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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Solid Snake
"Huh!" the soldier's quick and brief facial reactions were as quick as his reaction, noting his missile being matched by a projectile, Uratekumon using a piece of his own plating--and exposing what lie beneath. That, alongside the hole in his arm, could be exploitable. Even as the cloud of erupted smoke obscured vision between the two, Snake's Solid Eye provided the edge needed to calculate Uratekumon's own strategy as the mercenary dropped through the air- and counter-attack efficiently. Plus, it helped that Uratekumon was always yelling to give hints to his attacks and position.

Snake maintained his equal speed to his opponent, moving his arms and Uratekumon's own temporary blindness to his advantage by grasping onto the first fist that struck his way. While the initial strike registered with pain to the soldier, the fact he clung on seemed to ease it, as the fist pulled back as the other struck, and the momentum allowed Snake to swing himself backward, and attempt to place a mine in, on, or around the open wound of Uratekumon's suit before rapidly kicking off, pain resonating around his sternum where he'd been struck.

Leon S. Kennedy
Jammed? What the hell? Leon slapped the side of the shotgun, yet it continued to refuse to fire. "Ah, shit," the agent muttered gruffly under his breath, dropping onto his back as the second Licker lunged for him. Bringing his knees to his chest as fast as the creature moved, Leon used his legs to kick the mutated undead in its chest, launching it far higher than it intended to leap- directly toward the rooftop where Psyduck sat from as the man rolled to his feet, taking a step back from a deadly slash by the remaining Licker while he holstered the shotgun and returned Matilda to his hand, punching three bullets into the beasts skull, which was enough to make it shy away, crawling backward a bit with a hiss-like growl, its long tongue lashing angrily out from its mouth.

He didn't let it get away that easily, emptying his clip on it, and the creature fell dead. The remaining one had been launched up toward Psyduck, but that was the least of their concerns. Sounds had now erupted throughout the dormant and dead city. They had awoken it with their noise. The streets would be crawling with the undead soon, so Leon looked up beyond the roof he and the water fowl had fought on, eyes stretching along the sides of skyscrapers.

The high ground was needed here, in order to ditch the mobs of zombies, and to continue their conflict before anything WORSE showed up.

What's this? A surprise maneuver, and one to call for a modicum of respect from the gray Jedi, who felt his chest armor being slugged against by his opponent's legs, ending the attack and sliding Revan back a couple feet, a small grin appearing on his unshaven face. He twirled both blades in his hands once, before he thrust either arm outward, and both vibroblades shot away from him like bullets, disappearing in either direction.

"Intuitive," the man stated, reaching under his cloak. "Creative, you've impressed me as the foes I fell before you have. Perhaps you'd prefer I stop warming up?" Revan's small grin stretched a little more as two blades of light appeared, crimson and violet, electricity racing along his fingertips. "I'm fighting to kill, now," he warned.
"Are you ready?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The fists rained down on snake, punching faster in quick succession than one could normally process. As the EMP grenade courses through his hybrid body, this allowed Snake to grip the hand without being thrown off or easily pummled. As Snake attempted to place the mine on the fist, Uratekumon had the perfect plan. Grinning from ear to ear the exact moment Snake placed it, the other hand swooped I'm not even a second later and-


He fist bumped his own Mech, triggering the explosion right on snake's position. The explosion blew apart the rest of the left hand, leaving nothing but a stump, and severely crippling the right hand. Most importantly, Snake should be covered by his own explosion in point blank range, and if not, crushed by the fist. Snake was fast. But he wasn't THAT fast.

Shrapnel flew everywhere as the left arm slumped down the sparking noodle of an appendage, leaving Uratekumon snickering shiver at his pro gamer strat. That grenade wouldn't have allowed him to deliver such a killing blow, nor zero value, so he had to use Snake's own mine!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Solid Snake
The soldier was blasted through the air, opposite of Uratekumon. The sketchy little goblin had anticipated his mine, and disrupted it prematurely before Snake could get fully clear of the blast radius. Flames flickering from his stealth suit as he flew through the air, the mercenary grit his teeth so hard that it hurt, and he disappeared into the smoke that had been filling the room.
Falling to the ground, Snake rolled to a stop with a huff, a spark emitting from his Solid Eye. It wasn't broken, but it wasn't working at full capacity at the moment. The soldier climbed to his feet with a grunt, patting at the fires still trying to eat through his stealth suit. The damage was nominal, he couldn't activate the suit in this state, so that bit of juice he'd been saving was useless. He raised his arms, looking at the skinned bits- cauterized from the explosion. No longer bleeding, but easily third-degree burns. He'd have been concerned for future cybernetics and skin grafts, but whether he won or lost, he'd be returned to the lobby as good as ever. This eased his worry a bit.

"Hnng..." the soldier rumbled, glaring through the surrounding smoke with his Solid Eye. It was glitching out, its visual optics too damaged, so he switched its function to the soliton radar, which would pick up movement around him and alert him of their position. The gremlin had taken a hit too, sacrificing its entire left hand and leaving the right severely damaged as a result. Breathing in, Snake then let out a sigh as he raised his arms gingerly and grasped the tails of his bandanna, tightening it around his scalp with a tug. The smoke continued to filter throughout their arena, a dirty red in color; phosphorus. Pulling his tranquilizer gun from its holster, Snake proceeded to snag off a clip on his suit, and all of his heavy gear fell away, leaving only his ruined stealth suit on. The remaining gear was useless, save for a few rations tucked inside. Of course, he could still summon the use of his launcher, as well as his mortar, and Cypher, it wasn't as though he were ditching his entire arsenal. All that remained was a small device in his hand, gripped tightly as he ignored the fractured bones.

