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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie realized that Masaru was serious about killing all of the adults from his world. He didn't like the idea of ending the lives of so many people, but he knew whatever happened to him must have been really bad to drive him this far. "I know wishing it away won't fix anything they did, but would killing them fix any of it either? In all of the stories I've read, the hero doesn't shed unnecessary blood. He only if he has no other option. I know they need to pay for their crimes, but why do they have to pay in a way that they can't even atone for what they did? I know the adults on my world are different than yours, so maybe I'm slightly out of line, but what if there are adults on your world who aren't demons? Adults who actually care about kids and won't treat them like garbage? Aren't they worth sparing?"

Bowie wanted more than anything to change Masaru's mind about this, but he knew it might be a fruitless endeavor. He wondered about the rest of the Warriors of Hope, did they have the same outlook on "demons" as Masaru? If they were, was it safe to become friends with them? He liked Masaru and wanted to remain friends with him, but could he ever look his parents in the eyes again if he stayed friends with someone who murdered countless adults?

Bandana Dee
"Psy... duck?" The yellow duck confused Bandana Dee. It seemed to want to play a game, but he couldn't do that when he still had to find The Duck. He looked up at the bracket to see if he could get some clues about what The Duck looked like. When he looked up though, he was shocked at what he saw.

Instead of the Bracket showing him up against The Duck, it instead said Psyduck was his opponent. Sure enough, the picture that appeared beside Psyduck, was the very same yellow duck that was standing in front of him wanting him to play a game. "Wait, you're The Du– I mean, Psyduck? But you just seem like a harmless duck who wants to play a game. I don't want to fight you. I'd love to play a game, but you seem nice, not like someone I would want to fight... UGH!" Out of frustration, Bandana Dee ran into the portal to the arena. When prompted for a stage, he selected the colosseum he and Kirby fought in together. If Psyduck followed him, then he would have no choice but to fight him.
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier had quickly used his Pip-Boy to take some Buffout before the mines went off. The Courier, combined with his armour, Slasher and Buffout, had managed to tank the explosion relatively well. The explosions had blasted the smoke away, clearing the arena. The Courier had decided enough was enough. He needed to win, and soon, if he wanted that wish. The Courier took a consumable first via his pip-boy, buffing himself; Ant nectar. The Courier had stepped back when Sly swung his hand at him and extended his left hand, using V.A.T.S to grab onto Sly's staff before it could hit him in the chin. The Courier then yanked the staff hard in an attempt to pull Sly over. Should The Courier succeed, he would then throw a heavy punch at Sly to not just knock him back, but also to stun him enough to steal the Staff from him. With the combined strength of the Buffout and Ant Nectar, The Courier's Strength was buffed significantly, if only for a relatively short duration. @ThAtGuY101
As the Fight started, The Terrarian had leapt into the air, flying above the Stage. The Terrarian summoned three deadly spheres to their side and flew over to Kirby, throwing a hail of Daybreak spears at the pink puffball, with the deadly sphere minions launching themselves at Kirby, trying to slam into him. @Gamingfan

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Whaaa? But all Demons are Demons! I’ve yet to see a good adult!” Masaru Spat. “This way, if they are all dead, we can finally be safe from the torment and the pain! But...if your world really is different...hm...”

Masaru thought heavily once more, his face scrunching you and frowning.


He gave a lengthy sigh, not seeming to come to a conclusion.

“Why did this get all complicated all of a sudden? Ain’t it easier just to kill ‘em all? Man this is a pain...” Masaru scratched his head. “Oh! We can always ask Monaca, she knows how to solve these weird issues!”


Previously Gamingfan2
With the spears from above and the spheres from the sides, Kirby knew there was no way to avoid...other than down. So, the puffball did just that, flattening his body so that the spheres would smack into each other, and proceeded to slide, avoiding the spears from above. Kirby puffed back up, and looked up at the terrarian proudly.
Drogoz narrowed his eyes as Gunvolt seemingly flinched. So that shield was not completely impenetrable, good to know. He would've forfeited if it was, and he knew for sure that that drone was vulnerable. Firing a rocket at it, he quickly aimed his rocket launcher at the floor and fired to launch himself into the air and hovered. Although it hurt him, it sure beat getting electrocuted by his opponent. Was there a battery or something? Surely this human was not capable of creating electricity. Emptying the remaining five rockets on Gunvolt, he dropped back to the floor and hit a dart with his tail. "Argh! May Raum get you from the Abyss!" The Wyrin cursed at his opponent, clearly infuriated. @ArmedBlue


