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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hmmm don’t age huh?”

Masaru got a small smile on his face as he put a finer gun resting on his chin. The jester seemed fun, full of energy. Seemed to him that they weren’t so bad.

“Alrighty! Glad to meetcha! Name’s Masaru! And I’m gonna win this tourney!”

NiGHTS chuckled aloud, crossing their legs in the air as well as they arms. “You got some spunk visitor, especially knowing that-“

Something stopped NiGHTS from finishing their sentence. Their eyes grew wide as they stopped acting smug. A serious worried expression crossed their face as they turned to Sonic.

“Blue... What HAPPENED to him? His Ideya is so damaged...”

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
"Arsene!" It didn't take long for Joker to summon his Persona, and in an instant, the large red figure had emerged, smacking the grenade away from Joker, while the thief himself ran in a arcing motion away from the bullets to dodge them, one of them just narrowly hitting through the tailcoats of his jacket. "That was close. More long range than the hedgehog." He nodded to Arsene, who started to fly in the opposite direction, also at Shepard. Now Joker was approaching Shepard from his left, and Arsene the right. Remembering his fight with Sonic, Joker tried to cover every escape option Shepard could take. He swung his blade with one hand, while the other hand shoot a round of bullets above Shepard's head, and finally Arsene swiping at Shepard from the opposite side, hoping to cut off any escape route.

Dimitri was surprised by Cage's sudden strength and speed. Despite his laid back and slightly strange attitude, he clearly had some skills up his sleeves. His spear now pushed out of the way, Dimitri had to find a way to block with the hand not gripping the spear. The Prince got hit by the strong knee that Johnny delivered, and Dimitri, stumbled back, which gave him enough space to use his hand to block the incoming elbow. He used all his strength to push Cage back, and swipe at him and widen their distance.

Shepard saw both Joker and the Arsene come at him. He used Nova blast to create a large explosion to hit both of them. Shepard used his omniblade to deflect Joker's own sword. Shepard used shockwave, point blank at Joker. Shepard seen how fast Joker was and knew he shouldn't drop his guard around him for a second.

After being pushed back, Johnny got jumped back to get out of the way of the spear ,and blocked it with a crescent kick. He followed it up with a green shadow kick. Johnny didn't really know anything about the young boy in front of him ,but he seemed pretty competent with that spear. Johnny would need to focus if he wanted to do good in the match. "Not bad, kid!" Johnny said.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The Nova Blast attack blew Joker back, but Arsene was able to power through it, once again swiping his huge claws in arcing motion from left to right at Shepard. Seeing Shepherd deflect, and prepare another attack at this close, Joker knew he didn’t have anytime to dodge. “Tetrakarn!” He shouted out, knowing creating the counter barrier was his only way to not get hit right now. In an instant the barrier was made, protecting Joker from damage and hopefully blasting it back towards Shepard himself.

Cage was could up close, experienced in kombat clearly, maybe even more so than his fellow students at the officer’s academy. Dimitri had to take this more serious than simple sparring practice. Dimitri dodged the incoming kick, sticking his spear into the ground, and launching himself up and over Johnny. Once hitting the ground, he ran forward, aiming a swift striking punch at Cage’s back, while using his free hand to grip the spear out of the ground.

~Commander John Shepard...~

Shepard intended to step out of the way ,but was still hit by his shockwave. Luckily his resistance to biotics limited the damage. With Shepard's fitness he was able to react to the flaw strike, Shepard used a power omniblade strike to catch the strike. Shepard was pushed back in the process. He used biotic charge to close the gap with Joker ,and to strike an offensive attack. He followed it up with several assualt rifle rounds.

~Johnny Cage...~

As Johnny saw Dimitri fly over him, it was rather unexpected. Like a bird flying in the air Dimitri soared over him, landing on the other side. Johnny blocked the punch ,and grab it. Johnny squeezed his hand to pull him into his flamin' backhand. Johnny knew he still needed to be cautious of the spear ,and didn't want to lose focus of his opponent's weapon hand.


