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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
Her reaction, while it had spared her, made it clear she wasn't sure what Matilda was. Leon frowned as he pulled the weapon back, furrowing his brow at her. Fighting a kid... even if she could throw electricity at him, none of it felt right in the slightest. He'd much rather be taking on a super tyrant right about now. At least then he'd be clear on his objective.
But wasn't his objective already clear? Win tournament battles and... for what? Some prize beyond his wildest dreams? What did that even mean? The agent wasn't exactly in the mood to get conned into beating the shit out of people for some dictator's enjoyment. As he stared at Audrey- Leon lowered his weapon, flaring his nostrils. "I can't fight you." He huffed out. "You're just a kid."

Master Chief
The world began to rumble as the tentacle was severed, and John dropped like a rock, clattering into a roll on the surface of the deck. The universe seemed to shake and shudder around them as the tentacles began to liven, rising further from the hole, doubling their length as they began to thrash about more violently.
"Looks like we've got quite a few decks below us, but most seem to be completely blocked off by biomass." Kalmiya informed the Spartan. "There's not a lot of options."
"One's enough." Chief replied, his visor reflecting the resilient Frank as he laughed at them. "Okay, so... what option is that?" The AI asked, to which John holstered his magnum, grabbing a small blue ball from his belt. "Oh... that option... bet you can't stick it."

"You're on." The Spartan replied, his HUD displaying the layout of the deck they stood on in clear detail. Most notably were the gas pipes aligned close to Frank's position, the tentacles swaying dangerously over their heads, as if threatening them to draw closer. With a burst of speed, the Spartan took off at a sprint. Even to the mutants heightened perception, Master Chief would appear simply as a blur, his speed and momentum beyond human- or even super mutant -possibility. In less than a second the Spartan had already closed the sizable gap between himself and Frank, the burst of blue light extending from his arm as the energy sword was conjured and Chief made to clash against the brute once again, all while Kalmiya tapped into the Enclave databases beneath them, gaining a wealth of knowledge with each passing second.
Pandora had expected the rain storm to show up, and assumed that Ranamon would feel safe because of it. However, that was exactly what she wanted. Creating a hollow ice doll around her, she protected herself from the rain and hoped to ram into Ranamon. After all, she had quite the speed behind her. Although a little rain got through, it was not enough to stop the doll from forming.

@Shen: King of the Mist


Chun-Li had fought Cryo for a while now, skin turning blue from the cold as Cryo lived up to its name with its icy attacks. However, the dinosaur was also looking worse for wear with many bruises and broken arms. This creature forced her to fight after every Cold Shout, something about that attack affected her brain in some way. "Spinning Bird Kick!" The girl did a somersault and rotated her legs around, kicking Cryo in the face twice. The dinosaur roared in pain as its jaw fractured, letting it hang open.

"Toxic Ruin!" Saurhead shouted as the Cryolophosaurus created foam in its mouth before it shot it at Chun-Li who got hit by it. The foam itself did no damage, but the foam seemed to soak into her skin as the girl threw up. "Toxic Ruin badly poisons my opponent, your life is on a timer."

Chun-Li looked at her opponent with lidded eyes, breaething heavily as her vision got incredibly blurry. "K-Kikoken!" She tried to fire off another projectile, hitting the Cryolophosaurus and fell over, barely remaining conscious.

"You put up a good fight, but you have never experienced PAIN!" Saurhead roared as Cryo returned to a medal after being defeated and a smaller dinosaur appeared. It was black with orange highlights, and a notable crest. "Now, take your revenge for T.Rex, Guan! Great Unmasking!"

The Guanlong let out a shrill roar as fire and magma erupted from the floor, surrounding it before the fire and magma dispersed and revealed another T.Rex. The last thing Chun-Li saw was a pair of giant jaws opening up and then.....nothing.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

More of that stupid ice stuff??

Lacking the time to come up with another attack while her opponent's momentum was that fast, she raised her hands up. Her hands got damp in the heavy rains, soaked to the brim with the draining rain. So as her opponent came up to bash her-


She grasped the staff, the electricity dampening due to the draining water sapping it's power. However, the momentum sent her back, still holding onto the weapon in Pandora's grasp. Now backed against the far stage wall with Pandora barring down on her, Ranamon winced, the chick having more physical strength than expected.

"You...have quite the bod dontcha sugar? What's your routine?" She offered the joke in the struggle. "How about I give you a tip to lose some weight? Lil' somethin' I call dark vapor."

She winked, and as she did so, get black clouds shot from her fingertips right up to Pandora. This corrosive vapor would certainly melt down the staff in Pandora's grasp and hopefully Pandora herself, spreading across a wide area.

"...What." Was the first reaction from Audrey as she lowered her blade, before another growl came out.

"A kid?! That's what you think of me?! I am Audrey Redheart, the Hero, Slayer of the Overseers, Chosen by the Goddess Eya herself, Destroyer of the Uni-" She began to throw a tantrum, cutting herself off at that last line realising what she was about to admit. Or, maybe she didn't? Needless to say, though, she did not take being called a Kid well. "And you saw what that freak did to everyone who disappointed him, right?! So man up, AND STOP CALLING ME A CHILD!" She yelled, charging her lightning fully and firing it again now that Leon had stopped firing, rage in her eyes. She didn't even give two damns about this reward in that moment, even if this...highest honor, it could mean everything to her, just as the Sword and Hero title did, but being called a child? That was less than nothing to an egomaniac adult.


"Huh-?!" Axe was caught off-guard as Jevil spoke out from behind him. Seriously, this guy was avoiding everything and it was seriously annoying!
"When did you get there?!" He tried to ask, only to stop himself as he had to raise his shield as the spades came down on him. He grit his teeth, holding a defensive stance as he just hoped the combined work of Mr Anvil and Nelz would hold up. Luckily, the attack ended soon after.

Then came a new problem. First of all, everything began to feel....dizzier...? Faster, and faster, like a Hurricane...

Ahah! A hurricane!

Aside from that, Jevil seemed to proclaim another thing, seemed like boasting. Axe then noticed a load more projectiles, at an odd shape too, flying right at him. At first, he figured to lower his shield into a more defensive stance, but that wouldn't cover it all...
So, the next option: Cover it all, like a Hurricane!

Axe began to spin as fast as he could, moving to deflect the diamonds rather than a full defence as he span. Even he wasn't sure if it was enough, but the red stone shone bright, just giving him the boost he needed. As he hoped, the diamonds did not fully stop or end like they were stopped by the shield, but deflected to the sides. Once it was done, he kept spinning, like pirouette. Not really out of choice, but rather due to speed. Suddenly, he threw out the shield right at Jevil, the momentum from the spinning pushing it forward. No matter if it hit or not, it would bounce back to nearby Axe, but just out of arm's reach.
"Irrelevant." Pandora had absolutely zero interest in humoring Ranamon, attempting to break away from the fish lady after her staff melted away. It was no big loss, she could just make it again. Meanwhile her ice doll had broken apart the water hands that had grabbed her helmet parts, allowing her to have her entire arsenal again. Escaping from the acidic rain with some burn marks, she created four Homing Plasma projectiles whilst her head sections floated to be behind Ranamon, aiming at her from above as they fired electric shots. Pandora meanwhile created her staff again and made a barrier of four electrified staves around her.

The jester continued to dance as his attack was cleverly countered by the little town hero, not seeming to care. After all, this was simply good fun to him. When Axe yeeted his shield, Jevil stopped dancing and waved his hand lazily, a single spade appearing in the air. The spade blocked the shield, causing it to bounce off with a pang and fall to the ground, spinning on the carousel’s floor.

Jevil then noticed that Axe was also on the carousel now. Wonderful! However, before Jevil could do anything, Axe spun like a pirouette once again. Suddenly…!

What! It’s nothing but a useless bird!

