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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee

Sonic shook his head, beginning to recover, but not fully yet. When he opens his eyes, he saw that his opponent had covered the center of the arena in ice. He raised an eyebrow. “What? Did ya think that would stop me or somethin’?” He asked, not expecting an answer. He shook his head again, pretty much recovered fully by now. He charged up a spin dash, then released it, then jumped, the momentum allowing him to jump over the ice. He then changed into a homing attack, aiming for Joker.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The amount of space Sonic has to jump, made it pretty clear his trajectory, and it gave Joker ample time to analyze, prepare and dodge out of the way of the homing attack. Who didn't move however was Arsene, standing now where Joker once stood, and swiping at the incoming hedgehog, while Joker used his grappling hook to start swinging to the opposite side of the field.
@Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker didn't hear Arsene make contact with Sonic, and instead heard Sonic hit the wall. He was most likely kicking off of it, and towards Joker. He didn't have time to look back, just called out to Arsene. "Riot Gun!" Arsene pointed at Sonic, and three lightening like energy blasts crashed down from the sky above in quick succession, aiming right at the Hedgehog.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw the lightning bolts coming at him and quickly jumped dashed onto a nearby wall to avoid them. They struck the ground, destroying slime of the ice in the center. “How about that?” He said, before jumping off the wall again, before circling around Joker, using blue tornado again, but this time spinning in a wider radius so that Joker couldn’t stab him like last time. The move was also more likely to succeed because they were in the air, and Joker couldn’t simply run away, and if he tried to drop down, he’d most likely get sucked back in.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
"You're really good at running away and not much else, aren't you?" Joker called out to his opponent as he began to circle around him, making another tornado. Luckily, Joker still had a tight grip on his grappling hook, and was able to hold on tight with both hands. The spinning motion of the tornado, and him gripping the rope meant he started to spin around in a circle himself. As he spun, he stuck his legs out, trying to kick the hedgehog out of the tornado and out of the air.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic smirked to himself. He exit out of the tornado, then used the bounce attack, quickly soaring downwards, then bouncing back up with the speed and power of a small and weak meteor, all while Joker was still spinning around. But he didn’t aim for Joker, instead, he aimed for the grappling hook rope, angling himself so that he would hit it, aiming to cut it and dispose of one of Joker’s best tools. (This will be much more powerful than the spin dash attempt that failed earlier.)
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker cursed out when he saw Sonic stop the tornado, using the speed he built from it to shoot down and back up with incredible force. Thinking the attack was for him, Joker released the grappling hook and thanks to the speed he built up from spinning was enough for him to fly off the rope just barely avoiding Sonic. With the rope no longer taut, instead of breaking through the rope, he simply pushed it out of the way, as he returned to Joker.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic growled. He thought he had him there. He used the bounce attack again, coming down with force, but then stopped himself from going back up by stomping. He looked at Joker. This guy was starting to get annoying. He quickly jumped up, then used a homing attack, but then swerved around behind Joker, then kicked in midair behind Joker, doing good damage and knocking Joker back pretty far if it landed. (Modified version of the Flying Kick from Lost World.)
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker could tell Sonic was getting far more aggressive as they went on. So far it's been a similar pattern of him dashing at Joker, and either trying to hit him straight on or around the back. Thinking back most of Sonic's Sonic's attacks have been going for his upper half like his chest, head and top part of his back. Considering Sonic was coming down from a top angle, Joker assumed this would be much the same and quickly ducked down. From this lowered position, Joker fired his pistol off just above him, hoping to his Sonic as he sailed overhead.
@Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Seeing Sonic right in front of him, Joker knew this was the closest his opponent has been to him yet. He signaled for Arsene to start to return to him. Joker remembered the first mark he managed to get on Joker was from a scenario just like this. He didn't have time to play around anymore. As soon as Sonic dashed through him, Joker sliced at Sonic's chest, the close proximity making it nearly impossible to dodge, especially considering Sonic was boosting straight at Joker. The boost still hit Joker, and before he could see if his blade landed, he was in the air. It hurt, but was worth it, as he was out of the way for Arsene's next attack. "Sukaden!" Arsene shoot the beam of energy in a straight lime, directly in the path of Sonic's spindash.
