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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Like a alligator attacking a zebra, Calmaramon's teeth were hardly biting into her foe, black ooze dripping down and burning circuits inside of her foe. As Pandora tried to dislodge her staff, it showed some progress, that is before it snapped due to the prolong exposure to the acid like black ink that dropped like mucus from her mouth.

She wasn't going to let go, even as her enemy flew into the air, taking them both up. In response, Calmaramon took her obscene brawn to use, attempting to use her tentacles that already constricted her foe to rip her limb from limb mid flight. As the last ditch projectile of their foe's were made, Calmaramon saw no other fate as fitting.


She swung her foe around by her mouth before spitting them toward the projectile in question and any loose parts that she may have lost. If it ended up well, her foe would have been incinerated by her own attack
Pandora had no way to counter this attack, maybe if she was in better condition, she could have turned and flew away. The ugly squid threw her at her own projectile, almost tearing her wiring as an electrifying death was steadily approaching. Closing her eyes, Pandora accepted her fate.

Brother, I failed....

A horrifying pain coursed through her body, destroying her circuits and setting what little wires she had ablaze, an ironic end for the ice user. When her limp body finally hit the floor, the witch Pandora was nothing more but a burning pile of electronics and plastic. It was finally over.

@Shen: King of Digimon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
John 117
The world began to rumble, or more accurately--High Charity began to rumble. John glanced back toward the mushroom cloud that had once been the oil rig, and his eyes traveled to the nearby crash-site of In Amber Clad, which was in the process of going up in flames. The nuclear explosion wouldn't have been enough to destabilize the once holy city, it was close enough to the UNSC frigate to probably destabilize its fusion core--which spelled disaster for the entire station they were on. In truth, that had been Cortana's original plan for destroying High Charity before the plan changed as Truth departed on the Forerunner dreadnought. A copy of their plan when they'd destroyed Installation 04, using the Pillar of Autumn's fusion core to destroy the entire ring. If In Amber Clad went out in a similar ball of fiery glory, then so would the entirety of High Charity.

"That's not good, is it?" Kalmiya questioned as John searched about him, fully aware of the severity of this situation. While the Flood seemed reluctant to intervene with this fight at the Gravemind's behest, In Amber Clad going up wasn't nearly as conscious of a thing. At best, the distance wouldn't immediately vaporize this section of the city--but it'd come close.
"No, it's not." Chief responded as he found what he'd been searching for--a rod sticking out of a fleshy mound. Grasping the handle, the spartan yanked the gravity hammer out of its coffin, and deftly slid it onto his back before he bent over and retrieved a particle beam from the decayed hands of a combat form. "What's your plan?" Kalmiya asked, her voice laced with worry, probably becoming more aware to the developing situation they were in.
"Figured I'd shoot a mutant, try something new." The Spartan replied, though his humor fell short on the young AI. "What? That doesn't make sense, you always shoot your way out of every situation, what's so new about this one?" He elected not to elaborate as her earlier scans had located Frank and his ally making an attempt to climb higher up into the Covenant skyscraper, vertical windows lining it in an alien pattern, most of which were broken or had glistening flesh bubbling out of them. Frank and the Enclave soldier had hit a dead end, as the ramps extending to the next floor were now blocked by a mass of flesh that seemed to inflate like a lung before deflating, as though breathing, bumps bubbling along its surface, indicating something was within this nest of gore. The only thing resembling an elevator (a gravity lift) was inactive, leaving both men stranded, but without the time to address their situation.

Quite suddenly, the form of the spartan hurled through the gap left in a window, soaring over a pulsing tentacle easily fifty times Frank's size. Rolling to a stop, Chief already had the particle beam aimed toward Frank's only ally, uttering a single word.
With that, the beam fired, aiming to strike the soldier's power armor in the skull, directly between his eyes--and the beam burst through the other side, all within the span of maybe a split millisecond, the beam moving almost at the speed of light, an accelerated bolt of light-based plasma powerful enough to punch even through MJOLNIR armor with zero effort. Regardless of the success of this or not, John tossed the particle beam aside as it had only possessed enough charge for a single shot, and he slid the gravity hammer off his back, the hum of its gravity boosters resonating.
"I'll try and make it quick."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Pandora's scorched body fell to the ground, fragments of metal and internal wiring flew everywhere as she absorbed the attack. Calmaramon landed on the ground, her tentacles wringing with glee as she realized: she had won!


Pandora Eliminated. Winner - Ranamon

Calmaramon then shifted forms, returning back to her humanoid form, Ranamon and acted almost like that monstrous transformation never even happened.

"My, this is what happens when backup dancers get too overzealous, sugar." She blinked innocently with her lashes.

She walked over the scorched chest of her opponent, a clock visible that had just stopped ticking. striding out of the arena, she made it back out to the plaza, her fighting spirit fully restored alongside her healing wounds.

"And so, the marvelous Ranamon comes out on top! What did you expect? And the first one on my bracket too! Where's my interview? Hmm? I'm ready for my piece."

She demanded this as she took out a perfume bottle with her own face on it, spraying herself to get the smell of electrified fish off of her.

"What the- How are you still moving?!" Audrey questioned- no, noticeably shouted, "That totally should've paralyzed you! Permanently!" She added, pissed that Leon had caught himself, but surprised as he got in the air - Despite that dash, she didn't have the perfect reactions for that - and the bullets stormed into non-vital parts of her body, such as her shoulder and foot, both of which got yelps of pain followed by another cry of pain as another bullet struck the Hero's right ear, which luckily alerted her in time to deflect the last two with her sword, where the tip collided with the bullets, sending them right back at Leon. The ear shot, however, kept her distracted and unhearing of the glass shattering until a few seconds later. Her head turned around, only to snap back as she heard Leon from the balcony.

"Why you...shut up, you jerk! The thrift store? I don't know what the hell that is but I got this from the Goddess herself! You should be dead as dirt now!" She yelled up at the Professional, attempting to use her dash again, despite her groans from her shot body parts which were bleeding (though not entirely noticeably due to her red shirt), she tried to bring down her blade as hard as possible on Leon, the floatier physics of the Windscape making this slightly easier as she went fully force, as if even aiming to break even the floor beneath Leon's feet.

She was putting more force than she had ever before, it seemed.


"Stand still..." Axe groaned under his breath as his attack simply slammed into the middle of the carousel, causing a barely noticeable crack from the sheer power of the blow, before Axe fell back to the ground level, spinning again. That's a tough carousel. "Maybe not easy, but you're a fast freak!" Axe responded in kind. "But I'll show you hard to beat!" He added. Then he saw the scythes coming.
"What is with you and scythes?!" He groaned out as he raised his shield, unsure where the block first. He couldn't decide, and soon.

"Gah!" Came a cry of pain as two of the scythes struck Axe's back as he narrowly saved himself from the other two with a roll. He needed a plan, that much he knew. The Green Stone couldn't save him again, they'd just follow him! Axe had to save himself...on his own terms. He had no idea how many times this attack would happen, possibly until he died. So, he needed to make this attack happen on his own terms as well!

Of course, that idea didn't come immeadiantly, and he had but a second to react, so he had to dodge. With the second loop, he jumped up, pushing himself off the ground with his pickaxe. However, to his own shock, this left him vulnerable in mid-air to the next loop.
Think fast! Grab something to help dodge!
Thinking on pure instinct after that, Axe barely outstretched his hand enough, reaching the grip of one scythe and using to flip himself, launching himself back down to the ground.

Wait, a second...

The next loop came, and Axe still didn't have a perfect idea yet, but something was forming. Over the next loops, while thinking, he kept barely dodging but getting a few cuts. On the seventh one, however...
I know!
This one came as Axe was on the same level, eye to eye with Jevil, shooting the devil a glance as he grabbed the scythe handle again, just barely avoiding getting his satchel slashed opened, and threw himself off it towards Jevil. Though he had no attack...
The Scythes homed in towards Axe one last time...towards Jevil. At the last microsecond, the boy used the same trick to launch himself back at the centre of the carousel, landing on the opposite side to before due to the spinning carousel, his shield catching him and digging into the 'wall' again.
"What the...?" Axe noted, before taking his shield out and landing to floor level to try and hide this discovery.
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"Oh? How intruiging." Gemini said, noticing the change of his opponent. He went from facing a knight.....to a child. Somehow he felt mocked. "Very well, our battle shall take place at the scrapyard." The arena changed, with piles of scrap appearing out of nowhere and excavators towering above them, though they were not on Dream Island. Last time Gemini checked, the scrapyard was not in a freaking desert.

Splitting into two entities, Gemini stared down his opponent. It wasn't like he would get another shot at this. "Gemini Thunder!" The two humanoids linked their arms together before firing off a devestating thunderbolt, straight at Tethi.



Previously Deathstalker62
With the blast tearing up and causing damage all around, the reaper was left with one option - throwing his arms up and imploding his scythe at the same time, Death created a shield around him in the form of the expanding circle of mini-scythes that absorbed most of the incoming blast, with the dark spirit tanking the remaining portion of the blast by switching over to his dark robes. With that, the only thing that his opponent's fists would be meeting were three large, demonic skulls heading his way, one from the front and one on each side, ready to chomp the mechanized gamer into pieces.

'Terrarian: Yeah, we fight now! Empoleon, huh? Interesting creature! Best of luck to you!'
With those words, the pixelated hero rose into the air on his Celestial Starboard, waving to staves - the Stardust Dragon Staff and the Lunar Portal Staff. Out of the dragon staff, the Stardust Construct appeared, diving like a missile down at Empoleon. Meanwhile, a blue portal had opened up diagonally behind Hareta, blasting a laser at both the Trainer and his Pokemon, creating a pincer attack for the two. The Terrarian, in the meanwhile, flew up higher and higher, then zoomed in a straight line across the sky, opening a yellow tome and firing down a golden shower of defense-destroying ichor spray down at his opponents.

Frank Horrigan
With his only ally dead, Frank was even more enraged than before. So, destruction of enclave property, illegally mounting an enclave aircraft, and now the murder of an Enclave Soldier.. the lists of war crimes kept listing up for this damn pest. Well, now that he was close again, the hulking giant turned and jabbed the minigun barrel forward at his enemy like a spear, spinning it up as he turned around. Even if the Chief were to try to move the barrel away, he'd be pelted by a stream of 5mm bullets at point-blank range trying to do so.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Attack from all sides? What would one do? For Uratekumon, this was easy. Just push through one of the sides so much that the others miss! And that's exactly what he did, forcing himself through Death's attack! His armor and fur began to chip and burn away, his right arm's panels beginning to melt as he punched his way right through.

"I read your manual N00B! I know this attack does exactly 33.8% damage! I can take a hit! Ha! Can you?! LMAO!!"

