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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Before Snake had finished his sentence, The imp had flashed directly in front of him, his tail batting the grenade to the side while he locked eyes with the snake.


Attack: 45
Defense: 15
Speed: 150


Attack: 120
Defense: 30
Speed: 60


Uratakumon flattened the wall facing. There was little time to react to this before the vent was pancaked with extreme prejudice. Snake was evasive, but without the ability to evade...it was over.
Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

He'd batted the second Chaff Grenade aside, but there was a pause- brief as it was. Snake's Solid Eye, noting the electrical disturbances in the air, could tell that Uratekumon was accessing his RPG Maker. He was close-range, Snake was in a cramped space, it didn't take a genius to understand what he was planning. Of course, this is exactly what Snake had been expecting. Okay, not exactly, he hadn't fully anticipated the RPG Maker, but Uratekumon had taken the bait in moving closer to Snake, hence why Snake audibly revealed his location.

Otacon was too late to warn Snake of Uratekumon's attempt to sneakily alter his stats for a quick blow in, but Snake was already aware, using the grate as a semi-wall to push off of, sliding backwards down the hall, an explosive left behind where his hand had pushed from. The vent was pummeled into, flattening in front of him, coming dangerously close to catching his head, rudely bumping against his nose- but he'd come out of that, already pressing on his detonator to erupt the present he'd left for Uratekumon.

Immediately following this, Snake slammed his elbow to the second grate beneath him, and slipped out with his usual display of agility, shock knife already at the ready as he moved, his face set like stone. He was purely focused now, landing with the pull of his baretta to immediately begin unloading in Uratekumon's direction.
Chun-Li looked at the Weavile, not thoroughly impressed by its behaviour. "Come on, let's get this over with." Leading Weavile to the arena, Chun-Li tried to figure out what she would face. Probably some kind of speedy opponent that used those claws to tear their opponent to shreds, this would be an interesting match. As she entered the arena, she spoke up as she decided the arena. "Shopping District, Taiping Road!"

The arena changed into a busy shopping street, vendors lining the side of the road as Chun-Li slid into an offensive posture. She was agile herself, and she was not going to lose to some weasel.


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His punch destroyed all in it's path. The vent and everything that resides in it was destroyed. So when Snake pressed the detonator...nothing responded. The wiring that held the bomb together was spaghettified.

Uratekumon reached for a steel crate right as Snake emerged out. The crate in front of him, it took every bullet for him before he propelled it out towards him to clobber him. With the damage he had he would be amazed if he could simply 'dodge' this. There should be a rule against that...


Previously Gamingfan2
Robobot Armor
The mech remained stone still for a few more minutes, until the lack of input forced its AI to take the reigns. It sparked back to life, it's thrusters igniting as it slid directly towards chief, starting things off with a simple punch.

Weavile followed after the human, choosing the same stage in Mt Coronet's exterior. This gave the shopping district a noticeable blanket if snow, with heavy snowfall from above, as well as a few evergreen trees to decorate the area.. Nonetheless, Weavile appeared unbothered, already on the offensive as she dashed to the side, hopping off a vendor's stand to gain extra height as she sent a few sharp icicles towards Chun Li.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Uratekumon used a crate to defend himself from the shots, forcing Snake to take a step back and analyze the room in more scrutinizing detail while he holstered the weapon and shouldered his rocket launcher.
Much like the earlier bout with REX, the incoming threat was matched with an explosion, Snake's missile tearing the box apart before it could collide with him as the soldier set down a mine and took a pace back to resume firing toward Uratekumon, aiming at the area around him, intending for several of the bullets to ricochet and possibly hit his target- Uratekumon couldn't fight forever, he was certain, it already had a gaping hole though the middle of the mech, far more damaged than Snake so far was. Yet, this thing didn't seem to be impaired in the slightest, as though any and all damage was entirely just inconvenient for his opponent, not doing much else.
Was Uratekumon simply unbeatable?

Master Chief
"It's still... not doing anything," Kalmiya sighed.
"It will," the Spartan replied. Years back, he'd always listened to his training opposed to his gut. Mind over matter. It wasn't until he'd worked with fellow Spartan Kirk, after the death of Samuel, that John had actually given thought to the idea of instinct, and gut feelings. Kirk had a way with those, able to tell when something was about to happen simply by listening to his gut instinct- a trait Chief had adopted from him shortly after Kirk was presumed dead, though Chief later learned Kirk had been drafted into teaching a new, secret generation of Spartans.

So when Chief listened to the clenching of his stomach, it made him aware that the idle standing was about to come to an abrupt end. His words rang true a moment later as the mech abruptly stood a little straighter- then shot toward the Spartan with the aid of it's thrusters.
John reacted in unison, even outpacing Kalmiya, who shouted "Look out" to the Spartan as he shot a grapple line toward the mechanical automaton, aiming to use the line to jerk its fist out of the way and follow up with a punch of his own directly into what Chief assumed to be the central processing unit, or somewhere close to it.
Chun-Li looked at the icicles headed her way. Putting her hands together with her palms forward, she sent an energy projectile to crash into the icicles. "Kikoken!" As the projectile cleared the icicles, the woman ran towards Weavile before performing a somersault and slamming down onto Weavile's position with her foot, performing the Hanzanshu. Ice manipulation was....annoying, but she had dealt with fire before. Ice would not be that much different and atleast ice could be broken.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Face it third rate, you'll never win against a meta player! HA!" Uratakumon sneered at Snake's attempts to fight back. "NPC's are made to lose to the player! So play your part!"

