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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter swerved around to face Eggman, appearing as if he was completely innocent. He laughed, resting his hands on the arms of his floating throne.

“Ha, I didn’t say it would be easy Dear Doctor. But even in your small encounter, I’ve prepared a small psychoanalysis.” Specter cleared his throat. “Our Strum fellow seems to not get along well with others, and judging from his name drop of his Black Hole army leaves to conclude that he doesn’t play nice with higher authority. Theorizing he may be a general, admiral, even a overlord wouldn’t be too far a stretch. His dominating attitude seems to point in that direction as well. Did your psych-evaluation pick up anything up close and personal?”

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
‘Crap, he’s dodging everything.’ Joker cursed out in his head. As Sonic got closer to him, Arsene sped back towards Joker’s side as well. ‘No time to cast Tetrakarn again, just gonna have to take the hit.’ Joker got hit full force by Sonic’s attack, but before being blown back, Joker swiped his knife at Sonic, while at the same time Arsene approached the hedgehog from the back, swiping his claws again at Sonic’s back. Hopefully either, or both of these attacks would hit.
@Captain Pokémon

Once Dimitri had Yu on the ground, he pointed his spear at his opponent’s face. “Do you yield?” He asked. Yu dropped his sword, his Persona fading away. It appeared it accepted defeat. Dimitri offered a smile and helped Yu back to his feet. He shook hands with his opponent. “Fantastic match. It was an honour getting to fight someone such as yourself.”
Sonic got grazed by the knife, but moved too fast and avoided Arsene’s attack. He quickly stopped and looked back. His attack was successful and his opponent was blown back and took damage. He looked at his arm and there was a bleeding cut. “You’re good! Looks like this will be harder than last time!” He said before running up to Joker and quickly throwing a line of rings in a curved line that started in front of Joker and ended behind him. Sonic used light speed dash to go through and collect the rings. If Joker was too slow and didn’t block or avoid the attack, he’d take decent damage.
@The Alright Attorney
Eggman pondered this. “Not much. Though he referred to me as “worm”, so he obviously has some sort of superiority complex and an ego. Maybe I could somehow use that to my advantage in the fight...” He thought aloud. He looked to Metal. “Metal, you might want to watch the fight between that gumball with a hat and that duck thing. One of them is gonna be your next opponent, and you’re going to have to know their capabilities.” He told Metal. “Besides, can’t have my greatest creation lose to one of them.” He said gesturing to the battle being shown on a screen. Metal just nodded, acting obedient as usual. He looked at the screen. Huh, one of them really did look like a gumball with a hat, and the other really was a duck. Eggman tended to have weird insults, so he thought he was just being spiteful, but, nope. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot while watching the battle. Eggman turned to Specter. “There’s only so much a man can gather from one conversation, especially a small one like that.”
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Woah that looks awesome! Mom would never let me have that for dinner, she says it would ruin my stomach, of course, there was one time when Blob and I went through a whole jar of jellybeans during a movie and I was sick for the rest of the night so she might've been onto something." Bowie started to chuckle before realizing just who he was talking to, snapping back to their earlier conversation. "I guess you wouldn't have any stories like that though. I don't want to pry, but if you ever did feel like telling me what happened that made you hate adults so much, I'd be glad to listen. I just want to be able to understand.

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was impressed and somewhat stunned by the sudden acrobatics of The DuckTM, But he wouldn't let that take him off his guard. He started to parry the blows of Psyduck one for one, trying to keep the claws from scratching him, but he missed one and got hit in the chest, which is basically the middle of his round body. This left him open to one more scratch as he was caught off guard, but after that Bandana Dee hit him square in the side of his face with the blunt end of his spear in order to widen the gap between them.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker rolled backwards after he got hit, eventually slowing to a stop on his feet. It stung pretty bad, but he wasn’t bleeding and didn’t seem to have any cuts on him. The same couldn’t be said for his opponent. Seem’s Joker just managed to graze Sonic’s arm. He finally got a hit on the speedy hedgehog, but Sonic has put for more damage on himself so far. Joker has got to turn the tables and he think he figured out a plan on how to. First things first though, dodging Sonic’s next assault. Sonic threw out some rings leading up to Joker, but then curved around to his back side. Thinking back to the start of the match, Joker remembered Sonic speeding through the rings to get a speed boost. He can most likely follow it’s trail as well. Quickly, Joker rolled to the side and out of the path of the rings. As he moved, Joker started to let his grappling hook fall to his hand. He threw the long hooked rope at Sonic’s feet, hoping to trip him up.
@Captain Pokémon
M.Bison's fist collided with Olberic's sword, blocking the attack before the dictator used his momentum to flip over his opponent. "Well well, seems you are not just a squire. Let's see if you can defend yourself against this though! Psycho Crusher!" Charging his right hand with psycho power, he surrounded himself with the purple energy and launched himself at Olberic like a spinning torpedo with his right palm out to 'crush grind' the sword user as the slow moving Psycho Shot was getting closer and closer to its target. Not that it was too big of a problem, since it didn't home in on a target. @Psymallard


