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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier waved off the glass of wine, instead opting for his own specialty; a glowing bottle of Nuka Quantum. The Courier carefully listened to Specter's Arguments and had removed his helmet, holding it between his left arm and shoulder, removing the cap of the bottle with his left hand and taking a sip from the severely unhealthy, yet very delicious drink.

[ No, but thank you for the offer. Back to the topic at hand though.. that mindset is how it starts, you know. Not to insult you or your species, but that thinking is very much what starts the doomsday clock. You see, in a villain's story, they see themselves as the hero. Something they consider to be superior, comparable to you and your species, will inspire them to do something that they will see as the greater good. Yet, as they will discover, it is not. See, here's the thing.. Any being can go crazy with power. This is not just limited to humans. Give anything enough intellect and sentience, and it will try to either gain revenge to those who have wronged it or try to stand atop the food chain by any means necessary.. or both. ]

The Courier drank their nuka-cola quantum, as a pause, before continuing.

[ Scientifically speaking, Humans even descended from Apes. We were once simians, like you. We used to have tails, used to travel in packs, used to have our own signs and body language and sometimes tools from nature around us to do a variety of things with. Given enough time however, we evolved enough to be smart. And, you just aswell as I, know what a smart being, nevermind a human, is capable of doing given enough time. ]

The Courier continued drinking, pausing before finishing his counter argument.

[ I know it's impossible to convince you to spare the humans. But, don't you see the problem in swapping places with the humans? In enslaving and torturing them instead? This will just create an endless cycle of humans fighting back, reclaiming their place, simians fighting back, so on and so forth. At the very least, try to work with them. Give them a reason not to fight back. And no, not with punishment, because that'll just make their rebellion thrive even more. Your people will already be standing at the top, controlling over the humans, keeping them in check but not being too unfair and cruel either. After all, how can you call yourself a hero, when, with the path you're taking, you will inevitably live long enough to see yourself become the villain? ] @Shen: King of the Mist
M. Bison grunted, that bat would be a pain if he ever tried to get close again and it allowed the kid to use projectiles. Not to mention it hurt his feet. "You want to see a demon? Then a demon you will get! Psycho Power!" Purple swirls of Psycho Power erupted from the ground and surrounded the dictator for a second before he disappeared in thin air, avoiding the baseball and appearing not too far from Masaru. "Heel!" He shouted as a large explosion of Psycho Power was released from his hand halfway during a punch, hoping to damage the kid and knock him down. "Inferno!" Two pillars of Psycho Power were about to erupt from the ground, one in front of Bison and under Masaru whilst the second one was behind the Psycho Power user. His V-Trigger was a large increase in power, but it came at a cost being used so late in the match. Bison could feel his body beginning to protest against the usage of Psycho Power, it always started like this. A tension in his shoulder muscles that would gradually get more painful over time until the curtains fell for the dictator. He'd be damned if he'd die to a kid though, and he'd take him down with him if that was the case. @Shen: King of the Mist
“Woah!” Eggman said. He thought fast and activated the turbo boosters on the back of his Eggmobile, and quickly flew up high, his Egg Cannons followed, and the black hole passed harmlessly, due to it still being very small because it didn’t suck up anything. Eggman saw a nearby tube of boiling hot mega mack above Sturm and ordered his Egg Cannons to shoot their lasers at it. They did, and the tube burst open, causing the mega mack to burst out and come crashing down to Sturm and his minions. Once it reached the floor, it just melted through the floor and joined the mega mack beneath it. At the same time, Eggman ordered his Egg Cannons to shoot homing missiles at Sturm, and they all did in sync.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Masaru had the wind punched out of him, a few strands of blood escaping his lips as he tumbled back from Master Bison’s attack. The taste wasn’t a foreign one to him, and neither was the pain. Slowly getting up, he glared directly into the eyes of his attacker, wiping some blood off of his chin.

“And you show your colors... So I’ll slay you here, right here, right now!”

Suddenly, the A.I. Controlled drill from Mark Guyver shot out from the ground right in front Masaru, the shield plate on the wrist of the drill emerging right where he stood, lifting him just enough to leap off safely from the second stage attack that he saw charging up on the ground.

Landing on a knee, Masaru watched as the drill ran right into the second beam, the metal beginning to deform and warp, the Internals fusing. So now the Drill was obstructed from view of bison, as it would shoot through the rest of the beam, covered in his own energy and stab him right there with a devastating pierce!

Right then, Bison’s cape fluttered down from above, Masaru grabbing it with an open hand, draping if across his shoulders, giving the appearance of that of a Bancho.


Specter gave a sip of his wine as he listened to the Courier’s arguments, intrigued by the points they had brought up. Crossing his legs, he gave a subtle head nod.

“Not bad logic and reasoning skills. I at first had this same thought as you. I tried to end things peacefully, but no matter what end result I tried, humanity would never be satisfied being on equal standards to that of another primate. Humanity’s persecution is not to be underestimated, my kind would never be safe.”

Shaking his head at the thought of his attempts, Specter continued.