@Captain Pokémon
(I thought this made sense, considering that when boosting Sonic can just plow through robots that would usually hurt him on contact, so he takes reduced damage while boosting.)
Sonic felt a scratch on him, but nothing too bad. The same could not be said for his opponent, who was now in the air after getting hit. He cancelled his spindash and quickstepped backwards to avoid the beam. He looked at his shoulder. He was grazed once again, but nothing too bad. He assumed that the sheer speed and power of his boost had messed up Joker’s accuracy or bumped his hand. He jumped up, then used homing attack. Nothing special, but it was usually effective.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker knew he couldn't be on the defensive for too long. That's what's been dragging this fight on for so long. Arsene sped in swiping at Sonic's homing attack to give Joker some time to land and get back on his feet. Joker rolled into his landing so it wouldn't hurt and he got back up to his feet, shooting off in Sonic's direction multiple times with his pistol.
@Captain Pokémon
“Woah!” Sonic said, before jump dashing backwards to avoid Arsene’s attack. He then stomped downwards to avoid Joker’s gunfire. He quickly boosted towards Joker and once he was in front of him, he hopped up about a foot, then used Flying Kick, aiming for Joker’s stomach, doing great damage if it landed, as it was a powerful kick, and it was one of the most sensitive parts of the human body.(Nowhere near THE most, but still pretty sensitive.) Joker would also be sent back a decent distance if it landed, possibly knocking him into a wall and doing more damage.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Back on his feet, Joker more prepared for whatever Sonic has planned for him. As per usual, the hedgehog sped towards him, before leaping into a flying kick. Joker quickly weaved out of the way of the attack, his blade slicing at Sonic as he flew past. "Arsene, Eigaon!" He called out, and his Persona took aim, shooting a blast of energy at Sonic as well.
@Captain Pokémon
(I have discussed this with @The Alright Attorney)
As his opponent tried to stab him again, Sonic managed to kick the blade out of his hand, sending it flying to the side. Sonic wasted no time. He quickly ran over there, avoiding the projectile that Arsene sent at him and went to pick up the blade. He considered taking it for himself, but his opponent could possibly take it back that way, so he did what he thought was best. He threw (Yeet) the blade, and it landed on a windowsill near the top floor of a nearby building. “Whoopsie! I’m such a klutz.” He said while shrugging tauntingly. He then sprinted towards Joker, then once he was close he hopped up slightly to perform a high-kicking punt forward, aiming for Joker’s chest or stomach and doing great damage if it landed, and knocking Joker upwards as well if it landed.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The moment Joker lost his blade, he started to run for it. He saw Sonic throw the blade away, and wasted no time, prepping his grappling hook. Knowing Sonic would be using this opportunity to attack Joker, Arsene flrw back to Joker's side, swiping at any incoming attacks that Sonic might throw out. Sure enough the hedgehog leaped into the air and aimed a kick at Joker. Arsene used Myriad Slashes, two quick paced swipes with his claws to try and knock Sonic back or at least keep him away from Joker.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic grinned as his opponent tried to go get the blade back. He wasn’t much without his tools. He quickly curled into a ball and double jumped over Arsene. Once he was beside Joker he thrust his body forward through midair while sticking his legs outward while spinning, doing good damage and most likely knocking Joker around or causing him to lose his bearings if it was successful.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Before Sonic could make contact with Joker, the Phantom Thief had already threw his grappling hook towards the building that his blade had fallen on top of. It landed on a balcony just below the top. "Arsene, keep him busy!" Was the last thing Joker yelled out before feeling he and his body get pulled up and away towards it. Arsene turned towards Sonic, and brought down another blast of Gun Riot, the three bolts coming down just in between Sonic and Joker, trying to buy Joker some time.