He had several more crates to go, and he wasn't going to lose to some basic bullet play. He flung one after another with tremendous force to crush snake's bones while another crate he treated differently.

"Zero value!"

He made it phase out of existence for a short time as it was flung. And due to the speed of it, it rematerialized...right on the mine and half in the ground, clipping it halfway out of existence! Rendering it completely harmless.


Previously Gamingfan2
Robobot Armor
The armor showed little response to the grappling hook. At least externally. Internally, the AI had taken note of the situation and changed tactics. flipping the arm over and starting the hidden thruster inside it, pulling against the rope to throw Chief off balance. That wasn't all, as the other arm went for the jab while the other was occupied, either to land a hit or block the punch should Chief remain unaffected.

The sleazy dark/ice type's grin appeared to grow even further as Chun Li broke her ice, briefly taking the attention off here. She took advantage of the distraction, seemingly turning midair and hopping backwards..right into Chun Li's attack.
Well, the clone did.
The real Weavile had used double team and hopped expertly behind Chun Li after her attack, which her clone imitated perfectly. Now behind the Street Fighter, Weavile's claws began glowing purple, and it unleashed a barrage of poisonous jabs directly towards Chun Li's back.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"I'm not even a non-player character," Snake retorted. "But you? I've never heard of you, and I've heard of everybody,"
Tactics Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake had often utilized against Snake were distraction through combat dialogue- something Snake was attempting to dabble, perhaps distract or upset Uratekumon to some degree as Snake summoned Cypher, lifting into the air above two crates, allowing him to drop and kick off a third to his right as his mine was clipped out of- actually, that was a little advantageous in the moment.
"Nobody plays your games," Snake continued. "You're as third rate as you claim everyone else is!"

The crate that was clipped partially into the ground didn't budge as one, two, then three other crates smashed into it. For the most part, some of those didn't shatter, though the one he was utilizing as defense was quickly wearing out on endurance. "You can't even beat me in your rigged game!" the soldier continued, mostly monologueing to stall- this wasn't something he'd often do, but one of his greatest tactics had always been his adaptability. He'd found ways around mind-controlling vengeful spirits, vampires faster than the wind, and 50 foot mechanized nuclear platforms before- this guy wasn't a huge change of pace, but just enough due to how meta he operated- Snake didn't often meet others that could break the fourth wall as he could.

Using the many stockpiled crates as a defense, a deference of their durability, Snake lowered himself to the ground, crawling backwards toward a nearby vent, appearing as though he'd crawl into it, but he stopped halfway through, looked up- and stood, clipping through the wall, taking advantage of a glitch often found in one of his own games, hopefully throwing off Uratekumon as Snake slunk through the walls to get closer to his opponent, following the motion tracker of his radar due to the clip disallowing him from seeing his opponent in the physical sense.

Master Chief
In the case of the tug, it was the latter in Chief's case, the tug far from throwing him off balance as he adapted quickly to the tactic, using it to draw himself closer to Kirbobot and slug his fist into its defensive arm. The Spartan ducked under its bulky form, aiming to lead with a few strikes toward its center, his fists cracking forward with blurs, trying to uncover a weak point as Kalmiya began to scan the opposition. Should Kirbobot try to step away and lead with a hit, the Chief would continued to move around it strafing to remain just in its blindspot- or rather, the blindspot of most individuals.
Chun-Li's foot carved through Weavile, that was not right. No way was it that easy. Turning around, Chun-Li's suspicions were right as the real Weavile was readying some kind of attack. Crouching down and using her arms to protect her body, the brunt of the attack's damage was blocked, though the attack still hurt. Still, they were in close proximity to each other and she planned to use that. Stepping forward, she rapidly began to kick at Weavile. "Hyakuretsukyaku!" Chun-Li's leg turned into a blur as she kicked at Weavile at lightning speeds.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Uratekumon jumped on a crate nearby Snake, not attacking, just looking over with with a sinister toothy grin.

"Let's get one thing straight. I. Never. LOSE! This game ain't over pal! Nyhahahaha!!"

In response, Snake slithered away, trying to abuse a glitch he's known about in the halfway zone in the walls. Now this was just getting sad.

"Zero Value!"

He stuck his chord into the wall, allowing it to unmaterialze, revealing Snake out in the open!

"LMAO! Look at the sussy baka who tried to steal my shtick! BUZZ OFF!"

With either arm he picked up a crate each, slamming them forward. With no avenue of escape for snake due to the other walls around him still being materialized, he was cornered in to face a powerful strike to the front.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Well, he probably should have figured this tactic wouldn't work in full, though... he'd struck a cord, that much was obvious. The way Uratekumon's little eye twitched with impatience at Snake's continued existence, the way the soldier was exploiting the appmon's own tricks...
"Sussy what," Snake replied as Uratekumon conjured up two crates to throw. The soldier had a few options of escape. Go back the way he came, as the clipped wall hadn't made the rest of the unclipped map any more physical, or...

