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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked over the barrage of t darts. Due to their speed, Kirby reacted instinctively, jumping backwards and inhaling, the vortex pulling the wide range of darts into a conjoined stream of sharp things, entering Kirby's gullet. Kirby gulped, and began flashing brightly. The light dimmed, showing him with a spike helmet of sorts. Kirby grinned, bowing down and pointing his spikes at Gunvolt. The spikes lowered for a second, before propelling outwards, a wave of sharp spikes sent at Gunvolt.

Marshadow crossed his arm, sighing as he followed NiGHTS
Let's get this over with.
Eggman grinned. “Confidence!” He said while watching his opponent walk to the archway. “A fool’s substitute for intelligence.” He said to himself before flying into the archway after his opponent. They arrived in the arena he had often seen people battle on previously during their battles. The same automated voice he had heard earlier asked him if he wanted to pick a stage. He gave the computer some coordinates and the stage suddenly morphed into a yellow and blue plant with strange purple and blue water all around them, grabber bots zipping around in the backround, along with a few other bots. (Look up Chemical Plant pictures for more info on what your surroundings are. There are basically no stage hazards, but there is some mega Mack around them, which you don’t want to fall into.) Eggman snapped his fingers and four Aero-Chasers flew into view and hovered in place behind him. He waited for his opponent’s first move.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru flinched as his nose was flicked by the mountain of a man. Grasping it, he felt a shiver down his spine from the threatening aura Emanating off of him. W-What is this feeling? This is almost like- no. No no no. I can’t be afraid of a demon.

Controlling his nerves, he clenched his fist right as it began to tremble. Hoping his foe didn’t see that, he bit his teeth together, staring up at him.

“I’m...not af-afr-afraid of you!” His voice cracked, faking fearlessness. “I’m going kill you! Kill you bad demon!!”

Running off into the archway without even looking back to Bowie, Masaru controlled some tears I’m his eyes as he made it to Second-to-last destination, breathing heavily.


“Alrighty then, let’s go! Just don’t hold back on me little guy, I know you got some punch in ya to get ya this far!”

NiGHTS was pumped up and ready for this next fight. They wasted no time getting into it, spinning their body like a drill, whirling toward Marshadow from above to smash them into the ground.



Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt watched as Kirby inhaled the darts, now having a new spiky hat that let him shoot out spikes. So you can copy abilities, huh? Gunvolt thought as the spikes approached, his Flashfield not destroying them. Instead, the spikes slowed down on contact and began to drift along the Flashfield's surface, eventually going above Gunvolt and regaining their earlier speed as they zoomed into the wall behind him.

"Neat trick." He said as he struck a flashy pose and recharged his EP. If the attack comes head on, he'll just eat it. But what if it doesn't? He thought, switching his dart type to Mizuchi, having a plan. He spawned a Dragonsphere and launched it at Kirby for him to either eat or block, then fired three red darts so that the would go over Kirby, but after a set distance they'd suddenly switch directions, heading towards Kirby's back and tag him for Gunvolt to give him a good shock!
Bison reared his head back, letting out a hollow laugh. "My, you are eager to die! Are you sure you don't need a change of pants before you fight? Then again, you won't need to when I am done with you. I'll make sure your parents will get your body back, or what is left of it after our fight." Shaking his head and grinning, the dictator followed Masaru through the gate. Arriving in Second-to-last Destination, he heard Masaru breathe heavily. "What's wrong, little Demon? Tuckered out already? This might just be a waste of time after all, but I might as well throw you a bone before I crush you into the ground. Choose the stage, you snot-nosed brat. Choose wisely, as it will be the last thing you will ever do!" Psycho Power flickered behind his eyes, giving his white eyes a purple glow for a short second. @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“By all means, the stage is yours to set.”

Specter let him choose the stage whilst he pressed his thumb and index finger against each other, a tiny blue light emanating from them. It seems like he was readying himself for what was to come.

And come it did, the view of a post apocalyptic Casino resort appearing around him. Putting together that the Courier must have been from this dystopia. Specter, with his free hand, gestures to the Courier, smirking whilst his other arm laxly lay propped on his armrest.

“Alright human, show me what you’ve got. I’m wide open.”



Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby dashed towards the Dragonsphere, inhaling it before turning and shooting it at the red darts. However, they were unaffected, and continued to go at him. WIthout much of a choice, Kirby decided to stop playing the ranged game and ran towards Gunvolt, rolled up into a ball, and made his way as a needle sphere rolling at fast speeds at Gunvolt.

Marshadow looked up in surprise as NiGHTS imitated a drill from above. He rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding them, before retaliating with a Spectral Thief, sending wave of shadows from below to pummel them.


Previously Manu456Alola
Playing close range now, huh? Gunvolt didn't really mind that his darts had missed, but now Kirby was now rolling as a spiky ball towards him. Knowing that his opponent would likely not be able to see where he was going while rolled up, he waited until Kirby got close, jumped to dodge the attack, then used Crashbolt to deliver a mighty lightning strike since Kirby was directly below him.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Quickly choosing a familiar stage, the entire arena suddenly erupted with large walls, gates around them. A large stand emerged, filled to the brim with children wearing Monokuma masks. They cheered and cried out for Masaru as the red haired kid shook his fist, trying to calm his nerves.

“I’m not afraid of you demon...i’m not.” Masaru glared up at Bison. “This is a Killasseum, I’m going to kill you, demon!!


As he called on his remote control, he slammed it into the ground with all his might, pressing a single button on the front of the controller. Within seconds, a thunderous mech crashed down from the sky, causing a quake as it landed. Mark Guyver had arrived!

“This is what it means to be a true hero! Hero Robot Mark Guyver! Destroy any trace of that demon!!!”

The a robot flashed it’s head up, its purple eyes glowing with a fierce Intensity. It’s jets flared up as it sped toward Bison with a powerful jet boost, raising its drill to quickly eradicate him!


Rebounding from the ground as Marshadow had evaded, it was then countered by a powerful spectral theft attack, NiGHTS was thrown a little ways away, a few cracks appearing on their body.

“Woooah! What was that?!”

Not getting a view of why exactly hit them, NiGHTS knew that drill driving didn’t seem like the best tactic, considering the last result. Instead, NiGHTS flew widely around Marshadow, aiming to connect the trail around them and deliver a destructive Paraloop attack!
"Hmm, not a bad location. The crowd can see how you will be destroyed!"Throwing the cape to the side as Psycho Power flared up from his body, Bison managed to take to the sky and avoided the drill. "So you brought your action figure to the fight? Fine by me, let me show you one of my toys!" Masaru clearly hated him with every fiber of his being, not to mention he was afraid of the dictator before entering the arena. There had to be some fear left and coupled with the hate that was so obvious, it was a nice way to power his Psycho Power. Charging a ball of Psycho Power in his hand, he fired it straight at Masaru. "Psycho Shot!" It was bigger and faster than the one he used against Olberic, caused by him charging the move for longer and Masaru's negative emotions fueling it. "Weep in despair, as the worthless dog that you are!" He shouted, keeping an eye out for Mark Guyver. It would not surprise the dictator if Masaru would block the attack and try to attack him in one fell swoop. @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier thought. He needed to test out what Specter could do first, and simultaneously disable any advantages that he can before planning an attack to take him down. The Courier put one hand behind their back, holding Ranger Sequoia in the other. He pointed the large revolver at Specter, while having taken out a pulse grenade, cooking it behind his back. He shot six bullets at Specter, with a second pause inbetween each one, more as a distraction while throwing the grenade in a light arc overhead Specter, aiming to land it behind him to disable his chair. With the hologram of the fountain being in center background of the arena, it started to play that old, familiar tune of the Sierra Madre, eminating from the Starlet Hologram that every now and again flickered to reveal a larger hologram of a bald woman, having scars on her face as if they were cut with extreme precision.. @Shen: King of the Mist

..Begin Again
quietly played from the fountain, serving as just a slight ambient theme, making the overall ambience of the once-great Casino Resort just more depressing.

Sturm laughed as the Aero-Chasers had appeared. Simple robots. They were nothing compared to what this alien had in stock. Sturm stomped on the ground and snapped his fingers, first summoning two mechs (Rocket Launcher-wielding, semi-tough human troops in hazmat-like outfits. They're good at taking out light armoured ground units.) infront of him, then two Fighters (Round Jets that have practically no windows on them, not even a windshield; its just a small visor at the front. They excel at taking out air units.)