@Captain Pokémon
“Woah!” Sonic said, before quickly jump dashing onto the wall of the building Joker was climbing. He then began running up the building, breaking windows and leaving clouds of dust in his wake. He was catching up to Joker very quickly. He quickstepped to dodge one lightning, quickstepped again to avoid the next, then quickstepped one last time to dodge the last, and he did all of this while still running towards Joker. He was having a blast, and it showed on his face. “This is fun!” He said, now caught up with Joker, he then used a homing attack, aiming to hurt Joker as well as make him lose his balance/bearings.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker heard Sonic starting to catch up to him and glanced back, seeing the hedgehog running up the side of the building. "Pest control in your universe must be stronger than the military." He called out, before leaping up the top of the building, climbing up and over to just narrowly avoid getting hit by the homing attack. Joker saw his blade and quickly grabbed it. He smirked to himself, doing a stylish spin with it, before turning around, knowing Sonic would be there in just a second.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw Joker pick up the blade and frowned. Looks like his opponent had been just fast enough to get it back. The edgy teenager picked up the blade, and looked prepared. Sonic quickly leaped off the wall he was running on, jump dashed to the top of the building, then began running in a large circle around Joker, leaving a blue trail in his wake and causing dust to spin around rapidly, effectively forming a large blue trail/dust cyclone. It wasn’t blue tornado though, the whole point of this one was to blind his opponent. He kept running for a moment just to confuse him some more, then suddenly ran into the center of the cyclone with Joker, the one part that was actually possible to see through. He quickly used his homing attack. This happened in under a second.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker didn't see the attack coming, and it hit him in the chest. The impact knocked Joker out of the dust tornado. While it hurt, it did mean Joker was now the one out of sight. Sonic could hear the sound of Joker running away and jumping off the side of the building. All that could be seen on the roof now was the tornado and Arsene, who shot a blast of Sukaden into the tornado, knowing Sonic wouldn't be able to see it coming.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic grinned as Joker was hit and fell out of the tornado. But he then heard a familiar sound. “Uh oh.” He said, and, right as the cyclone disappeared, he saw the familiar ‘slow beam’ coming at him. He quickstepped to the right, just barely avoiding the attack. “Ya know, you’re not very nice.” He told Arsene. “Ya pick that up from your master?” He taunted. He leapt off the top of the building, the balanced on a lamp attached to the wall, and looked around for Joker. “Now where'd ya go?”
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
While Sonic jumped off and looked around, Joker silently climbed up from the opposite side of the building behind Sonic. Rather than leaping off the side of the building completely, he just simply quietly hid on one of the balconies. Silently, he and Arsene approached the hedgehog, and once they were close enough, Arsene sped in front of Sonic, quickly casting the blinding Nocturnal Flash once again. If Sonic was blinded by the flash or not, Joker swung his blade at Sonic's back, which would leave a nasty cut on Sonic's back, and hopefully cause him to fall back down to the streets.
@Captain Pokémon
“Wha?” Was all Sonic could say before being blinded again. “Agh!” he said, and out of panic and pure instinct, Sonic spin dashed off of the lamp. He started to roll along the side of the building, rolling down at high speeds while screaming in panic. He then reached the ground again and rolled along that until he slowly stopped. He had took some damage simply from the rolling and falling, but he was pretty much alright. He slowly got up and groaned. “Ugh.....” He said before shaking his head and starting to recover. He looked up at his opponent and waited for his next move.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
While Joker's blade missed, with Sonic quickly getting out of the situation as fast as possible, Joker still smirked to himself, with Sonic clearly getting some damage down from his wild run down the side of the building. Joker and Arsene dived off the side of the building, with Joker firing off his pistol and Arsene shooting small balls of curse energy at the hedgehog. About halfway down, Joker threw his hook, it latching onto the side of the building to slow his descent and let him land comfortably on the ground again.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw Joker pull out the gun and quickly jump dashed to the left, then stomped downwards to get back to the ground. He avoided each bullet individually, then waggled his finger at his opponent tauntingly. “Too slow!” He said, before taking off like a rocket, and once he was in front of Joker, he performed a devastating roundhouse kick, doing great damage if it landed.