Snake opted for option two.

With Uratekumon's lesser-than-normal speed, sacrificed for his strength, Snake could keep up, darting directly to the box Uratekumon stood upon as the gremlin threw his attack, and Snake slammed his knife against it, electrocuting its surface before he darted to the other side of it, leaving a mine where he'd stood.
Snake thrived when he had the low ground.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Snake may be fast, but that doesn't make him a chump either! Uratekumon snickered as he expected Snake to probably place a bomb under him or on the box or something, so he simply kicked in place and suddenly that same box floated magically up in the air somehow. Some kind of glitch? It allowed him to not get electrocuted as well have a sudden surprise advantage.

"AHA! What's N00B!"

He then, now in the air, pelted down the crates from his hands, as he hadn't let go of them as he disconnected his zero value to the wall behind him.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Ah, so that's what Otacon meant by "floating box glitch".
Didn't seem that special besides allowing Uratekumon the distance he needed, aware he couldn't stand a CQC match-up. Rolling forward, Snake managed to evade the first box, now getting directly under the box- but he was quick to roll again, fully aware of what kind of danger that posed.

He shouldered his rocket launcher again- but didn't fire it, instead baiting another crate throw, which came as they did, Snake pressed himself up against a row of the crates to avoid this one, before he rapidly brought up his legs and kicked the box. It tilted, careening to land on his placed mine, but just before the mine was about to get smothered by it- he set it off.
The box was thrust upward toward Uratekumon while Snake had quickly moved to conceal himself in the dust and smoke left behind by his mine, firing his missile, aiming it toward the stacked crates right near Uratekumon, the ones he was pulling from, aiming to use the explosive to hopefully force Uratekumon out of the air through the force of the explosion, possibly damaging him, while also lightly diminishing his supply of crates.


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirbobot Armor
The armor reacted quickly to Chief's attack from below. Hopping up as it's thrusters allowed it extra height to just barely dodge the first punch. WIth it's new distance, it took advantage of the moment and opened it's mouth, ending an almost invisible ray of light, like an projector. Though it scanned Chief almost instantaneously, the bot was bombarded with multiples of ability data overlapping.
It wasn't designed for this!
However, it caught itself quickly, instead focusing on a single piece of data as to....
In a flash, the robot had gone through a complete makeover. Aside from the purple paint job, it gained a pointed visor and, most noticeably, two oversized, floating lands. It moved to the side and "landed", although it remained hovering, only slightly above the floor. It turned and faced Master Chief.
ESP Mode: Online

Weavile grinned sadistically as she jabbed Chun Li again and again, until she frowned as she noticed her blocking the hits and somehow blocking out her poison. Shame.
As Chun Li went for her counter attack, Weavile perked again. Going back wouldn't work, nor would going up.
Chun-Li would find her strikes hitting nothing. In fact, only a few seconds during it, the floor underneath her exploded. Weavile popped up soon after, kicking a cluster of icicles towards Chun-Li

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A box came whirling his way, threatening to beat in his little rodent face...when he simply grabbed the box. His eyes narrowed at the thing in disgust, as if he'd be taken out by something like that. It was insulting. He stepped over to the side of his crate, his weight angling it toward snake's position before he kicked off it, allowing it to work it's wonders. The explosion Snake cause mainly being a backdrop as he was in the air, his tongue hanging out as his eyes filled with sparkles. He did love himself a good kaboom.

In the air on his own terms rather than what snake intended, he aimed to end this right here and now for Snake. Connecting a tail cable mid flight to the ceiling, he called out.

"Zero Value!"

And suddenly, a massive swath of the ceiling became transparent, dirt, rock, and sand poured in all at once like a cave collapse over Snake's portion of the tunnel! No simple dodges or hand to hand combat would solve suffocation!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"Chief? We're being scanned..."
"I noticed," John replied, taking a step back as the armor redesigned itself, seemingly trying to adapt to counter the Spartan.
"Chief, it just-"
"I noticed," John iterated, sliding out his sidekick and beginning to unload the clip on the bot, a test of the armor's durability.

The platform where they stood had a series of ramps leading up to it, the structure itself surrounded by frigid, freezing weather- though the Spartan was fine in his climate-temperate controlled suit. The gateway into Halo's control room sat open, though he wasn't about to head in there yet.
Mangled corpses were strewn about- mostly of the Flood, their decayed biomass releasing a putrid odor into the air, plenty of additional weapons lying around, a thick fog settled in overhead, obscuring the sky from their vision.

"Hnng..." the soldier hummed, looking up at the section of wall Uratekumon intended to crush him in. Snake retaliated by stepping backward into the disappeared wall, blinking. It was beginning to seem as though this goblin simply could not be killed, despite his abysmal defense and lowered speed. Snake considered for a moment... no, he couldn't do that. Didn't want to bring the Host down on his head unless he absolutely needed to. He could get out of here fine, head to whichever part of the facility and just clip back onto the map.

