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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Gorgo angled its head to try and hit the Machamp, only for the impact of Machamp's hit to send the Vivosaur crashing into the ground. As it tried to get up, Saurhead could see that something was probably broken. This was not an Earth type, far from it.

"Nightmare Combo!"

Gorgo let out a roar of pain as the sky got even darker, resembling night as another spectral head was charging at Machamp. The Vivosaur wanted a hit on Machamp, it was not going to get disrespected in this manner!

@Captain Pokémon
Once again, Gorgo’s flying head that was on fire charherd at Machamp. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a boulder around to save him this time. However, Machamp didn’t care too much, he wasn’t limited to rocks!

Machamp dug his fingers into the ground, then yanked. He tore up a large chunk of earth and yeet it at the projectile, cancelling it out. Using the cover from the collision, which sprayed dirt and smoke everywhere, Machamp sprinted towards Gorgo undetected. Once he was close, he went in for a mighty punch, aiming to do big damage to the Dino!
Gorgo was clearly in pain, it wouldn't be long before it would go down. Saurhead gritted his teeth, this four-armed-freak was a nuisance. He had yet to land a hit on him, it felt like he was using Zino without the proper support. Still, Gorgo had an excellent sense of smell and Machamp was bound to have accumulated some sweat at this point. He's been running around and throwing stuff left and right, after all. "Gorgo, sniff him out! Scorch Breath!" Gorgo unleashed another Scorch Breath, using its sense of smell to have a general location of Machamp. Thankfully it was a consistent smell, so it could lock onto it without being distracted too much by other scents.

Saurhead had to ignore his gut instinct to use another Fire type, types clearly did not matter here when a single opponent could break the leg of one of his strongest Vivosaurs. He'd have to use smaller ones, faster ones.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously Gamingfan2
Though Weavile's attack landed spot on, Chun li remained firm and unleashed her attack anyway. Luckily, Weavile's small size and position meant it only grazed her, sending the Dark-Ice flying, but she caught herself and landed without much trouble.
All in all, good trade for her.
Weavile grinned and split again, creating a few clones to aid her in confusing Chun-Li as she ran back towards the fighter, each freezing an icicle and tossing it towards her

Dark Matter
After the clones exploded, the battlefield appeared to smolder, and Dark Matter was nowhere to be found. Only a large....floating boulder where he last used to be?
Its brown exterior was slightly blackened from the lightning, but otherwise whole.
Well, until it exploded, sending sizable portions of itself everywhere, including Yuga's position.
From what was inside the boulder, stone turned into pitch black nothingness, and Dark Matter reformed back, looking unbothered.

Kirbobot Armor Mode: ESP
It appeared this assault was unlikely to end. The armor took note of the shield, and slammed its oversized hands together, creating a massive ball of psychokinetic energy, which it promptly fired. It tore through the electrically enhanced bullets, and the Armor took advantage of the cover to close the distance, firing smaller balls of energy out of one hand that curved past the larger one and towards Chief.


Previously Deathstalker62
With having finished his portals, Death quickly put his arms down towards the incoming thunderbolt and intercepted it with his own swarms of mini-scythes, the wide majority blocking out the attack and the remaining few flying at his opponents uninterrupted, as the passive mini scythes kept spawning continously around the area and flying at the pair at random angles. However, there was still that fist flying right at the dark spirit.. which was soon to be intercepted by a large, ornate spear flying out of one of the two portals and inevitably ending up not just piercing but also pinning the fist to the ground should it fly uninterrupted in the same path it travelled currently.

As Death's scythe spun rapidly and disappeared, only to promptly re-appear within his grasp, two figures descended from the portals the reaper made. A large, dark-green, bird-humanoid demon with a long, sharp beak and an spear being identical to the one that had shot out of the portal a few moments ago. Out the other, a muscular, light-blue demon appeared; horned, red-eyed and his arms being fused to his wings like a bat's own flight appendages. These were the soul harvester's own two lackeys - Slogra and Gaibon.

Immediately, Gaibon flew over Slogra and picked up the bird-like demon by his claws before ascending into the air again, breathing out a stream of small fireballs at the Gemini Twins. Slogra himself remained aiming his spear and throwing it like a javelin, a new one appearing in his hands a few moments after one throw. As for Death himself, he had thrown his arms up and changed into darker, slightly purple robe, increasing his resistances to non-physical attacks before throwing his arms to his side and casting out large, blue magic orbs that flew right into the rocky walls of the cavern stage and disappeared.. only for a few moments, as they soon shot out of the walls again close by to the reaper's opponents to bite down on them, flanking them from the left and right at the same time!


Previously Manu456Alola
The Knight

The large creature Audrey was fighting was quickly paralyzed once the girl's lightning struck it, so it was clearly something to watch out for. The bug readied its weapon as Audrey readied hers, lighting striking the blade before shooting out towards the Vessel. Instead of trying to dodge the blast, it ran directly towards it, shadow enveloping Shroom's body as it dashed forwards with its Shade Cloak, phasing right through the deadly lightning and coming out of the other end unharmed, the shadow dissipating.

Now much closer to its opponent than before, the bug aimed to deliver a Great Slash, energy swirling around Shroom and its weapon as it performed the Nail Art.

