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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously mallard
That was totally a key, there was something important about those things that The Duck never fully understood, but hey, Metal wanted it, so it must be useful somehow. In the very least, he could brag to the blue droid with it.
But... something seemed fishy about this. Psyduck loved fish.
He jumped up and tried to grab it, his bill tightly shut as to make sure he didn't choke on another key.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Generic Host
What a bunch of adorable little freeloaders. Whispering among each other as though he couldn't hear them. He wasn't a construct bound by their limitations, so obviously he could hear every juicy little detail about "rebellion" this and "rebellion" that. Hopefully, the entire tournament wouldn't have to be confiscated by it. He'd made an example out of little boy Frank, who continued to live as a severed head atop a monitor, watching as everybody continued on without him, including that who he hated.

A sudden crimson light flooded from a gateway as it began to flicker, the one in which the little turd boy had just finished off pixel lad the third. "Oh, I just knew this would happen," the Host stated, placing his hands on his hips as Hareta erupted from the gateway with his life on the line. "I told him and I told him," Host continued, walking toward the gateway as it began to shudder and ripple, a powerful force threatening to tear through from the other side. "Does he ever listen? No, of course he doesn't. He just stares at me like I'm supposed to do something about it. Well, here I am, doing something about it,"
Stopping at the gateway, the Generic Host proceeded to drop his trousers as he turned, sticking his entire bare ass into the haywire barrier. It seemed to stop for a moment, the presence on the other side possibly registering what it was seeing, before it began to shake so violently that it might burst.
"Yow!" Host leaped forward, yanking his pants up before he turned to the barrier, waggling his finger with a chuckle. "Oh ho ho, don't think I haven't prepared for you, darling," he told the barrier. "You got a look, even a taste, but this ass is saved for someone else."
Raising his hand, he plunged it into the barrier, tilting his head to the side, moving his arm as though he were searching for something, sticking out his tongue on concentration.

After a few seconds of this, he pulled his arm back, and the barrier returned to normal, the crimson lights fading. "Well, that was entertaining," the Host stated, snapping his finger, closing the barrier. "Not to worry everyone, just an old God that needed put in her place, is all. Just a friendly little reminder that..." he waggled his fingers at those present. "I'm the one in control here. If there's any objections, just ask Franky up there for advice," he gestured up toward Frank's head, before doing a little dance over to his usual spot.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As Psyduck neared the key, the voices grew louder. A static sound filling his ears as the voices fought over dominance. Amongst the voices, one tried to speak out, fighting through the noise and the awful din of a thousand throats.

B̵̛̥̹̗̳̟͙́̈̀̊́͊̈́̾̀͐̽̋̔̊̊͛ ̷̼̰̦̜̘̳̻͔͎̗̪͚̑́̉̾̀̄̄͊́͗͑́͆̋͝ͅ ̶̛͙̖̟̊̓̃̈́̓̉̐̅̂̉̈́͆̊͘͠ȩ̷̛̯̔̓̽͋̈́̌̈́̔̉̚ ̷̝̝͒̑͊̎ ̶̧̧̛̘͉͕͚̣̩̫̗̘̺͕̗̦̑͂͐̈́͐́̒̀̾̐͌͜͝͝ ̸̡̧̛̱͚͔̪̱̓̏̆́̈́̕ ̵̧̡͈̣͉̣̘̯̥̣̪̟̫̇̓͆̋̾̏̕͘͝͝͝ͅ ̸̠͉̯̜̜̟̳͖̹͎͓͌̇͗́͐̃̏͊͐́͛͝ ̴̧̨̼͓͉̱̝̣̩͍̘̠̰̇ͅͅẂ̷̢̨͖̰̣̩̓a̸̢͚̝̼̞̰̠̥̥͗̃́̕͠ ̶̱̮͕̹͍̟̱̣̞̒̄͆͛͆̏͒͠ͅr̶̙̳̗̺̻̱͚̬̈́̈́͆́̊͠ ̸̡̨̪͔̹̯̞̰͓͍͔̲̟̿̐̑̓͜e̷̡̛̮̺̰̥̺̼̬̪͎̝̝̎͌̂̀̌͛̓̇̂̿̍̕ ̴̧̠͉͙̝̥͉̃͐́͋͛͐̾̎͑̽̎̚̕͠ ̵̰̒̿̒͐͋͐͘͝ ̸̰͐̿̆̑̃͌̂̓̀̽̅̋̌̓͌̓͠Ö̷͚͙̞͍̱̪̪͍̽̇̽̎̌͛͘ ̴̡̢̡̭̠̪̭̙̘̭͈̳͈̫͗̋̔͐̀̉͗̃f̴̧̼͈͔͖̪̪̖̩͕̯̠̠͔̒̐̌͐̏̍̾̒̊̓̔̊̂͗̔͠ ̴̛͖̻̼̎͒̎̐͊͐̈̈́̎̇̑̋̂́̽̕ ̷̧̧̮̳͙͈̟̦͓̥̼̻̈́̈́̎͐͋t̷͓̤̃́͆̿̊́͆̽͂̌h̶̠̤̞̣͉̠͇͔̲̪͍̤̫͑̔̎̒͝è̶̛̱͊̀̈́̈́̀͌̈́͋͠ ̵̤̮͚̺̖̀̈̿͌̽͊́̑̓̉̎̓́͂͑̚̚ ̴̬̟̳̤̱̓̋̈́̔̇̚E̷̡̪̱͍̦̜̬̞̒̋̽̑͒̐̉̽̂̈́̌͂̾̎͑͝ ̸͈̗͑̐̾͆͆͊̑̍͛̀̉̕ ̴̢͙͈͉̜͈̥̑̄̓́̐͂̓̋̀̈́͐̈́͂́̕͝͝y̴̡̧̨̢̤̣̜̭̱̘̠̤̯̠͚̠͌̅̅̈́̽̍̈́͠ͅ ̸̧̝̟̥̼̞͂͊̊͋͒̋̈́̊̚ ̸̨̛̭̯̳͍̱̻̻̠͙̆̐̏̇͐̓͒̀̚ͅe̴̪̦̍̓͛̈́̕͘͝ ̵̨̥̬̯̭̱̊̏̋̌̿̒͘͘ ̵̧̩̤͓͕̬̻͐͋͋͋̄͗̒̍̽̕͠t̸̼̔̅́ḩ̷̛̛̗̗͓̫̐̓̆̌͊̓̄̿̌͘̕̕͝ ̷̱̘̬̪̗̲̹̻̙̘̹̠̗͌̂͒̒͗́̓̃̉̏͠a̷̧̭͔̥̳̪̳͙͙̰͓̓̾̏̈́̓̑̄͛͂͋̍̓̆̚͘͝ͅţ̴͚͒̆̿͛́͂̇͐̀̄͌̓̍̆͛̚ ̴̧̧̢͖̝̲̩̣͓̪̻̯̥͈͙̲̈̇̾͒͝͝͠ ̷͉̳̪͗w̶̠̲̻̹̉͌̒͊̾̀͑̒̕͠ ̵̘͚̠̪̠̥̤̹̈̈́̓̀͝à̷̢̡͈͈̠͈͉̮̗͑̎̿͐́ ̸̬̞̝̭̝̯̺͚̣͈͕͠ ̸̢̟̟͖̞̻̭̲̣̘̮̓ ̸̨̨̢̡̻̫̰̲̣̹͙̩̺͎̟̒̑̋̽̎̚͝͠t̶̡̨̛̛̘̮͈͕̼̤͉̀͊̋͋̄̑͗͂̂̿͗̍͜͝ ̵̰̠̖͓̣͉͆̂͂̒̽̕͠ ̸̛̼̙͍̫͓̗͌̒͗̀̑͊̓͛̒̓͒̄ͅ ̶̧̨͍̣̣̗̹̖̤̗͖̦̓̚c̴̡̛͔̩̪͈͖͋̆͐̽̏̇̊̓̽̿̈́̓͘̕͜͠͝ ̶̻̞̣̺̖̦̭̼̪̱̲̹̉́͌̄̉͋h̴̢͍̰̫̣̖̞̬͙̙̒̆̈́̃͗̈́̂͆̄̀̋͌͝ ̵̨͉͍͔̗͍̗͙̩̱̟͍͎̯̬̻̋̇̈́͒͆̂̂̚̕ ̸̜͌͑̃̌̅̋̕ ̶̢̨̛̤̳̙̲͇̲̱̪̭̪̠̜̜̅̅̅̿̉̓͝ͅe̶̢̯̰͎̰̬̻̻̺͕͖͐̇̐͆s̶͎̭͖̰̄́̂̔ ̴̛̭͙̞̬͚͉̗̤̂̉̑̾̐̓̊̅͐͐̊̇̍̑͑͝ͅ ̷̨͙̻̯̬̞̩̘̯͙͓͕̲̬̘͎͛̌̿̃́̅͘