"A master thief is always... silent ,but deadly" Sly said chuckling.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Fighter Jets swooped up and out of the way of the lasers, moving upwards. Firing off their missiles before flying upwards, the rockets of the Jets clashed against the tracking rockets Eggman was getting out and ready to fire, causing a mass of explosions from a chain reaction that blew up all around Eggman, likely damaging him a lot as he was in the very center of these explosions. The Fighters flew in a loop to turn themselves around and went to chase after the Egg Lancers, shooting at their thrusters with missiles as they were diving down so they would have no other option but to dive into the Mega Mack.

With the Rockets cleared out before they could even gain some distance, Sturm snapped his fingers, destroying all of his units but his jets that were chasing the Lancers. Sturm leapt off of the Egg Cannon just before it dove into the Mega Mack and summoned two Fighter Jets beneath himself that prevented him from falling into the Mega Mack himself, and flew up, lifting him into the air again.

Sturm then gave chase to Eggman again as his five Jets remained pursuing the Lancers if they had tried to avoid the missiles. Summoning five more Fighter Jets to himself, Sturm flew after Eggman with his troops ready to defend their leader. @Captain Pokémon
Egggman saw the fighter jets activate their missiles and quickly pressed the button again, the bubble shield activating. He still took damage however, as he was in the center of the explosions, but not as much as he would have without the bubble. He deactivated the bubble. The bubble shield cracked and broke. Inconvenient, but he could work with it. Eggman’s Egg Lancers simply flew to the side then upwards to avoid the fighter jets, causing them to simply continue flying down. The two Egg Lancers then flew in front of Eggman and formed a wall in front of him, protecting him. Then, a silent Egg Robo appeared behind Sturm at what was basically point blank range, then fired a powerful laser from its gun at Sturm. Meanwhile, the Interceptor flew in front of Sturm and attempted to punch him with a powerful fist. At the same time, it activated its shoulder lasers, covering Sturm’s left and right, while the Egg Robo was behind him. They effectively covered all sides. Eggman then readied himself for his opponent’s next move. If Sturm survived this attack that is.
Sonic stopped patting Blob’s head and looked at NiGHTS. He spent enough time with his friend to know what they were referring to. “From what I’ve overheard, he’s been through a lot.” He told his pal. “I think he’s been through abuse and trauma or something. It’s probably why he hates adults so much.” He told NiGHTS.
@Shen: King of the Mist
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Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm's Jets were done chasing after the Egg Lancers and were on their way to join up with Sturm, when the alien leader saw the Interceptor approaching. Sturm had put his arms up and positioned his jets as far back as he could to reduce how much of the incoming punch was gonna hit him. Sturm braced for impact and skid back from the Interceptor's punch, his jets keeping up with him. He slid right into the Egg Robo's Laser, and of course the Egg Robo itself.

The Pack of 12 Fighter Jets turned and flew back to Sturm, shooting at the Egg Robo's thrusters that kept it in the air, and the arm holding the laser pistol. Sturm grabbed hold of the laser pistol the Robo was holding and slid onto the two jets that had supported him before the punch. Sturm had tried to yank the pistol right out of the Egg Robo's hand as its arm and thrusters were being assaulted with missiles from the Jets. @Captain Pokémon
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Previously Gamingfan2
When Gunvolt began cloning in, Kirby jumped, summoning his warp star underneath him, which flew him over Gunvolt, staying high enough to avoid the sword he held. Suddenly, Kirby saw a current of electricity surge from his old position. He needed to take note of that. Regardless, he shot a star blast towards the current, causing them to explode, and proceeded to continuously shoot a barrage of stars towards Gunvolt.


