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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously mallard
Master Kohga
It worked! ...Mostly. She didn't die from one shock like Zoras were supposed to... what kinda Zora was this? The bottom line was that she survived, and summoned a storm cloud above him. "Aha!"
He clasped his hands together, and a big blue square of energy appeared between him and the storm cloud. "You've got some nerve, trying to get my clothes all soggy!" He spun around and struck a pose as he said that, as a taunting display of dominance. At this point, he didn't fully know that Drainin' Rain was actually harmful, but he lived in the desert for a reason. Getting soaked was not a good look.
He then poofed into smoke, disappearing for a moment, and then reappeared behind Ranamon, his Demon Carver already out as he soared at her in an attempt to carve into the digimon's spine.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The soldier smirked, before he casually grabbed onto one of the metal plates (the leftmost) with his Phys Gun, and rammed it against the other two, canceling out the attack as Snake tried the tiny dial near his index finger, and sent the only remaining metal plate at Uratekumon-
The metal plate disappeared as it was evaporated on the spot, a figure emerging out of nothingness before them. The Generic Host, who raised a brow at Snake before he casually dusted off his shoulder- a rather pointless action, as he was a hologram.

"Oh what's this, you guys building a house together? Homey, heh..." the Host chuckled, grinning at Uratekumon, before slowly blinking a couple of times in the awkward silence. "Oh, right..." the Host snapped his fingers and Kleiner reappeared. "HUH" Otacon's voice came out, before he turned to look at the Host, who waggled his fingers in greeting. Immediately, Kleiner disappeared.

'Ladiesman317 disconnected'

"Well, that takes care of that..." Generic Host raised his brows, glancing at the other two. "He's not allowed to do that again, by the way. Outside help is allowed," the Host paused, squinting at nothing. "Well, somewhat, but appearing like that? Cute, but no... so you kids have fun, and keep in mind that it's okay to lose, but still- rip each other apart, I like it," he then winked at each of them before making a purring sound as he waggled his fingers at Snake. "Ta-ta."
And he was gone.
Snake stood there for a short moment, clearing his throat. "Uh- your turn," he told Uratekumon, feeling as though he was the accomplice to the kid who'd just broken the rules in class.

Leon S. Kennedy
A hydro pump blasted through one of the windows, but that didn't do much, Leon was already deeper into the store, finally taking it in. A comic book store, great. There'd be nothing useful here except... he didn't get to finish his sentence as his eyes landed on a rusty rack nearby, most of its contents having fallen, but some remained, still bagged and mostly intact. Mint condition. Impressive.
What had caught his attention wasn't the cards with a void-black logo on their back, something called "Yu-Gi-Oh!", but the ones next to it. The image of a sphere, one end red the other white, with a blue background, was triggering his memories, though he still couldn't quite recall where he'd seen them.

Grabbing the bag quickly, Leon tore it open to grab the 10 cards lined inside. The design in the images looked a lot like what Psyduck was, a sort of... familiar aesthetic to it, but he didn't find the duck itself. Glancing toward the door way, Leon dropped the cards and turned his attention to a rack of books, mostly still there and out of the water on the floor. His eyes scanned the rows- no. He found another row and scanned- nada.
Leaping over the counter, Leon inspected the books behind it- nothing. Straightening, he furrowed his brow, glancing about the room for... there it was. A back door. Storage and whatnot would be there.

Upon opening it, Leon was greeted by mossy steps and stairs, leading down into a pitch-black darkness. igniting his flashlight, he aimed the beam downward to find there was about a foot of water. With one last glance behind him, Leon shut the door and descended down the stairs.

The hare was wise, having learned of its inferior force, not trying to match the force-user head-on, understanding it was outmatched in sheer power. So it resorted to making quick jabs and slashes, attempting to make nicks, to deal what little damage it could hope to. No use, of course, Revan was prepared for his every attack- even his next. Seeing as his side was open, and Turner had moved for a jab; Revan's arm, the gray Jedi was quick to turn his sword around, the blade sticking in Turner's direction as the hare moved.
He thrust the blade for Turner's midsection as Revan simultaneously positioned it so that Turner's blow struck his shoulder plate- and glanced off with a small shatter of sparks from the contact.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

After the rather...abrupt appearance of the host, Uratekumon and Snake were left in silence, process what just occurred.



"Uh- your turn," Snake said.

"Yeah, sure okay."

The gremlin hopped right to work after shaking that event off, leaping up to Snake with faster movement speed than the operative could muster. While he aimed for a punch, one of it's long tail plugs reached for the psygun, twisting in place.

"Zero Value!"

He attempted to make the gun transparent and fall off the map by clipping through the floors, effectively removing it from his grasp while he focused on not getting punched.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Given the first move of what could only be considered phase 2 of this fight after that interaction, Snake fell backward in tandem with Uratekumon's speech, rolling his shoulders to land roughly on his back with minimal pain while kicking up his legs, using both to try and slam against the little goblin beneath its mech while it was this close, Snake not even noticing the fact that his Phys Gun had disappeared until after the results of his counterattack, his right hand gripping nothing but air.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His trick worked! Ha! Shows that total-


Uratekumon, the pilot, was kicked back by Snake, the gamer cringing as the Mech suit's palms planted on the floor to keep him from toppling over. The little weasel hissed, looking to Snake while he was on the floor.

