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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Seeing Sonic run up the wall and seemingly away for the moment gave Joker some time to breathe. Right now he wanted to put some distance between him and his opponent, so he turned and ran. Arsene floated just beside him, firing off smaller balls of curse magic at the hedgehog, not really to try and hit him, just to keep him away from Joker. He finally reached the opposite end of the battlefield, giving him ample room and time to think his counter attacks.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic easily avoided the projectiles by simply continuing to run. He saw his opponent run as well, which took the fun out of his idea. He quickly leapt off the building, causing a sonic boom and breaking glass in the general area he had been in. He easily made it to Joker’s side of the battlefield, and he then used Lock On, ensuring his next attack would land, but it could still be blocked or parried. Then, he used an Axe Kick, doing great damage if it succeeded, and knocking Joker up as well if it succeeded.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker watched his opponent quickly drop down from the arena, feeling some of the gusts of wind caused by the sonic book. He prepped his blade, and watched as Sonic started to bring his foot down toward Joker's body. It almost seemed like it was gravitating towards him, as even when Joker took a step back the kick realigned itself to still get closer. Knowing now that he couldn't dodge out of this, Joker simply sliced upwards at Sonic's leg with his blade, the little space in between, and Sonic's downward momentum meaning it would be hard for him to dodge out of this one.
@Captain Pokémon
~Johnny Cage...~

As Genji used his swift attack, Johnny could feel the tension in the air. He was truly in danger at this point. Green energy burst around him which seemed to shield him. A sword strike came in and Johnny used mime time to move out of the way ,and block it.

"Stunt double!" Johnny yelled. A man quickly ran up behind Genji to put him in a full nelson. Johnny then used a ultra flip kick. A red trail was made as he performed a somersault kick to launch Genji in the air ,and quickly followed it up with and quickly followed up with a red shadow uppercut.

@Captain Pokémon

~Commander John Shepard...~

Shepard ducked to avoid the first shuriken, shot the second shuriken ,and rolled out of the way of the third. He used his biotic charge to instantly close the gap. A large explosion bust from around Shepard. Shepard extended his arm as an orange sword formed around his arm. Shepard thrusted his omni-blade with a quick power strike.


~Sly Cooper...~

Sly could feel the staff heating up, "This feeling again!" Sly said. Sly threw down another flash bomb. This time Sly would use the opportunity to try steal one of Courier's guns. Maybe that cool pistol he saw him use. That would be cool if he managed to steal that! Sly used the smoke to sneak behind Courier. Instead of pulling out a pistol, he got... bottle caps?! and a soda, "Jeez what's up with this guy?! No money?! Probably spent it all on that dang sword! All them weapons. This man is broke! No money! just bottle caps! Probably spent it all on soda ,and drank it all! Sounds like something Murray would do!" Sly thought to himself.

Sly needed to act quick, the smoke would fade soon, Sly used the remainder of the time to charge his attack. Sly used a jump attack(level 3) this was an explosive electric jump.