As the duck touched the key, the statue opened it's eyes in a flash, a blinding green light coming from her as the entire realm fizzled out of existence. The statue, the place, the key...gone. It was like...nothing happened. Yet Psyduck still felt the presence of whomever that statue was to represent. Like they had never left. What exactly was that? What did grabbing that key mean...?


High above the plaza, there was a small hole. One that felt nearly unnoticable outside sensors. In this far away imperfection in a shining skyline...a yellow crack jutted out sharply, small chips from the sky flickering out of existence.


Previously mallard
He really didn't know what the voice was talking about, he just wanted the key. But when he touched it, a bright green light startled him.
He landed on his butt in the lobby, screaming, "DUUUUUUCK-," before he realized that it was all okay. Huh. He got back on his feet and looked around. What the heck was that? Psyduck almost thought he was getting roped into another, different tournament. But he just got a key... that... disappeared. The Pokémon did not have it on him. Dang, he was excited to torture Metal with taunts.
Oh well, Psyduck guessed that he wouldn't be getting any answers anytime soon. So he plopped right back down on his behind and started waiting until it was his turn to kick ass again, even noticing a weird metal helmet decoration that wasn't there before. Oh, and a crack in the sky. Was that possible? Eh, The Duck's seen weirder at this point.


Previously Manu456Alola

Three icicles were now headed the scientist's way, the previously inactive electric orb releasing three electric streams to intercept them midair, only one shattering into small shards that still headed towards him. Copen was quick to shoot them out of the air before they could reach him, now only having to deal with the singular Weavile that was running at him.

The P-Bits returned to their creator at that moment, with enough weapon energy for one or two attacks before needing to fully recharge. A plan already in mind, Copen performed a Bullit Dash directly towards the approaching Weavile, reaching her in under half a second. He'd caught on to the way his opponent dodged his tagging attempts. Weavile tended to narrowly avoid them to quickly deliver a counterattack using that dark aura. All he had to do was correctly predict this move of hers.

Bullit Dashing directly towards his opponent, Copen had Twintail Bunkers at the ready for when his opponent attempted to counterattack. Weavile smirked as Copen approached again, the Pokémon quickly moving out of the way of the scientist's Bullit Dash, just enough to throw out another Sucker Punch directly to his back. Before she could do so, however, two golden drills jutted out from behind Copen, catching her off guard.

The remarkably agile Pokémon tried to move out of the way, one of the drills grazing her side, the creature wincing in pain. Weavile quickly attempted to attack with her claws to get some quick payback, but Copen was already on the move, switching directions in an instant and successfully landing a pistol whip on the exposed Pokémon. Bouncing off his opponent as a reticle appeared around her, Copen unleashed a flurry of lasers that quickly struck Weavile.

She attempted to employ some evasive maneuvers to get out of their way, but no matter what she tried, the projectiles seemed to curve and home in on her, intent on hitting their mark. The continuous attacks quickly weakened her, the Pokémon struggling to stand up as the lasers scorched her fur. Copen himself was quick to deliver a heavy blow as he used his third Bullit to propel himself towards his opponent again, delivering a high-speed kick that sent Weavile flying.

With enough weapon energy available to finish things off, Lola and the P-Bits became green in color as they fired Broad Circuit, the laser-like stream of data more clustered due to the target's tagged properties. Unable to move out of the way, Weavile was struck by the EX Weapon head on, being sent crashing into a wall, her limp body soon falling to the ground.


  • The winner: Copen!
  • The loser: Weavile!
Without another word, Copen walked through the newly opened gateway, the world behind him fading away as he was transported back to the plaza.
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The brute was spat out of a wormhole and onto the ground, Merak lazily looking at him from above, head resting on his hand. Machamp growled at the adept’s boredom. Was this not good enough for him?! How dare he! Fine. I’ll show you something that’s sure to get your attention. The pokémon thought to himself. However, his thoughts were interrupted as Merak fired the Lazy Laser again. In response, Machamp dashed to the side, avoiding the first blast. It then appeared from above him, which he slid across the ground to avoid. It then came form a buncha different angles at different times, which he avoided accordingly. Machamp then dug his fingers into the grass of the stadium and tore up a massive piece of terrain.(I bet one of you read that as “Terrarian”) He then yeetthe massive piece of land at Merak, who sighed with boredom and inconvenience before summoning a large wormhole to block the piece of land.

However, this process strained him and took longer than the normal ones would. Utilizing this, along with the cover he had thanks to Merak being distracted by the piece of terrain. Machamp sprinted to the side and leapt towards a wall, jumping off of it to change direction and gain velocity. Merak, distracted, didn’t see this, and therefore couldn’t react fast enough. Machamp then punched Merak with an incredible amount of force, causing a shockwave to echo throughout the stadium. The adept’s bones shattered on impact and his body was propelled by the force and air pressure into a wall, causing it to explode on impact, leaving a red stain.

Machamp grinned as he fell to the ground, landing with a thud against the grass. He looked to the sky to see the mark he left this time. If one were to look, they would see he cleared the air above the stadium of its clouds due to the sheer force behind his punch. (Think All Might)
Soon after he landed, Merak’s empty chair fell to the ground as well, though it landed far less gracefully than Machamp did. Cheers then echoed throughout the stadium as fanfare played throughout the field.
  • Winner: Machamp!
  • Loser: Merak!

Yuga smirked as the trident bashed into the shield, but instead of staying stabbed it fell back down into the frame. His Staff began to glow again, only for Yuga to gasp as the warrior purposefullly-crashed into the house.
"What are you- woah-!" The Mage was shocked at this, but not too confused...until the hurricane picked up!

