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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee


Previously Manu456Alola
After receiving Gunvolt's other successful attack, Kirby had used the momentum from retracting the large spike to launch himself at Gunvolt. Instead of simply using his Air Dash to get away, Gunvolt took the chance to deal big damage, even if he would probably end up taking a little bit himself. He waited until Kirby had stuck himself to his armor, which stung a little, before spending one SP to attack.

"Lightning that flickers like a star, and purges all that violate its realm! Astrasphere!" Gunvolt clamored, covering himself and Kirby that was stuck to him in a powerful electric field, three large electric spheres circling around it to also potentially shock Kirby if they came close enough. Gunvolt knew taking the hit would be worth it, as his immediate counterattack would make up for the damage taken by far.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier took to the side, breaking into a sprint when Specter neared finishing his short taunt, rolling out of the Fountain's way just in the nick of time. This was it. He signalled his companions via the radio setting on his pip boy to call on them. Specifically, he called on Arcade Gannon and ED-E. The Enclave Remnant and the Eyebot appeared a good distance behind Specter and begun firing at him; Gannon with a Plasma Rifle and ED-E with his classic 'OP SNIPING LASER'

The Courier used this distraction to use a stealth boy and hide behind whatever he could find, taking cover. He waited for Specter to fight his companions, taking out a flash bang in the process. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm simply laughed as he snapped his fingers, summoning four Anti-Air Tanks and four Neo Tanks. The Anti-Air Tanks shot down the incoming fists, while the Neo Tanks went for the Egg Keeper's cores, a blatant weakness. The Neo Tanks would keep shooting until the Egg Keepers were destroyed, while the Bombers in the air snuck up high above Eggman and begun dropping bombs on him again. (His Fighters were destroyed within the meteor, so he has eight new slots to summon units with) @Captain Pokémon


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee watched as The DuckTM Teleported away. He was sad that he wasn't able to make a new friend, but that wouldn't discourage him from going to fight another battle. After all, cake was on the line. Bandana Dee helicoptered his way out of the portal and up to where he could see the bracket for his next match. It seemed like he would be facing someone named metal sonic, whoever that was. He touched down and started looking around vigilantly for any sign of the metal blue hedgehog.

Bowie was easily outsped by the lil' ultimate pe on their way to the gates, and he only arrived to hear the final opening remarks of the two. It seemed like he saw fear on Masaru's face, but Masaru would never fear an adult right? Especially not one that seemed as arrogant and loud-mouthed as this one. Bowie ran through the gate and joined the fabricated crowd that was built by the Killaseum. He kept watching and was impressed by this Bison character, but there was no way that he could let Masaru hold this much fear. Finally, enough became enough. Bowie saw Masaru start to slowly back away from Bison, and Bowie wouldn't have it. "HEY MASARU! YOU AREN'T JUST GONNA STAND THERE AND LET SOME SMELLY DEMON PUSH YOU AROUND ARE YOU?!? YOU'RE THE HERO, REMEMBER?! SO DON'T LET ME DOWN!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter was surprised at the sudden movement on the Courier. Following his movements, he took bits of the fountain shrapnel and hurled a cluster his way whilst he summoned his two companions choices.

Internally Cursing that his personal shield was used up for now, he turned his chair’s back to face them, the ranged weapons hitting his chair, one of them lucky enough to his the gravimetric stabilizers, letting the chair tumble out of the air and clank on the ground, specter jumping off.

“Hmph! Unable to beat me yourself then, eh? Very well. Let this be the end of you!”

Suddenly Specter enveloped in a coat of energy, a massive explosion rocketing out from his body. This blast would indiscriminately destroy everything a large distance from him. To check all his bases with the Courier as well and his companions all at once.



Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier thought, and had a better idea. He put the flash bang away, just as soon as the explosion went off. Damaged by it, he was flung away, but managed to get a grip on the broken walls of one of the buildings before he would be launched into the Red Clouds. The Courier now was fighting aggressively.

Lowering himself to the ground, the Courier pulled up his pip boy to take two chems, one after another; a Med-X, and Buffout. The Courier used both of these via the pip boy's interface, increasing endurance and strength, along with a partial raise of his maximum health, and raising his total damage resistance to 50%.