Sturm pointed at Eggman, bellowing out; " FIGHTERS! TAKE THOSE ROBOTS DOWN! MECHS! BLAST THIS SOFT-BOILED WASTE OF TIME INTO PIECES OF YOLK! " The troops had done just such; the Fighters begun zooming around the sky, firing missiles towards the Aero Chasers while preparing to do evasive maneuvers and loops, while the mechs aimed their rocket launchers and fired them off at Eggman's Eggmobile. @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Masaru was surprised with the fact that he could defy gravity and leap up to those extraordinary heights. He charged up an attack as he spoke down toward him, Mesa while Masaru rigorously controller his device, shifting Mark Guyver’s attack method.

Mark Guyver, who has struck the ground with the drills, reversed impulse, shooting out of the ground and flying into the air backwards and upside down, the large white shield on it’s back taking the blast from the attack, concussing the airborne robot enough to flip it facing forward.

“Perfect! Giga Drill Spear!!”

Masaru’s fears were being calmed by the robot fighting his battle for him, the robot aiming down at Bison. What comes up must come down. So Mark Guyver Lunged down at him. Without any footing to leap off from, it would hope to leave him a sitting duck for an incoming drill head.


Specter smirked as Courier had taken the bait. removing his finger and his thumb from their connection, he initiated a teleport. Appearing above courier now and away from the grenades and bullets, he fired off a stream of energy from his hands, the cyan beam racing down towards him within a few seconds of his teleport.

if the Courier were to somehow see through this deception, three homing missiles would shoot out from the back of Specter’s chair to hunt him down.
Eggman looked rather bored. He quickly flew upwards in his Eggmobile, avoiding the rockets. Once he was in the sky, two machine guns appeared on his Eggmobile, one on each side. He fired the weapons, aiming for Sturm, not the robots. As shown from his previous fight, Sturm couldn’t really do much by himself, so all he had to do was get past the robots. The Aero-Chasers all performed acrobatic aerial maneuvers to avoid the attacks thrown at them, while also firing lasers at the jets, which would most likely destroy or cut them in half on contact. Eggman prepared to call in more robots if he needed to. Meanwhile, a few panels flipped over on the ground, revealing the boiling hot mega mack. If anyone fell in, they were basically screwed.
M.Bison watched the robot come down to him and simply scoffed, was this kid blind as well as stupid? Flying to the far right of the robot, he avoided the drill. "You are more stupid than you look, what was that attempt?" The fear Masaru felt was dying down, something Bison was not going to let go unpunished. "Clearly you don't fear me enough, allow me to demonstrate!"Warping down to the ground in front of Masaru, his hand glowed purple as Psycho Power was gathering in it. "Psycho Axe!" The dictator took a step forward before swinging down not at Masaru himself, but at the controller itself. After all, a puppet without a puppeteer was just a piece of wood. This should only be a bigger and metallic variant of that example. @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru was shocked at Bison’s sudden attempt to get closer. Knowing what he was going for, he tried to remove the controller from Bison’s kicking angle right as Bison swung the kick, scraping the side of the controller, breaking open a large crack in the casing, revealing wires underneath.

falling in his back, Masaru switched the controller’s sticks, maneuvering Mark Guyver to intervene with Bison’s attempt to attack. The robot would rush over, drilling into both sides next to Masaru and stomp directly where Bison stood, limiting the realm of escape
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Previously Deathstalker62
The results of his tests were.. less than good. A teleporting foe.. just what The Courier needed. The Courier, out of instinct, leapt out of the way, even before the beam fired off, unaware of where Specter was. But, assuming the worst, The Courier had leapt back, reloading Ranger Sequoia.