Previously Manu456Alola
Didn't you just eat that thing a second ago? Gunvolt thought as Kirby got on his Warp Star again and flew away to dodge both of his attacks. A star barrage was headed his way, so he crouched and hid behind Luxcalibur to block them. Their combined strength, however, was enough for it to be knocked out of his hands a fair distance away, so he'd have to go get it back soon. Gotta get rid of that ride of his first! Wanting to get Kirby back, he switched dart types to Orochi and deployed the drone behind him, which began to answer back with a dart barrage of its own. Gunvolt himself deployed his Flashfield and shot a few darts, leading his shots so that Kirby would ride the Warp Star into them, which would tag the vehicle and destroy it. While he did so, he began walking towards his lost weapon to retrieve it.
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Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby saw the Luxcaliber land, and made his way toward it. He continued shooting back, until a stray dart pierced his warp star. It poofed into smaller stars, and Kirby fell. He spun again, and the stars around him prevented any darts to damage him. He landed on the floor and rolled, now in between Gunvolt and his Luxcaliber He shot a star at the Drone, eliminating it, before continuing his assault on Gunvolt.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt was glad he managed to get rid of the Warp Star, dodging to the sides to avoid each star launched at him. He couldn't keep it up for long, so he had to act fast. He switched dart types to Technos, shooting five darts along the floor before running straight at Kirby, switching to Mizuchi and shooting two more darts that went at an angle above Kirby, but then turned around midair and went for his back. Gunvolt had gotten hit by a couple stars as he went, but he had gone through worse and his armor was definitely doing its job.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee felt his spear get deflected right before he was rammed in the back by Metal's cold, hard exterior. The shock of the hit made Dee drop both his parasol and spear. It hurt quite a bit, especially since he was recently scratched there by Metal; however, instead of just sitting there hurting, he decided to use his new position. He grabbed onto Metal's head behind him and aimed to flip onto his back, once he was there, he would summon his spear again and put it around Metal's neck to give him a good grip on Metal. Then he would squeeze, hoping to do some damage to any wires connecting Metal's head to the rest of his body.

Bowie just sat there in silence as the purple clown came out of the sky. He tried hard to place the figure but couldn't recognize him from any of the sonic gamed he's played. Then he started talking about something called an Ideya and Bowie just felt lost. "Wait NiGHTS? I don't remember a NiGHTS in any of your games... and what does any of this have to do with an idea? Oh well, any friend of Sonic is a friend of mine. Nice to meet you NiGHTS. I'm Bowie and this is my best friend Blob, and Masaru has already introduced himself.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS nodded their head to what Sonic said, somewhat explaining Masaru’s placement on the bracket thus far. So he’s an aggressive visitor, looks can be deceiving. NiGHTS then snapped out of their thoughts, looking over to Bowie with a smile.

“Pleasure to meet you all!” They bowed in the air. “Aren’t you two a striking pair, keepin’ him out of trouble Blobster?”

NiGHTS pointed finger guns to gooey mass, seeming to understand them a bit more than what met the eye.
Metal made a beep that resembled annoyance if anything as Dee climbed on his back. However, this problem could be resolved easily. Metal used Ring Spark Field, covering his body and the area around them with electricity, most likely badly shocking Dee, either forcing him to let go or most likely dying if he held on long enough. If this somehow didn't work, Metal had another plan.
Eggman pointed at the Egg Robo and one of the Egg Lancers shot its laser at it, blowing it up, Sturm most likely being caught in the explosion as he was at point blank range of the explosion. At the same time, the other Egg Lancer shot at Sturm himself. The Interceptor moved out of the way so it didn't get hit. Then, after the laser past, whether it hit Sturm or not, the Interceptor flew towards Sturm and tried to punch him. If the first punch failed, it would go for another, then fly away quickly. Meanwhile, Eggman fired tracking missiles at Sturm, which would follow him wherever he went. However, this time, 10 of the missiles went after Sturm from the front, and the other 10 would go for him at the front as well, then quickly swerve behind him, and try to run into him from behind. Eggman then summoned an Egg Cannon next to him to protect him. (The series of events after the Egg Robo explosion will only happen if Sturm survives aforementioned explosion. Btw sorry for the lack of a Sonic post, I just don't have any ideas for him.)
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee felt an electric surge go through metal making him want to let go. However, the electric current through his muscles only made his grip tighter. Dee could barely withstand the pain surging through his body, but no matter what he tried, he was forced to keep holding on and just kept squeezing his Spear into Metal's neck. It was then that his spear broke around Metal's neck. He should've known that his wooden spear would give out long before Metal's exterior did. When Dee's spear gave out, so did his body. His nerves were shot, so he started to fall to the ground below. The waddle dee, with his bandana gone and his spear broken, was defeated. He failed in his quest, not only to prove that he was more than just a waddle dee with a bandana, but also to get cake for him and his best friend. A crater was created as he made impact with ground. As the dust settled, there was Dee, on the ground, with the two broken pieces of his spear scattered beside him.