That's when Uratekumon delivered a powerful punch straight to Death's chest...or it would seem. As the fist was larger than most of Death's body, it impacted nearly all of him at once, sending it powerful kinetic forces that hadn't been seen thus far in the match.

Bones flew off and robes shredded, serious damage was just dealt! However, as a result of the damage he himself took, Uratekumon found himself rapidly shrinking back to his original size he started this match out on, falling back down to the ground. His Mech suit landed down shakily, sparks erupting from the sides as it did.


Woooooah. I gotta get myself one of those!

Hareta ogled at the flying skateboard, so much so that he was completely distracted from the wands waving. Suddenly, a missile was fired from some kinda of summoned structure.

"Huh? It's coming this way!" Hareta exclaimed. "Empoleon! Block it with Whirlpool!"

On command, Empoleon raised a flipper, and a spinning force of pressured water emerged, throwing the missile way off course and into the ceiling. But they couldn't breath a sigh of relief just yet. Hareta was about to continue one when he heard something opening up from behind him. Before he could move, a laser shot out from a portal, coming right toward him!




Hareta found himself surrounded by the embrace of his penguin friend, having rushed over and tanked the attack for him. The steam came from his partner as Hareta just registered what happened.

"You took that to save me?" Hareta asked, nodding his head in determination. "A cheap shot! C'mon and fight me head on!"

He pointed up to his foe, who seemed to have...um...skipped his bathroom break. Hareta, not wanting to risk being...wet...commanded Empoleon once more.

"Let's show him! Let's surf our way there!"

Hareta hopped on Empoleon, who summoned forth a large wave of water. Empoleon rode on the top of the wave, laying on it's belly, while Hareta rode him like his own surfboard! The water swept over the yellow water and even further. Empoleon lead the wave of water up and higher than Terrerian, aiming to crash it down on him.

"Surf's up!!"
While it didn’t finish the hero off, Jevil’s attack was still a success, landing several good hits on the boy. However, on the second-to-last loop, the hero dodged and went towards Jevil, causing his own scythes to go towards him in the final loop. However, this was easy to deal with. Since they were Jevil’s own summons, he could just”unsummon” them. And that’s just what he did. Jevil made the scythes disappear with a flourish and looked at Axe with a devilish grin, clearly enjoying himself.
“And now for my next trick, I shall hurt you quick, quick!”
The jester rhymed before summoning club shaped projectiles, many of them surrounding Axe, constantly moving. However, the clubs themselves weren’t damaging Axe, but rather the many projectiles that they were shooting at him! This effectively created a very dangerous attack, as there were many projectiles surrounding Axe on all sides. All the while, Jevil continued to dance, bouncing up and down even faster than before as he began to enjoy himself more.

Machamp’s idea didn’t work out quite like he expected it would, the mech proving stronger than he recalled. And since Machamp was in the air, he couldn’t exert enough force to overpower it. As the next wormhole opened up, Machamp changed position so that his front-side was facing the fist as they went through the wormhole. As they went through, Machamp fought back against the crushing force of the fist, his strength overpowering it. He then rolled out from under the fist, causing it to smash into the ground, leaving a crater. With one hand, Machamp grabbed the fist to prevent it from retracting, then used close combat with the other three, intending to destroy the fist, or at least damage it.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
His taunt had worked, encouraging the girl to lash out. To exert herself as she pulled more weight behind her attack at the cost of her already hindered speed and agility thanks to her wounds--while physically difficult to pinpoint in the blink of an eye, her movements spoke louder than her appearance. She burst up toward the balcony after her retort, too pissed to even notice the dead beginning to shamble their way in through a waiting room off to the right of Leon's position, though on the first floor. Her tactic was seen a mile away, considering her lack of self-awareness, allowing the agent to easily leap back a meter or so, avoiding her attack--which shattered the balcony in a burst of lightning, splintering wood and forcing the portion of the level to collapse immediately, the rest beginning to follow.

Feeling as though he had a lot of control over this given situation, Leon didn't feel deterred in the slightest, prompting him to deftly set a foot up upon the rail--and kicked off it to rise into the air once again, leaving Audrey in the center of the collapse as he instead flitted his gaze toward the undead, more than he was expecting. Four or five had broken through the window in the adjacent room and stumbled their way inside, no doubt attracted by the sounds of battle. Like the ghosts from his conflict with the Pac, these zombies would be a hazard and a complication in the mix--so long as the T-00 super tyrant variant didn't show up (otherwise known as Mr. X).

Master Chief
"Clock's ticking...!" Kalmiya warned. "I know." John replied, noting the barrel of Frank's minigun beginning to rotate. He was faster, however, swinging the gravity hammer as he burst toward Frank, the momentum of the swing activating the gravity pulses within the weapon, releasing a burst of spatial force and energy like the epicenter of a powerful explosion without including the heat and possible fragmentation. A force powerful enough to make both the spartan and the mutant recoil from such force as it was exerted in favor of nobody in particular, no doubt surprising Horrigan as the direction of the burst nearly yanked the minigun not just from his hands, but made his armor creak under the weight it had felt, threatening to crack while only making the Chief slide back a couple feet--which didn't slow him down in the slightest as he rushed forward with a second strike, ramming into Frank's side as the minigun began to fire, though in the wrong direction, beginning to spray a wall with bullets while Horrigan himself was launched upward by the second strike, his entire body shaking from the hit, his armor's stress reaching critical levels.

Just as Frank dropped with a shuddering boom to the ground, the minigun ceasing its barrage to begin simply spinning he managed to raise his arm and catch the gravity hammer just under the head before it could release a third blast, and he yanked forcefully, tugging the weapon from Chief with enough force to lurch the spartan toward him--in which Horrigan rammed his skull against John's, a metallic crack splitting through the air as a result. Frank tossed the weapon aside as he took aim with his other arm, directing the minigun at Chief as the spartan stumbled backward from the attack. The barrage was let loose, the bullets bursting against the Spartan's armor point-blank, the headbutt having shattered John's shields for the moment.
Chief felt most of the bullets ricochet off his armor, but he could also feel the familiar sting of at least a dozen foreign objects plunging into his body, ripping through the undersuit and popping into his skin, breaking the surface enough to wedge into the muscle, but not going much further than that.

Thinking quickly, Chief tanked the bullets as his suit worked to counteract his injuries, pumping biofoam into his wounds while he lunged forward, plunging his fist dead-center into the barrel of the minigun--and crumpling the metal between his fist and Frank's strength as the agent refused to allow himself to be buckled by force. Unable to stop the firing, the minigun suddenly burst with a gush of flames and brief force, rattling to a screeching halt as it was unable to dispense its ammunition any longer.
John didn't stop there, lurching forward to slam his left fist against Horrigan's chest, leaving an impressive dent as Chief's right fist followed up just as fast, leaving an even deeper impression in the mutant's armored chest before Chief uppercut with his left arm, making Frank stumble back, though he wasn't dazed as he instead swiped with his arm toward the Spartan, who ducked under the attack, bursting his fist against Horrigan's extended arm, right beneath the armpit, wedging the mutant's armor against his own bone from the force, but Frank was far from deterred, swinging his other fist about just fast enough to crash it into the spartan's visor, spider-webbing the highly durable material as the spartan was rattled, stumbling back, allowing Frank to follow up with another strike, raising his fist before slamming it down over the smaller individual, right in the back of his head, dropping the Spartan and practically embedding him into the Covenant floor.

John tasted blood in the back of his throat as he pushed himself up, before he felt a boot slug into his stomach. The ground left him as he was launched into the air, spinning, before he crashed back into the ground, rolling to a stop with a groan. "Chief, just because you're faster doesn't mean he's not gonna land any hits!" Kalmiya pointed out. "Yeah..." John grunting, looking up at the mutant already charging toward him. "I noticed."
He wasn't as proficient as he used to be, much as John didn't like to admit it to himself. Despite the additional augmentations imbued to him by Halsey shortly before the mission to the glassed surface of Reach, he was still aging. He was still mortal. His equipment was always getting better, but his abilities were always hindered every year he survived just a little longer. He was almost 50 years old now, and he was constantly straining every fiber of his being almost every single day. No matter how many augmentations he received, the simple fact of mortality would always begin to hinder him sooner or later.
But he wasn't useless by any measure. Time felt as though it slowed slightly around him as he looked up at Frank. The both of them were out of weapons, reduced to a brawl with their fists as the world was minutes away from turning into nothing but dust and echoes around them. John could see it. Standing where Frank stood, lunging forward for a strike. Atriox, his eyes cold and unchallenged, boring into the Spartan's visor. John's greatest failure, his greatest humiliation...

Chief was on a knee, raising a hand to catch Atriox's fist--and Frank's slammed into the side of his face. The visor shattered fully, the HUD elements completely deactivating as the spartan collapsed once again, noticing some shards of orange glass lying on the ground before him. The piercing blue eye of John-117 glared up at Frank as he stomped forward, grabbing Chief by the side of his neck and gripping, raising the spartan into the air.
"You've drawn your last breath, mutie." Frank stated, his grip beginning to squeeze, armor creaking under the weight. "Now die."
"No, Chief!" Kalmiya cried in the spartan's helmet, her voice laced with fear, and worry, and...
"So you did miss me."
The familiar voice echoed in Chief's mind, a distant memory. The hazy view of her smiling up at him, her hands placed on her hips, a silence befalling the two for a moment.
He'd already lost once. Lost horribly, to Atriox. He'd been treated as nothing more than a plaything. The Brute had been just as cunning, experienced, and intelligent as he was powerful. Frank lacked everything Atriox had, save for the strength. He'd already... lost... once.
"Unfortunately for us both... I like crazy."
A strange sense of calm settled over John as his hands grappled with Frank's fist. Relinquishing the hold with one arm, the spartan grasped the handle of his combat knife and yanked it out. Before Horrigan even saw what Chief was doing, the blade had been buried in the exposed bit of Frank's neck, ramming right between the crack where helmet met armor. The only thing that stopped the blade from going any further was the hilt, and it was just enough for Frank's hold to lessen, slightly enough for Chief to bring both hands to a single finger--and pulled back, snapping Frank's finger backwards before John fell to the ground, taking a couple steps back.

"I thought I was about to lose you..." Kalmiya muttered, clearly distressed. "It'll take more than that." John assured her. "I won't leave you."
"Don't make a girl a promise... if you know you can't keep it."
He felt a shiver run down his spine at the vocal memory, but ignored it for the moment. Frank had already yanked out the knife and was completely ignoring his broken finger. Kalmiya hadn't been kidding earlier, this guy seemed to lack any limit to his endurance and stamina. John's determination, however, was better.
Without the aid of his HUD, cracks obscuring his vision, John darted one more time toward Frank, slugging his fists into the mutant's gut, bursting his armor into his own body with a rapid flurry of punches, each one forcing Frank back an inch after another, absorbing each hit before he made to swing again, but the spartan instead ducked under the hit, grappling Horrigan's arm--and used his own force and weight to lift Frank off his feet and throw him across the room, where the mutant skid across the ground after a hard landing. Chief used this opportunity to retrieve his fallen gravity hammer, adrenaline pumping through his system. Frank was a tough foe, there was no doubt about it, but that wouldn't be enough for him to win. If Chief succeeded here, if he managed to pull through and earn this mysterious prize, this "greatest honor"... he could make things right. If it was something he desired, maybe even a wish, he could end conflict altogether. Establish peace. Prevent the few he cared about to die... ever again.
"If we don't make it..."