Chun-Li started to figure out what Weavile's plan was, trying to confuse her with clones and peppering her with icicles. Putting her hands on the ground, she performed a handstand before performing a split and spinning around in a stationary version of her Spinning Bird Kick that shattered the icicles. Springing back onto her feet, she gathered ki energy in her hands and fired a Kikoken at the approaching Weavile.


Gemini Spark

As the scythes flew at Gemini Spark, a worm hole opened up to send the scythes straight back to Death as the Rocket Fist exploded when it got pierced, regrowing on the arm of the Gemini without one. As Gaibon and Slogra started attacking, the Gemini twins leapt back before using a battle card to fire missiles at the three servants of darkness. The flaming orbs approached out of the walls, proving to Gemini that this was going to be a pain of a fight. Gemini thought about blocking them, but they turned into giant skulls before he could move and both Gemini's got bit, dealing massive damage to the both of them. Death clearly had the superior firepower, and it seemed that even aliens were not out of his reach.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Upon landing, Uratekumon made a pun and began to spin, aiming to use reach and leverage to stake a win- though limited by his own constricting stats, alongside not being an omni-directional attack. "Actually, I prefer F-Sharp."
Snake leaped forward sliding under the reach of the arms as they spun, Uratekumon's unprotected body beside him as Snake slid quickly, making to slash across Uratekumon's gut, or whatever moved to try and inflict damage. Regardless of this outcome, Snake would roll away, using the momentum of his slide, before leaping upward, timing just right to avoid the spinning arms, going between their rotation in time enough for the soldier to conjure Cypher and rise higher, all while he pulled out three smoke grenades, tossing them in different directions.

Upon release from Snake's grip, the grenades began to release a thick smoke, without much room to travel inside of the boxed-in out-of-bounds area they were battling in. Snake was simply awaiting the perfect opportunity...

Master Chief
The bot was relying heavily on using the projectiles as a defense- so that probably meant it was sacrificing other means of battle. Judging from its bulky and unusual shift in appearance upon changing forms, John garnered the interest that perhaps it didn't have the speed to keep up. So the Spartan burst forward, and in that same second, he had already leaped above the attacks as well as the robot, landing behind it deftly. Midair, he'd holstered the sidekick, and now conjured the CQS48-Bulldog, a rotary chamber mid-range shotgun, capable of rapid fire.

The moment the Spartan landed, directly behind the Robobot, he began to fire off the point-blank shotgun rounds into it.
"Should have picked a map with more environmental uses," Kalmiya commented.
"I have my reasons," John replied.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The console wearing weasel's eyes were glued to Snake, so as he began to above under his DPS phase, he deployed a handy piece of hardware to parry his attack.


His whip like tail slashed at the blunt edge of the blade, sending it lower than it's original intention as the two objects repelled each other. If lucky, the power he released into the blade would crack and perhaps shatter the steel.

He landed on the ground with a smash of force, smoke deployed around him by his foe in the meantime. The movement of the arms spinning around caused the smoke to disperse around him like a fan blade, a large swath of it flying up and out of the void of a sandbox they were in. However, this didn't stop it from pooling up outside of his arm's reach.

"Eh?" He eyed the left. "Ehhhhh???"

He eyed the right. He was surrounded by smoke. His sight lock on Snake's movements were broken. A good move for a tacky mascot. But since he did not know where he was amidst the fog, the cowardly Digimon planned an escape route.

"Zero Value!"

It locked into the ground below as he was sent back through the floor, ending up in the underground. As the surface sealed up behind him, he blasted up to Whomever would hear him.

"Cheater! He's out of bounds longer than I am! Out of bounds means defeated! ROFL! Throw the book at him Host!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Through his Solid Eye, he'd watched the confused Appmon flee, and begin to rage out below.
"Snake, he's trying to call the Host on you," Otacon's voice came in through the codec.
"Let him, Host has no reason to show up again," Snake replied simply, taking this advantage he'd been given, allowing the smoke to continue filling the room as he remained.
"Yet, Snake. Yet," Otacon stated. "He already doesn't seem to like you very much, we don't want to give him another reason to potentially disqualify us."
"Right, let me worry about that," Snake replied, tugging out a mine and getting to work.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


No answer came. Yet. Uratekumon knew though that if one were to just camp out of bounds...that wouldn't go well for a host that craved entertainment, as well as sure to break SOME rule that he would come up in that very moment. So instead of act on this, Uratekumon took the opportunity to examine the damage to himself, as well as use RPG Maker once more to well round his stats back to their standard perimeters.

"Tch! Miracle Gatcha compromised..."

He spat, looking over the disabled laser reader for his mech suit. Some wires had been snapped inside as well, leaving it non functional. Hm...if he were sitting still like this and actually had time...there would be a chance to repair it. But that would take what, five minutes of uninterrupted repair time? If Snake wasn't eliminated by default anyway, he'd be surprised.


Previously Gamingfan2
The icicles were easily disposed of, but it allowed Weavile enough distance to close. It was a simple matter to fluidly hop above the projectile and Chun-Li, sending a few icicles from above.
Her assault far from over, a Weavile dashed back to Chun-Li as soon as she landed, sending out a few poisonous jabs for good measure.