The Courier began running, taking out the same flashbang again. Removing the pin, he threw the flash bang over Specter's back, infront of him. The Courier then rolled and crouched, taking out their anti-materiel rifle. If Specter even tried so little as to telekinetically grab the Flash Bang or run from it, The Courier would blow the thing up in V.A.T.S. @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter was satisfied in his caused damage, the companions being entirely destroyed by his attack. But where was Courier? Locking in to his mental signature, he floated towards him through the dust.

“Is it survival that drives that rusted soul of yours? Or maybe you’ve just forgotten the fear of death.”

Specter prepared a psychic attack in his left hand right as Corueir had thrown his flash bang. The monkey mused, Grasping it in his telekinetic hold.

“Ha! Did you think you could-“

Suddenly, the flash bang was fire on a few feet from him by means of bullet. While not directly on specter, it was enough to disorient him, closing his eyes. In the panic, he fired his psychic attack at the ground, a spray of five energy spheres splashing in the ground, coating place in thick cloud of dust.



Previously Deathstalker62
Now certainly was the time to end this! The Courier took the moment, backing away from Specter as to not blast himself, as he took one (probably) last Chem; Turbo. For a short duration, everything around the Courier slowed down, as if time itself was being reduced by the chem. The Courier crouched down, taking out the weapon to eliminate Specter; Esther. A specialized Fat Man, the mini nuke launcher that ends things in a big, big K a b o o m . The Courier went into V.A.T.S and aimed, not just at Specter, but directly at the center of his torso. ..then, he pulled the trigger, and let loose the mini nuke at the telekinetic ape. With the effect of Turbo, the Courier could pull this action of faster than normal, allowing Specter much less time to counter or defend. @Shen: King of the Mist
The Egg Keepers quickly turned around and slightly hunched over, their backs taking the hits instead of their cores. Thankfully they were very durable and took the hits with relative ease. Meanwhile, Eggman looked around him, expecting a surprise attack, and he was correct. His opponent was beginning to become predictable. He quickly flew away, and the Egg Keepers followed with thundering steps, not moving very fast but not taking much damage as their backs were to the explosions. Their arms then grew back. (Don't ask, it just happens in the game.) They stuck with Eggman, who decided to play it safe and stay on his side of the field. He reached into a drawer in his Eggmobile and pulled out a wisp capsule, an Ivory Lightning inside it. He grinned and popped open the capsule, and the wisp appeared no more than 3 inches above Sturm's head. If he moved at all, the Ivory Lightning would keep pace and follow, staying above his head. It then fired a powerful lightning bolt down from its body, doing strong damage if it landed, as well as being nearly impossible to avoid due to the point blank range they were at. (The wisp cannot be harmed btw.)
The gumball with the hat finally exit the battlefield, and Metal flew towards them without skipping a nonexistent heartbeat. He landed right in front of them and looked down at them with a cold and calculating expression. He simply stared for a moment, before pointing to a nearby archway, saying they should start the battle.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
The waddle dee was surprised when the very metal hedgehog he was looking for appeared right in front of him. He stared back just as intently as the robot was staring at him, thinking it was some kind of staring contest, but was surprised when he pointed suddenly at the gate. Obviously this guy didn't want to waste time with formalities, no use trying to make small talk before the battle. Bandana Dee took the hint and ran into the arena portal.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter couldn’t sensed where Courier was in the thick dust cloud that was kicked up. So instead he blindly used his psychic powers to try and smash anything that stood, attempting to crush him or his weapons into the ground.

*Crush!* Goes the statue.

*Crack!* Goes the Gravel.

*Bang* goes the Nuke-


A ridiculously sized explosion went off in the middle between them, leaning a bit more toward’s Specter’s side. The albino ape was thrown into the air, is cape tearing and his fur charring. His helmet cracked under the pressure, Specter’s pupil’s fluctuating for a split second as he painfully landed on the unforgiving ground.

Massaging his head, he peered around for any other signs of life, not even noticing his position at the red fog.
Metal flew into the portal after his opponent, and landed on the ground, crossing his arms. An automated voice then asked him to choose an arena. He flew to a nearby computer, and entered some coordinates. The stage around them morphed into a large city with many large brass trumpets around, along with many slopes and loopdeloops. The ground was bright yellow and there were many large buildings in the backround, with one statue being larger than them all. The statue was of Eggman, obviously. (This whole place is just Stardust Speedway Act 2 in Sonic Mania, so just look at that for reference.) Metal tapped his foot and waited for his opponent to make the first move.