The voice wasn’t incorrect, it was indeed just a bird. A yellow, duck-like bird came out of nowhere and flew above Axe before vanishing. Jevil, apparently not confused, immediately prepared his next attack.
“Piip piip, let’s ride the carousel game!” The jester said, the previously missing animals appearing on the carousel, creating both a cage and a danger-zone for Axe, as the animals would damage him on contact!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ranamon smirked as he saw her opponent retreat backwards. They had forgotten one thing in this fight. The ice that had been used to clog the holes of water were exposed to the draining rain. Having soaked in the draining fluid, the ice lost it's power to stay together, quickly thawing out under the heavy downpour.

"This was fun hun, but I think this lil' spat is over!"

Before the helmet could fire, the hydrotecnics cranked up in storm. Massive pillars of water rising as it gushed out. It looked like it was the start of a show's grand finale. While Ranamon would have preferred some decent lighting, this would have to make up for it.

The plasma fired inside of the pillars that had erected around Ranamon, though due to the heavy current, their trajectory had been greatly thrown off, shooting much higher than their intended targets. Ranamon began to laugh as her entire body was rendered unviewable inside the large torrent of pooling water.

"Haha! Prepare to make your final bow!"

The streams stopped erupting, making Renamon turn this large pool of water into a wave. This wave ripped through the stage and went in to swamp Pandora. Now if she knew anything about electricity, that power was gonna cause her enemy much more harm than good to use to get out of this mess.


Previously mallard
So many explosions, the only thing missing was a pained cry. Instead, a single shimmering arrow streaked from the prematurely detonated Yiga Boulder, straight for the top banana. "Yipe!" The master clasped his hands together and desperately attempted to spin away, but the arrow caught his side, carving a bloody gash in his side. "OWOWOWOWOWOWWW!" Kohga crashed to the dirt floor on the side, and rolled over onto his rear to assess the damage. "agh- How DARE you?! oof- Hey! Me-Two! I need you back out here! owie-" The chubby man clasped his hands together once again, and another exact duplicate of him appeared. "Hey, handsome fella, kill her!" As he shouted orders at his clone, he waved his hands and feet around in the air, not unlike a toddler, and formed another blue shield in between the real him and Kassandra.
The clone then rose into the air in the familiar crisscrossed manner. Exactly like the opening attack of the battle, the doppelganger raised his hand into the air, which shone with crimson power, and then plunged towards the ground, creating the same old air vent that would home in on the opposing warrior, and then explode with sharp rock.
Meanwhile, the real Kohga sat behind his shield, and began scarfing down bananas. They were healing his gash a little at a time, but so little that one might wonder if it was actually worth his time.


Hey! Punk's seen this one before! The robot curled up into a ball and rushed towards the green-haired delinquent, who responded with a swing of his bat. CRACK! But this time, the blue blur (specifically the one that talks in beeps), circled back around again, and Punk met that second attack with another swing from the opposite side. This exchange went on for a while, until the roof rager started amping the power of his swings, sending Metal Sonic farther and farther back until... a last, powerful swing, aiming to send the droid much farther back.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously Manu456Alola


Alright, this guy was starting to be a nuisance. First he blocked his missiles, and now he had the audacity to catch his punches! He knew there was no way for him to avoid getting hit here, so he'd have to minimize the damage as much as possible. As the mech was pulled through the wormhole, another two appeared- one to Merak's left, and the other one above the two, right between them. However, the latter wormhole was much bigger than the former.

The mech extended its free arm through the smaller wormhole, causing it to come out of the larger one at a similar size. This magnification of the mech's hand got in the way of Machamp's attack, tanking the attack pretty well. The back of the hand was heavily dented, but it was definitely better than taking the attack head on.

"Not cool, man." Merak groaned, the enlarged hand twisting around so that the front faced Machamp. It released several larger missiles at the Pokémon, aiming to get some payback for the damage he just took.


Finally, he got a hit in! Daruk was quick to retaliate though, swinging his club upwards at the Adept. Rebellio swung his own weapon downwards to meet Daruk's, though it did not save him from being launched upwards. Wanting to keep up the pressure as long as possible, he conjured a large guillotine blade, sending it crashing down at Daruk. Rebellio himself then launched his thread in a straight line in the Goron's direction, lodging it in a tree next to him. The Falcon moved quickly along it, kicking off the trunk and readying his scythe for an overhead slash once the guillotine had reached its target.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
As a clone launched towards Specter, the one from above saw Specter planning his attack, the realization dawning on it, and it's clones, immediately.
Immediately, the first clone leaviated higher and out of reach, while the advancing one adjusted it's attack, instead slashing upwards and out of range as well. As it did so, it collided with it's nearby clone, fusing back together.
As it did so, the distant clone charged briefly, and fired a large ball of darkness that homed in towards Specter's position.

Robobot Armor
The hulking metal mech stood emotionlessly as the bug neared. It did, however, open it's "mouth", revealing a lens of sort that projected a bright light. Said light immediately focused on the weapon, taking in data. The armor took the hit, stumbling slighty as the weapon collided. However, it sparked something it it's code, causing the armor to change drastically. Aside from the new green and yellow paint job, it now had two massive swords with laser edges for arms
It immediately put them to use. It's back thrusters igniting as to launch it forward as it stabbed with one arm, and promptly slashed with the other.

Galacta Knight
The Aeon Hero skirted to a stop once it escaped the gateway, it's eagerness to fight making it forget to choose a stage. No matter, it paid no mind to it, only towards it's opponent. Galacta Knight wasted no time flying towards Yuga, stabbing his lance towards their chest.

The Sharp Claw Pokemon tilted it's head upon seeing Copen. It looked human, but it appeared was an electric type? Strange.
However, Weavile remained unfazed as the lasers appeared to strike it, sending snow flying. As soon as it settled, however, it revealed dozens of Weavile standing in a wide area, with most looking ever so slightly fuzzy, as if on a projection screen. Weavile was using Double Team, and it and it's illusionary copies ran towards Copen at startling, hopping in midair and following up with Icicle Crash. Each Weavile created a large icicle cluster and kicked it at Copen. While there was multiple, only the real one's would actually do damage.

Amaterasu felt no pleasure as Snake got hit. As soon as Snake left her vision, Amaterasu stopped firing, swapping her weapons around again. She ran towards where Snake hid but, wary of following his exact steps, double jumped over the outpost walls to cut him off and avoid any strange tricks the man had. With her nose as a guide and her wits as a guard, Amaterasu followed Snake as best, and carefully, as she could.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

So is that how you are going to play? Very well. Every game I play I intend to win!

Specter stood at the attack, not moving as it came forward. Psychic power began to emanate from the mastermind, and right before the dark matter blast hit him, he vanished in a blink of cyan.

The Dark matter blast impacted the ground where he once stood, right as six figures appeared in a circle around it. They were all Specter! Or at least looked like him. These were clones, however, ones that could be taken out in a single hit and vanished after ten seconds of use.

"How's this?"

They all held their hands above themselves, each one generating a radiating red sphere. Then, they all fired their spheres, each one breaking open mid attack, revealing dozens of flaming shrapnel inside of it. Due to six specters using this, it was an enormous field of flaming debris coming Matter's way!


Previously Manu456Alola

Copen's attacks seemed to hit their mark as snow flew everywhere, momentarily concealing his opponent. His opponent's plan soon became clear, dozens of copies of the Pokémon appearing before him, wasting little time before attacking. "Interesting..." Copen leapt backwards as the clones launched their attack, many icicles heading his way. His Flashfield wouldn't be up by the time they reached him, so he'd have to destroy them. "Lola."

"On it!" The A.I. companion was quick to react as she switched EX Weapons, her body and the P-Bits turning green in color. After a moment, a wide-scale flurry of green data shot out forwards similarly to lasers, covering a wide area and shattering the icicles that came Copen's way, as well as getting rid of any clones caught by the duo's Broad Circuit. The move consumed a lot of his weapon energy, but it provided a brief moment for the scientist to analyze his opponent's tactics.