"Gah!" Given he was out the wall, Yuga was pulled up pretty easily, feeling like he was about to hurl and struggling to focus. "I will...not lose to pathetic fools like...you!" He managed to say, pulling himself towards one of the walls that was torn up into the air. He transformed, quickly moving to the side facing the outside of the hurricane. He jumped out of the wall, propelling his feet off of the wall in th process and launching himself out the hurricane. His clothes were slightly tattered, but he otherwise was able to focus again. "Hah, pathetic, as I said..." He waved his Staff again, trying to spot Galacta Knight. The second he did, the frame appeared behind the warrior once more...and another to his right. And left. And above. Suddenly, the extra attempted to box Galacta Knight into that one spot.
"I win!" Yuga laughed, firing off the spell once more, putting more power in this time, to try and trap Galacta Knight in a painting frame, to seal him once more!


Previously Deathstalker62
And so, the Terrarian respawned in the lobby and looked around before spotting his name being struck out of the board. Though there seems to be a loser's bracket, the pixelated man felt like he had done enough fighting for now. Right now, he really just felt like sitting back, drinking a cream soda and going fishing at the harbour he built at the leftmost ocean of his world. And that's exactly what he was going to do. With one last message popping up over his head, the hero expressed how he felt.

'Terrarian: Well, ..at least I tried. I'm gonna go fish now. GG.'

And with those words, the Terrarian pulled out his magic mirror, peered right into it.. and returned to his world's spawnpoint, leaving behind only light-blue sparks where he once was.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The resulting cloud of smoke spat out Amaterasu, who was buried against the earth on impact. Opening her mouth, she panting, legs shaking as she pushed herself to her feet. The soldier was impressed- not many could take an explosion like that at point-blank. Of course, she was a Goddess, apparently, according to Naomi. He wasn't so sure of that, personally, but she was certainly a magical wolf. Not like that wasn't an unusual opponent for him. Might have been missing a cyborg ninja in the mix, though.

With a snarl, Amaterasu bared her fangs, and lunged forward. Snake slid to the side, slashing speedily with his blade, nicking the scruff of her neck. Her paws dug into the earth as she spun around, her shield appearing to strike. Snake had learned from that one, leaping backward with a flip, landing upside-down on his hands, before pushing again, rising above a string of beads that made to slash him.
In the air, he hurled his blade through the air, pressing the button on its hilt as he dodged.
The knife sparked with electricity as Amaterasu noticed it too late, having been swinging more beads to try and intercept her opponent. It plunged into her shoulder, deep enough to reach the hilt as electricity surged through the blade. Amaterasu let out a sound between a howl and a roar, rearing her head back with fervor to grasp the handle in her jowls, and yanked the knife out of her body- just as two tranquilizer darts plucked into her other side, Snake moving with enough speed to disorient her, especially after she'd already been disillusioned by the earlier explosion.

Stumbling on her still-shuddering limbs, Amaterasu let out a huff, gazing in Snake's direction as her vision went from doubled to tripled. She lunged- but it was no use. Snake evaded her attack with ease, her movements sluggish and no longer lethal. The mercenary furrowed his brow at her, her eyes shaking to focus on his- before she collapsed to the ground in a heap.
"Hm..." the sound rumbled in the back of Snake's throat as he retrieved his shock knife and holstered it. He gazed down at the slumbering body of Amaterasu- and a fanfare began to play. He hadn't killed his opponent, but he had incapacitated her.
As the world began to fade, the soldier dropped to a knee and scooped Amaterasu into his arms, cradling her form. As the gateway opened, he carried her through.


"Aaaaaaaand," the Generic Host wore a wide smile as he raised his arms in anticipation, gazing at the screens. The lobby had filled itself back up as the battles concluded, and finally, the last few were closing up.
The last of them to come through was the soldier, carrying his incapacitated opponent through. The Host's smile had gone wider and wider with the conclusion of each fight, but this one?
What a let-down! He considered briefly, for a moment, just popping Snake out of the competition- but he had won. It just wasn't as bloody of an end as had been expected. It was a boring conclusion. Anticlimactic. Screw honor or whatever the hell that soldier thought it was.

Upon crossing the gateway, Amaterasu was fully revived, and Snake let her out of his arms.
Generic Host rolled his eyes, his lids fluttering for a moment.
"Well, that was that. The bloody round 2 concluded- and the loser's bracket twice as large as before! Heh heh heh... isn't that something..." his voice trailed off as he looked about at them all. "So... we know what comes next, right? Right? Let me hear you say it. Say "yes, Generic Host, we know what comes next". Come on, I wanna hear it..." he paused, his eyes flitting about at them. Reluctantly, a few voices gave the response, but it was far from enjoyable. Far from... satisfactory.
"Oh, come on..." the Host lowered his voice, glancing about, before he lifted a hand, pointing his finger toward Galacta Knight. The warrior burst apart like a balloon- even leaving behind pieces of shredded latex, oddly enough. "Sorry, sorry," the hologram chuckled. "Itchy trigger finger. I will say though, it's still got a bit of a- a twitch to it," he slowly drifted his finger about. "Now say what I asked. It's really not that hard, and- a lot less messy," he winked, his tongue drifting slowly over his lips for a moment.

This time, those few reluctant voices were joined in by some more. Still not satisfactory, but the Host was aware of the pride many here had in themselves. It was a degrading thing in the most basic sense- exactly why the Host was doing this.
He bit his cheek, narrowing his eyes as he cocked his head slightly to the side. "Still not... good..." he hummed, pointing toward Pandora, who burst apart in a shower of sparks. He snapped his pointer over toward Tethi, who burst apart in a shower of sparks as well- though of a different variety.
At that moment, there was a flash of light- the Terrarian had tried to vanish and return home.
He had failed.
"You're trying to avoid a big old pop?" the Host asked.
'I... wanna go fishing,' the Terrarian replied, his words forming as text over his head, the pixel-boi glancing about for a moment, confused his mirror hadn't worked.
The Host stared at him for a moment, reading the text, before he shrugged. "Actually, that sounds pretty nice, go ahead champ," he waved at the Terrarian, who activated the magic mirror again- and poofed away.

"Okay, I forgot what I was doing earlier," the Host rubbed a hand through his hair, looking about at the contestants, before his eyes fell on a pink-haired individual.
"... oh, right," he blinked, before she popped into oblivion. Clasping his hands together, the Host let out a quick 'WOO' before he rubbed his palms rapidly. "Now we're getting to the nitty gritty itty bitty, so uh..." he paused, blinking at them, before he gestured to the large screen that Frank's head decorated the top of.



There was a moment of silence as the contestants viewed the new list, and the Host added a little commentary; "Oh, right. I forgot you existed, Whinymon- Ranamon, I said Ranamon. Sooooo, you're going in a three-way fight with Axe and Master Kohga! I wonder who'll kill each other first... get to it!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The idol of the digital world was busy taking a selfie with Frank's mounted armor when the announcement was made, her name spoken out amongst everyone else. She snapped out of her posting on social media, swaggering up to him.

"Huh? Me in the three way? Sugar, you got some elementary sense a humor..." She rolled her eyes. "But hey, if it takes twice the foes to take dear ol' Ranamon out, that's twice the excitement from the fans!"

Oh she hoped everyone was watching this. Her popularity was gonna sky rocket far higher than it was before! All this coverage...she was going to be a super-super star! Now all she had to do was find her foes...