Previously Deathstalker62
Being pushed back from the Blast, the special properties of Esther protected the Courier from what damage they could've taken. The Courier opened his eyes again when he heard the blast go off as he looked for Specter. It seems Specter had landed in the red fog.

The Courier, as quickly and quietly as he could harbour from the remaining second of Turbo, took out two more flash bangs with one in each hand and threw them near Specter, hoping the sound of approaching Ghost People would mask the noise of the grenades hitting the ground and rolling.

The Courier had taken out his anti-materiel rifle again and had reloaded it, waiting for Specter to either be stunned by the flash bangs, to try and move them again so The Courier could shot one or the other down, or if the Ghost People would try and take Specter in. The Courier remained in wait, near-invisible from the Stealth Boy, scoped into his rifle and remaining on standby in V.A.T.S, ready to fire away. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm simply snapped his fingers as one of the Bombers took a U-Turn and went to fly above Sturm, hovering just inbetween the two. Sturm ducked down as the Bomber took the lightning strike and exploded into a pixelated explosion. Sturm stomped the ground with his foot and snapped his fingers again, with the Bombers and Anti-Air Tanks suddendly dissappearing, self-destructing. Sturm had waltzed behind his four Neo Tanks as eight more showed up, and all of them started firing a barrage of powerful, destructive shells at the Egg Keepers' hands, cores and, potentially, Eggman's Eggmobile. @Captain Pokémon


Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee watched in wonder as the entire world around them changed into a land of dark skies and bright neon lights. This would make for quite the sight to see, too bad he wouldn't have time to sightsee, as obviously the robot wanted him to make the first move. Dee was happy to oblige. The waddle dee jumped high into the air and threw 5 spears, scattering them all around the robot's current position. The spears were thrown with a lot of power, but Dee didn't expect them to do much. This was more to gauge the robot's skill more than anything else.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter, looking in the general direction of where Courier could be, was greeted with two bouncing flash bangs. Aware about what happened last time, Specter waved a hand, a Chunk if the broken water fountain acting as a ramp, bouncing them up and over him, landing in the far reaches of the unknown mist.

the flashes went off, odd people wearing gas mask like contraptions emerged, gripping onto specter, enraged by the flash bang. Specter growled as he struggled against them.

“This is no way...to treat your betters!”


in a quick movement, a couple of the ghosts had been cut in half. Specter, donning an obsidian sword, now stood amongst the mist, walking out into the open.

“Courier! Show yourself. This would be easier if we fought directly. Sword and sword. That is how civilized folk did it in the older days, isn’t that right? Whomever wins gets to be the winner.”