Copies... They bring strength in numbers, but are usually easily disposable. All I need to do is find the real one. With that in mind, Copen began firing lasers at any copies not caught by Broad Circuit, prioritizing those that didn't look fuzzy or tried to attack him. His main goal was to identify the original Weavile, not to mention reduce the amount of clones as to not let them overwhelm him.

The Knight

The robot had suddenly changed in appearance, wielding dual blades the likes of which the bug had never seen before. It lunged forward at great speeds in an attempt to stab the Knight, who managed to jump up and pogo off of the mech's arm with its nail. It attempted to counter the machine's second swing with a Great Slash, though the Nail Art was not powerful enough to overcome the attack, launching the bug backwards. Its Grubsong Charm granted it a small amount of SOUL, something that would come in handy soon.

Leaping off one of the arena walls, Shroom launched a Shade Soul at the mech. The shadow projectile flew at surprising speeds, its power augmented by the Knight's Shaman Stone. If not avoided, the attack would pierce through the opponent and briefly burn it. Seeing as this thing had a tough exterior, spells would likely be more effective against it.


Previously Gamingfan2
Robobot Armor
The armor's blades sparked as they slashed, leaving a sizzling scar the the floor as it's blades landed. Upon seeing The Knight sent off, it hopped, leaping over the bullet. It's thrusters....well...thrusted again, allowing the bot to hover briefly and position itself above Shroom. It positioned its blades below itself and corkscrewed downwards. It twirled much like a drill as it fell above Shroom.

Weavile and it's illusionary army- now cut in half and dwindling-began deploying evasive maneuvers. With her small body and nimble movements, Weavile managed to evade the attacks, though a few got too close for comfort. Still, most of the clones were eliminated before she found cover behind a tree. Weavile seemed to snicker before slicing said tree in half. Immediately, Weavile hopped onto to it and, through one of it's more...unorthodox moves, flung the large trunk towards Copen. Even if he managed to take care of it, which would make sense. Weavile would take advantage of the destruction and close the distance, swiping with her claws.

Dark Matter
Despite the numerous amounts of monkeys, Dark Matter immediately figured out the original, which was exuding his signature vanity. His clones may have been fake, but Dark Matter wasn't going to dismiss the attacks as such. Dark Matter flew up as the shrapnel did, positioning itself just right, and seemed to take on a brown tint. Dark Matter changed into a large stone boulder, surrounded by four smaller ones. Immediately, Dark Matter allowed gravity to pull it down. Despite the shrapnel, Dark Matter burst through the flames and crashed directly where the cocky Specter was. Even if it missed, it would fire the smaller stones around itself, possibly taking any nearby clones.
To add onto that, the aerial Dark Matter clone fired a large ball of fire of it's own. Should it land on the floor, it'll burst into a pillar of flame as well as spread a ring of fire across the floor!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The primate overlord had a confident feeling about this attack. So many fireballs from so many different directions? Even if he could split...he was finished. Except Dark Matter appeared to turn into a different substance, stone, and looked directly at him. Was he not fooled by the clones...? That's when it dove directly for him, ignoring the fireballs and the other duplicates as they expired from their window of time.


Judging from the trajectory of this thing, it would crush him within moments. His melee attack from before with his chop failed...but perhaps...

He had an idea. Holding both of his hands up like points, he charged them with telekinetic energy.as Stone Matter fell on him, it ripped through it's body on the blades, causing a foot and a half hole through its body, going nearly four feet through it.

"If you can truly feel pain..." Specter chuckled. "Do me a favor and Scream."

He would cloak himself in psychic energy, letting it to build up before he would explode a powerful energy wake around him. This psychic blast was useful before In harming matter, but now? Being literally inside the creature...

This was it.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
His gaze steeled as the girl reacted in a way he'd already assumed she might; with anger and denial. As she spoke, Audrey prepared another ranged attack, to which the agent's eyes flitted over his surroundings. Not any good cover, nor too many useful shields. A gurney would be an awful choice, but that beside it...
As Audrey screamed out her conclusion, Leon grasped an empty ammunition box and hurled it toward the girl the moment she fired. It intercepted the second strike of lightning, exploding against the box on impact. Leon raised his arm to shield his eyes as shrapnel went flying, but her attack had been effectively halted for the moment.

"I literally said it once." He replied, eyes growing somewhat distant as her words sunk in and the cloud of dust from the explosion quickly began to settle. He elected to ignore the "Destroyer of the Unicorns" bit or whatever that was, and instead reflected on the big about their host. She was right, of course. Pac-Man had forfeited that last match, and he'd been popped as a result. If Leon refused to fight her, he'd be popped just the same.
But a kid? It didn't matter what titles she placed in front of herself, she was still just a child, and having to actually fight her was twisting his insides. Of course, she'd come back if he beat her but that didn't change the simple fact of her age. It had only been a second or two since her attack, but Leon's thought process had always been exceptional. He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh as he reached to his boot, grasping the handle of his knife. "Fine." He breathed out toward her. "But don't throw a fit when I beat you."

With that, he launched himself forward, yanking the knife from his boot to engage in a little close quarters combat. She hadn't made the effort to get personal, so he was under the assumption she really wasn't all that skilled with that blade in an actual fight, while Leon- well, he was one of the best, at least back where he came from.
Intentionally, he didn't target her body, instead making to address the sword itself with quick-yet-powerful blows in an attempt to upset her stability, both in footing and confidence.

Kassandra the Eagle Bearer
So he could replicate... she wasn't sure of it earlier, but that was all but confirmed now as a perfect copy of Kohga began to leer her way, the real one putting up a barrier and attempting to heal. Her lips tugged into a smirk at the sight. "Is this really the best you have?" She taunted, sliding the bow back and pulling out not just her blade, but her shield as well. "I'm still getting warmed up, don't back out on me y-"
The homing hole was back, zigging her way and interrupting her as it rumbled along. Leaping backward, the spartan tucked back into a roll, but the hole persisted, aiming to swallow her up or... something. It was actually too small to do that, so she was unsure of what it would actually do.

Kicking off once again, Kassandra leapt over the hole- and earthy spikes shot up from it. Malakas, she'd already seen it do that before, hadn't she? He had quite the variety of attacks, but she felt hers were still better. Barely avoiding the spikes, an idea sprung into her mind as the copy of Kohga, or the... Khopy... yeah, that worked- as he raised his arm, he brought it down to summon another of the holes quickly once the original dissipated. Was he capable of everything the true one was? If that was the case, maybe this wouldn't be over too soon, then.
With her idea in-mind, Kassandra glanced up at Ikaros, who immediately reacted to her gaze, soaring down to began pestering Kohga, flapping about him and squawking in his face, being a general nuisance.
While that took place, Kassandra raced toward the hole- then brought her shield beneath her and fell right on top of it. It was like getting kicked by a horse, making the misthios exert an 'omph' as her shield was bashed by the rock. It wasn't nearly enough to tear through the shield, but it was more than enough to launch her skyward without losing any of her forward momentum, leaving her soaring straight at the Khopy as Ikaros continued to annoy the true one.

With the flash of her blade, Kassandra landed on the ground, skidding a few inches with her back now toward the Khopy, her weapon having been made to sever through the Khopy's neck and decapitate him before he could so much as react to Kassandra's sudden airborne attack, and boosting her charge back up, leaving Kassandra to waste no time in pulling out her bow with a flash and yanking back an arrow, shoving a charge into the arrow and firing it toward Kohga. No matter how many barriers he put in his way, an Artemis Arrow would always strike true should her aim be accurate.

"Hnng... clever girl..." The soldier rumbled as he skid to a halt, the wolf shattering in from above, busting in through the ceiling to cut him off from going further inside. He kept having to remind himself she was an apparent Goddess and not some she-wolf on steroids, but it was a little difficult. He always had the same problem with Samus, referring to her by male pronouns every time he saw her in the suit... appearances were deceiving, and he had no shame in admitting that they deceived him more often than not.
Thinking about it, he was pretty sure he'd called Link "her" a few times too...