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Sonic kicked the side of the blade, not sending it out of his opponent’s hand, but still parrying the attack. He quickly jumped backwards, and decided to attempt to plow through his opponent with boost yet again. This time however, he swerved to the left right before he would hit him, then he turned around quickly and tried to boost through him from behind.
@The Alright Attorney
Genji growled as his attacks were either blocked or dodged. He jumped up and backflipped over the man who tried to grab him, parried the ultra flip kick, quickly dashed backwards to avoid the somersault kick and uppercut that followed. He threw more shurikens at Johnny from a distance, throwing about 12 in a precise line, then throwing 12 more but this time the were fans. (8 shurikens throws in total, 4 precise, 4 fans.)
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker prepared to take the hit, only for Sonic to swerve around quickly. He rolled out of the way, not exactly fast enough to dodge it completely as he did feel the hedgehog hit his foot. With Sonic now having his back to him, Joker quickly commanded Arsene, the Persona shooting a beam of Sukaden right where the Hedgehog was now standing. Joker shot off a round of bullets on either side of the beam and quickly ran closer, preparing the throw his grappling hook upwards.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic looked back as his opponent narrowly avoided the hit, and it was a good thing he looked back, or else he likely would’ve missed the beam heading straight for him. “That again?” He said in a bored way. He quickstepped to the side to avoid the beam, then simply ran away to the left to avoid the gunshots. “Looks like you’re running out of tricks!” He said while smirking. He then turned around and ran towards Joker. Then, once he was close, he jumped up so that he was above Joker, then used the bounce attack, doing brutal damage if it landed, as he was aiming for the head and going down at incredibly speed, not leaving much time to react either.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker just smirked to himself as Sonic dodged the attacks. "I'm the one running out of ideas? Have you seen yourself during this match?" He responded with a chuckle. Next thing Sonic did was jump into the air, exactly what Joker wanted. He finished the motion of throwing his grappling hook, just as Sonic began to jump, meaning it was on a direct course with the hedgehog. If it made contact it would wrap around Sonic's leg, and Joker would pull it down, to slam Sonic hard into the ground below.
@Captain Pokémon
The grappling hook wrapped around his leg, but Sonic had a plan. “Ha!” He chuckled, before suddenly air boosting, the force easily overpowering Joker’s pulling grip, and most likely sending him flying with him unless he let go of the grappling hook. Sonic then slammed into a wall, not taking damage himself since he just bounced off it, but most likely causing Joker to go sailing into it and take big damage if he didn’t let go off the grappling hook.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker felt the pull strength of Sonic's air boosts and decided to ride along into the air for now. Once Sonic made his way towards the wall, that's when Joker released the hook from Sonic's leg. Using the momentum he built up, Joker took out his blade and sliced at the Sonic that was now coming his way. He couldn't tell if the hit made contact, but when Joker reached the wall Sonic just bounced off of, he braced his legs, to lessen the impact and help him boost off it. Once he reached it, Joker leapt of the wall himself, spinning around in a graceful backflip before landing cleanly on the ground below. He could feel a slight pain vibrating through his legs, he'd have I be careful how he moved fod a bit. He glanced back, checking to see if his mid air stab actually hit the hedgehog.
@Captain Pokémon
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Previously mallard
Olberic found that purple glow was forming at his feet once again, and his for seemed to want to follow it up. His defense buff was still barely active, making the attack likely not do too much. The knight made a quick desicion, and took the geyser of energy like a champ. Under the cover of the inferno, he switched weapons again. Trying to fight through the burning energy that enveloped him, he readied his polearm to perform the "Thousand Spears" attack. It was a flurry of spear attacks, which would outrange the incoming punch and hopefully surprise the dictator.

Tabby watched as Shepard closed the gap, and skid back from a sudden explosion. An energy blade came directly at him, which he masterfully parried with one hand. With his free hand, Tabby pulled out one of his SMGs and shoved it in the human's face. He pulled the trigger in the blink of an eye.

Dee was making a dash for the spears- but not on this duck's watch. Psyduck blasted his foe with another water gun, trying to stop the spearman from reaching his weapon of choice.
Sonic saw Joker bring up the knife and tried to move, but the added weight prevented him from moving as much, and his leg got grazed. Sonic landed on the ground and looked at it. It was just a graze, luckily. It could have been so much worse. Joker then miraculously wall jumped off of. The wall he was supposed to be brutally slammed in. Sonic closed his eyes for a moment, then looked up at Joker, seeming absolutely pissed. “Alright, fun’s over.” He said, then kicked a few lamppost heads that had been knocked down by Arsene, kicking 5 in total, all sailing towards Joker at high speeds and doing good damage individually, and amazing damage if all landed. He then kicked a manhole, causing it to flip upwards, before kicking it, launching it at dangerously high speeds towards Joker, doing brutal damage if it landed.
@The Alright Attorney
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier had looked around when Sly set off another bomb, and rolled forward when he felt something touch his hip. The Courier looked back, Gehenna at his grasp, as the smoke cleared, revealing the raccoon to be performing a jumping attack at him, his weapon seeming electrified. The Courier took up Gehenna and got a running start before leaping at Sly, samurai style. The Courier had entered V.A.T.S one last time, and aimed.. but, his slash was not meant for Sly. It was going for his staff, specifically the large, non-electrified handle. And it was no normal slash either, The Courier put his all into it to try and force the Staff out of Sly's hands and have it be launched off the dam and into the void below. @ThAtGuY101