Robobot Armor Mode:ESP
Through its visor, the armor's illuminated eyes appeared to blink as they saw Chief coming from above, and stopped firing. It appeared he was done with long ranged combat, at least for now.
The AI wasn't made to be taken aback so easily (it also wasn't meant to have sentience at all, but semantics). As soon as Chief landed behind it, one of it's floating, oversized hands promptly slapped behind itself, as to knock the shotgun off and away from the robot's back. Immediately, the massive ball of psychokinetic energy burst into four relatively large ones, which promptly maneuvered back and around the armor, aiming towards Chief while the armor kept the shotgun barrel aimed somewhere else to the best of its ability.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Snake: What's he doing?
Otacon: He's... waiting.
Snake: For the Host?
Otacon: Yeah, be that through calling for a referee, or to try and force the Host to intervene through lack of action.
Snake: He's insane, Host might just disqualify us both!
Otacon: I think as long as he brings you down with him, Uratekumon considers it a win.
Snake: I knew he enjoyed cheating, but that's low.
Otacon: There's a possibility you can use this to your advantage, Snake.
Snake: Really? Go on.
Otacon: I'm not able to delete the map properties and take away Uratekumon's advantage, but there's a possibility you could have Host do that. Enable a map that doesn't give either of you intellectual or environmental advantages.
Snake: Hm... not a bad idea...
Otacon: Think it could work?
Snake: Yeah, it might. Thanks, Otacon.
Otacon: No problem, Snake. Piece of cake, right?
Snake: Thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal.
Otacon: ...
Snake: ...
Otacon: What?
Snake: Eh- nothing. Just something I was told to say.
Otacon: Uh... okay. Good luck, Snake!

Well, most of this set-up was probably useless. "Host," Snake spoke up this time. "I'm sure you got all that."

Alas, the Host had. The world immediately vanished, and Uratekumon and Snake appeared side-by-side (though supernaturally restrained from conflict for the moment) as their one and only Generic Host appeared before them, smiling broadly- though there was a twitch to his eye. "You both are pretty... annoying," he chuckled as though this were a joke over family dinner. "I'm not a referee for you to call on to convenience you, y'know... I'm your judge. I'd say neither of you have earned a win. You?" his finger drifted to point at Uratekumon (a threatening movement, as people usually exploded when Host did this). "You really can't beat this guy? He's got guns and knives, and you're trying to rope me in to tell you that you win? Come on... and you? You're sneaky, sneakier than I expected, using UK's own moves... I considered stopping that, but it was entertaining enough. Unfortunately, both of you are... so... stubborn..." he said this last word through gritted teeth. "That I have no other choice. Having picked up on your little phone sesh with cheater weeb, I believe that does present a rather fair... counter-balance, if you will. A map neither of you know, nor can you exploit in either regard, right? No cheats or tricks, no metal gears or a surprising amount of explosives to line the halls... just both of you, and what you can bring to the table. Right? Seems fair. If neither of you like the outcome, then don't try calling me again. Good luck, champs!"

With that, the Host faded- and the world remained the same. A blanket of white surrounding them, yet there was no voice to tell them anything, to ask for maps. It was just them and a void.
And their supernatural restraints faded.

Master Chief
It was doing what it could to try and bat the shotgun from scoring too many hits on its body- so perhaps that was an implication that the back wasn't quite as durable. Something to exploit. Chief eyed the buzzing projectiles making a go for him. Unsure of what they could do, Chief moved the shotgun to trick his opponent, the hand moving to block the shotgun, yet as a ploy for Chief to burst forward again, dropping and sliding just between the gap between legs and hand, using the angle to make the orbs strike the Robobot a second before they could strike him. The Spartan followed this up by using his thruster, bursting him out of harm's way with triple his speed- and a cloak seemed to fall over him, the Spartan disappeared from view. Infrared or lenses wouldn't be able to detect the invisible soldier, but a motion tracker was an example of something that could roughly pick up his position.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


This was not how tournaments worked. His sly move should have earned him an encapsulation victory! Bah, that dumbass host should really read a manual on how tournaments actually worked. But regardless, he was not in this white void, all traps, all barrels, metal gears, and crates were gone. Just the two of them. As the Host faded, Uratekumon simply grinned in at him.

"No Terrain for you, no tricks, no surprises. I think we both know...you are so screwed!"

He didn't even need any RPG maker tricks for this. He had a friggin MECH! His console's hands slammed against the ground, propelling him towards Snake as the left arm extended, whirling to whip him across the arena and break his spine on the white walls.


Previously Gamingfan2
Robobot Armor Mode:ESP
Though Chief had manuvered the robot's hand in front of an energy sphere, the armor still had control over it, so it was a simple matter of shifting it's position to strike Chief from behind. Not that it mattered much.
Sliding under itself? Strange how often this was happening. Nonetheless, the armor wasn't going to just sit there and take the blow. It's severely stunted legs sparked as it "jumped", allowing its energy balls enough space to fly right under and after Chief. Unfortunately, while the thrusters didn't scorch the armor, it succeeded in its purpose in keeping Chief distant once again, only worsened by the soldier disappearing from view. This did not deter the armor, however, as it summoned the four psychic ball above itself. It appeared to charge briefly, then slammed its hands down, sending the four energy spheres towards where It last saw Chief. Each ball split again, meaning there were now eight energy spheres that exploded upon landing on the floor, blanketing a wide area in psychic energy as to catch Chief before he could flee further.
As Gorgo once again fired flames at the pokémon, the champ thought fast and slid across the ground, narrowly avoiding the flames. While doing this, he ran his right pair of arms through the ground, scooping up a considerable amount of mud and dirt. He then flung it in Gorgo’s eyes as he approached him, aiming to temporarily blind the Dino.