“I’ve even tried to make solutions, to simply make humanity lethargic for a time, so they could become more accustom to us being around, but that hardly worked. Diplomacy failed to be taken seriously, and everyone demanded that my helmet be removed and that I should go back into a zoo. Humanity could not be reasoned with.”

Specter whirled around the red fluid in the wine, poking at his own reflection and the shine that came from his helmet.

“So then we would equip helmets to every simian we could, granting them the right to choose and the will to be who they wanted, and not be trapped in some cage. And if humanity doesn’t want to know peace, and wants our rights, our very intelligence revoked, then I say we have the right as living creatures to retaliate in kind. What would you do oh Courier, if your very right to think was an affront to your superiors?”
"You only just realised? I am mean, I am evil, I am Master Bison! Ruler of the world!" M. Bison reared his head back in laughter, revelling in the resentment that Masaru had for him. "You are nothing compared to my- GHK!" Mark Guyver's drill managed to pierce through the Psycho Inferno and Bison's chest, causing the evil dictator to cough up blood and fall backwards into the Psycho Inferno. As the purple flames died out, all that was left of Bison was his lower body, the rest has been burned to an unrecognizable state. Even his teeth were no longer perfect white, instead they were covered in soot. The Hero Bot's last valiant effort to strike down evil had succeeded, light having persevered in the oppressing force of darkness. This was the end of the story, right? Mark Guyver had struck down the biggest demon of them all, Bison was no more and Masaru had a memento to remind him what he was fighting against. All was as it should be.
...Or was it?

Bison's corpse started to shimmer in a purple light as something, no, someone stood up out of the dictator's body. By all accounts, it seemed like Bison had been ressurrected, if not for his pale purple color. Phantom Bison pointed at Masaru, his voice now having an echo to it. "You fool, you can never kill me! Try as you wish, M. Bison will be reborn from the grave until the end of time! You will bow to me, everyone will! When you are asleep, I will haunt you in your nightmares! You will never be freed from me and once you are an adult, when you least expect it, I will end you once and for all! Take that cape, insect, and let it be a reminder of what you saw today. Remember that a child like you only has two futures in store for itself. They either die a hero,or they live long enough to become a villian and once you become that villian, you will think of me." @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru pumped his fist in the air as Bison was defeated, a rift opening up on the other side of the field. He had just won! Surprised that move worked, Masaru let out an elated laughter, the Killasseum reverting to second-to-last destination. Right as he turned to leave, Bison’s spirit spoke from beyond the grave.

“...Take that cape, insect, and let it be a reminder of what you saw today. Remember that a child like you only has two futures in store for itself. They either die a hero,or they live long enough to become a villian and once you become that villian, you will think of me."

Masaru, surprised by the sudden ghost, grasped his newly found cape, thinking hard about those words. Flashing back to Bison’s disembodied spirit.

“...Then I’ll just have to die a Hero!”

taking the cape of and letting the wind carry the cape off into the pits below, the stage, he held his bad behind his head, turning his back to Bison. He meant those words. Every last one of them. Walking out, his and Bison’s wounds had begun to heal, the roster updating after this event.
Phantom Bison crossed his arms. "Hmph. Very well, it saves me the trouble of having to send my men after you." Returning to his body that was now drill-less, the dictator got up and was about to leave, but he cast a quick glance at Masaru and grinned. Shadaloo's dental plan showed as the grin was pure white again as Bison spoke. "I sensed the darkness in you during our fight, runt. You and I might not be so different after all, but will you go down the same path as me?" Chuckling to himself about the curious case that was Masaru Daimon, the boss of Shadaloo left the arena and left the lobby as well, not looking back. He had more important matters to attend to.


"Tell me. Who had the idea to take charge whilst I was gone?" The room was filled with cold, seething anger and fear as a boxer raised his hand. It was Balrog, Bison's dumb muscle and the worst possible leader out of the Four Kings.

"I did, Boss. I am the strongest here and I thought -" Balrog suddenly was lifted into the air as Bison had raised his hand, using Psycho Power on his henchman.

"And what is thinking, Balrog? I'll tell you. NOT YOUR JOB!" M. Bison blasted Balrog with Psycho Power into a wall, causing the boxer to slump forward defeated. "We lost one hundred million dollars! All because of you! Next time, put Vega in charge or anyone else with the most basal form of common sense! Your pay will be docked Balrog, now get out! All of you! I need to fix the mess that you three made!" Balrog, Vega and F.A.N.G. all left the room in a hurry, causing the dictator to sigh. Why did he still keep that oaf around, or allow him to do anything other than beating up people? Now he had to fix the finances and track down Ryu. If more kids like Masaru existed, he needed a more powerful body and the Satsui no Hado. Picking up the files on Ryu, he stepped over the files of a burly Russian man and a man turned beast in the Brazillian Amazon. Zangief and Blanka.