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker couldn't help but smirk at Sonic's pissed off reaction. "Getting pretty worked up over just a little fight." Before he could say anymore, Joker saw Sonic prepping his attack, kicking the broken lampposts directly at him. This was no time to mess around. Joker ran in to get closer to Sonic, firing of his pistol as he did. Arsene followed close behind, now giving it his all as well. He shoot out a beam of Sukaden straight forward, and cleaved one of the incoming lampposts. Joker bobbed and weaved through the second and third ones, but the fourth his end up hitting his arm. It hurt like a bastard, but Joker was to focused to stop and feel the pain. He shot his grappling hook at the fifth incoming lamppost, catching it. Suddenly, he saw the manhole cover. A million thoughts on how to dodge this ran through his head but one specific one stood front and center. Joker leaped as high as he could, managing to land on top of the cover, before using it to propel himself higher up. Now up in the air above Sonic, Joker spun the lamppost at the end of his grappling hook around, building up it's momentum, before sending it crashing down towards Sonic's head.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic frowned as his opponent was making it through most of his projectiles. However he got hit by one in the arm, and he smirked at that. Sonic quickstepped to avoid the ‘slow beam’, then looked up and saw Joker attempt to throw one of the lamppost heads at him. He quickly hopped up and jumped on the lamppost head, using it to propel himself towards Joker without having to use a double jump or jump dash, just like Joker had done with the manhole a second ago. He then yelled out “Sonic Boom!” Then, he drew up the air around him, then used it to launch with a burst of speed so great that it broke the sound barrier. While he did this, Sonic had also had invulnerability. (This move will not be used much at all, it’ll need to charge up before being executed, so it will only be used 2 or 3 times max in any battle.)
@The Alright Attorney
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie was excited to hear Masaru's declaration. It seemed like this way he could definitely show Masaru that not all adults were demons by allowing him to meet his own parents. "That sounds like a great idea! I promise you won't regret it, a portal that you or I or any of the Warriors of Hope can pass through at any time. Then, maybe I can help you try and fix some of the problems of your world after saving Blob's. This is going to be so much fun, I just know you and your friends are going to love it on my planet!"

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was gunning hard for his spear. It seemed to be the only thing he was focused on, so much so that he almost didn't notice the water bullet coming at him from just off to the side. He didn't have time to dodge out of the way, so he changed his stance, putting one arm towards the incoming water blast, and the other lower down to even out his balance. The water hit him, and while it stung, he was able to stop himself from taking too much damage. He then started running for the spear again, but this time making sure to not forget about The DuckTM, who was still very much a threat in this fight.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“H-Hey! It’s not like it’s a field trip or anything...!”

Bowie seemed to miss the whole point of this being a trial about all adults on his world, but after seeing how excited Bowie was, Masaru couldn’t help but get a little excited too somehow. Eventually this bubbled to the surface a few laughs coming out of the Hero. The feeling was contagious!

“Ha...! Hahaha! Then I get to try other dimension Ice Cream! Then all your soda flavors and-”

He had completely moved on from the subject of putting the adults on trail and focused purely on the treats and joys that a new world could bring. Which he had to admit, there was a lot to be excited about, especially if what Bowie as saying was actually true.


Previously Gamingfan2
Feeling nothing else enter his mouth, Kirby looked behind himself to see the terrain speed at him, leaving him spinning as they passed before an explosion sent him upwards. Kirby canceled his decent with quick flap of his wings avoiding the light beams shot at him and, seeing the terrarian attack, decided to counterstrike. Kirby gave a quick spin, releasing a circle of sharp feathers which closed in around the terrarian, before following up with a dive from above. Kirby's body glew with energy, which would disperse into a shockwave if he landed.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian, seeing all the feathers around them, had jumped lightly into the air. Underneath them, a large blue slime with a yellow saddle appeared, boosting The Terrarian far into the air, moving to the left of the pink puffball to avoid jumping into him, rising above Kirby. The Terrarian threw a bunch of land mines on the ground below Kirby, and summoned three small sharknados via the Tempest Staff. As soon as The Terrarian was falling, the slime started to fall fast, the Terrarian having positioned his mount above Kirby as to crash into him and get another boost into the air from bouncing off of the puffball. The sharknados hung in the air, waiting for their queue. @Gamingfan
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Previously Gamingfan2
Seeing the Terrarian avoid jump past him riding a...ball of goo? Kirby immediately canceled his fall with a loop-de-loop, instead summoning his own mount, the warp star. Avoiding the Terrarian's fall, Kirby flew above the terrarian, shooting a wave of feathers above the terrarian, some of which made it at the mines below, detonating the large bunch.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian flipped the Slime mount around, making it take the feathers instead. The slime mount was cut open, but it wouldn't really matter. Soon as The Terrarian summoned it again, it would be fine. The Terrarian leapt off the Slime mount, leaving it to fall into the landmine explosions below that tore up the terrain. The Terrarian pointed a strange, spider-like staff at Kirby's warp star, and a large brown spider with a cannon-like mouth appeared right next to Kirby. The spider moved its cannon appendage at Kirby and begun rolling out Spider Eggs at him that would soon burst open into three smaller, purple venomous spiderlings. The Sharknados also begun circling Kirby, firing small sharkrons (basically purple/teal sharks) at the Puffball.