Utilizing this maneuver, Machamp then leapt off of the ground, cloaking his left pair of fists in powerful electricity, before going in for a mighty, shocking punch, directly onto the Gorgosaurus’s snout!
Chun-Li expected such a manouver, gathering chi in her hands before slamming them into the ground. "Kikosho!" The large chi orb covered her body, destroying the icicles above and pausing Weavile's advance, lest she ran straight into the blast zone. As Kikosho ended and the girl found herself in a crater, Chun-Li turned to face Weavile before performing a hand stand and making a helicopter-like motion with her legs, performing a Spinning Bird Kick before slamming her heel down where Weavile stood



Gorgo's short reign of hopefully terror came to a close as Machamp punched Gorgo on the snout with enough force and electricity to fray its nerves and to break its skull. As bone shards pierced through the Vivosaurs brain, the beast was set ablaze as its body slowly burned away, leaving nothing other than scorch marks in its wake along with ignited grass that was starting to spread. One down, two to go.

Saurhead was not a fan of the current development, he had yet to land a hit on this freak of nature. Grabbing a green medal, he decided it was time to fight fire with fire. Or rather, fists with fists. A powerful gust coursed through the area, feeding the flames that had spread to a nearby tree. It would seem that Gorgo would not go out like a candle as a tornado appeared on the field, tearing branches off trees and uprooting shrubs before dispersing, revealing a black and green Parasaurolophus who seemed ready to throw punches.

"Paraloph Rush!" Paraloph let out a horrible sound, only empowered by its signature crest. It sounded as if thousands of fog horns were played at once, and none of them sounded pretty. Instead, it sounded like a symphony from times long past, when different, more primal forces ruled. The sound was low frequency, so it travelled far. There was no escaping it, thankfully Saurhead's 30 masks helped to hide his own discomfort. It never was a sound to get used to. As the orchestra of Hell played, Paraloph rushed at Machamp, surrounded in yellow energy as the wind howled, strong enough to cause lesser creatures to tear up.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously Gamingfan2
The kikosho did it's job, forcing Weavile to jump away upon realizing Li's charging. Shame, she could've ended this quickly if Li would just cooperate. However, Chun Li remained stubborn as she went for another attack. Weavile reacted quickly, despite a brief moment of questioning the physics involved. Grinning evilly, she ran right into the attack.
Well, almost. Aided by her stature, Weavile slid right below the narrow gap Chun-Li's new airborne state, giving a small, almost innocent purr as she proceed to slash at Li's neck as she passed.


Previously Deathstalker62
A portal to throw the scythes back at him, eh? Two can play at that game. Letting go of his scythe, Death begun rapidly flying towards his opponent as he held his arms out, creating a dark-purple portal that swallowed the incoming mini-scythes right into it. However, he himself was going for a fake-out as he promptly turned the portal around and flew into it himself, hoping to have baited his opponent into attempting to strike him, as instead, they'd be faced with his massive main scythe that was tagging along just behind him, spinning and tearing up the ground like a giant saw blade.

Slogra and Gaibon, in response to having missiles fired at them, utilized their combined strength to allow Gaibon to spin around and throw Slogra at his opponent while simultaneously dropping out of the air by momentarily stopping from flapping his wings, performing a dive downward, narrowly avoiding the missiles before going into a glide and continuing to fire a stream of fireballs at the pair. Slogra himself held his long spear back as he flew towards the barrier, waiting for the right moment.. and thrusting his spear forward as he moved the rest of his body back, straightening out like an arrow to maximize the damage on impact.

It was not all to be done however, as the Reaper's Scythe would soon fly up over the twin enemies after attempting to cut through their defences, where another dark-purple portal opened up. First, it spewed out the mini-scythes, then the dark spirit himself came out after, grabbing his scythe and performing a dark dive a few meters above his opponents, becoming ethereal as he prepared to quickly slam toward and through the ground, leaving behind damaging. spiralling crimson energies for his opponents to enjoy.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Solid Snake
Uratekumon seemed to believe the lack of environment was putting Snake at the disadvantage here--the soldier begged to differ, even argue the opposite. His brow furrowed beneath the bandanna as his opponent confidently rushed in, aiming to score a win with lethality, a win Snake wouldn't be giving the gremlin so easily as he conjured up one of his many grenades--Uratekumon wouldn't be able to tell what this one was from sight alone. Could be a Smoke Grenade, could be a Chaff Grenade... could be something new entirely.

The soldier matched Uratekumon with a jump, flipping over the rush attack as he brought an arm down, using Uratekumon's outstretched arm as a platform to push from, launching the soldier higher (simultaneously, he was wary of Uratekumon's last remaining tail, any movements made to grapple him would be met) into the air as he tossed not one, but three of these grenades with the swipe of his arm, sending them each in a different direction.

In fact, each were different. One was the Chaff Grenade, one the Smoke Grenade, and the third was something new, spewing out red smoke as it activated upon leaving Snake's hand, like the others. Crimson and grays wisped as a pulse of dangerous energy fired omni-directionally from the Chaff grenade while Snake whipped out his launcher mid-air, twisting with his toss of the grenades, and firing an explosive down toward Uratekumon, redirecting the projectile depending on his opponents moves.