Blob perked up when NiGHTS talked to him, and responded to the finger guns by transforming into a shield. Of course, it was more of a shield-like blob since he didn't have the jellybean to actually turn into the shield. "Blob really seems to like you NiGHTS. So what's the deal, I haven't really seen you in any Sonic games, did you two meet at the tournament like Masaru and me? This isn't the guy you lost to right Sonic?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS giggles at Blob’s response, liking the spunk of the gooey being. After Bowie popped a question to the Jester, they waved him off, stifling a laugh.

“Oh ho, we ain’t strangers. Ol’ blue and I go waaaaay back.” NiGHTS twirled around Sonic. “First it started by watching his dreams like I do most visitors, but after I got involved with one of his dreams about a certain egg fellow, we really hit it off! Next thing you know, he’s invitin’ me to places, we even got so crazy that I won a hotel in a bet! I wonder how it’s doing...”

“Maaaaan that sounds like fun! Maybe I should get a hotel named after me too...” Masaru thought out loud. “The Hero’s Hotel! Rolls off the tongue don’t ya think?”


Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm was blown upward by the Egg Robo being destroyed, mostly protected by his metal suit, but taking some amount of damage in the process from the blast itself. Some of his jets were damaged, but not out of the game yet, and followed their leader up. From the speed of the velocity he was shot upwards, he flew past the lasers shot at him. Using the rockets to his advantage, Sturm let his jets destroy the rockets as they got close with their own, most likely blowing up the Interceptor as it tried to follow Sturm for its first punch. Sturm snapped his fingers, destroying all but two of his fighter jets, just so the last two could keep him in the air.

Using the remaining two fighter jets for support, Sturm flew straight toward Eggman and the Egg Cannon infront of him. However, Sturm had something else planned, a plan which he could finally take out this egghead with, should his robots be dumb enough to try and shoot Sturm out of the sky.. which, knowing robots, they most likely are. @Captain Pokémon
Metal looked down as his opponent fell down to the ground, making a crater. He vented then rolled his shoulders. He flew down to the ground and looked down at his opponent. He definitely had to try more in that fight than the others. He made a beep that sounded similar to a scoff. He walked up to his opponent and picked up the parasol that was next to him. He looked at it for a second, then snapped it in two with his knee, and threw it down to the streets below. He looked to the side and his opponent's bandanna was there. He fired a small ball of energy at it from his chest, reducing it to a crisp. He then flew into the portal leading back to the plaza. He was doing good so far. He looked at a nearby screen which was showing Eggman's battle. He wondered if his creator would win.
The Interceptor was hit by the edge of the explosions, but wasn't out of the fight. It flew beside Sturm and tried to punch him again. Eggman signaled the Egg Lancers and they deactivated their boosters, falling into the mega mack below. They were more suited for long range, this was a close range situation. Eggman pointed at Sturm and the Egg Cannon flew towards him at high speeds, drills out in front of it, trying to drill into him. Eggman summoned two more Egg Cannons to hover next to him just in case, and Eggman himself began flying backwards while pressing a button, the rocket launchers being replaced by miniguns, just in case he needed them.
Sonic chuckled at Bowie's question. "Nah, we're buddies." He said as NiGHTS twirled around him. He chuckled again as NiGHTS listed off things they had done. "Yep, me and this goof go way back." Sonic looked at Masaru and stifled a third chuckle. "Don't you think you're a little young to own a hotel?" He asked. "But hey, Tails is 8 and he can fly a plane, so anything's possible I guess." He pondered.
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Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm re-directed his Jets, then looped around the Interceptor in the last moments, moving behind it so it would punch a large tube of Mega Mack Sturm was guiding it to and most likely end up destroying itself. Sturm did the same with the approaching egg cannon to hopefully have its drills be stuck in the Interceptor and hopefully be melted, too.