"You're gonna die, struggling is only delaying the inevitable." Frank called to Chief, the two standing at opposite ends of the ruined room as the station rumbled under their feet, foretelling of the coming destruction. "Was gonna say the same thing." The spartan replied. Kalmiya let out a snort. "It's always funny when you say bad one-liners." She commented.
"It's been an honor serving with you, John."


Previously mallard
Daruk did not expect Rebellio to actually throw the gun, which absolutely threw off his swing, and allowed his opponent to make his escape.
The Falcon added much distance, and so Daruk preemptively raised his Protection, and correctly predicting the ranged attack.
As he reflected the bullets, the other Bokoblins rushed from the base with weapons in hand- yet since Rebellio was now on top of their base, he would be their first target. The archer boko took aim and fired with just regular arrows, yet with a powerful soldier's bow, while the other three bokos grabbed rocks and began tossing them at the Gunvolt character.

Yiga Clan
As Kassandra showed off her combat prowess, Kohga quietly and slowly munched on a couple bananas, just to take the edge off the wound, while applying pressure on it with his other hand. As Kassandra finished up and summoned her brother, Kohga slowly stood up, and plugged the half-healed wound up with a banana. "So... You called you brother to play too, hm? Well, let's see which one of you dies first!" He struck a pose, and on that cue, three Yiga Footsoldiers appeared on either side of him, then the master clasped his hands together once again, and then in a puff of smoke, what stood in his place was no longer Master Kohga- at least it didn't appear so. It was another Yiga Footsoldier that was absolutely indistinguishable from the others. They poofed away again, and eerie laughs echoed around the arena. They reappeared, now surrounding the two, and with blurred speed, they all blitzed the two at once, going in for one attack and then quickly disappearing again. The Yiga then poofed back, in a different formation this time, and attacked again. This cycle would repeat itself until it stopped working or the two were dead.

The Duck was warped to somewhere that wasn't where he asked- well, it was very similar. A path spiraled throughout the map, a path that shifted into a wooden bridge over a small pond and than going back again. Multiple hills dotted the landscape, same with trees, the former having the path stretch both over and through the mounds.
As soon as Psyduck made sense of his surroundings, which took a good couple moments, he dove into the pond. Another few moments passed, and the yellow-feathered head resurfaced, and spat short yet powerful bursts of water at multiple different monkeys.


Diddly darn dang it, the blue tin can blocked it. And, grabbed Punk's head. That clearly wasn't supposed to happen. So, before his nickname became... some electricity-related pun, he lifted a leg into the air, and brought it down on Metal's head. He followed through with it and escaped Metal's grasp. Though, Metal had some good grip, and the steel claws left their mark as he escaped. Punk soared through the air, down toward the street, and did a sloppy combat roll to negate the fall, but also picking his bat back up in the process. Hoo boy, things were looking bleak.
“Woah!” Benjamin exclaimed as Psyduck suddenly surfaced from the pond, spitting out fast, and probably painful, jets of water. The office-attired monkey did some quick typing on his laptop and five monkeys appeared in front fo him. These monkeys weren’t anything fancy, all they had in their possession were some darts. They all took the jets of water, flying backwards and rolling along the ground. They got up, however, and began to throw darts at Psyduck. They covered a wide area, but they didn’t do all that much damage. Meanwhile, Benjamin did some more typing on his laptop, a relatively small pink contraption rising out of the ground in front of him. A Tac Shooter. Benjamin climbed up on top of it, struggling a bit since he was short and had a laptop in his hand. Once he was on top, he sat criss-cross applesauce, his laptop in his lap, and observed Psyduck. This Tac Shooter should protect him if Psyduck tried to get to close. At least, that’s what Benjamin hoped.

Metal Sonic
The bot beeped in annoyance as Punk brought his foot down onto his head. Why couldn’t this guy just stay still while getting electrocuted? Punk then pushed away, Metal’s claws dragging across his head with a painful-sounding slice. The robotic hedgehog looked down at his hand, his claw-tips noticeably bloody. The street punk’s pain tolerance was more impressive than anticipated.

Metal clenched his fist, then jet after Punk, catching up to him quickly. He wasn’t about to let the delinquent catch his breath. All he had to do was keep up the pressure and his opponent would mess up. The robot jet forward with his hands forward, aiming to slice Punk’s legs and make him fall. If the trick was successful, Metal would change trajectory and go back towards Punk for another hit.


Previously Manu456Alola

Machamp was still fighting back, rolling out from under the fist, narrowly avoiding getting crushed. Merak frowned at this, attempting to retract the outstretched fist to no avail. It was clear the Pokémon performed much better when on the ground. A new wormhole opened up near Merak as Machamp began unleashing a flurry of punches towards the outstretched fist, starting to rack up some damage despite the limb's increased durability.

Several missiles emerged from the other end of the wormhole, aiming to interrupt Machamp's assault and strike him from the back. A different, larger wormhole would pop up shortly after, the Armed Chair's other massive hand coming out of it in an attempt to grab the four-armed brute and restrain his movements. If successful, the hand would crush him with all of its might!


"Ah, crap..." Rebellio muttered. These guys were coming for him first. Thinking quickly, the Adept dissembled his Gatling gun, the thread construct taking the shape of two different items. On his left hand, a decently sized shield, which he used to block the bullets that had been bounced back at him, as well as the incoming arrows launched by the archer Bokoblin. On his right hand was a newly-crafted pistol, one that he proceeded to fire straight at the archer Bokoblin's head, who was hopefully not very durable.

With that done, the Falcon's pistol would quickly disassemble into a bunch of crimson string, which Rebellio would launch at one of the bokos that were throwing rocks at him, projectiles which he'd elected to ignore. The Adept's thread would wrap around the creature in a split second, allowing him to swing it straight towards Daruk!
The superpower Pokémon grinned as he began to rack up damage on the fist. Machamp was one of the strongest Pokémon, and he was making sure everyone knew it. However, his barrage was rudely interrupted as a wormhole opened up behind him, shooting out missiles. Although, those wormholes(and missiles) weren’t very quiet, so Machamp was immediately alerted if the attack.

Doing some quick thinking, the four-armed fighter grabbed the mech’s hand and turned it, using the easily-rotatable hand as a shield against the missiles. Not only did this maneuver protect him from the missiles, it it also did even more damage to the fist. Machamp laughed smugly, but his laugh was interrupted as another hand emerged from another wormhole, aiming to crush him with its grip! Machamp frowned, but wasn’t deterred. He sidestepped quickly, causing the arm to zoom past. He then grabbed both of the hands, which were both at point-blank range now, then yanked hard on both of them simultaneously, hopefully ripping them off in one strong maneuver!
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Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
The grounded Matter's eye narrowed towards the advancing Specter, not moving.
Not that it needed to.
As the six bolts homed in on the ground Matter, four blobs of orange from the fourth matter flew in front of them, causing both to explode in a large cloud of smoke a safe distance from Dark Matter, obscuring it from Specter's vision. Dark Matter itself was also unable to see Specter, but it didn't need sight to sense him. In one swift movement, Dark Matter dived into the floor, before Specter could make contact, immediately making a U-turn to evade the kick and promptly face Specter point blank as it flew out of the ground. It changed again, not in size, but in it's newly grown fangs and elongated body that attempted to bite over Specter's head, and consume it whole.

Weavile poked the small AI with a single claw, ignoring the angry voices before a sudden cracking sound caught her attention. Upon realizing her platform would not last, and the boy was gone, Weavile hopped to the side, evading the kick. She the made another icicle cluster below her feet, which took the blow from the whip as Weavile kicked off it.
The sharp claw pokemon landed back on the snow, purring tauntingly. She held the AI in front of her and snickered tauntingly, as if goading.

Good. One on One, honorable battles. That's how she liked it. The sun goddess said nothing, however. Instead, she simply slunk close to the floor, showing her readiness.
Of course, she didn't remain still for long, lest she fall asleep from boredom. The wolf swapped weapons, and fired a spray of purple beads towards Snake, much like a shotgun. Even if he evaded it, which Amaterasu would expect, the wolf would proceed to leap towards Snake in a far bound, swinging her flaming shield towards him from above.

The bot did not intend to let the bug do what it wanted. Seeing it unmoving, the bot's thrusters turned on, propelling the armor towards the knight, which it then attacked with a wide reaching spin around itself, releasing plasma sparking all around it.

Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight noted Yuga's...fusion with the wall. Seeing as Yuga split into four, one of which was unaccounted four, Galacta Knight flapped it's wings, taking to the air before it could be struck by the lightning. The warrior brought up its lance, and fired a thin laser towards Yuga, who it would follow even if evaded.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A slippery target this one. But with every move, they got more and more predictable. As is the course of this creature...it's next course of action...

On both of his hands, psychic energy erupted into thin points, jutting out about a foot in either direction from his fingertips. As soon as Dark Matter emerged, ready to swallow him once more, his simian eyes narrowed.


Specter shot forward straight into Dark Matter's gullet, his body spinning around like a top while he was. The psychic hardlight would spin with him, cutting through the entire way through Dark Matter's whole body, carving him open from the inside out! And without any eyes to see what was happening in him...there was certainly no way to figure out what was going on.


Previously Manu456Alola

“Damn you…”

This thing was very fast. Even with a disappearing foothold, Weavile had managed to evade Copen’s attacks while keeping Lola in her hands. The duo would have to find a way to counteract this speed.

Not even half a second after shattering the icicle, Copen initiated another Bullit Dash, moving down at an angle, towards a nearby wall. He bounced off of it upon contact, changing his trajectory towards the ground while keeping his speed, ever closer to his opponent. Copen kept moving from one surface to the next unpredictably as he approached Weavile, blue flames trailing behind him.

“This is no way to treat a lady, y’know?!” Lola told Weavile as she kept struggling within the Pokémon’s grip, unable to break free. It wasn’t like she wasn’t going to fight back, though. Let’s see how you like this!

The P-Bits that were once simply orbiting around Copen gathered behind him right as he came close, shooting out three orange discs at Weavile in an arc. They would wrap around the Pokémon once they made contact, heavily restricting its movements for a brief period of time. Copen would use that opening to reach for Lola again, this time approaching from above. Should Vantage Raid miss, he’d use his momentum to get behind Weavile and tag her in a split second.