Thanks to the exposed glitch from earlier, Snake was in a somewhat void-like area- though not entirely expansive on its own. Invisible barriers prevented too much travel through it. To be honest, the soldier was a bit stumped. Explosives, strategy, superior battle intellect, even using its own abilities against it- nada. He'd scored some hits but the gremlin hadn't been impaired in the slightest, almost as though...
Hm. Seemed entirely unwinnable.

Snake: Otacon, how did Uratekumon defeat Death?
Otacon: Honestly? Not entirely sure. By all accounts Death shouldn't have been able to lose, but... Uratekumon altered the reality of the match. Used his tricks and gizmos, even turned them into a 2d platformer at one point.
Snake: Hm... and the Host allows this?
Otacon: He allows what creativity you bring to the table, Snake. I wasn't allowed to directly interfere as I did, but he had no issue with me pressing an advantage. Do you... have a plan?
Snake: I might. Any of his abilities we can use?
Otacon: Miracle Gacha requires equipment. Zero Value uses his tail cords. RPG Maker is more of a software type thing, but it only works through using his mech to transfer to his body. It won't apply solely to organic beings.
Snake: What about nanomachines?
Otacon: ...You might be onto something, Snake. I'll see what I can do.
Snake: Good. I'll see if I can find the tail I severed earlier- hopefully it's still in the water and not vaporized.
Otacon: Good luck, Snake. You've got this!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Uratekumon's battle strength grew more and more that he began to learn about the exploits of this stage and it's original game. Apparently, if he stuck his had halfway thorough an vent like so and stood up, he'd be able to see any interactive entity on the map!

After inacting the glitch, he was greeted with a black void. The robot up top was visible, scattered boxes along the map, a forgotten pipe or weapon or two, and of course: Snake himself. He had survived the attack using the same method eh? But he doesn't know this one!

Fusing the properties of the sonic 06' part of the stage, he began to repeatedly jump and run in the corner of his little vent before he was suddenly spring boarded forward, clipping through the pile of debris, extending his left arm out as he gave a swing at snake. More and more this fight turned into a battle of glitches, and as the glitch appmon, this would spell certain defeat for his foe!


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirbobot Armor: ESP
The armor was completely unaffected by the weather itself, though this was obvious considering it's mechanical body. Though it remained still even while getting shot at, it created a large ball of psychic energy in front of it, which began taking the bullets in stride. Through some force that confused even Susie, it moved the ball towards John, the ball crackling with energy with each bullet it took.
The superpower pokémon grinned smugly as the dinosaur charged him, not intimidated in the slightest. Right as Gorgo was about to tear him to pieces, the dinosaurs jaw was grabbed with astonishing speed and strength! With only his bottom pair of arms, Machamp grabbed the Dino’s teeth and prevented its mouth from closing, making it vulnerable.

Machamp punched at blinding speeds with his top pair of arms, getting a few good licks in on the Gorgosaurus, before he turned around with a grunt. He then slammed Gorgo into the ground viciously, aiming to do some massive damage!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Solid Snake
It had been quick, Uratekumon lunging forward as the soldier was covering his distance, noticing the reticle through his solid eye alerting him to his opponent. That trick... Uratekumon had used it before. The properties from the map selected, which Otacon claimed was from Sonic's franchise, were bug-worthy- no wonder why Uratekumon enjoyed it so much here.

This trick had allowed Uratekumon a brief jump on the soldier, who skid to a stop, raising his arms as he attempted a duck- but he couldn't evade it fully, the swing skimming Snake's arms. It was enough to launch Snake back, flipping backward through the air with a yell, a burn-like sting erupting from both of his forearms- the left more notably.

Otacon: It's done, Snake. I've solved the equation, and found a way to administer it. I'll keep an eye on the fight and adjust accordingly- but be careful, if that had been a direct hit, this fight could be over! Well, maybe, I dunno, I've seen you take hits from mortal shells-
Snake: Thanks, Otacon.
Otacon: Sounds like it hurt.
Snake: Yeah, just a bit.
Otacon: Is that cord still on the menu?
Snake: No. What I need is for this map's properties to be erased. Get rid of it all. Take away both of our environmental advantages.
Otacon: I'm not sure I can do that, but do you think that's a good idea, Snake?
Snake: He relies on the environment consistently. I'll have the upperhand.
Otacon: I'll see what I can do, but no promises- just try to keep him in the OUT-OF-BOUNDS area for now.
Snake: Got it.

Snake landed with a skid, baring his teeth at the searing pain in his arms- but he pushed that out, conjuring his knife as well as his baretta, firing toward Uratekumon, using his knife arm to keep his weapon steady while maintaining CQC readiness.
"What are you fighting for?" Snake asked, posing the question almost casually, as though they weren't caught in a death match.