Sturm zoomed with his jets at Eggman, snapping to assure all but his two jets were destroyed so he could place his next move perfectly. Sturm expected Eggman and his Egg Cannons would try to shoot him down, so Sturm prepared to guide his jets; He would fly in a spiral circle around the Egg Cannons and loop around to Eggman's back, summoning Battle Helicopters to surround Eggman from all sides, then use up his remaining slots to summon Bombers above and below Eggman;

Above to blow him up, and below to prevent him from escaping by dropping below the bullets that would be flying at Eggman from all directions. Should he be able to pull this off, Sturm would loop back around to the front to distract the Egg Cannons and bait them into attacking him. @Captain Pokémon
(Received permission from @DevVoid for this light autoing.)
The Interceptor tried to punch Sturm but ended up punching a tube of mega mack instead. It let out one more loud beep before being melted by the mega mack, along with the Egg Cannon, who couldn’t stop quickly enough to avoid the mega mack.

Eggman’s Egg Cannons fired their lasers at Sturm, but he swerved around them and set up a deliberate attack. Eggman thought fast and pressed a button, a saw on a chain dropping out below the Eggmobile, cutting right through the bomber below him, allowing him to quickly fly out below all the units, then quickly fly forwards to avoid the bombs. He was now below Sturm and took advantage of the situation and fired missiles at him from below, then quickly flew away just in case. At the same time, the Egg Cannons fired missiles of their own at Sturm. Eggman was now high above Sturm and then noticed the broken mega mack tube. That wasn’t good, he had to end this quickly. He summoned two Aero-Chasers next to him just in case.


Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm figured Eggman would've had something planned, remembering that saw from earlier, and flew along with his Jets, gathering all the missiles after him in one neat, big pack via multiple loops. His bombers went on to fly straight toward the Aero-Chasers, planning to grab their attention and possibly fly into them, giving all the eight battle helicopters to shoot at Eggman and his Aero-Chasers in relative safety with their own missiles. Keeping these three distracted, Sturm started flying in upward spirals behind Eggman, and had the Egghead been distracted enough with being assaulted with missiles, Sturm would end up flying past him from behind, before he would have his Battle Helicopters destroy all these missiles with their miniguns to hopefully both damage Eggman from the back with the chain of explosions, and to launch him right into the hail of bullets the Helicopters would remain firing after they would've destroyed the tracking rockets. @Captain Pokémon
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Previously Gamingfan2
Again, darts were flying at Kirby. The star warrior sighed, before rolling backwards, letting the darts land on the floor. Kirby jumped and puffed his body, slowing his decent as to let the bottom darts pass from below. With those out of the way, Kirby focused and thrusted the star rod, sending a stream of stars toward Gunvolt, hoping to pierce the flash field and get Gunvolt in the middle.


Previously Manu456Alola
With a stream of stars coming his way, Gunvolt didn't plan to stand still. He had a little bit of time before they came close, so he shot more Technos darts along the floor at Kirby before dash jumping above the stream, which was just moving horizontally at that moment. His Flashfield's electricity was now brighter, wanting to keep Kirby's attention on him. He used an Air Dash followed by an Air Jump to dodge the stream, managing to avoid it even when Kirby began to follow his movements with the stream. He was eventually on the opposite side of Kirby, recharging his EP again and hoping his Technos darts had gone unnoticed.
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Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt's darts didn't hit, and Kirby was on his Warp Star yet again. This move meant he could grab Luxcalibur again without any problems at all, which he quickly did. Larger stars were now headed his way, which he had a way to counter. He switched dart types to Vasuki, launching three purple darts into one of the stars headed towards him before moving out of the way to dodge it. The darts tagged the star briefly before jumping to the next one, then the next and so on until Kirby was their next closest target, flying towards him at high speed. Meanwhile Gunvolt kept avoiding the projectiles, while preparing an attack in case Kirby dodged.
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Eggman snapped his fingers and one of the Aero-Chasers flew in front of him and took the bullets. It fell down into the mega mack. Eggman saw Sturm spiraling up behind him. Fighter jets carrying a man in a metal suit were hard to miss or not hear, even with the bullets just now. Eggman quickly flew upwards, avoiding whatever the bombers were trying to do, and also made his other Aero-Chaser fly behind him. Good thing too, as it turned out Sturm had tried something sneaky. The robot took the edge of the blast for him, being damaged but not out, losing only about half of its health. Eggman pointed at Sturm and the two Egg Cannons who were still on the field flew at him with their drills out in front of them, but instead of ramming him head on, one suddenly swerved diagonally to fly in front of Sturm once it was close, hopefully blocking his path. The other swerved around behind Sturm and tried to ram him from behind. Eggman summoned another Egg Cannon next to him along with the Aero-Chaser. The Egg Cannon fired its laser to Sturm's left, while the Aero-Chaser fired at his right. They effectively covered all sides. Eggman himself also took out his laser from earlier just in case. He also kept flying upwards, as the mega mack continued to rise.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Johnny’s grip was stronger than the young prince imagined and next thing he knew, Dimitri was flung straight into Cage’s incoming attack. The blow sent Dimitri flying back and down to the ground, dropping his spear, with it sliding a fair distance away. Dimitri rolled into a slide, breaking the fall ever so slightly. Still Dimitri was in a hard disadvantage, and he needed to get back to his spear if he ever wanted a chance to win. It was on the other side of His opponet. Winning this would be nearly impossible. Still he had to try. He ran forward, running around Cage to hopefullY reach the spear before he got hit.