"Heh heh heh. Pathetic mortal, you think you can kill me?" M. Bison chuckled before warping behind Olberic, dodging the attack before attempting a Psycho Power infused knee strike. "Hell's Warp!" The dictator exclaimed as he struck, not thinking much of Olberic. He was just another face in the crowd who would fall to his Psycho Power. @mallard
Eggman frowned slightly. “Yes...I am aware.” While his opponent looked all serious and intimidating, from what he saw in the battle, he completely relied on his minions. Eggman had minions AND he could attack and defend on his own. He knew his opponent was gonna be tough, but he thought he was still more likely to win. “I believe that I will still win though. After all, once I get past his defenses, he’s as good as dead.” He said, and Metal nodded along as he spoke.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“What defenses though?” Specter waggled a finger. “Ah, you see dear doctor, that is where he has the advantage. He knows you use robots, as you have metal with you at all times. However, what he uses is a mystery. He already comes in with a major advantage. I would watch your back.”

it was a fair point. All that was known is that he had won his match quickly, the second quickest of all contestants. That and he seemed greatly confident in his abilities, shrouded in mystery.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The Phantom Thief smirked as he watched the blue hedgehog zip back and forth, chatting it up with one of the other fighters, before running all the way back to Joker. He seemed pretty impatient, maybe he could use that to his advantage during the fight. “Alright, Alright, cool your jets speedy. Let’s get going.” Joker kept his weapons holstered, not wanting to show his hand too early.
@Captain Pokémon

The young prince gave a kind smile as Yu shook his hand, chucking softly at his comment about being yet another Dimitri. “I’m certain I’m the only other Dimitri here. And from what I’ve seen I’ll hopefully more pleasant than the last.” He said, thinking back to Yu’s previous opponent. Yu gestured towards the strange, and Dimitri gave an agreeing nod. “Yes’m of course, please lead the way.” Yu seemed like a nice young man. Surely either way this fight ended, Dimitri would be fine with the results.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt jumped in front of the drone to protect it from the rocket, his Flashfield detonating it from a safe distance. The drone stopped shooting for a moment and returned to Gunvolt briefly to recharge, before floating up again to keep pressuring Drogoz. It was clear his opponent was irritated with his great defense and pressure, so Gunvolt thought it was just a matter of time until Drogoz made a grave mistake. His Flashfield took the other five rockets with ease, and Gunvolt began firing darts as to predict where Drogoz would be. As such, he fired slightly to his sides as well as a few in a column above him, hoping to cut off his escape routes.


Previously mallard
Olberic's opponent disappeared from vision, but he heard an attack from behind. Again he was too slow to counter, so he took the strike to the back. He stumbled forward a few steps, but was ultimately fine, due to both his normal tank nature and his foresight to up his defense further. He whirled around and once again swapped his weapons, deciding to play the defensive as he learns his opponent.

Psyduck wasn't sure why his friend ran, but it chased after him anyway. Its friend disappeared into a portal, so the duck tried to skid to a halt, but being clumsy it tumbled into the gate as well. It landed on an arena floor, with its friend there. Psyduck got up and brushed its front off, then sprinted at Waddle Dee, trying to catch up for a hug.
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Sly saw a glimpse of Courier taking pills ,and as Sly went in to attack for some reason Courier tried to catch his staff ,and pull it. Sly held on tightly to his staff. Sly managed to dodge the punch ,and lunge forward with a kick to pry loose Courier's grip over Sly's weapon. "Hey now! I'm the master thief here!" Sly said. Sly knew he couldn't out muscle Courier ,but maybe he could out maneuver him. At least that's what Sly was thinking.

Cut off from his escape routes, faced with a shield unlike any other and annoyed as if there was no tomorrow, Drogoz decided to make a final stand. Extending his boosters, he began propelling himself towards Gunvolt. The attacks that hit him were painful, but he had to ignore the pain if he wanted to make any progress against this enemy. Reaching out his hand, the Wyrin wanted to throw the drone at Gunvolt or die trying with his poor man's version of his Dragon Punch. @ArmedBlue


"What happened to your bravery, swordsman? I've yet to see you land a hit on me." M. Bison laughed before he created a ball of Psycho Power and shot it at Olberic before leaping through the air and attempting to stomp on his opponent's head. Right before he landed though, the dictator flipped upside down and attempted to throw a Psycho Power-infused punch at Olberic's head. Should he block the Devil Reverse, then he'd still have the Psycho Shot to deal with. @Psymallard