The Courier looked all around when he leapt back, managing to spot Specter in the air and the sudden salvo of missiles firing out the back of his chair. However, this is where Specter had made a mistake. The Courier stayed crouched and went into V.A.T.S, aiming. Like a cowboy in a western movie, he shot down the three missiles with three bullets, exploding them while they were still near Specter's chair. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm had simply crouched, using his Mechs as meatshields as they could take more damage than the average infantry. The Fighters flew around the air, evading the lasers as if they were tie fighters. Sturm snapped his fingers, two anti-air missiles appearing behind him. The vehicles began aiming at the Aero-Chasers and fired off a salvo of missiles that would easily take out the Chasers if they would hit. With the snap of his fingers, Sturm's two fighters split paths and flew around the Aero-Chasers, instead firing missiles at Eggman's machine guns, aiming to blow them off of the Eggmobile while Eggman was distracted. @Captain Pokémon
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Eggman quickly pressed a button and the machine guns sunk back into the Eggmobile, causing the missiles to soar right past him. He pressed another button, a familiar laser shooter emerging beneath the Eggmobile. Eggman quickly flew forwards at high speed, then once he was above Sturm he fired the laser, doing massive damage to anything hit by it and most likely killing Sturm if he was hit by it.The Aero-Chasers avoided the missiles, then two flew up close to the anti-air vehicles, they then split up, each one taking on one of the anti-air vehicles. They fired their lasers at them once they were close. Meanwhile the other two kept shooting at the jets.


Previously Deathstalker62
Sturm rolled forward, through his mechs, leaving them to die and explode from Eggman's laser. He snapped his fingers again, this time summoning two anti-air tanks. The tanks' flak cannons aimed up at Eggman's laser shooter, likely doing massive damage and tearing it off if they got enough hits in. The Fighters remained doing evasive maneuvers, looping around the other two Aero-Chasers and flying back to where the two chasers had held up the anti-air missiles. The Fighters launched missiles at them, aiming to knock them into Eggman's Laser to destroy them, even if it destroyed the anti-air missiles in the process. @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The explosions from the missiles weren’t close enough to cause substantial damage to him or his chair, but it was enough to cause a concussion, throwing the chair and specter wobbling a few feet away.

“Ah? Creative, I must admit...”

Specter corrected his chairs revaluating the situation. The courier still has a gun at the ready. So a good solution was to make a defense and use it as an offense.

erecting a spherical energy field around himself, a leaf fell from above, vaporizing on it. Now charged up with this shield, he kicked his chair into gear, aiming to ram him directly into his foe.
Eggman quickly deactivated the laser and called in an Aero-Chaser, which took the hit for him and was destroyed , then he quickly flew away. The two Aero-Chasers next to the Anti-Aircraft vehicles were destroyed, but so were the vehicles they were shooting at. That left only one Aero-Chaser. Eggman quickly called in 3 Egglaunchers. One Egglauncher shot at the fighter jets, shooting two powerful missiles at each. Another Egglauncher shot at the tanks, shooting two missiles at each. The final Egglauncher shot at Sturm himself, along with the Aero-Chaser shooting lasers at Sturm.
"You slippery little rat, get over here!" M. Bison wanted that controller broken, not just cracked. He prepared to strike, but the moving of the control sticks made him look at the large robot that was ready to stomp on him. "Psycho Burst!" A forcefield was created to block the foot of the robot, but the force behind it was more than it could take. Shattering through the defense, Bison quickly rolled to the side before Mark Guyvers foot would have crushed him and assessed the situation. That damned robot was covering Masaru and the controller, and he didn't need to be clairvoyant to know that he would get attacked the moment he got in range of those drills. Fine then. If he couldn't break the controller, he'd just break the robot. Stepping forward, he looked at Mark Guyver before using the fresh emotion of fear in the air to fly up to Mark Guyvers head and land on its back where humans would have a shoulder blade. It was not the best footing, being slanted and capable of moving, but it would have to do. "Psycho Inferno!" A pillar of purple flames was erected from seemingly nowhere and tried to burn through the outer shell of the robot, attempting to disable an arm as Bison kept an eye on the drill that he was trying to disable. Should it be able to attack, he wanted to get out of there fast. If he was lucky, he might even get the robot to do his work for him. It would work out for him too, the shattering of Psycho Burst made his arms hurt. Not nearly to the degree of his fight with Olberic, but it was noticable, akin to sore muscles three days after a work-out.@Shen: King of the Mist
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The robot swerved about, trying to removed Bison from it while Masaru, now getting up, handled the controller ever more frustratingly.

“errrrgh! Get off of ‘em! Get off or I’ll swear I’ll-“

“Psycho Inferno!”

The energy erupted from Bison, hitting an exposed section on Mark Guyver’s body. As that side began to cook, Masaru thought quickly. The right drill detached from the rest of the robot, shooting straight forward and drilling straight down into the ground. He may not have been able to save the arm, but at least he could save the drill.