From the cover of his smoke, having kept tabs on Uratekumon, he guessed the position of his opponent, and fired a single tranquilizer in the direction of his opponent, intending on hitting the gremlin's exposed little body from the cover of the thickened smoke, which was spreading to fill more and more of the room.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The risky blow sent the gamer skidding across the ground. His left stump and battered right hand spoke to the desperation of the move, but no less sounded effective. He felt as though that would bleed his foe, he just needed to crush the injured cockroach wherever it may be flailing in this smoke-


A tiny dart plunked off his heavy console frame, which took up most of his body. There you are! Flipping around to the facing it came from, he shot his crippled hand over into the smoke. While his RPG maker and Zero value were still recovering, he only had melee...but that didn't make it weak! Using his stump like a whip, he sweeped across the the entire facing to strike Snake wherever he was inside while clearing a chest level opening in the smoke.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Snake saw the radar blink before he saw the fist extending forward--an attack that reminded him of Min Min, her extendable arms capable of reaching greater distances. Snake's reaction was to cross his arms in an x before him, and take the brunt of the blow. It slugged against his arms, and he slid back across the ground with a grunt, knowing his arms were probably more damaged than they felt, the burns having ruined his nerves.

Through his slide, his harness and gear had caught on his foot. An idea creeping into his mind, Snake dropped to a knee as the hand-less arm swiped through the air, though his distance was greater than it could reach. With a sweep of his hands, Snake launched his gear high and far, flung violently with as much strength as he could muster- though not before pulling the pins on two grenades.
The harness and gear were flung swiftly through the smoke, wisps clutching onto it as it went, and it erupted in Uratekumon's general direction--though this was hardly the main event, as the detonation would release Snake's remaining grenades and explosives in a haphazard direction Uratekumon went, resulting in dozens of explosions pulsing about as phosphate and smoke began to engulf everything, the the explosives being propelled this way and that to detonate, covering a wide area and sacrificing Snake's greater weapons in favor of a widespread contingent, aimed to overwhelm Uratekumon.

That, of course, wasn't the end of it, as Snake turned and began to sprint his way out of the smoke before the results could reach him. The phosphorous clouds that would be rapidly engulfing Uratekumon, their spread doubled by the smoke grenades, would be going up in explosive flames as the oxygen around Uratekumon itself blew apart like a bomb in of itself, the mass of explosives enough to prematurely set off the phosphorous engulfing their arena, stretching high now.
If this didn't work... if Uratekumon somehow survived such an omni-directional attack...
Well, it would be all-fists for the soldier moving forward.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

After his swipe connected with a loud sound that resembled the crack of a whip, he spotted Snake's upper body through the clearing in the clouds. As he saw Snake's arms in the clouds pulling something...he knew he was prepping for a grenade having counter attack. It didn't matter which of the three he was trying, he didn't plan to stick around to find out.

Uratekumon leaped up into the air, going a bit higher than usual due to shedding some weight with the hand and missing armors. While in the air, he saw the clouds erupt down below in a blaze of danger, embers flying by him as he felt the heat radiating off of his body. Now THAT would have been dangerous. But now that he was up in the air as the remnants of the field burnt away like fuel in a campfire, all that remained was Snake, exposed and weak.

"HOW TF ARE YOU ALIVE?! Jhkgjgkgki-" The gamer yelled. "Hax, HAX, HAAAAAAX!"

The rat came down with a vengeance the Fist and stump slammed down on the ground where snake was. If he were to dodge, he's have his arms go into overdrive, aiming to nail into the wall the annoying...nail. Who had time for analogies??


Previously mallard
"...Duck!" As the Licker soared towards Psyduck, he ducked in fear. The mutant zombie soared over him and skid across the roof, huge claws leaving their mark as it did. The Duck quickly turned to face the creature, which didn't waste much time in lunging at the smaller Pokémon. Psyduck panicked, and his scalp soon became covered with magenta psychic energy. The Zen Headbutt made contact with the Licker's gnashing jaws, shattering most of its thin teeth, breaking its jaw, and knocking it back. However, this also knocked Psyduck back over the edge of the roof. Luckily, he landed in the bushlike tall grass beneath, breaking his fall. Unluckily, this didn't help his headache, it flared up to a level that's only happened once before. Magenta sparks sputtered from his skull for a moment, The Duck clutching his head, but it ceased just as quickly as it started. He got up, but was still obscured by the grass. He peeked above his cover to spot his foe, then ducked back under cover and blasted a Hydro pump in the cop's direction!

The rabbit made contact with his kick, using that to bounce off of the man's chest and roll backwards onto his feet in one swift movement. Revan gave his warning, and Turner replied with a smirk.
"Give me your best shot."
With that, he shot towards his knife that he'd dropped earlier, picking it up with a quick roll that ended in a skid to a stop. That same knife was flung from his hand in a second, aimed right between Revan's eyes.


The delinquent forgot how windy it was on the train, and the wind whipping by him altered his position in the sky, which meant he couldn't hit Rebellio if he tried. However, he was met by the mace from earlier, but this time he was ready for it, hitting the thing into the train car below. He landed on another car, a bit further back. The mace was between him and Rebellio at the moment, so Punk knew damn well that approaching wasn't an option, he just prepared for Rebellio to come to him.


The Master of the Yiga clan poofed into a cloud of smoke and talismans to not get rained on, disappearing to his hiding spot again. Or, was this the clone?

The Axe doppelganger mirrored the punch, clashing knuckles with the real one. He however gave it less power than he could've, shaking his hand in pain afterwards. He then felt his strength draining from him as the Drainin' Rain acted upon him. The disguised Kohga didn't like that, and teleported away in his signature poof of smoke, a dead giveaway. However, he hoped his disguise wasn't totally lost, and reappeared a dozen feet away from the boy whose likeness he still wore. The Top Banana leapt at Axe, his shield popping out a pickaxe to be used in his attack!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
One down, and...
He watched as the duck leapt from the roof, leaving behind a screeching Licker as it reared back in fury. Leon chose to ignore Psyduck for the moment, putting in two extra bullets into the distant creature--both bullseyes, and the Licker fell, the bullets and the headbutt putting it down for good. However, Psyduck had its mind focused on victory a little more than Leon, who glanced to the side to see a blast of water rushing toward him.

With a grunt, the agent was blasted off his feet, tilting his body and raising his arm in a way to shoulder the brunt of the attack, even as he went soaring. At the eclipse of the move, Leon fell back to the ground, rolling himself backward to slide to a stop along the grassy terrain on his boots, crouched. Hair dripping with water, he flipped it out of his face with a light scowl. "Don't know if you can understand me, but this place is about to be swarming!" he called to the duck. "Higher ground would be a more viable option if you're not suicidal."