That's when a tuft of familiar hair sprang up near her. Looking around, she saw her new groupie Axe, her next opponent! She wander her up to him, giving a peace sign.

"Hey yaaa~" She winked. "Looks like you'll be in a match with me next, my, why don't you show off some of your talent being the back up dancer to a super star and help me beat h that Kohga man? Hmmm?"


"Woah...was I one of the last ones to end?"

There wasn't a lot of time to muck about it talk, in a flash the host eradicated some people he didn't know and set up the new bracket. Knowing in his mind they were just temporarily dead, he found comfort in that fact as he looked up at the list.

"Metal...Sonic? With that picture?" He scratched his head. "I don't...really REMEMBER a sonic. Hmmm...where could they be..."

Hareta's nose lead the way, not picking up anything out of the ordinary yet. Bumping past Dark Matter, Punk, and Jevil, he found himself walking right toward Metal's direction, despite him having his eyes closed.



Specter's expression fell to one of disappointment as he saw the Monkees go to the loser's bracket. He turned to Benjamin and his troupe as they exited the portal.

"Come now, why the long faces? There's plenty of fight left in the day."

He smiled tenderly and he patted the shoulders of one of the smaller ones. The overlord chuckled as he turned to the bracket.

"Worry not little ones, a fluke is only a fluke once. That duck must have been stronger than I anticipated...perhaps that dog is your league? If I were to give advice: They use heavily energy based attacks, try not to get caught up close by her, get her to wear herself out."

He began to coach them right as Hareta began to bump into people of the crowd, trying to find Metal. Specter ignored the human, knowing Metal's sensors would pick him up faster than he could apprise Metal of the situation.
Metal Sonic
The robot’s red eyes darted to the side as his sensors picked up a…small child. How many children were in this death tournament anyway? The bot had his eyes closed and was rapidly sniffing the air like a wild animal, walking right towards Metal. …Odd. The robot thought to himself before he awkwardly stepped to the side so that Hareta didn’t bump into him. He had perplexed expression, before he looked to the board. Ah, this was his opponent. Metal almost beeped out loud in amusement. This should be even easier than the last fight. Metal flicked the boy’s head to get his attention, as his eyes were closed, before pointing to the archway, indicating they should get their fight started.
@Shen: King of Digimon

The superpower pokémon walked out of the archway with pride, dusting off his hands with a grin on his face. He looked towards the board to see who his next opponent was, and found that is none other than Tyrantrum head guy! Apparently, his real name was ‘Saurhead’, but Machamp personally preferred the name he came up with.

The brute strolled on over to the guy with the Tyrantrum head and grinned, nodding his head towards one of the archways.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


His noise never did him wrong, but before he could hone in on Metal's exact location, there was a flick on the back of his head.


Rubbing the back of his head, he flipped around. Metal was there giving a judgmental glare right at him. The droid pointed at the archway, clearly wanting to get their fight over with. Hareta's confused look was exchanged for a competitive one.

"So your ready to fight too, huh? Let's have a fair match then! C'mon!"

Hareta ran to the archway, his scarf flowing behind him as he ran right inside the place. Knowing the deal with how the maps work, he called out to the AI.

"Sunnyshore city!"
Metal Sonic
The droid quickly followed suit as Hareta ran into one of the archways. Once again, they were enveloped in darkness. Metal didn’t wait for the AI to say anything this time, cutting to the chase. He beeped a few times, the AI seemingly understanding, and they were transported to…

A beautiful city by the ocean, waves crashing by the shore as people bustled throughout the roads. However, something about it would be a bit different than Hareta was accustomed to. The buildings were all a brilliant gold and anthropomorphic animals also walked throughout the city. Occasionally, several robots would fly past the city in the sky, seemingly going to a battle-zone in the distance.

Metal observed the area, taking it all in, before turning towards Hareta and tapping his foot, waiting for his move.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Spartan
"It's an unpiloted automaton," Kalmiya told Chief when his eyes had found his next opponent, labeled on the bracket simply as "Kirbobot Armor". In truth, he'd never actually fought something like that before. Rebellio had been unique as well, but to overcome him required a strategy already utilized against the Didact once, which had succeeded in its execution. Frank had been more like a Brute, almost like Atriox, but not quite as powerful. This one, however, he didn't believe was a sentient creature. At least, it probably wasn't capable of emotion. Or maybe it was, possibly even an advanced AI like Kalmiya.

Whatever the case, every machine could break. It just mattered on how you hit it, so he'd need some tools to enhance his arsenal a little. Ballistic weapons would only do so much, and plasma weapons might not be capable of melting all the way through that hull. He needed hard light and lasers.
The next destination in his mind as he approached the gateway made a pit form in his stomach as he recalled the events that had transpired there.

"Don't you... EVER... let her go..."

Sergeant Major Avery Johnson's voice echoed in John's mind. He could almost feel the dying man's hand as he handed Chief Cortana's chip. Somehow, through the Spartan's visor, Johnson's eyes had seemed to lock with his own. The Chief had said nothing as the Sergeant Major's strength relinquished, and he fell back with a grunt, the air escaping his lungs, his eyes rolling back.
Chief had lost friends before. Countless times.
But that never made it hurt less.

"Choose a destination," the automated voice requested when the blank-white void had consumed him upon crossing through the barrier.
"Installation 04B," Chief answered in return. "The Control Room."

The Soldier
Had their conflict truly lasted so long? Snake almost felt bad, parting with Amaterasu. It was almost as though an unspoken respect had been passed and shared between them. He would have liked to spar with her again sometime, perhaps with less potential for death involved. Maybe even fight alongside her.
However, this was not the case. His newest opponent seemed to pack a punch, and had spent most of his time in the lobby bragging or telling others they were constructs of someone else's mind.

The "mon" at the end reminded Snake of all the Pokemon he'd met in the Smash tournaments, but one look at the thing confirmed it was not of that world. It was from Ranamon's world, there was a theme shared between them, alongside the ice bear Kumamon. Ranamon had been dangerous, but he'd overcome her. If Uratekumon had made it this far, Snake had a feeling that the gremlin wearing a much too large hat with arms would be a tougher foe.
Smaller than a Metal Gear, and piloted at that, but his confidence didn't falter. He'd need to call command about the creature soon, however. Once he had their stage selected- and what better choice than something he'd already used?

The voice put forth their request, to which Snake replied; "Shadow Moses Island."
Perhaps it was in bad taste, but he'd spent a long time preparing for that mission. He knew the intricacies of the main base. That first round had altered it so much that he had no idea where they'd been. He'd never seen that depot before, it had been outside of mission parameters. So long if Uratekumon didn't alter it like Ranamon did, Snake would have an advantage in environmental intel.
Could come in handy.

The Mercenary
Her next opponent; one called "Specter". Kassandra's eyes flitted from the image depicting him, toward the being itself. A monkey in a chair- it was actually somewhat laughable. The misthios was not blind to some of the oddities of this tournament. The talking hare, the tiny horned bug, the spherical lemon, the feisty mallard, there was no shortage of interesting beings- and most still remained. If Kohga was just her first opponent, then Kassandra felt she was in for a fight, laughable as it may have been to see a monkey seated so regally on a throne-like chair, sneering down at all those around him.