The arm spewed sparks as it stopped responding to commands. It was down. In a way to get Bison off, the drill bit on the left side began to spin wildly, glowing red hot. As it did this, the engine began to moan and groan, two openings appearing on either side of Mark Guyver’s neck, venting scorching hot fumes from the engine that would be almost like touching boiling water.
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier couldn't roll to the side, nor could he roll under, or backward for that matter. So, only way to go was up. The Courier had swapped for a Missile Launcher and jumped into the air, before slamming the missile launcher into the ground, pushing himself a bit more into the air and pulling the trigger for the final, and greatest boost, taking a bit of damage, but not as much as he would have taken had he just blasted himself in the air directly. After getting high enough that he would safely move above Specter, the Courier threw down two plasma mines in the path of where Specter was moving. Not to just try and destroy that bubble field, but also to try and push him into the deadly red clouds. @Shen: King of the Mist
The Fighters flew in a loop, abusing the homing missiles to get a boost. The missiles had taken them down to 2 health, however, the fighters remained strong. They dove down at rapid speeds at the Egg Launchers, aiming to divebomb into them and destroy two of them via a kamikaze by blowing up all their remaining missiles at once. Sturm kicked the ground, summoning an APC infront of him. He ended up punting the APC straight into the lasers, which it took with 3 health left and flew straight at the Aero-Chaser. Sturm then simply summoned two more Anti-Air Tanks. The first two summoned anti-air tanks had rotated and shoot the egg launchers' missiles that had aimed at them, while the new pair had shot down the missiles shot at Sturm. @Captain Pokémon
"Hah, is that the best you can do? Your toy will be- AARRGHHHH!" M. Bison screamed out in pain, his hand got scorched by the fumes and began turning red. It looked like a second degree burn, and there was no cool water nearby. Anger surged through Bison's body, glaring at Masaru with straight up bloodlust. "You! You'll pay for that! You'll pay just like all the others who stood in my way!" Psycho Power didn't just feed on the negative emotions of others, but also on Bison's, and his anger was limitless. "Die, you little demon! Hell's Warp!" Warping from Mark Guyver's shoulder, the dictator appeared behind Masaru and prepared to hit the child with a Psycho Power-infused knee strike. He never showed any remorse when fighting teenagers, this kid would be no different. Not to mention he scalded his hand! @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter soared through the smoke that the rocket left behind, unaware about the plasma mines left in it’s place. Upon seeing them, specter knew that it wouldn’t come or break his field...but there was a greater concern.


The plasma mines went off, cracking his shield and sending him spinning away from the attack. He would be sent toward the clouds before no time! He had to make a choice. Raising his arm up, he manifested an electric field right in front of him, zapping his own barrier. This would send him flying back in the other direction, his shield breaking in the process. A costly trade off, but one well worth it.

Using the momentum he had gained from this maneuver, he rocketed toward Courier, a cartoonishly designed bendy hand coming from his chair to give him a pimp slap as he came.


Masaru gave a toothy grin as he saw the adult yelp out in pain. This satisfaction came to a swift and abrupt end however when the man became infuriated. Intense emotions radiated off of bison. Hatred. Unadulterated. As Bison warped In close, Masaru raised his hands to protect himself out of fear when-


The drill came out of the ground right under the feet of Bison, drilling up while he was completely focused on the cowering kid before him. If it hit, it would drill through his body, making a gory mess and preventing his attack from landing
A whirring noise caught Bison's attention, the drill he took down was back for revenge. "Psycho Burst!" The forcefield blocked the drill for a bit and would push other objects and entities away, but not for long as the dictator quickly stepped to the side before cancelling the Psycho Burst. "You claim to be a hero, yet you attack from behind? You are no better than me!" Masaru's fear and M. Bison's anger fueled the Psycho Power to the point that the drill began to levitate, surrounded by purple flames as it was being lifted. "Begone!" Bison yelled as the drill was sent flying at Mark Guyver's head, ignoring the jab of pain he felt in his foot due to the drill and began to breathe through his mouth. The large drill took a bit out him stamina wise, it was far bigger than what he was used to lifting with telekinesis. "Feel the flames of hell! Psycho Inferno!" The CEO of Shadaloo raised his burned hand, causing the ground underneath Masaru to turn purple as a pillar of flames was about to erupt from underneath him. @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As he stopped the drill in it’s tracks, stepping away from him. Masaru shakily reaches for his controller, that’s when Bison spoke words that resonated with him.