Previously Deathstalker62
[ See, there's your problem. Let me tell you a little bit of humanity's history that I've managed to find in a preserved pre-war history book.. Your simians aren't the only beings that have been shunned and enslaved by Humanity. You see, way back when, in the early 1500's even, humans of different skin colour and even some of the same skin colour were treated just like your species. It was absolute cruelty. They treated them like slaves, not even giving them basic human rights or breaks. That was back then. Many Centuries had gone by when all this mistreatment of the differently-skin coloured was starting to be reduced, and people came to slowly accept them. They started to partially let them live in society, but would not share the same resource with them, always creating a seperate side, or a seperate resource, such as a drinking fountain. Add a few more centuries, and this segregation of 'races' started to come to a halt. Even in the coming 2000's, there were still plenty of cases of bias and stereotypes, such as the differently coloured often being linked to being criminals, or having a higher mortality rate from local law enforcement. However, they were not being as mistreated as they were back then. ]

The Courier paused to drink from his nuka cola, then continued.

[ Do you see my point? Change does not just arrive from today to tomorrow. Change takes years, even multiple centuries. You can't make humans accept simians in one year. It will take many hundred years, most likely, for humans to even adapt to them. It is a long time span, but if it worked for humans of different colour, what are the odds it will won't work for the simians? ]

The Courier took another drink, to let Specter think about this before finishing.

[ Science 80 ] [ Besides, look at your own tech. You have a headwear that makes simians, and most likely other animals, sentient. You have a hovering multi-purpose throne. What gives you can't build a rocket ship and inhabit a different planet? The cosmos is vast, friend. There's still so much space that humanity hasn't found, which you can colonize. I'm sure of it. ] @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm had tried to get away from the hot mega muck in time, and while it did not touch his metal/robotic suit, it singed and burned his cloak. Sturm halted to look back at the trail of burned cloth that the mega mack created. Sighing, Sturm grabbed his cloak and threw it off, the cloak slowly falling down towards the mega mack. This revealed Sturm's entire body, which was just a heavy-looking, dense mechanical suit of strange red metal. Sturm had said nothing, and just began marching toward Eggman, walking on the air via summoning Jet Fighters to use as stepping stones, then making them self-destruct when he wasn't using them anymore. Whatever the Doctor tried to throw at Sturm next, he would be ready. @Captain Pokémon


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie rushed out to catch up to Masaru once the fight was over, followed closely behind by Blob. When he saw him, he just about tackled the self-proclaimed hero out of excitement. "MASARU! Oh my god, you were so cool out there. You really showed that gu - I'm sorry, demon - what for. I know I haven't been very receptive to the whole adults are demons cause, but that guy seemed was a demon inside and out, and you were so cool taking him down. That's a hero if I ever saw one."

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was happy he had started spinning his spear earlier, as he was right that Metal was going to try another attack after. He flew up to try and avoid the laser as it was shot, but was surprised to see it follow his vertical movement. He tried to dodge to the side, but his foot got burned in the process. That was gonna really bite him in the butt later, but right now he was in the air. Once out of the line of fire, he flew over to wear metal was, aiming to hit him with the helicoptering spear.
Metal needed to vent for a second after using the laser, which ended up biting him in his metallic back. He was hit in the shoulder by the blunt end of the spear, but took it like a champ. Right after the hit he finished venting and now that they were in close quarters he decided to use one of his most iconic moves: The V.Maximum Overdrive attack. He quickly surged forward while covered in orange energy, doing powerful damage and being very difficult to avoid due to the close proximity of the attack.
Eggman grinned and gave his Egg Cannons a hand signal. They made a wall around the two by surrounding them at all sides, while also covering the area above them with their arms, and the area beneath them with their legs, leaving the two of them confined in a box that was about the size of an average bathroom. Eggman pressed a button and two previously hidden hatches on the Eggmobile opened and two large mechanical arms popped out. (For looks refer to the Big Arm boss fight from Sonic Generations on the 3DS) He pounded the fists together and charged at Sturm, attempting to ground him with the arms. If the grab was successful, he would throw Sturm into the ground/Egg Cannons’ feet with great force, doing brutal damage. If the grab wasn’t successful, he would quickly attempt to punch Sturm with one of the arms, doing strong damage.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru walked out of the gate, but as he did so, a familiar spectral voice followed him.

"I sensed the darkness in you during our fight, runt. You and I might not be so different after all, but will you go down the same path as me?"

This eerie response made a bead of sweat drip Masaru’s cheek, souring the taste of victory a bit. As he was about to think about the long rabbit hole that he could mean, Bowie came around and tackled him with a hug.


Bowie was excited, a happy smile on his face as he explained how great of a match it was and how great he did in the match. Masaru felt a bubbly feeling in his stomach and his face turned a slightly redder shape. This was the first time he was praised to this level so genuinely, and not because he told people to. It was...different. Masaru couldn’t help but flash him a toothy grin, propping his baseball bat up like a walking stick.

“You really think so? Did I look cool?? W-Well! A hero is only as good as the people they are protecting after all...hehehe.”


“Hmm...interesting comparison you string. But it is not that simple. We would have our intelligence removed and prevented from even having the chance to go through the hardship for equal treatment. Don’t you see? Our ideals would be quashed before they could even set root.”

That’s when Specter pressed a button on his arm chair, projecting a hologram of a Two shaped ship, armed and measuring over 2,300 meters.