The mech’s right hand took all of Machamp’s attacks, leaving it heavily damaged. It was heavily dented and barely able to move, with sparks periodically flying out of it. The Pokémon was quick to react to the incoming left fist, leaving them both vulnerable to his next move. The four-armed brute pulled with all his might, clearly intending on ripping them right off. The heavily damaged right hand still proved surprisingly tough, managing to hold out while Machamp pulled, giving Merak just enough time to act.

You just never know when to give up, do ya? Merak thought as he opened a new wormhole… right beneath Machamp’s feet. The rift was just big enough to let the Pokémon through without bringing the massive fists alongside it, likely leading to Machamp losing his grip on them due to the suction power.

The other end of the wormhole would open high up in the sky, near the barrier that covered the stadium’s ceiling. A few missiles would follow after Machamp once he emerged from it. Merak would take the chance to retract his mech’s fists and close his wormholes. Keeping a lot of them open for a long time made him tired. More than usual, at least.

The Armed Chair began to collect yellow energy, preparing for a future move. One that Merak hoped would annihilate Machamp once and for all. He would fire more missiles into a new wormhole while his opponent fell, though only from its left hand. The right was too damaged to fire properly. The missiles would emerge from above and below Machamp, aiming to catch them in a pincer attack while he was falling out of control.

The Knight

The machine was quick to act, quickly closing the distance while releasing plasma all around it. The Knight’s Shape of Unn and Quick Focus combo proved very useful, the bug sinking low to the ground and squirming away with surprising speeds. Its body was briefly enveloped by SOUL, signifying that it had managed to heal once. That’d be enough for now.

Standing back up a ways from the robot, energy began to envelop Shroom as it prepared a Nail Art. The Vessel then fired a Shade Soul once again before dashing after it, quickly closing the distance. The bug would then wait for its opponent’s reaction to the projectile before unleashing a Great Slash, swinging at whatever direction the mech had moved.


Previously Deathstalker62
Death took the hit not so well, being launched back from the blow, his bones cracking, some shards flying out here and there. Yet, even with this massive blow from his health, the grim reaper was far from over. Quite the opposite, really. What his opponent might've thought was a successful blow, was really just adding fuel to the burning inferno of the dark spirit's determination to take down his opponent. As Uratekumon would quickly realize, Death's face grimaced into an angered, yet focused state as he let out a distorted laugh, crimson electricity sparking up around him. The sparks gathered more and more, dancing wildly around the giant skeleton before forming into a red glow around his form for a brief moment..

As the flash cleared and the sparks begun fading once more, the reaper had transformed. From tattered dark robes to a brown one, with golden colours lining its edges, his eyes emanating a neon-red light. His entire lower torso, arms excluded, was replaced with a constant, gigantic red spark that hovered in the spot where his ribcage once used to be..

His opponent, be it with or without realizing, had activated his second phase. Which, to their misfortune, just made Death even more fierce and powerful.

Death's frame squished together again, him appearing to have thrown his arms up before vanishing and re-appearing once more, far above his opponent. Then, right around the mech and its degenerate driver, the same purple portals appeared again, yet in far in greater numbers than before. As if that weren't enough, instead of firing out just open hands, the gigantic, skeletal hands came out clutched into fists at timed intervals, ready to pulp Death's opponent at every angle repeatedly!

Perfect. His Stardust Dragon phased into the tiles he was sent into, and not yet taken down, allowing to take a re-course and dart at Hareta from behind. The Lunar Portal prepared another beam, firing up at the Empoleon, while the Terrarian himself dashed down toward the Empoleon, taking out.. some kind of miniature pine tree? His Starboard having disappeared from dashing downward, the Terrarian had pointed the Razorpine toward Empoleon, which promptly shot out a rapid, constant stream of a multitude of sharp, thin spines at the Penguin Pokemon, like the needles on a pine tree, only in a much, MUCH sharper way. Thus, the Terrarian had jumped from one pincer attack to another.

Frank Horrigan
Though his armour carried a few dents, that he had sustained wounds and even had a broken finger, Frank was far from over. Even if he had somehow lost all limbs and could only crawl around by pushing his lower half onto the ground, he'd still try continue fighting until his own bitter end. Though he ended up being thrown by his opponent, the agent did not fly through the air empty-handed - grabbing onto the arm of his fallen comrade, the armoured mutant took the corpse of the pilot with him during his flight, keeping a tight grip on it with the one hand that had no broken digits yet.

When he landed, Frank got to work - he had pulled the pin of the plasma grenade on the body with the other hand while he was getting back up and ended up tossing the body back at Chief like a throwing knife. The corpse flew through the air, its limp limbs dangling into the directions that gravity pushed them towards, the body itself going into a spin. While this distraction went, Frank went to grab onto his broken finger and quite literally pulled it back into position - although it obviously still had lost sense of feeling from the broken bone within, it at least now was in a position that it wouldn't be a bother when forming another fist for the beating that he was gonna give his opponent, planning to ram into them for a shoulder tackle after the live plasma grenade would go off and kick some dust in the air.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His gambit had payed off, however, not in the way he would have hoped. Tch! Hoped to beat him so badly he'd skip the phase! Whatever, more leg work to do. His smaller stature was much more difficult to land hits with compared to his previous gargantuan form, this much he knew. He needed to improvise.


Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70 (+30 XSpeed)

Typing in commands frantically, his stats began to rebalance themselves.

Attack: 125
Defense: 5
Speed: 80 (+30 X Speed)

His command went through, right as his Miracle Gatcha rolled. A glowing '90' with rainbow colors players as an item not just emerged, but shot out of the top of his Mech suit. Whatever it was, it went over to his nearly destroyed right Mech arm, replacing the arm as the old one fell limply to the side. Before it was clear what it was, the hands surrounded him from all sides, lashing out with a swarm of gripping fingers. That's when it happened.


Urtakeumon swerved his body around, the new arm cleaving through every single arm that came his way, severing them into thousands of bone fragments. As the arm came into view, it was seen rotating violently, Uratakumon's grin evident.

"What are the odds I'd get this weapon to take you out? I gutted this one trying to leave the wave. Now...I'll use it to end this!"


The arm became clearly visible. It was white and gold with a large wrist guard with a sword imprinted on it. The 'hand' was replaced with a massive golden drill.

"Mark Guyver Drill arm!"

That's when he darted up to the reaper with shocking speed, swerving his newfound drill right at their skull!


Empoleon was controlling the massive wave, surfing atop it with Hareta using him as a board. However, something unexpected happened. Another laser shot at Empoleon, making them yelp in pain, Hareta nearly thrown off balance by the attack. How many lasers could he take?

"Hang on bud!"

The needles from below shot up to stop him from completing his wave, but the needles proved less effective than others, most simply panking off of his sides. It seemed though the penguin had some kind of steel covered skin in places. Some managed to stick however, causing the Empoleon much greater pain. However, it's pride wouldn't let this stop him from connecting his attack.


The surf crashed down on top of Terrerian, shockingly strong as it swamped out a large swath of the stage. The pressure was misleading, the penguin having thrust a large amount of power into it. Floating at the top of the self made lake, Empoleon sweated in accomplishment. Hareta patted his bruises as he pulled out a green spike.

"Phew, that was a close one! ...You think he's still down there?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Eagle-Bearing Misthios
"You find the most interesting skulls for me to crush!" Alexios boomed with laughter as he twirled his sword in his hand for a moment--before he cut with speed matching the Yiga soldiers, running his blade cleanly through two before they even realized what was coming, ignoring the glancing blows of their weapons off his chestplate while Kassandra deflected one blow, moving aside another, and rammed the spear of Leonidas through the third soldier before the fourth poofed away, and four more reappeared again.
"HAHAHA!" Alexios thundered as he slammed the hilt of his blade against his chest, challenging their opponents. "What's this? They want me to kill them again? Sister, you should bring me along more often!" As the Yiga soldiers charged once again, Alexios allowed their blows to pointlessly hit him again as he rammed his own through one's chest as his free hand grasped the head of the other. In the blink of an eye, he closed his hand into a fist, shattering the Yiga's skull in his very palm while Kassandra dealt with the second wave mostly the same, taking out only one as the other poofed away before she could finish it over. Two more waves came and went, Alexios dominating his opponents as his older sister was far more careful about it, costing her from wiping both out.

"One of these must be Kohga." Kassandra proclaimed, parrying a clash aside as her blade then spun through the air, severing four limbs and the head of the other Yiga member as her gaze turned to her brother, who was having much more fun than she was. "You're not KILLING him right, then!" Alexios announced. "Step aside, let me try something."
As a fifth wave of Yiga appeared, Alexios holstered his sword, sliding it into its sheathe before her slammed his fists together. "You're so desperate to spill blood, weak little Kohga. I made stronger men cry like babies, what do you think I'll do to you?" He gloated as Kassandra consumed one of her charges, and faded on the spot, fading into the world. The four soldiers rushed in, but failed to strike Alexios as he leaped a good ten feet in the air--and had crashed into the ground before anybody realized what was happening, his fist plunging into the earth with so much force that the rock they stood on split down the middle, a spider-web splintering from his fist as a shockwave rang out, and shards of rock rapidly burst from him in all directions, intending on tearing all four Yiga to shreds as Kassandra got in position, unseen from peering eyes while her younger brother beat his chest like a drum, roaring with a wide smile and crazed, hungry eyes.

The Greatest Mercenary
"Not bad." Beneath his disheveled beard, the corners of Snake's lips tugged into a tight grin as he raised one of his legs, and slammed it on the edge of a large piece of rubble. It burst up, enough for him to grasp either side and hold tight, having seen the ranged attack already on its way. The beads slugged against his thick wall of defense, chipping through it rapidly, before he heard the telltale 'whoosh' of the wolf leaping, and Snake chucked the remains of his defense at his opponent, correctly guessing her trajectory. She seemed prepared, however, as she came down from above, a burst of fire shattering his rubble shield apart and not slowing her in the slightest as she descended on the man.

A twinkle seemed to emerge from his eye as he dove backwards, tucking himself into a quick roll as he left a small, blinking device where he'd been standing. "Now!" He yelled, pressing his thumb down on the detonation charge just as soon as he rolled onto his knees, crouched and primed, his other hand griping his knife tightly as he planned to blow the position where she landed.

The Last Spartan
"I see him." The Spartan's simple response was given as he suddenly hurled the gravity hammer forward--and it clashed against the flung corpse, its gravatic-end slamming into it and letting out a great burst of powerful energy. The body, only halfway toward the Spartan between him and Frank, was suddenly flung back toward Frank at double its original speed, the Chief unintentionally sending it back to reach Frank on detonation as the force of the hammer's burst left it to fling high up in the room, before a grappleshot snapped against it and it zipped right back into John's hand as his other tucked out a frag grenade, flipping the trigger off with his thumb before holding it.
One... two...