"New game+ it is then...!"

He tossed the grab lift up on the ceiling, the prongs cementing on it as it projected a gravity beam right down on Snake in a means to prevent him from standing up. Since he was on the ground already, that proved to be a weakness for him.

peeling a metal plate from the wall, he would toss it to the reverse grav lift, the steel to be carried down and splatter him with harsh force!

Eventually, Axe was able to recover just in time to spot the Yiga Clan Leader right behind Ranamon, about to attack. Now, from the distance Axe was, throwing something like the shield would probably be too risky. He knew that. He also knew he couldn't exactly run that distance easily. And finally, he knew Ranamon was probably his best bet for beating Kohga right now, so it was in his best interest to help her out. So, he looked around, finally spotting that chicken who was running around before, and grabbing it.
Here goes nothing...!
Now, this is obvious, but a chicken is naturally much lighter than a metal shield with a pickaxe inside, so that already helped. Plus, Axe had much more experience throwing chickens than he did other things, surprisingly.
Let's see...from the distance and height...
He angled his throw upwards.
A high toss is my best bet!
He threw the chicken the best he could on course, naturally getting terrified screeching out of it, with the help of the Red Stone of course, intending to smack Kohga on the head mid attack. Even if it didn't hurt, getting hit by a terrified chicken has to be embarrassing enough to stall, right? Next, Axe began to make the run to get back over.


Yuga was grumbling away between matches at first. He had just painting'd Galacta Knight, and then suddenly it was undone! And Host got rid of the warrior, so Yuga couldn't even do it again!
No time to mope around, however, Yuga had a new match. Someone named Dark Matter, peh, that's a lazy name. He headed towards the archway, but stood silently this time. No need to give himself another advantage, his opponent having another would just throw them off.


"No, no, no...!" Audrey was grumbling around as she saw the loser's bracket. By god was she pissed. Luckily, her sword was in her possession again, so that was something, but losing to...to that jerk?! Urgh, now she had to fight someone called Shroom, that was a dumb name, like a plant? Seriously?

Nonetheless, she chose not to find her foe first, simply walking to the Archway. Taking no note of her foe, this time Audrey had a different idea for the stage.
"Ichor Mountain." She said, not even waiting for the voice to ask this time. Okay, now that she said it, Audrey felt a little silly. After all, it was both freezing and a volcano there.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
With the strange sound of a 'whoosh', pertaining to synth-like qualities, Snake felt himself forced back to the ground- but the force was quick to relent as Uratekumon cackled, collecting one of the metal plating in a nigh-sadistic manner. Snake was about to react when he felt the gravity of this device force him down a second time.
Two-second intervals. Uratekumon seemed to be under the impression Snake was trapped here- and maybe that was true. His arms on either side didn't allow Snake to roll away, but it wasn't as though he was helpless.

In the brief timeframe Snake had open, he had whipped out his beretta and unloaded on the gravity lift. The squid-like appearance of the device became mangled as bits were blown off, and Snake used his own raised arm like a shield. The gravity lift processed Uratekumon's dire deed, but the weakened grav lift wasn't quite as strong as before, and it allowed Snake to use his raised arm to deflect the plating at just the right angle, forcing the metal to strike at the ground just above his head- in which Snake grasped it with his free hand almost casually while simultaneously lowering his sidearm to aim at the gremlin's exposed, naked little body oh-so close to him.
In unison, Snake fired his last two shots in his clip toward Uratekumon while also using the metal plating to cut the gravity lift in half, all while he tucked and rolled back into a ball, springing up to his feet.
To top that off, a little present he'd left where he'd been laying went up in a shower of flames.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The reflexes of a seasoned soldier were no matter to an alpha male gamer like him! So when he saw Snake reaching up to shoot the grav lift, Uratekumon prepared to leap up through the hole in the ceiling right before Snake fired in his direction. On the upper floor, he saw a pile of debris from earlier in their fight. So he had a devious idea.

"Zero Value!"

His tail snapped to the flooring, twisting as it became transparent, a downpour of debris now falling right through the floor and down to the secret agent. This guy's techniques were laughable. Gun and bomb? Bomb and gun? Oh, if he was creative he'd use bomb and ANOTHER bomb!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Already on his feet, Snake watched as Uratekumon fled. That's how this seemed to go- every time Snake came close to getting in some decent licks, the goblin would run away to try and find a new weapon to use. Rinse and repeat. As debris began to fall from the ceiling Uratekumon had fled up in, Snake was already in the process of going further into the facility, avoiding the attack altogether before he dropped to a knee.

Snake: Otacon, I need a way to deal some lasting damage to this guy.
Otacon: I'm still working on isolating this RPG Maker into a purely unique signal he can't alter, so until then, you'll mostly need to rely on your own skills.
Snake: My own skills can't do much if he can run through walls to escape my punches!
Otacon: Maybe try psychological warfare?
Snake: Hnnng...
Otacon: If it helps, I have a few tools to let you use. Wouldn't be fair if he was the only one that could do that, right?
Snake: Alright, give me something good.
Otacon: This might not be objectively "good" but it should be better than me trying to connect through an avatar.
Snake: Yeah... you almost got me in trouble.
Otacon: Sorry about that, Snake! I just got excited.