@The Alright Attorney
“Darn!” Sonic said before quickly swerving left to avoid becoming slow again. He landed on the ground again and looked at Arsene. “You’re kind of annoying, ya know that?” He said angrily before focusing for a moment, then jumping up and using the focused homing attack. The first attack would be aimed at Joker, the second would be aimed to the side of Joker, just in case he tried to run, and the third aimed back at Joker.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
With his back still close to the all of the building he scaled down moments ago, Joker quickly jumped back on it to avoid the first homing attack, propelled himself off the wall and into a roll back to the ground to just narrowly avoid the second attack, as well as widen the gap between the pair. He looked back to see Sonic using yet another homing attack, and Joker pulled out his blade, trying to slice at the incoming hedgehog.

@Captain Pokémon
Sonic quickly swerved out of the way to avoid the incoming blade, instead bouncing into a wall. He landed on the ground, then was off like a rocket in the other direction. He went to a pile of rubble from a previous part of their fight. He then kicked one of the pieces of rubble that was about the size of a soccer ball, and it went sailing towards Joker. He then kicked another, and another, and another. He then kicked one that was slightly larger than all the others. All of this would do great damage if they landed.
@The Alright Attorney


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt disabled his Flashfield and put Dart Leader in its holster once he heard Drogoz forfeit. That match was definitely made a lot easier for him thanks to his Flashfield being so effective on explosives. "Well done on your part as well. Good luck on your own journey." He told Drogoz, knowing his opponent had probably done all that he could. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of lives everyone in the tournament had in their own worlds... Most of them did seem to have a thing for fighting. Waving his opponent goodbye, he walked into the rift and was sent back to the plaza.

"Geez, why do all of these guys have a thing for explosives? First the grenade maniac and now a dragon with a rocket launcher? I swear, if the next guy has nukes I'm gonna lose it." Joule spoke for the first time in a while, clearly surprised by how common those weapons were.

"Eh, they're not that hard to deal with. At least if they don't zoom around like that Junkrat guy did." Gunvolt replied, taking a look at the matchups to see who he'd be up against next. Either a pink ball named Kirby or some guy going by Terrarian. Their match was playing on one of the screens, and the Terrarian guy seemed to have a wide array of weapons at their disposal. He hoped Kirby would end up winning, that one definitely seemed to be a bit more simple and easier to deal with.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker ducked out of the way of the first piece of rubble, it just scraping his side slightly. He glanced up to see three more coming, and quickly called upon Arsene. "Riot gun, now!" Pointing towards the pieces of rubble, Arsene summoned the three powerful bolts of lightening to destroy them as they flew. He breathed a sigh of relief, before seeing a larger piece get thrown at him as well. Preparing to take the hit, Joker braced himself, only to hear the sound of the rubble breaking. Looking forward, he saw Arsene, having just cut the rubble clean in half with Cleave. Joker smirked and just gave a simple nod to his Persona. They both looked back towards Sonic, and Joker fired off a volley of bullets, with Arsene summoning Riot Gun again, both attacks aimed directly at Sonic.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic tapped his foot impatiently as if these attacks were slow to him, even though he only had time to tap his foot for a second before he needed to dodge. He quickstepped to avoid each lightning individually, striking a taunting pose for each one. He then dodged each bullet and struck a break dance pose for each one. He pulled his bottom eyelid down and stuck his tongue out in a childish and mockingly way. (He does this a lot in Sonic X, season 1 at least.) He then jumped onto a wall and started to run up it, getting closer to Joker but not attacking.
@The Alright Attorney