desolating the forests Snake was truly hiding in. Water was blown out and disintegrated, leaving a a massive swath of oceanbed exposed and the entire metal gear facility was destroyed...but one thing was left standing.

A sphere. A rough sphere. It was like a glitched hole in reality, corrupted paths jutting out from it. It seemed anything that came into contact with it was reduced to it's smallest integer and deleted. Uratekumon was firmly inside this sphere, sweat coming from his hands and grease staining his controller. Face an Ult with and Ult. This was a fighting game after all! But a blast like that...Snake certainly took himself out too!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

"Stopping the nuclear launch,"

A shuddering intensity rattled the world. He didn't waver where he stood, enveloped in the darkness.

"Rescuing the hostages,"

The whirring of gears rattled under the weight of the explosion. Still, he didn't so much as flinch.

"It was all just a diversion..."

Liquid's voice permeated through Snake's mind. That had been a long time ago, Snake had been naive back then. Easily manipulated. He could still see his brother's crude smile stretching across his face as he monologued to the stunned Snake.

"From the beginning, the Pentagon was just using you as a vector to spread FoxDie!"

The hum of the structure behind him increased as it activated. There were several moments of silence. When Snake had originally been to Shadow Moses Island, he had learned the truth of his heritage. His twin in Liquid Snake, their cloned existence based on the legendary Big Boss, a soldier Snake had already killed twice...
Now here he was fighting a reality-bending goblin in a tournament. He'd been expecting all of this, for the most part, of course, he'd been prepared ahead of time. Still, though... it seemed as though his life would never see the end of more and more insane revelations- such as the fact that this creature survived the nuclear strike.
Another thing Snake had anticipated. He'd learned from Liquid all those years ago.

"It was all just a diversion..."

Snake sniffed as he took a puff on the cigar, rotating the arm he'd popped back into place earlier. This nuclear strike he'd called in was just a diversion, a way to hopefully weaken Uratekumon, forcibly put him onto a more even playing field- then go overkill in return, allow the goblin to understand what it felt like to be at a disadvantage for a change.
While the facility had been leveled, the nuke destroying anything that remained, there was still the underground tunnels, including the lair of Snake's last resort- the entire reason why he'd selected this map as his arena.

It wasn't completely something to utilize for himself, the computer system based on Liquid's algorithm wouldn't allow that. It would be a rampaging metallic beast, indiscriminately trying to destroy anything living it could see. Not the greatest advantage, but he had a plan for that.

A deathly silence hung about Shadow Moses Island, reduced to rubble and ash, fires smoldering, smoke billowing. A wasteland is what it had been reduced to, even all of the elements that the Sonic arena had incorporated had been destroyed with it. It was now just a barren arena between two combatants.
In the ruins of the blasted forest, the ground began to open up, revealing the metal that had been buried beneath much brush. It was shoved aside as a massive figure began to emerge, appearing hazy on the backdrop of a smoldering world. It rose, and rose, and rose.

Metal Gear REX

Its two massive legs tilted, lifting the mech higher as its missile silo began to hum, each socket glowing, preparing to launch a volley of highly-volatile rockets while a pair of gattling guns began to rev to life, ready to begin spraying a hailstorm of armor-piercing rounds.
Snake slunk away, his active camouflage engaged, though it was quickly running out of steam, he could only use this for so much longer. So for now, he tried to put some distance with REX, having risen with it, and hoped that Uratekumon would believe Snake was controlling it, allow them to pick a fight between each other to start off with.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The gremlin, inside his glitched barrier had several tabs open about the metal gear series, trying to find secret codes or exploits that would prove useful in this circumstance. Judging from the 'online' marker of Snake's name in the bottom right of his screen, he was still kicking somehow. But how?

Looking at an only forum about the corner of the second level and also the underground segment being perfect speed running tricks, Uratekumon cocked a brow. Underground? He forgot that was a portion of the game. Looking back at the appearance of no facility and no trees In sight, it became apparent that's the only place he could have survived a nuclear explosion-


A metal gear erupted from the ground, Uratekumon slowly turning around to see it, the void almost completely regressed. Of course there would be one.

Hell naw! Im leavin!"

He needed cover, so he was dead set on getting to that underground resetting his RPG maker to standard parameters, he made way into the jungle, or what was once the jungle, following the guide to reach the secret entrance.


He found it. Prying open the still hot entryway, he flew inside, landing on the metal grated floor with a 'thump'. Snake had to be here somewhere, else he was facing off with that MACHINE. Or...he was driving it. But if that were the case he better think of a plan in here anyway...maybe try hacking it.

"C'mere sneaky snek!" He called in the endless halls. "Just the two of us, no where to hide!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Aaaand Uratekumon had fled underground. Snake pulled out a cardboard box and placed it over himself, situating his legs under him before deactivating his stealth suit, saving the last bit of juice for later should he need it.
Metal Gear REX began to stomp around, ignoring the cardboard box- it wasn't a living thing.