Shepard didn’t seem too fazed by the counter attack. ‘That armour must do wonders for him...’ Joker though to himself, as he watched his opponent move around the attacks and get closer. Joker just barely dodged the blade attack, it cutting his arm as he dodged out of the way and under the bullet’s trajectory. Now low to the ground, Joker shot his pistol up towards Shepard. “Arsene, Nocturnal Flash!” The Persona flew in quick between the two combatants, and quickly filled the area with a blinding light.



Previously Kid_Nukas
"Tails is only 8? I thought he was like at least 12. He's a genius! He's so fun to play as in the games, I wish he would get the spotlight some more. Not that I don't love playing as you sonic, Tails and Knuckles just have fun mechanics." Bowie looked up at the bracket to see it constantly changing with each fight that finished, the most recent one being the fight between someone named Bandana Dee and... Metal Sonic? Bowie guessed it would be too good to be true if Sonic was in this tournament and none of his enemies were. He just had to hope that Metal didn't end up getting his wish granted, not that he stood a chance against Masaru anyway.

"Well, I think Masaru and I should get going, the final matches are finishing up soon and we don't want to keep the hand guy waiting. Good luck in your battle NiGHTS, go show that Joker who's boss!" Bowie didn't know what exactly NiGHTS powers were, but if they were able to make it this far, they had to be pretty good. Hopefully, Masaru didn't end up fighting them, but if they did end up fighting, Bowie would cheer on Masaru all the way.

Bandana Dee
As Metal left the Arena, Bandana Dee felt all the wounds on his body start to heal. He lied where he was just a little longer, still upset with his loss. He realized he couldn't mourn over his loss forever, so he hopped up from his spot on the ground. He found his Bandana, put it back on, and walked out of the arena. He looked at the scoreboard to see that he had indeed been crossed off the list. That's when he saw that Kirby had also been in the tournament. He waited by the gate to the arenas, to see Kirby after his match, he needed a friend right now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS nodded their head, giving a gleeful wave to the triad of children and blob. “Yeah, gotta fight the guy that took out ol’ blue! Good luck to you guys!”

NiGHTS was stoked to fight Joker, the man that put up so much a fight that he beat Sonic. Finally someone who would be a real challenge. This was gonna be so much fun!

“Gotta go to my match, wanna come watch me?” They said to their blue friend.

Meanwhile, Masaru strutted over to the portal entrance, waiting for courier to show up. He remembered him from the image being a demon just by looking at him. Masaru huffed, crossing his arms.

“Leave it to a DEMON to keep us waiting, it’s almost like they are too scared to face someone as strong as me, hah! I must be sooo intimidating.”


Previously Deathstalker62
An Egg Cannon infront of him, one trying to drill into him from behind and two lasers approaching. Below was Mega Mack, so the only way was up. Sturm jumped up from his fighter jets, letting them be destroyed in the midst of the chaos, destroying his remaining units, which included his battle helicopters, and summoned two transport helicopters above him that he held on to and flew above, out of the danger.