Master Chief
The Spartan took a step toward the ball as it forced its way toward him, raising his other arm almost like a shield for a moment.
"It's strange. Not plasma, not electricity, but..." Kalmiya spoke as a burst fired from Chief's gauntlet- and the sphere involuntarily was redirected back toward the Robobot armor with vigor, John having utilized his Repulsor ability, which redirected energy back toward the recipient, or even shoved close enemies away, and Chief could even use it to launch himself great heights- though he'd have to wait for it to recharge for another use in the meantime.

Once again, Chief followed up by firing the sidekick, having reloaded it in one swift movement, the pistol designed for ultra-fast reload.
"How'd you know that'd work, you were already readying the repulsor before I spoke," Kalmiya asked.
"I didn't," John replied simply.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ha! Successful hit!

This was going exceedingly well. Snake was in his world now, the world of glitches where he had absolute control over the situation! A first day bug exploiter was no match for a lifelong hacker! As Snake readied his Baretta, he lowered his head so that the flat surface of the console Mech suit was facing it.

He charged ahead, the flat surface tanking the bullets which caused minor dents cracks in the armor before he swung an arm that extended like a slinky to hit him unconventionally.

"Me? Me?!? I fight for fun, genius!" He mocked. "I have NEVER lost a game and this tourney mode is no exception! I don't care what prescripted thing you have to say about your motivations, I AINT INTERESTED! HA!"
Chun-Li stepped to the side as Weavile used Dig and sent a cluster of icicles towards her. "Renkiko!" Her wrists started glowing with chi energy as she threw a punch at the cluster, obliterating them as her attacks had gotten more powerful. Dashing towards Weavile, she opened her palms as she attempted to slam them against the Pokémon. "Kikosho!" A large stationary concussive blast was unleashed from her palms. capable of toppling heavyweights like Zangief.



"Gorgo!" Saurhead cried out as his Vivosaur got heavily pelted, but still stood strong. Gorgo was one of his strongest Vivosaurs, but this damage was excessive for an Earth type. Maybe his initial judgment was wrong. No matter, he was going to make this weirdo regret ever crossing him.

"Nightmare Combo!" Gorgo's black body glowed, dimming the light sources and causing the area to resemble late evening. Glaring at Machamp, the Vivosaur's eyes glowed before it let out a horrifying, guttural roar as a large apparition appeared in the air, resembling Gorgo's terrifying head spewing fire that charged at Machamp. A terrifying display, and a move capable of scaring the opponent. If he was going to smell the stinking odor of old socks, he was going to put up a fight! Even though the apparition looked like a ghost, it was still capable of dealing damage to anything that touched it, leaving behind a scorched and blackened ground.

@Captain Pokémon

"Hah, this is easy- GUH!" Audrey's 'heroic' boast was cut off by a low slash, stunning her before the strike from above launched her, weirdly ignoring logic and sending her flying to the side, right into the now seemingly much darker cave systems of the mountain.


Axe tried to remain calm, surprised by his foe's...er...double? That was weird. Still, he remained steadfast, grimacing seeing the boulders.

This isn't nearly as bad as the last guy, he telegraphs every attack! I can do this!

Reacting as the ring came in, Axe threw himself into a spinning motion, before jumping, intending to launch himself off of a boulder right towards the Kohga he was facing, going for a mighty slam to the head with his shield!


Yuga cackled with evil glee as his opponent got ready.
"Are you ready...to die?!" He rhetorically asked, choosing to start the match without taking his surroundings into account with a quick blast of electricity right at the blob of Dark Matter.


Previously Manu456Alola
The Knight

Having dealt two quick blows to his opponent, the Knight watched as Audrey was sent flying into one of the nearby caves and out of sight. The lack of fanfare indicated the battle hadn't finished yet, so it seemed like Shroom would have to follow after her.

Empty gaze locked onto the cave its opponent had entered, the bug broke into a sprint and headed deeper into the mountain. The darkness made it difficult to see, so the Vessel pulled out its Lumafly Lantern to get a better look at its surroundings and potentially its opponent, a faint white light illuminating the cave's walls as it searched for Audrey.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
Dark Matter rolled his single eye towards Yuga. It appeared this place was full of overdramatic loons. However, it appeared unfazed by the attack, expertly deflecting the lightning back to Yuga with the Rainbow Sword. Despite it having killed it's kind in the past, it remained a useful weapon. For good measure, Dark Matter fired a basketball sized ball of darkness from it's sword, which homed in on Yuga.

As she kicked off the icicle, expertly aiming for the evading Chun Li, Weavile gained distance and regained her bearing after her surprise attack. Sadly, it appeared to fail, with Chun Li dealing with it decently well. That is, until she got closer.
The pokemon grinned tauntingly as Chun Li attacked. It almost appeared to accept it...until it fluidly maneuvered just above her palms, just inches before the attack could strike. And before Li could even release the blast, Weavile's sent a darkness-coated sucker punch towards Chun-Li's face.