"Rargh! Away with you!" Drogoz knew Gunvolt was on top of him and he had to get rid of the little spark plug as soon as possible. His arms were not long enough to reach, but he didn't need to. Angling the rocket launcher to shoot just over his shoulder, he fired. The aim was to get Gunvolt off of him, a direct hit was just a nice gift. The explosion and sharpnel would hurt him, but the Wyrin had taken much worse than his own rockets before. @ArmedBlue


Previously Deathstalker62
*The edit was just some spelling fixing so it reads better. The actions weren't changed, but just a bit better described so they're easier to understand.

The Courier lowered their gun, having lost track of Sly due to the flash bomb's smoke. Instead, The Courier opted to rely on their hearing to detect Sly. Listening closely, The Courier strangely couldn't hear Sly approaching and, therefore, wasn't fast enough to avoid the incoming uppercut, stumbling back from the hit against his chin. However, The Courier could react to the follow-up attack, which was the Cane Push. The Courier quickly entered V.A.T.S and shot two bullets, both at each of Sly's wrists, before going down onto the ground, switching out Ranger Sequoia for his fists. The Courier had performed a Ranger Takedown, but not aiming his mighty kick at Sly. No, The Courier went for a full-force kick against Sly's cane in an attempt to disarm the Raccoon. Should The Courier's kick, then Sly's cane would be launched right off the side of the stage, into the abyss below. @ThAtGuY101
The Terrarian thought. They were visible for a split second they swung the Slap Hand, but it seemed Kirby hadn't noticed as the pink puffball was more busy gaining an ability from the imp minions and killing the remaining two. The Terrarian then had an idea. A pretty simple and sneaky one. The Terrarian threw out a bunch of food infront of him, stealthily sneaking backwards a bit to make a small distance between him and the pile of food, just enough for Kirby to land inbetween the two without noticing the Terrarian. The plan was simple; bait Kirby into eating the food, then smack him with the Slap Hand out of bounds. Simple and quick. @Gamingfan
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Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked down in surprise as he saw food fly out of this air. It was then it hit him. The terrarian was invisible! The star warrior flew down, opposite from where he saw the food come out from, and inhaled. The food flew, sliding down his gullet easily. Kirby continued to inhale, however, strengthening his signature skill as to pull the terrarian into his mouth. His wings perked, feathers at the ready in case the terrarian tried something.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ah yes...only so much one MAN can gather.” Specter chuckled, referring to his ape like physique. “Perhaps your intellect is more suited for pragmatic matters rather than all around, no? But I hardly blame you. I cannot read his mind. That is a rarity indeed... this will not be easy for you, Doctor.”

Specter looked to his own matchups, which he shook his head with a smirk. He was given the easy end of the stick. Either a scrawny rat with Stick or a man with a gun. They definitely wore their skills on their sleeve. Something he planned on teaching them why that was such and error.


Masaru cringed mid-swallow as he heard Bowie talk about his mother in such a positive light. Nearly choking, the red head forced down the food as if he were drinking poison, swerving over to Bowie.

“Don’t talk about Demons in such a good light, especially like they are ABOVE you. Don’t you see that? What gives them the right to order you around like some kinds of dirty dog?!”

Taking a swig of Pepsi, then Masaru gave a long and terribly dramatic sigh, as if he was given a lengthy chore list. Balling up his fists he pounded the table.

“Demons are the worst scum on earth! They treat us kids like less than garbage! My old man...urk...”

He started to shiver, his body tensing up. It’s like his body didn’t want him to finish his story. Instead, bashed his arm on the table, shifting stories from it.