Specter was tired. Tired of this battle of ghosts and artillery. Perhaps simplifying the palette would make this experience end smoother.
Metal looked up as Dee threw spears down at him. Perfect. He quickly flew upwards and performed a few quick acrobatic maneuvers to avoid the spears. He looked Dee up and down quickly, scanning him. The scan completed very quickly, and Metal made a beep similar to a laugh. A spear of his own then appeared in his hand. He had copied his opponent's power. He threw the Spear at Dee with the same speed and accuracy that Dee did, same technique and all. He threw a few more then flew down back to the ground, preparing himself for his opponent's next move. He was playing it safe for now, learning about his opponent's fighting style.
The Egg Keepers took all the damage for Eggman, before being destroyed. Eggman pointed at Sturm, and 4 Valkeens flew into view, dropping bombs down at Sturm, making his entire general area a dangerous barrage of explosions. Eggman himself also decided to do something this time. He flew up into the air high above Sturm and brought out the laser shooter again. He fired the laser down at Sturm, doing massive damage to anything hit by it. His finger also hovered over a specific button, which he was prepared to use at a moment's notice.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Bandana Dee was impressed by the speed of the robot. It easily evaded the spears and got straight up on Dee before he could even react. Dee was ready to parry an attack when the robot started to scan him instead. Then a spear appeared in the robot's hands, had the robot copied his abilities? He threw spears in the same style Dee had just done to him not 10 seconds ago. Dee struck each spear individually out of the way with his own spear prowess. Sure this guy could copy, but he was used to training with Kirby, who was by far the best copier of abilities. There was no way he would let some cheap hunk of junk beat him with a weapon he has trained all his life in using. Bandana Dee charged up towards the metal hedgehog and jabbed his spear at him once he was just far enough away to reach.
Metal simply stared at Dee as he came towards him. Once Dee was close, Metal struck his spear forward , angling it so that the side touched the side of Dee's spear. He moved the spear out of the way with his own before jabbing at Dee with his spear. Whether or not the attack succeeded, he quickly flew backwards into the air, before pointing to the sky, and a large ball of energy formed on his fingertip. He charged it up, preparing to throw it.
This battle might be more difficult than his other ones.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Bandana Dee
Once Dee's spear was parried, he realized what Metal was going to do next. He tried to sidestep out of the way of the spear thrust from the robot, but was grazed due to the unexpected speed of the thrust. Then Metal flew back, seeming to try and get some distance so he could charge up some powerful attack. Dee knew he wouldn't be able to reach in time, but that didn't mean his spear wouldn't. He threw one spear with as much power as he could muster in his split-second window and threw the spear straight at Metal's chest. He hoped this would be enough to stop the attack, but started to spin his spear just in case he needed to helicopter for a quick exit.
Metal saw the spear coming and stopped charging the sphere. He quickly flew away, but was still grazed by the spear, leaving a scratch in the paint on his left arm. He flew up even higher into the air then fired a large orange laser from his chest, doing great damage if it hit Dee. The laser also moved vertically upwards, in an axe swinging motion of sorts, but going down to up instead of up to down. This guy wasn't bad, definitely not as bad as his last opponent. He might actually have to try this time.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier thought. Was this another trap of Specter's? Or did he actually want to fight, face to face? Well, it seemed there was but one way to find out. The Courier took up Gehenna, yet had not lit the flame ablaze. He went for his pip-boy once again and took his last buff; Coyote Tobacco Chew. A simple hand that would give a minor-but-long raise to his perception and agility.

The Courier moved, walking up to Specter, Gehenna in one hand. As the Stealth Boy ran out, The Courier started to become visible again.

[ You wish to fight, Sword against Sword? ..very well. This will be the deciding match. ]

The Courier spoke and raised Gehenna to tap it against the ground. Soon as it hit the ground, the blade of the sword lit ablaze with a bright flame. The Courier then raised his sword up to himself, taking on the same position and holding his sword like an experienced swordsman, before charging at Specter. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm snapped his fingers once again as he simply leapt into the air, out of the way. His Neo Tanks were completely obliterated, partially in a self-destruct and partially from the carpet bombing. A Transport Copter appeared where Sturm was to take his place and was immediately destroyed by Eggman's Laser.

Sturm had summoned two Fighter Jets and followed by 10 more. " A bad mistake to leave yourself wide open, worm! " Sturm yelled out as the 10 Fighter Jets started firing at Eggman, flying all around his egg mobile, paying no attention to the Valkeens.

Sturm simply rode around on his two fighter jets that fired their missiles at the flying Valkeens that got near. @Captain Pokémon
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter was pleased by the response he had received, so the courier DID know how to fight close quarters. Specter put his right hand behind his back and raised his sword with the other to form a cultured fencing stance.

“And so it shall be. This shall be a most entertaining finale.”

He walked at a brisk pace as courier all but leaped at him. Specter analyzed what he was going to do, his helmet giving him brief insight to the movements of his foe. This in mind, he moved his sword to the left before swiping harshly to the right to redirect and bat the sword out of the way before he would go in for a jab toward the center.