Mid-skid, Snake dropped to his knee as he pulled out his rocket launcher (don't ask where he'd been storing it), immediately reacting to Amaterasu's attempt to cut him off by firing a missile directly toward her, guiding it for a perfect shot. Should she dodge it, he'd force it to immediately slam it into one side of the hallway, the force of the explosion hopefully being enough to disorient the wolf and allow Snake to charge in with his knife.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

*sniff sniff*

Hareta smelled something. Something strange. He slid down the marble pillar he debated the host on before, landing down on the ground crouched. His eyes scanned the crowd as his whiffer still bugged him.

"I smell..."

He couldn't quite put his finger on it. His nose lead him around, following it toward where it came from. What was this smell? Definitely was food. It was-



He bumped into a pixelated figure, one that was moving.

"Wait is this...alive??"

Hareta staggered back, looking bewildered at the Terrerian. It took a second of adjustment before Hareta was struck with awe and wonder, quickly and rather uncomfortably examining him close up, poking and prodding from different angles.

"Wow, I haven't seen anything like you! How to you walk?? No wait, how are you so flat yet so real at the same time-"

Cutting himself off, he pulled on his face plate, surprised by it's texture.

"Woah, it's feels so rough even though they are dots! Why you wear this thing, huh? Can I try it on??"
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Previously Manu456Alola

The army of copies had greatly decreased in numbers, though Copen had yet to land a shot on the original Weavile. Despite this, the teen kept firing away at the clones, who seemed to be trying harder to stay alive now that many of them had been wiped out. The sound of a nearby tree being sliced in half got his attention, turning to notice its trunk being flung his way.

Having recovered a slight amount of weapon energy since their last attack, the P-Bits conjured an icy blade that cleaved the trunk in half before it could reach Copen. A singular Weavile closed the distance quickly, ready to attack with its claws. Had he drawn the real one out of hiding?

Copen quickly performed a Bullit-powered kick in an attempt to intercept the Pokémon's attack, doubling as a test of its durability. If it truly was the real one, this Weavile wouldn't disappear upon taking damage. As such, he would know which one to focus his attacks on!

The Knight

The Shade Soul had missed, the robot quick on the attack, positioning itself above the Knight. As the mech fell like a drill and threatened to crush the bug, Shroom's body became enveloped in shadow, dashing through the attack and away from the mech, dealing slight damage in the process. The Knight's Shadow Cloak was very useful in dangerous situations like those, and its Sharp Shadow Charm allowed it to strike back while dodging.

Momentarily out of harm's way, the bug used its Monarch Wings to head back towards the mech as it crashed into the ground below, hopefully vulnerable after performing that attack. It aimed to slash away at the mech from above while it could, hopefully building up damage and possibly even some SOUL.


Previously Deathstalker62
Death prepared to strike back against what would surely be another attack coming at him, tightly gripping the handle of his double-headed scythe, ready for anything. Well, nearly anything, as the Reaper listened to bricks and concrete breaking over him as a giant fist came through the floor, going straight at him. Going up wasn't an option, neither was going forward, backward, left or right. So, that left the harvester of souls with only one way out.. Down. Death raised his scythe and performed another Dark Dive again, phasing through the border that would be the Elimination Zone and re-appearing above, phasing out of the top border, right towards the ironically giant goblin.

While Death's body and scythe were ethereal, the energies his attack produced weren't. And the Reaper did not stop there - He kept increasing his speed, never stopping with his Dark Dive, causing him to quickly float towards Uratekumon, the dark spirit phasing through the giant gremlin as soon as he would make contact with his opponent, down toward the bottom border and appearing at the top border again, constantly increasing in speed and velocity as he did so, but always moving towards his enemy just a bit faster every time he popped out of the top border again.

Frank Horrigan
Frank saw the Chief approach him and readied his plasma blade, activating it and clashing it against his opponent's energy sword. What his enemy dealt to him, the hulking giant returned with a swing of his own blade. However, Frank did not only swing his blade - every swing, he snuck in shots of his plasma gun where he could. Sometimes aimed at his opponent's chest, sometimes at their head. Frank would keep on pursuing, even planning to go as far as run after Master Chief if he tried backing off.

Though there was no Enclave personnel within the Oil Rig, the security perimeters of the databases contained within the terminals activated. Even without personnel, trying to hacking into the Enclave's system would be the equivalent of hacking into the Pentagon's security system - only with the Enclave, it was much more advanced technology, especially with the Enclave being the post-apocalyptic remains of the government of the USA. Though information about him, his creation, his equipment, etc. were all stored deep within the database, right within the files belonging to the President, there was really no discernible weakness about the power armour-wearing giant within the files - Horrigan was forged from experiments and training to be the perfect Secret Service Agent, after all.

Tired of waiting for his opponent to walk into the archway, the Terrarian flew to the ground again, his Celestial Starboard disappearing as soon as he landed. There, the Terrarian placed down a simple wooden stool and a campfire. The Terrarian sat down on the stool and out of nowhere extended his arm, in which there now was a stick with a marshmallow stuck to the end of it. The Terrarian then just sat there, holding the marshmallow over the fire, waiting.

That is until someone approached him, the Terrarian taking notice of the footsteps behind him and turning around to see Hareta. The Terrarian thought.. and his thoughts projected over his head, the prefix that was his name appearing before his thoughts manifested into white words after it:

'Terrarian: 'This?' That's kind of rude to say..'

Then, a whole barrage of questions came at the Terrarian, who was now no longer holding his marshmallow on a stick now that it was done, it just having updated in his inventory into a cooked marshmallow, allowing him to fully turn around on his stool to face the Pokémon trainer.

'Terrarian: What do you mean 'How do you walk'? I just use my legs..? Flat? What are you on about? Everyone is flat here!'

The Terrarian turned around, motioning with his left arm to everyone, who to him, just looked flat and pixelated like the NPCs of his world. Right after, he looked back to Hareta, who grabbed his Spectre Mask.

'Terrarian: Hey, let go! That's part of my armour set! And no, you can't wear it, I need this for the fights!'

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"KEKEKE! Run or you'll be a new coat of paint!"

The giant Digimon grew a giant ego to match, boastful about his new size. But what didn't go to plan was his fist hitting nothing. What? This wasn't in the manual.

His miracle Gatcha began to roll, right as he received an incoming attack



Uratekumon's body irked as they received the hit. Did Death directly attack his soul?! His heart pounded like they had just overcome an anxiety attack. With Death's attacks taking up a large chunk of the screen whilst his form was half of the screen, the odds of dodging any attacks were incredibly slim. This won't do-!

His Miracle Gatcha rang, colors around the special number '50'. Out of the top of his Mech suit plopped a pill, at least to the untrained eye. In fact, this was a battle item. XSpeed. Pokémon trainers would know exactly what this was.

A grin stretched across his face. Oh you may have thought yourself clever, but allow me to match!

The XSpeed was absorbed into his body, his colossal form now gaining the speed of a small, limber form. With his newfound speed, he now had the ability to leap out of the way of the oncoming attack flurry, watching as the pace quickened further and further. But now that he too was faster...he could see clearly what to do.

He plugged his cord into himself, activating Zero Value l briefly after leaping off the ground. Now normally doing this is a death sentence, as he would fall through the floor and/or can't hurt foes. However...Death too was out of phase.


He would slam his fist into Death while they were trying to adjust to the situation, his newfound speed allowing him to temporarily match Death's. This was a lucky gamble, but one he was more than happy to take!


"Aw, I wondered how a cube-y helmet would have felt on."

Despite his feelings, he got out of Terrerian's personal space, letting go of the mask. The pokémon trainer listened to the ramblings of the guy, who began to talk as if everyone were flat.

"He-he, your a funny guy!" Hareta laughed.

A sense of humor! This guy looks fun!