Kirbobot Armor Mode:ESP
Though the attack was sent back, the armor had a simple time regaining control over it, using it's moment to swirl it around itself and send it right back on course towards Master Chief, once again blocking the bullets as needed...until the AI telepathically caused it to explode. Or rather, split. The large ball burst in two, which spiraled as they homed in on Chief.
Last edited:


Previously mallard
The stupid human was taking a while. There wasn't much The Duck could do in preparation for when he dis pop his weaselly little head up besides deal with that raging headache Leon gave him. He walked to the door of the stairway and looked down, where the grenade blew up the top flight earlier. It was kind of spooky to look down, and he soon opted to waddle away, over to a bush that was growing from some of the vines. Psyduck plucked an Oran berry from the bush, then went to the edge of the rooftop to munch on his snack while keeping a lookout for his opponent.


The next attack from Revan was fast, but not beyond the rabbit's capabilities quite yet as he raised both weapons to meet it with a secret strength he hadn't been using before. It still wasn't enough to really equal Revan's attack, and he stumbled back. He sensed danger from this burst of speed, and as Revan spun to his side, Turner opted to kick off the ground. He dropped his knife midair and grabbed onto a branch. There he hung, peering down at Revan.
Without warning, he swung from the tree, did a backflip over Revan, and landed on his other side. From there, he began to attack with his sword aggressively. Each swing was quick and fluidly melted into the next attack. Each slash now had a power of someone double- maybe triple the rabbit's size.


Axe came soaring at the Master with his shield, and whacked him in the face!
Kohga tumbled backwards through the air and landed with his top half buried in the ground. With some kicks of his stubby little legs, he popped out.
"Whaddya want kid, rupees? Candy? What's that snake giving you to do this?"

Meanwhile, the other Kohga was slapped out of the way, doing a backflip and then skidding to a halt. He holstered his weapon and then pointed both fingers at one of the cannons. A beam of energy shot from each finger and attached to the cannon's metal parts. "Chew on this!" The Top Banana swung the weapon around, right for Ranamon.


He threw all his weight for Rebellio as he charged, but as the target sidestepped Punk hit only air. To catch himself, he threw a foot forward and skid to a halt to naturally turn towards his foe. He wasn't exactly ready for the shove though, and he tumbled backwards from it to latch onto the side all cinematic-like as he hung above the swirling fog below. The delinquent quickly yanked himself back onto the stage while simultaneously tearing off a roof tile. He leapt over the Falcon and threw the tile at him, only to proceed to land on the opposite side of him and swing his bat wildly.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ranamon didn't bat a lash as Kohga tossed a cannon at her. Her hands still in position, she fired off her dark Vapor again, blasting right at the center of the cannon. So by the time it reached over to her, it snapped in two. The two halves clanked against the ground, acidic fluid dropping down from the severed halves.

"Hmph! Thanks for the overwhelmingly underwhelming lesson in combat!" Ranamon wagged a finger. "Why don't you let me take it from here, sugar? Wippin' Waves!"

Water erupted under her, erecting a pillar of water from under her. Then, two jet streams burst out from underneath the two pieces of cannon, the pieces about to land on either clone of the masked madman!


Previously Manu456Alola

The incoming roof tile was sliced in half by Rebellio's scythe, though the Adept didn't expect Punk to get behind him so quickly. He turned around on a dime and swung his weapon to meet Punk's, successfully deflecting the first swing - but he was left wide open to Punk's following strike, causing the Falcon to stumble backwards and nearly falling off the roof, crimson thread bursting from his armor to form a shield in a split second and take the next hit.

This brief breather gave Rebellio enough time to regain his footing, the Falcon swinging his scythe right as Punk swung his bat, the two weapons briefly clashing before both fighters swung again and again, the two locked in a brief but equal exchange of blows. After a few more strikes, Rebellio made to step to the side, performing another swing with some more power behind it, aiming to catch his opponent off guard with the added strength.

When the lantern was lit, the walls were illuminated, showing a LOT of small bugs, who immeadiantly scampered away. Somehow, the cave seemed even colder than outside, even though the wind was out there. As The Knight searched for Audrey, it would come across sounds of lightning a grunts, as well as roars in the distance, and a clear path with a few holes ahead. On the middle platform on the way also happened to be a huge group of bugs, so if one were to cross this set of platforms they would need to find another way above or just crush said bugs if it wanted to catch Audrey.


Axe pumped his fist as he saw Kohga land like that.
"What's a rupee- Ah, whatever, doesn't matter." Axe quickly focused after Kohga asked. "Doesn't matter why right now, right? I just gotta win!" He decided not to answer, taking a firecracker out of his satchel and lighting it with his boot before throwing it right at Kohga, before he raised his guard intensely.


Yuga slammed his redirected lightning back into the staff, disapating it, and almost smiled seeing the attack coming.

"Too easy....wait, what!?" Yuga had moved his hand back to where he thought a wall was only to be met by nothing. The ball of darkness hit Yuga, getting a groan out of him as he was knocked on his back. He got up shortly and growled. "How dare..." He trailed off, trying to remain calm after getting hit so fast. He summoned multiple clones surrounding Dark Matter, only to have them all explode immeadiantly, attempting to zap Dark Matter with a huge burst of electricity in his face.