“How...Monaca’s old man was so cruel that they put her in a wheelchair! She can never walk or play soccer again!”
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Sonic's attack failed, and he saw the grappling hook coming. Luckily, his reaction time was insanely high, as he needed it to be able to move around accurately while rolling around at the speed of sound. He quickly jumped and did a few tricks in the air before landing stylishly. "Too slow!" He said before jumping into the air and curling into a ball. He then dashed forward and spun around Joker at incredible speeds while still in the air and in a ball. He left a blue trail as he spun, and a blue cyclone/vortex appeared in the area they were in, creating a sucking force inside it. If Joker was too slow an didn't get away in time, he would be flung into the air, taking some damage, before falling down and most likely taking brutal damage considering the height and speed.
@The Alright Attorney
Eggman frowned. "Yes...people are often confusing. I prefer robots. They do what they're told, and follow their programming!" He said, gesturing to Metal. Metal simply nodded. "They don't need breaks or happiness! They don't have feelings, nor do they need them." He said.
"Robots are far more efficient than humans are. Besides me of course." He said while twisting his mustache.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Manu456Alola
"Nope!" Gunvolt performed an Air Dash backwards to dodge the rocket. Having no reason to use Orochi now that the drone was destroyed, Gunvolt switched to Cerberus and began firing darts at Drogoz on full-auto, quickly shooting lots of them in just a few seconds. He began to walk backwards as to get himself some more distance, knowing that the further away he got, the more time he'd have to react to Drogoz's attacks. He deployed his Flashfield a bit after he began firing, saving a bit of EP without sacrificing too much would-be damage.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Yes...yes that sentiment we can agree on.”

His war against humanity proved this, his machines proved to to be an obstacle that the humans simply couldn’t compare to. Chuckling at the thought of getting back to those preparations, he looked back to Eggman.

“That’s something I respect about you, Doctor. You’ve come to the same conclusion despite being the same race as those you speak ill of. Nothing if not impartial, I say. Just another factor to how IQ transcends persecution. After we win, we should discuss our plans over a glass of champagne, eh?”

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker cursed out as the grappling hook was easily dodged. This creature was built for speed, it wouldn’t be easy to trip him up. In an instant, the hedgehog used it’s speed to spin around Joker, creating a small vortex of wind, with Joker right in the middle of it. His trench coat began to billow, and he felt himself get lifted into the air. It was to late for him to easily get out, so he’d have to find another way out. Suddenly, he found himself launched into the air, the sudden air pressure hurting just a bit, but he knew a fall would be much worse. His grappling hook still in hand, Joker threw it at one of the many cameras that lined the arena walls, letting him gracefully swing away. With his free hand, Joker pulled out his gun again, shooting at Sonic. “We’ll see whose too slow. Arsene, Sukunda!” As Joker shot at Sonic from one angle, Arsene sped at the hedgehog from the other, shooting a wave of energy at him. It wouldn’t hurt Sonic if he made contact with it, but it would lower his speed for about a minute. Bullets speeding at him from one angle, a speed lowering spell coming from the other one. Joker could only hope one of the two attacks made contact.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic quickly exit out of his blue tornado technique, then quickly air boosted, causing a sonic boom and changing the bullets’ trajectory thanks to the force caused by it. He then double jumped to avoid Arsene’s attack, causing the energy wave to go past him and possibly hit Joker. He did a few more tricks to get more boost, then landed. He waggled his finger, then dashed and leaped up to a wall, he then jumped quicker than the eye could see to the next, then to the next, then the next, and he repeated this process for about 1 second before he jumped off the wall he was currently on and leaped towards Joker. He stuck his foot out and used a flying kick, doing decent damage if his attack landed. If he hit Joker, he would quickly bounce off of him and leap backwards, if he missed, he would just do the same thing except with a wall.
@The Alright Attorney
Eggman grinned. “Sounds like a plan!” He said while continuing to twist his glorious mustache. Metal looked at Eggman and Specter. Looks like they were serious about the whole thing. He wondered if Eggman would actually win with Specter’s help. But the true question was whether they could do it before he did. Metal simply kept staring at the screen. The duck seemed to be losing, not very surprising in his opinion. It looked weak.
@Shen: King of the Mist