“This is a SARU-8 Destroyer. I have several dozen of them. I had entertained about looking to other worlds for colonization. And it’s currently what I was working on before I had arrived. The only issues is many of my kind don’t want to leave the home world. But alas, it is a solution. The stars is where the future lies.”

Deactivating the hologram, Specter whipped his hair back.

“Now... Might I as you a question now? Just one. Well you see to it that the new world you bring in will be of one of tranquility, one to ALL life forms?”


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier finished his Nuka Quantum, hiding the bottle back in his pip-boy inventory and putting his Ranger Veteran Helmet back on before answering.

[ Naturally. Knowing the ravaged wastelands and its current hopelessness for a rebuilt society, I do not simply plan on wishing the war back. I wish on gaining the power to achieve these goals. Cruelty will be a near to non-existant factor. No longer will beings be killed for fun, that crimes will not go unpunished and that being will be treated equally to create the perfect balance. I will lead on the new hope for Earth, and hope to unite all to my cause. ]

The Courier looked to the gateway, then back to Specter.

[ Now then, I would love to chat more, but I do believe that giant hand entity will start to be annoyed if we take up one of his arenas with idle chit chat ]

The Courier chuckled, walking to the gateway, but not going through it.
[ Let us part ways, and hope our equal goal of achieving peace will work out to their best extend. ]
@Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm laughed as Eggman had gotten out mechanical arms from the sides of his vehicle and tried to go for a grab with them. Sturm summoned four Bombers below him as he jumped into the air. Sturm would jump off of the Bombers, using them as platforms to boost himself higher into the air, leaving the robot hands to crush the Bombers instead. Snapping his fingers, Sturm seemingly summoned only two fighter jets to stand on, taunting Eggman by continuing to laugh like an evil dictator, unintentionally letting himself be hit by the incoming punch and acting suprised, not expecting such a mighty blow. Sturm was slammed against one of the Egg Cannon's legs, but luckily the Fighter Jets managed to catch up with him and keep him in the air before he could fall. @Captain Pokémon
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was satisfied with the hit knocking away Metal, and quickly moon dropped before Metal could respond, at least that was his plan. Just before he rocketed downward, he saw a bright orange light out of the corner of his eye. He fell just fast enough to get out of the way, but the wind blew his signature blue bandana off of his head. He had trained long and hard in order to become strong enough to be King Dee Dee Dee's right hand Waddle Dee, and Kirby's best friend. Without the bandana, all he was was just a regular waddle dee with a spear. It's like his entire identity was gone. No, Dee had worked this hard to get to where he was on his own. It wasn't some Bandana that gave him everything he hoped for, it was his hard work. Dee would not be discouraged just because his accessory was blown off his head. He was ready to stand tall despite his lack of headgear.

This remarkable revelation was cut short when he was painfully reminded of the foot injury he had received earlier. He could still stand on it if necessary, but it definitely hurt when he did. He stood on his left foot and balanced himself, using his spear as a crutch. He would have to rely mostly on his air mobility in this fight, which wouldn't be too much of a problem. He waited, making it seem like he was almost helpless on the ground in order to trick Metal into coming in close.

"Are you kidding? You were the COOLEST! The way you just came at him with nothing but your baseball bat. That takes a TON of bravery and courage, it was inspiring. Even though you didn't have Mark Guyver, you still gave it your all. Blob can agree, he was cheering you on the whole time isn't that right Blob?" Blob transformed into a baseball bat, trying to mimic Masaru's, as he jumped into Bowie's hands. Bowie then made a motion as if he was trying to go for a home run. This was mostly to show how excited the two were over the awesome battle they got to witness.
Eggman grinned as his opponent was hit by the punch. He ignored the bombers, Sturm couldn’t use them to attack anyway unless he wanted to blow himself up as well. Eggman went for a 3 hit combo, getting close to Sturm, then throwing a left hook, a right hook, then a mighty uppercut to finish, each individual attack doing strong damage and being absolutely brutal if the whole combo succeeded. After the combo finished, Eggman quickly backed up and prepared for what Sturm had in store.
Metal didn’t skip a beat. He deactivated the attack and vented for a moment, then made a spear appear in his hand and threw 8 down at Dee in rapid succession, throwing each spear at Dee’s current location at the time thrown, even if he started moving. After he was finished, he quickly flew down to Dee and used a homing attack.
Sonic had been watching a match on a tv screen at the snack shack, said battle having just concluded. “What a good match.” Sonic said before gobbling up the rest of his current chili dog. He looked around and saw the victor from the match he had watched previously, along with another boy who looked the same age. He quickly abandoned the snack shack and dashed over to the two. He looked at the red haired boy. “Hey! I’m Sonic!” He said casually. “Your match just now was great, you did good.” He said. He wondered if this kid would just go nuts at the sight of him, he didn’t seem to like anyone else besides himself and the boy he was talking to. He spun a ring around his finger, waiting for a response of some sort.
@Shen: King of the Mist @Nukas
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Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm continued laughing as his fighters moved to the side, dropping him below, out of reach of the mechanical arms, before catching back up and giving him something to stand on again. It seems Eggman didn't notice the trap Sturm set. Finally, Sturm went silent and watched Eggman, just staring at him.