"You claim to be a hero, yet you attack from behind? You are no better than me!"

“Wha-No. nonononono... I’m a hero!! Do you hear me!?! The HERO!!! No matter how big you are...no matter how hard you Beat me for not obeying... I will be the best damn hero the world has ever seen!!! The HERO!!!!”

As Masaru frantically used his controller, commanding Mark Guyver to sprint toward him. Suddenly however, the drill that Bison launched at Mark Guyver’s head smashed square in the center of the robot, still drilling. The drill pierced all the way to the other side of the head, stopping right as it reached there.

Eyes of the machine were dull and broken, the face plate shattered in two. Masaru looked interesting as time appeared to stop. It was like a reflection. One of him and his persona that he displayed. Shattering.

Was he...really no better?

As time resumed the Robot continued forward with it’s Flayed head, a trail of sparks raining out of it and wires dangling like vines. It skid on the ground, kicking up enough dirt to shove Masaru out of the way with the mound it pushed to stop itself. The Mech still marched on, despite only having one piping hot drill and no head. The remaining drill arm would shove forward, cleaving across, taking advantage of the unknown foot injury that Bison has attained that limited his mobikiyu.
Two of the Egglaunchers were destroyed by the jets’ kamezaki, leaving one remaining along with the Aero-Chaser. However, the Aero-Chaser was destroyed by the APC. The Egglauncher was then destroyed by the Anti-Air tanks. “Not bad! But get a load of this!” He said before he pointed forwards and 4 massive Egg Cannons landed on the ground below him in a straight line. They were massive and heaping blue walkers with several weapons, including lasers on its arms, missiles, and drills around its feet. “GO! MAKE HIM WISH HE HAD NEVER BEEN BORN!” He yelled at his badniks, and they all went to work. One rearranged its body and took off into the air, with its feet in front of it and the drills spinning on them. It started flying around at high speed, randomly attempting to fly into things and drill through them. Another shot two powerful blue lasers at Sturm himself. The third fired its missiles at the anti-air tanks, these ones being much faster and more powerful than the Egglaunchers’, while also being larger in quantity. The last one simply stood by Eggman, ready to protect him at a moment’s notice, while also firing its lasers at the Anti-Air tanks.
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"Your science fair project has broken down, kid! It's time that you do the same!" M. Bison was yelling at Masaru, clearly in pain, but unwilling to yield. He had died before and that felt much worse than this hand, this was nothing! Looking at the giant drill heading his way, the dictator took a deep breath before he warped out of the immediate danger zone and dropped to one knee. He had to be careful with his usage of Psycho Power, it was much stronger in this fight, but Masaru's body was not the only one who felt that. Whilst he was not restricting himself from using it yet, that time could very well be nearby. With Mark Guyver heavily damaged, he didn't really need it anymore though. He could beat up a kid without his powers and his wounds.

Looking around for Masaru, M. Bison managed to find him and limped over towards the kid. The red hair was unmistakable, and soon his hair wouldn't be the only red part of his body. "You ended up wasting not only my time, but my body as well! I warned you before our fight what the price was if you wasted my time, yet you still did!" Bison's eyes flickered a deeper purple than at the beginning of the match and his iconic grin was plastered onto his face. There was no joy behind it though, this was the grin of a man who was pissed and was about to unleash all of his anger at once. Getting even closer to Masaru, the child should be able to feel the breath he exhaled on his body before the dictator braced himself and did a forward front flip, attempting to kick Masaru and landing on his knees. @Shen: King of the Mist
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Previously Deathstalker62
Taking the moment to reload, The Courier looked to where Specter went. Surely enough, he had a way of getting out of the cloud. However, The Courier would not allow him to stay out of it so easily. The Courier took out a pulse mine and tossed into the air, hoping Specter would forget about it long enough so it would explode on the way down right at his chair.