He kicked off the earth, sprinting toward a semi-built building, scaffolding for the most part, beams and metal making a skeleton of its form, a place that any of the undead Leon could think of wouldn't be able to scale. It'd be pretty dangerous, but it wouldn't be his first rodeo on the jungle gym.

The Revanchist
Turner's confidence in the battle made Revan feel excitement. A worthy foe? Not in the force, but in a dance of blades. Daruk had been a foe that required the force to bring down. Kumamon was very similar, both of unnatural abilities, but the hare was of a grounded variety, something that didn't require the force to defeat. A clash of sabers. Revan's favorite form of combat.
The knife was flung, but with the quick slash of his saber by simply swinging his wrist, it was batted out of the air, redirected to embed into the earth at Revan's feet, who slid his leg back, and the knife shot out of the ground back toward Turner even quicker than before, spinning as it went, its hilt burning red from the strike against the lightsaber as it spun, aimed for Turner's head, or the tree behind him, the heat of the hilt making it a dangerous grab from either end.

"Must I force you closer?" Revan asked, Turner's knife throw signifying a distance game, one the force user responded to by blasting a single stream of lightning from his fingertips toward Turner, the lightning dancing and arcing through the air, naturally bending through the air to hit living things- living things like Turner.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Huh? Is disappearing' a new thang?"

Kohga had teleported elsewhere as well. Hmph! That was annoying. But seeing the pair going off fighting each other made her grow a mischievous smile. Well now, they are doin' all the fightin' for me! Ain't this priceless!

Jet jetted up toward a far off rocky ledge, having a pool of water inside of it like a miniature lake she made the water from the mini lake erupt, creating a water structure...a lounging beach chair? She laid down on it with a long sigh as she then snapped a finger, and a metal Reflector used for tanning and a pair of sunglasses fabricated right in front of her. Putting on the glasses and letting the metal reflector do it's work, she gave a smile to the 'camera'.

"Now this is what I call outwitting nitwits~"
The darkener raised his hand casually, a wall of spades appearing in front of him to block the barrage of lasers. They then disappeared, revealing Jevil’s still-grinning face, although he looked a little bored.

“My my, is that all you’ve got? Well then, this will be easier than I thought!” Jevil taunted before disappearing in thin air.

He then reappeared in the air above Copen, releasing a volley of 5 spades that travelled in an arc towards his enemy from his mouth. He then disappeared again, then reappeared nearby, releasing 5 more spades. He repeated this process several times, and quickly too, before returning to his original position, floating in the air idly.


Previously Manu456Alola

Punk chose not to approach, prompting Rebellio to use his mace as a projectile, launching the spiky construct at the delinquent, its speed boosted by the heavy wind. Shortly afterwards, the Adept held his hands out in front of him, summoning his most powerful ranged weapon: the Gatling gun.

After a couple seconds of revving up, the crimson weapon fired a barrage of string bullets in Punk's direction. The wind would make it harder for him to get close, so Rebellio was going to take full advantage of his Gatling gun's power!


Spades... They felt as familiar as his opponent, though now wasn't the time to focus on Jevil's origin. He had some projectiles to deal with. Five spades were released from the jester's mouth, slowly spreading out as they flew towards Copen.

The Adept Slayer was quick to leap backwards, allowing the projectiles to spread out a little more before Copen performed a Bullit Dash through one of the gaps, bringing him closer to Jevil- or so he thought. The darkner had already moved, teleporting to a different position before launching five more spades at him. Then five more. It was clear Jevil's attacks were meant to overwhelm their target, but the Adept Slayer had some experience dealing with this kind of foe. Maybe even fighting this one in particular...

Watching each projectile carefully as the sets of spades flew towards him, Copen already had a plan in mind. Performing a second Bullit Dash upwards, he was able to clear the second wave, the third one coming from above him, prompting the scientist to use his Flashfield to block them. Interestingly, this interaction caused his weapon energy to drop ever so slightly. He'd have to keep a close eye on his weapon gauge. These attacks were something special.

Several more waves came from below, Copen quickly switching EX Weapons to Hailstorm Blade, two icy swords manifesting behind him before they swung at the incoming spades, knocking them off course. Copen himself used his Impact Reload to get back down to the ground quickly, not just allowing him to recover all of his Bullits, but also getting him out of the way of a few spades that were headed for his earlier position.

Only two waves of spades remained, both coming from near Jevil's original position, right in front of the Adept Slayer. Weapon energy already back at its max thanks to his Weapon Recharger subroutine, the P-Bits were quick to switch to Broad Circuit, launching a wide-scale flurry of green data similar to lasers. These ones were far more powerful than the scientist's pistol, intercepting the spades before they could reach him. Each laser pierced through any projectile it hit, unhindered by the attacks and heading right for Jevil's newest position!
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As the scientist fired another barrage of lasers, Jevil took note of the fact that it pierced through his spades. With a snap of his fingers, the jester summoned several bombs in the air. Jevil then brought his hand downwards with a laugh, causing these bombs to fall. This caused a large explosion which could possibly do some damage to Copen, but that wasn’t its main purpose.

This explosion countered the flurry of projectiles the adept had unleashed, setting some off course and simply destroying others. Jevil giggled to himself, covering his mouth with his hand and kicking his feet in the air like an amused child. A large circle of spades suddenly appeared around Copen and quickly converged towards him in a spiral motion. After these spades converged, another circle would appear around Copen and the process would repeat. This would repeat several times.


Previously Manu456Alola

The bombs summoned by Jevil had a bit of a delay before crashing down and blowing up, allowing Copen to move out of the way before the large explosion intercepted his attack. Spades came his way once more, though they were in a circle around him this time around. They closed in on Copen one by one, following a counter-clockwise order. The scientist kept this trait in mind, forced to deal with the first ring head on.

Hailstorm Blade was selected again, one of the icy blades slashing at the nearest spade and knocking it off course, leaving a gap just wide enough for Copen to Bullit Dash through. Jevil hadn't moved this time, so if he could just get close to him...

Another wave of spades manifested around him, the Adept Slayer knowing exactly how to deal with it now. Once the first of the spades started moving, Copen performed another Bullit Dash to his right, evading it and the ones that followed immediately after it. A large gap was now present in their formation, giving the scientist enough time to Bullit Dash through it and rebounding off of a nearby prison cell, preserving his third Bullit.

