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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Sonic crashed into Joker’s Tetrakarn shield, using a shield of his own to absorb the damage. The clash of powers was huge, the impact causing dust and rubble to start to fly up, clouds of smoke. Luckily Joker wasn’t harmed. But neither was Sonic. Little bastard can take a liking. All he does is dodge and block. I need to get more than just some scratch on him. Joker thought to himself, as he sneaked through the settling dust clouds, trying to put some distance between him and his opponent. Once more he scanned his surroundings and tried to think about Sonic’s strats so far. That instashield was beyond infuriating, but it had to have some limitation. Sonic only ever used it when he was curled up. If he could get Sonic back into his normal stance, the maybe he could get some damage in. This needed to medical quickly though. This Hedgehog was finally starting to piss him off. Joker remained hidden in the rubble, waiting for Sonic to come back down to the ground.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian, revealed from Kirby's attack of attempting to suck the Terrarian up, used the Rod of Discord to teleport behind Kirby. Nine seconds have already far passed since the Terrarian put on the Solar Armour, so their solar shield was already fully assembled. The Terrarian dashed at fast speeds, passing right on through Kirby, which made one of the three spikes on the Solar Shield disappear due to losing a charge, but caused a row of fiery explosions to appear behind the Terrarian as a trail as they dashed. The Terrarian then followed up by turning around, taking out Starlight, and unleashing a VERY rapid flurry of rainbow light beams that stabbed at Kirby like rapiers, while the Terrarian themselves rapidly swung Starlight like a fencer at WAY inhuman speeds. @Gamingfan
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Sonic bounced back, did a few flips and tricks in the air, then landed on the ground on his feet.
He looked around for his opponent. “Now where’d ya go?” He said, then started to destroy all the rubble, looking for his opponent. He used homing attacks to destroy them, destroying even the larger ones with only one of the homing attacks. He knew his opponent was behind one of these, and he was gonna find him. But he was also being careful for a sneak attack, which his opponent seemed fond of.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker stayed hidden behind the rubble, watching silently as Sonic broke all the remaining rubble himself. Joker needed more time to strategize. Priority one is to get that damned hedgehog out of that ball form. For now though, Joker just silently commanded Arsene to fly towards Sonic, the Persona shooting out a dark blast of Curse energy. It was eigaon, the largest and most powerful curse magic that Arsene knew. After shooting the energy blast, Arsene sped forward to the opposite side of Sonic, slashing at him with his claws once more.
@Captain Pokémon
While Sonic was destroying the rubble, he heard something behind him. He looked back and saw another projectile coming towards him. He dodged that, then Arsene flew towards him., He dodged that too, then ran towards the only piece of rubble remaining. He knew his opponent was behind this one, so, he decided to do something unexpected. He boosted right into the rubble his opponent was behind, doing big damage if the boost itself landed, and doing brutal damage if his opponent was hit by the boost and the rubble, which was sent flying forward due tot he sheer speed, force, and momentum behind the boost.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Sonic destroyed the rubble, revealing....Nothing? In the time that Arsene attacked, distracting Sonic just long enough for Joker to grapple up and away from the arena, just before Sonic attacked him and the rubble. He smirked slightly, and swung down from the top of the arena in a circular motion all around his opponent. As he spun around, he shot a bullet every second. A circle of bullets surrounded the hedgehog, with Arsene speeding after as well, ready to swipe at Sonic.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic looked at his opponent with a bored expression. He dodged each bullet individually, then sidestepped quickly to avoid Arsene’s attack. He jumped up then used the bounce attack again, aiming for Joker. Whether it succeeded or not, after he used his attack, he’d quickly jump onto a wall, jump on to another wall, then jump on another one, then leap towards Joker, aiming to use his axe kick.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker cursed as Sonic easily dodged around around the bullets and Arsene. He released his grappling hook, and dropped down to the ground level. Sonic quickly bounced back, literally as he used that bounce attack again. Joker raised an arm above his head, the bounce attack hitting it, with Joker parrying away the hit. It only stung him, but did hurt a bit with Sonic’s speed. Sonic sped away to prepare his next attack. Which happened to be one out of his ball form, exactly what Joker has been waiting for. After letting Sonic charge his attack and try to kick him, Joker quickly used Arsene to cast Tetrakarn, for the last time during this match.
@Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker saw Sonic stop dead in his tracks, clearly trying to find a way around this. With the counter shield around Joker, he dashed forward at Sonic knowing he could attack and not worry about taking damage. All at once, Joker fired his pistol into the air in three different directions just above Sonic's head. While doing that, he swiped is blade from one side to the other in a wide arcing motion, right in front of the blue ball. The bullets fired, Joker switched his gun out for his grappling hook, aiming it for the lower half of Sonic. He had Sonic's top, middle and bottom all covered. All while this was happening, Arsene had snuck behind the hedgehog and began to swipe his claws at Sonic aswell, covering Sonic's backside as well.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic saw all of this happening, and thought he was in trouble, but then realized that his opponent had forgotten about the sides. Sonic quickly released the homing attack and went to the left. He landed on his feet and looked at his opponent. “Not bad! Real pity you forgot about the sides though!” He said, before jumping up quickly, then using a homing attack, aiming for Joker. By now, all the hazards were out of the area, so he was free to go in for the attack.