"For fights? Oh yeah! Your here for the tournament too huh? What kinda Pokémon do you have to battle with? Are they so dangerous you need a helmet?? That's crazy!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
Even as Frank managed to keep up with the slashes, the Spartan's speed was greater, Chief dodging most of the plasma shots and following up with slashes that Frank was forced to block. John had the clear upperhand, running circles around Frank with this tactic. Even a brute with that intelligence could deduce that he was being toyed with...
"Oh. Wow." Kalmiya's voice sounded surprised. "What is it?" Chief asked, his voice as level as ever as he swung about another plasma shot and knocked aside a slash from Frank. "Oh, nothing much, just that this place has security systems using some seriously outdated encryptions."
"That's lucky." John commented as he stepped back, tilting his body to allow another plasma shot to spin by him before darting in, clashing his blade against Horrigan's, who'd deflected it just quick enough to avoid the superior blade from tearing through him.

"You're telling me!" The AI laughed. "It seems to run on a messy version of 21st century security. Almost like patchwork on a quilt, actually. I have access."
"To how much?" Chief requested, side-stepping an attack from his opponent, his moves becoming increasingly predictable. "To... everything, I guess?" Kalmiya replied, a stream of data quickly scrolling alongside the left of the Spartan's HUD. "But there's more." She continued. "Some files are more encrypted than others. Top secret, and with very specific requirements for access."
"Can you crack it?"
"Of course! Just give me a moment and we'll know more about Mr. Horrigan than... uh... well, than we do already."

This was good. Frank was a clear brute of a being, and while his bio-signs were loosely human he was undoubtedly an irradiated individual. With those kinds of changes, any mind would begin to rot away... the Spartan even felt a little bad for his opponent. Was he conscious of his actions? Or a puppet to others as much of the Covenant had been for thousands of years?
"Hey, Chief?" Kalmiya's voice cut in again as John leaped from the ground, completely avoiding a simultaneous slash and blast from the agent as the Spartan landed behind him, raising a forearm to block another blow as Frank swung about to make contact, resulting in the much larger entity's arm colliding solidly with Chief's own, cancelling out the momentum. "Yeah?" John asked as he used his energy sword to absorb one of the plasma shots while simultaneously blocking another slash from Frank.
"Did you know that we're sitting above a nuclear reactor?"

Were they? One look at Frank was enough to guarantee the presence of something nuclear, but to have brought it over with him? "Is that all?" Chief asked. "What, a nuclear reactor isn't enough?"
"Oh, it's enough." The Spartan stated. "But you said it yourself. Biomass is blocking us off from going deeper. Can we reach it?"
"Oh, I can just do that remotely if you give me a little more time." Kalmiya replied, as though this were obvious. I'm about 90% through the last of their files. They had it pretty rough, did you know? Nuclear wastelands, mutated beasts... but these people he belongs to, this 'Enclave' are evil people, Chief. As evil as they get, and this guy's the worst of them all!"
"Any ideas on easier ways to end this?"
"Why? You're not getting tired, are you?"
"No, we just have a more important mission after this."
Kalmiya was quiet for a moment at John's response, before the AI audibly cleared her throat. "The armor's grafted onto his body, and regular bullets won't cut it. The energy sword's the best thing we got, but he's not exactly limited to stamina. He'll keep going until he's dead, and even then that might not slow him down."
"Then we don't leave anything left." John responded. "As soon as you can, cause a meltdown using the reactor, and scan the area surrounding this oil rig. We'll need a ride to safety."
"Oooh, is this one of those daring escapes I've heard about?" Kalmiya cooed. "Like how you and Cortana blew up Installation 04 using a meltdown from the Pillar of Autumn's reactors? Or-or how you activated an unfinished Halo ring to self-destruct the installation and destroy the Flood?"
"Pretty much." The Spartan replied, before Frank's rage-fueled attacks finally proved fruitful, the brute slashing aside the energy sword, his other arm swinging like a bat into the Master Chief, something he'd been too distracted to notice. Without the attention of magnetizing his boots to the ground, the Spartan was hurled off his feet by the blow, gritting his teeth before he tucked himself, feeling more plasma shots pummel into his shields, bursting them and leaving a warning to sound in his helmet.

Before Frank could gain the upper hand, John allowed himself to slip- and fall off the side of the structure, disappearing into the fog. A silence quelled the bone-breaking action that had taken place, a calm as the tentacles writhed from their hole, shuddering in annoyance, but not doing much more. Seconds passed, before there was the sudden heavy clunk of metal on the other side of the platform from Frank.
Chief was on a knee, his assault rifle aimed at his opponent, his shields fully charged as he immediately opened fire with the armor-piercing rounds. Kalmiya had warned they wouldn't do much- but nothing was invincible. At best these bullets could weaken the integrity of the power armor, and a game over for Frank Horrigan would be even closer. The Spartan had used his grappling hook to swing about and reach the other side of the platform. The extra time had also allowed Kalmiya her time to work, as an alarm suddenly began to blare from the oil rig, a shudder shaking the platform where they stood.

"It's done!" Kalmiya exclaimed. "Found you a ride, too. There's a few operational Ghosts nearby, but it's a bit of a hike. Think we can ditch this genetically engineered total homicidal maniac cyborg bodyguard?"
"We'll see. Give me a nav point." The Spartan ordered as he unloaded the remainder of his clip at Frank and replaced the ammo with the quick movement of his hands, rising to his feet.
Pandora looked at the oncoming wave and wasted no time with protecting herself. Cancelling her staves, she formed not one, not two, but five ice dolls around her to protect her. She had no need to breathe, given she was a robot, but this water was going to be a pain. The wave slammed into Pandora, her ice casing protecting her from most of the damage as she was tossed about. When the waters were calmer, Pandora created a giant ice doll and shattered it, sending a cold snap forward to freeze the water as her head pieces once again started firing at Ranamon from behind with electricity.

@Shen: King of the Mist


Saurhead left the arena and exhaled loudly, that woman could have easily become a threat without Cyro's excite capabilities. It was good to know that status effects still applied in this tournament. Chun-Li meanwhile was standing idly in the waiting area, she did her best, but dinosaurs just were too much to handle.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Ranamon had swam along the wave as it crashed into Pandora. After the droid froze the waters in retaliation, Ranamon leaped out of the currents, falling right down below at Pandora herself.

So she can get overwhelmed! Mhm~ Let's see this girl try anything while she's in the fridge!

She would drop in behind her ice barrier while doubling in ducking behind the ice wave for cover against the bolts shot by the helmet, annoying as they were. She gave a wink to the trapped girl inside before placing her hand against the ice barrier. Her Dark Vapor then shot out like a ethereal beam. The goal? To melt right through the ice and her opponent in one go while they were boxed in with no way to run.
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Axe felt his face fall practically flat as, again, his attack was countered. His foe had seemed distracted, too. It didn't help his shield was now a fair distance away and...why did he feel like he was spinning? Oh, right, he was. This spinning thing was annoying him, to say the least.

"What's a-" Axe stopped himself from asking this time as he noticed the attack coming with a groan. Without a shield, he couldn't simply defend himself, and what could he do, jump over them? No, that was stupid, it was too many animals. He didn't know if they could hurt, but given this guy had just summoned them..

Hopefully he's getting tired at least...I gotta stay upbeat!

Axe's thoughts were immediately stopped by one of the animals reaching contact with him, which got an audible;
"Ow!" Out of Axe, and left a slight bruise on his arm. Uh oh. Gritting his teeth as he saw the others.

Nevermind, that really hurt! Oh, come on green stone, don't let me down!

Axe held steadfast in hope, but pain before he noticed a glow from his satchel; Green.
"Yes!" He silently cheered as he felt himself getting enveloped in light just as the next one reached him. A second later, he appeared next to his shield, holding his head in pain; a minor concussion from the last second hit. Slowly, he picked up his shield, and closed his eyes.