Copen's trajectory led him to bounce off the floor next, gaining another Bullit and keeping his momentum up as he got close to Jevil, the next circle of spades appearing around him. Switching quickly to Twintail Bunker, two drills made out of hair shot out to destroy one of the incoming spades before Copen could collide with it, the Adept Slayer moving at high speeds past Jevil's attack- and directly towards the jester himself. Border II at the ready, Copen attempted to pistol whip the darkner to tag him. Successful or not, he'd follow up with Hailstorm Blade should Jevil still be within range.

"Yah!" Audrey grunted as she used her blade, blocked the nail swings before the Shade Soul, getting a yell of pain out of her. Didn't help that it went right into where she was stabbed before.

"You...you..." She began groaning, lifting her sword to the sky. "I'll kill you!" She yelled, Summoning lightning again into her blade and pointing right at The Knight, blasting fast lightning at him again, this one being one level as to save time charging.


The boy's eyes widened as he heard something near him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Wait, that sounds like...!" If anything, Axe could recognize the sound of his weapon popping out, or footsteps near him. He quickly turned, spotting his doppelganger charging him for an attack, prompting the boy, to raise his shield to clash with the pickaxe, forcing Axe back, getting a grunt from the boy as the weapons clashed.

"Nghh...outta my way, me!" He shouted, tilting his shield slightly to force the pickaxe to slip off, at the same time a sizzling sound began. Next, he charged his clone as soon as the weight was lost, and went past him, bashing the shield into the doppleganger's back before sticking out the the pickaxe and attempting to claw the imposter's weapon out of his hand with it, leaving himself open.


Previously Manu456Alola
The Knight

The Vessel was about to attack again following its successful Shade Soul, getting ready to perform another Nail Art when Audrey's lightning caught it by surprise, launched quicker than usual. The lightning struck Shroom head on, launching the bug backwards into a nearby rock wall. Sparks popped off of its body periodically, the Knight struggling to move after Audrey's attack. Tiny Void particles seeped from the cracks in its shell, floating upwards before dissipating.

Stuck in this one spot for the time being, the bug held its nubs out in front of it before launching another Shade Soul at Audrey, trying to buy time so it could fully recover from the lightning's effects.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


The unprepared Agent attempted to parry the blow in a last ditch attempt to survive, but the blow proved too much for his injured arms to hold, as he was bashed down into the ground, losing consciousness nearly immediately.

Winner: Uratekumon!

"Ha! Told you I'd win, N00B!" Uratekumon cackled, spit flying from his toothy maw. "NPCs never stood a chance!"

He stopped to teabag over the unconscious body of Snake before he made his way over to the archway, not even giving the Courtesy of dragging the man out.


Previously mallard
Psyduck definitely understood what Leon was saying, it made sense to him that more of those creatures would be coming soon. Especially as he heard a low, guttural growl come from an alleyway. Taking a look, a group of three Herdier snuck into view, their mustaches each soaked in blood.
The Duck held back a scream, and instead made a beeline towards the building Leon was going towards. The Zerdiers saw him immediately, and began to give chase. They, being dogs, barked at the fleeing duck as they closed the distance, also causing a ruckus to alert anything in the area. The terriers were now right behind Psyduck, rotting jowls gnashing as foamy, diseased slobber trailed behind them. In a desperate move, The Duck aimed his bill at the ground, and, blasted into the air, a Hydro Pump propelling him to the third floor of the half-constructed building.


The knife came quick, but Turner knew it would, narrowly deflecting it with his sword. Next, the man raised his hand, which Turner knew was not good judging from the grey Jedi's earlier battles. The rabbit preemptively dodged to the side, expecting some telekinetic ability, but instead a stream of lighting blasted through where he was once before. Yikes.
The freedom fighter opted to hop high upwards, and into the trees. Turner hopped from branch to branch, circling Revan from above, before coming down at him from the side with a quick slash.


Seeing the mace tearing towards him, Punk made a powerful leap over it. Then, when Rebellio pulled out a freaking minigun, he curled up midair and smashed himself through the roof that was weakened by the mace!
Once inside, the bullets tore through the ceiling after him blindly, one catching his shoulder. But the Punk moved quickly, making his way through the train. He counted the cars as he did. Suddenly, he leapt out the window! His hand caught the top of the window frame, swinging himself back onto the roof, the same car Rebellio was on! The delinquet charged the Falcon with a downwards bat swing, which he followed through into a spin and finally an axe kick!


The shield hit hard, cracking a vertebrae upon impact. Then came the pickaxe. Which took off the copy's arm! He exploded into smoke, Kohga's clone was no more.


The real Kohga watched from behind a boulder as Ranamon floated up to his cliff. He leapt from behind his cover. "Hey! This is my hiding spot, fish breath! Get back down there with the kid!" He withdrew his Demon Carver and ran towards the spirit of water at breakneck speed, leaping through the air to attack. But, he disappeared mid-jump, only to reappear to Ranamon's right with the continuation of his attack!


Previously Manu456Alola

The sound of glass shattering caught Rebellio's attention, the Falcon ceasing his assault as Punk made his way back on top of the train, quickly rushing in with his bat in hand. Turning on a dime to face the delinquent, Rebellio used his Gatling gun to block the incoming bat, the initial swing damaging it greatly before the following one straight up destroyed it, leaving the Adept without a weapon while Punk came in with an axe kick.

Rebellio raised his arms with a grunt, the Falcon's armor taking the brunt of the attack, though it did hurt regardless. Taking advantage of how close he was to his opponent, Rebellio quickly countered with a burst of thread that shot out from his forearms, aiming to tangle his opponent up in a split second before trying to launch him off the train!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
Now, this wasn't Leon Kennedy's first rodeo, he'd been involved loosely with "tournaments" before--though that was more in-line with Chris Redfield's domain. Regardless, Leon made the conscious choice to not pick another arena with these kinds of hazards again, it made things too complicated, maybe even a little unfair. He could have easily tried to use it to his advantage, but there was a part of him that despised that idea. It felt incredibly... pathetic, in a word. He'd rather a fight start and end fair, but the undead added a layer of complexity that he was familiar with, but not comfortable with.