Glancing toward Ikaros, who had perched on her shoulder, Kassandra rose a finger to stroke it across his chest. "Looks like the time for breaks is slim, Ikaros," she informed her eagle. "You will need to fly again."
The gateways had opened at the conclusion of the Host's speech, in which he'd tried to demean them, but wound up forgetting about it in the end after popping more individuals. Their numbers were dwindling, and she felt a chill run down her spine at the idea of her fate winding up like those already gone.
No. She had a purpose, still. She couldn't afford the inconvenience of dying, yet.

Taking a deep breath, she strode into her gateway, Ikaros soaring into the air, following her a moment later.
As last time, a voice made itself known here. Kassandra had a strategy she was devising. If the simian was bound to his floating throne, then perhaps she could restrict his agility further, force him into constrained and tight quarters, an environment she thrived in above all else.
"Take me to the Forge of Hephaestus," Kassandra told the disembodied voice that prompted her for an arena. If the Specter character did not choose an environment to counteract this, then they would be dueling in the deepest heart of an active volcano, a web of narrow tunnels surrounding it. She could endure some magma- and she was assuming Specter's skin wasn't quite as tough as hers.

The Agent
You had to be joking.
First Pac-Man, then some little girl, now a duck?
Leon folded his arms over his chest, eyeing the bracket. How did he get stuck with these borderline-childish fights? Retro game characters, a child, now a water fowl. Where were the monsters, the brutes, the superpowers to overcome? This was a tournament across time and space, wasn't it?
Was the multiverse really so limited in its selection? Was this really the best it had to offer?
If so, then perhaps (outside of Host and his benefactor) there truly were no Gods and Devils. Just men and monsters.
... and water fowls.

Shaking his head, Leon had to remind himself that he was making assumptions too early. His last two fights had been a walk in the park, not challenging in the slightest, but he'd seen some of these fights on the screens. They could get brutal and quite nasty. Anyone who'd made it this far had to have been worth their progress.
As per usual, Leon checked Matilda, inspecting her worn surface, before he slid her back into the holster. This duck probably had some level of intellect, enough to probably be choosing stages as he was- so he just needed to make sure the environment adhered to his strengths. Just in case.

With a glance about at others, noting this little rebellion that they'd formed was as the loosest alliance he'd ever seen (and probably not even close to being a secret from the Host), he stepped his way through the portal, enveloped by a white void upon passing through. The automated voice put forth its query, to which Leon had a single response.
He'd unintentionally chosen the Spencer Mansion before, last round he'd selected the RPD station, but this time, he knew exactly what he wanted.
"Raccoon City," he stated, the layout memorized in his mind's eye in meticulous detail. "Downtown."

The Fallen
His alliance was secured. Despite Revan's change of heart, he still understood where power lie, what the future's most likely outcome showed him. The ill will Specter held in his heart for those that had wronged him once upon a time was clear- and the ape would stop at nothing to squash those who he deemed deserved it. His warped perception made it clear he was not the hero of his world, but he held power. Power, and integrity. That alone would be enough for the outcome Revan had foreseen. One where his alliance would grow and expand, and the Emperor would be but a stepping stone in the grand scheme.

Wordlessly, Revan made his way toward his gateway when it appeared, paying no mind to the Host's antics, nor the popping of others. Weak individuals. They had been pruned, for all intents and purposes. Only the strong could survive here.

When the white enveloped him, and the voice asked for his selected destination, he almost ignored it again as he had the last two times. Environments made no difference against him, he could utilize them just as well if not better than his opponents, but he paused, furrowing his brow.
He wasn't sure why it crossed his mind, but... it felt like the proper thing to do. The only thing to do. The voice seemed to detect his hesitance, and repeated its question.

"Home," Revan spoke, his voice somewhat hoarse. "Take me home..."
He hadn't seen it for a very, very long time.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The solar panel bridges connected the different landmasses and buildings together as the golden sheen shown through. Robots were definitely something new...did sunnyshore always have that? Regardless, Hareta readied a pokeball as he looked to metal.

"I'm not gonna Underestimate you. You look pretty tough, but don't think I'm some slouch either! I'll show you show you just how serious I am!"

Hareta flung a pokeball...which bounced off of the solar panels on the bridge and crashed right into his skull, knocking him over...and out? He looked unconscious. Several seconds passed before the pokeball released, revealing a youthful Lucario over the incapacitated trainer. But due to the rules...

•Hareta has been knocked out. The winner is-

"I'm okay...!"

Hareta teetered to his feet with a bump on his head, Lucario sweating looking at his thought to be defeated trainer. One look and it was obvious: they were making it up as they went along:

"...Now we start! Lucario! Show him an Aura sphere!"

Lucario went to attention, forming his hands together. After charging for a second, Lucario fire off a charged energy sphere straight on toward the metal duplicate of sonic.


"World nine! Kek! Almost done Speed running Super Mario 3: Deluxe edition!"

He was busy playing a game to even pay attention to his next opponent. His Mech suit projected the image of the game he played. It seemed as though he didn't consider them a big threat enough to even go in the archway yet. Speedrunning was a more a challenge...which wasn't exactly an issue for the gamer in the first place.

"Wait your turn, N00B! I got this arcade machine, you can have next!"



His eyes darted to his foe, who seemed to enter the archway behind his back. Looking to his monkees to which he gave his reassuring words, he raised a hand in farewell.

"We shall meet again, after this match. And we shall have but the finest to eat! May you all be well!"

His chair ferried him to the Archway, what looked like a human awaited for him, presenting a volcanic atmosphere arising.

"Code C.H.I.M.P."

Suddenly, something rumbled in the fiery atmosphere as it rose up. Jutting you from the footholds and scorching soil where plates of cold hard metal. A sizable base emerged, tank loading bays and a chasm that lead to an expansive alloy foundry deep inside.

"Quite the fiery location you picked for our brawl." Specter commented. "Oh well...doesn't bother me any."

Pressing a button, two extendable arms emerged from his chair. The gloved hands were carrying fans, fanning him with the breeze he needed.

"Ah, that's better. Now tell me, before we begin this engagement...what do you stand for? At least let me in onto which ideals stand against mine."


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
What was the ape on about. He sounded like a poor man's copy of Socrates- and that philosopher gave her enough headaches as it was. She didn't often have the patience for mental games, not that she couldn't compete in them, she just preferred a sharp blade to a sharp tongue.
"What do I stand for?" she questioned, her heavy Greek accent pushing through. "Uh..." she glanced about, inspecting the altered surroundings. The magma still remained, but the rock had been replaced with sleek metal, and most of the tunnels were blocked off, save for a few. It looked like an awkward location- but she was flexible, it would do.

"I guess I'm sort of a "live in the moment" kind of person," Kassandra informed the simian. "I don't like liars, though. Or those who hurt the innocent. Or those who use others for their own gain," she added, shrugging her shoulders. "If we're getting to know each other before we try to tear one another apart, I guess it's only fair if I ask for your... "ideals"," she scratched absently at her cheek.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Living in the moment? So one that doesn't seek ambition? One that seeks to simply live? Charmingly simplistic, but one must endure to see their vision reality...and one is superior to this wish. Marking this in his head, Specter answered his foe.

"But naturally, I wish to build a world where my kind can stand liberated, free of the shackles bolted on us from the tyrannical reign of the humans. A paradise, one would say."