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker released the grappling hook, it pulling back into his sleeve to dodge Arsene’s blast. He rolled to a stop and got back to his feet quickly. Sonic started to bounce wall to wall, clearing building up speed for an attack. And with speed like that, it would be hard for him to change his trajectory. Joker stood firm, calling out to his Persona once again. “Arsene, Tetrakarn!” Joker cast the protective barrier/counter spell again, hoping that Sonic was moving to fast to move out of the way of Joker.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw the same shield appear again, and quickly curled into a ball and turned, then dashed to the left all in the time frame of under a second. He landed on the floor next to Joker. The shield didn’t look like it was gonna go away, and Sonic didn’t have any projectiles, so they were kinda stuck. He simply ran in the opposite direction so that he was away from Joker, then started tapping his foot.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
“You just gonna play the waiting game then?” Joker asked with a smirk. Seems Sonic had caught on and noticed it was the same barrier from before. Joker knew it’s effects would wear off shortly, so he made the most of his time now. He sped towards the hedgehog, coming at him from the right, while Arsene the left. Joker swiped at Sonic with his blade in an arcing motion, while Arsene swung his claws in the same motion, trying to cover the entire radius of Sonic’s movement. However, as Joker swiped with one hand, his other hand stealthy pulled out his gun, shooting up into the air, trying to block off any air escapes Sonic might try and do.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic actually mockingly yawned, being the sassy teen he his. When they started charging him, he quickly slid under Joker’s legs, and was on the other side. He quickly dashed to a nearby Sega Sonic popcorn shop and got a box. He quickly at a handful, then tossed it behind him. It was possible that they would hit each other. He charged up a spin dash, but didn’t release it yet.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker’s blade just went straight though Arsene, doing no damage to the Persona, with Joker’s doing the same. Neither were harmed, and they turned to watch the hedgehog mock them and run away. “I know you’re a runner, but even you gotta admit this is getting ridiculous. Guess you know even one of my hits would be enough to take you out.” He smirked slightly, as the effects of Tetrakarn wore off. Sonic began to charge up another attack, and Joker’s hand gripped his grappling hook, clearly about to throw it into the air to escape the attack.
@Captain Pokémon
~Johnny Cage...~

After Genji called his sword, Johnny blocked the first strike by striking his sword arm. Johnny used a burnin' backhand to block the second strike by stepping outta the way ,and blocking the arm. As Genji went in front of him again for a strike, Johnny leaned back ,and kicked towards the groin. Genji then swung downward to which Johnny rolled to the side ,and followed up with a sweeping kick, a rising knee ,and finishing it off with a elbow strike. All three attacks done in quick succession.