I can still do this! I'll wipe that smug grin off his face, even if it just means tiring him out...! Axe decided, throwing another firecracker at Jevil, this one unlit, as he, with a yell, tried to run at Jevil while keeping his balance. He was glad he was saved from that otherwise inescapable cage, but...
No time to focus! Axe went to slam his shield into Jevil, the firecracker but a distraction, with a mighty charge!


Yuga had to stop himself from laughing as his foe charged, immediately bringing up a forcefield to stop the attack. As soon as he could, he would launch lightning right out at Galacta Knight, already readying something...different. He just hoped this forcefield would hold this time.


"Fast, for an old man!" Audrey mocked Leon saving himself, not paying any attention in those last few seconds before Leon launched himself, the Hero noticing barely in time and attempting to bring down her blade on the agent only for his strikes to target the sword. Her lack of a stance meant that, despite the size and possibly power advantage, Audrey was forced to uneven her footing to keep hold of the blade, leaving herself open.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Agent Kennedy
He wouldn't let up, his strikes darting about in a deliberate, hard-to-follow manner that was forcing the girl to simply defend herself, pushed back step for step as her blade was batted around by the knife, Audrey holding onto it since it was basically all she could do in the moment, Leon's impressive speed becoming prevalent. After a few more seconds of this, Leon slapped his blade against the flat of hers, making to knock it out of the way as he swung out his leg, extending it into a rigid kick meant to knock her backward and into the lobby desk, where he'd hurl his knife into, intentionally embedding it right beside her head instead of going for the kill.

His strategy was simple; intimidate and wear her out until she relented. He had no intention of killing this kid, no matter how hard she tried to do that very thing to him. There were rules here in this sick game the Host played. Leon wasn't about to be a puppet to it. He'd play by his own rules.
After Axe teleported out of the carousel, Jevil summoned many spades behind him with a flourish, while also causing the carousel animals to disappear. The darkener raised an eyebrow as Axe threw a noticeably unlit firecracker. How odd! Jevil could respect that.
“Hee hee! You try to fool me and get in a hit, but it is easy to see this firecracker is unlit!” The jester rhymed before turning around towards Axe, continuing to grin. He sent the spades he had summoned in hopes to slow down the little hero, while also flying backwards to get some distance in-between the two.

Metal Sonic
The metallic adversary continued to homing attack towards Punk, even after his efforts were countered several times. However, he began to notice he was being sent further and further back with every hit. If this continued, he would either be injured or sent too far. So, as Punk tried to get in a final powerful hit on Metal, the robot uncurled his body and jet upwards and around Punk, before flying down diagonally with his leg extended, trying to get in a vicious kick on the delinquent!

The pokemon grunted in annoyance as Merak blocked his attack relatively well, although the situation quickly lightened up, as the hand was now heavily vulnerable. As it twisted around, Machamp grabbed hold of it quickly and twisted it right back around at Merak. Machamp wasn’t sure if the hand would fire missiles at Merak or just break, but either one was better than getting shot in the face with missiles.


Previously Manu456Alola

Machamp had twisted the mech's hand back towards Merak, the enlarged hand firing several missiles in the Adept's direction. The boy appeared shocked by the brute's strategy, the projectiles flying towards him uninterrupted... before a wormhole appeared inches in front of him, the missiles heading through it.

"No u." Merak smirked, a second wormhole appearing behind Machamp. The missiles instantly popped out of it, aiming to blast the Pokémon into submission. Have fun dealing with those!
The brutish pokemon growled as a wormhole appeared. However, the adept was beginning to get predictable, and Machamp knew what came next. Immediately, a blue dome appeared around Machamp and protected him from the missiles. Machamp then dashed forward at high speed to grab Merak and his mech. If this succeeded, he would then slam them into the ground.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It looked like she was going to win any second now, corroding her foe in a casket of her own ice. That is, until she abandoned her armor, flinging it toward Ranamon.

"What the-"


Ranamon was slugged by the armor, sending her flying in the opposite direction. thankfully due to the dark vapor attack from earlier, the armor had significantly weakened, but that wouldn't recover the damage done to the diva's ego.

"Ugh! You brat!" She spat, casting the corroding armor to the side. "You were supposed to exit left already!"

Pointing her finger up at the ice doll above her, she shot a plume of water at it, forcing it to freeze the pillar and the doll, creating a big blunt object above her.

"How, say goodbye sweetie! Don't let the door kick you on the way out!"

She bended water around the stage to slap the pillar over, the structure aiming to fall right on top of the woman. A fly could be evasive, but what's a fly to a swatter?



An electric charge surged through Ranamon's body as she tumbled to the ground, much to the crowd's shock. She had been hit by the laser fired by the helmet, due to the distracted attention. Cringing, she sat up to recover from the attack. Lightnin'...why do I gotta be fightin' lightnin'?!


Previously Manu456Alola

Merak groaned as his missiles were blocked again, retracting his mech's arms and closing his wormholes. Machamp wasted no time closing the distance, to which the Adept responded by floating backwards and then upwards as fast as he could, releasing a barrage of missiles in Machamp's path. He didn't expect them to do any damage due to that barrier of his, but his main goal was to delay the Pokémon's approach as much as possible. All he needed to do was hover out of his range and he'd be fine! Not like he didn't have a plan if the brute got too close, of course...
As the adept floated upwards and backwards, Machamp continued to pursue on foot, not leaping up yet because…

Yep, you guessed it! Missiles! Man, this guy didn’t have too much in his skill tree, did he? Machamp continued to run forward, effectively avoiding the missiles since they were aimed where he previously was. Machamp effectively decided that this guy’s flying capabilities were becoming a nuisance, but there was a simple solution to that: trash that big mech of his. Machamp leaped up in the air towards Merak , intentions unclear.


Previously Manu456Alola

Alright, this guy was a little bit faster than he expected. Machamp had just ran past the Adept's attacks, now leaping up at him to attack. At that moment, Merak saw an opportunity.

Once Machamp got somewhat close to him, a wormhole opened up in front of the mech. This time, however, Merak didn't launch an attack using it. Instead, he'd let the Pokémon get pulled into it, leaving him vulnerable once he popped out of the other end. Said other end would open up a fair distance away from Merak, dropping him down into the trap's finisher: a Wormhole Big Punch, the mech throwing an enlarged mechanical fist through a wormhole from below, aiming to take advantage of the brute's lack of footing.
The Pokémon’s eyes widened as he was sent soaring through the wormhole. In hindsight, he should have seen that coming. Oh well. As he was spat out of a different wormhole, Machamp looked down at the much-larger-than-before fist rising up out of a different wormhole. The four-armed brute turned downwards, increasing his falling speed. He raised his fist towards the other, much larger fist and grinned, enjoying this. His fist was then enveloped in electricity.

The two punches collided in an epic brofist, causing a massive shockwave. Then, the electricity from Machamp’s punch ran down the mech in order to viciously zap Merak!
Pandora looked at the falling pillar and her decision to not go to the Dramatic Escape School of Running Away from Things paid off, as the Reploid flew to the left as the pillar smacked down behind her, though the ice shards did manage to clip her. Looking at Ranamon, Pandora's impassive gaze was seemingly glued on as she spoke. "...I have no intention to listen to you...". It was one of the very few times that Pandora spoke to Ranamon, and she still thought that she was not worth the effort. Creating four staves, she sent two of them that behaved like boomerangs flying at Ranamon whilst keeping two to swirl around her for defensive purposes. Meanwhile her helmet sections had shifted to rapid fire bursts of electricity, it was clear that this fight had dragged on too long for Pandora's liking. The fish girl had to go down, regardless of her fans. She broke the spotlights and made it clear that she does not care what else she had to break to take the match back. Her loss at the hands of that metal hedgehog was humiliating enough as it is, she was not going to throw a match where she had the upper hand.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"...I have no intention to listen to you..."

Ranamon's eyes narrowed at this. So a backup dancer wants to become the star, huh? Over my DEAD body!