Previously Deathstalker62
Alright, enough was enough. The Courier was sick of his opponent constantly dodging his moves and getting a hit in. The Courier was being too easy with Sly and was close to practically giving him the win. It's time he stepped up his game. The Courier stepped back, letting go of the staff. The Courier angrily switched weapons, getting out one weapon Sly would have a VERY hard time avoiding; the CZ57 Avenger. The red minigun of obliteration, with a whole whopping 120 ammo capacity. Throwing a Plasma Grenade in an overhead arc toward Sly, The Courier revved up the minigun and let loose a storm of countless bullets at Sly, aiming at the live Plasma Grenade first so it would explode before Sly could even try to hit it back. @ThAtGuY101
The Terrarian looked on as his minions and spears missed. It seems this wasn't going to be easy. The Terrarian instead opted to use the Solar Eruption, yet throwing three more spears around Kirby before swapping weapons. This way, when the Terrarian swung the Solar Eruption, Kirby would not have much time to think about where to go to avoid the attacks, as most directions were covered by either the three thrown Daybreaks, the Solar Eruption or the Deadly Sphere minions, which took another dive at Kirby. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby did not need to think. It wasn't his specialty, after all. The star warrior ran towards the deadly spheres, leaping at them with his mouth opened wide and inhaling. The three spheres fell into his mouth, where the struggled once it closed. Kirby landed, away from the solar eruption and spears, keeping his balance as his body rippled from the spheres, before shooting them out, sending a large star with the spheres inside at the terrarian.
Genji saw the uppercut coming, and double jumped mid air, gaining enough height to avoid the uppercut, along with the kick that followed. He threw another fan of shurikens, before throwing a precise line of shurikens, then swift striking down to Johnny. Whether the attack succeeded or not, once he was behind Johnny he threw another fan of shurikens at him, leaping backwards and landing a few meters away from Johnny, just in case.
Eggman frowned once more, and Metal looked at the floor fo ra second, contemplating this. He wondered if his creator was going to lose. It was unlikely, but anything was possible. “That’s true, but even if he knows I use robots, he isn’t completely sure of what they do, and he hasn’t even seen most of them, like everybody else here, except for Metal here, along with Sonic. So I still have some sort of element of surprise.” He said, and Metal nodded.
@Shen: King of the Mist
Sonic smirked. “Alright then! Let’s go!” He said, then he was gone in a flash, going to the same battlefield he was on previously. He tapped his foot. His opponent looked real normal, but he was obviously hiding something. He had a black trench coat on for ring’s sake. An automated voice then asked him if he wished to choose a battlefield. Since his opponent wasn’t here, he might as well choose while he waited. “Yeah, take us to a place called Studiopolis!” The area around him then changed to a large city with many camera bots flying around and flashing lights and billboards everywhere. This was one of his favorite places to go.
@The Alright Attorney
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Previously Kid_Nukas
"Monaca? Is she one of the Warriors of Hope? I have been wondering what the other Warriors of Hope were like, but how do you plan on asking her? Do you have a way to get the Warriors of Hope here? Is she like your advisor or something? She must be pretty high up in the ranks if even you listen to her, since you're the leader. If you can't get her here though..." Bowie trailed off, unable to find a good solution to Masaru's problem. Obviously he didn't want Masaru to kill all of the adults of the world, but he also knew that Masaru was right that they needed to have some form of punishment if they were really as terrible as Masaru made them out to be. It was all so frustrating, Bowie just felt like he had to clear his head for a while. He picked out a tangerine jellybean and handed it to blob, causing him to transform into a trampoline. He then started jumping to try and relax.

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee watched as Psyduck ran in after him. He was still unsure what The Duck'sTM true intentions were, but it was made clear when he started to charge at Bandana Dee. In self-defense, Bandana Dee quickly twirled his spear and knocked Psyduck away by swinging the blunt end of his spear right into Psyduck's belly. Maybe he should've seen what Psyduck's intentions were, but this was a tournament. As much as he hated the idea, he had to assume that everyone wanted to beat him, no matter how friendly their exterior.
~Sly Cooper...~

With Sly's thieves reflexes he managed to dodge a ton of bullets fired at him ,and even mostly avoid the grenade ,but took some of the area damage in the process. Sly awaited an opportunity to quickly throw a rage bomb at Courier. It was evident the match had to end sooner or later ,and Sly knew that an enraged Courier would make sloppy decisions. This would give Sly the opportunity to gain the advantage he needed.