~Sly Cooper...~

As soon as Courier shot two rounds, the first one managed to hit, "Youch! Sly yelped as he let go of the staff with his injured hand. Only holding onto it with his other hand. Sly managed to continue to hold his staff with both hands ,but his injured hand held the staff loosely. He did manage to avoid the second. And as Courier went to go for a kick, Sly went to block the kick with a cane strike to the leg. For extra precautions, Sly hopped back just in case. Sly took another lunge at Courier and swung his staff three more times.
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Sonic released the spin dash, but once he reached Joker he jumped up a decent height. He knew he was gonna use the grappling hook, as he saw him gripping it. Hopefully, since he jumped, his attack would be successful.
@The Alright Attorney
Genji parried all of Johnny’s attacks. He was tired of this guy. He used swift strike to go forward, attempting to go through Johnny. He threw a fan of shurikens at Johnny, then used swift strike to get to the other side again. Once he was there, he threw another fan of shurikens at Johnny before swift striking one more time. Then, once he was on the other side, he swung his sword one more time with a powerful slash, before putting it away.
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Once Sonic launched forward, Joker reeled back his arm, preparing to throw to his grappling hook...But he didn’t. Despite that, Sonic jumped into the air. Joker smirked to himself, seeing Sonic fell for his ruse. He pretended to make it look like he was gonna escape using the hook, knowing Sonic would leap up to try and cut him off. Joker threw the grappling hook at Sonic with me hand, hoping to tie up his legs, while his other hand spun out his pistol, firing rapidly at the Hedgehog. “Arsene, Eigaon.” Joker commanded his Persona, and Arsene lifted his arm, shooting a blast of heavy curse energy at Sonic. Bullets, curse magic, and the grappling hook all made their way towards the airborne hedgehog.
@Captain Pokémon
“Wha?” Sonic gasped. He had been duped. All of a sudden, he was surrounded by a shadowy projectile, bullets, and a grappling hook. Sonic quickly stomped downward while his feet were covered in blue aura. He successfully avoided all the projectiles. He frowned, and dashed at Joker while boosting. Once he was on the mother side, if Joker took damage or not, once he was on the other side, he boosted again, then kicked with both feet, both attacks would do major damage.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Despite having the element of surprise, Sonic still managed to dash through Joker's attacks. Once on the ground, Joker's opponent dashed forward, the speed not giving the young thiefa chance to react. He was flung up into the air by the hit, his legs stinging a bit at the attack. He'd survive though. Joker noticed Sonic spin around, and dash back at him again, this time kicking at him. Using what little air control he had Joker dodged out of the way of the attack. He rolled to lessen the impact of the fall, immediately pulling out his pistol and firing off at Sonic from his new grounded position. As he did, he motioned for Arsene to float just overhead, near the large TVs that lined the arena walls.
@Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker, still kneeling after the last attack, simply rolled back and out of the way throwing his grappling hook upwards. It hooked on the top of the arena and he pulled himself up, using his blade to slice at Sonic as he moved. He didn't bother to wait and see if the attack did damage, once at the top Joker nodded to Arsene. The pair began to shatter all the television screens, cameras and windows they could from up there, causing it all to fall down to the ground and towards Sonic.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic managed to avoid the attack, but just barely. He looked up as all the cameras, TVs, and other objects began to shatter and fall towards him. He waited for the instant they all crashed down, then jumped up and activated instant shield. All the damage was blocked, because he activated the literal instant before the objects crashed down at him. He jumped up and did a flip, then waggled his finger tauntingly. He then dashed forward and run up the wall. He then activated a spin dash mid run once he was right next to Joker, doing decent damage if they attack succeeded.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker sighed and shook his head, noticing Sonic just barely dodged the attack. Sonic began to run up toward Joker himself. He didn't have enough time to gain momentum and swing away, so instead Joker released more of the rope, causing him to drop down a few feet, causing Sonic's attack to line up directly with the cord of Joker's grappling hook. Hopefully the tape would be able to tangle up the hedgehog. Anything to immobilize him at this point.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic didn’t really have time to avoid the rope, so he hit it. However, due to the current shape of his body and form, he just bounced off instead of getting tangled. He jumped off of the wall and used a homing attack to attack Joker. Whether his attack succeeded or not, once he was on the ground beneath joker, he jumped up then launched downwards in a ball, causing him to bounce off the ground and up to Joker. He got out of ball form and threw a handful of rings again, then used light speed dash towards Joker, doing good damage if the attack was successful.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Sonic hitting into the cable might not have tangled him up like Joker was hoping, but it did manage to give the grappling hook enough momentum for Joker to swing out of Sonic's attack, just barely though. He could feel the hedgehog just manage to scrape the back of his jacket. Releasing the hook, Joker eventually landed back on the ground below, turning to observe Sonic's new plan. Once again, he threw the rings out, probably to dash threw for extra speed. He remembered the past few times Sonic used the move, he was basically forced to follow the path he laid out for himself. Which means Joker knew exactly where Sonic would come out of the dash. "Arsene, Sukunda!" Once again, Arsene shoot the blast of energy that if Sonic made contact with, his speed would lower. This time however, he aimed it right at where the path of rings ended.
@Captain Pokémon
He heard Joker yell out to the red guy. “That’s never good!” He said, and, sure enough, there was another dark projectile coming towards him. He couldn’t stop, and their aim was great, so it hit right where the move ended. “Woah!” He yelled. He got hit by the projectile, but didn’t feel pain. He then tried to run, but he didn’t go as fast. “Wha?” He said. So that’s what that did. Still, that wouldn’t stop him. He charged up a spin dash again, then turned around quickly right after releasing it. He then went up a nearby slope and went sailing into the air. He did a few tricks to gain extra boost, then used homing attack again.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker couldn’t help but grin once Sonic was hit by the blast. Sure it wouldn’t do any damage, but the effects of his speed being lowered was all Joker needed. It would only last a little bit of time though, so he couldn’t waste time. He noticed Sonic quickly dash away, toward some slope and up it. He must be trying to gain some momentum. Eventually, Joker saw the blue ball use that homing attack he seemed so fond off. It looked to be about as strong and fast as the ones he was usually putting out, but he had to put in a lot of extra effort to pull it off. Joker allowed his opponent to dash at him, and once Sonic was close enough in range, he pulled out his sword and sliced at the hedgehog.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
Olberic wasn't all to fast, as earlier in the fight has shown, but his foe underestimated his ability to simply sidestep. The Unbending Blade did exactly that, and stepped out of harm's way, pivoting on his stepping foot. He timed his spin so that he would be facing his enemy when the dictator would be at his own previous location, and brung his blade down at the sideways man.

The gun Shepard switched to was much easier to handle, as whoever heard of deflecting shotgun blasts? Tabby drew his katana in a flash, and deflected all of the incoming shots. He started to dash over to the human's position, katana in one hand, electric shuriken in the other. He threw three in order to cover his own approach.