As the blasts hurtled toward her like that of an incoming paparazzi, a blue veil surrounded Ranamon, one made of digitized zero's and one's. The blasts went inside the barrier zapping something unknown within it. After a few seconds, the blue veil disappeared, and out came a mist.

"...So you wanted to stop the show?"

Suddenly, a great THUD was heard on the stage, a large area of mist vanishing. Where the mist was stood a large upside down squid like body, on top of the squid stood a woman erupting from where the beak would be.


Ranamon had transformed into the monstrous Calmaramon, her blubbery lower body having tanked the electricity for her. The slime covered woman looked toward the zapping helmet pieces, her long grotesque tongue licking her black lips, beads of drool dropping down and sizzling on the floor.


Her spiked tentacles slammed off the floor, sending her new form over toward the helmet pieces in a single bound! Her speed was unlike before, and her ferocity was raised to match. She ripped through the staves attempting to block her in, causing scrapes across her thick body where the staves cut. Her tentacles quickly slammed toward the helmet slices, aiming to shatter them once and for all.


Previously Deathstalker62
The reaper had eventually came to a halt underneath the stage, gripping onto his scythe as he raised it and positioned himself upright again. Though it seemed like his opponent was struck, they were quick to recover and even quicker to make their way over to him, another fist flung at him. Though there was no time to counter-attack, the dark spirit could do one thing: Death let go of his scythe as it begun spinning, taking his place and flying towards the fist in an attempt to shred itself right on through the hand and the mechanical arm.

The bone-chilling executioner's frame had squished up again as he raised both arms in different positions - he had teleported once more. His end position? It was right in front of Uratekumon. And with his arms already extended, Death did two things: One, he moved his left hand in front of his enemy, trying to move it as close as possible before planning to fire off a stream of mini-scythes directly into his face. And with the other? This one he had moved downward, trying to grab at the device the little gremlin was holding. Because, if his fighting experience has drawn to any conclusion.. it was the one that this controller was always being used by the goblin, the Reaper assuming it for being used to move its mech. So, the Reaper had attempted to grasp onto it, planning to rip it out of Uratekumon's hands at the least, and at most, crush it with his own might while he fired his mini-scythes at him.

'Terrarian: 'Pokemon'? What's that? ..oh, you mean creatures? Well, I do have my pets here, but they don't fight. Buuttt.. I do have my trusty Stardust Dragon and Lunar Portal to back me up. Otherwise, I'm the only opponent you're gonna face!'

Upon mention of the pets, the Terrarian stepped aside as two strange creatures appeared behind him: a grey alien with a red cap that it wore backwards while riding on a red skateboard and a beautifully-coloured fairy, almost the exact same appearance as the Empress of Light that the Terrarian once summoned in the past out of fury, but on a much smaller (and more adorable) scale that radiated a bright, shining light off of itself. And, upon mentioning the Stardust Dragon and the Lunar Portal, the Terrarian got out both of their staves with each hand, swinging them and summoning the Lunar Portal above himself and the Stardust Dragon to his side, which promptly flew over to its master and wrapped around him, glancing at Hareta with a blank expression.

'Terrarian: Asides from those two guys, it's just gonna be me and my weapons that are gonna do the fighting.'

With that, the Terrarian moved back to where he was, his pets, minion and turret being unsummoned by him again as he had put away both staves again.

'Terrarian: Really though, what is a Pokemon? I've never heard of them.'

Frank Horrigan
' Agent Horrigan, this is Air Force Delta 4451, I'm closing in on your location now. Head to your nearest edge of the platform if you would like air transport, sir. Over and out. '

That. That right there. Even with the alarm of the oil rig going off, the mutant still couldn't care less for what his opponent did. That one sole transmission to him was all he wanted to hear in this moment, even if he recognized the alarm - the same alarm he had heard before the tournament. The sound of the nuclear reactor having a meltdown and the destruction of the whole rig coming soon. That is when the hulking giant did the unthinkable - instead of running after the enemy, he turned on his heel and ran into the fog, toward the edge of the platform that was the entrance of the Enclave Oil Rig. Instead of just running however, the Secret Service Agent had turned his head halfway and fired off bursts of plasma shots into the fog, in the direction he last saw the Chief move to.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
As Dark Matter fell, it could sense the monkey refusing to move, exuding even more smugness.
That was never good.
Of course, it was followed up by a stab to it's bottom. With Specter slashing itself a hole inside Dark Matter. However, Dark Matter wasn't one to go down easy, and instead split apart, instead becoming two boulders that crashed to each side. Specter began charging up energy, and Dark Matter knew that was bad. Both matters shifted back to their original...matter.
And were promptly speared.
However, it was by the above Dark Matter that, upon gaining the same information, sent two spikes of itself to non lethally stab and merge with it's clones, pulling them back and just barely away from the explosion.
It was at that point the fireball landed on the floor, exploding into a pillar of fire and sending a wave of flames towards Specter. Meanwhile, the three matters decided to take full advantage and split off again. Two appeared to summon a large, golden artifact of sorts. It was the Master Crown. The artifact of power promptly fired four lasers to the floor, and slid them towards Specter from the opposite direction of the fire to box him in. The other Matter simply began creating somewhat large balls of Darkness, which it then fired at Specter, each homing in on his position.

The sun god perked at the sight of the rocket launcher, squinting in suspicion. She had little idea over what it was, but the projectile it sent was not dissimilar to an attack from Yami. And as such, she reacted the same, swiping her tail. The ink splashed onto the rocket, and the resulting slash reversed it's course, sending it right back to Snake. Adding to it, she swung her beads, snapping the makeshift whip towards Snake.

As the Weavile predicted, she managed to close the distance. However, they attacked her as she got near. Despite this, she was ready.
Before the attack could've landed, Weavile's eyes narrowed. She appeared to shift direction in midair, somehow dashing right above Copen. Her claws emanated a dark aura as she tried to sucker punch Copen

Robobot Armor
The bot crashed onto the earth, briefly drilling in place before bouncing back to its feet. Its scanners caught onto the bug flying above. It retaliated to the above attack by simply slashing above, it's plasma blades extending for extra reach. To add on, it hopped and jabbed towards the bug.

Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight bounced off the shield and brought up his own, less magical one. It blocked the lighting, allowed Galacta knight to charge before stabbing into the floor. Soon after, a tornado began spinning around Yuga. Whether they were picked up by the gust or not, Galacta fired out multiple sword like projectiles to slice them apart.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"He's- not following!" Kalmiya cheered as John grappled his way across a gap, landing deftly along a series of support beams, the alarm still blaring, echoing across the fleshy and metallic landscape. "He jumped off the other side- out of range for the motion tracker now. He's running, Chief!"
"No..." The Spartan had a feeling that wasn't the case. "Did you pick up any radio signals?" As he asked this, the Chief took off at a sprint, zipping through the balcony deck and hurling himself over another ledge, soaring through the air before tucking in and rolling into a ball, biomass under him now, flesh and blood spraying about from the impact. "Uh... yeah, actually. How... How'd you know?" The AI questioned, to which Chief looked in the direction of the nav point. He was nearly there. "Just a hunch." He answered. "Can you tap into-"
"Chief! Contact!"

