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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Hmmm...this man is troublesome

Watching Kassandra knock back one of his duplicating spheres, he smirked watching him approach.

"Why don't you let the adults fight this one out?"

The sphere that had been left to duplicating had now become eight bouncing spheres, all of which Specter made float into the air and swerve to impact the man on flank. Meanwhile His other hand fired a cutting beam at the same man, aiming to kill him once the bolts had stunned him, then sweep over to Kassandra.
Gemini looked around the lobby in his true form for his next opponent, called Death. Ominous, sure, but he knew death meant jack all in this tournament. Making his way over to the grim reaper, Gemini spoke up.

"I believe you are my next opponent, shall we get on with it?"



Chun-Li walked around the lobby, taking powerful strides as she found her opponent. Someone called Weavile, and they looked like an agile fighter. This would be an interesting match-up, and there was little chance of a second fighter using dinosaurs. Kneeling down to their level, the woman spoke up.

"Weavile, I assume? Shall we start our fight?"


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Just as Metal came in close, Misdrevus phased through the bridge right in front of him, a mischievous look plastered on her face.


Then, a dark pulse erupted from point blank range, echoing out from her. Although...it wasn't in time to stop the cutting of his scarf, sending the boy plummeting down into the stream below, Landing with a splash!


Hareta swam up to the surface spitting out some water as the now wet clothed boy climbed back up to shore.
Metal Sonic
The droid wasn’t prepared for the ghost, so he couldn’t dodge the attack, but he could block it. He crossed his arms, letting them take the hit rather than his more valuable head or torso..

Metal then saw Hareta down below, sputtering. Vulnerable. Metal jet forward at incredible speeds and held his hand out like a knife.

Hareta was distracted and Misdrevus was above him, not fast enough to catch uP! This was it! He would cut straight through the trainer’s throat and end this!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Having just come back to shore, his legs still in the water, he took a breath, feeling relieved to have walked out of that fine. This relief was short lived as he saw Metal recover from the dark pulse, about to come down with killing intent!


He kicked himself back off into the water, letting the current sweep him away. This duck let him dodge Metal's attack while allowing himself to relocated where the current took him. Coming back up near the northern end of SunnyShore, he stood up on a sand bar, spitting up water.

"Geez...this guy needs to chill...!"

At this point Misdrevus finally managed to catch up to the panting trainer. He had to admit, he was running out of plans. He was mainly improvising this whole time, never with a direct concise plan. He needed to slow him down somehow or stop him from flying and deliver the final blow. From the look of his armor...he was weakening.

"Well...hope I can take care of one of those issues...!"

He looked to a rock hill nearby, going up to houses up on the east side of Sunnyshore, and so ran up to the hill, climbing like some kind of spider monkey while Misdrevus prepared to fire a psybeam in case Metal came close

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

He had a look of sheer determination on his face as he kept running up the hill despite Metal's impending laser beam. He jumped several feet in the air, his legs nearly touching his arms as he showcased his athletic prowess.

"Ha! That all you got tinman?"

Jumping on the solid ground, he ran down the street, zigzagging away from Metal, running into a tall structure. A lighthouse. Hareta had entered the elevator with misdrevius, allowing the calm elevator music to take the center stage.




"Hey, this is kinda catchy."





The door opened at the top of the lighthouse, onlooking the rest of Sunnyshore city. The tallest point.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Huh...you'd think he would have beat us here. We kinda took a while-"

That's when a whirring sound was heard. Metal had delivered a deadly homing toward the pair, however, Misdrevus noticed it far before Hareta did, darting in front of the attack.




The ghost had been thrown off the lighthouse, drifting like a leaf in the wind down the city below. He was on his own for now. Hareta crossed his arms in the middle of the room, looking at Metal.

"Well, I might be on my own. But as my old pal Volkner used to say..."


The lighthouse light rotated to face Metal, the intense light shockingly bright for a lighthouse. Whoever built the place seemed to have output in mind with this thing. Hareta grinned, his back turned to it.

"...Never stare into the lighthouse light!"

With Metal's visor unable to shut off it's eyes to stop this from happening, he'd be blinded! That's when he lunged right at Metal Sonic, trying to kick into his chest as he went to pull his arms right out of their sockets!
Metal Sonic
The robot squinted in confusion for a moment, tapping his foot as Hareta quipped. He didn’t quite understand until the light sheened into his visor. Blinded, Metal stepped back a bit. However, he heard Hareta’s footsteps. Knowing the child’s style, he would try to grab him. Well, Metal wasn’t a fan of that idea.