He hurled it toward Frank, having held it just long enough so that it couldn't be sent back his way, detonating right when it reached Frank or otherwise. With those two explosives out of the way, the Spartan charged forward, making to swing at Horrigan as they closed the distance again--but instead, the Chief leaped up and over Frank, spinning his body. As Frank would no doubt turn to face the Spartan, Chief would already be behind him again, back in his original spot he'd leapt from as he used his grappleshot to quickly return before the mutant could realize what was going on, and with the additional trick, the Master Chief would swing heavily with the gravity hammer, using the massive blade on its back-end, intending on cleaving it through the earlier exposed spot between helmet and chest, aiming to split Frank's head right off his shoulders in one fell swoop.
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Previously Gamingfan2
The wolf's black eyes narrowed as Snake defended himself with rubble. As her sheild bashed through the defense, she noted the look of pride he had. Fully aware of his penchant for traps, Amaterasu had fallen for one.
Well, it was a good thing she had her shield.
Once the swung, her Solar Flare was perfectly below her, managing to protect her from the full blow of the following explosion as both wolf and weapon were sent midair. A bit disoriented and singed, but it could've been much worse. In midair, the wolf stood on the enlarged disc, before hopping off it and above Snake, firing a ring of ink splotches around him. Each blot grew into a large tree almost immediately, blocking off any escape.

Amaterasu landed on the branches above, touched her tail against her Solar Flare, and released a stream of fire that spiraled towards snake, igniting the trees as well.

The pokemon purred craftily as Copen sent more projectiles. As they closed in over her, she appeared to smoothly slide across the snow, evading them. Her claw had a dark aura, but without Copen close by, there was no target to pu-
Oh, hello there.
As Copen came from behind, Weavile smirked. She brought up her claw and forcefully flung the small AI, who would become encased in a dark energy, the force of which creating distance between her and Copen. Even if Copen managed to catch the green thing, the force should damage her, and possibly both if she flung it hard enough.

The armor did not feel anything upon seeing the bug evade and heal. Only it's duty kept it going as it once again leapt above and behind, following the projectile as well as evading the Great Slash. It opened it's "mouth" and scanned it, catching faint traces of burning, which prompt caused it to changed. It changed to a more red and yellow color scheme, and gained flamethrowers for arms. It immediately out them to use, it's thrusters igniting and sending the bot back towards the Knight with more force than usual, and it fired a long stream of....well...fire from it's right arm.

Dark Matter
In his haste, the dark entity made the same mistake he had done prior. Unfortunately, in it's weakened state, Dark Matter could not evade Specter as he tore through it. A faint roar could be heard as Dark Matter began fizzling, before it disappeared in a flurry of explosions.
Loser: Dark Matter
Victor: Specter

The entity reappeared in the lobby, reshaping itself from the floor. It's single eye showed nothing, although internally it was...less than pleased.
"Pah, as if losing to a pink blob wasn't bad enough.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The primate genius emerged from the back half of Dark Matter, successfully cutting the entity to ribbons. They vanished without a trace, leaving him to be the Victor. As the roar of monkey praised erupted from the stands, Specter smirked, looking to them.

"Hear me, my monkey brethren. May this stand testament that we can conquer all those that seek to stand against us. No race is superior to our might! When we unite to vanquish our foes, our ambitions will be reality!"

He held his fist up to the crowd, the simian smirking in superiority. His vision WOULD come to reality, it was but a matter of who he needed to knock down to get it. As he exited the archways, his cape flutter back into existence. Parting his hair back, he snapped his fingers. A fresh new chair had suddenly materialized for him as he sat on it's velvet seat.

"Alas, another domino falls. Who else shall it topple?"


Previously Manu456Alola

Weavile had moved out of the way yet again, a dark aura surrounding the Pokémon's claw, one that Copen recognized. Knowing his opponent was about to launch an attack, Copen got ready to move, but when he noticed Weavile rearing an arm back...

"Don't you dare." Copen grit his teeth, quickly sticking his left arm out in front of him. Lola was flung right into his grasp with impressive speed, the scientist's thrusters flaring up to counteract the speed she carried. The duo came to a stop after about a second of sliding backwards, Copen releasing Lola to assess the damage.

She'd seen better days. That dark aura that briefly engulfed her had roughed up her exterior a bit, a couple noticeable marks having been left where Weavile had poked her with her claws. Those spots had been slightly weakened due to the applied pressure, it seemed. Her creator briefly grimaced, having rarely seen her in a damaged state. "Lola..."

"'I- I'm fine!" She immediately exclaimed, slightly flustered. She hovered right over to Copen's side, switching EX Weapons to Hydro Zapper. "Don't worry about me. Let's show this cat-looking thing what for!" The A.I. told him, eager to get back in action.

"Right..." Copen nodded as he reloaded his Bullits, the old silver packs being ejected from his suit. The scientist began moving forwards, choosing to stay on the ground for now. The now purple P-Bits got in position behind him, generating two orbs of water that released dual streams straight towards Weavile. The EX Weapon's low energy consumption would allow it to last for quite a while, its main purpose being to rack up damage over time and being an overall nuisance to the Pokémon. Copen himself launched a barrage of lasers in Weavile's direction, hoping to overwhelm her with the amount of quick projectiles heading her way.

You'll pay for hurting her...

The Knight

Both of Shroom's attacks were avoided, the mech appearing to change form once again. The bug wasn't sure what to expect as the robot closed in once again, pointing an arm in its direction and causing fire to spew out a stream of fire. Not good.

The Vessel held its ground as the flames approached, holding its Pure Nail in front of itself as its only means of protection. Portions of its shell quickly became scorched from the heat, though its weapon was unaffected. The Knight built up SOUL with every bit of damage it took, white energy swirling around it before it moved straight towards its opponent with impressive speed, leaving only shadow behind. Piercing right through the mech thanks to its Shade Cloak and Sharp Shadow, the bug aimed to deliver a Great Slash to the machine's back, quickly following it up with another Shade Soul.

Audrey huffed and puffed for a second after landing, Leon's swift avoidance having been so swift Audrey assumed the attack had landed.

"Hah, finally that annoying jerk is...." She paused. "What was that noise?" Audrey muttered as she heard the stumbling zombies, distracted as she looked to spot them.


Lucky for this hero, he noticed Jevil getting more playful in his approach, or at least more enjoyable.

Good...the more fun he's having, the more energy he'll probably use without thinking, if my afternoons have taught me anything!

To counter this attack, however, Axe made a simple manoeuvre, repeating the hurricane motion from before but without throwing his shield this time. Kind of like a pirouette as he used the shield to defend himself from the attacks before throwing it away from Jevil, slamming it into the side of the carousel again, causing another crack as it bounced off, slamming into and destroying the clubs before bouncing off the ground near Axe, who picked it up again.
"Hah! Easy-"


"Uh oh." Axe realised an oopsie as he turned around and saw the cracks on the centre grow...before...
It broke. Despite the cracks not working like this, the carousel middle split, the top falling towards the pair. Axe avoided this, luckily for him, by virtue of being too close to the centre for the curved falling object.


"Woah!" Tethi was surprised. Of course, both of her opponents so far had to be ones who attacked immeadiantly. She rolled out the way just in time, choosing to bring out her wand first and sending out some kind of flying orb. This would explode on impact, creating a large explosion yet leaving no flames.


The mad sorcerer frowned as his foe avoided the attack, before attempting to flee into the wall again to avoid the laser. when he popped out, however, he was surprised to see it following him.

"What the-?!" Yuga gasped as the beam struck him, leaving a slight bruise.. "Gr....how dare you!" He immeadiantly yelled, firing several blasts of lightning at Galacta Knight.


Previously mallard
The Duck
The monkey did something with a weird-looking object and more monkeys appeared... odd. Was that what brought the monkeys there or just a coincidence? Psyduck couldn't tell yet, but it wasn't like he could brainstorm with a few needles flying at his face. So, he ducked under the water, and the darts lost all their momentum when hitting the liquid. The Duck Pokémon resurfaced a couple feet to the left, firing another powerful blast of water at one of the dart monkeys, sinking again, and then reappearing at the other end of the pond to use the infamously powerful water move on another monkey. He went under yet again(man he's campy), and stayed submerged for an extended period of time- until finally- he burst from the middle yet again, a good bunch of feet in the air to spit a high-pressure torrent right at Benjamin! The recoil shot Psyduck backwards and over the bridge, then splashing into the water yet again.

The Punk
The droid came at Punk yet again, for some reason it felt like the robot was underestimating its opponent's newfound Showdown speed, gong for the delinquent's especially nimble legs. Punk twirled around his bat in one hand and then thrust it into the stone of the street. It cracked on impact, leaving a small dent behind as the green-haired guy vaulted over the robotic duplicate of beloved Sega mascot Sonic. He twisted midair and quickly had his bat up to guard, met with the robot's next murder-fueled strike.
The Roof Rager was launched down the street, and planted his feet firmly into the ground, which kicked up a cloud in his wake as he skid for several feet. But as he did, a fresh wave of pain washed over him and overtook his senses to divert his focus and thus affected his footing, resulting in a tumble for a ways longer.
Shakily, the Punk forced himself to stand. Ooh boy, the joints didn't like that. They screamed at him, but Punk was lucky that this blue bastard couldn't hold a combo. Oh, how Punk would love to show that tin can what a real combo looked like. Though it didn't seem likely at this point, all the Roof Rager would need was one solid hit. And that's what he would get. Speedy guy, maybe he'd hate something a little more claustrophobic. Something with walls to allow both Punk and the softballs to bounce around off of unpredictably. Somewhere- like inside. Punk, you idiot, you've been so focused on playing your game that you haven't been playing your best game. This could work. Everything hurt, sure, but it's not much compared to being gutted by Jin or getting punched to Panama by Pakaw.
The criminal's hand moved behind his back, where it clutched a spiked softball. Punk then raised his leg, winding up one nasty-looking pitch, and with the speed of thunder, he threw one nasty heater Metal's way. It blurred through the air, probably not much against the speedy Metal, but it made sense in green-hair's head.
Very soon after the ball left the hand, Punk flung his baseball bat into the window of a building, the owner soon following with a dropkick through the door.

Commence Operation: Last Stand
@Captain Pokémon

The Goron Champion

The Bokoblin was shot through the face with a bullet. It was dead, no arguing that. The goblin's body was knocked back, weapon slung out of its hands as it faded into a black mist. Another Bokoblin, however, picked up the bow and resumed right where its buddy left off.

Meanwhile, yet another Bokoblin screamed in terror as it was flung by Rebellio... right into the meaty paw of Daruk, who smashed it on the ground to kill it instantly. With that hand he then retrieved his Sheikah Slate. Rearing back, he grinned, and then pitched the super-dense Boulder Breaker straight at Rebellio, with two beams of energy catching up midair to connect with the weapon. Those two beams came from the Sheikah Slate courtesy of the Magnesis rune.