The soldier rose to his feet as an item appeared in front of him- a pair of black gloves. They didn't seem to be particularly interesting save for the blades sliding out from their sides. If Otacon thought it could help... Snake slid the gloves on, and noticed some small text spring up near him, which drifted away as it faded, but he got a read nonetheless.
"Batman SWEP"
The hell was a batman? Even so, he could still feel a strange, subconscious knowledge that came with these gloves. They seemed to give him some additional abilities... hm...
Might as well use them while he had this.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The imp came rolling down with the Debris, equipped with a new weapon courtesy of the miracle Gacha. It seemed to be a hand cannon of some kind that gave off an icy aura about it. However, he saw Snake far away from the crash site, crouching down on the other side of the hall.


He had a notification. An addon was downloaded on his server? Pulling it up...it was a bat claw swep? Ha! How basic.

"Bat claw?? PFFT! Your mods are trash! Your trash! LMAO!"

That's when he readied his Metroid themed Ice Beam, firing off frigid rounds of ammunition that fired off at the floors and wall as all around Snake, making them slippery and frozen over. He was trying to isolate him while removing surfaces for the claw to attach to. Then for the cherry on top? He fired a steady beam down the center of the hall, so even if Snake managed to run down it, it would hit him all the same.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His eyes narrowed at the canon Uratekumon was carrying. That belonged to...
For some reason, Snake felt his blood boil ever-so-slightly at this sight. He knew what this was, and what it could do, he'd interacted plenty with Samus outside of battles. He knew what her tech looked like.
Alright, it was time to stop mucking around. As Uratekumon tried to turn the walls and floor slick with ice, it didn't hinder Snake, whose combat boots dug into the ice- an intentional design. Snake raised his arms, using his bat gloves to absorb the blow of the ice beam. His arms became engulfed in the ice like a casing- but it was no matter. He shattered the casings against one another with a grunt, before he began sprinting down the hall toward Uratekumon.

New strategy was in play. Uratekumon enjoyed having room to breathe, and Snake excelled at having no breathing room at all- so he'd hound the goblin, not give him any more chances at recovery as Otacon worked his magic.
Swiping an arm through the air, several bat-shaped pieces of metal hurtled through the air- explosive batarangs.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Snake seemed more resilient than he thought. He grimaced as Snake broke through his ice confines. As Snake shot his blades over, Uratekumon shot his ice beam on the wall, creating jutting ice pillar out that block almost all of the attacks. One of the blades however shot past this, hitting the gamer square in the shoulder.

"YEEEP!" He yelped, not well adjusted to physical pain.

Snarling looking at the digital code that leaked out into the air from his wound, he glared back up at Snake's reflection in the ice.

"No skill! Pure RNG!" He barked. "RPG MAKER!"

Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70


Attack: 115
Defense: 25
Speed: 70


Uratekumon flung forward, his body shattering through the ice pillar with a Megaton fist raised, crossing the distance as it aimed to smash the fist directly into snake, which would blow all the limbs off his body!


Previously Manu456Alola

Oh, don't you try it.

Merak wasn't about to sit still while Kumamon attempted to deliver a powerful strike to his vulnerable mech. A wormhole opened above the icy bear as he got ready to swing, the rift in reality aiming to pull Merak's opponent in before he could attack, preventing his mech from taking damage.

If successful, Kumamon would be spat out of another wormhole far away from the Armed Chair, giving the Adept's mech plenty of time to unfreeze its fists. If not... the mech would be taking quite the hit here.


Punk proved agile as ever, jumping from the roof to the chain link wall to dodge the bullets before leaping high into the air - and spinning with his bat out to generate lift, a physically impossible move that certainly caught Rebellio by surprise. In just a few seconds, three spiked softballs came at him from vastly different angles, giving him little time to act, especially with the Gatling in his hands. Good thing his Septima was so versatile.

Rebellio quickly slammed his weapon into the ground, the thread construct disassembling as the crimson string spread around him, two large spikes jutting out from the ground to block two of the softballs, the spiked projectiles bouncing elsewhere. A third softball came directly from above, a scythe materializing in Rebellio's hand before he swung - a feint. His crimson halo came down on top of him before the projectile could hit him, converting the Falcon into thread as he vanished.

After a moment, Rebellio appeared just above Punk, his scythe from earlier still in hand, the Adept aiming to deliver a powerful overhead slash while taking advantage of the element of surprise!

The Knight

The bug's opponent had arrived, giving her stage choice as the world around them began to shift. The two fighters were now located in the middle of a massive mountain, snow covering every surface, a few birds flying around them. Near them was the entrance to a cave system, though it was difficult to tell what was inside from where the two were standing. Interestingly, the sky seemed to be a pinkish hue. It was sort of reminiscent of the Crystal Peaks.

At any rate, the bug had a fight to get to. White energy gathered around Shroom as it prepared a Nail Art, the Vessel quickly lunging at Audrey and performing a Dash Slash to start things off.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Right as he was to swing his blow, a rift opened up overhead, attempting to suck the bear up and through it. However, Kumamon's icy body allowed it's lower body to mesh with with the frozen fist, at least for the short term as his arm swove over and delivered his hit.