Psyduck seemed to get what he said, and for the moment, they weren't enemies, instead working toward reaching a higher ground to avoid the arena hazards and continue their conflict uninterrupted. Using another blast of water, the water fowl launched itself up to the third floor as Leon arrived nearly the same time, bounding and swinging from the scaffolding about, most of the walls and floors not complete, gaping holes here or there, most of it falling apart due to the decay of time and nature's reclaim of the land.

Together, Leon and Psyduck scaled up floor by floor, the roar of sound coming from potentially a sea of the undead becoming duller and duller. The only real hazards they could encounter up here would be birds or the likes that were infected, or more Lickers trying to scale, though should they go high enough, any potential Lickers could be dealt with easily.

In record time, the two reached the highest floor, plenty of steel beams still rising up around them, but there was no floor structure to support. Huffing, Leon swiped his hair from his face and glanced at the duck. "Alright, I think we're good to continue now," he stated.

The hare deflected the knife in mimicry of Revan's own deflection before he began darting through the trees, Revan eyeing his movements, before he closed his eyes, clasping the ends of his sabers together, locking them together into a double-ended lightsaber as he took another stance, legs spreading a bit, boots pushing against the earth as he rooted himself. With a spin, the lightsaber momentarily twirled like a helicopter as it met Turner's own strike, Revan's eyes snapping open as he took a step forward, the ground cracking beneath his foot as his blades didn't slow in the slightest, spinning rapidly as they met and matched Turner's blade, pushing for a hard offensive. Another step, and another crack, the world shaking around the pair as Revan emulated his newest style--Goron Form. Heavy and powerful, excellent defense, and through the force he could intimidate his opponent through acts of overwhelming power.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It was nice up here actually. A cool breeze, glistening water, gorgeous view, and the sun's rays. The only problem was...a sudden masked guy coming headlong at her. Wait, what?

"huh??" Ranamon took her sunglasses off.

She braced herself before he vanished. She looked around to wherever he went, raising her sun tanner. Suddenly, the tanner was torn through and her head was met with a blade that shatter the gem on her head and ripped through the sail fin, a stream of zero's and ones streaming out. She was then sent off her water chair and was thrown into the waters, her glasses breaking on the Rocky floor. After a few seconds, the water bubbles up as her head rose to the surface, spitting up water.

"Now honey, is that any way to treat a lady??" She huffed, data still spilling from the wound . "Why don't you come back for a spankin'?!"

She conjured up four tendrils of water using the lake behind her, shooting toward him at several a direction, each one aimed at a different limb. They would curl around them before dragging him to be drowned in the water behind her. She seemed to be much more angry now, the damage seeming permanent.
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As Copen was making anime plays to avoid his spades, Jevil started to bounce up and down as his excitement grew, doing a little dance. The adept neared him, attempting to use some sort of whip-thing to hit the darkener. Of course, Jevil was having none of that. Whips were for circus animals, not jesters!

Jevil’s body then morphed into a large scythe and floated upwards, both avoiding the attack and going out of range for future attacks. “Hee hee hee, let’s make the devilsknife!” Jevilsknife said before vanishing.

Suddenly, four scythes identical to the one Jevil morphed into appeared around Copen in a square. They then closed in on him. If they missed, they would phase through each other and circle back around again. If they failed again, this process would repeat. They would do this about six times before vanishing for good. After these six times, Jevil himself would appear again, still dancing.

BTD(Genuinely didn’t know I could post with these guys)
The batch of monkeys emerged from the archway, rather sad. However, their benevolent albino overlord cheered them up, giving the, advice. The smaller ones smiled and jumped excitedly, while the bigger ones nodded in agreement. They were back in high spirits!

Meanwhile, Benjamin sat in the lobby, fiddling with his computer. He then noticed his opponent walk into the archway.

Benjamin waltzed into an arch after his wolf-like opponent and was met with darkness once more. “Archipelago.” He said to the voice when it asked for a location.

The two were then transported to a beautiful island shore, surrounded by ocean. Nearby, there were other islands of similar size within travel distance, allowing for fight area expansion if required.

Benjamin then typed on his computer, summoning a Tac Shooter to sit on and several Triple Dart Monkeys to appear in front of him as body guards. They then threw many sharp darts at Amaterasu, trying to get a good first hit in.


Previously Manu456Alola

Jevil morphed into a scythe, avoiding Copen's tag attempt before disappearing, leaving the scientist hovering in midair and waiting for the next wave of projectiles to appear. Four scythes soon appeared around him before closing in on his position, the Adept Slayer cancelling his hover and dropping to the ground to avoid the first cycle. The devilsknives were quick to come back for another attack, Copen using a Bullit Dash to propel himself out of harm's way, the scythes converging on his earlier position before heading for him again.

Two drills made of hair manifested at Copen's sides, extending downwards and into the ground beneath him to launch the Adept Slayer high up in the air to avoid the third wave of attacks. Once there, he hovered for a moment, allowing the scythes to home onto his new position before he Bullit Dashed away, though not before using Hailstorm Blade to deflect a scythe that got remarkably close.

His trajectory led him to bounce off of the ceiling, keeping his last Bullit while the devilsknives chased after him. Making use of his Impact Reload once more, the Adept Slayer began falling incredibly quickly, scythes missing their mark yet still hot on his tail. Instead of landing to recover his Bullits and risk getting hit by the devilsknives, Copen used his third Bullit to dash out of the way of the sixth and final cycle.

His biggest strength besides his frequent attacks is his teleportation... The scientist's mind raced as Jevil himself reappeared, Copen not too far away from him. I must get rid of that asset. The P-Bits got in formation behind him before launching several shots of Vantage Raid, a series of ring-shaped projectiles quickly heading towards Jevil. They would bind around their target upon impact, heavily restricting the jester's movements if they made contact.


Previously Gamingfan2
The wolf tilted her head slightly at the sight of benjamin. This monkey appeared vastly different than the ones back at Nippon. How strange. However, it wasn't something to think about as the monkey summoned other allys, a trick Amaterasu had dealt with before. Amaterasu casually stroked her tail twice, and the two lines of ink promptly reflected the darts, sending a wave of them back to the monkeys. Not done yet, Amaterasu ran towards Benjamin, slashing her blade, Thunder Edge towards him. Take out the origin, and the rest will fall. That's how she learned.