When it seemed like Sturm had only summoned two fighter jets to support himself, he had actually summoned four troops, only making two obvious, those being the Fighter Jets. The hidden remaining troops were both hiding within Eggman's Eggmobile, pressing themselves against the backside of the mobile as to not make contact with Eggman. Two Infantries were those hidden troops. The Infantries aimed their rifles at Eggman's vital areas and pulled the trigger, holding it down.

@Captain Pokémon
One of the Egg Cannons, who were watching the battle, saw the infantries behind Eggman. It quickly flew off, using its rocket boosters to shake up the entire box, causing Eggman to stumble and fall inside his Eggmobile, narrowly missing the bullets. “Woah! What the?!” Eggman said in surprise. He avoided mostly everything but get hit in the upper arm by a bullet, nothing major but it still really stung. The bullets kept firing and making holes in the cockpit window, so he kept ducking. “You sneaky little-!” He said before signaling to the remaining Egg Cannons to fly away, breaking the rest of the box, causing anything that wasn’t flying to fall down to the ground. He kept ducking in the process though. Eggman then flew up high into the air, stopped ducking once he was safe, and observed his surroundings. He pressed the same button he had before and the arms went back into the Eggmobile. He thought to himself, then got an idea. He signaled his Egg Cannons and they flew towards wherever Sturm was currently while in flying form to drill through him and his troops, all except for one, which stayed with Eggman to protect him. Eggman knew this most likely wouldn’t work, so at the same time, he ordered the Egg Cannon that was next to him to start shooting at the floor with its laser, and it did just that. The floor broke wherever the laser touched, and the Egg Cannon kept doing this until the entire floor was destroyed, allowing nothing to be on then ground unless they wanted to give the Mega Mack a big hug. Eggman grinned, Sturm himself didn’t have very good aerial mobility, and a majority of his minions relied on solid ground, which gave Eggman an advantage, as a lot of his robots could fly.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Aww, it wasn’t much. I was just doing what any good hero would do, honest. That demon didn’t know what hit ‘em!”

Giving the motion for punching, the red haired boy was now reenergized with confidence. Masaru chuckled at the Blob as it transformed into a bat and played ball.

“Is that right Li’l’ guy? I’m just glad your in my corner!”

He’d lift his weapon of choice to tap bats with slime like creature, winking as he did so. That is when a blue blur decided to drop in to pay the trio a visit. Masaru was caught off guard, readying his bat defensively, until he realized this blue thing was being friendly. The way they talked...it sounded like they were an about-to-be. His suspicion rose before Sonic complemented his match. He was watching? Since he was cheering for him over the demon, that gave Masaru a sense of comfort with him.

“Yeah! That demon had it coming! Talking to me me like that. You got a good eye, blue guy! So wait. Like, who are you?”

He just realized he didn’t know exactly who or what he was talking to. He also didn’t expect he’d be taking to someone smaller than him other than Blob.


Specter thought about this long and hard, closing his eyes and giving a smirk. Something was different about his demeanor now. It was...soothed? Floating near the gateway, he went side to side with Courier, not looking at him.

“If your mouth speaks the truth, then I have nothing to fear. I trust you to make the right choice. For everyone. I believe in strength of your ideals, human.”

With that, Specter floated back into the plaza, away from the battle zone. Looking up and seeing his name dim, he didn’t seem to mind. It would appear that in the end I have to rely on a human to make my dream a reality. In a sense. Heh, how ironic fate can be.
~Johnny Cage...~

As Johnny Cage finished his match he now began looking around for his next opponent. That last match against that ninja wasn't easy ,but then again, ninjas never go down easy. Johnny remembered his times fighting scorpion, zubzero ,and noob saibot. Johnny was now hoping his next opponent didn't have shurikens cause if he did, Johnny was just gonna leap out of the arena. In no way shape or form did he wanna dodge anothe fan of shuriken nor deflect another precise kunai. Though to be fair, Johnny knew exactly what he was in for when he decided to participate in the tournament so it wasn't a big deal. Johnny began looking for his opponent.

~Commander John Shepard...~

Commander John Shepard was still confused from the fight with Tabby. It was weird fighting such a strange creature ,and what was more strange was the fact that it used a katana, Shepard could only think of one person when he imagined the katana ,but Tabby didn't seem evil like the person Shepard had in mind. He now began looking for his opponent.