The strike severed two fingers off of the right hand, cracks forming alongside the foundation of it and spreading a hit to the left as well. Before he could deliver another strike however, the footing became wet. The wetness came from the quickly thawing ice, causing his lower body to slip and get sucked into the vortex up above him. This spat him out much further away than he had hope for, tumbling down to the ground.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
There it was again, Uratekumon accessing his RPG Maker. According to a buzz in Snake's codec from Otacon, Uratekumon had focused only on his attack stat with this alteration- removing most of his defense and leaving his speed alone. That was good- Snake matched Uratekumon's speed with his own, so he just had to be wary of getting hit.

Before the overconfident Imp could close the distance, Snake didn't slow his own pace, tossing down a few smoke pellets at his feet, courtesy of the SWEP. They burst and began to fill the room at a pace too rapid for what Snake had been expecting- but then again, that was better, as the hall filled with the smoke and swallowed Snake, who activated his solid eye.

Uratekumon's fist swiped through the smoke in the air as a flash of light alerted him to the fact that Snake had activated his stealth suit, going invisible. The smoke was heavy and thick, thick enough to blot out a lot of light as it struggled to beam through the thick particles, the cloud of smoke filling the length of the hallway in a matter of seconds as a beep sounded- and a missile barreled rapidly through the smoke, aiming to collide with Uratekumon, not caring which part of him it hit.


Previously Manu456Alola

Damn it…!

Unfortunately for Merak, his attempts to get Kumamon away from the mech did not work. The icy bear managed to land a good hit on the right fist, enough to sever two fingers and cause cracks to appear along its exterior. At least the ice coating the mech had mostly melted by that point, causing the bear to slip and get sucked up by the wormhole.

“That’s not epic at all, man…” The boy growled, ice now fully thawed as the hands opened again. They were quick to launch another salvo of missiles, though they were lesser in number compared to Merak’s first attack. They flew into a wormhole just like before, but the next part of the attack was different. A giant wormhole opened directly above Kumamon, spitting out several massive missiles with much greater destructive power!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Hit and a miss.

The gamer twitched. This was getting old. He yelled out in frustration, peeling off entire parts of walls and chucking them down the hallway as the smoke filled up. During this mindless tantrum, one of the wall segments detonated on a missile that was thrown exploding on the further end of the smoke field. But this didn't stop from a gust of smoke flying his way due to wind displacement.

*Cough! COUGH! HACK! ACK!*


More missiles...??

Then again, he wasn't sure what else he expected. He prepared to exhale a freezing wind again, but before he could, they missiles disappeared into a wormhole and out of sight.

Huh. Wonder where they-

Not two seconds later did a wormhole open up over him as the they came streaming in. Panicking, he scrambled to run in one direction before the explosions went off, sending the scorched warrior flying through the air, smoke flying off him as he landed.

Ice had begun to melt off of his body, but he began to blow on his with his breath to keep it from falling off, solidifying his 'wounds'. To keep his foe at bay, he fired off his blizzard blaster in his general direction, hoping to ward off any missiles in the process.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Uratekumon was left to have a coughing fit with a lack of lungs as he rampaged wildly, two grenades bouncing toward either side of him, their point of origin unclear. Perhaps this was fulfilling the earlier inside joke Uratekumon had made about a bomb and another bomb. As the bombs detonated, bullets would begin flying toward the gremlin from a fresh new magazine. Snake's solid eye allowed him to see unimpaired through the smoke and to target Uratekumon as best as he could (primarily aiming for the body, but with lowered defenses at the moment it wouldn't be too annoying if the mech absorbed the blows and weakened itself further). While the smoke did give Snake an advantage, after his initial two or three shots, he had revealed his position.


Previously Manu456Alola

Kumamon was sent flying by Merak's explosive attack, prompting the Adept to keep firing missiles to keep up the pressure. Kumamon was quick to retaliate, launching a series of snowballs that struck most of Merak's missiles, sending smoke and snow flying everywhere. The few that didn't get shot down couldn't quite manage to hit their target, but the resulting explosions and smoke added to the visual obstruction the earlier attacks had already created. Enough for the genius' next move.

A wormhole opened behind Merak and his Armed Chair, the Adept coming out of the other end behind Kumamon, the smoke helping hide his actions. He would take this brief opportunity to deliver a series of quick yet powerful punches to the relatively vulnerable Digimon!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

*Boom!* *Boom squared!*

Two explosions rocked either bracing arm of the Digimon, parts of metal flying out as it's weakened defenses were exploited, wires dangling out from entire missing segments. But before anything else could happen, the ground began to cave in. It appears explosions didn't go without their consequences. Uratekumon began to fall through a hole, the Mech suit attempting to claw it's way out, only to make the hole bigger.

Uratekumon fell into a shockingly close water stream that quickly ferried him away against his wishes. It appeared this was a change done to the facility based on the Wave Ocean setting. The underground channel had the wet drowning weasel tearing open anything it could down there to stop from being brought asunder, but due to it's low defense currently, it was all but useless. Damnit. All this did was make the lower level of the facility flood from all the damage he was inflicting.

Eventually, the super grade appmon was thrown out at a sandbar. Shaking off the water from their fur like a dog, he hissed as he glared back where he came from.

"That bland game protagonist is getting tiresome. It's time to turn up the difficulty...!"