Meanwhile, the only other Boko without a bow took notice of Daruk, and began to make his way over to the Champion.

The Top Banana of the Yiga Clan

The Yiga Footsoldiers jumped back to avoid Alexios's shockwave, and then disappeared into the familiar poof of smoke.

Then, it was quiet. Kassandra was gone from view, and so were all the Yiga. All that stood in the arena was Alexios, loud and taunting. This seemed to strike a nerve, as right behind the man, another poof. "WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO, HUH? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S GETTING PEELED!" It was the flabby visage of Master Kohga, already mid swing towards the slower sibling, a Vicious Sickle in his clutches. He had forgotten about Kassandra entirely in his rage it seemed, and was set on striking Alexios down.
"A spellcaster, huh?" Gemini noted, generally spellcasters were not as powerful when it came to close attacks and he planned to abuse that little fact. "Rocket Knuckle!" Black Gemini fired his golden fist at the projectile sent his way whilst White Gemini used a worm hole to teleport behind Tethi and fired off a Rocket Knuckle of his own. A two-pronged attack should be enough to end this match fast, but he didn't know what this Tethi had in her arsenal.



Previously Manu456Alola

The Bokoblin Rebellio flung at Daruk was quickly smashed to a pulp. There went that plan. To make matters worse, Daruk threw his club at great speeds right at the Adept, not to mention another Bokoblin was now shooting arrows at him.

Deciding to focus on the incoming Boulder Breaker, Rebellio tanked an arrow as he positioned his shield between himself and Daruk's weapon, more his crimson thread flowing into the construct, making it bigger and sturdier. The Falcon then lunged forwards as the weapon came close, pushing out and upwards with all of his might to parry it, sending it up in the air. He had no clue what the beams of energy attached to it did, but he did know that Daruk was now far away from his main weapon.

The Falcon wasted no time as he kicked off from the rocky skull he stood on, his shield morphing into a scythe. He aimed to deliver a quick overhead slash to the Goron as he flew through the air, taking advantage of his momentary lack of a melee weapon.
As Psyduck countered the dart monkees, Benjamin analyzed his attack patterns. “He really likes that water, huh?” The monkey mumbled to himself before typing quickly, a large cloud of smoke appearing in front of him. A bearded monkey in a blue robe stepped out from the smoke, a pointed blue wizard’s hat on his head and a large staff in his hand, a blue orb on the tip. He looked at his surroundings, before he noticed Psyduck jump out of the water one final time. His hand crackled with blue magic, before he shot a strange orb at the jet of water, cancelling it out in an explosion that consisted of both magic smoke and water vapor. The monkey glared at the pokemon before looking back at Benjamin, who nodded. With an echoing chitter, the wizard slammed his staff against the ground, the blue orb crackling with electricity, Suddenly, a bolt of lighting emerged from it, aimed at Psyduck. While it was likely that this would miss, that was not an issue, as the bolt would simply hit the lake, electrifying it lethally, rendering it an official “no diving” zone.

Metal Sonic
The robot pumped his fist and beeped in triumph as his attack was successful, causing the roof rager to take quite a tumble, most likely leaving him in critical condition, shown by his wobbly movement. However, the delinquent wasn’t quite done yet and winded up a pitch, throwing a spiked softball Metal’s way. The robotic hedgehog stepped to the side, rotating a perfect 90 degrees to avoid the projectile with robotic elegance. He looked back towards Punk, who apparently just dived through the window of a store. Well, his bat did. The scrappy fighter simply drop kicked through the door. I see what you’re doing…Metal thought to himself as Punk scrambled out of sight. Unfortunately for Punk, the shop was quite small, and Metal had an idea. The robot crossed his arms and lifted up his legs, rising into the air, charging up for several moments, before he was surrounded by a very large field of electricity, enough to take up all the space in the shop. He burst though the wall with ease, intending to blast right through Punk with brute force and lethal electricity!

As the wormhole opened beneath Machamp’s feet, he grunted in surprise as he lost his footing, though he continued to hang on to the fists. He struggled briefly, but regained his composure quickly. With a grunt of exertion, he brought the fists even closer until they were touching, forming a small makeshift platform. With his top two arms he pulled himself on top of the fists and let go of them with his bottom two. However, he quickly grabbed the left one with all four of his arms, practically hugging it. He was satisfied with the damage he had put onto the right one, so now it was time to move onto the left. While this wasn’t really an attack, now Merak had to bring Machamp in close in order to gain access to the mech’s left hand again, which Machamp would be able to take advantage of.

Jevil continued to dance, until the shield left a large crack in the carousel. Surprisingly, Jevil’s smile faltered oh-so-slightly as the contraption began to fall. Jevil’s eyes widened a bit and he had a crazed smile on his face as he gazed upon the massive carousel top falling towards him. Then…
The structure fell right on top of Jevil, leaving a cloud of dust as it collided with the floor, shattering, leaving only the bottom half of the carousel. Or, so it seemed. Jevil then reappeared above the toppled carousel, floating, but not dancing. “How bold, bold! However, I’ve been playing this game since before you were 1 year old! There is no trick that you can conceive, that I have not already seen, seen!” The jester said, then the effect of the pirouette from before kicked in…
T’was a foley!
Nothing happened, and Jevil laughed chaotically, head twitching a bit. “WHO KEEPS SPINNING THE WORLD AROUND?!” He asked to nobody in particular, before a tornado of spades appeared around Axe, rapidly spinning, creating a force that made it difficult to disperse the spades, and making it hard to maneuver within them. Additionally, diamonds rained down from above on top of Axe, effectively creating a very difficult-to-dodge attack.


Previously Manu456Alola

"Why, you..."

Merak sighed as he closed the wormhole he'd opened below Machamp. His whole plan had been prevented with a simple maneuver. He couldn't retract his left fist without bringing Machamp right to him, leaving the Adept in a bit of a pickle. His only good hand was being held hostage, and the right hand was way too damaged to attack again without risking it being destroyed...

Hol' up.

The genius' brain came up with an idea. The left hand quickly rotated so that its back faced the other hand, the free right hand simultaneously attempting to fire a missile, when-


It immediately exploded due to the damage it had taken, causing a huge blast due to its enlarged status. Merak planned to take his opponent down along the damaged hand in a violent explosion!


Previously Gamingfan2
The sharp claw pokemon seemed to show a sadistic pleasure upon seeing her attack land. As soon as Copen continued his attack, however, she brought up her claws, and brought them down soon after, causing a large cluster of ice to freeze above and land in front of her. It took the water streams no problem, until Weavile heard the cracking sounds and noted the multiple projectiles whizzing past her.
The ice shattered, and multiple Weavile ran towards Copen.
Having used Double Team again, the Weavile army ran towards Copen, the true Weavile expertly evading the last few projectiles. There was still quite a few, and her movements caused most of her clones to get eliminated themselves, so only a small portion managed to survive the onslaught.. Nonetheless, three leapt at Copen, claws out with two close behind the trio.

Luckily, the flames kept the Knight at a fair distance away. The distance allowed the AI to note their quick approach, narrowly evading the charm-empowered dash by shifting to the side. With the Knight behind it, it deployed another strategy.
It's back exploded.
Or at least that was what it looked like, the bot ignited its thrusters which, empowered by it's new fire mode, sent four jets of flames behind itself, propelling the bot from the Great Slash and possibly harming the Knight. The bot turned around, unfortunately having used up it's maneuvering abilities and forcing itself to tank the Shade Soul. It's metallic body showed a scorch mark, but it remained stoic and it continued it's assault, sending another stream towards the Knight, making sure to keep a distance.

Galacta Knight
The Knight accomplished it's plan, drawing Yuga out and destroying his main form of evasion. However, is focus on destruction distance it, causing the Knight to take the lightning. Galacta's wings lost a few feathers, and his body was smoking, but the Knight itself appeared stoic, if a smidge angry. It was always hard to tell with him.
The knight dived directly at Yuga, stabbing directly at their head as to end the fight as quickly as it could.


Previously mallard
His powerful throw was deflected, and pulling on the yellow beams resulted in the weapon reversing momentum entirely, though not quite as fast as Rebellio. The Goron barely smacked his fists together in time to bring up Daruk's Protection to defend against the attack, although this cut off Magnesis. The Boulder Breaker landed on the Bokoblin that was rushing Daruk, dying instantly as well. With his weapon returned to him, he now turned around to defend against whatever Rebellio had next.


The monkey fiddled with his device yet again, and sure enough, another monkey appeared. Yeah, how about The Duck seals that away with a Disable real quick. That didn't solve his problems though, since that funky monkey that was just summoned started shooting lightning! This wasn't something a water type was fond of, needless to say. So, to save his feathered butt, Psyduck shot out of the water with just enough velocity to latch onto the bridge. Underneath, the magical energy was almost licking his behind, and so The Duck heaved himself up onto the bridge; now it was his turn. Step one: he turned around. Then he rocketed towards the wizard, propelling himself with an opposite-facing Hydro Pump! His skull crackled with pink energy and so he used Zen Headbutt, with crazy inertia backing the move! And if Mage Monkey dodged, then the waterfowl would just wreck the dumb machine behind him, the same one that Benjamin sat on!



Punk could already hear the buzzing from behind the table he was using as cover for a now-impossible ambush, now it was his shield to escape from certain death. He grabbed one of the table legs to hold it up as it started to disintegrate from the electrical charge that now entered the room, and then leapt through a window and away from Metal's electrical fury.
Outside again, he tossed away the flaming table leg- the only remainder of that finely crafted piece of furniture. Man, he was great at escaping these things, probably all those years dodging the cops. Well, if Robohog was done in there, then Punk had a couple presents of his own. He took out three spiked softballs in one hand and tossed 'em in the air, then spinning around like a top to whack them all inside, where they'd bounce around at random like pinballs, and hopefully smack the million-point target a couple times as well.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously Deathstalker62
As suspected, his opponent had once more avoided his attacks, destroying the fists with a drill, causing the portals to fade away. That is, when Death prepared to raise his scythe, starting to summon phantom images around him, seven to be exact. These seven clones gathered in a circle around him, with the reaper just waiting for his opponent to get close enough. What the dark spirit didn't manage to ward off in time was the drill ahead of his opponent, having expected a punch leading into a feint with a jab of the drill, as he couldn't pull his scythe down in time.

The metal equipment bore into his ribcage, tearing it open and causing Death to jolt up, his scythe bursting into flames and disappearing. That is, until a blue and black portal appeared behind him, sucking him up as he burst into individual pieces, which then in turn burst into mini-scythes and bone shards that also got sucked up in the portal's vortex. The reaper had vanished, and the victor was decided.