Kirbobot Armor
The armor's AI reacted quickly, processing the damage from the first punch in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, the cockpit was damaged quite heavily. The ultra comfort pilot seat was ripped to shreds, the easy-grip levers were bent and broken, and the fate of the Award Winning, Haltmann approved, Triple Deluxe cup holder was better left unsaid. All critical assets....well....to a pilot.
However, the AI wasn't going to just stand there and let Chief tear himself through it. It's arms reshaped themselves back to normal, and promptly drilled against the super soldier.

Weavile unfortunately couldn't land the vital blow, but damage was damage. Speaking, those kicked certainly appeared to be able to inflict some. Her claws began dripping with poison as she retaliated head on, her jabs colliding with Li's kicks before suddenly rolling back and tossing a icicle chunk above her, which would arc and hopefully strike Chun-Li on her head.
Even if it didn't, Weavile hoped her jabs might've poisoned Li in the process.

Dark Matter
Oh? This was the person who beat the knight? Shame, if Dark Matter had the chance to bend him to its will, he would've made a useful asset. Although, if it failed against this gibbering fool, perhaps his title was a mistake
No matter. Dark Matter dashed towards the spell head on. However, before it could strike, it summoned two hexagonal projections that circled around it. One absorbed the spell, and they circled Dark Matter as it rushed Yuga


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
Tearing apart the bits of leisure in the cockpit, getting deeper and making way for crucial bits, Chief noted the shift in the body as the arms moved to try and deal with him. Yanking out a plasma grenade, the Spartan activated it before throwing, aiming to stick it into the cockpit as his other arm was brought up, the forearm slugging forcefully against the automaton's attack, but his grenade throw sacrificed defense on his left side, allowing the other drill to punch against him.

John used the force punching him off the mech to spin himself in the air, flipping into a landing as he stretched his arm out, grappling a stray plasma rifle into his hands, which he proceeded to use and open fire on his opponent, superheated blasts of condensed plasma bursting forth, regardless if the plasma grenade was successful or not.


Previously mallard
The two reached the top of the building. The wind whipped around them from up here, and the view would've been great if there wasn't a battle going on in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Psyduck gripped a metal rod that he found on one of the earlier floors. It was longer than his own body and could be considered a comical image to some.
With a battle cry that wouldn't spook a Machop, he charged at Leon and attempted to take the weapon to the officer's shins in wide, reckless swings.

Revan changed his stance into a sturdier one, matching and overpowering the rabbit, who flew backwards and slammed into a tree rather painfully. He collapsed onto the ground, the blade lay beside him sizzling in the grass. Turner got up as fast as he could with the world spinning, which, as it turns out, wasn't very fast. As the world was just beginning to make sense again, he reached down to grab his weapon, opting for a defensive stance himself.

Punk was pretty proud of himself for that mini-combo. But then, he saw the threads wrapping around him.

Oh fuck.

He was thrown off the train and into the fog-covered lands beside the tracks. The delinquent managed to land on his feet, running along, although not quite as fast as, the train. Boy, did he run faster than he ever has in his life. Then, tripping on something the Roof Rager couldn't see in the night fog, he transitioned into a roll, in which he was slightly faster. Then, he bounced through the window of the caboose, landing on his butt to collect himself after all that rolling.

Master Kohga

The Top Banana's head whipped to each limb as they were grabbed, before being dragged towards the lake. However, on his trip there, he broke out into a laugh.
Kohga disappeared, reappearing atop a stone with his arms crossed, the increased height for intimidation purposes.
"Sorry, but YOU'RE the loser in this story!"
He tossed his Demon Carver in the air, and then shot a beam of Magnesis at it. He swung the weapon at Ranamon, which spun like a buzzsaw. At the same time, he erected a blue wall in front of himself to shield from any attacks!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Now this is plain aggravating.

After yet ANOTHER disappearance act, Kohga had boasted his prowess to her while demeaning the idol. She was about to give him a piece of her mind before he swung his blade once more at her. She cried out as she ducked under the water, stopping her formed tendrils in order to swim away. After a few seconds under the water, she shot out of it much higher up into the air.

"I ain't just a southern bell you can keep Beatin' up darlin'! Watch this!"

She winked, a pair of arms appearing behind him from the moisture in the air. These Ranamon looking arms would try and grip his arms and hold him down before he could notice. That's when she combined this with another move.

"Drainin' Rain!"

A black rain cloud appeared over the rock they fought on, the rain droplets crashing down toward Kohga while the arms would attempt to keep him in place.


Previously Manu456Alola

While Punk took a breather following his mad dash back onto the train, Rebellio dropped down through the hole the delinquent made earlier, revealing nothing but empty train cars before him. There was no way Punk made it to the roof again, so he probably was all the way at the back. He had to make it there quick before he could recover fully.

The Adept manifested a mace in his hands as he ran towards the caboose, stopping about a car away. He then threw his mace at the door, the spiky construct smashing through it with ease and threatening to hit Punk as well should he not act fast enough. While his crimson weapon caused chaos in the caboose, Rebellio converted himself into thread, halo coming down on top of him and causing the Falcon to vanish.

His next position was soon revealed, the Adept reappearing midair within the caboose, crafting a scythe in a split second before slashing at Punk from above!


Previously mallard
The sound of rending steel reached Punk's ears before the mace did, not a pleasant sound by any means, but it gave him time to raise his bat in defense. A couple spikes made shallow wounds in the Punk's body before blasting him out of the back of the train. The green-haired delinquent grabbed one of the spikes and yanked himself over the big mace, where he clumsily landed in the caboose again. The Falcon appeared in his face with his nasty-looking weapon, to which Punk reacted to by throwing himself against the wall, and only earning himself a gash on the upper arm.
Now, Punk looked terrible. His own blood stained his clothes in large amounts, but the delinquent simply chose not to give a crap. He's been cut to ribbons by Jin, a couple scratches weren't that bad.
In response, Punk threw his own body at Rebellio, aiming to check him into the wall before the Falcon fully regained his stance. If this succeeded, the Punk would wildly swing his bat before his foe could recover in an attempt to brutally beat him into the wall.