He gave a sweat as he successfully intercepted the missiles coming his way, albeit the smoke wasn't brilliant. He aimed his Blizzard Blaster at his last known position, but before he could fire, the smoke let up a bit...showing that his target was gone. This gave him a moment of confusion, turning around to see his foe leaping right at him!


Kumamon attempted to form an ice shield with his body but this was quickly shattered to fragments under the strength of the mecha, turning the barrier to water. He suffered a punch, then another, then-


His body, which was half mush slipped through a punch that was missing the two fingers from before. Now inside the closed fist, Kumamon saw a golden opportunity.


Kumamon would expand his body into a display of ice spikes, similar to a sea urchin as he would force the hand to stop working by puncturing it from below, capitalizing on the stress cracks it received before.


Previously Manu456Alola

Kumamon's clever move caught Merak by surprise, the ice spikes lodging into the mech's right hand, causing heavy damage coupled with the stress cracks from earlier. This was frustrating to Merak, but he saw an opportunity even in this precarious situation.

With Kumamon lodged onto the fist, the mech quickly reared its arm back before throwing a punch forwards, the purple electricity that connected the hand to the chair itself dissipating right as it did so, sending it flying. However, the hand had been commanded to perform one last action as it did so...


The detached hand exploded violently as it self-destructed, aiming to take Kumamon out with it. Given how Kumamon didn't handle heat too well, this move would do some serious damage!


Previously Deathstalker62
With his opponent already starting off by splitting themselves into two halves, Death raised his arms as his scythe begun spinning protectively in front of him and promptly set off toward the two robots in an attempt to shred them, slicing the bullets as they went through its spinning blade and tanking the plasma shots. Death himself had started to create two portals made of dark-blue and black energies, which begun swirling in the air as they grew in size more and more. His passive mini scythes also began spawning around the entire arena at random locations, one after another quickly flying at both enemies, also with random targeting.
Gemini Spark looked at the oncoming Grim Reaper, vanishing into a worm hole before popping up after the scythe passed over. Putting their arms together, they fired off an attack. "Gemini Thunder!" A powerful thunderbolt was fired at Death as a scythe bore into the back of Gemini Black, causing him to grunt. As Gemini White pulled the scythe out, he fired off a Rocket Knuckle at Death as Gemini Black activated a barrier Battle Card.

"You're a scary one, aren't you? Let's see if you are as scary as that mug of yours!"
Last edited:


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His opponent was swept away by the tides, a result of the meshing maps. Snake watched the gremlin get pulled away, looking worse for wear. Taking a step back, Snake slammed his elbow into a window behind him, and the room immediately began to clear as a draft went through the waterworks and through the window, clearing the room quickly.
With a shudder of static, Snake materialized back into view, turning toward a stairwell and beginning to ascend. He had Otacon track Uratekumon's signal, and due to the nature of this match, he was even able to send video feed of a bird's eye view of the seething Uratekumon in his solid eye.

Arriving at the top of the facility, Snake stepped toward the edge and looked down at Uratekumon. Tossing a mine down, Snake backed away as he flexed his hands, feeling the end of this fight drawing near. Maybe he wouldn't need Otacon to hack into that RPG Maker after all...
As he waited, Otacon alerted Snake to two new addons he'd installed, one of which was anime themed and Otacon seemed incredibly excited for Snake to try it out.
He just hoped it wasn't a Voltron.

Audrey chuckled as she saw her surroundings, noting her opponent hadn't changed it.

"Ohhh, that was a mistake, little guy." Audrey laughed, not actually too confident in her own pick. God, it was cold.

No time to dwell on those thoughts, though, as The Knight quickly started the fight, with a dash.
"Hey, that's my move!" Audrey didn't have time to anger her thoughts, quickly forced to raise her blade and sliding back in the snow, caught off-guard by Shroom's surprising speed and strength. "Gr..." Audrey quickly began to charge The Knight, raising her blade for a mighty downward swing, followed by an elbow to the head!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The imp saw Snake greet him on the rooftop, and gave him a devilish grin, one that a shark would give to a guppy they were about to devour.

"Let's end this shall we? I'll win the game like I win all of the ones that annoy me; By rigging it! Ha!!!"

Uratekumon pressed a button on his controller, two extensions coming from each of the handles. After hastily inputting commands on his controller, a red aura surrounded his body. Then his body quivered...

and grew...

...and grew...

...and grew until he was titanic compared to his previous side. His feet crushed the sandbar and his massive fists were near level with the upper floors of the Shadow mosses island.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Come out and DIE!!! KEKEKEKEK!"

Uratekumon uprooted one of the loop-dee-loops that were in the water, throwing it to the facility, the surface area should be enough to crush snake and destroy several floors while he was at it.


In a moment he was flying through the air...and then...

Everything went white.



Kumamon opened his eyes. His was in a kind of white void. Daruk's spirit looked to him, crossing his arms. His friend was gone, and if he lost here...not only would his dream perish, but so would Daruk's. All at the hand of this dungeon master. This host. Was that really how this story was going to end? Kumamon closed his fist, putting it to his heart.

"Daruk! I don't think a shield is going to be enough to win this one, this guy is used to them, and my ice can only get me so far. But...I'll carry on! I'll get past this! For the both of us! We'll survive!"