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker knew the effects of Tetrakarn would run out soon, so he couldn’t let it go to waste. He watched Somic dodge out of the way, and prepare his next homing attack. And Joker being the considerate person he is, jumped in front of the attack, letting hit him, breaking his tetrakarn shield just before the effects wore off. The force of Sonic’s homing attack would be dealt back to him, and as the shield broke, Joker dashed toward, swiping with his blade and Arsene firing of a beam of Sukaden at the hedgehog, hoping it would hit Sonic and lower his speed again.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic felt like an idiot. He thought the effects would run out after Joker attacked. He felt pain, but nothing too bad. He saw Joker swipe at him with the knife and saw the same projectile that slowed him down earlier coming towards him. He quickly stomped downwards avoiding both attacks. “I’m a fan of not being slow!” He said, and, now that the shield effects were over, he jumped up, and rapidly spun around Joker while in his ball form, leaving a blue trail in his wake. Then, a blue cyclone appeared, and he used blue tornado again. If Joker was too slow again and was flung into the air, he would follow and attack him with a homing attack. If he somehow managed to escape Sonic would still use the homing attack as a backup plan.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker smirked a bit as Sonic was blasted back. Finally another hit on his opponent. But it was no time to celebrate. Sonic had dodged both Joker’s incoming attacks, before starting to spin in place again. He was doing that tornado attack again. Joker couldn’t just simply use his grappling hook like he did last time, Sonic would surely be prepared for it. Joker noticed Sonic was only spinning in a circle for the attack, only occasionally moving up and down very slightly. Having little time before being launched, so Joker quickly took out his blade, swiping in Sonic’s path, while Arsene swiped in the opposite direction, just to cover all bases.
@Captain Pokémon
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Sonic suddenly got hit by a blade. Luckily, he was in the process of moving up when he got hit, so he only got grazed. It still freaking hurt though. “Ow!” He said, cancelling the blue tornado and running away for a second. This time he got grazed on the other arm and part of his chest. “Ouch...” He said, then looked up and frowned at Joker. “Dirty move! Totally something Egghead would do!” He said, before boosting towards Joker. He had to be more careful now, that attack hurt. Once he was in front of Joker, he quickly swerved around him, aiming to boost through him from behind, doing major damage and leaving very little time to react.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
“All’s fair in love and war kid. Seems like you’re not always as fast as you’d like to be.” Joker smirked. Joker spin his knife up in the air before catching it. He tapped his forehead, summoning Arsene right to his side. He noticed Sonic boost towards him, and before he could attack, Sonic swerved around to behind Joker. He already knew Sonic’s plan, and he could counter it. But it would hurt like hell. Joker let Sonic start to speed through, and just before Sonic made contact with him, Joker glanced to Arsene. “Sukaden!” Arsene shot the beam directly at Joker...Who was now pushed out of the way off the blast by his opponent. The energy beam, the same one that lowered Sonic’s speed before was right in front of him now. At Sonic’s current speed, and how close the beam was, it be extremely difficult for him to move out of the beam’s path. Sometimes the best strategy involves a little self sacrifice. Joker thought to himself as he rolled away from Sonic, his back stinging like hell. If he wasn’t a Phantom Thief’s right now, that’s probably would have broken his back.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic’s eyes widened and he quickly hopped over the beam, just barely avoiding it. “Close one!” He said. Sonic then ran towards Joker, then jumped up until he was right above Joker, then stomped downward, with a blue aura around his feet. Once he was on the ground, whether his attack was successful or not, he used his homing attack, aiming for Joker.
@The Alright Attorney
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
From the ground, Joker saw Sonic jump over the beam, cursing under his breath. He was in a vulnerable position, on the ground. Expecting an aerial assault, Joker quickly shoot his grappling hook up to the top of the arena. Sure enough he heard running, and a sudden leap overhead. Sonic was about to try and stomp down on Joker. With his other hand, Joker prepped his blade. The grappling hook allowed him to quickly ascend, and he used his blade to cut upwards at his quickly descending opponent.
@Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Seeing Sonic jump off the blade and gain some momentum upwards made Joker realize he’d be in mid air with his opponet. While he was faster on the ground, Sonic had surprisingly good movement in mid air. Much better than Joker that’s for sure. As if on cue, Sonic started to dash towards Joker, only for him to change course. Knowing he'd be in big trouble if the attack connected, Joker released the grappling hook and dropped down and out of the way of Sonic’s attack. He fired of about 8 bullets at Sonic as he descended, rolling to a stop once he hit the ground.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie watched and listened carefully as Masaru talked. He wanted to show Masaru that he cared about his plight while also trying to understand it better. Just as he was about to get some answers on Masaru's own background, he deflected to Monaca, who obviously didn't have it much better. "I don't think my mom is above me, she's never once acted towards me as if she was. She is more experienced in a lot of aspects and so she tries to help guide me on the correct path, but I've never felt like she thought she was above me. It... it sucks what happened to Monaca. That sounds like a really terrible thing to do to someone, especially your own daughter. I know there must have been some pretty awful adults in your life to give you this view and trust me there are bad adults on my world too, but just because there are terrible people who do terrible things, that doesn't make all adults terrible. I just hate that you were unlucky enough to have those adults in your life.