Master Chief
The widespread energy attack had failed to do as the mech intended- the Spartan had already moved, and by the time his invisibility buff faded, the Spartan was in the process of landing on top of the Robobot, fist reared back to begin slugging the unprotected console. "That's so weird, I was expecting the cockpit to have some kind of barrier or defense to protect whoever the pilot would be," Kalmiya commented while Chief made to try and rip out whatever controls he could out, his AI doing a thorough scan to find anything of importance in the droid. Attempts to use physics to throw the Spartan off would be matched with his magnetizing boots, and if it tried to evade him again, well- he wasn't likely to get outpaced, and would simply change his direction or utilize his grappling hook to get to this point.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Slippery and dodge spammy as always. How long can you keep that up, hm??

The gamer used his outstretched arm to manuver himself, using the hand to grip the floor. He swerved his body around the arena, flinging him in a circular motion, skating past the grenades that were flung haphazardly about. He looked to his arms as he slid across the ground, one of them damaged from earlier, having a plate hanging by a thread. Hmph! I need to upgrade my digs when I'm done with this crappy tourney.

He was snapped out of his thought process when he spotted Snake the human firing a rocket his way. That's when he had an idea. Tearing off the piece of armor with his other hand, he flung it at the rocket, detonating it prematurely. Using the smokescreen caused from the explosion, he darted through it, coming up to the exposed snake.

"Try Dodging spam, dodge spammer! KEK!"

That's when his fists kicked into overdrive, striking multiple times in rapid succession. Without anything for Snake to kick off in the air and a rocket taking up his arms, he had little options on his plate to exercise. He was to be beaten senseless!
Chun-Li protected her neck whilst performing the Spinning Bird Kick, it would be stupid not to when faced with someone with claws that long. Weavile's Slash slashed across the length of Chun-Li's arm, drawing blood as Chun-Li landed. Quickly turning around, she leapt forward whilst doing a Hyakuretsukyaku, attempting to kick the face in of Weavile. There was no use trying to grab it, it was too agile and sharp.



Gemini was trying to catch his breath after the first blow, those orb skulls hit unlike anything he ever felt before. He supposed it was fitting for someone called Death, but he didn't like it. Assault after assault peppered the FM-ian, who was too hurt to do anything about it. Gemini White was not doing much better, as they still felt pain whilst being immortal. When Death dove through the ground, the crimson energy seared his flesh and left him on the brink of death, only for the scythes to finish him off. Impaled by the iconic weapons, there was no response from Gemini White, and with White down, Black simply ceased to exist.

Winner: Death

Loser: Gemini Spark



Previously mallard
Aha! Leon ran out into the open, so Psyduck started blasting. But it was what came after him that drew The Duck's attention long enough to halt Hydro Pumps for a moment. They seemed, to Psyduck, to be some sort of Psychic type- probably covered in ketchup. In fact, ketchup squirted out when Leon blasted one with his thunder stick, a weapon that seemed to be pretty powerful. So, Psyduck Disabled it to watch Leon struggle without the thunder stick.

This dance of blades was much longer than he was used to- usually he ended these things in a minute or less. Either way, the next thrust came quick, and Turner reacted with similar speed. He swung the sword at the vibroblade, his free hand gripping the dull side of his own blade for added force, as if bunting the stab off to the side. He backed off for a moment.
Then, the human pulled a rather peculiar maneuver, and began to spin like a top. The rabbit rolled onto his back right as Revan blasted towards him. From there, Turner kicked both of his legs towards Revan's midsection. This kick, though powerful enough to break bones on its own, would be amplified by Revan's inertia, and likely unable to be defended in the grey jedi's spinning situation!


The weapons clashed over and over again, Rebellio with the grace of a skilled scythesman, and Punk, who brought the savagery of the streets. Punk loved this. The thrill of battle was cocaine to this adrenaline junkie, especially an equal match such as this. Eventually, Rebellio made to throw out a big swing- which caused the delinquent's crazed grin to become yet wider. In that moment, he made to reciprocate this gesture with his own big swing. In one final clash, a shockwave emerged that blasted Punk backwards across the stage. He skid to a stop well before falling off the side, and then went right back into a charge at his foe. The roof rager skipped a softball across the ground ahead of him to send it up at an awkward angle towards Rebellio. Meanwhile, he himself flipped into the air to bring the bat down on the Falcon.
A ways away, in the dense fog, there was a rumbling. A dim light shone from that direction, but it wouldn't come into view until next post.


Ranamon's Kohga watched as the fish lady rose via water column, he knew how to deal with that! But then, the two halves of the cannon rocketed into the air.
"EEP! Watch out, other me!"
With that warning out, he hopped to the side while his half of the cannon thudded into the dirt.