After a few moments, Specter gestures towards her, nothing the stark contrast in their ideals.

"Logically speaking, it is more important that I come out of this in one piece, as I have much to do with my life. But you? You have nothing to look forward to. No millions of souls that rely on you. Since only one of us may live...why don't you take the Warrior's way out, and see yourself to your own fate? Then I shall continue to fight for those I protect."


Previously Manu456Alola

Another wave of eliminations had passed, the Adept Slayer showing little reaction to each fighter's demise. An unfortunate fate. Seeing them perish only strengthened his resolve. Looking up at the recently-updated tournament bracket, Copen found his next opponent.

The name and the picture... they were both familiar. He wasn't sure why. No creature resembling that jester existed back home, and he was certain he'd never heard of someone with that name. So why did he feel like he knew him from somewhere?

At any rate, he had to focus on his upcoming fight. The tournament had progressed quite a bit, so it was clear the fighters that still remained in the winner's bracket were no joke. He'd need any kind of advantage he could get. And fortunately for him, he had just the thing. Crouching, a holographic display with a crimson hue to it emerged from his arm, showing his gear's status.

His White Tiger jacket had a certain amount of memory available, memory that he could use to install several subroutines to aid him in combat. The armor's capacity was finite, but it was always enough to grant him a bit of an edge. He began tapping and dragging away, soon finding a combination of subroutines that he deemed useful enough for the upcoming fights. He had only three memory units left to spare, ones that he would've used to install his Prevasion ability - but it seemed the subroutine had been rendered unusable through unknown means. Maybe this realm or the Host had something to do with it.

Getting back up, Copen glanced at his companion, whose slight injuries had been magically repaired just like his were. That took some of the guilt off of him. He'd make sure to keep her safe during his next fights. With his brief set up and reflection done, the scientist walked through his designated archway, where he was asked to select a stage. He thought for a moment, trying to come up with a place he was familiar with. A fight he had against a certain Adept came back to him, giving him the idea he needed.

"Isle of Dreams scrapyard."


Good thing I respawned...

Another wave of eliminations happened, Merak showing no reaction to them despite having technically died himself. The genius had somehow lost his fight against the four-armed brute, something he hadn't expected. "Damn barrier spammin' idiot..." He muttered. At least he had the loser's bracket to fall back on.

His next opponent was some 'Kumamon', a small bear made out of snow or something. Hopefully this guy was much easier to deal with. He couldn't tell what he could do at a glance, but he hoped he didn't have some kind of invincible shield at his disposal. That would be lame.

Opening a wormhole in front of himself, the Adept walked through and popped out right in front of his gateway, walking through without a word. He just wanted to get things over with. Hopefully this Kumamon wouldn't take nearly as long as Machamp to show up and start the match.


Rebellio watched wordlessly as more contestants were eliminated, saddened by each uneccessary death. He really hoped the whole rebellion thing ended up working out, even if the arguments brought up by the simian in a chair had some truth to him.

Taking his mind off of that for now, the Adept took a look at his next opponent: 'Punk'. Well, the guy certainly looked like one. Some kind of delinquent, though he didn't look very remarkable. Maybe he had some sort of magic or powerful weapon at his disposal? He wasn't very sure that was the case, but he figured he'd find out soon enough.

Chief and a few others had headed towards their own fights, Rebellio walking towards his own gateway to get things started. He had no choice but to fight, and he might as well get his fight over with as quickly as possible. Grabbing his Falcon Quill, he waited for his opponent to show up.

The Knight

The Vessel watched silently as it was brought back to life in the lobby, having lost its match. It showed no reaction to anything going on around it, only looking up to see its next opponent: Audrey. She looked somewhat similar to some of the other contestants, just... drawing-like. That was interesting.

Shroom took a moment to swap some of its Charms around, trying to balance out some of its abilities and give itself more of a chance to fight back whenever it took damage. Satisfied with the changes, the bug walked towards one of the gateways, transported to the familiar void. Unmoving and mute, the Knight simply awaited its opponent's arrival.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"But you? You have nothing to look forward to. No millions of souls that rely on you."
She listened to what he had to say. He was entirely wrong, of course, but she wasn't about to correct him. That's not why they were here. Millions relied on him.
Billions relied on her.
She was meant to hold onto information and power for two thousand years. Two thousand years before she was meant to safely hand off this power and knowledge to the person meant to save the world. Without Kassandra... well, that was the end of the world.

"Maybe once, I may have been a warrior," Kassandra noted. "Maybe a hero, even. The hand fate dealt me was one of much blood, almost none of it my own. I am no warrior. I am a misthios," she shrugged once again, grasping the spear of Leonidas out from behind her. "You fight for those you deem worthy of protecting. I fight for more than that. I fight for those I love, those I hate, those that died, those yet to live. I fight for myself just as much as I fight for you, believe it or not. You may find my will equal to yours."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ha! Is that so?" Specter enthusiastically exclaimed. "Well then, looks like we are in quite the situation! I believe it is time we see who's will triumphs over the other's ambitions! Step forward and oppose me!"

The battle had begun. Specter raised a single hand in the air whilst his other held the side of his head. Suddenly, a flaming ball of heat rose over him. He then flung the scorching sphere toward the ground at her feet. If it missed, it would erupt into dozens of flaming rock debris that would burrow into her skin like shrapnel.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Of course he had magical abilities, Kohga's annoying tricks weren't the end of it all, it seemed. A flaming ball of heat and fire was flung her way. It looked threatening, for the most part, but it didn't move fast enough to be a major problem. She leaped a pace away, and it erupted against the ground. The resulting shrapnel hadn't been anticipated, some leaving brief cuts along her skin as she used the spear tip to slap a few out of the way before they could do any serious damage.

Prompted, her other hand pulled out her shield, and Kassandra rotated her shoulders for a moment, narrowing her eyes. This couldn't be too different from her conflict against the other beasts she'd fought. Medusa, the Minotaur, multiple Cyclopses... her strategy would be more effective here than against Kohga, she reckoned. Bide her time, allow her opponent to exhaust their abilities, and find a weak point.
Sliding her spear-tip back, she hitched the shield to her arm as she pulled out her bow and a single arrow, legs spread as she prepared for his next attack.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

No counter attack? My, this is a patient one. How long can she stay on the defensive without caving I wonder.

Specter, touched a button on his armchair, six small missiles releasing from it and flying towards her threateningly. Along with it, Specter raised the opposite hand as before, a thick blue light being seen from it. The light shot instantly over her, blinking, before becoming a flat ring with a single large hole in the center. It would fall down right atop her whole trying to home in on her movements, the ring getting tighter before it cut any ligaments that didn't conform.

Axe was still looking down-trodden over his loss to Jevil, I mean he lost to a jester without landing a single clean hit what do you expect, when he heard the announcement, not paying it much mind. He really needed to focus, even he knew what could happen if he failed again... honestly he was glad (and felt rather lucky) that he had been spared in time for the losers' bracket, as much as he hated that name.

"Stupid me.. I should've just.." As his voice descended into mumbles as he told himself ways he probably could've won (which were all just assumptions, obviously.), only to be surprised as he spotted Ranamon...the lady who signed his hand earlier. He decided to hide that hand during the conversation, considering dying basically wiped that away. Oops.