Bandana Dee
The DuckTM started to fire off multiple water blasts in quick succession. Bandana Dee jumped high in the air in order to avoid the first few. Before Psyduck had time to adjust his aim for Bandana Dee's newly acquired height, the waddle dee started to throw his own barrage of spears in Psyduck's direction. While the first one was heading straight for Psyduck, the others were not as precisely aimed due to the fact that Bandana Dee was rushing to throw them. This would hopefully work out in his favor since it would give a wider spread with less area for Psyduck to escape.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker watched as Sonic dodged around the bullets, sighing and shaking his head once Sonic reached the ground. Knowing Sonic was starting to go straight for him with quick boosts. So he just had to find ways to throw off the hedgehog on his path. He fired bullets in Sonic’s path, and summoning Arsene to his side, the pair now standing back to back, with the persona ready to attack Sonic if he tried to attack Joker from behind.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic quickly swerved to the left in order to avoid running into Arsene. He then jumped up, and used his homing attack. However, he aimed for a nearby camera instead, most likely throwing Joker off as he probably thought Sonic was going to attack him. Then, Sonic jumped off the wall next to the camera, then performed a powerful overhead axe kick from a frontward somersault once he was near Joker, doing great damage if it landed, as it was a powerful kick from his very powerful legs.
@The Alright Attorney
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru grit his teeth as he listened to Bowie’s explanation, bending his fork. He spoke the words of a demon, but with the appearance of a kid. His instincts to fight were on the gas pedal and brake at the same time. Instead of outright yelling in Bowie’s face, he stabbed into his remaining pancake, eating aggressively. Tearing off a piece of it with his mouth like a Bear tearing flesh from a deer.