Sturm couldn't however avoid the lasers in time, and his legs were hit by them. The Aero-Chasers laser didn't hurt much, but the Egg Cannon's laser definitely hurt more. Sturm clenched his teeth..? under his mask, putting his focus entirely on Eggman rather than the pain in his leg.

Setting up what hopefully would be the last trap, Sturm summoned Bombers in the general area above Eggman, which would hopefully make the scientist hover directly into the dropped missiles and end up dooming himself. @Captain Pokémon
Johnny kicked the spear out of the arena before Dimitri could pick it up. Now with Dimitri's weapon out of the way it was time to finish the match, Johnny began to have a red aura appear ,and just like that he used his red shadow kick. A red blazing trail was left behind as he used his kick. His intent was to yeet the boy right out of the arena.

~Commander John Shepard...~

As a bright flash went off, Shepard shot out a shockwave then followed up with a supernova. He couldn't tell if his attacks would land or not due to the flash ,but as soon as the flash wore off he'd be ready for what came next.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
With his spear even farther away now, he knew that there wasn’t much of chance left for him. ‘I’m sorry professor... I let you down...’ Dimitri thought to himself as he saw the strong kick rocket towards him, hitting him square in the chest and knocking his farther back and out of the arena. With that the match came to an end. The young prince stared up at the ceiling. He may be the next in line to be king. But he was still a student, and had much to learn. He let out a sigh and slowly got to his feet and grabbed his spear. “Thank you Mr. Cage, this was a learning experience. I’ll use this to better myself.”

With the light seemingly blinding Shepard, Joker used the opportunity to try and get in close, quickly grappling to the ceiling to get out range of his attacks. The blast of the supernova caused Joker to fumble, and the rope came lose from the ceiling. Using this new downward momentum, he swung his blade down towards Shepard, while Arsene, sticking close to Shepard swiped at The blinded soldier with his claws.
~Johnny Cage...~

After Dimitri was knocked out of the arena, Johnny looked over the edge to see if he was honest to goodness defeated. "Not bad kid" Johnny said. He popped his knuckles, "Likewise" Johnny said afterwards. Johnny began stretching his legs in preparation for part 3 of the tournament to begin.

~Commander John Shepard...~

After being stunned by the first attack, Shepard was hit a second time ,and knocked out of the arena. Within moments he was in the stands. It would appear Joker won this round. "Nice work there kid" Shepard said. Shepard took a seat and was now casually laying back ready to watch the remainder of the tournament...


Sly was laying there in the stands passed out asleep ,and with a slight snore. After a few minute nap he got up and looked around to notice the fights were mostly coming to a end for this round. "Huh..." Sly went as he saw several of the contenders beaten... Must have been out longer than I thought... I wonder of that weird glove hand thing is still around here watching the fights" Sly said looking around at the remainder of the contestants still fighting.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
After the fight had ended, Dimitri had found himself suddenly back in the stands, all the lingering pain now gone. He let out a sigh, and took a seat, ready to observe the final few matches, eager to soak up any knowledge that would help him back home.

Joker saw Shepard fly out the arena, letting out a relaxed breath, while Arsene disappeared. His opponent wasn’t as fast as the hedgehog, but his fire power and damage output was certainly up there. Two distinctly different fighters, each giving Joker a bit more insight. He’d need to be prepared for whatever came next.


Previously Manu456Alola
(Permission to auto Kirby given by @Shen: King of the Mist)

The purple darts that were bouncing from star to star eventually made their way to Kirby's Warp Star, Gunvolt's Flashfield shooting out electricity at it once it was successfully tagged. The pink puffball's vehicle was destroyed, and now he was falling towards the ground again. Gunvolt was a bit further away than he wanted to, but he didn't need to get close to finish this off. He pointed Luxcalibur at his opponent, before yelling "Launch!". Suddenly, the massive weapon shot out towards Kirby at high speeds, which would hit Kirby if both kept going as they were. The Star Warrior tried to shoot stars at Luxcalibur to throw it off course, but the weapon plowed through them and went through Kirby as well, finishing the match.