Meanwhile, Axe's Kohga threw up his hands in response to the firework. A wall of blue energy materialized, blocking the firework, and, with a pushing motion, he pushed the explosive towards the child as it exploded. Then, the middle-aged ninja's attention was piqued as a warning was issued. Thus he swung the shield upwards just in the nick of time to block the falling metal.
"HA! How do you like them apples?"
Satisfied with his gloating, he dropped the shield, and the hunk of metal clocked him in the head, a short cry escaping from behind the mask.
Both Kohgas growled as they disappeared into a cloud of smoke, both reappearing beside yet another Lizalfos. They quickly heaved the lizard forward in an exact repeat of their last strategy to get Ranamon down from her high horse!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and it'll more likely to be a cold day in hell, sugar!"

right as they heaved the lizard, she snapped her fingers, the water whips transforming into jet streams of water that blasted the lizard, stopping it midair before shooting it back with much more force. This time, water would splash everywhere around them, coating them in water that was electrified!


Previously Manu456Alola

The force of the clash caused Rebellio to skid backwards a slight distance, impressed by the delinquent's strength and speed. In terms of physical prowess, they seemed to be equally matched no matter the situation. Maybe he'd have to switch things up a bit. Punk seemed to think the same, launching a spiked softball at the Adept before following up with his own strike from above.

The projectile's speed and trajectory made it indeed hard to deal with, the Falcon opting to quickly pivot on one foot, the softball striking his arm, the blow softened by the armor. In that same motion, the Adept used both of his hands to swing his scythe upward and meet his opponent's weapon, using the slight momentum he built to increase the swing's power. The roof beneath them cracked slightly from the force of the impact, one of Rebellio's hands letting go of the weapon post-clash to manifest another construct.

A crimson throwing knife materialized in his hand, the Falcon launching it at his airborne opponent in one quick motion to quickly strike him with the projectile, moving much faster than most of his attacks.


Previously Deathstalker62
And with that.. it was over. Continuing his Dark Dive, Death sank into the bottom of the outer bounds and re-appeared at the top, crashing back down to the ground as he slowed his momentum to a halt. Turning around and raising his scythe, the soul harverster swung it at Slogra and Gaibon, taking their souls for later re-summoning, which they gladly allowed, kneeling down on one knee in respect for their master's victory. Grabbing the red and blue soul, the reaper closed his bony hand around them and absorbed them into his body before looking at where his opponent had passed. Even if his opponent couldn't hear him, he still felt like commenting.

" Well fought, Gemini Spark. "

And with those words, the dark spirit unsummoned his scythe as he flew through the gateway, heading right on back into the lobby to await the next match.

"What-" Audrey was surprised by the bug's speed once more, but managed to catch herself this time, blocking the great slash if barely, which pushed her back, "Why you...!" She growled, charging Shroom and going for a straight stab with the giant sword, followed by a slash upwards.


"Huh, okay...!" Axe grunted out as he held his shield out, holding a strong stance to protect himself from the firecracker. It blocked most of the small blast, but sent the boy skidding back.

"He's a lot weaker than I expected, the red stone isn't doing much..." Axe whispered strategy to himself. "So, I need to catch him off-guard, and-" He cut himself off as he spotted the Kohgas tried to pull the same trick they already tried on Ranamon, only for it to backfire.

"Alright, that'll work!"

While they're distracted, I need to Psyche myself Up, and be prepared to Tough it Out!


"Hm- Oh, no you don't." Yuga managed to say, blasting a chunk of the boulder out of midair with lightning.

"You are much tougher than my last one, I'll give you that. A pick puffball which an odd mask, but still no match. Prepare to reach your deserved state!" Yuga called out, suddenly blasting a projectile spell out from his staff; The painting spell he had used to defeat Galacta Knight before


Previously mallard
Mister Kohga
Both Kohgas were already on the move after tossing the monster, spinning through the air cross-legged in circles around Ranamon's water pillar. They spiraled upwards until they reached the top, where they stopped spinning and began slowly revolving around the superstar. There, both would form rings of small boulders behind themselves, before tossing them one at a time from either side, a barrage that would for sure be difficult to defend against.


Neither of his attacks were successful, but this battle was so fun that it didn't even matter. This glee was what distracted him while Rebellio materialized a knife in his free hand, and before he could react there was a knife lodged in his gut. Wincing, he used the bat to push away from the clash, landing several feet away from Rebellio. He wince yet again as he ripped the blade from his body and threw it into the wood floor in front of him. About that time was when he noticed a rumble to his left, which brought his grin back into is wide splendor. The delinquent made a face at the Falcon to taunt him, then ran along the length of the stage and off the side.
His fall was caught by a train rocketing out of the fog, Punk tumbling across the roof until he got his footing. Punk disappeared into the fog, but the rest of the train was still whizzing by beneath Rebellio if he wanted to catch up.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A ring of Boulder began to appear around the pair of duplicate masked marauders. Rocks? Remembering training with the spirit of earth, Grumblemon, she found his tactics child's play! These rocks shouldn't be any different. How about she try what Worked on grumblemon in the past?

"Rocks? Mhm~ Sugar I knew you were a blockhead, but I didn't think it was literal!"

Her jet stream projections of water spat upwards, curling around her position like a ring. The thick ring soaked in the boulders, catching each individual one and sweeping it up into the rapid current. When all of them were absorbed Ranamon gave a wink, her reflection visible in the water before suddenly-


The ring shot outward violently, dispersing into a rain of fast, almost bullet like water and rock debris.


Previously Manu456Alola


Rebellio certainly did not expect his opponent to just jump off the roof. The Adept followed him all the way to the edge, watching the delinquent land on the train that was passing below them. It looked like he'd have to follow suit. No other way he could catch up.