"O-oh, okay! Can do!" He said, quickly taking a glance at the board before trying to spot Kohga, hoping he made the right choice there and that Kohga was a bad person. Er...not that he wanted someone to be bad, he'd rather not teak up against a good person though. "But once it just gets down to us two once he's dealt with, I can't hold back or anything, you know? You may be cool and stuff, but I have people to protect back home, and that's really important, you get what I mean?" He quickly added, using a more squeaky voice, hoping to not upset Ranamon too much with that. Mind you, he was also hoping his luck wasn't already spent given he had somehow been given his supplies fixed and restored.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ranamon nodded her head and smiled outwardly at his, feigning to understand his reasons on the outside. Inwardly, Ranamon's mind was hissing. Oh come on! Why couldn't you have been one of the groupies that would die for their idol huh? Ugh, that's so much extra work!

"I totally understand, sugar! It just means that either of us can go down in the spirit of cooperatin' instead of dang old mistrust!"

Or whatever. As long as this runt pulls his weight.
Metal Sonic
The robot beeped perplexedly as Hareta…knocked himself out. Then got back up with a cartoonish bump on his head. This kid was all over the place. However, the creature he released from a strange device seemed to be more competent, charging up an energy attack before releasing it at Metal, the sphere moving at high speeds. Metal quickly dashed to the side, the sphere soaring past, likely hitting a bystander or a building, Metal didn’t really care. The droid glared at the wolf-like creature before charging forward, arms extended for a choking grab!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As Metal came at shocking speeds, Hareta barley had time to react. The engine thrust blared as it encroached on Lucario with claws as sharp as knives.


Lucario sensed Hareta's aura...somehow knowing Hareta's intentions based on his tone. Lucario held his hand out, right as Metal came in for the grab-


Metal didn't grip Lucario's neck...instead a Bone rush saber that blocked it for him. Lucario glared at Metal's red digital eyes.

"Nice going Lucario! Quick! Now that he's close! Close combat!"

It was all in the name. Since Metal was practically touching him already, his arm not holding the saber would be the the first to try and deliver a series of brutal punches to Metal's chest.
Metal Sonic
Metal’s claws and the bone collided with a sharp collision that echoed throughout the street. Metal glared right back as Lucario looked into his eyes, his red ones showing no fear, while the wolf-like pokémon’s showed determination.

Metal then looked towards Hareta, who was apparently…instructing the beast? So, that was how it worked. I might have to take advantage of that… The droid planned, before Hareta yelled out the next instruction: ‘Close Combat’.

The name made it easy to predict, Lucario going in for a punch to start the combo. However, Metal wasn’t having that. Before the fist could reach him, a large electric field released from the droid’s body! If all went as planned, this would both stop the punch and deal damage to Lucario with one move!
@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Lucario was to deliver his attacks before he was suddenly filled with bolts of electricity shot through his body, the Pokémon clasping the bone rush weapon as they continued to tank the hit. Hareta looked at this, gritting his teeth along with it.

"Lucario! Remember! The dunk slam!"

That's when Lucario flashed his eyes open. He knew what Hareta meant. In one swift movement he would slam Metal into the ground using the Bone Rush that it was gripping. If this guy was steel and electric...it would be X4 effective.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Strange cylindrical rods fired toward her, fire burning at their ends, her powerful nose detecting trace whiffs of smoke- and reminded her of Kohga's explosive boulders. If they were anything alike, she wasn't keen on the idea of getting struck by one. To top that off, the monkey had thrown some strange halo of energy at her, which leveled close to the ground, and began to rapidly shrink. It didn't take a genius to determine that touching this energy, or getting caught in its close, wouldn't be ideal.

Taking all of this quickly into account, Kassandra leaped over the ring with a charge, several of the missiles erupting on the spot she'd been standing, though two still remained, spiraling away from the eruption- confirming their purpose to her -and her eyes widened as they shot through the air, redirecting back toward her.
That was new.
Kassandra notched an arrow, tracking both missiles- and let the stick fly. It struck dead-center on the first missile, forcing it to erupt as the second was pushed off-course due to proximity, allowing Kassandra to step to the side of its path, in which it spun by her, erupting a few feet away in the ground after spiraling.

She returned her attention immediately to Specter, notching another arrow, her eyes flitting over the strange throne he sat upon, which seemed to have abilities of its own.
Metal Sonic
As Lucario brought down the bone, Metal glared at him with a surprising amount of menace, before he stuck his arm out above him, catching the bone rush while keeping the electric field active. He faltered a bit, but he stood strong. Normally, he would probably falter physically due to focusing on the electric field, but Lucario was taking damage, so he was also weaker than usual.

Metal kept the bone from reaching him while continuing to stare at Lucario.

@Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As his foe, Kassandra, dispatched his attacks, he slowly clapped for the display he had witnessed just then.

"Excellent, so I see your battle hardened aesthetic isn't for show! But will it be enough?"

Instead of firing an attack with either hand, Specter brought his hands together, firing of a thick cyan cutting beam from them, psychic energy bellowing out in a stream. It would rip through the air and cut her into ribbons, and if she moved? His chair would calculate her movements and swivel to follow.


"Misjudge this!"

While Metal's hands were busy from the front, a long solar panel removed from the bridge would slam him from behind by Hareta's hand, all while he was focused on Lucario, who didn't seem to be holding on too well. If Metal caved to fight the back end, he'd be plunged into the ground. And if he caved to fight the front end, he'd be slammed by the panel. All the while the electric field was putting more and more stress on the robot's core. Venting was soon to happen...
Metal Sonic
“Misjudge this!”
Metal turned his head 360 degrees to see the large solar panel being lifted by Hareta. What in the world…? The droid thought to himself. How strong was this kid?

In response, Metal activated his thrusters and flew upwards, his arm letting go of the bone rush once he was just out of reach. He then quickly deactivated his thruster and the electric field, landed behind Lucario. He couldn’t keep the electric field active for too long, otherwise he’d have to vent.

Metal quickly curled into a ball and rushed at Lucario, aiming to hit him from behind, which would both do damage and possibly knock him into the descending solar panel.
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
At least he wasn't a weirdo about everything like her last opponent. Gods, she hated that guy. Specter congratulated her performance thus far, then fired some kind of beam. Now this was familiar, she'd dealt with beams before- and knew that they were just as painful as you'd expect. Unlike Medusa's beams, however, this one was the size of Kassandra's head, and was a constant rather than firing like an arrow. She found that out by diving to the side, only to find the beam immediately moving as she did, redirecting to catch her.

It almost did, the beam successfully cutting against her left arm before she leaped up- then seemed to kick off of the air itself, bursting over the beam as it incorrectly followed where she should have gone, had she obeyed the usual laws of physics.
Smoke rose from her arm, the skin blistered and peeling, but her limb still intact- a testament of her ability. Heat wasn't quite as effective against her as blades.

Having started in this fight, she had three charges of energy. Her actions thus far had boosted it to five- which was also her limit. Assuming she could risk it, Kassandra consumed one of the charges, a shine enveloping her for only a split second as her arm instantly healed, returning to normal in less than a second.
That was four attacks so far, each one she now understood how to handle and treat. Individually, for the most part. Still, she didn't fight back immediately, waiting to see if he had any more tricks up his sleeves. Er- hairy arms. Were those sleeves? That didn't feel important right now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The trainer and Pokémon were both caught off guard by the sudden burst of speed. Lucario took some breaths as it recovered from the shocking he received. It would have been taken out of it went on for much longer. Metal came back however, about to turn into a ball. Seeing this, Hareta whispered to his partner.