The Terrarian, hoping this distraction was enough, began setting up traps in the ground, getting out the grand design, pressure plates, actuators and other potential traps. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked over in surprise as a spider appeared right next to him. The terrarian had left, and so kirby focused on the spider. Quickly, he retaliated by opening his mouth and inhaling the eggs, following up with a quick feather to the spider, inhaling them as well. A quick flash, and now kirby had a top hat to go along with his spider ability. He faced the sharknados, now serious. The sharkrons were faster, but the warpstar was faster, allowing kirby to duck and weave across them and gulp the sharknadoes one at a time. Kirby's cheeks puffed, and he saw the terrarian doing something to the floor. Kirby flew parallel to the stage, firing a HUGE star across the stage, breaking apart any traps as it made it's way towards the terrarian.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian had finished putting some traps around the stage, as he noticed Kirby was done dealing with his minions. Then, the Terrarian had a good idea. The Terrarian quickly put down a void vault, then took out a chest and a light key. The Terrarian stuffed the Light Key into the chest and threw it at the incoming star projectile. The chest shook and smoke burst out of it, as it formed into a Hallowed Mimic. Being that the hallowed mimic just took the giant star projectile, it took alot of damage and begun chasing after Kirby, flying after him at fast speeds, giving the Terrarian more time to assemble traps. @Gamingfan


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian put down a lever as they held up their Grand Design. As the mimic was falling, The Terrarian leapt to the side he put the lever on and pulled it. The floor was actuated and created a hole in the stage without actually destroying it, letting the mimic fall through the stage as soon as it got close. The Terrarian however, had another plan. They swung a bundle of rope at the mimic, attaching it to the spider web. Then they formed a lasso out of what remained and flew up, throwing it at the warp star. The Terrarian readied Starlight again, flying up to Kirby's level to perform another assault of light stabs, with the rope hopefully holding on to the warp star and pulling the star into the abyss with it. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby's warp star sunk a bit as the mimic fell into thin air. He stared at the terrarian as they neared him at an alarming speed. Once the were close, Kirby pulled the mimic, using it as a shield as the terrarian attacked. Luckily it was closed, and as such took no damage. The web, however, did, slowly snapping apart as it was subjected to the flurry of attacks. Seeing it happen, Kirby had an idea. As the last light stabs pierced the webs, Kirby forced the mimic open, bringing its fangs down over the close terrarian.
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~Johnny Cage...~

Johnny quickly put on some brass knuckles. He used a flurry of punches to deflect the incoming precise shuriken. Johnny used a side kick, turning sideways to try avoid as much of the fans as possible. After he kicked he went for a block to try minimize damage.. He went to close the gap, he threw his shades(sunglasses) at Genji ,and followed it up with a flurry of brass knuckle strikes.

~Commander John Shepard...~

As soon as Shepard saw the gun lift up too him, he quickly used his omniblade to strike Tabby's arm thus pushing the gun away from his face. He swung his sword again at Tabby ,then quickly fired several assault rifle rounds before using shockwave, launching a line of explosions.

~Sly Cooper...~

"My staff!" Sly yelled. He attempted to kick the courier back, "Aaaahhhh... The Thievius raccoonus doesn't tell you how to brawl, what am I going to do?!" Sly thought to himself.
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Previously Deathstalker62
It seems the plan didn't work as well, but now provided an opportunity for The Terrarian to really mess up Kirby using the mimic. The Terrarian had struck the Mimic's tongue with their starlight, having it flinch from the sudden pain before biting down. This provided The Terrarian enough time to swap to The Horseman's Blade and have the mimic bite down on the blade instead. The mimic, pained from biting the sword, had opened its mouth, Starlight having removed some if not most of the webbing that was keeping it shut. The Terrarian begun swinging madly at the Mimic until it poofed into smoke, defeated. The Terrarian then flew below Kirby and begun slashing at his warp star, all the while flaming, ethereal pumpkin heads begun appearing out of thin air from the connecting slashes with The Horseman's Blade, flying fast at Kirby. @Gamingfan
The Courier just stood by as Sly went for a kick. The Courier had no need to counter or block this. The Courier simply put Gehenna away and clapped. [ You fought good, but there's no point in continuing. You've lost your greatest weapon, while I still have my arsenal available. Your only option is to give up. ] He commented with an impressed tone. @ThAtGuY101