John narrowed his eyes toward his radar, picking up a large red dot hurtling toward him. As he ran, he threw a glance over his shoulder to see a dark form piercing through the fog, rotary blades blasting the cover away. His HUD zoomed in momentarily at Frank, hanging out the side of the primitive VTOL, one arm gripping the side of the aircraft, bending the metal under his grip, his mounted gun firing blasts of plasma, accompanied by the vertibird itself unleashing a volley of lasers, which seemed nearly as inaccurate as Covenant Plasma Rifles.
"Oh shi-" Kalmiya shouted as the Spartan's speed accelerated, a hail of blasts plunging into the biomass, hounding after him as the ghost neared and neared- but he wasn't about to make it there, and the ghost wouldn't stand a chance against the VTOL's might, especially as he grew weary to several missiles arming to fire.
"We're not gonna make it!" The AI warned, to which Chief suddenly darted to his left, the spray of lasers and plasma firing by him as he leaped upward, turning in the air to aim his left arm at the vertibird. "Wait, what are you-" Kalmiya was cut off as the grapple shot slugged into the bottom of the VTOL just as it soared by, and John was yanked away from the ground, tugged along as the rope began to retract, pulling him to the underbelly of the vehicle in only a couple seconds. All this, while the missiles fired and engulfed the area (and the ghost itself) in a fiery explosion. "WHOAHO! WOW!" The AI was exhilarated as the much more experienced Spartan magnetized his boots, and darted up the side of the aircraft, swinging himself around and bursting in with a kick from both of his outstretched legs, ramming against Horrigan's chest. The mutant stumbled back from the surprise blow, Chief's disappearance under the vertibird having left an air of ambiguity.

Frank stumbled back, crashing against the cockpit of the VTOL, shuddering the entire aircraft as the pilot attempted to maintain control. Horrigan flexed his hands as Master Chief pulled out his sidekick in one hand, the energy sword extending with a flash of light in the other.
"Oh, this can't end well..." Kalmiya whispered.

He grumbled as the missile was deflected, spinning toward the soldier as Amaterasu aimed to use the segmented whip as a follow-up. Using the remote control on the missile, Snake simply veered it straight into the extended whip, engulfing the hall with heat and smoke as the missile erupted and Snake rose to his feet, a few sparks of electricity arcing across his body before his entire form suddenly faded away, his stealth suit activating its active camouflage, effectively turning him invisible to the naked eye. To the mortal eye, at least.
Raising his tranq gun, Snake fired another dart through the smoke before he flattened himself against the wall, glaring down the distilled hallway.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Uratekumon's metal fist shattered the Scythe into a million fragments, many of which forming smaller scythes that flew out like blood from a gushing wound. Uratekumon closed an eye, wincing as they bombarded the senses. His speed allowed him to try and evade some of the more critical aimed hits, but due to his size, they mainly peppered the shell of his Mech suit as well as hitting all over his now large furry body, causing several small wounds across him, small glowing digital bits flowing into the air from the wounds.


That's when a gleam of a Skeleton met his eye. Death. Right in front of him. Would almost be poetic if it weren't such a threat. Uratekumon instinctively lowered his head, the Mech suit diving at an angle to compensate, letting the front header of the Mech take the full front of the mini scythes, each one hitting their mark. The result? The front casing battered, whittled, and broke, several lacerations and holes through it as if it were used on the range as target practice. This left several cables and internals to dangle down like multicolored ropes.

Cringing while this was happening, Uratekumon began to do one thing he never thought he would in this fight: panic. This ain't in the manual at all! 500+ speed runs and this didnt exist! Screw this! I'm gonna teabag on this N00B!

As a bony hand grabbed hold of his controller, a flurry of finger presses began to got up, down, and around the controller. Uratekumon was mashing buttons? The lights

"UpDownUpDownLeftRightLeftRight-XY!! GYHALAKAKELEKEKEKEYAI!!!"

The mad gamer cackled as he mashed down on his gamepad, his bizzaro laughter compressing and pixelating. Everywhere around them began to glitch out, fizzing and corrupting, the game code itself felt like it was being ripped out and scrambled.

An omnidirectional pulse rippled through the zone, ripping out the textures and swirling the colors of pixels with each other. It was like a gravity well was born right on top of Uratekumon, yet he seemed unharmed somehow. Everything else around him though...would be completely erased and corrupted by the growing void.



Hareta was oogling the two creatures that emerged. One was a hip looking alien dude, and another was a type of fairy that had a graceful yet somewhat cautious aura around it. He didn't seem to take and mind to this caution as he grabbed the fairy's wings with both of his hand's index fingers and thumbs.

"She's like a bug type but like a person? Does she still eat leaves and nectar like a insect? Or does she eat people food-"

Quickly shifting his focus, he looked down at Terrerian himself, who proclaimed he would be fighting alongside his poke- I mean, allies. A competitive look took over Hareta as he gave a hearty grin.

"Hey, me too! I thought I was the only trainer that fought with 'em! That's so cool! You must be a super confident fighter!" Taking out a pokeball, he continued. "And my friends will be by me!"

Tossing his pokeball upwards, it popped open, a leopard like creature with a pluming black mane landed. It was a proud pokemon, blue and black with fuzzy yellow highlights.

"This is Luxray, I think he's as ready to fight as I am!"

Luxray hummed with the sound of electricity mixed with a purr as it got into a hunting stance. It's X-ray eyes focused on his future matchup, trying to scan inside of the suit of armor with it's eyes. Size up the competition.


Specter's eyes narrowed upon the tactic of his foe. Roping himself away like that? Certainly a way to take advantage of one's unorthodox body. While his explosive energy burst went forth, he was once again in a position of weakened psychic power. Unable to fire complex attacks in response to this tactics of Matter's, Specter reluctantly decided to wait on engaging for now.

Seeing the four beams fire across the ground, the genius combed his hair across his eye with a hand before leaping up high. He landed up toward a multicolored oval that hovered over the stage, next to 3 other identical ones. The ground was off limits for now, and soon the dark spheres of energy would interrupt his safe haven.


He slammed his scorched boot on the edge of the oval, forcing it to teeter over to the side, the flat end acting as a shield for the projectiles as Specter leaped off it, allowing the blasts to detonate on the oval, completely annihilating it.

I don't like this, he has me at a temporary disadvantage. Hmph! What a miscalculation. But every problem can be corrected with a little thought and ingenuity...

Looking around for tools that could be used in the place of heavy munitions, he saw a jukebox at a nearby counter. He smirked, using his psychic powers to call it forth, lifting it off the ground.

"Heh, not bad. Not bad at all. But what you fail to realize is the differences in not just our power, but our intellects."

Specter then leaped atop of this machine, crossing his arms as it slowly floated toward Tri-Matter, who should be severely crippled itself due to the sustained damage thus far.


Previously Manu456Alola


Weavile was incredibly agile, somehow shifting directions midair, trying to strike with her claws. Thinking quick, Copen used the momentum from his kick to twist around in an instant, raising an arm to block Weavile's attack as best as he could. The dark attack left a notable mark on his crimson armor, but it could have been worse.

Needing to counter quickly before Weavile got away, three electric streams shot out from behind Copen- courtesy of the P-Bits' Stellar Spark. Copen himself would wait briefly before following up, waiting to see where his opponent would dodge so he could react accordingly, firing his blaster wherever Weavile moved.



This was unexpected. The four-armed brute was trying to face the attack head on. Ugh, why can't he just stay put and die? Merak rolled his eyes, thinking Machamp's attack wouldn't do much... until the brute's fist crackled with electricity right before colliding, sending an electric current through the mech and Merak himself. The boy felt his body tense up as the electricity (and pain) coursed through his body, though his Armed Chair seemed surprisingly unaffected. It was clearly built to take quite the beating.

Merak growled as he recovered from the Thunder Punch, gritting his teeth. "You get more and more annoying by the second...!" He spoke, his mech's arms retracting before his wormholes closed. Wanting to take advantage of Machamp being momentarily stuck in the air, he launched another barrage of missiles into a newly-formed wormhole. Three more wormholes opened near the ground below Machamp, flying out of them and at the Pokémon, originating from different angles to make them as hard as possible to deal with.

The Knight

Two plasma blades headed the bug's way as it attempted to approach the machine, the tiny warrior twisting midair to narrowly avoid the attack. It was clear Shroom wasn't in the clear yet, the robot jumping and jabbing a blade in its direction. With little space to move out of the way, the Vessel was enveloped in shadow as it raised an arm before crashing down with Descending Dark. The bug would cause a shockwave upon impact, SOUL and shadow bursting upwards and extending the attack’s reach.