Metal activated the electric field once again. He aimed to shock and paralyze Hareta before he could grab him, and the child was right next to him! This attack couldn’t fail!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

He was correct. The attack didn't fail. Hareta was shocked, lightning coursing through his body. But one thing it didn't do was stop him. Considering this was Metal's own defense against him, Hareta dedicated. He continued his attack, gripping the arms as his face lit up in pain.



In one fell swoop, Metal's arms were removed from his body, sparks flying everywhere as The open cables and parts were now exposed to Metal's own electricity field! Zapping himself as well!!

Hareta would have laughed in success if he weren't in so much pain. He found it within himself to kick back, sliding across the ground. Smoke came from his body as the electricity took it's toll. That was...a heavy hit. Hareta cringed as his whole body ached. His vision blurred for a moment but he shook his head, forcing himself to stay in this fight.
Metal Sonic
The droid shocked Hareta, but that apparently wasn’t enough, as Hareta ripped his arms off anyway. This caused Metal to shock himself as well, which he wasn’t a fan of. As Hareta kicked off, Metal immediately deactivated the electric field, not wanting to cause himself anymore trouble.

As his vision came back, he saw that Hareta was even more worse for wear than he was, his body literally smoking and he was struggling to stand up. Metal also had to vent, so the two stared at each other, neither moving.

After a moment, Metal finished venting, and abruptly made the first move. He fired a laser from his chest at the close-range Hareta, aiming to finish him off.
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Heh...what a situation huh?" He said, his eyes locking with Metal's on the other side of the lighthouse. "But whoever wins this...it was a fun ride, nah? We should do it again sometime..."

Hareta prepared to be eliminated, the laser beam charging up before firing it at him. He closed his eyes with a grin plastered on it. This was it, huh?


The laser bathed his side of the Lighthouse. Hareta blinked his eyes open, noticing a weird energy's around him. It was...misdrevus's psybeam! He looked up and saw the ghost that save him, the female Pokémon winking.

*My Pokémon aren't fighting alone...your opponent is me!* Hareta remembered saying. That also goes for me. I'm not fighting alone either...!

"This is our final fight isn't it?" Hareta chuckled. "C'mon...let's see what you got!"


Misdrevus fired a shadow ball toward Metal Sonic, her tendril like hair wriggling with energy as she guided the projectile.
Metal Sonic
Metal squinted as Misdrevus appeared once again. That ghost was persistent. As Misdrevus fired shadow ball, Metal crossed what remained of his arms, though it was a futile gesture since there wasn’t much to show. However, the black diamond appeared regardless, blocking the Shadow Ball before dissipating.

Metal then dashed forward, curled up into a ball, aiming to finish Hareta with a Homing Attack by either breaking his body or causing him to fall to the rocks below!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Metal was dedicated to be coming right up for him! There wasn't much left to creativity given the small space, so Metal couldn't easily maneuver around in here, making psybeam just that more effective. Misdrevus projected the Psybeam, slowing down all within the field in front of her. Gripping hard on Metal's severed arm, he grinned up at him.

"You were trying to stab me with these for a while...how about you get a taste of your own medicine!"

Gripping it by the wrist, he plunged the razor sharp talons of Metal's hand up to stab Right through Metal's chest as he dived dedicated towards him

"Um...okay!" Axe had quickly decided to follow orders from Ranamon for now, given it seemed like his best bet. Of course this was the time his foe had hidden, they must've hidden because he heard, though Axe couldn't guess why. Not noticing what Ranamon was doing he began to search his side, sighing in relief when he realised he was searching the area with the more familiar sheep.

"Hey, Uno, you see a weird guy with a weird mask?" He asked one, after slamming his shield into the creatures chasing the sheep. Uno looked at him like he was crazy, so Axe felt stupid and walked away, getting back to searching. After a few minutes, Axe heard something and looked over only to gasp as she saw the tendrils slamming and destroying a building. Now, Axe hadn't seen what building it was, but considering what stage he'd picked, he had a pretty good idea of what it was. He was tempted to run over, but tried to stay calm. I mean, Host wouldn't be crazy enough to let innocent people from his town be brought into the stage in that house, right?