Previously Deathstalker62
With the Buff Out active, it was much easier for the Courier to move Gehenna around. The Courier put his blade up vertically and clashed it against Specter's sword, side-stepping to move Specter's sword up and out of the way of harm's reach by switching Gehenna to his other hand. The Courier had not yet been planning to fight offensively. He was going as defensively as he could. Holding Gehenna close to him again in both hands, he awaited Specter's next move to attempt and block it. @Shen: King of the Mist
Eggman growled as his opponent survived. He saw the Fighter Jets coming close to him and quickly angled his Eggmobile in a certain way so that the laser was facing the jets. He rapidly spun in circles, most likely destroying everything in his way, before quickly activating his bubble shield to take the bullets, then he quickly flew up higher into the air and away from the jets for the time being. He pointed at Sturm and the 4 Valkeens quickly tried to dive bomb into him and his jets, exploding in the process. Once the Valkeens were destroyed Eggman grinned. “You wanna play that game, eh? So be it!” He said before whistling a traditional dog call. A thundering Egg-Cerberus fell into view, landing on its feet. It bellowed out a loud and robotic roar, before charging at Sturm, going surprisingly fast for its size. If Sturm was still in the air, the robot would leap up high and try to ram into him, or stomp on him if it was above Sturm. If Sturm was on the ground, it would simply try to ram into him with great force and power, due to its massive size and speed. Eggman himself then flew away away to his side of the battlefield, far away from Sturm and his minions, playing it safe and letting the robot do the work.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Fighter Jets around Eggman would fly around the random angled lasers using barrel rolls, loops and evasive maneuvers, catching back up with Sturm. Sturm leapt off of his two current fighter jets and onto another two of the ten around him. His two fighter jets flew up as to bait the Valkeens before the remaining 10 Fighter Jets shot missiles at them to try and take them out of the air.

Quickly thinking up a strategy for that giant robotic dog, Sturm had gotten an idea. Sturm leapt up and away, snapping to explode all his Fighter Jets. Below him and above the Egg Cerberus, Sturm created 12 Bombers to replace the 12 Fighter Jets.

Being that Bombers were the air equivalent of Neo Tanks, Sturm held his balance on the 2 Bombers he summoned below him and watched as they all began carpet-bombing the Egg Cerberus, likely doing a whole ton of damage if not destroying it entirely. @Captain Pokémon
The Cerberus took damage, but tanked it pretty well, only losing about a half of its health pool. It continued onwards, going through the bombs. Meanwhile Eggman grinned, his opponent had no defenses at the moment! He pressed a button on his Eggmobile and 4 canisters of missiles appeared on the sides of the vehicle, two on each side. He flew closer to Sturm, but still far enough away to not be noticed and away from the bombers. He fired off about 20 tracking missiles at Sturm, and the missiles locked on, not going to go for anything else but Sturm. Meanwhile the Egg Cerberus kept plowing through, destroying any obstacles in its path and most likely any minions in its path as well, also heading towards Sturm to attack.
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier changed his position to hold Gehenna sideways above himself, blocking Specter's Sword with the flat side of Gehenna's Blade. The Courier crouched and pushed the Sword away if Specter had not moved it back himself first and went for a counter strike, which was a two-handed diagonal swipe, starting from the top right and going across to the bottom left. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm, deciding these Bombers had just not been doing enough, decided on something else. Sturm leapt off of his bombers as they were all likely destroyed by Egg Cerberus and lowered to the ground by summoning a transport copter to hold on to. Unaware about the homing missiles that were now most likely to hit the Egg Cerberus, Sturm summoned Neo Tank Units, all 12 to replace the 12 Bombers, and fired off a salvo of powerful shells at the Egg Cerberus to keep it at bay and hopefully destroy it. @Captain Pokémon
"Perish, you insignificant insect!" M. Bison was ready to strike Masaru down, but the fact that the kid fiddled with his controller made him turn around and look straight into the eyes of Mark Guyver's severed head. Trying to keep the Psycho Power from further damaging him, the dictator decided to use his slide attack to get out. Although Bison himself got away quite nicely, his hat was not as lucky. Squashed underneath the decapitated head, the hat no longer covered Bison's white hair. "Hmm, unfortunate. How long do you think that you can rely on your little robot, little demon?" Kneeling to grab his cloak from the ground, the head of Shadaloo ran as fast as he could at Masaru and tossed it in Masaru's face before trying to grab the controller from the kid. "Your time is up, forfeit before I destroy your soul!" @Shen: King of the Mist
The homing missiles simply curved around the Egg Cerberus. Did he think that would work? They’re made by me! They’re not gonna be destroyed that easily! Eggman though to himself. The homing missiles continued on their course towards Sturm, still aiming to destroy him. Meanwhile the Egg Cerberus plowed through the bombers and destroyed them. It plowed through the tank shells, taking damage but still going strong, not letting anything get in the way of its directive: kill Sturm.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter saw an Opportunity. After the recent shock of his blade landing, he curved his slim body under the backside of the sword, so when it swung, it swung away from him with surprising force, it allowed himself access right to the square of His foe’s back.