Kohga, Master

Kohga was pinned by this surprise attack, and got a facefull of Drainin' Rain, flailing his stubby legs as he did.
After a moment of this, he managed to poof away to the top of a rock pillar. There, he felt the effects of the rain, almost falling over from his reduced strength. And he was soggy. Yuck.
The ninja squat atop his perch and pulled out a bunch of mighty bananas, grumbling as he did. His tone became much happier when the sweet banana disappeared into his mask, as the properties slowly restored both his strength and health!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Hehe! Now that's what I'm talking about!

After Kohga vanished and reappeared nearby, Ranamon put a hand on her hip and smirked at the recovering psychopath.

"Aw, sorry sugar. Did I get you all wet? How about I dry you off then? Dark Vapor!"

Giving a twirl of her body, she struck a pose, fueling a ebony beam between her palms as it shout out toward Kohga, the acidic nature of it melting through obstacles along it's path.


Previously mallard
Master of the Yiga Clan
Kohga didn't miss a beat in throwing up one hand to summon his wall of energy, continuing to eat his bananas. After he finished off the one he was chewing, the ninja master stood upright, only to fall backwards off the pillar.
Only a few feet from impact with the ground, he poofed into smoke, reappearing above the fish lady with his Demon Carver back in hand. He rapidly flipped downwards at Ranamon, and then used his weapon in a strike teeming with power!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"A wall again? Hun, you need more tricks."

She erected a pillar of water under her as she rose up high. That's when Kohga appeared to
Commit suicide, throwing himself off the rock face.

"...Huh?!? Well...that was unexpected..."

Then suddenly, a black shadow loomed over her. Looking up, she knew it was too late. The blade fell down as she braced herself her arms coming defensively in front of her. The blade cut through her water gauntlets, shattering the gemstone inside of them while breaking the gauntlets apart. And just like that, her final gemstone was shattered. The water under her quivered before giving up the ghost, dropping her down into the water below. Spitting up water as she climbed back up to the surface, she glared up at Kohga.

"That's it! Your gonna get the waterboardin' of your life, sugar!"

When she raised her hands to call on water...nothing answered. She blinked, looking at her arms with the broken gemstones on them. Her powers...were gone! This made her even more ticked off.

"Wha- the waters turned off?! Hm...!! Well then I have no other choice!"

A blue cocoon of coding wrapped around her as light enveloped the spirit.

"Ranamon sliDE EVOLUTION!"

The cocoon became bigger and bigger before it dispersed, revealing the big, quivering form of Calmaramon, glaring down at the small in comparison master Kohga.

The jester grinned as Copen cleverly avoided his attacks. “My, my! Perhaps you have played this game before, otherwise you have quite the beginner’s luck, my friend!” Jevil commented, the scythe from before materializing in his hand. The darkener spun it around rapidly, grinning as he did so.

He flew back quickly as the Vantage Raid approached him. He sliced two in half as they tried to catch up to him, then dodged another by quickly flying down to the ground, landing with a strange mix of excitement and grace. The remaining projectiles approached quickly, but Jevil was ready. He summoned several diamonds behind him and shot them at the projectiles while also defending himself from the ones that got close, slicing them in half. The diamonds intercepted the remaining ones, effectively clearing the battlefield of projectiles.

Without a moment of calm, Jevil summoned his next attack.
“My hearts go out to you, sinner!”
Dozens of bombs appeared above the field and dropped down. The explosions themselves were dangerous, but the projectiles that followed were also a problem. Hearts would emerge from the bombs and home in on Copen to do more damage!


Previously mallard
The Master
Holy cow, she was huge! She looked and smelled like a Moduga. Kohga's painted eye swept from eye to eye of the beast, not from jealousy, but just taking in the massive size of Calamaramon. Maybe she was more pleasant than Ranamon. Probably not. With a gulp, he poofed elsewhere yet again.
He reappeared right behind Axe, not aggressive in the slightest as his gaze was still fixed on the giant squid.
"Hey, kid, you ever kill a giant monster?"

"Hah!" Audrey jested as the bug was stunned by the blast, confident she'd won now. "That's what you get for messing with the Hero!" She adds, about to charge for a slash, only to get a yowl of pain in her voice as the Shade Soul struck, sending her back.

Suddenly, a rock under Audrey lifted up, combining with her momentum, and sending her up out the caverns and onto the top of the mountain! Needless to say, she was very cold. "Urgh...what the...?" She groaned as she got to her feet.


Meanwhile, back underground, the rock was lifted more, revealing a small mound of the bugs The Knight had avoided earlier. From them came a cheerful chirp, as well as showing a small motion where the rock was thrown up slightly, as if offering to send Shroom up there a bit more gently.


"Oh, there you are you- Wait, big monster?! Where?!" Axe immeadiantly answered Kohga's question, turning frantically to spot it, only to see Calamaramon. "Ah."

Did she already...? Geez, he really must've made her mad.

"OH! Okay, that's my thing, I'll deal with you later!" Axe ran to go fight Calamaramon. The sound of sizzling from before was also revealed, with a firecracker left in Kohga's hand less than a second before exploding.
"HEY! Ranamon! I know he's still there, but big monsters are MY things to beat, got it!? And you already broke the home of Pasmina and Granny Yarne, so I'm gonna beat you now, got it!?" Axe yelled at his former ally, raising his shield in a balanced offense-defense stance.



Yuga frowned. Of course his spell was stopped again.

"I'll just try it later." He muttered. Seeing the hexagonal projectile, he groaned, shaking his staff. The portrait he summoned for the spell began to move again, before fire spilled out, eradicating the projectile before moving to Dark Matter, firing out blasts of lightning and fire, before finishing a stab of a giant golden trident before the frame moved to Yuga's side.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Her body squelched and gurgled as jet black acid pumped through her pulsating stomach. She laughed out loud at Axe's remark as he prepared for battle, her fangs dripping with deadly toxins.


Her stomach puffed up unhealthily, bloating up like a fat man as a sticky fluid ran down the pulsating organ.


She hurled, vomited up a plume of black fluid. Her head swerved to the left and right, covering all her bases as her inky acids poured down like fluid of death.