"Well, always wanted to try fighting on a train..." He muttered before leaping off himself, falling a decent distance before landing on top of the train with a thud. His long, fluffy hair flowed behind him as he searched for Punk, the delinquent clearly a ways ahead of him. Weapon in hand, the Falcon began marching towards the front portion of the train, making sure not to let his guard down.

The Knight

Audrey's sword stab was quickly deflected by Shroom's nail, but the following swing came too fast for the bug to counter, a noticeable crack forming along its mask. The Vessel was quick to strike back, the effects of its Thorns of Agony Charm kicking in. Multiple sharp, black tendrils emerged from the Knight's cloak, aiming to stab Audrey before she could get out of their somewhat short attack range.


Previously mallard
These Yiga Boulders were only temporary constructs, and as such each one disappeared into smoke seconds after impacting the water shield. So when the water pulse came, it was a bit less destructive than intended. Still, it blew both Kohgas back until they regained themselves just a few feet above the ground.
"Grrr... Why won't you just die already?!"
The first Kohga went right back up to Ranamon's level, where he clasped his hands together, spawning a giant spiked boulder of pure iron right above her. Then, he thrust both his hands out, from which came the familiar twin beams of Magnesis. These beams connected to the crusher ball, and forced it down towards Ranamon! If she attempted to dodge, he'd alter the attack's trajectory respective to her new location(with the limitation of not being able to stop it from falling downwards).
Meanwhile, the other Kohga made his way over to Axe, where he dropped out of the sky feet-first towards the child in an attempt to stomp him into the dirt. Upon contact with a shield, dirt, or a kid's face, he'd go up in a poof of smoke that would envelop them both, only for two Axes to be there once the smoke cleared! Even their weapons were identical! In the boy's voice, indistinguishable from the real thing, the disguised Kohga exclaimed:
"Hey! Give me back my face!"


From Rebellio's point of view, he could hear the crack of a bat from up ahead, soon followed by a spiked softball soaring through the fog directly at him. Soon after that, another ball came at him- Punk himself curled up.
Right before impact, he unrolled into a dropkick aimed right at the Falcon's midsection!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The spirit of water flicked a finger to the air, a dark cloud beginning to swirl around their position. So as the giant spike ball began to form, the Drainin' rain began it's downpour. The pillars began to weaken, so when she was shot up from her water pylon onto a second one that erupted from the ground, the pillars collapsed, the spikeball no longer able to follow her as it collapsed to the ground. With a CLANK!

"I could do this all day Sugar, but I'll take pity on you and end this now~"

She was laying down with a cat like expression, openly mocking Kohga. Snapping her fingers, the drainin' rain expanded, covering much more surface area, sending a storm of droplets down on both Kohga and Axe!


Previously Manu456Alola

The spiked softball came incredibly quickly, though Rebellio still managed to swat it aside with a quick swing of his scythe. The following dropkick was something he was unprepared for, however, the attack carrying far too much speed and power for him to counter effectively, his only option being to block the attack with his weapon's blade.

The dropkick still worked as intended, destroying the crimson scythe and making contact with the Falcon's torso, leaving a notable impression on his armor. The impact sent the Adept flying right off the train, Rebellio sticking an arm out and launching a crimson string at the vehicle, the wire striking its side and lodging itself on the train's exterior.

The Falcon was quick to move along it, the thread acting similarly to a grappling hook and allowing Rebellio to quickly get back into the fight, the Adept swinging himself back onto the top of the train as he manifested a new scythe and made to slash Punk from behind.
The pokemon grinned confidently as he brutally eliminated the Gorgosaurus. He just won, right?

He landed back on the ground and laughed victoriously, flexing all four of his arms in different, but equally amazing, ways. That was super easy!

However, his glorious gun show was quickly interrupted as an ear-splitting screech travelled throughout the air. Machamp grunted in discomfort, covering his ears and backing up several steps. What was that?!

Machamp looked across the field and found the source of the screech. Another opponent? No fair! The unfriendly Dino then charged at Machamp unexpectedly, abruptly finishing its roar. Relieved that the terrible sound was gone, the brute could now focus on fighting. As Paraloph tried to ram into him, Machamp grabbed it by the torso with his top two arms, restraining it and keeping it from going forward.

Utilizing this, Machamp used his bottom two arms to rapidly punch it in the gut, using Close Combat once more to do big damage!

Metal Sonic
Everything was dark.


Metal found himself back in the lobby, in front of the archway. He looked around, regaining his bearings. His head snapped towards the bracket, and he saw his name crossed out.


He scanned the board again. And again. And again. This could not be true. Perhaps his visual sensors were faulty? So he rebooted those. But the board didn’t change. How could this be? Why couldn’t he defeat that child?!

I am the perfect battler! He is a mere child!

Metal scanned the lobby and saw Specter nearby, who also seemed confused about this development. The droid walked up to the simian, visibly confused.

“I lost. I fail to understand how. That boy is a mere child with some cute tricks and a group of circus animals. Yet I could not defeat him.”
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ha! Now isn't this the unexpected development!" Specter seemed entertainingly surprised. "I hadn't thought you could lose a match to most anyone here, so it seems that there are more to some of these fighters than meets the eye...!"