“It’s time to run you through!”

In one swift strike, he’d stab right through Courier’s back with his black colored blade, hoping to bring a swift end to this conflict.


Masaru gave a brief sigh of relief that Bison had left him be for now, but quickly realized he wouldn’t be kept at bay forever. He was running out of options. Reluctant to use the last drill on
Mark Guyver, he’s turned the knob on his controller, firing off the last drill on the mech, sending it spiraling toward Bison right as The big man managed to grab hold on the controller, a thick cape being thrust in his face.

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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier, using the momentum of the missed swing, turned himself around in a spin. This would cause Specter's sword to strike the Courier's side, creating a cut not just in his duster but also across the skin on his side. The Courier, too drugged up to even notice the pain, spun around fully and went for a grab of the sword, while using his other hand that was holding Gehenna to strike down at Specter's wrist that was holding the sword. Should he succeed, Specter would've been forced to let go, either to avoid the swing and let go of the sword, or because his wrist was struck with hot, burning, sharp metal. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm realized something. It would be much easier going after Eggman now than to deal with his gigantic robot dog, as it appears that he could not bring out more units while it was still active. So, Sturm did just that. Running to the edge and leaping, he destroyed all currently active minions and summoned two Fighter Jets to use them to fly. Directing the Jets, he gathered them into a tightly-packed bunch before summoning one Battle Helicopter which shot one of the missiles, setting off a chain explosion that destroyed them all.

Sturm then set off to fly at Eggman, destroying his battle copter and summoning 10 Fighter Jets in its place, completely filling up his units again. The Jets flew in a swarm, ready to outmaneuver whatever Eggman throw at them and to retaliate with firing rockets at the eggmobile. @Captain Pokémon
Eggman raised an eyebrow as Sturm started flying towards him. He snapped his fingers and the Egg Cerberus leaped up and took all the rockets for him, and it then fell to the ground, breaking through the floor and sinking into the mega mack, melting and leaving yet another hole in the ground. Eggman quickly flew to the other side of the battlefield and thought to himself on what to do next, then had an idea. “Time for a change of pace!” He said and snapped his fingers. The Egg Genesis, a titanic battle station that carries multiple mech battalions in its four massive arms, appeared. This one was much more dangerous and air-suited than the Cerberus. One of its searchlights landed on Sturm, and a klaxon alarm was heard and it fired many missiles at Sturm. A laser then erupt from its under-carriage, which would home in on Sturm. Meanwhile Eggman himself had a plan, but he wasn’t going to put it into motion yet.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Specter’s eyes gleamed as he struck blood with his target. He only needed to dig deeper and his win was assured. That’s when a relativity sword swipe came in, burning red hot. Removing his hand from the handle, he let the sword swoop past him. Right as his hand began to charge with psychic power, the overlord caught himself.

“Oh? Well played there...you disarmed me while I acted on my own reflexes...” Specter smirked, just looking at his hand. “I do fear this is the end of the line for me. A ruler is only as good as the promises they make and keep. You had disarmed me like we had agreed. Therefore you are deemed the winner...”

Crossing his arms, Specter laughed, shaking his head at his own actions. He couldn’t believe he was forfeiting to a human. But alas, they had managed to beat him at his own game. Master hand not appearing, instead a rift opening up silently in his absence.
M. Bison winced as he used both hands to grab the controller, the burns were catching up to him. Even with his burnt hand hurting him, he was still a fully grown adult having a little tug of war against a kid who could not see anything. Pulling harder, he saw the second drill come at him and a plan arose in his unholy brain. He began spinning around in an attempt to disorientate Masaru who should still holding on to the controller and let go when he built up enough speed and Masaru was in front of the drill. He didn't know how heavy he was, but the kid should at the very least be disorientated enough to stand still and regain his sense of direction, if not get flung at the drill. The dictator took a deep breath and warped away, falling to his knee again. The Psycho Power was nearing the limits of his body, it would not be long before his greatest weapon would be his biggest weakness. He'd died before from overusing it, but he had the Psycho Drive to fall back on to survive. Here, he'd have to win and heal in the lobby. If he used Ultimate Psycho Crusher, he'd for sure die on the spot. If only these strong emotions would simmer down, Bison was willing to trade power for survival. @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier, suprised that the strike had worked, felt his body regenerating and the chems wearing off. Putting away Gehenna, the Courier had held the obsidian blade in his left hand, holding it to Specter to give it back to him.