Daruk's spirit appeared to laugh heartedly, without making any sounds. Then... a blue light came from Kumamon's heart, as well as that of Daruk's spirit. They met together between them, forming something new. A new object. It was...a spirit?


"A beast spirit...!" Kumamon exclaimed. "Daruk, did you-"

When he looked up, Daruk had vanished. Even without confirmation though, Kumamon somehow knew that he would agree. Grabbing the spirit, he closed his eyes, allowing the glow of the spirit surround him.


"Slide Evolution!"

Exploding through the closed fist was a cocoon of digital ribbons, an egg of code strands. What emerged was a new creature, dropping down to the ground. It...wasn't Kumamon. It was bigger, stronger. In fact, it appeared to take traits from Kumamon and Daruk. It was icy white, having similar armor guards to Kumamon while it's body was buff and sturdy with an air of bulk like Daruk.

"Yo, Merak." The ten foot creature spoke. "I am Korikkakumon. And I am the embodiment of Kumamon and Daruk's hope!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
What the... the little gremlin was expanding like Jigglypuff in her final smash... was this his final smash? The way he was leering, Snake doubted that. "Don't worry!" Otacon's voice came in through the codec. "It's not a gundam sadly, but this should help you out! Mind the speed."
"Mind the what?" Snake asked allowed, before another item appeared before him. A single glove made of some kind of metal, crimson in color with a pulsing light blue circle in the middle of the palm.
Like he'd had to do with most of this battle, Snake gave it little thought, placing the armored glove over the bat-themed one- and imemdiately, the glove extended, growing over Snake's body, conforming to him rapidly until it encased his entire body.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Come out and DIE!!! KEKEKEKEK!"

Uratekumon's voice boomed as a HUD lit up for Snake, his eyes narrowing at the holographic gizmos and dials, before Otacon's face appeared in the lower left corner. "Don't worry Snake, I'll run you through this. Press triangle to jump, and double-tap triangle to activate your thrusters. Press-"
"I don't have time for this!" Snake reminded Otacon, taking a robotic step back, unsure how to utlilize the suit- he couldn't quite find the triangle button at the moment.

"When a rapidly approaching projectile enters within a certain radius-" Otacon began, but was interrupted by a rapid beeping coming from the suit. "Uh- it'll make that sound."
Snake turned quickly to see one of the looping structures had been uprooted and was headed straight for him. With a grunt, Snake turned and began to sprint, but this suit was clunky and awkward. Otacon had probably accidentally killed him and-

"Whoa-ho-ho!" Snake's eyes widened as he felt himself go airborne, the thrusters activated beneath him and launching him upward- before he was smacked out of the air by the structure as it leveled the building he'd just stood upon. The activation of the thrusters had been enough to save him, but sent him spiraling out of the air in his already damaged suit, trying to regain control. How the hell did people manage this??
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Previously Manu456Alola

The Adept grinned smugly as the explosion went off, thinking he'd finally gotten rid of his opponent - before some sort of code began to burst from it, revealing Kumamon's new form. His opponent was now much taller and bulkier, wielding two tomahawks. It seemed the Digimon had entered some kind of second phase. Things were about to get a bit tougher.

"Who the hell is Daruk?" Was the only thing Merak said in response to Korikakumon's little speech. It didn't matter if this guy evolved into a stronger form or whatever, someone like him had plenty of experience taking down bosses!

Better start this phase off with a strong hit... Merak thought, yellow energy gathering around the Armed Chair as it floated ever so slightly away from his opponent, the mech whirring and rumbling.

Light whose fell pillars leave rifts in the wider world and lead it toward ruin!

"Lazy Laser!"

The mech's mouth opened to reveal a cannon, unleashing a massive yellow laser that soared directly towards Korikakumon. If he moved out of the way, a wormhole would open in the beam's path to redirect it towards its target's next location. The goal? To have the laser persist throughout such a large area to the point avoiding it would be impossible!

The Knight

Audrey's downward swing was parried by the Knight thanks to a quick upward swing, the bug stepping to the side as the girl's elbow came towards it, glancing one of Shroom's horns and causing a small crack to appear. The Vessel acted quickly as it quickly delivered a low slash directed at the Hero's legs, before leaping up and attempting to strike her from above.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ha! What good is his exploit if he doesn't even know how to exploit it?!

Using this to his advantage, he leaped up high into the air, falling back down with a massive impact, causing the water in the ocean to crash up bathing everything around in the water, aiming to swat snake to the ground with it. If that fall didn't kill him, he looked to end it with a smash with a massive steel fist!


The beast spirit of ice stood before Merak as the latter prepared a just as strong attack to match the brutish transformation. The Lazy Lazer. Didn't sound friendly. Korikakumon prepared it's twin Tomahawks, putting them in an 'X' formation in front of him. So as the laser it, it primarily glanced off the powerful weapons, some damage however bypassed them enough to make the beast cringe in pain.

"As sturdy a the glaciers, eternal as the tundra...! Hard as stone, tough as the earth!"