Psyduck was clocked in the head, and bounced a few feet away. He tried to sit up, but his round build failed him once again. He flopped back down and threw a quick tantrum, then rolled sideways and pushed himself up to his feet. He fired off multiple water guns in quick succession, sort of like a sprinkler.
Sonic frowned to himself as his opponent took out his knife again. Fortunately, he still had his amazing reaction time. He used insta shield again, blocking the knife. He landed behind Joker. He focused for a quick second, then leaped high up. He then used homing attack again. However, if the first attack failed, he’d circle back midair and do it again. If that failed, he’d circle back again and do the same thing. He had used the focused homing attack. (Btw, even if he lands all the attacks, he will still attack 3 times.)
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker cursed under his breath. Even if he was slowed, Sonic still had some tricks. Once Sonic dodged, he leaped straight up into the air, using the homing attack once again. The first time it hit Joker. Didn’t hurt as bad as the previous attacks, clearly Sonic’s strength relied heavily on his speed. Suddenly, as if on repeat, Joker saw Sonic leap into the air, and quickly dodged out of the way. Sonic went for a third attempt, and now ready for the attack, Joker used one hand to throw the grappling hook at Sonic. If it managed to wrap around the hedgehog, Joker would pull him down and swipe at him with the blade. Just to safe though, Joker summoned Arsene once more, he dashed to just behind Sonic, swiping at him in case he tried to dodge Joker’s grappling hook.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic grinned. At least one of his attacks was successful. He then stopped grinning once his opponent struck back. He used insta shield and the grappling hook uselessly clanged off of him. Arsene was tricky however. He decided to quickly use a jump dash to avoid it, just narrowly avoiding it at that. He charged up a drop dash in the air before landing on the ground. He was off in a flash thanks to the drop dash. He kept spinning before reaching a slope, which he went up, causing him to soar into the air again. He then focused, being prepared for his opponent’s next move.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
“Arsene, cleave!” Joker commanded his Persona to fly up towards Sonic. Joker knew that the speed drain would be ending soon, so he needed to make this perfect. Joker fired of multiple bullets at Sonic, all on different directions around the hedgehog, so that if he dodged one, he’d likely get hit into another. With his lowered speed, it was totally reasonable that he’d accidentally get hit by one. Of course, he could never be sure, that’s why Arsene was up in the sky as well. If Sonic gets hit by the bullets, Arsene would deal an extra blow, knocking him down like a volleyball ball player spikes, down towards Joker who would swipe at the incoming Sonic with his blade. If Sonic manages to avoid the bullets, the plan would still follow the same pattern. Arsene swiping to spike Sonic down into Joker’s blade. With attacks coming from all angles, Sonic was sure to get damaged by one of them.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic smirked. He used the first homing attack to bounce off of one of the bullets with extreme accuracy so he bounced off the side of the bullet without talking damage. He used the second one on Arsene, but swerved out of the way right before he got hit by him, traveling to the side. He used the third to get back to the ground. Once he as there, he felt a surge through his body, and he felt normal again. He tested out his speed by running around in a quick circle in under half a second. He grinned and waggled his finger at Joker. “Nice try!” He said, before jumping up and using the same bounce attack he had used a bit ago, sailing towards Joker at high speed and doing great damage if it hit. (It has easily broken through boulders.)
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker cursed, as Sonic managed to get out of that seemingly unscathed. He didn’t let this show on his face though. Now that Sonic was at full speed again, he’d need to maintain seriousness, thoughtful strategy. Each time Sonic attacked, he had to get in close. Joker doubted he’d be using the ring dash again any time soon, considering Joker discovered it’s exploit. Back at full speed, Sonic immediately prepared his next attack, bouncing high into the air, and ready to crash back down into Joker. Knowing Arsene’s limitations, he could probably use Tetrakarn about two more times. After that, no more shield for Joker. Right now seemed like the most optimal time to use one of the remaining two uses. He waited until he saw Sonic get as close as he could before using it. “Tetrakarn.” Joker muttered out under his breath, and just before Sonic crashed into Joker, the counter shield was made.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw the shield coming and used his insta shield the instant they crashed, Sonic using his full momentum and speed to create more power while in his ball form, while also using his insta shield to take the damage. Overall, this one move that Sonic just used had the power of a super small and weak meteor. (A normal move like this with okay momentum broke through a super thick and large boulder. Imagine the power of this move, as it has that, and more speed, momentum, and the insta shield to help Sonic out and do extra damage.) This fight will be over soon! He thought to himself.
@The Alright Attorney