Previously Manu456Alola
The Knight

The destruction ahead made it clear that Audrey had already been through here earlier, and the sounds of battle hinted at there being more threats ahead besides the Vessel's main opponent. The bug watched the other bugs flee as it approached, though these ones were much different from the ones in Hallownest. Besides their smaller size, there was no trace of the Infection within any of them, something pretty rare back in that ruined kingdom. They probably weren't threats, then. No need to take them out.

Noticing the hole in the rock in front of it that led deeper into the cavern, Shroom leapt onto a nearby wall, its Mantis Claw allowing it to hang onto it momentarily. Pink crystals began to grow along the section of the wall the Knight was clinging to, the bug channeling energy for a brief moment.

After about a second of charging up, the Vessel blasted forwards at great speeds, flying right over the nearby platform and into the hole right in front of it. The constant sounds of lightning and roaring echoed throughout the cave, so Audrey couldn't be too far away now. Who was she fighting, anyway?


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Nah," Snake replied, leveling his voice in contrast to the zany and exuberant Uratekumon, Snake tucking back and rolling swiftly away from his opponents move, sliding the unloaded clip out of his barreta and slapping a fresh magazine in with equal speed to his maneuvers. "You don't fight for fun, you fight to protect your own ego. It's fragile, you can't stand the thought of losing to anyone you consider to be... nothing but code- yet here we are, and you're the only one made of it."

He was taunting the gremlin, still aiming to get a rise out of him while firing the barreta, aiming to get in his pot shots while he could- he had bigger moves he was itching to use, and the soldier was far from ready to be put down.

Master Chief
"Well so much for redirecting it," Kalmiya commented.
"That wasn't the intention," Chief replied simply, glancing between the spheres as they split, homing in from opposite directions. Swapping his equipment, the Spartan simply tossed a small device at his feet, and a wall of energy erupted before him, taking the brunt of the two energy spheres, dissipating them against the barrier's surface. A Drop Wall, and it was capable of more, displayed as Chief unloaded another clip aimed toward the Robobot, the bullets that passed through his side of the drop wall electrically enhanced by passing through.

"Then... what was the intention?" Kalmiya question. In truth, John had anticipated the energy wouldn't react like most weaponry judging from the AI's mixed readings- low and behold, he'd been accurate in his assumption, the energy redirected by the automaton's will.
"Testing its capabilities," Chief stated, "let's see if we can't find a similar way to use energy."
"Ooooh, not a bad idea!" Kalmiya praised.

Leon S. Kennedy
Ah. Shit.
From Psyduck's perspective, the agent appeared quite suddenly once again, sprinting out of the comic book store, a shotgun in his arms as he charged much faster than most people probably should be allowed to go- and right behind him was the cause of his hurry, two Lickers charging after him on all fours, screeching their strange sounds as their tentacle-like tongues lashed about, their claws ripping apart the earth as they ran after the agent.

Nah, he definitely wasn't picking another zombie-infested map again, this was bullshit.

Turning, Leon unloaded a blast from his shotgun into one of the Licker's just as it leaped for him. The blast forced it out of the air, collapsing to the ground- before quickly bringing itself back up, appearing much more pissed than it did wounded while Leon rolled out of the way of the second Licker during its leap toward him.

The gunshot that had rung out had momentarily disoriented both of the Lickers, who paused where they were, Leon between them, perking their heads up, listening for him, or for anything else. He had his shotgun raised at the one he'd already shot as he kneeled at his position, glancing up toward the roof where Psyduck had remained.

It had shifted tactics... interesting. Like him, it seemed to have been holding back. Or... perhaps it had tapped into a rare ability it often didn't. Nevertheless, Revan was not pushed back, standing his ground as his vibroblade blurred and mixed with the air, clashing blow against blow against blow, their fight not having shifted in its speed for even a second.
It was... exhilarating.

Revan too, chose to switch this up a little. He had a few ideas for new fighting styles on-mind, adapted from the foes he'd already defeated, and their uniqueness, inspiring him to go beyond the limited basics of Jedi form. Turner's style had turned fluid, and quickly, so did Revan's. His new "Spirit of Ice" form, inspired by Kumamon, and the change into this was signified when Revan's thumb pressed upon a feature of his old vibroblade, and it quickly split into two, rust powder momentarily flinging through the air upon the separation, and Revan's fluidity matched Turner's in a perfect counter, a perfect juxtaposition.

For most of the fight, Revan had remained in-place, rarely shifting his feet as he maintained his stay, only moving to push an advantage, or like earlier, to exert speed. Now, he danced along with Turner's movements, both circling each other rapidly as they traded blows. Quickly, Revan thrust his blade forward only upon deflecting both of his opponent's- though he was anticipating Turner to leap over this, or to slide back like he had mostly done thus far, so Revan was quick to use the force, spinning himself so rapidly it was though he were a rotary fan, his blade appearing to become a circular blade around him for a few seconds, and with this, he blasted toward Turner's position, while his other blade slashed upward in the event Turner attempted to leap over- or to counter any of Turner's attacks during this move.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Snake's words stung as they fell on Uratekumon's ears, namely because there was truth to be found in them. Regardless of how he wanted to deny it. His face betrayed him as his grin turned into a toothy frown, his finger grasping the controller tightly. Even if Snake wanted to last. He simply wouldn't leave that as an option.