Frank Horrigan
Frank had put up his arms defensively, the blast of the plasma grenade completely obliterating the corpse of the pilot and pushing him back quite a bit. Though he could shrug off plasma fire, a whole explosion of concentrated plasma was a different deal. The giant had not put his arms up to block the incoming blast however - instead, he held his hands up as to not be temporarily blinded by the bright, green light that the grenade's energy emitted upon being released.

Sliding back quite a bit, Frank had prepared for the final stretch. He had enough of this mutie in front of him and he needed only the most severe, slowest and most painful death that only a maddened, violent mind like the armoured titan's could think of. With only violence in mind, the mutant rushed forward, holding his arms out and his hands open, planning to just utterly beat his opponent into a pulp with all he's got left in him, aiming to leave nothing but a mushy pile of blood, flesh and torn metal behind.

As Water washed overhead of the pixel hero, it veiled his image, hiding him. The lunar portal prepared another charge, but for now, the two had gotten out of its reach. The Stardust Dragon, in the meantime, had changed its course and arced around the trainer and his pokemon, darting straight ahead with a sharp turn and charging in at Empoleon at close-range, aiming for a fly-by chomp as it planned to dive straight through both opponents, biting them in the process. In addition to the needles that had struck the Pokemon, whether it be by bouncing off of its metallic armour or by sticking into the parts of its skin that remained uncovered, white whisps flew out of the damaged locations that quickly curved around and homed back on either the Pokemon or its trainer at random, each one only capable of doing a much smaller amount of damage than the needles themselves but being able to quickly amount to a good total amount.

The water fell down below, revealing the Terrarian again - who was simply floating light as a feather down below, an umbrella held over his head with which he comically shielded himself from the incoming water, as if it were a heavy storm pouring down on him. Even more comically, the boy had taken out a vibrant, colourful gun-like weapon in his free hand and had fired it in the direction of where he last saw the Empoleon - a rainbow firing out of its barrel and zooming toward the pair. Though it seemed to be a light beam, it would soon arc when it reached its highest point and would end up changing its trajectory to fall on downward again, becoming a permanent, piercing, damaging rainbow beam of humongous length until the Rainbow Gun was fired again. Once more, for each moment this rainbow would hit its targets, white whisps would be shot out that homed in on the Terrarian's opponents at random.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Uratekumon obliterated his foe with his new arm, landing down on the ground with the weapon from the ex-Warrior of Hope. MCmon meanwhile grabbed his Microphone gleefully announcing the Victor.

"G! O! A! L! GOAL!!!!" They cheered. "For better or worse, the cheating imp won! Give 'em some applause or boos people! K O!"

Uratekumon snickered as the holograms began to disappear along with this fake world, his arm returning to normal and his body repairing. He looked at the drill arm as it faded away.

"Join that brat back in oblivion, why don't you?"

Winners win. And that's what he did. Sure, the difficulty setting was set higher than he figured, but he cleared this level anyway. Leaving through the archway, he did the corpse of his enemy adieu as he entered the plaza once again.


The surf had unknown effectiveness on their target, Terrerian appearing to have been swamped by the water. However, it soon because apparent that not all was over, as a serpent like dragon erupted from the floor, soaring up to the pair completely unnoticed. It tore through Empoleon, phasing through and biting, also doing the same with Hareta's arm.


As the water began to drain, Terrerian was seen clear as day. Empoleon put his trainer to the side before sprinting forward, wisps or not. As the rainbow weapon was fired, It hit Empoleon once, the pained penguin continuing to press on. A second time.


It's beak began to wind up and drill in a bright light. It was Drill Peck, Empoleon bend it's legs and angled it's back like a spear. It was on a mission. He got within ten feet of his target before the third strike hit him, the water type succumbing to it's wounds and falling down to the ground, sliding toward Terrerian, stoping just a few inches from his feet.

"Ah geez, take a rest bud, we got this."

Recalling Empoleon back into his pokeball, he looked out to his opponent with a determined smile on his face.

"That wasn't easy to take out Empoleon like that...but now I got a trump card!" Hareta confidently grabbed a pokeball. "Get ready to face a legendary member of my team!"

Hurling the pokeball at his foe, it released the one inside just several feet from him. A legendary member? That sounded strong.



The light dissipated, a small yellow rabbit creature tilting it's head up at Terrerian. Hareta scratched the back of his head as he began to sweat.

"I knew I shoulda labeled those pokeballs...heh..."

Hareta took off his shoes and socks, placing his bare feet into the ground, raising a fist, he looked his foe right in the eyes.

"Take it easy Minun...his opponent is me!"

Hareta sprinting down the way with remarkable speed, rushing over to deliver a powerful punch out on his foe's chest!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Greatest Soldier
She had a few good tricks up her sleeve, but the soldier was given an impression. She was fighting harder, yet more carefully, her fur notably singed for the first time--evidence that whatever had been absorbing his attacks before, whatever barrier that had been; was gone. That meant he could actually start to do some damage now, enough with his covert tactics- he hadn't thought they'd do as well as they had against a wolf, anyway.
Snake planted his mortar as a plan formulated, sending a missile hurtling upward and out of the hall into the open sky above thanks to the collapsed tunnel. She'd moved above him, the mortal narrowly missing her as Amaterasu hurled what seemed to be black liquid to form a ring around him- which quickly transformed into a ring of trees, sprouting rapidly up.

"Hm..." The mercenary rumbled as he leaped upward, kicking off one side of the prison to the other, bouncing like a pinball as he reached Amaterasu's position in the highest branches in no time, throwing a heavy kick toward her center as he slammed a mine into the tree beside him--and before anybody was any-the-wiser, he'd summoned Cypher, lifting him rapidly from the prison Amaterasu meant to trap him in, narrowly avoiding the stream of fire that lit the wildlife into flames--and set off the mine near the wolf, erupting in a fiery explosion as Snake stuck out one arm, holding onto Cypher as it reached its peak, and he snatched the mortal shell out of the air before it could reach down.
Letting go of Cypher as he spun upside-down in the air, Snake kicked off the bot while hurling the mortar shell at Amaterasu's position.
When he reached the ground, he tucked into a roll, springing to his feet without missing a beat as he whipped out his tranquilizer, ready to continue.

Agent Kennedy
The shuffling undead stumbled their way inside, arms up as they clawed at the air, snapping their jaws, drool, foam, and gore flinging off their jowls as their cold, dead eyes glared unblinkingly ahead of them. Leon glanced toward Audrey, who didn't seem to have noticed he'd escaped her attack, her attention captured by the zombies. Even as they seemed to be changed with the pastel style of the world, the undead were clearly still grotesque creatures.

He was poised with some options here; allow her to handle the zombies, allowing them to either overcome her or for her to remain distracted, or they could engage the neutral threats together and resume their match, or he could risk their distraction as a way to get in a quick victory and hope no zombies swarmed him.
He stared at the girl for a moment, clenching his jaw as he did, having no desire in allowing any outcome where either of them had to perish- even if it was temporary. Finally, he came to his decision with a sigh.
Leon had been forced to make decisions he didn't want to before, and he'd be naive to assume he could fight decisions like that again. Lifting Matilda, he proceeded to unload the rest of his clip toward Audrey as his gaze tightened and hardened, not enjoying this action in the slightest, his aim going straight for anything vital in an attempt to make it clean, quick... and as painless as possible.

Children of Zeus
A sadistic smirk pulled at Alexios' lips as he raised his forearm, clashing against the sickle one-armed. The blade sank through his skin, just punching through his armor- but it came to a stop when it hit bone. Alexios' grin didn't waver even for a second as he immediately reached forward in an attempt to grasp Kohga by the throat in his vice grip. "Sad little man, did I make you angry? You're weaker than you are intimidating, and you look like you should be a thespian." As he pushed his arm back against the sickle, which failed to cut into his bone, he leaned closer. Close enough to smell the awful stench of his breath. "You make me laugh."

Spearing through the air like an arrow, Kassandra appeared once more as she flew toward Kohga from the side, the spear of Leonidas the only thing in-hand as she made to use her surprise, speed, and momentum to pierce the weapon through Kohga's skull before he could even see what was coming, hopefully too distracted by Alexios.

In the wake of the plasma grenade, Frank began to charge. Even as the frag grenade erupted against his chest, the mutant refused to slow, his body smoldering. The Chief had duped him, spinning Horrigan around and aiming to swing the gravity hammer through his neck blade-end first from behind--but this didn't work out entirely. The blade lodged over a third through Horrigan's neck, cutting through one of the tubes attached to his helmet.
The mutant made no sound as he turned, swinging his arm to knock the gravity hammer away, blood spurting from the fresh wound in his neck. "This guy doesn't know when to quit!" the AI exclaimed.
"Yeah. Neither do we," was all the Spartan replied with as he took a step back, Frank's grapple missing by an inch before he made another go, and Chief's grapple shot snapped into his arm, John yanking down with enough force to unbalance the charging behemoth, who stumbled the wrong way. Chief stuck his arm out, grappling the gravity hammer right back into his hands in the time it took Horrigan to spin around, his blood coating the ground they shared.

Another charge was blasted back as Frank's fist connected with the gravity hammer. His entire arm seemed to crumple from the unfortunate angle, and he fell backward--only to push himself back up, one arm dangling uselessly while he made another go, only for the gravity hammer to connect under his chin. The boom resounded, and Horrigan was lifted into the air, the laceration through his meaty neck worsening from the powerful blast, threatening to rip his head clean off.
Crashing back to the ground, Frank grunted. His movements were slower as he made to return to his feet, his breathing heavy, as heavy as John's, who began to approach him. The sputtering hum of the gravity hammer made it clear that only one more blast of energy is what it had left, and as Frank slowly lifted his good arm to try and grasp at the Spartan--it was rendered useless by the hammer's power.

John tossed the weapon aside, Frank's body shuddering before him, convulging almost uncontrollably. "It's over," the Spartan stated.
"What's... he doing?" Kalmiya question as the mutant slowly but surely sat himself up. With a grunt, his other tube suddenly snapped away, and a tear split across his waist, spraying the Spartan in crimson, who took a few steps back before something inside of Horrigan almost seemed to explode, his torso bursting from his legs and crashing to the ground. Despite his ruined arms, he still struggled himself up, pushing with what little strength remained to glare up at John. "You..." Frank began, before he let out a wet cough, "you haven't won here. You and every mutie you call 'friend' are going down with me in one way or another. There is no prize for you. There is no victory. Heh heh..." he was reduced to a few more coughs as the Chief silently watched on.
"By beating me all you've done is seal your own death warrants. That armor will be your tomb. You're nothing but a walking corpse... Duty..." another cough, "honor... courage..." Finally, his arms collapsed under him and he fell to the ground with a wheeze. John stepped forward, dropping to one of his knees to catch the mutant, easing his collapse. "... Semper Fi..." Frank finally breathed out as his body began to shudder again. The moment John stepped away, what was left of Horrigan's neck seemed to suddenly erupt, and his head burst away from his torso, rolling to a stop at Chief's feet.

