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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Sumeragi Campaign

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Quake

Battle started anew, Akira getting a strong first impression in, Miracle preforming his own maneuvers in tandem. Overall? Really strong opener, however, the patrol robot was going in for underhanded beam amongst the damage. Seeing this, Quake leaped into action, going in the way of the attack and raising an open palm to the robot. The beam struck his rugged gauntlets...but it seemed to have no visible effect other than orange heat impressions on the surface.

Quake walked forward, the beam still steadily burning at the earth gauntlets. Steadily, he brought the same gauntlet up close to the machine, eclipsing the round optic it was wiring from. Without a word, he closed his fist, breaking the machine into metallic chips.

Miracle was still being hard to regroup with, but before any of that could be sorted, two bronze armored missile users entered the scene. Due to the distance, he couldn't just slug a punch at them and end it, especially since they were falling back...But Akira just might be able to. Seeing the missiles headed her way, he knew what to do.

"Earth Gauntlet - Barricade!"

He thrust his right arm forward, the purple and orange rock that made up his gauntlet flying off of him, forming up into square shape as it shot through the air. When it reached near Akira, the first missile was blocked by the barrier, causing a series of cracks across it and some pieces falling off. The second missile was then sponged, the barrier crumbling as the rocks tumbled to the other side of the room. Quake, now with one gauntlet called over to his companion.

"There's your opening!"
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Tracy Rinehart​

Armament Factory - Exterior

They had made it, without being spotted! Tracy leaned against the wall, letting out a nervous breath. She looked around the corner, watching the soldiers unload the truck for a moment longer before continuing onward. There was no security, no cameras, no soldiers around on this side of the building. Tracy drew a card from her deck, looking at it. A spell card, the Ledger of Ledgermain. It depicted a cloaked figure, specifically the monster 'Crystal Seer', using magic on a spell book or tome of some sort. A card that would be most beneficial if she played right now.

Tracy activated the card on her duel disk. A cloaked, semi-translucent figure appeared in the air next to Tracy. Their robes were red and blue. The spellcaster seemed to take no notice of the Bard or Terrance, simply nodding to Tracy, taking three cards from the top of her deck, and vanishing.

With that out of the way, Tracy moved to the nearest door. There were three buildings, with a door in each of them. Each appeared to be locked, with a security panel for the locking measure. Tracy also noted the vents. Large enough for people to move through. The duelist was reminded of another movie, that old action movie Dahlia made her watch. Dying Tough? Tracy would rather not replicate that. The main character might have survived that movie, but only just barely, and Tracy was no tough New York cop. At least this wasn't a skyscraper...

Tracy pulled the ID card she had taken from the Psi-User from her pocket. Maybe this could open it? Even so, she hesitated. Jirou Okamoto. The guy didn't look like any of them, not even close. What if there was additional security measures to the panel, besides scanning the ID card? Or what if Okamoto had reported that he lost his ID card, and this one was rigged to trigger an alarm? Tracy thought about it for a moment. Everyone wore helmets that covered their faces and gloves that covered their hands, a security panel probably wouldn't have people taking off their helmets or gloves all the time just for them to get in the building. And even if Okamoto had reported his card missing, it probably wouldn't trigger an alarm. Just a card reader error.

Tracy gestured for the others to stay away from the doorway, and moved over to the security panel. She stayed to the side of the door so, if it did open, anyone inside wouldn't see her, and tried to scan the ID card on the security panel.

Data Center - Exterior​

"V2 had to replace his arm because it was stolen by V1. Hm..."
On the roof of the Data Center, a trapdoor opened.

"The more I think about it, the more it reminds me of that story Formaggio told me. The Ship of Theseus."
A man, familiar to the readers, pulled himself through the trapdoor and onto the roof. The blue haired man seem to take no notice of the rain, nor the sounds of combat coming from the front of the Data Center.

"It's a pretty simple idea, even Pesci had been able to understand it. You have the ancient ship, used by that hero Theseus himself."
He brushed off the dust and dirt that had gotten onto his clothes, and began to walk along the roof towards the front of the Data Center.

"Over time, you slowly replace every part of the ship until there's no original parts left. Once it's all totally replaced, is it still that same Ship of Theseus you started with?"
As Ghiaccio, member of La Squadra Esecuzioni, assassin of Passione, walked towards the V2's battle, the rain continued to fall.

"Furthermore, if you kept all those original parts, and put them all back together into a ship, is that ship you built the same one you started with? And now, you have two ship."
The air around Ghiaccio grew colder and colder. This cold air would begin to flow down onto the battlefield in front of the Data Center, turning the rain to freezing rain. As the rain fell on Ghiaccio, it turned to ice upon the assassin. But Ghiaccio appeared unhindered by it, walking on, completely unaffected. He paused for a moment.