The Courier bided his time, waiting until the right angle and until Specter was at the right distance. Then, he aimed, and fired a missile directly at Specter. But not just at him. The Courier aimed for the headwear Specter had on. The recoil/pushback of the Missile Launcher slammed the Courier towards the ground, with him having to slam the Missile Launcher into the ground, using it as a sort of anchor to prevent himself from sliding too close to the red clouds. @Shen: King of the Mist
Soon, Eggman would see who really busted out the biggest gun. Sturm laughed as he leapt backwards off the stage, seemingly ending himself.. but then rising back up, higher and higher into the air. He was stood on two Fighter Jets, one under each of his feet. His Anti-Air Tanks were destroyed, but were as quickly replaced with two of each Rocket Launchers and Neotanks, round tanks that spelled doom for heavily armoured units. The Neotanks and Rocket Launchers would launch a salvo of heavy fire at the grounded Egg Cannons, engaging with them in a trade of heavy blows, with the Neotanks stood infront of the Rocket Launchers to tank the incoming damage as the Rocket Launchers fired above them at the enemy.

Sturm was getting lifted into the air with his fighters, but had then suddendly jumped off and disappeared far into the sky as he prepared something big. The two fighters that transported him were joined up with an additional two fighters, all four of which began assaulting the one egg cannon hovering in the air with one of the fighters leading a goose chase, atttempting to bait the egg cannon to go after it. @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The sinister looking and grew closer and closer to Masaru, limping, but still somehow giving an aura of undeniable strength. Masaru took a step back, and then another as Bison drew near.

“S-Stay back! I’m warning you...!”

Hissing, he grasped his remote as the man didn’t listen to his cry, his heated breath of rage emanating just feet away.

“I said...STAY AWAY!!!”

Masaru cried out, commanding Mark Guyver to cleave it’s entire head off with its last working arm, hurling the mechanical body part at Bison from behind.


Specter case closer and closer to the airborne man, noticing him hurl something up as well as aim a rocket blast at him. That’s when he raised his left had, using his psychic powers to move the mine that had barley left Courier’s hand to meet the barrel of the gun. This would effectively detonate both the mine as well as the missile directly in Courier, doing catastrophic damage to him while the Intelligent simian slowed to a cruising speed.

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The grounded Egg Cannons held strong, continuing to shoot at the Neotanks and Rocket Launchers, trading blows, but taking some damage. The Egg Cannon in the air took the bait and flew forwards at high speed, attempting to ram into/drill through the enemy. Eggman pointed with two fingers at the Neotanks and Rocket Launchers and the Egg Cannon in front of him nodded. It shot it’s lasers and missiles seemingly towards the enemy lines, but instead it was aimed at the floor beneath and next to them. The floor was destroyed, revealing the boiling hot mega mack under it, and most likely causing the units to fall into it, most likely destroying/melting them.
Eggman himself didn’t attack this turn and instead observed his opponent’s fighting style, which seemed to be similar to his.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier, struggling from primarily the missile blast and less so from the weak pulse mine, took out Gehenna as he was slammed into the ground from the explosion. Having a painful bounce, the Courier slammed the blade of Gehenna into the ground to anchor himself, reaching just the edge of the Red Clouds. The Courier crawled just a few more inches away from the Red Cloud, just to be safe. He unlodged Gehenna from the ground, dropping it on the ground in pretense of being heavily damaged. Keeping his act up, the Courier coughed and breathed heavily, as if they had severe internal damage from the blast, all to boost Specter's confidence. That point-blank blast was seriously heavy damage and the Courier had to put on this half-true act, else he could possibly not last much longer.

The Courier tipped on their pip-boy a bit, sneakily taking a Slasher before going onto a knee, pretending as if he was catching his breath. [Speech 100] [I should've taken more pre-cautions.. I'm seriously damaged.. I can't fight for much longer..] The Courier spoke, with a convincingly real, shaky voice, filled with terror. Hopefully, all these actions and words would be enough to convince Specter to hover to the ground and have him attempt to finish the Courier off, so his plan could set into gear. @Shen: King of the Mist
With one of the fighters baiting the egg cannon, the other fighters stealthily snuck behind the chasing Egg Cannon, following it. The Fighter that was the bait maneuvered itself as to fly down onto Eggman's level and flew directly at him. It flew closer, as to let the Egg Cannon catch up and pretend like it was about to catch the fighter. As soon as the chasing Egg Cannon would come close, the Fighter bait would fly under Eggman and the Egg Cannon protecting it, hopefully clashing either of the two together. The other three fighter jets would surround the back and each left and right side of Eggman and his Cannons, blocking off those escapes for them.