~Sly Cooper...~

sat in the stands watching ,and wait. His fighting was over, Sly felt like the real winner. He got to sit back ,and watch the other competitors fight. "Time to relax ,and enjoy the fights. Man... Look at that fight over there.... Poor kid having to fight that weird man over there... what is that guy? A sadist? Hitting kids man..." Sly thought to himself.
Sonic held up his hands as the boy rose up the bat, feigning fear even though he could probably take him. “Chill dude.” He said, lowering his hands once the boy put his bat away. “I know you’re not a fan of adults, but don’t worry, I’m just 15. No adults here.” He said casually, hoping that info would make the boy trust him more. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot, looking up at Masaru. “Didn’t I tell you my name’s Sonic? Sonic the hedgehog, fastest thing alive!” He said while grinning. “What’s your name, redhead?” Sonic asked casually with his signature sassy but friendly attitude.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Kid_Nukas
WOAH WOAH WOAH, hold the phone. You're Sonic the Hedgehog – THE Sonic the Hedgehog? Like the chili dog-loving, water-hating, Blue hedgehog that battles the evil Dr. Eggman? THAT Sonic the hedgehog? I'm a huge fan! I've played all your video games, and watched the new movie that just released, it was AWESOME! All my friends told me I was delusional for thinking you were real, well jokes on them." Bowie got way too busy fangirling over the blue hedgehog, meanwhile, Blob just stared at him confused and slightly concerned.

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee summoned another spear to deflect Metal's spears, albeit his mobility was decreased since he was now leaning on a spear for support. As a result of this, he got grazed by three of the eight spears. Not a great ratio, but one he would have to accept. However, he was watching Metal, and as soon as the robot came in close for a homing attack, Bandana Dee swung the spear hard acting almost as if it were a baseball bat hitting a baseball. In the follow-through of the swing, the force caused Dee to set down his left foot, causing a sharp pain to course through him. He'd have to take to the skies soon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Okay he IS an about-to-be. At least he seems pretty chill though, almost like he is a kid. He snapped out of his own thoughts when he was asked a question.

“Name’s Masaru Daimon, and I’m the Hero and Leader of the Warriors of hope-“

He was suddenly interrupted by squealing next to him. Bowie has erupted into fangirl mode, spouting off many facts about him to the point where Masaru thought he’d bring out a body pillow.

“Uhhh...you know this guy?” Masaru spoke up, surprised about this sudden outburst from Bowie. “I never heard of him before.”
Sonic began to nod as Masaru introduced himself, but his nod, along with Masaru’s sentence, was interrupted by the kid next to the redhead.
Sonic grinned and nodded along with Bowie. “Yep, that’s me!” He said, enjoying the ego boost considering he just lost a fight. He wasn’t sure how the boy knew all this stuff, but he decided to go along with it. It probably involved some multiverse-shenanigans like everything in this tournament.
His guess was confirmed when the boy mentioned games and a movie. Huh, guess I’m some sort of famous gaming icon in his world. I guess I do fit the role perfectly. He thought to himself. He gave the boy a thumbs up. “Well now when we all go back home, you can tell your friends that I am real, and laugh at them instead.” He said while grinning. “What’s your name, buddy?” Sonic asked the boy.
Metal quickly exit ball form when Dee swung the spear. He threw up his arms and grabbed the spear while it was still swinging, then leapt off of it to get behind Dee, before attempting to stab him in the back with his claws. He needed to be efficient, not flashy.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"I'm Bowie, and this is my best friend, Blob and you've already introduced yourself to another good friend of mine, Masaru. So where's Tails and Knuckles? Are they in the tournament too? That would be so cool! Tails is absolutely awesome after all. I only wish I were as smart as he is." Bowie started to calm down from his fangirl fueled burst... until he heard Masaru's question. "NO, you cannot tell me they don't even have SONIC on your world? UGH, that's it, you better win this thing so that you can come to my world and play a ton of sonic games. They are so cool after all, and you just met the famous gaming icon himself!"

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was surprised at Metal's sudden change in attack plan, but it didn't put him in the worst spot ever. Since he was originally aiming to hit Metal with the blunt end of his spear, he jabbed his spear backward as soon as Metal was behind him. This didn't stop him from feeling the claws start to go into his back, but the more damage Metal did to Dee, the more damage he did to Metal.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
So what Masaru was gathering was that Sonic had missing body parts Tails that helped him think, and extra knuckles. And they weren’t in the tournament because they helped sonic somehow. He peeked over just to make sure sonic didn’t have a hidden tail of some kind. That’s when he snapped out of his daze, Bowie roping him in to his sonic obsession.

“Hey, I’m sure you can show me whatever you want when I win this whole thing, eh?” He said with a sweat drop on his forehead. “Woah woah wait, your saying he’s actually from a video game? If that’s true, how’s he walking around and stuff? Was it recorded live action or something? I’m kinda confused here...”
Metal saw the spear coming and quickly moved to the side to avoid it, most likely giving Dee a nasty scratch due to his claws already starting to dig in before he moved. He narrowly avoided the spear, then he flew upwards into the air, then beckoned Dee with a taunting hand wave, as if saying “come on, bring it.“
“Nice to meet ya, Bowie. You too Blob.” Sonic said, then chuckled. “I wish, but no. They’re still back home. Someone has to defend the place while I’m gone, right?” He said, answering the question about Tails and Knuckles. Sonic looked at Masaru and shrugged. “I don’t really know how that works either pal, but that hand guy really seems to like to mess with the multiverse, so I’m guessing it involves that.”


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked up in surprise as Gunvolt let him land the hit. Gunvolt started to chant, which was a big uh-oh. Kirby needed distance. Once again, he extended his spike, shoving it a little deeper but ultimately sending him backwards. He dropped his ability, just barely evading the electric field that covered Gunvolt. Kirby landed on the floor, inhaling the ability star he...uh...expelled, and shooting it at one of the spheres, causing it to to explode.