“I totally believe that...” Masaru gulped down the Pancake. “If it’s REALLY as wonderful as you say, I demand you show me, Masaru Daimon, Show me if it’s true! That is, if you ain’t scared to be wrong!”

Masaru’s pointed the fork in Bowie’s face, appearing to both accuse him of lying as well as asking for an invite...many mixed signals.


“Whoooooo! Get ‘em Blue!”

NiGHTS was flying in the stands, punching the air as their opponents clashed again and again. Spin dash after hoping attack, Persona after Gunshot. They met blow for blow, both getting injured repeatedly. How long could they go like this?


Previously mallard
Psyduck dodged to the side, and stopped abruptly to avoid another spear. His balance was thrown off, but he used his fourth and final move, disable. (I have Nukas' permission to do this) The pokemon disabled his enemy's ability to create spears, just as one struck him in the forehead. It bounced off, and Psyduck clutched the spot the weapon hit. It wasn't very bad because of his resistance to steel attacks, but it wasn't comfortable. Energy formed back over his head, and Psyduck dashed and jumped at Dee, fishing for a Zen Headbutt.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"I would love to show you, really I would, but I don't really know how to. The only way I can think of for you to get to my world would be after the tournament with your wish, but by then it would be too late to convince you that not all adults are demons. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. I want more than anything to get you to see that not all adults are the same, I like hanging out with you and I really don't want this one thing to keep you from liking me."

Bowie was obviously anxious in his voice, He was starting to think Masaru could be a real friend, but this was a big issue if they were going to be friends. He felt conflicted and a knot started to form in his stomach. He must have shown it at least a little bit because as soon as he started to feel this way, Blob rubbed up against him, obviously trying to comfort his friend. Bowie smiled at his friend's gesture, easing his nerves slightly.

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee knew that just a couple more spears would take Psyduck out of commission, but he paused momentarily as it seemed like Psyduck had planned to charge straight at Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee appreciated the effort, but he knew it was misplaced. He reached for another spear so that he could helicopter away, but he quickly saw that nothing had appeared in his hand. He started to panic and was repeatedly calling for a spear to no avail. He got so distracted by the fact that nothing was appearing that he forgot that The DuckTM had already jumped to meet him and hit him square in the body. Bandana Dee flew backwards due to the blow. The powerful hit plus his light build caused him to get launched a fair way and eventually roll onto his butt. Now Psyduck stood between him and the remaining spears on the field. He couldn't afford to waste any time, so he got up quickly and dashed for one of his weapons.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker was ready to dodge out of the way of Sonic’s homing attack, only for him to quickly changed directions towards one of the walls the lined the arena. As Sonic leaped, Joker glanced to his Persona. “Destroy the ramps.” Is all he said, before he focused back on hid opponent, who seemed to have spun into kick. Joker didn’t move out of the way this time, instead he prepared his blade, and swung at Sonic’s legs that were flying towards him.
@Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Uuuugh! This is such a pain!” Masaru ruffled his hair in irritation. “Why can’t it be more simple and black and white?? You know what? Fine. I know what I’m gonna wish for.”

Standing up on the table, he put his hands on his hips, knocking over a few cups in the process.

“I’m gonna wish for a opening between our worlds, Cause everybody knows the Warriors of hope are invincible! We could take on anything any day! So then you can prove your bogus case or whatever. Ya happy now?”
"Grrrr!" Once again, Gunvolt managed to escape from Drogoz' grasp. To make matters worse, the shrapnel of the exploded rocket jammed itself in his booster pack, sending him crashing into the ground and getting hit by a ton of darts. Shocked, charred and with clipped wings, the Wyrin forced himself to get up from the ground and look Gunvolt in the eyes. "You are as annoying as a fly with the power of a bull, impressive. I know better than to keep fighting when I am outmatched, I forfeit!" The mercenary of the Realm cried out at the sky, signalling the end of the match. @ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist


Olberic dodged the Psycho Crusher, which was a pretty smart move, but it wasn't as if M. Bison could just stop moving with his momentum. Spinning past his adversary. the attack fizzled out after breaking through the Psycho Shot. "Huh, it seems as if you have more braincells than those fools who challenge me, this just might be more fun than I thought." Creating a second Psycho Inferno underneath the feet of Olberic, the dictator dashed over towards him and attempted to unleashe a powerful, open-handed hammer strike with his hand infused with Psycho Power. @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Oh? A true and honest forfeit? Now this is a shocker!”

Master hand snapped his fingers, appearing down into the match. Looking to his contestants, he lightly poked Drogoz’s wings, noticing the charred Dragonborn’s state.

“And I can see why! Your like a butterfly with wing shredded off! Very well! The Lizard has lost, The gun continues! Shall we see a slow motion replay of what just happened?”