Snake: Otacon, give me tabs on Uratekumon.
Otacon: The underground segments don't have much to them, he's just sort of hanging down there.
Snake: Oh...
Otacon: What's your plan?
Snake: Don't worry, it's solid.
Otacon: Solid Snake?
Snake: What?
Otacon: I was- nevermind. Please tell me your plan isn't a cardboard box.
Snake: ...
Otacon: ...
Snake: No.
Otacon: You're a terrible liar.
Snake: Look, it's working, REX doesn't register me as a threat.
Otacon: I'll keep tabs on Uratekumon, then...
Snake: It's a good plan!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

After a good little while it became obvious that Snake wasn't down here. Really? He thought that was the best move considering this situation. He hated to think of the alternative that he somehow was driving that massive machine. Becoming increasingly worried about this exact thing, Uratekumon peeked out of one of the tunnels behind the robot, keeping quiet as to not alert it's presence when-

Is that.

Is that a f*ckin box.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." Uratekumon shook his head.

Of course he used that meme worthy box. He needed to get that out from him somehow. Grasping a pipe from inside of the facility, he tossed it out with haste before quickly shuffling back in. The pipe would whirl and slam right into the box, knocking it over with great force. If he were to move out of the way, his cover would be blown as well. It was a no win scenario!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Huh..." the soldier rumbled, looking at REX from the safety of his box, before noticing Uratekumon's massive mech of a hat wobbling up from the entrance to a tunnel- the same one he'd gone down to activate REX and escape his nuclear detonation. REX was turned away from them at the moment, so it wasn't noticing Uratekumon's mech arm rotating to hurl a pipe through the air, aimed for the mercenary. Glancing toward REX, Snake shuffled the box back a pace in the time it took the pipe to arrive, bouncing off the ground with a few clangs.

Almost immediately, the pipe erupted as a series of missiles blasted into it at high velocity, almost ripping the box off of Snake, but he held it down, glaring out of the hole toward REX, who was aimed toward where the now vaporized pipe had been, the noise of the pipe alerting it, then turned to face in the direction of Uratekumon, gattling guns rotating.
Snake let out a low huff, narrowing his eyes toward Uratekumon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

From the confusion shuffling of Snake's box somehow begging faster than his swiftly thrown pipe under his belt, he examined his options. Snake is this heralded 'bullet jumper' or whatever right? All he had to do was beat Snake at his own game!

"RPG Maker!"

Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70

The numbers on his stat reader changed around until they all poured into an overinflated speed stat.

Attack: 45
Defense: 15
Speed: 155

Uratekumon nyomed out of the tunnel, to which the Mech instantly recognized. Now Uratekumon had watched a walkthrough about this thing's mission in the past, it's attack method wasn't too complicated with this current speed. Weaving between bullets like a ninja master would weave through rain drops, he made it over to Snake's box in a flash. With one move he'd sucker punch him before making a u turn directly back towards the tunnels. I'm sure with two targets it'll get a lot easier! Hehehe!


Previously Gamingfan2
The armor looked at the Knight's shade, though it's blank stare hardly showed acknowledgement. It robotically faced away, before stomping off and back through the portal. Upon doing so, the bot stood unmoving as the fights ended, only perking up as the next round started. The bot stomped through a portal again, and reappeared in a completely new arena, this time faced with a being that appeared almost robotic himself. The robot simply stood, waiting for a command.

The dark/ice type clearly did not take her loss well, choosing to stomp and scratch at the floor for a good while after her loss to Copen. And she was on a roll to...
However, her very mature tantrum was cut short by another human-a female-walking up to her and talking. Weavile looked at her in suspicion. She looked normal, and no little AI or lasers in sight. However, she didn't trust humans anymore, not after that freak. Still, she wouldn't let that intimidate her as she raised her claw, narrowed her eyes, and purred almost evilly.
She was ready.

Dark Matter
No time to mope. Dark Matter still had a chance to bring this back. The entity took one look at the name of who it was facing and promptly took the appropriate archway, once again choosing its home the Hyper Zone. As soon as he exited it, the pitch black blob's singular eyes looked around.
It wasn't going to let victory slip by this time.

The sun god trotted along through. She was unaware of who this "BTD" person was, but she was half dazed anyway. She actually quite proud. She had no idea humans would become this skilled, to beat her of all people. Granted, he was extremely different in comparison to Nagi, but she still felt motherly pride for her children, including Snake.
However, she needed to keep her head in the game, so she shook herself back awake, chose the Celestial Plain like last time, and hunched down, ready for her opponent.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Continuing to peer out from his hiding place, Otacon alerted the soldier to a certain something- Uratekumon was pouring as much stats into speed as reasonably possible. Eyes widening, Snake reacted based on pure instinct, and instinct alone. He'd faced speedsters in combat before, individuals with reflexes and speed to put even lightning to shame- beings Snake had been forced to adapt to and overcome. After all, that was something Snake found he was often unmatched at- adaptability.
Through a mere hunch, based on previous experience, Snake reacted to Otacon's words by thrusting himself upward, spinning on his heel as he brought about the box- and Uratekumon missed Snake entirely, striking the box, before immediately retreating back toward the facility entrance.