~Johnny Cage...~

"Jeez! Where is this guy getting all these ninja weapons from?! What is this, a video game or something?" Johnny said confused. He managed to hold up his arms to block first set of shurikens ,and take up a defensive stance. When the precise shurikens made their way to him, he launched a front kick straight into the air. Green aura wrapped around Johnny's leg ,and stopped the precise shurikens mid air. Johnny ducked to avoid the third shuriken attack.

Seeing how Genji was now far away, Johnny shot a forceball at Genji ,and followed it up with a shadow kick to close the gap. He quickly followed those attacks up with a blazin' backhand.

@Captain Pokémon
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru perked up when he heard Monaca’s name mentioned by Bowie. Crossing his arms and giving a huff with a smile, the red headed kid spoke.

“You bet she is! She’s the Mage of the Warriors of hope, though I like to call her the princess hehe. She knows like, a lot! Sure I’m the big leader of the whole thing, but she’s got a big say too! What’s a hero that doesn’t listen to their friends huh?”

Masaru blinked, realizing he had gone on a long tangent about Monaca without actually answering Bowie’s question about the wish. Scratching his head, the hero shrugged, jumping onto the trampoline to keep the discussion going with Bowie, matching every bounce for bounce.

“Well I dunno, alright? I’ll do what any good hero does: improvise! Always works in the movies after all!”

He seemed quite proud of this, grinning ear to ear as if he were some action start, Johnny cage’s signature still on his shirt sleeve. Keeping eye contact with Bowie, which was pretty hard to do on a trampoline. That’s when a noise interrupted...


Masaru’s stomach rumbles. Clenching it, he just realized that he didn’t make it back in time for cookies with the other Warriors of Hope. He totally missed lunch! Right as he began to feel hungry however, it’s as if the plaza read his mind, a small shack materializing nearby.

the shack appeared to be made of wood and straw, five stools outside of it with several refreshments lined up on the counter. Masaru grinned ear to ear.

“Yoooo! Look at that!”


Specter smiled, shaking his head with his eyes closed. He’s confident, I have to admit. At least that’s one quality he has. Weather that’s a positive or a negative is yet to be seen.

“Might I suggest recon? After all, if he knows so much about you, why not return the favor? Level the playing field a bit...”

He gestured toward Strum, awaiting Eggman’s decision.
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The teen looked around, as he watched the are around them change, giant glowing skyscrapers growing up and out the ground, TVs plastered on nearly every wall, each one depicting the two of them standing in the middle of this area. Cameras lined the buildings as well most likely what was capturing the fight to put on the screens. Joker smirked slightly, as he tapped his foot to the music that just seemed to flow out out here. “Alright Hedgehog, you got style, I’ll admit that.” He said, as his eyes traced back towards his opponent. He stayed still, keeping that cocky grin on his face, waiting to see what Sonic’s first move would be.

Once the pair reached an arena, Dimitri approached the console that would change the space to whatever he chose. “I’ve never seen such machinery. The world really is a much larger place than I imagined...” With a slight shrug, he decided to pick somewhere simple, no gimmicks, but somewhere he’d feel comfortable. The flat arena slowly changed into one made of clean stone flooring, and white pillars rose out the ground surrounding it. It was the Garreg Mach training area, which Dimitri regulared a fair bit, always looking to hone his skills. “No gimmicks here, just an arena for us to show our skills. Here’s to a fair fight Yu.”
Sonic raised an eyebrow as his opponent stood still. Looks like he had the first move this time. He ran towards Joker, but right before he reached him, he threw some rings up in a straight line, then performed a light speed dash up into the air. Once he reached the peak amount of height he could get form that technique, he used his homing attack, aiming at Joker. The attack would do good damage if it landed, but nothing incredible.
@The Alright Attorney
Genji scoffed. He quickly dashed backward, avoiding his opponent’s kick, then took out his wakizashi again, and deflected the forceball right back at his opponent. His opponent was really close right now, so the forceball would likely hit him. Genji also blocked the blazing backhand with his wakizashi, before swift striking behind Johnny again. Whether his attack succeeded or not, once he was on the other side, he threw another fan of shurikens at Johnny, before jumping up into the air and throwing a precise line of shurikens.
Eggman slowly nodded. “That’s not a bad idea.” He said. “Metal, you stay here, I’m going to go greet my soon-to-be opponent.” He said before flying off to Sturm. Metal just nodded, then stared at Specter. He definitely wasn’t gonna say anything.

Eggman flew in front fo Sturm. “Greetings and salutations, Sturm.” He said. “I must admit, your performance in your battle was quite impressive. I heard you finished the second quickest out of all the contestants. Well done!” He said.
@DevVoid @Shen: King of the Mist
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Once Eggman has been brought away to examine his competition, Specter glanced at Metal Sonic from the corner of his eye.