Master hand floated up, camera’s following him as he did his long winded explanation of the fight to the live audience, allowing a rift to open down in the arena for them to leave when desired.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier stepped back, creating some distance between Sly and him, just as Sly had done the same. The Courier had swapped his weapons again, taking out Gehenna again with the Gas Tank appearing on The Courier's back again. When Sly lunged forward at him, The Courier had done the same, charging forward, countering Sly's staff swings with strikes of Gehenna, the blade clashing against the staff multiple times. @ThAtGuY101
Sonic glanced over to Arsene as he went to destroy the slope he had used earlier. Whatever, he didn’t need that anymore. He quickly double jumped in midair to avoid the blade and get behind Joker, and once he was, he used his homing attack, leaving basically no time to react due to the incredibly close proximity, and basically no time for Arsene to get there to bail him out.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
After destroying the ramps, Arsene began to fly from wall to wall, striking the cameras, TVs and any other foot hold he could see. They needed to take out Sonic's air advantage. While that was happening, Joker's eyes followed Sonic's movements. He knew he couldn't get out of the way with a dodge, so he decided to try and do some damage while he could. Just before Sonic stuck him, Joker moved his hand holding the blade behind his back, meaning if Sonic finished the homing attack, he'd bounce straight into it aswell.
@Captain Pokémon
(Got permission from @The Alright Attorney for this autoing.)
Sonic grinned to himself as his opponent swung the blade in the wrong area. His attack was successful and he hit his opponent in the neck, causing him to go sailing a few meters and crashing into a wall. (Could’ve been worse.) Sonic went out of ball form and did one trick in the air before landing. “Ooh! So close!” He taunted. He waggled his finger, then charged up a spin dash, but didn’t release it yet.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joke cursed out, his head ringing as he crashed into the wall after rolling out. That attack hurt like a bastard. Some of Sonic's attacks were starting to wear on Joker's body, particularly his back and now his head. "Didn't wanna use this, but gotta keep up." Arsene returned to Joker's side as the Phantom Thief rose back to his feet. "Arsene, Diarama." Arsene extended his arm, and a healing aura surrounded Joker. He took a breath, the aches in his body fading away to nothing but a memory. "Alright, better. Thank you Arsene." Now on opposite ends of the arena, Joker stared down Sonic, who had started to charge up his spin dash attack. "Arsene, use myriad slashes." The persona flew towards his opponent, slashing twice at Sonic with his claws.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic simply cancelled the spin dash by jumping, and also jumped over Arsene in the process. He saw his opponent healed and looked legitimately angry. “That’s cheap! You take damage fair and square, then decide to make it go away like a punk!” He said while growling. “And you keep hiding behind your friend here!” He said while gesturing to Arsene, who went soaring past him after he jumped. He boosted towards his opponent, and simply tried to ram through him, as his opponent would start expecting fake outs by now. Once he was behind Joker, whether the attack succeeded or not, he used a homing attack.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker just smirked at Sonic's outrage. "Yeah it may be cheap. But I'm just doing what it takes to win." The hedgehog seemed to be heavily influenced by his emotions. Joker keeps that thought in the back of his head, figuring it may be useful information. When Sonic dashed at him, he noticed he wasn't in ball form. After Arsene was leaped over, he quickly sped back to Joker's side. Just as Arsene reached his user, and before Sonic made contact with him, Joker snapped his fingers, and called out to Arsene. "Arsene, Nocturnal Flash!" Suddenly, a large blinding white light flashed out from Arsene, filling the small space, and hopefully blinding or dizzying the hedgehog.
@Captain Pokémon
Sonic heard the world ‘flash’ and knew that was never good. Sure enough, a blinding light appeared and he couldn’t see. “Ah!” He said. Luckily, he knew where he was facing before he was blinded, so he quickly turned around and ran away from Joker, making it to the other side of the battlefield in an instant. (Sonic knows when to run away.) He needed to get his bearings, so he just stayed on his side of the battlefield for now.
@The Alright Attorney

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
With the entirety of the arena between the two of them, Joker analyzed the arena. He thought back in his head to the skills Arsene has right now and a plan quickly came to mind. "Arsene, Bufudyne!" Joker called out. Arsene raised up a bit, and shoot a blast if deep cold Ice powers. But instead of aiming at Sonic, he shoot the blast in the center of the arena. After it made contact, the ground got covered in a layer of clean ice, covering around the entire center portion of the arena.
@Captain Pokémon