"Otacon," Snake spoke, tossing aside the box as a trail of gunfire followed Uratekumon, who out-paced it back to safety. A hit and run- child's tactics. In response to Snake's word, the platform that had lifted up REX to the surface immediately began to lower. With its first target gone, REX stomped, turning to face Snake, who shouldered his rocket launcher, firing as the missile silo was fired.
Missiles collided, an instantaneous chain reaction that left all projectiles to erupt between both, a cloud of smoke obscuring REX's view of Snake as it began to fire its gattling guns, but the soldier had already darted back toward the lowering platform, leaping over the edge.

One of two cords had been severed, and the remaining cord was halfway cut-through. The Miracle Gacha was gone, Uratekumon had wasted his greatest abilities... all that Snake had left to do was sever the last tail fully, disable that RPG Maker, and Uratekumon would be forced to conform to a true fight.

Master Chief
"It's just standing there... menacingly!" Kalmiya pointed out.
John blinked behind his visor, staring toward the unmanned mechanized suit. He had to assume it lacked ingenuity and adaptability- perhaps it had come as far as it had due to sheer firepower and durability.
"And it's... still not moving!" the AI continued. "I think we broke it."
Chief didn't reply, simply standing at the ready.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The appmon was mighty proud of it's last maneuver. The attack he did preformed exactly as intended, forcing the hazard to attack the much slower and easier to kill target. With a robot like THAT on the loose and Uratekumon puppy guarding the underground, he didn't even Need to do a whole lot.

Snake's agility should already be hampered from the damage and bruising he inflicted earlier in the fight when he had flung up around on the beaches, that should be enough to make the soldier die at the hand of this metal gear now that he was detected. What a fitting fate!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Bullets whizzed over Snake's head as the platform lowered, and he rotated his neck. A few moments later, the soldier turned around and grabbed the grate of a vent as it was moving up, tearing it off before leaping inside the moment REX appeared over the edge, tilting downward to begin firing a volley of missiles, obliterating most of the platform, the gears grinding to a halt- before they snapped, and the platform rapidly fell the rest of the way back down, while the mercenary was already sliding silently through the vents, deciding he needed to start using some of his other equipment- explosives would only get him so far, and if Uratekumon kept his speed upgrade, Snake needed something with a lot of coverage, something that didn't affect him thanks to the nanomachines and augmentations coursing throughout his body.
He felt pretty confident in his ability to pull through in this game of back-and-forths.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

In the meantime, the Super-Grade Appmon began to collected steel crates with stars imprinted on them, devising a plan of his own in case Snake attempted to get creative trying to come into this safe haven again. He was not above camping, so this was a perfect fit for him.

"He might know this place like the back of his hand, but he doesn't know all the glitches these walls can hold! Ha! There's a reason I chose MY map as well!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Yes, Uratekumon. Snake did indeed know this place like the back of his hand, emerging wrinkles and all. Cracked knuckles, accentuated veins, the whole shebang. Almost imperceptible, even his heart slowed through nanomachines for absolute stealth, Snake crawled along, following the track of his Solid Eye, noting exactly where his opponent was, and he was... building a fort?
Well, if he had to pass the time, that worked, Snake guessed. To each their own.

The room Uratekumon resided in seemed to be of a storage purpose, plenty of wooden crates, alongside crates from hit game Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) starring Sonic the Hedgehog, as Otacon stated. According to the scientist, Uratekumon being obsessed with bugs and glitches could use those crates for a "floating box glitch", whatever the hell that meant, Otacon didn't elaborate. Snake would just have to be wary of it.
Grasping a Chaff Grenade, Snake activated it, waited a couple seconds (for maximum effect), then slowly slid open the vent and let the device fall into the room, the grenade would detonate inches before touching the ground.
The Chaff Grenade was a unique piece of equipment, and Snake hoped it would help in dealing with the RPG Maker. It was an electronic attack device that deployed countless metal strips along with an active jammer to temporarily disable radio communications and electronic equipment such as cameras, radar, missile guidance, and lock-on systems as well as stun most mechanical systems.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

*error: interference."


Software malfunction, can happen however rare. His high tech gamer Mech would solve it in a matter of seconds though, ten seconds to be precise. Nothing too terrible. Waiting there as he rebooted, his teeth turned into a wicked snicker.

"I know your theeeeere~" the imp called as he precariously balanced a crate on the corner of another.