*Step* *Step*

Bounding step after step, he defied the lazy lazer, the damaging beam burning his fur and skin passed the Tomahawks, but the pain was further motivation to fight through it and get to the enemy. Soon enough this March had become a sprint as the beast began to yell toward Merak, leaping up when he had gotten close enough, swinging the Tomohawks to sever the laser from the chair


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Quick, engage auto pilot so that you don't crash!" Otacon shouted.
"How do I engage auto pilot!?" Snake yelled back.
"Auto pilot: engaged," a robotic voice replied as a red filter came over his HUD, and Snake watched as his flight path straightened, and he shot off like a rocket forward.
"Uh... auto pilot... disengage," Snake said, and the blue filter returned. Moving his arms just right, he angled himself upward, getting out of Uratekumon's reach as well as his splash attack, the soldier rising higher into the air, before the thrusters lessened, and he hovered over the chaos.

Interesting piece of equipment, all things considered. "What am I using right now?" he asked.
"That's the Iron Man SWEP, Snake," Otacon answered. "You have access to flight, missiles, lasers, and durable armor."
Snake could feel a bit of the dented armor poking against his thigh. Not so durable, it seemed. Much like with the "Batman SWEP", Snake subconsciously felt he gained some sort of understanding for using this equipment- though it was vague at best. He faced toward the cackling, towering Uratekumon, and raised both of his arms. Silos opened up all over the suit, and dozens of missiles began to fire out in quick succession, spiraling wildly through the air toward Uratekumon, who still hadn't accessed RPG Maker to boost his defense at all.
"There you go, Snake! You're getting the hang of it!" Otacon cheered.
"I think I prefer my stealth suit, but... this isn't bad," the soldier replied.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Missiles? ROFL! Doesn't he know boss mechanics? Missiles mean no attacks at all!

Uratekumon shoveled in water into his mouth from the ocean. Cheeks puffed with water, he shot out water like watermelon seeds, firing down each one of the missiles that would have impacted, having them detonate before reaching halfway to him.

"Ha! Sooo easy! Now about that workshop you got there..."

Uratekumon began to implement a lengthy series of codes...apparently geared directly at Otacon! He was focused on counter hacking. Otacon may have an expertise in the field, but this Digimon was a living computer virus! He would try to send a massive virus through Otacon's mainframe, aiming to cut his internet connection before one by one dumping his workshop archive. If this happened, the Ironman swep would deactivate, sending snake falling out from the sky!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Tell me what's better than missiles here," Snake told Otacon, who was silent for a moment as the soldier watched Uratekumon spit water at the flurry of missiles. "Otacon!"
"Looks like I have some competition," the man replied to Snake. "Uratekumon is trying to send a virus into my mainframe- nothing I haven't had to fight before, but this'll take my full concentration. Think you can handle things while I'm at it?"
"... good luck," Snake replied, raising his arm toward Uratekumon again, a small weapon emerging from his forearm- and a scarlet laser fired from it, bursting through the air, turning the water still flying through the air to instant vapor as it touched, the laser firing with enough force to knock Snake back slightly as a beeping in the suit sounded, the HUD indicating that this laser was a one-time use thing, and a cartridge shot out of the arm, the small piece of metal disfigured and sizzling, glowing a bright molten- no doubt the part needed for that powerful laser.
He hoped he hadn't just wasted it.


Previously Manu456Alola

Whatever new form this was proved much tougher than Kumamon, the beast pushing through the Adept's attack with incredible determination. The portions of the laser that had glanced off his weapons had flown right into several newly-opened wormholes that opened up behind Korikakumon, who had leapt up before swinging the tomahawks in an attempt to slice the cannon in half.

The very moment Korikakumon's feet left the ground, a new wormhole opened in the ground below him. The rift expelled the laser that had been deflected by the Digimon moments earlier, the beam aiming to strike at full power while its target was mid-swing, preventing the creature from reaching the chair!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Kekeke...now, add this to the virus and it's duplicate itself by the second! KEKEKE!!

He snapped back to reality when Snake began his attack again. What is it this time? Missiles again? He was prepared for any-


-That is, as long as it wasn't a laser. The laser tore through the casing of his Mech suit's central body, shooting through the middle. Now this controlled a few functions. But most notably, the disc casing that opened from the top, revealing a burnt laser reader for a disc labeled 'Miracle GATCHA~!*

"What??? WHAAAAAAT!!! HAX! HACORZZ!!!" Uratekumon yelled.

Immediately, Uratekumon retaliated, leaping up into the air, using 'Zero Value' on itself, so it appeared translucent and would go through any and all obstacles in his path. Until he reached right at Snake, which he would then deactivate it and would fork him with his devilishly long tail.


Right when when he was inches away from delivering the decisive blow, a laser had engulfed the unaware Korikakumon. While it seemed he gained strength and endurance, he had little ways to stop such elaborate attacks.


The pained scream of Korikakumon was heard as he tumbled to the ground, dropping his tomahawks in reaction to the pain of that powerful attack. He couldn't recover from the attack to stand up. Not just yet. So, he would have to fight crouched on the ground licking his wounds. How?

"Glacial Torpdeo!"