“You know, there’s some things that don’t add up in this world.” Specter spoke. “Sometimes extraordinary beings can end up in places where they are deemed subordinate. I was once in an amusement park. Degrading, yes. But I then found my true potential after I was gifted supreme intellect and extraordinary power...”

turning around to face Metal, specter smirked, gesturing to the machine.

“I believe you too are one of these beings. I am telepathic you see, and while I cannot read your mind, I can sense something there. Weather it’s sentience I am not sure, but I know you are capable of free thought. Why fight under the heel of another when you can fight at arms with your fellow minds?”


Previously mallard
"Do not confuse bravery with aggressiveness." Olberic stated as he payed close attention to the villain. He readied his sword to block, then the villain approached from above with an attack. When both attacks grew near, Olberic crouched and angled his blade, aiming to direct Bison's momentum into his own attack. If the dictator somehow recovered in time, Olberic's sword was still big enough to block the energy blast.

Tabby looked at his opponent, the man named Shepard, and waved. He then dashed into the gate, where he was asked where he wanted to go, and pantomimed "Haunted Factory." The robot was dropped in a pile of broken parts, and he was ready for his foe to appear.

Psyduck felt a blow to his stomach, and next thing he knew, he was on the ground. He got up to look his betrayer in the eyes, and all of a sudden his day has gone bad. Psyduck wiped his eyes- there was no room for tears when the duck had a fighting spirit. He wanted to end this quick. He would use that move. He repositioned himself to a sturdier stance, and let loose as he fired off a water gun.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie looked as the shop just materialized from thin air. Huh, this place just keeps getting weirder. He was slightly put off by the new shack, but he couldn't deny that he was hungry as well, his hunger slipped his mind due to the nature of the heated battle, but it came to him immediately at that moment. "What do you think they have there? Do you think it's safe? I mean so far this place just seems like it wants to make people crazy." Bowie forgot about the argument with the adults for a second. Bowie hopped off the trampoline and waited for Masaru to do the same thing before telling Blob to change back.

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was sad to see his assumptions were right about The DuckTM. It was obvious from the attack that they were ready to show their true colors. Bandana Dee started spinning his spear in front of him rapidly, dispersing the water in many directions. He then wanted to close the gap so he changed the position of the spear from in front of him, to above him so that he could lift himself up off of the ground and over Psyduck's position before he dropped straight downward with his spear, spinning on the way down.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Wha? That dumb glove guy wants entertainment, he wouldn’t get rid of us like that. Besides...”

Masaru backflipped off the trampoline, landing on his feet proudly, most forgetting his status as the ultimate P.E.. He landed right in front of Bowie, a grin on his face.

“...Aren’t you the least bit curious?”

Without permission, Masaru ran towards the Shack, jumping on a seat. He wiggled the rotating seat impatiently left and right, looking at all the bottle and glass options.

“Don’t you guys have soda?”

Suddenly, one of the empty glasses began to fill up mysteriously with the fluid, much to Masaru’s delight.

“Awesome! Hey kid, look at that! What do you want huh?? I think it lets us get whatever we want!”
Metal looked at Eggman for a moment, confirming he wa south of hearing range, then made a beep similar to a sigh. “You think I don’t want to?” He said, speaking again. “The only problem is if I show any kind of rebellious behavior, Eggman will have me apprehended and reprogrammed again, taking me back to square one. Besides, working for Eggman repeatedly allows me to fight and study Sonic, allowing me to learn and become better.” He said, speaking once more.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter gave an audible chuckle. “Ha! Is that all you are concerned about, my friend? Well then allow me. I known quite a bit about mechanics myself. So I may be able to modify your central processor to have a subroutine that can hold and grow these thoughts and ideas without being investigated by prying eyes. All the while being able to fight your blue blur, best of both worlds. What say you?”

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Just as Joker suspected, Sonic ran straight towards, the blue hedgehog seemingly dashing through some rings to gain momentum and propell himself into the air. As Sonic prepared to launch himself full force into Joker, the phantom thief simply put his pointer and middle finger to the center of his mask. “Arsene! Tetrakarn!” As Joker yelled out, his mask disappeared into a blue flame, and the looming red figure of his Persona emerged from behind him, casting Tetrakarn. The move caused a shield to surround Joker, meaning the next attack Sonic would dish out would instead hurt himself, totally protecting Joker from harm.
@Captain Pokémon