Gunvolt walked through the rift as soon as it was open, wanting to take a breather before his next match. He had secured his spot in the quarterfinals, so he deserved a little break. He was surprised to see Kirby hadn't been sent back to his universe, but instead back to the plaza. "Good fight there, it was pretty close." He told the puffball, who simply gave him a "poyo" back.

"GV, look over there!" Joule exclaimed, Gunvolt somehow knowing where to look. There was another puffball in this tournament? Wearing a bandana, no less! He seemed kind of down, though... Kirby seemed to know him though, waving at the other puffball with a smile. Gunvolt still had some time before his next match, might as well chat a bit while he had the chance.
Eggman grinned as his opponent was hit by the lasers, but frowned as he survived. He started to press another button, then heard something beside him. A bomb exploded. "What?!" He said, and began to be hit by more bombs. He panicked and began to fly away, but then one of his thrusters was destroyed by a bomb. He was barely in the air now, the engine sputtering. The eggmobile was severely damaged and Eggman couldn't stay in the air much longer. He looked up at Sturm and his eyebrows (Not really eyebrows but you know how his face is animated.) rose. "Ah! I yield!" He said, knowing he couldn't win now.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Master hand suddenly emerged from a rift that had opened for the gloved host. A bit of perspiration on him from his long fight with Terrarian’s hell spawn, he gave a long sigh. Never inviting HIM again...

Seeing as the remaining fights had been tidied away, Master hand snapped his fingers, updating the Remaining board.

“Welcome to the Quartfinals! I hope you are all rested up and ready, ‘Cause here we go!”



Masaru looked at the new board In boredom. He had been waiting way too long for this guy to show up, how long was he gonna keep him waiting?? Just as he thought he couldn’t be any more bored, Courier showed his face.

“About time! I’ve been waiting here for a bajillion years!” The boy stomped. “You. Me. FIGHT! I’m gonna kill you, Demon!”


NiGHTS floated over to Joker, giving him a wave now that the quarterfinals had arrives.

“So you bested Ol’ blue, eh? The hand in the sky says your my next matchup, and I have to admit, I’m super excited! Are we ready to duel?!”

They were brimming with positivity despite the fact that this implied the Nightmaren would be brutally fighting with their foe.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Dee was just contemplating his loss in the last match when he heard the familiar "poyo" to his right, he turned and saw his best friend waving for him to come over. Bandana Dee ran over and tackled Kirby in a hug. "Kirby! You're just in time, I really needed a friend. I was trying to get us a years supply of cake to share with the wish, but I accidentally angered my duck friend, and this Blue Metal Hedgehog beat me in the last match, how'd your match go?" Just then, Master Hand announced the quarter-finals, and Dee saw Gunvolt move up instead of his friend.

"Oh, so I guess you didn't win either then. Well... that's fine, there's always next time. Plus now we have more time to just be with each other." Then Bandana Dee waddled over to the tall striking figure with the bright blonde hair. "So you're the one that beat Kirby? That's no easy feat, trust me. He is the strongest person throughout all of Planet Popstar after all. Anyway, it's nice to meet you Mr... Volt?" Dee always wanted to try and make friends, and seeing as this guy was kind enough to stick by Kirby despite their most recent duel, Dee figured he couldn't be too bad. He reached out his arm... nub in an attempt to shake the guy's hand.


Previously Manu456Alola
"Uh, you can call me GV. Mr. Volt is fine though." Gunvolt replied, chuckling a bit at how formally he was being addressed by the orange puffball. Unlike Kirby, Dee seemed capable of speaking English, not the usual poyos from the former. How's he talking, though? He doesn't seem to have a mouth. Is it telepathy or something? He wondered as he accepted Dee's nubshake, crouching to grab his nub. "Bandana Dee, right? Looks like the two of you are close friends." He said, before looking over at Master Hand's quarterfinals announcement. His opponent's name moved up next to his own...

Sturm. Gunvolt had had the time to watch his match during Round One, and he knew he had a lot of troops at his disposal. A commander of sorts, dictating armies to do his bidding. Wouldn't be easy to take him down, but at least he'd know what to expect.