As the Neotanks and Rocket Launchers begun getting tilted and sliding into the hot mega mack, they fired all of their shots towards the grounded Egg Cannons. They had done the same strategy; destroying the ground beneath them, enough to cut a hole in the stage wide enough for the cannons to fall into the hot mega mack in. With their ammunition depleted, they sunk into the hot mega mack, melting.

Then, with both ways cut off, it was time for Sturm to cut off the last escape way.

Sturm stood atop the meteor that crashed down right above Eggman, leaping off of it and onto two Bombers that he had once again summoned beneath his feet. Having his neo tanks and rocket launchers taken out, he leapt off the Bombers again, lowering in the air, creating another pair of them. He leapt off of the second pair of bombers, now safely landing on the ground again.

" PREPARE TO EMBRACE DARKNESS! BURNING EARTH!!" Sturm bellowed out fiercely, as his Bombers got to work, adding their own carpet bombing to the incoming crash site. @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter couldn’t help but smirk as he saw the critically injured man flop helplessly to the ground. Floating atop his chair, Specter crossed his arms.

“Did I not warn of this very result? Alas, it’s not your fault you were born human. I’ll take pity on you...”

Specter called upon his psychic powers, raising both of his hands in the air, uprooting the water fountain from the ground, dirt spewing from underneath it.


He hurled the water fountain at his foe, aiming to crush the crippled looking enemy where he lay.

Eggman’s Egg Cannon was destroyed by another, while the other two sank into the boiling hot mega mack as well.
He then heard something and looked up, and a meteor of all things was crashing down towards him. “GODS OF MOBIUS!” He said before pressing a button on the Eggmobile’s cockpit and the pink bubble shield activated. He began to fly away, swerving rapidly to avoid the bombs, trying to get away from the large meteor. He screamed as the meteor came down, however he was mostly out of the way and took little damage but quite the knock back. He spun around into the air. “WooOaAooOaH!” He said before coming to a halt. He got his bearings and looked down at his opponent. “How the heck did you do that?!” He asked. “Doesn’t matter, these guys will take care of you!” He said as 4 towering Egg Keepers fell into view ad landed on their feet. They all looked at Sturm in unison, their red eyes flashing. They all fired their rocket fists, all 8 of the fists homing in on Sturm, before exploding once close to him. They then began rapidly firing powerful lasers everywhere, but they made sure they didn’t hit themselves or Eggman.


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby continued to roll. Gunvolt was right, it was hard to see when you get blurred images every half a second, and as such couldn't really see the bolt. The attack crashed, and Kirby barely avoided it, barely as in the bolt grazed his side, causing him to bounce. His pink skin was somewhat charred, and his helmet smoked. Kirby landed on the wall, jumping off of it and focusing, shooting a large spike from the top of his helmet directed straight towards the midair Gunvolt.

Marshadow reacted quickly, shadow sneaking his way over and leaping in the end where NiGHTS would connect, before leaping and bringing his palm forward to attack them.
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Previously mallard
Psyduck looked tiredly at Dee, then shooed his hand away. "Duuck." He looked down at his bill, sad. He was going to wish for protection of his weak pokemon friends from being taken by humans, but apparently he wasn't strong enough to receive that wish. He slowly got up and turned around, then took a few steps forward, away from Dee. His three black hair-feather-things swaying in the wind, the duck realized that if he couldn't get that wish, he'd have to become strong enough to protect his friends on his own. He raised his head, and roared at the sky, "PSSYYY-DUUU-" He was then warped to his pond home.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt smiled, his attack had at least done some damage, even if he was a bit late. However, Kirby tried to counter by shooting out a large spike towards him. He managed to use an Air Jump in time, the spike barely grazing his boot, ripping off part of the sole. Those spikes were deceptively fast, he couldn’t let his guard down. Still in midair and with the spike still out, he held onto it with both hands before unleashing a large electric shock that would quickly move along it and shock Kirby.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Marshadow had suddenly reached out to attack NiGHTS first instead of letting NiGHTS come to them. This was a twist. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, NiGHTS still drives now that Marshadow was exposed, aiming to connect the paraloop as well as drill into Marshadow, which if they clashed would hurt NiGHTS but would ensure Marshadow was hit by the much stronger paraloop