Previously mallard
Master Banana
"Break a leg, runt!"
Immediately after cheering the kid on, he realized that he was holding onto a firecracker, courtesy of Axe.
"Aw, bananas..."
The firecracker exploded, Kohga enveloped in the blast.
A moment later, he came stomping out of the smoke, mumbling curses under his breath. At that time, Calamaramon began to vomit, and suddenly the ninja didn't want to be near Axe anymore. Instead, he opted to fly up high to watch the battle for a bit before he decided who to attack first.

"Woah!" Axe yelped, seeing the acid ink bleurgh around, beginning to cover the area. Quickly, he rolled back, avoiding the first spurge of acid as he raised his shield to block it as it passed him again. He lowered it, hearing sizzling and shaking his head seeing it slightly melty from the acid. "Alright, that's...um...annoying." He mumbled. "Well, you can say that all you want, but I've faced worse than you and lived, so this'll be a piece of cake!" He countered.

Alright, gotta be something I can...hah! I got it!

With Calmaramon's head still turned to the side, Axe quickly dashed forward, pushing his shield to the ground and extending the pickaxe suddenly with the Red Stone's might to boost himself into the air, before turning to slam his shield into the side of her head. Then, assuming that works, he would move to climb onto the head, just above the face, before grabbing a bottle out of his satchel.
"Let's see which smells worse, you, or this!" He would say, before leaping off and spraying the Monster Perfume to her face before landing back in his original position. If failed, he would simply fall back, raising his shield.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
The duck waddled quickly toward the agent, swinging a metal bar that dwarfed the creature wildly as he went, aiming to try and slap at Leon's knees, who brought up one leg as he stood on the other, and kicked at the bar, his heel denting the rod as it collided and pushed it back. A similar result on the next swing as Leon kicked against it again, before he quickly made to slam his boot into the wild mallard's gut and knock it back, which Leon followed quickly up with by conjuring Matilda and firing a few rounds in Psyduck's direction--he knew it wouldn't do too much at this point, but all damage could add up.​

The Hare was placed at a severe disadvantage, made clear when he was knocked away, his blade glowing molten from the strikes against a lightsaber, albeit a notably weakened lightsaber. Revan watched as Turner climbed to his feet, slower than he had before, and he made no immediate retaliation like usual.​

He was breaking.​

Then the warrior took a defensive stance, appearing to try and mimic Revan's own, who cocked his head ever-so-slightly to the side. From a glance, it would seem as though this was a sign of intrigue--but it was quickly revealed he was utilizing the force, as a boulder dwarfing either combatant from deeper in the forest suddenly came crushing down upon Turner's position, arching from above as the gray Jedi raised his hand, and fired his violet lightning again, though this time it wasn't a condensed bolt, but a wide spread of lightning arching over a great area. Not as powerful as the earlier bolt, but far more difficult to dodge.​


Previously Manu456Alola

"Is this all a game to you?" Was Copen's only response to the jester's comments. Jevil's defense seemed as good as his offense, the darkner intercepting Copen's attacks with projectiles of his own, not to mention he now brandished a scythe identical to the ones he'd used before. He didn't seem interested in using it offensively right now, instead opting to summon more bombs and blast the Adept Slayer into submission.

Not a chance.

Border II already aiming above the scientist, the gun fired a barrage of lasers towards each bomb, preemptively detonating several of them before they could drop all the way down. He hadn't expected four hearts to pop out of each bomb once they blew up, the projectiles heading for his current position. Spades, diamonds and clubs... his attacks followed the theme of a card deck, and Jevil himself likely represented the Joker. A card that could add randomness and confusion to a game, which certainly applied here. Chaos was simply his thing.

The Adept Slayer performed a simple grounded dash to get away from the initial wave of hearts and the bombs he was unable to shoot down, not quite achieving his top speed but giving him a speed boost regardless. He needed a little bit of time to automatically recover one of his Bullits, but he still had plenty of tools to keep himself safe.

More hearts followed Copen as he ran, the Adept Slayer switching EX Weapons to Stellar Spark, an electric orb spawning behind Copen, courtesy of the P-Bits. Said orb was quick to launch three electric streams backwards, the Azure Striker-based attack easily smashing through the fragile hearts in their way. They wouldn't stop there, as they would keep arcing towards Jevil to shock him.

"Say, Boss..." Lola spoke. "You sure we haven't seen this guy before? Everything about him is real familiar, it's got my memory circuits all out of whack."

"I'm not sure. We'd better stay on our guard."


Punk was indeed able to pin Rebellio against the wall, bat swing after bat swing coming the Adept's way. The delinquent scored some solid blows, his wooden weapon striking the Falcon's armor and face repeatedly, causing many dents, cracks, bruises and a whole lot of pain. He was eventually able to place his own weapon in between himself and Punk, the crimson scythe taking some hits but still staying strong.

With a grunt, Rebellio pushed back with his own weapon, the two locked in a clash just like the many ones they had before. Punk was starting to get weaker, at least physically. Those wounds of his would catch up to him soon. Pushing against the delinquent's weapon with all of his strength, Rebellio aimed to leave his opponent wide open, even if just for a moment. He would use the opening he'd hopefully created to unleash another burst of thread from his body, taking the shape of a large, lethal spike this time.

The Knight

Well, that was unexpected. The bugs from earlier had come to assist Shroom, launching Audrey out of the cavern and saving the bug from what could have been defeat. They seemed to want to help further, performing a gesture with the rock they used, offering to launch the Knight up towards Audrey.

The lightning's effects finally ceased, the Vessel getting back up and giving its fellow bugs a nod. After using a bit of SOUL to Focus and regain a small portion of its health, Shroom hopped onto the rock the bugs had used, nail at the ready. White energy swirled around the Knight and its weapon, prepared for the final encounter with Audrey.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Calmaramon scoffed as she raised a tentacle to easily block the shield attack...only that it was much stronger than she anticipated, knocking her tentacle to the side. WHAAAT. Before she could realize, she was sprayed with a terrible smelling stench, one that made her stagger back and cough, black liquid splorching down from her lips.


Blinded by all her senses except hearing and touch due to the perfume, she hazardously flung her tentacles about, crushing, smashing, and flattening everything in sight! One swipe shattered a Boulder into pebbles, another made a crater in the ground, and another swiped right at Axe!