Looking how Metal was genuinely well...pissed, he elected to check his enthusiastic attitude into more of a sympathetic tone, shifting positions on his chair.

"On that note, my fight was rather unexpected as well. I hadn't thought someone of her standing would fight so...ferociously. But be that as it may, we are not done."

Specter looked to the roster, taking note of human that rose above Metal as he fell to the loser's bracket.

"Quite an unexpected outcome...! Our human friends have proven themselves capable, but let's not underestimate them next time...eh?"
Metal Sonic
Metal squinted slightly as Specter laughed, entertained. Unlike the intelligent ape, the droid wasn’t amused by this development. As Specter changed tones a bit and gestured to the board, Metal gazed upon it with him, observing the bracket. Unlike the robot, Specter had won his match, so at least that was good.

However, the simian shortly elaborated that the human he fought had battled quite ferociously, putting up a fight.

“Agreed. They have proven themselves to be worthier adversaries than anticipated. Perhaps we should analyze them more carefully from this point forward. Humans can be rather…flexible and unpredictable.”
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Hmph, quite so. But seeing as the matches are now reaching their later stages, the combatants will be more and more deadly. So, seeing your placement on this bracket, I have a request to make."

He pressed a button on his chair, a hologram appearing before him projected by his chair. It showed the appearance of a square shaped chip, circuitry and schematics behind it as a backdrop.

"This is what I call the 'Pipo Survival Chip'. This chip is a design I have been making in my mind since early in this tourney, just in case of a failure on your part. As you know, our host is rather...demanding of his entertainment, and punishes those dearly that lose. If you lose one more my friend, you too will perish."

Out of the armrest of his chair came a pair of tiny metal rods, in the center of the rods was the chip in question, suspended in the air between them.

"As we know how unexpected these affairs can be, so if you would be so kind as to insert this chip into the bast of your head frame, the chip shall download your program. Once it's downloaded, I shall hold on to it as to keep your program intact."

The rods angled down to the side, pointing toward Metal as they extended forward, the chip facing him.

"Not that I think little of your power, but I'm sure you understand that backup plans in order, especially in a situation with a flexible and unpredictable nature, no?"


Previously mallard
The green-haired man rebounded off of his enemy after the dropkick, with a backflip as flair before touching the ground. He put a hand up to his brow, watching his foe swing like Léon with a grappling hook manuever. Rebellio attacked with his scythe, to which Punk reacted to by blocking. However, when metallic threadstuff met wood, Punk spun around using the inertia from the scythe attack as a startup. Using that spin, he swung at Rebellio, but it didn't stop there. He quickly reached blurring speeds with his bat still stuck out, meaning the Falcon would get clobbered if he was still within range. With the propeller-like motion he rose into the air, but quickly reversed his motion as he fell down towards his foe with a downwards swing of a bat!

Axe grunted as the dropkick connected with his face, sending the boy sliding back, only for...

An imposter appeared!

"Hey, what's the big idea!? Give me MY face back!" The hero yelled back at the imposter, raising his shield for a quick attack, only to hear something. Rain...? Wait, it doesn't rain in deserts. At least, not in any book he'd seen, then again he rarely read whole books like that.

Axe looked up, and saw the Draining Rain approaching! Fast! Now, he had seen somewhat what it could do, and he disliked it, but he put up with it since it was on his side, but it was coming for him. Could Ranamon not tell the difference? Axe thought it was obvious.

So, Axe decided to quickly move.
"Alright, would the real me fail to dodge this!?" He quickly moved to punch Kohga disguised, aiming to stun him while he raised his shield to protect himself. However, even that was not enough, as the drops slipped past, weakening him.
No...if this goes on...I'll be done for once its just me and Ranamon! I need to get out of here, I need to live!
A green glow came from his satchel once again, the green stone!
"Yes!" Axe silently cheered, the green light washing over him. One moment, he was in the middle of what felt like a storm for a small village boy, and the next in a different spot, on a nearby hill of sand, with some sheep next to him, out of the rain. He huffed, and puffed, and looked to his very close foes, trying to strategize now, especially if Ranamon had already betrayed him...


"Guh!" A yell of pain came from Audrey as the sharp tendrils stabbed right into her, barely missing her heart or lungs.

"Lucky...shot!" Audrey yelled, trying to slash the tendrils to bits the best she could.
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Previously Manu456Alola

Punk's quick counterattack was effective, the delinquent's wooden weapon striking Rebellio multiple times in quick succession, the Adept eventually bringing his scythe up to block he rest of the spinning attack. Punk's maneuver allowed him to generate lift, the Roof Rager soon following up with a swing from above.

Rebellio took this brief gap in the delinquent's assault to prepare for the incoming attack, thinking back to the beginning of the battle as he watched his opponent position his bat above him. The Falcon's scythe shifted into a spiked mace in the blink of an eye, Rebellio immediately launching it upwards at his opponent. Last time he used it against an aerial attack, it was pretty effective. Hopefully it would work just as well this time.

The Knight

The tendrils that managed to stab Audrey were quickly sliced apart, dissipating into Void particles. The Knight itself showed no reaction to this, but it wasn't as it could feel or express pain anyway. The bug was quick to continue attacking, rushing in before performing two quick swings of its nail followed by a Shade Soul, the spell boosted by its Shaman Stone Charm.