(Autoing Yu with permission from Shen and TheJustinMann)
Seems Yu had no reason to hide his Persona, immediately summoning it unlike the last fight. Dimitri knew that the seemingly strange spirit was the bigger threat compared to the boy who summoned it. With this in mind, the prince ran straight at his opponent, narrowly dodging wayward lightening strikes, each moment getting closer in towards Yu. Once he was close enough, he swiped up with his spear, only to be blocked by Yu’s sword. Even if Yu wasn’t as well trained as Dimitri’s sparring partners back at the officer’s academy, the young Persona user clearly had some skills up his sleeve.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt watched Drogoz propel himself towards him, thinking he'd go for a close range rocket blast or full speed punch. Planning ahead, he disabled his Flashfield to conserve EP and jumped twice with the help of an Air Jump, but Drogoz didn't do any of the things he expected him to do. Instead, he grabbed his drone and threw it at him, hitting him in the chest, causing a small explosion and destroying the drone. Gunvolt, having taken a bit of damage, decided to counter immediately by jumping at Drogoz and trying to grab him before using Crashbolt again, though if his attack missed he'd Air Dash away and redeploy his Flashfield to keep himself safe.
~Johnny cage...~

The energy ball Johnny launched was now flying back at him, Johnny had little time to react ,but managed to push the ball back with extra force. Genji was quick ,but Johnny was quick too. As soon as Genji went for a swift strike ,but Johnny turned his head ,and went to the ground dodging the swift strike. On his way to the ground he swung his leg up for a kick to the boys.

Before Johnny could counter, Genji threw another set of shurikens to which Johnny jumped to avoid ,and used a forward roll to avoid being hit by the precise shurikens. Johnny used a shadow kick to once again close the gap ,and try attack his opponent. Whether the kick hit or not was irrelevant as it gave him enough time to, "Say cheese!" Johnny said as he quickly pulled out a camera pressing the button. The camera let out a bright flash to stun Genji. Johnny took the opportunity to use a rising star combo where Johnny attempt to kick his opponent into the air ,and drop a kick onto their head, thus dropping his opponent to the ground.

~Commander John shepard...~

Seeing the computer standing in front of him, Commander Shepard looked over puzzled, "Here goes nothing, I guess..." Shepard said as he threw a frag grenade ,and pulled out a piranha shotgun. Shepard began firing several rounds with incendiary rounds. If the grenade failed to hit Tabby, than the shotgun more than likely would.
This time, Genji simply parried the force ball with his wakizashi, it was too slow now to have any deflecting point. As Genji was starting to come down in the air, his opponent took out a camera and used the flash. “What?” he said, confused by both the flash and his opponent’s fighting style. Johnny then tried to combo kick him into the ground. He was stunned from the flash, so he got kicked by the first kick, taking damage, but he managed to double jump to avoid the second kick. He threw a fan of shurikens at Johnny, before swift striking downwards at a diagonal angle, attempting to cut straight through Johnny while he was still in the air. Once he reached the ground, even if his attack didn’t succeed, he threw 3 fans of shurikens at Johnny.
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Previously mallard
Tabby threw out a kunai upwards and zipped in that direction to dodge the grenade, then swinging in a zig-zag pattern away from the enemy. He was grazed by a blast, and dove behind a conveyor belt. The robot whipped out his smgs, and fired a round over the conveyor belt, then ducked back down to charge his guns' shotgun blast. Hearing a satisfying ping, Tabby jumped back up and unleashed a literal wall of bullets in a single shot.

Psyduck gawked and dove out of the way, clumsily getting up on his webbed feet to face his opponent. Assuming a battle stance, the duck began to run at Dee headfirst with his arms in a V behind him, using the move Zen Headbutt.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bowie cautiously walked over and got on a seat beside Masaru. He wanted to believe it was all safe, but the fact that the shack appeared out of nowhere did put him off a bit; however, Masaru made a good point that the hand seemed to want to keep them alive. After all, if they wanted to they could have just let him and Blob die on the battlefield. With that in mind, he started thinking about his order. "You really think this thing can make anything we want? Alright, I want I bowl of Chicken Parmesan and Noodles, along with a sweet tea, just like my mom makes."

Just then a cup of sweet tea materialized along with his mom's chicken parmesan. It was one of his favorite meals, only second to a huge thing of jellybeans, but he'd had enough of those for today. He dug in with a fork and started to try to make more small talk with Masaru, even though his mouth was semi-full. "So what are you gonna get Masaru?"

Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee landed on the ground and watched as the Psyduck dodged out of the way. He was prepared for whatever Psyduck's next move would be, although he wasn't expecting Psyduck to just make a straight charge at him. Bandana Dee took this opportunity. He grabbed his spear, which was still facing downward from his earlier moon drop, and he kicked up a fair bit of dust in order to cloud his movements just in case Psyduck decided to look up mid headbutt. He moved to the right of where Psyduck was aiming and stuck his spear out at Psyduck's feet for him to trip over.


Previously mallard
Psyduck tripped, go figure. His head smacked the ground, and his psychic energy added some extra bounce to his landing. He landed on his feet, and sat there for a second, dumbfounded by his accidental acrobatics. He turned back to the puffball, and roared, "Psssyyy-" and started swinging his arms around and at his opponent (fury swipes).
(Sorry for neglecting these earlier, I legitimately forgot about these xD.)
Sonic attacked the shield, only to be knocked back, somehow getting hurt in the process. “Ow! What the...?” He said in confusion and looked up at his opponent. A large red and black figure was standing behind him. “Huh?” He said quizically. The shield was gone, but he had to be careful. Sonic quickly charged up a spindash, then went towards Joker, but right when he was in front of him, he circled around to hit him form behind.
@The Alright Attorney
Metal contemplated this. It wasn’t a bad idea. He’d be able to do what he wanted without being interrupted. Besides, if he wanted to work with Eggman, he still could. “Fine. But make it quick. The doctor will soon lose interest if he is not responded to.” He said, gesturing to Eggman waiting for Sturm to respond.
@Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier lowered his weapon as he realized it wasn't working. Instead, The Courier took out a Frag Grenade and his trusty Ranger Sequoia. The Courier had briefly entered V.A.T.S to aim, and threw the Frag Grenade at the Rage Bomb without pulling the pin off of it. The Courier figured that, by the looks of the bomb, it would stick to a surface. And proving assumption correct, it did. The Courier then entered V.A.T.S once more and fired two bullets. One at Sly to distract him, and one at the pin of the grenade, to do two things at once: One, removing the pin with he sheer force of the bullet. Two, causing both explosives to fly back at Sly due to the velocity of the fired bullet. @ThAtGuY101
The Terrarian swooped to the side, narrowly avoiding the star blast. Seems he'll need to summon new minions. However, the Terrarian had an idea. Summoning three imps from an imp staff, The Terrarian tossed them a fishing rod and a golden delight. The imps attached the Golden Delight to the fishing rod and held the rod, reeling it out to dangle the food item around Kirby to distract him. Meanwhile the Terrarian had drank an Invisibility Potion and promptly disappeared. They quietly lowered to the ground and snuck towards Kirby, hoping the imps distracted the puffball long enough. When the Terrarian was close enough, they took out the Slap Hand and swung it at Kirby, hoping to knock the Puffball straight into the blast zone. @Gamingfan
" Hm. As should be expected from the Black Hole Army. You will fall next, so mark our name and bear the memory of being beat by the Blackhole Army with pride. " Sturm simply replied, deeming Eggman just about as weak and pathetic as anyone else Sturm has ever met, with the temporary exception of Master Hand. "I've nothing more to say to you, worm. Begone. " Sturm commanded, waving Eggman off as if he were a mere grunt of Sturm's. @Captain Pokémon

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker smirked again, seeing Sonic fall for his counter trick. ‘Gotta be careful, he probably will be able to see through that if I try it again.’ He thought to himself, as the hedgehog curled himself into a ball and spun at him. Joker, pulled out his short blade and swiped at Sonic, only for his opponent to spin around and launch at Joker’s back. Joker fell forward, and adjusted his fall into a roll. As he spin out of the roll, he pulled out his pistol and fired off at Sonic. “Arsène, Cleave!” As he fired off his gun, Joker’s persona flew towards the hedgehog, it’s claws swiping at him.
@Captain Pokémon

(Autoing Yu with permission Fromm Shen and TheJustinMann)
As his spear clashed with Yu’s blade, some of Dimitri’s training with the professor came back to mind. Hand to hand lessons, go for something to trip up your opponent. Using his back leg to steady himself, he pushed forward with his spear to knock Yu back, staggering him. Using the this to his advantage, Dimitri used his other leg to sweep underneath Yu’s feet, causing his opponent to tumble onto his back.