The dreadlocks of the beast flew to life, somehow gaining extreme length as they shot into the ground. Seconds after, they erupted up, their ends sharp like arrowheads as they flew up to stab into the chair and harpoon it to the ground!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
A hit! Despite Uratekumon's size, progress was still being made. Otacon still wasn't chatty, so it was probably a bad virus attempt. Bad as in good on Uratekumon's part. Ah whatever, he needed to remain focused. Hovering in the air, Snake began to fire pulses of energy from his gauntlets at Uratekumon, but the gremlin had done his little "Zero Value" trick, deactivating in time to try and skewer Snake with one of his plug-like tails.
The soldier moved his body to resist impalement, but he still didn't have the whole maneuvering thing down on this suit, resulting in a blow still landing, the blunt part of the tail swatting him out of the air, sending Snake spiraling toward the ground as a few pieces of armor went flying off him.

As he willed it, thankfully, the suit retracted back into a glove, which he tossed aside as he fell through the air, glancing back the massive form of his opponent, shouldering his launcher to fire a missile at Uratekumon, a hopeful distraction before Snake summoned Cypher, pulling him out of a deep dive and tugging him up enough to allow him to drop and roll safely to the ground, on the edge of a beach, bordering into the forest- almost reminiscent of the end of his fight with Calmaramon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The hacker wasn't done yet. As he plummeted down, Snake fired a rocket at him, which he absentmindedly used a tail to bat it to the side, letting it detonate a few moments afterwards. After this, he landed on the beach, sand erupting everywhere as the sand he stood on was reduced to a crater of dirt.

Still easily enough to reach Snake, he played the safe game by plucking something large from the water. He was lifting...and Orca? His right hand thrust the Orca down to crush the bewildered operative.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
As Uratekumon crashed down, a strange, large vehicle appeared beside Snake- as well as another strange weapon. Courtesy of Otacon, who's voice came in through the codec.
"Still a bit busy, but it looked like you could use these. The vehicle is a Warthog, a military-class ATV with insane drifting ability. The weapon is called the Duplicator- but it's mostly useless aside from the function I downloaded onto it."
As Otacon spoke, Snake hopped into the driver's seat of the warthog and slammed his foot down on a pedal. The vehicle peeled at the sand, spraying it up behind it, before it shot forward. The Orca, of all things to be used as a weapon, slammed against the ground, hitting the tail-end of the Warthog, knocking off the back bumper and lurching the vehicle forward.

"What does the Duplicator do!?" Snake yelled over the roaring of the wind- the Warthog was missing a top hood and doors.
"Just use it, this duplication malware is a bit slippery, so I'm a little distracted," Otacon replied.
As he drove, Snake aimed the Duplicator back at Uratekumon, and pressed the trigger. At first, it seemed nothing happened- until a series of giant missiles began to fall from the sky, rocketing toward Uratekumon from different positions, six in total.
An orbital bombardment.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Suddenly, in Otacon's room. His computer suffered a massive chomp. A bite mark was across his computer as a big chunk of it was missing, the device losing power. That's when All Garry's mod devices were deleted. The Warthog, the missiles, all of it, sending Snake tumbling down to the sandy ground.

Goliath Uratekumon chuckled, knowing this was over. No outside support, his foe in the open with no cover. It was done!


grabbing a large section of the facility, he used it as a baseball bat as he swung a massive collapsing hallway down. Too tall to jump over, too fast and unsteady to ride, and to big to run away from.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"HRK!" his shout was interrupted by a mouthful of sand, which he proceeded to spit out, glancing back to find the missiles had vanished much like his warthog.

Snake: OTACON!
Otacon: SNAKE!
Snake: What happened!?
Otacon: The jerk ate my computer!
Snake: He what?
Otacon: A big bite! I had Ranamon's stream running in the background!
Snake: He can do that? I thought he was confined to the tournament.
Otacon: Well, if I can help you from my room, then I don't think it's too much of a stretch if he could do that, but my computer! I built this one last year!
Snake: Don't you have a bunch more?
Otacon: Yeah, but I liked this one. It's what I watched all of Fairy Tail and My Hero Academia on!
Snake: I'll avenge your computer.
Otacon: Show him who's boss, Snake!

Snake glared up at the towering form of Uratekumon- equal in size to a few Metal Gears he'd had to destroy before- and all it took to destroy a Metal Gear was one determined soldier. The over-sized goblin let out a roaring jeer as it reached into the facility, burying its hands to grab a large chunk, intending to use it like a club. Snake's eyes widened, not out of shock or surprise, but in realization. Quickly, he conjured up one of his detonation charged, and pressed his thumb down. The time he'd been given before the match started had allowed him to pull this off, and that particular section Uratekumon was grabbing while his defenses remained downed?
The hallway erupted in a powerful explosion before it had even gone into a swing to try and dispatch the soldier, the fire and smoke making to engulf half of Uratekumon in its violent eruption- which wasn't the only explosives Snake had lined throughout the facility. To top that off, Snake had already pulled out two more detonators, placed strategically within the facility. Setting both off at once would result in a chain reaction, which would erupt the entire facility and anything around it for quite a ways. The resources of the facility had been what provided Snake with so many explosives.

And he pressed down both of his thumbs.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Suddenly, something in the club he was using detonated...causing the whole stick to collapse from under him, smoke bellowing out. Well that was underwhelming. Further to the point, the facility appeared to go on meltdown nearby, the force of the faraway explosion forced him to fall over, making a massive splash in the water.

Emerging up from the water with a angry scowl as his wires from his damaged console dangled over his face, the virus Appmon would extend it's right arm, swinging it across the whole sandbar. If a tool didn't work, he had to use his own body!
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