Then, the Courier was curious.
[ It was a good battle indeed. But, I can't help but wonder.. you have a lot of techniques and powers to your name. What gave you the ambition to join the tournament? Specifically, what did you wish for an outcome at the end of it? ] The Courier asked, referring to the end of the tournament. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm, seeing the bottom of this giant new mech light up, began hopping across Fighter Jets to the upper half of Genesis, his jets faster than the missiles fired off by the Egg Genesis. There, it wouldn't be able to get him with the laser. Sturm leapt atop the Egg Genesis, self-destructing his fighter jets to turn them into battle helicopters that shot down the genesis' missiles with relative ease. Once out of harm's reach and with all the missiles gone, Sturm summoned different units; Four anti-air missiles, three rocket launchers, and four anti-air tanks. The Rocket Launchers and Anti-Air Missile Launchers aimed their missiles at Eggman, the anti-air missiles going directly for him while the rocket launchers aimed to carpet bomb is general area.

There was, however, one more unit summoned. A simple mech unit, right beneath Eggman. It used its rocket launcher to latch onto Eggman's eggmobile while he was busy with the rockets and missiles, and waited. Sturm was thinking that the Egg Genesis would target the mech and, if it fired, would hit Eggman aswell. @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru was flung around and around, since the band was around his neck, the cape flying off him as it caught the wind. Suddenly, the band holding him and the controller around his neck was snapped, sending both him and the controller flying in separate directions. The controller was tossed right into the path of the drill and was utterly destroyed on impact while Masaru tumbled toward the feet of Mark Guyver.

Stumbling to his feet, Masaru pointed accusingly at Bison. “What have you done?!”

Mark Guyver’s main frame was now entirely out of commission, standing lifeless and waiting instruction in the Middle of the Killasseum. The drill that had gone through the controller however, was still piloted by an AI. It burrowed underground whilst Masaru tried to think of a plan.

looking up to Bowie, who cheered him on from the stands, Masaru suddenly had a flash of memories.

“...Your a power to behold...”

Bowie wasn’t talking about Mark Guyver during that speech...he was talking about Masaru himself! He was the ‘Lil ultimate P.E., even without his mech!

Already at the feet of the mech, he kicked at a panel at the legs of Guyver, the plate opening up. Toms of sports equipment tumbled out. Soccer balls, nets, baseballs, bowling pins, you name it. But he fished out what he was really looking for: his trusty baseball bat.

“Your wrong Demon...” Masaru stood up tall, a grin forming on his face now to fit his sudden realization. “I shouldn’t be afraid of you. YOU should be afraid of ME!!”

Readying his bloodstained bat, he raced down toward bison with a newfound determination, no longer hiding behind Mark Guyver. He kept up athletically, aiming to bash the man up aside the jaw.


Specter hesitantly grasped hold of the blade from Courier’s grip, holstering it on hip whilst his wounds regenerated as well. When Courier handed him a question alongside the blade, Specter couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle.

“It’s not about my power, that’s not what drives me.” Specter explained. “I have a duty to look after my race, and my wish would be for us never to suffer at the hands of humans again, and for the humans to pay for their misdeeds. Alas, it hardly matters now. I do not expect you to understand the plight of my people human, but I do hope you have a better wish in mind that doesn’t bring great pain to even more. Humanity has done enough to harm.”
Eggman quickly began to fly away from the rockets, activating his shield in the process, but wasn’t fast enough and got hit by some of the explosions, going soaring high upwards. He then noticed a mech beneath him. “What the? Hey! Get out of there!” He said, and pressed a button on his Eggmobile, and a saw attached to a chain came out of a hatch under the Eggmobile, most likely cutting straight through the mech, since it was right in the saw’s way. Eggman decided it was time for a different tactic. He pointed at the ground and the Egg Genesis began to crash down, aiming to come down on the ground and Anti-air tanks like a meteor, doing major damage to anything in the way. Once the Egg Genesis was destroyed, Eggman then summoned four Egg Cannons, and they hovered beside him while in flying form. Eggman stayed here on his side of the battlefield, along with his robots. He was playing it safe. He popped open another wisp capsule, this time with an indigo asteroid inside. “Go.” He said, and the wisp dashed forward and turned into a mini black hole, sucking in anything by it, and causing major damage to anything it touches. Eggman hovered his finger over a specific button, ready for Sturm to get close again.
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Previously Deathstalker62
The Courier nodded, but then shook his head.