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby looked over at the terrarian intently...before his attention shifted to the food hanging nearby. As a star warrior, he couldn't be tempted by food, especially in a fight. But as a kirby...
He couldn't help himself. The battle-hardened star warrior happily made a mad dash to the food, leaping and catching the entire thing in his mouth, rolling away in the process. He was caught on the line, but due to his eating craze, he slurped the string like a noodle, imp and all until both it and the rod entered his mouth. Kirby stiffened suddenly, before exploding a quick flash or light, which disappeared to reveal him in his Wing ability. Immediately, Kirby flew upward, sending two of his feathers and stabbing the imps before realizing that the Terrarian was gone. Confused, Kirby looked left and right, trying to keep an eye and ear(?) out.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter chuckled inwardly, pressing a button on his chair. Suddenly, several small attachments sprang out from the side of the armrests. The mechanical extensions were like medical instruments, removing a small panel on the back of Metal’s head. Suddenly, two stylus like objects came from the extensions, giving a thin beam, writing down code like a laser.

after physically making new code and new subroutines at a alarming rate, he folded the new chip into a hidden fold under the central processor. Closing metal’s head up and recalling his extensions, he gave finger gun to him.

“And now you are all prepared, mi compadrè.” The cultured simian spoke. “May your newfound free will serve you well. He-he-he!”


“Well DUH! It’s a magic shack!”

Masaru has checked his disbelief At the door a long time ago, just going with the punches as they came. He couldn’t help but start licking his lips as he saw the chicken Parmesan at his friend’s plate.

“Oh! I’m gonna have Pancakes! Yeah, pancakes for dinner! With whipped cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and with powdered sugar!”

Not the healthiest meals by any means, but sure enough it was granted. The carb filled meal was delivered to him in no time, the red head rubbing his hands together greedily before diving in, chocolate and whipped cream staining his lips as his elbows pushed against the table and a rustic looking T.V. Next to him.
~John Shepard...~

Tabby began zig zagging away so Shepard fired a few more rounds. He took cover behind some nearby conveyor belts as a shotgun style smg was shot. Shepard barely managed to get outta the way. Shepard used his M-99 assualt rifle to try hit Tabby with quick shots. Shepard looked for better coverage to hide ,and began planning his next attack.

~Johnny Cage...~

As Genji avoided Johnny's second kick, Johnny took a defensive stance to block the first volley of shuriken. After Genji used another swift strike, Johnny countered with an upward energy ball to stop his strike before it could hit him. Johnny took a step back ,and soon three more shuriken attacks were fired. Johnny Jumped over the first, rolled under the second ,and powered through the third with a block.

Johnny used a rising knee, followed by an arcing kick ,and finishing off with a blazin' backhand.

~Sly Cooper...~

Sly managed to combat roll outta the way of the bullets and the explosives. He was somewhat disappointed when his grenade was countered. However he went ahead and threw a flash bomb(upgraded version of smoke bomb) at the ground. As smoke enveloped the air, Sly took the opportunity to sneak over to Courier ,and perform a jumping cane uppercut followed by a cane push attack.
Genji shook off his confusion, only to be met with his opponent. He parried the first attack with a quick swipe of his wakizashi, quickly did a limbo-like move to avoid the kick, then jumped in the air to avoid the blazing back hand. He decided enough was enough. “Ryujin no Ken wo kurae!” He yelled out, unsheathing his sword, and swift striking downwards towards Johnny. Once he was behind him, whether the attack was successful or not, he quickly swung the sword, intending to cut him in the back. Then he jumped over Johnny, and appeared in front of him, and swiped again. He slid under him and swiped once more. He then jumped up and fell down with his sword below him, aiming for Johnny.
Sonic quickly sidestepped faster than the eye could see to avoid Arsene’s attack. He jumped up to avoid the first few bullets, did a few tricks, then quickly air boosted to get to Joker. He used a homing attack to get to the floor in front of Joker. He then used boost once he was right in front of Joker, doing massive damage if his attack was successful.
@The Alright Attorney
Eggman frowned. He frowned even more once he was dismissed as worm. “Worm?! I will have you know that I am an egg, if anything- oh wait, that’s not good either..” He grumbled to himself before floating off.
Metal nodded at Specter, and made an appreciative beep. Metal’s eyes suddenly darted to the side as he saw Eggman coming. He got back into the exact same position as before and stared at Specter again. He knew he was free now, but he still wanted to avoid suspicion, as there was no point in revealing himself or his plan right now anyway. Besides, there wasn’t much of a point in leaving Eggman’s side at the moment. They made a good team, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. It’s better to have an ally then be by yourself. Eggman floated up to the two. “What a jerk. And not a good jerk like me.” He said. He looked at Metal, who was in the same staring position. “You really just stared at him the whole time?” He asked quizzically. Metal nodded. Eggman shrugged. “Alright then.” He looked to Specter. “Well, that didn’t work.”
@Shen: King of the Mist