Anyway, to bring his mind off of it, Axe searched around, spotting one of the cannons he often used in fights in his town against monsters, and looked around, having an idea. Looking over into the canyon, he slowly turned the cannon to face it, before slamming his shield into it, igniting it and firing a cannonball right into the cannon's middle, destroying many frog statues on the way into being out of sight.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Alexios," Kassandra alerted as she slashed another ball apart. Her brother glanced back, a glint in his eye, and he caught on to what was incoming. With a laugh, he spun on his feet and slashed with his wicked blade, tearing apart most as the last three bounded into his chest, jolting him for a moment, but as before he simply chuckled in off, turning to look at Specter.
"That tick-"

His eyes widened as a beam fired, and he raised his forearm, which took the blunt of the blow, melting apart the armor that covered there, digging past the skin and meat. He slid back a few feet, grunting at it- before it ceased, Alexios having survived the blast.
With a huff, he rose fully to his feet, looking at his arm.

His left eye twitched.

"My mother hand-crafted this armor for me," he spat toward Specter, a wild fury lighting in his eyes. "You think silly little beams will stop ME!? DEIMOS!? THE CHAMPION OF THE KOSMOS!?!?" he roared, and a sudden rage seemed to overcome him as he leaped into the air, far faster than any human should have been allowed, arcing the distance toward Specter before he made to slam his fist into Specter- or the ground, if he moved, releasing an impressive shockwave of seemingly kinetic energy out from around him. Regardless of the outcome, he would dog Specter like a hound, a speed and weight carried behind him as he proceeded to try and tear the ape apart with a flurry of blows, each of which was abound to shatter stone. He roared with each blow- and Kassandra felt her charge refill, finally.

Letting out a breath, she rotated her shoulder, and conjured up her bow.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Specter was surprised with this declaration, the durability that these two showcased had made him wary. Just how much can they take? It would appear overwhelming firepower is in order.

As 'Deimos' or whoever he was lunged forward at him, Specter raised his wrist guards up to defend him, but as the fists struck the guards, one of them buckled, shattering into several pieces. One of these fragments cut a sliver across his cheek as he was pushed back by the attack. Tapping the blood that was drawn from his cheek, he viewed it with a look of stern acknowledgement, looking back up to the man.

"Alright then."

He was to treat him like a serious threat. He took his blade at the ready, parrying blows with masterful precision, sliding and parting across the attacks as he deflected them at angle where he worked with their power instead of against it. When there was an opening, he parried one last time, to kick himself off from his foe's blade, drawing some distance between Kassandra and her brother.

He extended a hand out, his psychic powers ripping a massive gear from the wall behind him. He spun the gear's rotation faster and faster until it was a blur. He then tossed the massive gear toward both of them, aiming to cleave at least one of them apart. It seemed along with it, several nuts and bolts flew out, acting like like their own projectiles.


Previously mallard
Psyduck moved the slab to block the strike, as Leon anticipated, but the spinning readjustment caught the waterfowl in the cheek and knocked him into the pile of concrete rubble. He licked the inside of his blood-dampened cheek, and then pushed himself to his feet. The Duck used Disable to prevent the whip from cracking again. "Psyduck psyduck psy, duck? Psyduck psyduck psyduck psy!" His head crackled with psychic energy- not about to explode, but a Zen Headbutt buffed by the headache that was nearing its peak. At the same time he picked up another concrete slab. Then, he headbutted it.
The psychic energy reduced the slab into gravel, shooting it out in a high-speed scattershot of misshapen pebbles, not unlike the principle behind fragmentation grenades.


The rabbit instantly kicked himself to his feet and met Revan's first strike with his own sword, but underestimated the man's strength. The blade made a shallow cut on Turner's upper pectoral before he could twist away. For the second strike he used a mixture of deflection and a sidestep, and he avoided the third by bending over backwards as the blade swished over him within reach of his tongue. Turner came back upright and first threw a bone-breaking kick towards Revan's knee, then blurringly thrust his dagger towards the grey jedi's throat, the sword stayed put to remain on the defensive.


The push was successful; Punk stumbled backwards. Apparently Rebby was afraid of his hard head, good to know. Next up was a big red spiky ball. Huh. He leapt over it with grace and bounced off of the string, high above Rebellio. From there, he threw three balls high into the evening sky (it's a surprise tool that'd help him later). Then, he curled up into a ball midair only to straighten himself out in a dropkick formation, and shooting himself like an arrow feet-first towards Rebellio.