Marshadow was surprised when NiGHTS didn't changed directions at all. His palm at the ready, Marshadow used his other arm to summon another Spectral Thief from below. The shadows rose below NiGHTS and Marshadow launched his palm at them.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt winced slightly at the spikes extending further into him, getting past the armor and getting lodged at about the surface of his skin. He'd faced worse, though, so he'd be fine. He watched Kirby dodge and even destroy one of Astrasphere's electric spheres, but he had an idea. Instead of letting the move end or use its Mandala version, he decided to launch the entire Skill at Kirby, the electric field and the two remaining spheres heading straight for him. Whether that attack succeeded or not, the electric field would disappear after a few seconds of making contact, making the spheres spiral faster and outwards, which would give Gunvolt a good chance of still landing a hit.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS’s drill slammed into Marshadow’s force palm, the forces countering themselves. However, NiGHTS didn’t expect the the sudden Shadow attack from below, delivering a powerful uppercut on the Jester, breaking off one of their Back horns along with cracking their chest and chin. While NiGHTS was damaged heavily, Marshadow was none the wiser to NiGHTS’s previous attack.


The trail of sparkles connected with each other, forming a powerful paraloop attack. Marshadow was right in the line of the sparkles, meaning they were in the loop. It gave of an instant amount of powerful crushing force, NiGHTS’s strongest attack landing successfully.

NiGHTS felt some of the damage from their foe’s attack, watching their horn hit the ground and shatter like a ceramic pot.

“Oi, that was a solid shot...though it looks like your not afraid to fight dirty.”


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby backed up, nervous. His warp star was summoned underneath him, and Kirby backed up forcefully, smacking himself against the windows and opening his mouth quickly to inhale the shards. He flashed brightly, gaining a jester hat and wand, now mirror kirby. He could've easily reflected the field with it, but without any time anymore, he was subjected to guarding. He brought his arm over his head, causing a rainbow barrier to surround him in a flash. The size of the field going to be difficult, especially when compounded with the smaller electric balls. The field crashed against him, and Kirby skidded backwards, holding fast, but barely. After a few seconds, Kirby puffed up, as did the barrier, effectively reflecting it back at Gunvolt. Kirby let out a smoking sigh of effort.

Marshadow failed to completely stop NiGHTS from completing the ring, and grunted as he felt the force of it squeeze him. The crushing sensation was far from pleasant, and Marshadow instinctively sank into the floor (although with the force it was more like splatted), leaving a dark circle as a signal of his presence. The shadow slid across the floor, and Marshadow rose again, rolling his shoulders as if to see if they still worked.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS, seeing how good Marshadow was at close combat, thought it best to fight them at Longer ranges. Putting on their Dragon persona mask, NiGHTS shifted to a longer serpentine shaped body, several rows of purple and red scales donning their new form.

darting into the air, NiGHTS charged up a glittered red fire blast, shooting it down at the dazed Marshadow.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt's eyes went wide as Kirby switched abilities and reflected the Astrasphere back at him. Luckily for him, the angle he had sent it at meant he could just fall down to dodge the main attack, and when the spheres detached from the field, he jumped in the open spot where the destroyed sphere would have been to dodge the rest.

So now you can reflect stuff, huh? Gunvolt thought, already trying to come up with a plan. Projectiles would be of no use while Kirby had that form, so he'd have to rely on physical attacks for the time being. Good thing I'm trained in Chatan Yarakuu Shanku! Knowing what to do, he began to run at Kirby at high speeds, shooting a few darts as he ran, planning to bait Kirby into reflecting them. He was fast enough to keep up with them, so they'd make contact about the same time as he attacked.

Once he was close enough, he jumped to let the darts hit Kirby, while he went for an axe kick to hit Kirby in the head. If Kirby managed to dodge the kick, he'd follow up with several more to pressure him further.


Previously Gamingfan2
As Gunvolt neared, Kirby stood ready. The darts were an easy reflect, but Gunvolt was keeping up with them. Kirby doubted he would use a projectile so...
As Gunvolt went for a kick, Kirby swung his scepter upwards. Immediately, five Kirby clones appeared from underneath him, raising the original high into the air. The darts took out the two bottom ones. While the kick took out another near the top. The kirby clones shattered like glass.
Kirby and the one remaining clone leapt away, landing away from each other behind and in front of Gunvolt. The held their scepters at the ready.

Marshadow's attention shifted to the large and brilliant dragon above.
The what?
Marshadow didn't have time to ponder, though, as the dragon shot a blast of fire at him. Marshadow rolled to the side, evading the blast. Long ranged huh? Well now Marshadow just needed to get close.
Marshadow spread his arms, summoning a load of rock around himself. Using rock tomb, he sent the boulders at the dragon above. Some of which didn't land, and began falling back to earth. Marshadow leapt on these, making his way into the skies as the rocks made their way towards NiGHTS.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
NiGHTS panicked for a quick second as several large boulders were hurled their way. That is, until they remembered the trick to this persons back in the dream world: the ability to smash through solid surfaces. Boulders included.