"LOL! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE!" He yelled, obviously caring.

He lunged out toward snake with a fist raised, his Mech suit's flat base still being used to defend against the bullets. However, this punch was a feint, as he would strike a few inches from him, allowing his tail to quickly whip up from behind him and snap. The strength mod he had on would easily allow his tail to break bones.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Solid Snake
Huh, he'd struck a cord- ironic choice of word aside. In truth, Snake wasn't sure if he'd be able to get a response out of taunting, so far Uratekumon had seemed to be very one-track-minded, but Snake's words had dug a little deeper than the soldier had actually intended- he hadn't expected Uratekumon to care, despite his words claiming otherwise, an expert interrogator like Snake could see the reaction in the goblin's eyes, his physical stature shifting momentarily.

A confirmation that Otacon's original suggestion of "psychological warfare" might actually be useful here- even if it was something Snake personally didn't like. It reminded him too much of Big Boss, same with his father's more violent and lethal fighting style. It never sat with Snake comfortably.

Uratekumon lunged forward, and Snake was quick to leap backward, twisting himself in the air for a rapid back flip as he tossed a mine to the ground, yanking out his baretta to attempt and continue firing while his other hand pressed the detonator, in unison with Uratekumon's move. The result was an explosion rattling out- Snake hoping Uratekumon was caught in it- as the gremlin's cord had to redirect for the soldier's altitude, and struck the baretta. The weapon shattered, coming apart, and sending a jolt up Snake's arm from the impact, his palm stinging as it was enough to knock him to the side in the air, and he twisted himself to roll as safely as he could on the ground, using the curvature of his shoulder to stick the landing rather than landing on his dummy thiccness.

Snake used this roll to snap back up to his feet, now armed with his knife, his baretta shattered.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His eyes traces Snake's every move, his nearly bloodshot eyes used to learning every single raid bosses's attack patterns by heart. So when he saw Snake reach for his mine, his hand that did not punch pressed against the ground, thrusting him up a second before the detonation.

So as it exploded, he used his momentum to take a lightened hit, letting it send him further in the air as his tail shattered Snake's Baretta. Now I'm the air, he looked down towards the operative. Grounded. Small. Weak.

"You a fan of music, Snake?" Uratekumon spat. "This one is called B-FLAT! HA!"

He flew down back to the ground, his fists twirling around him as they aimed to smash him with a wide ranged ground Impact.
Audrey Redheart

The bugs seemed to sigh in relief as the Knight dashed over them, seemin to follow down the hole.

Upon the continued following, it was clear what Audrey was fighting; a Yeti-like monster. Not a moment after The Knight arrived, a blast of lightning struck the Monster, causing it to paralysed in place, clearly not to move again, sparks popping off every part of it while Audrey huffed and panted before turning to face The Knight, after realising it was there.

"You! You had to send me this far back huh, jerk!?" She raged, raising her blade up. Despite the ceiling, lightning seemed to blast down into her blade, just like her match with Leon, charging into her blade - and forming what looked like blocks inside the blade - before she pointed it right at Shroom, lightning blasting right at it. She seemed mad. Not only did this lightning temporarily illuminate the area, it also set off some large pink crystals, causing light in the dark cave.
The superpower Pokémon’s eyes widened slightly at the dinosaur’s rather odd display. However, it was clear this attack was dangerous. Thinking fast, Machamp grabbed a large rock nearby and picked it up, holding it with his top pair of arms. He then charged straight at the attack, keeping the boulder ahead of him. He ran straight into the attack, the large stone protecting him from damage. Machamp then tore the scorched stone into two pieces, holding them duel-wield style.

Now that the four-armed fighter was close to the Gorgosaurus, he jumped up into the air and aimed to hit the dinosaur with the rock pieces. After colliding with the dinosaur’s rough skin, the rocks would shatter, but that didn’t matter to Machamp since they served their purpose. The pokémon then landed on the ground once more and backed up slightly with a grin, enjoying this brawl.
Gorgo saw the rocks being thrown at it and used its long legs and surprisingly high speed to run from the rocks, causing them to slam into the ground before Gorgo turned around, growling as its mouth glowed a dark red. The air around the Vivosaur began to swelter as it opened its mouth, unleashing a spiralling flame that had pulses of fire in the middle at regular intervals.

"Scorch Breath!"

@Captain Pokémon


Chun-Li took the punch to the face, unleashing her Kikosho as the attack landed. Whilst the punch hurt, she was used to pain and her Kikosho would catch the Weavile in the blast radius. It was a slippery foe, but she'd have to do her best to not get outplayed by this sickle weasel.

The brute saw what he assumed to be the Tyrantrum’s Flamethrower coming towards him and frowned before dashing to the side at surprisingly high speeds. As he ran, he felt the flame hot on his tail, so he turned so that he was difficult to hit due to the flame’s angle.

Now much closer to Gorgo, Machamp dashed forwards, keeping low to the ground, holding his right arms out to the side. He ran right through Gorgo, hoping to hit the dinosaur’s legs with his extended arms and cause it to trip.