Master Kohga

Drainin' Rain swept across the landscape, but nothing happened.

Ranamon decimated the farmhouse, yet no Kohga appeared.

However, when Axe exploded the frog statues, there was an answer. Kohga popped his head over the cliff's edge angrily. "Eh?... HEY! What's the matter with you, hasn't your mother ever told you to respect other people's property?! Harumph!" He clasped his hands together, disappearing and reappearing at the tippy-top of one of the giant rock pillars.
He whined, "Why haven't you guys killed each other yet? I'm getting boooored!


Well, if you don't have the guts... I guess I'll have to kill you BOTH!"
As he finished, he raised a fist in the air, glowing with a red energy. Then he punched the floor with that hand, a small hole that constantly spewed out a light gust traveled down the pillar and across the ground towards Ranamon. Should it reach her, sharp spikes of earth would erupt from the ground. Then, clamping his hands once more, he spawned five boulders in a ring behind him, and then began spinning his clasped hands in a circle. The boulders spun respectively, and with a few waves of his hand, they each flew towards Axe one-by-one.
@Shen: King of Digimon @Fraseandchico
Metal Sonic
While Metal was indeed caught in the Psybeam, he wasn’t content on staying there. He activated his thruster, struggling for a moment, but he then blasted through the energy beam’s clutches, narrowly avoiding Hareta’s jab.

Now on the side of Hareta, Metal thrust forward, covered in energy. He hoped to take Hareta by surprise and hit him while he was vulnerable due to still being in the thrusting motion, and Misdrevus couldn’t charge a Shadow Ball fast enough, nor fire a Psybeam at such an angle fast enough!
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Specter's tactics were becoming more increasingly obvious, especially as he packed distance and waved his hand about. Kassandra looked behind herself to see one of the gears dislodging and spinning rapidly, before hurtling their way. "Alright," the misthios muttered, calling upon Second Wind with her remaining charge. For a moment, she became engulfed in a brief light, and when it diminished, Kassandra looked almost good as new.

"Rest now, brother," she called over her shoulder as the gear launched. "I'll call upon you again, soon."
As the gear reached them, Kassandra leaped, spiraling over the gear as she felt a few projectiles ping off her armor, one cutting across her arm. While this happened, Alexios let out a chuckle before he faded away.
Landing, the mercenary procured the Blade of Ares, winking in Specter's direction. "Still think I'm going out easy?"

Leon S. Kennedy
His theory proved fruitful- the vine had dealt better damage than his vines had, but the vine was suddenly out of his hands, landing on the ground. He frowned down at it, feeling as though he wasn't allowed to pick it up at that moment.
... odd.
Regardless, the duck was making an attempt at creativity, headbutting a large slap of concrete, backed with energy. It didn't take a genius to decipher the results of this, and Leon turned, raising his arm to cover his face. The resulting attack pelted into his thick leather jacket, punching holes- but ultimately not doing much else, the fabric enough to stop the brunt of the attack, at best leaving red marks on his skin.

Still not allowed to grab the vine, for whatever reason, Leon inspected his surroundings once more with a single sweeping gaze, and determined he'd exhausted the resources up here. So, he proceeded to leap off the building.
It wasn't a significant height in the slightest, and Leon grunted as he landed, noticing some nearby brush rustling. Right, if creatures from his opponent's world had come through and were zombified, it would probably be best to stay out of the open. He glanced toward a nearby row of stores and pulled out Matilda before he began to sprint in that direction.

In a sweeping motion, Revan used the flat side of the vibroblade to not just knock Turner's leg to the side, but on the roundabout, it too deflected the blade aimed for his throat. Without missing a beat, Revan took a step forward, remaining undeterred on the offensive, continuing with his earlier attacks, unrelenting on his assault.
This was what he'd been waiting for. A true sword fight. Daruk and Kumamon could never have granted him this, but this hare was delivering his desire. Still, the force user did not conjure his lightsabers, content with utilizing the vibroblade for now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As some, but not all of her wounds began to regenerate, he saw her go from trembling from aching muscles to standing straight up once more. A sudden burst of vitality? This woman was a mixed bag of hidden talents.