NiGHTS rammed the boulders Head on, a crimson veil of fire emitting from their mouth. The veil was accompanied by a fiery roar, the dragon spiraling down to ram into Marshadow with the blazing hot ram.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt watched as his attack was somewhat succesful, taking care of three clones. Now with two Kirbys in front and behind him, he had to think fast before they could attack, but make sure they wouldn't reflect his electric attacks. Can't reflect what you can't see coming! He thought, raising a fist before punching the floor. Electricity cracled under him, but nothing else seemed to happen for a few seconds. Suddenly, electricity burst from below both Kirbys, very likely catching them off guard since they wouldn't be able to see it coming. This was a move he had borrowed from his fight with Asimov, but modified to focus electricity on a specific point first instead of it just crawling across the floor.
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier exited the arena and went to sit on a bench in the lobby, awaiting his next match. He called a repaired ED-E and a healed Arcade Gannon to him, glad that they are both alright. The Courier started swapping his equipment around with them, the three deciding on what the Courier should use for the next match.
Sturm sighed in frustrated disappointment under his mask. His infantry really aren't cutting it here. That being said, Sturm let the three Egg Cannons chase him, until it looked like they cornered him. However, Sturm just simply flew above them, guiding his Fighter Jets to fly around the mega mack tube he guided the Egg Cannons to, blowing it up all around with their missiles. Hot boiling mega mack quickly poured out of the tube and flew at the egg cannons, most likely heavily damaging and destroying them. Even if the Egg Cannons noticed in time, they'd probably end up getting their drills stuck in the tube and succumbing to the blue mega mack before they could turn around and give chase again.

That being cleared up, Sturm charged at Eggman, summoning six Battle Helicopters. Four of which fired their machine guns at the remaining Egg Cannon's Camera to try and shut it down with a stray bullet, with the other two firing their missiles at Eggman himself. @Captain Pokémon


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby paused as Gunvolt punched the floor. Seeing nothing happen, the two kirby marched forwards, before looking back in surprise as bolts of electricity sparked from where they stood. That was interesting.
What was more interesting was that the bolts rushed behind them. They were being followed by electricity! They turned on the gas, moving faster towards Gunvolt. The left kirby leapt from above, swinging his scepter over Gunvolt's head, while the right kirby slid below Gunvolt, hopefully tripping them over.

Marshadow was stunned that NiGHTS was completely unaffected by the Rock tomb. He refused to be beat though, and jumped off another rock, just slightly avoiding the ramming from NiGHTS. As he was above them, he brought up his arms, swinging them above NiGHTS' back, using force palm with each arm. His hands would burn, but hopefully it'll do a good chunk of damage, and possibly paralyze them should he hit a nerve.
If they had any...at least.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The force palm broke through the flames, smacking the dragon where the flames weren’t so intense. This hurt the Jester dragon, the form giving off a pained roar before reverting back to their standard form.

the recently used Persona was dull, unable to be used for a while. Taking it off, NiGHTS set their sights on Marshadow, or rather something next to them. A boulder. One of the ones that remained from the attack.

Getting an idea, NiGHTS touched the boulder, gravity removing it’s hold on it as the purple fighter lifted it with their pinky.

“Alright, let’s do this. You and me, one on one!”

The boulder suddenly lit ablaze, red and orange molten matter covering the rock’s surface. NiGHTS then hurled the meteor toward their foe, gravity now enabling in the object, a trail of fire following it as it aimed to smash into Marshadow.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt watched as Kirby tried to run away from the electricity and attack him at the same time, thinking his opponent couldn't focus entirely on one of them. He'd have to counter and try to make sure Kirby got hit! The Kirbys approached simultaneously, one attacking high and the other one low.

He changed his dart type and then countered the Kirby to the left by jumping and raising his Dart Leader to meet the scepter, turning the gun just enough to be able to fire a purple dart at him, likely not giving him enough time to reflect it. The Kirby to the right tried to make him trip, so he took advantage of him being below him to use Crashbolt again. Even if that Kirby did manage to block it, it would probably push him into the chasing electricity, maybe even get to shock the one above him!
The Egg Cannons who were flying at Sturm got melted by the Mega Mack, unfortunately. Eggman quickly flew behind the Egg Cannon next to him, letting it take all the hits before it fell down into the Mega Mack, defeated. Eggman summoned 4 Aero-Chasers, which surrounded Sturm on all sides, before firing their lasers at him in unison. At the same time, Eggman pressed a button and the missile shooters popped out and shot 20 tracking missiles at Sturm, being harder to avoid then last time due to the close proximity. Eggman then flew backwards away from Sturm, knowing it wasn't a great idea to stay close to him. He then prepared for his opponent's next move, while also continuing to analyze his battle style.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“I guess that makes sense...” Masaru responded to sonic, scratching his head. “But why are you here? Shouldn’t you be trying to be in another game I never heard of?”

This was starting to get confusing. If he was In a game, did that mean they ALL were from games? Psssht, like that we’re possible.