"Do that again at my signal...!"


Metal preformed a Spindash, rolling rapidly his way. That's when Hareta stuck the solar panel into the ground at an angle, Metal flying upwards from it like a ramp! When they were in the air, Lucario used extreme speed, cutting the distance until he was right over Metal. Without Metal having any limbs out, Lucario would slam the bone rush into him and thwack him down on the bridge below!


Oh? Healing? Hm...now that is something problematic.

Specter began to notice a pattern. Was he being analyzed in turn? The ape cocked his head at her, noticing her sheer defensive nature.

"Collecting data on me? To what end? Whatever it may be, don't expect me to let you. How about a change of pace?"

Using his beam, he used it against the volcanic walls. Slicing and dicing the rock face. Cutting off his laser, he let the wall buckle, lava spewing out from the wall like a gaping wound. Looking down below at the factory, Specter knew exactly how to evade the lava storm. Specter held up two fingers in a half salute.


Then, his chair flew into the hole im the ground, lava pouring into the playing field. The place had become a red hot danger zone!
Metal Sonic
As the droid soared into the air, it was pretty clear that attack wouldn’t work now. So, Metal uncurled his body, going back into standard form. As soon as he did so, Lucario dashed up in front of him and went for the same move he had before. Since Metal was semi-venting, he was slower than usual and thus couldn’t dodge, so he improvised. He activated his back engine, using its full power, and crossed his arms in front of him to block.

He was hit by the bone, but quickly recovered thanks to his engine power, and went right back up without being slammed into the bridge. He aimed to blitz right through Lucario, heading further in the air and dealing damage at the same time!
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Just when it was getting fun, too. The simian had performed a cowardly move in an attempt to have the environment best his opponent- possibly intimidated by her healing ability. As hot magma began to pour in, Kassandra shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Ikaros," she called to the ceiling, the eagle swooping down toward her as she gestured toward one of the aforementioned tunnels.
With the same speed as her eagle, she darted into the tunnel, several feet higher than the rest of the room, just as a wall of magma oozed down to the ground, blocking that exit.

"Keep your distance," she whispered to Ikaros, who fluttered away as Kassandra tucked the bow away- though kept her shield out, just in case, walking forward into the dark tunnel- though this was something she did much of, and her eyes could see through the darkness better than anybody she knew.
"You gonna keep me waiting, or...?" Kassandra called into the darkness, hoping her opponent could hear her and she wasn't just mucking around.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Lucario took a hit straight from metal, knocking him further into the air. Metal Sonic was bent on juggling Lucario into an h fortunate fate. However, Hareta was dead set on preventing that from happening. Dropping the panel, he closed his fists.

"Close combat..."

Lucario attempted to do so, only for a single punch to be thrown and knock Metal's attack slightly off course before getting staggered once more.

"Close Combat! Keep doing it!"

Lucario and Metal Sonic had a dance in the air, Lucario only taking a series of light hits as he bounded from attack to attack, keeping Metal and himself from doing anything substantial to each other, all the while gaining more and more room to attack. After several seconds of this, there was a small

"There...! Extreme speed the opening!"

As Metal bounded back another time, Lucario predicted this, speeding up to deliver a punch right at Metal's face.




"I wouldn't dream of it."

Suddenly, the lights turned on inside the facility. Inside was a heavy duty loading bay, stretching for what seemed like a mile of conveyor belts loading supplies and crates into carrier viechles, brought somewhere to another side of the facility. Along these conveyor belts were Tesla pylons that were scattered every twelve feet along the track, meant to zap any organic matter that fell along the track.

Floating over these conveyor belts was Specter, looking downward at her.

"Do you like this place? My apologies, I haven't had time to lay fresh carpet out." He mused. "This military base is the top of the line, it is here that you shall meet the end of your story!"

Slowly floating away from Kassandra, he lifted three of the heavy steel crates from the belts, hurling two of them at her while the third flew directly over her, coming straight down like a hydraulic press.
Metal Sonic
Lucario aimed to use his extreme speed to land a clean hit Metal. However, Metal was well known to be one of the fastest beings in existence. He was even faster than Sonic! Needless to say, Lucario wasn’t faster. While Metal couldn’t dodge, he could counter. He grabbed Lucario’s arm and yanked it back. At the same time, a powerful laser emerged from Metal’s torso. Using this combo, Metal managed to quickly take out the pokémon!
@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Oh good, he wasn't running- but there was just more of these gross metal rooms with strange things she didn't know. She got the impression this room had something to do with production. Hard to pinpoint it, but...

"The pylons strike with lightning."

The small voice of the Staff of Hermes whispered this in her ear, and Kassandra frowned. It was often easy to forget that there was a spirit in the staff, especially when it usually refused to speak to her unless it was about the future- and perhaps those shock pylons were something from the future, hence the word of advice.

"You know, I have some military experience myself," Kassandra spoke. "My homeland of Sparta fought the land my friends called home, bloody wars, even had to fight my own brother in it," she narrowed her eyes at the large crates being flung toward her, light shining off their surfaces- they weren't wooden, that was certain. Testing the water, she leaped aside the first crate, which barreled by her, and she then shot toward the second, bashing against it with her shield. Her sandals slid against the ground, but she managed to force this crate to stop just as the third stopped directly above her- and came down.

Gritting her teeth, Kassandra pushed into another charge, using her Shield Breaker to slam her own shield against the crate- and it shattered apart under her strike. Biting the inside of her cheek, she peered from around the second crate toward Specter. "Sparta won, in the end."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Lucario's attack was somehow intercepted. To outspeed Lucario was...!

Lucario crashed down to the ground, fainted as the laser had effectively defeated the dog like Pokémon. Hareta hesitantly recalled the Pokémon.

"Ngh...your pretty good. You do like your lighting huh? Well I know someone who does that just as well! C'mon out! Luxray!"

Tossing the pokeball, the quadruped Pokémon emerged, hissing to life with bolts of electricity showering off of it's hide.

"Your lightning won't do to much to him! But I bet it would do something to you! Luxray! Give 'em a Thunder!"

Luxray's ears perked up, their eyes glowing white. Suddenly, it roared out and threw it's head up as a thunder strike came down, aiming to slam down on metal, which being a flying metal targeted acted like an artificial lightning rod!"



Oh? So a historical figure then?

He did some recon of his own, watching as she shown more strength than any human before, somehow treasuring steel boxes away, each one several hundred pounds.

"Sparta won, in the end."

"Ha, you think so? Uf only you knew what happened to Sparta in your future." Specter remarked. "They fell to corruption, dirty money, and political strife, losing their strength and their reputation as warriors, eventually if falling as a people! Humans destroy everything they touch, even themselves!"

Specter continued floating back, using this as an advantage over her highly melee oriented fighting style. That's when he flicked both of his wrists, four energy bolts firing out of them, two per arm. They radiated with rainbow energy auras as they pulsated erratically. They whirled high up into the air before raining down toward her, honing in on her mental signature. On impact, they would detonate wildly like some kind of multicolored Grenades.