"No, unfortunately." The ape concluded. "You are a trickier weed that requires a more...hands on approach."

Without her friend to guide her attack patterns, there was an opening. In a flash, Specter duplicated himself into seven doppelgängers, each one with their own set of purple blades. In a flash, they all moved in on her, aiming to stab, and gash different sections of her until she was subdued. Some even tried to overshoot just in case she were to flee.


Previously Manu456Alola

Punk was fast. Certainly not on Chief's level, but he made up for it with grace and agility. It looked like he'd be a bit more difficult to take down than he anticipated.

Spiked mace still out and rolling along the ground, the string construct returned to Rebellio right as his opponent threw three more balls high into the air before coming back down with a high-speed kick. "Bring it on!" With a heave, the Adept launched the mace upwards at Punk, aiming to have him impale himself should his trajectory remain the same. Rebellio himself leapt backwards to get some space between him and his opponent, manifesting a new weapon with his thread: a Gatling gun.

Ranged weapon in his hands and already revving up, Rebellio took aim at wherever Punk moved following the Falcon's attack, unleashing a barrage of string bullets straight towards his opponent, following his every move.

"Hah, there you are!" Axe yelled back, before wincing at the semi-telling off.
"If mum knew I was here in the first place she'd probably kill Host herself..." He murmured. And he was confident in that, after all nothing is more terrifying than an angry mother. "Well, um...you see-" Axe began to speak genuinely in response to Kohga getting upset, but was interupted by his second part which really Axe had interrupted. Axe quickly rose his shield, seeing the energy, but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it wasn't going to him, since he knew that meant something different would come his way. Then boulders came.

Axe couldn't exactly use the cannon, since it only had one cannonball and Axe wasn't the type to carry spares, and it wasn't like Axe could exactly throw it-
Oh, that's a good idea!
Axe nodded, using his shield to flip the cannon into the air before bashing into it, causing it to collide with the first boulder, and they both fell to the ground, through close to Axe. That bought him some time, so Axe was able to spot the next one coming right at him.
Gotta concentrate...put up a tough guard, no matter what hurts!

At that thought, Axe rose his shield into position again, this time tightening his stance as the boulders began to slam and crack against it. However, this turned out not to be the best strategy - Gee, I wonder why -, as his stance was soon forced offset by the 3 boulder to hit, leaving the last one to slam right into Axe, who was barely able to slow it even a little before getting hit, sending him flying back and causing his back to hit a chicken which ran off like a headless chicken screaming, leaving Axe a little stunned.
"Oww...that hurt..." He groaned.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Huh? I could have sworn he would be in that buildin'! Hmph! Now this is flat out annoyin'."

That's when he heard Axe reveal his location, Kohga yelling loudly his wants for them to kill each other. Ranamon put a hand on her hip and just shook her head. Some people were behind giving a quip too, you know? That's when he summoned forth a wave of wind that traveled across the ground towards her...spikes following the path of the wind like ankle biters.

"Now, there's the fight I was lookin' for!"

Ranamon cast her hands up, a pillar of water erupting from under her, allowing her to jet above the wave as waggle a finger at Kohga

"Focusing on a groupie, hun? My, you surely don't know any taste do you? Oh well, time to teach you who the actual Star of this performance is!"

She glided towards Kohga on her water pillar, two tendrils emerging from her pillar as it came to whip the masked man into submission


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
This trick again- alright, well, maybe it was time to pull out the big guns. Sliding aside the sword, Kassandra grasped a necklace she wore around her neck, barely noticeable, and proceeded to yank it off. Just as the Specter's neared, the necklace elongated into a massive staff that she proceeded to twirl as she spun about, doing her best to block their attacks- which helped, considering some of the clones went over a ways, enough for her to get more coverage out of her defense.

Specter would notice a drastic shift in the air as the Staff of Hermes appeared- that being Kassandra's mental signature disappeared, as though cloaked, the head of the golden staff pulsing blue. A weapon that actively combated psychic attacks and intrusions- practically an anti-Specter weapon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The staff protected her from a lot of the Specter doppelgängers attacks, but several blows managed to get through due to the numbers of blades reaching double digits. After this attack, all of the clowns disappeared, except one of the Specters that overshot.

He was preparing to attack from behind with a psyche homing projectile...until her signature suddenly disappeared, making Specter stop mid cast.