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby leapt of the Warp Star which broke after one swing from the terrarian. The flaming jack the followed the swing was promptly eaten by Kirby. As kirby fell, he sent strings of webs on the blade's handle with one nub, and another to the floor with the other. Once the terrarian kept him up, Kirby pulled, planning on slamming the terrarian on the stage.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian flew up, trying to stretch the web attached to his blade as far as possible. He wasn't trying to break it off to free his blade. No, he was doing the complete opposite. As soon as they couldn't stretch any longer, the Terrarian held one hand onto the Horseman's Blade while it quickly soared downwards, going faster and faster. The Terrarian then let go of the Horseman's blade as their falling velocity was increasing and took out a Shadow Jousting Lance, aiming it at Kirby. As the Terrarian was falling faster, the Lance would be increasing in the damage it could do. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby found himself slingshotted into the stage, his puffy self bounced off without much of a crash, and teh star warrior looked up to see the Horseman's Blade being sent right at him. Kirby inhaled, gulping down the blade, flashing, and transforming into Sword Kirby. He quickly moved to the dies, avoiding the lance strike, and brought up his blade. It glew with energy, and Kirby swiped his sword to release his Blade Beam, a sharp energy blast send extremely fast at the Terrarian.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
(Permission from @Captain Pokémon to auto this fight to completion. Great Fight bud )

Now that Sonic and Joker were both on the ground, Joker noticed Sonic quickly threw his grappling hook away, while Arsene stayed in place down below, waiting to see where Sonic stopped. Joker managed to pull away just in time as Sonic launched forward, a huge sonic boom being heard, and Joker feeling a bit of energy from it, nothing damaging. If he was down there he would have been done for. When Sonic finished the attack, he looked tired. Whatever that attack did, he needed time to recharge. Joker grinned, this was finally the opening he had been waiting for. Arsene flew in close to Sonic, and with a wave of his hand, the blindingly light of Nocturnal Flash filling the area and putting the already dazed Sonic in a blinded dizzy state. “Now Arsene, Psyodyne!” Joker called out as he released the hook, starting to speed down at Sonic from the sky, and Arsene, shoot an energy ball. It was brightly coloured, and appeared as though it was always shifting its shape and size. Psyodyne was a powerful psychic spell that did extra damage to dizzied enemies, knocking them down and leaving them open to one of the Phantom Thieves signature and more powerful moves. With the ball hitting Sonic, he was downed, and Joker called out once more, his blade at the ready. “Let’s go, All our Attack!” Joker and Arsene both strikes Sonic hard, speeding around the hedgehog much the same way he did them, each time passing by slicing at Sonic’s arms, legs, chest head. Knowing he was reaching his weakest point, Joker and Arsene together slashed one final time at Sonic’s chest, their opponet falling on his back.Joker just smirked, stood straight up and fixed his gloves. “Arsene, return.” The spirit of Joker’s soul disappeared, his mask appearing back on his face in a flash of blue fire. Joker approached his downed opponent, and offered him a hand. “Good match hedgehog. It was fun.” He flashed his usual cocky smirk, but there was an air of friendliness behind it this time.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian leapt away, raising the Shadow Jousting Lance out of the ground. They paused when realizing what had happened to their Horseman's Blade and, as such, took the Blade Beam. The Terrarian was protected from knockback by their Ankh Shield, however, this blade beam only made them more angry. The Terrarian expressed a rage emote and briefly used an alien-looking staff to summon a three-segmented Stardust Dragon.

The Terrarian stood by, taking a few seconds downing two potions; an Endurance Potion, which reduced any taken damage by 10% and an Ichor Flask, which imbued their melee weapons and its projectiles with the ichor effect, a type of liquid that reduces one's defense severely.

The Terrarian had then charged at the pink puffball and leapt into the air, flying above Kirby. They took out their sixth weapon; the Terrarian Yo-Yo, and launched it at Kirby.

The Yo-Yo begun firing off green projectiles rapidly that homed in on the Puffball, while the Stardust Dragon flew away and under the stage, waiting for its opportunity to strike. @Gamingfan
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
With a sudden flurry of attacks, the battle was over, Joker standing triumphantly above the defeated blue hedgehog. Master hand descended from above alongside a round of applause.

“What a heart racer! I’m sure many man-children at home are just devastated by this turn of events!” Master hand gave a finger gun to Joker. “But it looks like our local dating simulator protag claims victory over his foe!”

“Ol’ Blue?!”