[ Saving your people is an admirable goal. But, you have a problem in your wish. You see.. look around you. Look at this resort, the Sierra Madre. It was to be a beautiful resort, for everyone to enjoy... ]

The Courier said, looking around. The Stage was restored, but it had not yet turned back to the former battlefield.

[ My world, it was entirely destroyed. By those who had powers risen above their heads. Those who did not agree with each other, and would go beyond extreme measures to prove something to themselves. World War was their start, and Total Atomic Annihilation was their end, along with our beginning... ]

The Courier looked to the red clouds, which had the ghost people peering out of them, before looking back at Specter.

[ I can imagine what horrific memories you must have experienced at the hands of humans. But, what you have experienced.. it is just another average day for the beings in my world. Time proves again and again that, no matter who stands at the top, it will all come crashing down again. Bring your people the justice they deserve if you must, but you will only create someone with your own ambitions.. looking to save the human race from the monsters that every being with power becomes through time. ]

The Courier explained, drawing from the history of his world.

[ Look around you, and see that violence is not a permanent answer. It only brings up more problems. It is the very problem that history tries to teach any of us time and time again. Conflict is not solvable with more conflict. ]

The Courier finished his speech, awaiting Specter's rebuttal. @Shen: King of the Mist
Sturm snapped his fingers, destroying all his units and leaping into the air, summoning two fighter jets beneath him. Though, it seems Eggman's attack wasn't over it, as he threw some kind of indigo ball at Sturm. Sturm, being the smartest alien alive, decided to hit the ball back at Eggman by.. well, throwing an APC at it like a baseball. The APC clashed against the indigo asteroid, sending it back to Eggman just as it had activated, leaving the doctor to deal with it while Sturm created a large distance between him and the doctor, preparing to summon troops.
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M. Bison chuckled, the runt still had guts. Not for long though, if Bison had any say in it. "What I have done? I've shown you that I am too strong for you. Nothing more, nothing less." The dictator chuckled. "Really, you're threatening me? Your robot is gone, you have a measly bat and I am still standing strong. You are in no position to make any threats." Sliding into an offensive position, Bison bared his infamous teeth. This kid managed to amuse him, very well. He'd make sure that this kid would get crushed for ever thinking that he could beat Master Bison, a god among men! Jumping into the air, he tried to preform a Head Stomp. Even though it was not powered by Psycho Power, this kid would have to be deceptively strong to withstand all 247 pounds of his body with gravity helping him get down with a flimsy baseball bat. @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Masaru’s steel bat clashed with Bison’s foot, stomp, the clash would sent Masaru back from the force imparted by both of them. If that bat were a body part, that would really hurt, meanwhile Bison was struck by the with his already injured feet.

“Too strong this, Demon!”

Landing upright and taken the better end of the exchange, Masaru took a baseball out of his pocket, throwing it up in the air and slamming it, the ball heading straight toward the adult. It wasn’t a Mark Guyver tier attack, but it would be so satisfying to see the baseball shatter those eerily perfect teeth.


Specter considered Courier’s argument long and hard, the seams of His helmet fixing up from their previously cracked appearance. Snapping his fingers, his chair approached him. The Simian overlord put a finger in the air.

“A valid argument that if we do not learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. But you fail to consider one valuable variable in the equation...” He pointed to himself. “Us. The ‘we’ you are referring to is the human race, not every being. We simians are not all blinded by petty arguments and schemes. In fact, your world only proves to me that if the humanity continues it’s reign on earth, it would only guarantee it’s destruction.”

Hopping into his footing throne, a glass of wine ejected from the armrest, landing in his grasp. Swirling the fluid around, he continued.

“Humanity has had the fault of being plagued by war. We monkeys do not. We don’t fight ourselves due to differences in Relgion, economics, or social differences. We embrace them. That is the core difference between our races that brings your point into question.”

The other arm rest ejected a second glass of wine, Specter grasping it with his free hand and handing it toward Courier.

“A drink?”