"Oh...? Now this is far from pedestrian...!" Specter stated, impressed by the move. "How rare for an enemy to have a defense for psychic powers! While clever, I fear it is in vain my dear."

While her signature faded for the moment, she was very well present visually. Dislodging the gear from the wall it cleaved into, he raised it up high, smirking as he did so. With one clear move, he'd smash the gear in the epicenter of the room, in which Kassandra stood. And in case she dodged this? The impact would release a crimson shockwave along the ground that would dehabilitate her.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Don't count your hens before they hatch, Specter," the mercenary rebuttaled as Specter continued to assert his strategy. He was using distance and telekinesis to try and force a victory, and he'd only get close and personal if he had doubles to take any fall for him. Clever, but Kohga did basically the same thing- probably better, too.
This ape seemed to have flashy abilities, but he was somewhat of a one-trick pony- er, monkey.

She winced, feeling one of her ribs had loosened from before. The earlier dodge of the initial gear had filled one of her charges, but she couldn't use Second Wind again, it wasn't quite prepared. She had a fair few others to utilize, but having only one to fall back on wasn't comfortable. She needed to build at least one or two more up.
Leaping backward, Specter's latest attack was dodged, nearly filling her second charge, but a burst of scarlet energy expelled from the crash. It wasn't a natural thing, she recognized, and before it could bear down on her she slammed the Staff of Hermes upon it. The psycho-kinetic energy split on the contact, dissipating around her, though the force pushed her back a couple feet.

"You don't even know my plan yet!" she finished toward the simian, feeling her second charge fill, and with it, her confidence.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"I don't need to know the plan of those that are inferior to me!" Specter snarled, loosing a bit of his cool. "You have done nothing but try my patience and waste time that could have been spent elsewhere!"

Specter was past his showmanship and charismatic posture about this. If she had to get in the way of his ambitions? Then she best be prepared to DIE for them! He suddenly cloaked in psychic energy and teleported...something he was only seen to do with his chair!

Behind Kassandra, Specter appeared a mere foot from, billowing with psychic energy before-


A bombastic explosion rippled across the stage, Specter as the epicenter as Specter's psychic blast ate through everything in it's path. There was something more...off-putting about this attack. Maybe it's because Specter was no longer hiding behind pleasantries? This seemed raw...intense. The ground quaked and the steel ripped apart into metallic dust as the very foundation they stood on crumbled, unable to take the weight of the blow.

Under the flooring was revealed to be a massive elevator shaft that went down for a mile or two...void of any real footing until the very bottom. Outside the occasional steel beam that would line the sides.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Her brow arched as the energy enveloped her foe, like it had earlier. It was a-
And he was behind her.
Spinning on her heel, Kassandra matched Specter's speed equally, swinging the Staff of Hermes in a rapid arch just as he expelled his energy at nigh point-blank range. The staff dampened the blow, even absorbing some of it as it spared Kassandra from the worst of it- though it still launched her skyward in a spin, gritting her teeth.

Building off his words, she tried to rebalance herself like a cat attempting to land on its feet, the Staff in her hands pulsing. "It's like I said, you'll find my will equal to- whoaaoa!" she hadn't been expecting there to be no ground to land upon, and thusly went falling into the abyss. Having straightened herself out by now, Kassandra could tell up from down, and a look under her confirmed this wasn't a magma pit as before. Good, she had no worries then. "You get the message!" she yelled up at her opponent, her trained eyes scanning through the dark to see the steel beams connecting around the sides. Another thing to exploit.

Almost comically, as though swimming through the air, Kassandra wiggled and waved her way closer and closer to the side of the chasm, not even near a mile down yet, and repositioned herself-
Without so much as a wince of pain, Kassandra landed atop one of the horizontal beams, a thick and wide structure. It had taken her weight of the fall, so it could stand some weight. "Now, for my extra set of eyes," Kassandra muttered, her mind still shrouded from Specter in the presence of the Staff of Hermes as she closed her eyes.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The shattering of the floor did cause chaos to ensue, but specter was undisturbed by this. The crackle of psychic feedback sparked off his arms, his body not seeming to keen on trying one of those explosions any time soon. Nevertheless, he descended, cloaked by a psychic. He left little room for Kassandra to think before-


The Psychic bubble took the fall for him as it dispelled, cause a burst of dust and steel to erupt from his landing...which was right atop Kassandra herself. This move right after his nova attack was a terrifying combo, malicious. Specter was thrown aside of the carnage as the left side of the elevator shaft collapsed, falling to the depths below. Breathing heavily, specter examined the dust field, unaware if she had survived due to the psychic reading.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Malaka-" she cursed under her breath, before leaping, Specter's current rage seeming to be a longer version of her own War Cry- which was deadly in of itself. Her goal was to wear him out, and he wasn't acting quite as strategic nor critical as he had prior, possibly too pissed at her continued survival.