"That story always PISSED ME OFF!"

Ghiaccio snarled, kicking an old AC on the roof. The metal dented from the first kick.
Ghiaccio kicked the AC unit again and again, the dents growing larger and larger.

With a loud crunch, the AC unit broke off from its base and fell over. Ghiaccio stood over the broken machine, breathing heavily. The sound of an explosion caught his attention, and he looked back towards the front of the Data Center again. Right. Dealing with V2. Demerzel had said there was a pay bonus for bringing in these targets alive. But was V2 really alive? He was a robot, what counted as alive? Functioning, perhaps? Clearly, the robot was able to function with one of its limbs gone... That was probably key.

Ghiaccio made it to the edge of the roof, and looked down onto the battlefield. The temperature in the front of the Data Center continued to rapidly decrease. By the time he made it there, a large shell of ice had formed around Ghiaccio. He made no move to join the fight, simply watching V2 and the soldiers fight from the roof.


Previously Gamingfan2
Amaterasu skirted to a halt as the hallway opened up...to three more halls. Amaterasu surveyed the area as she listened to the soldiers talk amongst themselves. With her paws on the wall, Amaterasu raised herself to look through the windows. One had nothing new, just the crates she had seen before. The other seemed strangely empty.
It seemed the red humanoid had functioned well as distraction so far. Amaterasu wondered how long it really would last...as well as how long until it breached the "no-killing" policy they had established. Anxiously, Amaterasu decided to move towards the door to small office. Though given the lack of even a handle, it might as well have been a wall for the wolf.
Amaterasu studied the frozen door for a second, her eyes locking in on the small indent in the middle, which looked capable of opening up the door. Unfortunately she lacked the limbs necessary to push it open, but perhaps...
The goddess's reflector vanished, and was quickly replaced by the Thunder Edge. As discreetly as she could, Amaterasu would shove the floating weapon handle-first against the indent. Amaterasu jiggled the glaive as lightning surged through it, intent on using its weight to open the door up so she could enter the office space.


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
-Morning, NORA Wreckage-
The officer drew her Legion close to her, but Quake was there for the save. Akira immediately understood the idea. The Type-R beside her exuded gravitational waves as it anticipated its opportunity...

Akira counted the missiles. The first one impacted, and a second later, the second one did as well. As soon as it did, the Legion shot forward. Stone debris shattered into still smaller fragments as the tamed Chimera passed through them, and soon through the door. It passed one of the Homing Launchers, and thrust out its forearm towards the other one's head, aiming to knock them out. It then turned around to block the other soldier's way.

That left Akira squaring off against the other sentry, which would surely break free of its restraints soon. She switched her X-Baton into its Gladius configuration, and heaved the heavy weapon over her head in an attempt to carve into the large robot's head before it awoke!


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
It was truly a shame how dark this place had gotten the higher up he had gone. At first, his eyes could still adjust relatively well to the light levels below. Yet, now that he was all on his own in god knows where, it was as he'd just entered a cavern. But last Terry checked, he was a magician first, hero second and entertainer third and while he was also many other titles, 'Spelunker' did not exactly fit any of his criteria of talents and abilities.

His magic only had let him see so far, but that was more because frankly, Hagen cared little to see beyond any further. For all he knew, he could just be in yet another storage room housing yet more shipping containers, just like the room before. Then again, that one was also a loading bay, though he did also travel up the very shaft that led into said bay, so.. what were the chances that this was nothing but a mere dead end for him?

In his relatively erratic wandering and blind exploration of the darkness, Miracle had turned around just in time to unfortunately witness a single yellow eye look right back at him. He could not see what it belonged to, but evidently, it glowed in the dark.. probably because it reflected the light his finger projected, like eyes tend to do. Still, it certainly got the performer to stand still as it had caught him off-guard, though Terry was quick to gather his nerves again and put on the classic Mr. Miracle front.

"Hey there, stranger! Fancy meeting you here!" The man had called out in the darkness in a friendly manner, taking in the occular protrusion from the void staring back at him. Something something, Abyss staring back.. he was never one for shakespearean quotes himself. The magical hero preferred snappy comebacks and catchy one-liners instead, because that's what grabbed attention usually. Not some bizarre ramblings using an archaic language. "Are you a good eye, or a bad eye? Because I assure you if its the former, I come in peace! If it's the latter.. well, I'd still be willing to talk before anything rash happens. You can call me Miracle, by what name shall I call you?"