Winner: Master Chief!
Loser: Frank Horrigan!

"Well... that was brutal and theatrical," Kalmiya muttered as a fanfare began to swell around them, discomfort lacing her tone. "You really seem to attract the violent theatre student bad guys, don't you? First Escharum, now Horrigan..."
John didn't reply as he picked up Frank's head, carrying it toward the corpse, and setting it gently on Horrigan's back. "Good fight... soldier." He granted while the world faded, and in another moment, the Spartan passed through the gateway back into the waiting room.
In the end, Frank was exactly like the last great challenge John had faced. Frank, Escharum, himself... all soldiers, doing what they believe is right for those they care about. Fighting for a cause bigger than themselves.
He respected Agent Frank Horrigan, regardless of knowing full-well the mutant would be revived soon.

As Chief appeared back in the lobby, his HUD returned as his suit seemed to magically repair itself, returning to full operational status. "During my free time, I managed to install the software upgrades to your suit's systems," Kalmiya informed him. "Not that... there was a lot of free time, but I figured you could use every advantage you can get if Frank's not even the toughest guy we'll face."
"Oho, good fight! Really brutal, really bloody... I loved it." The Host winked toward the Spartan, who ignored him as he moved to stand out of the way of the gateways. That fight had gone on much longer than he'd intended, but fortunately it had ended quicker than most. Now was the time to begin formulating a way to combat this tournament without being "eliminated". To find a way to usurp the Host's power. He'd need to collect an ally in Frank, he hoped, and Rebellio was probably on-board- if he won his next fight. If not... well, the Host had yet to display if he'd pop anybody who lost twice. The answer was probably obvious.

To say Yuga's counter was different was to say the least. Seeing the Knight charge him, the Mage had panicked and, in his haste, not cast a spell...but rather attempted to bring his Staff down on Galacta Knight's...er, head? In any case, if he missed, his hand was against the wall. Literally. In fact, so was his back. Cornered, figuratively, if anything.


"Oh come on, that wasn't even on purpose this time!" Axe groaned hearing Jevil. "If I had meant it, you'd be done for..." He mumbled.

Suddenly, the new attack began.

"AH!" Axe yelled in agony as the child was bombarded with attacks, no matter how he tried to block. His satchel was hit in the process, his extra green and red stones rolling away from his hands, leaving him with only two... red and black.
"Please, I need you...!" He cried out to the stones in his hands as his shield was sent flying from his hands and a surely finally blow headed to his head.

The black stone responded!
A huge dark wing, rippling with energy, burst out his back! Soon, another on the left, the wings easily overshadowing Axe's own body. Markings, lines, appeared on his face. Finally, a devilish smirk and a slight red in his eyes. The wings swung out in an instant, instantly shattering the diamonds and spades like glass. In another instant, the shield was back in Axe's hands and he flew right into Jevil's face, his pickaxe extending out as if intending to kill.
This wasn't Axe...maybe. This was a Monster.


The seed projectile slammed into the fist, causing a large explosion. Suddenly, a small whirlind, Green Gale, came, pushing the heat of the explosion and some sand, as well as the fist which survived the explosion, right at Gemini. However, this left Tethi vulnerable from behind. A rocket fist slammed her into the ground, leaving her muffled by the sandy ground and sore in the back of the head.
"Mmph!" Her groans were muffled as she pulled her head out, coughing.


"Gah! What the hell are those things!? Monsters?!" Audrey's instincts kicked in. Grotesque freaks, what were they doing here!?

She charged her lightning, a quick attempt to destroy them all now to save her skin later... and fired. At the same time as a bullet. Of course, Lightning is faster than a bullet, and it chained between the zombies, killing them...Well, leaving them entirely paralysed on the floor counts.

The bullet struck Audrey's heart, however many times too small. She fell down too, but unlike those zombies, Audrey was dead.

Winner: Leon Kennedy!
Loser: Audrey Redheart!

Audrey's body disappeared in a comical poof, her sword being all that was left. Along with some line of...rainbow hair?
"Sorry about that, dear, but it's not my fault you have the observational skills of a human." Black Gemini said, after the rocket fist exploded in his face. Whilst clearly a direct hit with soot on hia face, he didn't seem to have actual injuries as the rocket fist was reforming onto the alien's empty arm. In the meantime, Gemini White had teleported back to be standing next to Gemini Black.

"I must say, you had a nice counter. However, your plan had a fatal flaw in it. Not just your plan though, but you as a whole have that flaw. You're human. A lowly, flawed, despicable human. You are weak and pathetic, needing such things as 'bonds' and 'friendship.' Let me tell you something, little girl. My name is Gemini Spark, rightful ruler of planet FM! AND NO HUMAN WILL STAND IN MY WAY TO GLORY!"

As Gemini Black yelled at Tethi, the duo fired off another Gemini Thunder as images of a boy in blue flashed through Gemini Black's head. Once, a human combined with a traitor bested him, but this one was alone. Alone and weak.



Previously Manu456Alola

Copen's attacks were able to break through Weavile's ice cluster, the Pokémon opting to create copies of herself again, though only a few were able to the scientist's onslaught. Five clones quickly approached him, and with a quick switch of his EX Weapons, two hair drills extended downwards, launching Copen high up into the air and out of harm's way.

Stellar Spark was then selected, a barrage of electric streams and lasers raining from above in an attempt to quickly wipe out every single Weavile in one go, Copen's thrusters greatly slowing his descent to keep him out of reach. Once the real one was the only one remaining, the Adept Slayer would Bullit Dash towards the Pokémon at high speeds, aiming to get a tag in.


Daruk's Protection did its job, Rebellio's attack bouncing right off the barrier, sending him high up in the air. Thread gathered below him as he reached his highest point, taking the form of a large guillotine blade that quickly crashed down, though not before the Falcon kicked off of it, sending him higher into the air.

With that done, the Adept conjured several knives in each of his hands, throwing them down at the Goron while he dealt with his earlier attack. He then began falling back down, readying a newly-crafted scythe to attack - or so it seemed, as his crimson halo came down on top of him, converting his body into thread as he faded away. Once his second wave of projectiles struck, Rebellio would reappear behind Daruk, performing a heavy slash of his scythe to finish things off.

The Knight

The burst of flames further scorched the bug's shell, a significant portion of it now black. The attack sent Shroom flying backwards, the bug using its Monarch Wings to avoid smashing into the Colosseum's wall, landing as far as possible from the robot.

With plenty of SOUL at its disposal, the Knight launched another Shade Soul at its opponent, the stream of flames too far away to reach its target. The bug then began to run towards its opponent, its Monarch Wings flapping and propelling it high above the machine. Once there, Shroom would make use of Descending Dark to smash down with a burst of shadow, aiming to deal heavy damage to the mech.


Previously mallard
The spear skewered the side of the Master's head, killing him instantly. His body went limp immediately, the Vicious Sickle clattering to the ground.

Victor: Kassandra!


With a poof of smoke, the corpse was revealed to be just another grunt disguised as the boss! "Peekaboo!" A giant iron boulder appeared over Kassandra yet again, but this time even larger, the real Kohga floating right above it. His hands shone with a yellow energy, and then two beams shot into the boulder below. He was using Magnesis without a Sheikah Slate, and shoving the boulder downwards to multiply the weight upon poor Kassandra. Meanwhile on either side of her, two Yiga Archers appeared with bowstrings drawn to shoot two arrows at her from both directions.
And as for Alexios, two Blademasters appeared to confront him so he could not help his sister. Even though they were meant as distractions, Alexios should not underestimate them, as their blades could cut the wind itself. Kohga taunted as he pulled off this Hail Mary, "Intimidated now, Beardy?!"

Daruk met the guillotine with his club, smacking it away, but the follow-up he had no answer for. The knives riddled his body, but the big boy took it with a grunt. The scythe attack also hit, carving into the Goron's back, but the stony armor prevented something fatal. It still stung, and with a roar of retaliation, Daruk spun around to throw a fury-fueled strike that blurred through the air, definitely something that would hurt bad.


Previously Manu456Alola

Many of Rebellio's sharp attacks hit their mark, though Daruk held strong. I just have to keep racking up the damage... The Adept was about to launch another attack when the Goron let out a roar alongside another mighty swing, one that Rebellio had little time to prepare for. His scythe shifted its form into a shield in a split second, Daruk's weapon smashing into it, breaking through with little issue. The blow sent Rebellio flying through the air, crashing into Gut Check Rock's central plateau, rocks and dust scattering everywhere.

His body hurt. Pretty bad. Daruk was a really strong opponent, one that the Falcon wasn't sure he could defeat. His attacks were powerful and his defense was just as strong, making for an overall tough foe to deal with. But he couldn't lose hope just yet. "I... can still go on!"

With a grunt, Rebellio stuck his arm skyward, his crimson thread lodging into the plateau's rock. Pulling himself on top of the rocky structure, the Adept looked down at Daruk, string taking the shape of a mace. He swung his weapon wildly with all his strength, the construct striking multiple sections of the structure he stood on in quick succession. Boulders began falling from it one by one, crashing into the ground below, most of them landing in the area surrounding Daruk. His plan? To momentarily keep the Goron limited to one area, allowing Rebellio to use his magnum opus.

The strings of fate that bind us together lead to the same end, in a sea of red!


The entirety of Gut-Check-Rock quickly darkened. Moments later, a thin, flashing red line stretched throughout the area Daruk stood on, intersecting with his location. A crimson string would strike like a bullet shortly after, aiming to ensnare Daruk and limit his movements. Two more would soon follow, aiming for Daruk's next location. Then three. Then four. Rebellio's Special Skill quickly grew in complexity, his thread coming from many different angles, each wave of attacks striking in unison. Should Daruk become fully trapped in the Falcon's crimson web, the Adept would appear before him before stabbing through the Goron with a ferocious, giant drill, aiming to end the fight right there.

More coughing as Tethi finally stood while Gemini Spark spoke, her senses focusing as she raised her hands, dispersing the Gemini Thunder to the sides with Green Gale, level 3. Just barely in time.
"I dont know what a human is... but I'll tell you this, 'Gemini Spark'! I am Tethi, the last seedling born of the Great Tree, and the last hope of my people! I don't know why you hate these...humans so much, but to insult the bonds and hopes of others makes me know you and Chaos...no, Sheut, are the same! People I need to help!" She yelled out her own retort. "I am no human!" She added, realising she needed to sound cool. With that, she raised her leafblade, activating Great Tree Breath to boost her attack and defense again before charging Gemini, aiming for a sword slash to Gemini Black and her crossbow firing at Gemini White.