The kick of her legs propelled her a little deeper, and upon another of these cylindrical bridges as she closed her eyes again, able to see Specter's movements clear as day through the eagle soaring high overhead. She hadn't even led an attack against him for a while now. Not out of fear or exhaustion, but patience. She used to be a hot-headed fool who would have been just as pissed as he was about opponent survival and struggles, but at this point in her life, she'd saved much of what she loved at the cost of others- and was well aware of the path lain before her, and the realism that she would outlive all she loved for a destiny not her own.
Something like that would undoubtedly instill a sense of patience into one. Dreadful patience, but patience nonetheless.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

So she indeed has survived. Specter looked to his hands, which seemed to crackle with a Psychic feedback, threatening to inflict damage to himself if he used any powerful techniques. Looks like he would have to focus on creative uses for other ones.

Putting his hands together, he generated one of the pink replicating spheres, propelling it to the side of the wall. It bounced off the wall, replicating to two spheres...another bounce and 4....8...16...! The replicating rain of psychic spheres showered down the elevator shaft, many replicating even more as they faced obstacles on their way down.


Previously Deathstalker62
Death hovered away from the group seeing that as, typical of inferior beings, most hadn't even bothered to notice his speech, nevermind his appearance. Spinning his scythe to keep himself busy, he waited until his opponent came to him - and come to him they did. It was none other than this Gemini entity whose fight the reaper already watched way back when the tournament had just started. Well, it seems this entity was good enough to go through the preliminary rounds, but not to pass through the rounds further down. In response, Death simply nodded his head. " Indeed I am. And yes, we shall.. " And with that, Death hovered to the archway and through the gate into the standard arena. Giving a brief thought to his choice of an arena, Death sounded one decision aloud. " The caverns full of caves and mineshafts beneath my lord's castle. "
Gemini looked around, this was not quite what he expected for an arena, but he would make due. Perhaps a ceiling could come in use for him, who knew? Turning into Gemini Spark Black and Gemini Spark White, both Gemini's twirled a card in their fingers before inserting them into their Rocket Knuckle.

"Battle card! Plasma Gun!"

"Battle card! Gatling!"

Both arms transformed into guns, one firing a barrage of bullets at Death whilst the other fired a ball of electricity, hoping to stun him.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Those stupid balls were back. Kassandra frowned at them, before she paused, noting their movement. They continued to replicate as they went, but it had an undeniable pattern, one she now gave attention to seeing. All that mattered was seeing that pattern and acting according, turning this attack from an annoyance to a minor inconvenience.

Considering the vastness of the tunnel, the pink balls weren't able to replicate to anything tremendous when covering the distance of Specter to Kassandra's location, and she merely had to side-step one as it bounced by, splitting in two and continuing on its way, the remaining spheres for the most part continuing their way down. Assuming Specter was doing what it seemed like he was doing, she felt confident that his goal was to let the attack continue to grow on the way down before surging back up as a more-than-inconvenient attack from below her. Fortunately- she had an answer for that, too.

Tucking the Staff behind her, so as to keep it active, Kassandra summoned up her bow and took aim, notching an arrow to aim at Specter's head- then she took aim above it, and let an arrow fly as she pushed into a charge. The small rod of wood whistled upward- then exploded into a rain of arrows, all cascading upon and around Specter, seeming to emerge from an unseeable void, as the rain refused to lent, more and more arrows pouring out for several seconds. The arrows Specter didn't pay attention to (hopefully the majority raining around him opposed to at him) soared back down- making to intercept and puncture a large majority of the duplicating spheres as they went, hopefully setting a dent in the plan she assumed Specter was enacting.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Replication after replication, the balls bounced off more and more before Kassandra could intact her storm of arrows. Specter saw a golden opportunity. So as the build up of the spheres reached ridiculous levels...they stopped. Like bubbles, they began to form together, fusing as one, giant sphere. It turned black in color, arches of blue psychic energy arching around it. The sphere was wider than the elevator shaft itself, even clipping outside of bounds.