NiGHTS flew into the stage as it began to revert back to Second-to-last destination. Seeing the wounds starting to heal on Sonic, they cross their arms.

“Oi, what happened to carrying on eh? Well...don’t bother me none.” They grinned, crossing their legs midair. “That means I get to fight the Joker here!”


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, seeing the terrarian's reaction. However, they started acting, and Kirby had to be ready. Seeing the terrarian summon another minion, this one fleeing below, Kirby decided to take care of it. Quickly, the star warrior jumped off the stage, evading the yo-yo before summoning his Warpstar again and dashing quickly below the stage. He saw the dragon, and quickly yeeted his sword at it, stabbing it in it's eye before tackling it, slurping it up like a really gruesome noodle. The star warrior flew up, now on the opposite side of the stage from where he was before. Kirby shot his catch, sending a large star at fast speeds towards the terrarian.
Sonic's eyes widened as his opponent came in close and repeatedly stabbed him, and that was it. Sonic fell down, tried to get up, but then fell down again, groaning. That Master Hand guy then flew in and announced the end of the battle.
Sonic's wounds then began to heal, and he felt fine again. His opponent then offered him a hand, telling him that it was a good fight. He took the teen's hand and got up. He snapped his finger in a slightly frustrated way. "Darn. I was so close." He said to nobody in particular. He looked at his opponent. "It was fun." He agreed. "If we ever fight again though, don't expect things to go the same way. I'll keep getting stronger every day!" He said enthusiastically. His jester-like friend then flew down to the now normal battlefield. Sonic shrugged. "Eh, there's always next time. And the actual Smash Bros." He said. "Besides, I didn't need that wish anyway. I've already had my fair share of wishes anyhow." He said. (Props to anybody who understands that reference.) He looked at his friend. "Careful, he's tough." He said, then looked at Joker. "See ya around." He said, performing a two fingered salute that turned into a peace sign. He then dashed into the archway that was nearby, being taken back to the plaza.
@The Alright Attorney @Shen: King of the Mist (Y'all don't have to respond, just tagging you guys in case either of you have any post ideas.)
Genji simply sidestepped to avoid the sunglasses, then parried each punch, parrying at the same speed that Johnny punched.

He used a swift strike to get behind Johnny, then threw a fan of shurikens at him, even if the swift strike didn't succeed, before swift striking into the air and throwing 3 more fans of shurikens. (This part is so short xD)


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian looked on where Kirby had went. He just saw them, but where were they? The Terrarian looked to his sides, then lowered to the ground and turned around, seeing a large star flying at him. However, he also saw where Kirby was. The Terrarian raised his Ankh Shield infront of him, with something secretly planned, taking in the star blast with some knockback and took the projectile head-on. The Terrarian had positioned himself so the knockback would push him onto a pressure plate he had put down there while setting up his traps. A hidden set of spear traps in the ground activated at Kirby's end of the stage. The spear traps drove out fast to stab Kirby and reel him in. Then, the Terrarian ran forward, launching their Yo-Yo at Kirby again, firing off the projectiles yet again that flew at the pink puffball. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked over curiously as the terrarian stepped on something, before backing up in surprise as spears poked at him, He managed to back off, avoiding the spears. As teh yo-yo neared, Kirby warp star side-stepped (Side-floated? Side-leavitated?) from it, and immediately made a quick dash at the terrarian, leaping of the warp star, launching it at the terrarian face, and swinging his sword over the yo-yo string.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian tried to pull his Yo-Yo back in time, but it was too late. The String was cut, and the Yo-Yo stopped on the floor. The Terrarian just sorta stopped there. Overwhelmed in Anger. The Terrarian swapped weapons, raising his Rod of Discord (A wand to teleport around with) in one hand, the S l a p H a n d in the other. He was angry. And Kirby was gonna feel his wrath. The Terrarian teleported behind Kirby, swinging the Slap Hand. However, should Kirby attack him before he could hit the puffball, The Terrarian would teleport again, taking 1/7th damage of his maximum health from the second teleport, planning to teleport behind Kirby again. @Gamingfan
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Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked proudly as the yo-you was cut. Summoning another warp star to catch his fall, Kirby flew a distance and turned back. He felt a little unnerved by they terrarian's stillness. Before he knew it, the terrarian was behind him. Hearing the swing of the weapon, Kirby jumped, avoiding the hit, and proceeded to fall behind the terrarian with a sword dive. His warp star flew below him, catching the star warrior. Kirby brought up his sword, which charged with energy once more, and he stood his warp star, preparing himself.
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