Specter leaped off his perch, turning around to Kassandra mid fall, a confident look on his face as his charismatic nature returned. He was confident.


And just then, he fell and phased through the giant sphere, a handful of arrows just half a second off from impacting them as they disintegrated on the sphere.

On the other side, Specter cast the sphere of overkilling proportions up towards Kassandra, hoping to destroy everything above him in one disintegrating move!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

Exactly what she'd tried to prevent happening happened... somehow. Specter disappeared, and the energy she'd anticipated was a little bigger than she'd been imagining it... actually, no, it was pretty much exactly what she'd been expecting it to be, the only difference being a change in color. Specter said his parting word again for the third time, which sounded like it was some made-up excuse for Latin, before the energy was surging up toward her.
She'd need the aid of Ikaros for this one.
Closing her eyes, Kassandra leaped from the bridge she stood upon, propelling herself through the air and to the center of the room. Through her eyelids, she could still see the world- but it was different. The outlines of everything were a ghostly white shimmer, and she could peer through even the psychic energy toward Specter below it, no doubt eagerly awaiting her defeat. The way the energy traveled upward, the way the lines in her vision seemed to evaporate, she got the impression that this wave of energy wasn't Specter's standard.

Pulling into her last charge, she summoned a Ghost Arrow to let it sail into and through the psychic barrier- unmatched without supernatural resistance- aiming to let it pierce the underwear crown the ape wore as it passed through him, the projectile bursting from the backside of the wave, hopefully a surprise to the simian, as she hadn't used one of these for a while.
While this was taking place, she'd already replaced her bow with the staff just as the wave reached her, and she jabbed the head down toward it- and it engulfed her with a strange roaring that filled her ears. The Staff of Hermes pushed back the small portion threatening to consume Kassandra, but it wasn't doing the best for the furthest parts of her, she could feel a burning sensation along the sides of her arms and legs, forcing her to try and tuck herself in as close to the staff as possible as it negated the psychic energy around it, yet even it seemed to be struggling.

"Well damnit," the misthios muttered to herself. "If this doesn't work, I think I'm out of ideas."
If it didn't work, she felt pretty certain she wouldn't be alive to come up with ideas, actually.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Hmph. What a bothersome human. But at least now she is out of the way. Have to give credit where it's due, for a human she performed rather-


Specter was cut off from his thoughts as an arrow penetrated his psychic attack. The only arrow he knew that could do that was one of those tricky ones! He raised a hand to use a psychic power to evade when-


The arrow implanted itself square on his crown, sending the Simian spiraling down the shaft. The crown's stainless steel front plate had cracked open, a spidery web of fractures appearing all around this wound. While built sturdy in design due to Specter's paranoia of losing his power, even it had begun to waver now.


Psychic electricity zapped in and out of the crown, as it retained it's power by threads. Specter's future psychic power being largely dampened and in reduced capacity. He attempted to make a Psychic shield around him to lift him to a safe spot, but it sputtered and flickered, barley performing it's task before fading.

Now on a beam, Specter breathed in and out, looking at himself in a polished steel beam's reflection, looking in horror at what he saw. He was quick to start examining the damage.

"...This cannot be so...!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The enveloping psychic energy constricted about her, the staff aiding in keeping it off of her for the most part as Kassandra clung tightly to the weapon. She used Eagle Vision to glare into Specter's direction, having expecting him to... no, he was falling. Why was this still up?
Wiggling her body, Kassandra felt her hips sizzle against the energy, but it seemed to be working. As she wiggled, she seemed to crawl toward the end of this death bubble, which had seemingly trapped her within, the only thing keeping her alive was the staff.

After only a few moments, Kassandra slipped out of the end of the energy, diving through the air. The head of the Staff of Hermes was blackened and fizzling- probably best not to use it anymore. It transformed back into a necklace, laced around her neck in an inconspicuous manner.

With a grunt, the misthios landed upon the same platform Specter had taken refuge on. In one hand, she held the Blade of Ares. in the other, the Spear of Leonidas. "Well," she huffed, taking a step back to regain her balance. "Funny how we keep meeting like this."