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Private/Closed Bootleg Brothers 6

Audrey Redheart
"Heh, let's do this!" Audrey laughed, confident as she readied her blade. Troy's disappearance was paid little mind by Redheart, as she had considered her allies a negligable factor anyway - Only there to see her awesomeness, in her head. She sprinted forward, the sword dragging behind her as her foes approached - Then Ryuji fired upon her with flaming bullets, which Audrey swung her blade up to in response, reflecting them straight back in the direction they came from. As it landed on the ground behind her, her shoulder rolling, she lifted it back up as she zipped towards Nótt, attempting to slash downwards onto the Princess.

If one looked close enough, there was a smile on Audrey's face, a cruel one. As if she were to relish her attempts to crush her enemies.

"Huh...?" Axe was confused for a moment as the area changed, more soby the environment. He squatted down, palming the sand-cloud. "Is this what sand feels like? Weird..." He wondered aloud, before getting back up as one of his foes greeted him and Grazie - 'Magolor'.
"I get if you're trying to be nice, thanks, but I haven't ever given up in my life, not changing right now!" He told Magolor, determination shining in his bright eyes. He assumed Grazie would also refuse the offer.
"Besides, we might as well give these people a show, right?" He pointed out - His limited experience with the magician types like the other foe, 'Mr Miracle', had told him they rather enjoyed putting on a show, anyway, so it was worth appealing too.
He raised his shield, as if to show how ready he was to start.

The Warlock
"What?!" Dhar-Hur Mordenna was surprised by both Dart and the lesser of his enemies stepping down from the fight, at least for now. While he could understand the latter, he could not see why Dart would be unwilling to take the easiest of victories. He grumbled, decided to teach Dart how foolish this thinking was some other time. "...Alright. This is nothing I cannot handle, so I will take this." He decided, staring down to Lucario - Both figuratively and literally.

"Here is what is going to happen, 'Lucario'; You are going to lose. You will squirm, perhaps even cry as unlikely as it is for one like you, but it will change nothing. You will fail to do meaningful damage, fail to protect your friend from losing this battle, and fail to instill any hope in those who wish to defeat me. You. Are. Nothing!" He told the Aura Pokémon, equally a threat, a taunt, pride, and a promise, his voice reverberating throughout the arena.

In his confidence, his arms raised up slightly - Surprisingly, a portion of the crowd notably cheered, humans of his world fallen to ADVENT's propaganda, likely. A wave of psionic energy flowed from his head to his hands, before shooting upwards. It shot back down into the ground a mere 3 foot in front of Lucario, and slowly...

"Grsss....s...grs....." A noise echoed in Lucario's ear, zombie-like in noise, and the source soon arose, three beings comprised of a purple energy, sharing a mere fraction of the Warlock's own aura and nothing else. They shambled towards Lucario at a surprisingly regular pace, attempting to strike the pokémon with their hands, but they were all clearly fragile; The purple energy did not create a whole being, and some of it was shifting apart, unstable in nature from the overflowing energy.
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Judge? Jury? Executioner? Jeice was getting fed up with the answers he was getting. Gritting he teeth, he watch as King Minos launched himself into the air in what would no doubt be followed by another explosion attack. He was having enough of that. Prepare himself? He sure would.
"HRAAAAH!!!" Jeice yelled, firing a powerful concentrated ki blast at King Minos as the creature flew towards him.


Previously Gamingfan2
Surprisingly, Dart seemed to have a sense of honor, choosing to back down as Mudkip did, leaving Lucario facing Warlock only. The pokemon made a mental note to thank the man when this match was over, before focusing the The Warlock, who was monologuing something fierce. Yet his words were not bluffs. Lucario could see they truly believed his win was a forgone conclusion. But the aura pokemon paid no heed to their confidence, only tightening his fists further.
"We shall see." was their only reply. With their battle finally started, Warlock fired a wave of energy and summoned minions. Three of them, but their aura was weak. One struck at the steel type, but Lucario spun out of the way, summoning a bone staff. Before he completed his twirl, he jabbed one zombie in the chest, forcing it to bend, before skillfully striking their side with the long side of the staff, sending them into the river. The other two were undeterred by their fallen brethren and attacked Lucario at the same time, only to be deflected by the Pokemon spinning the staff. Before the two could recover (assuming they weren't destroyed), Lucario threw his still spinning staff at Warlock, aiming to strike him from a distance!
The Warlock
The Chosen could not help but scoff at Lucario's reply, waving his hand in dismissal. He did not speak again, his arms crossed with a rather threatening grin on his face, before he shook his head when Lucario took down the first mook, sending it down to the river.
"Their deaths are as meaningless to me, as they are to you-" He began to taunt, only to stop as the Pokémon lobbed it's strange energy stick at the hybrid. He did not make much effort to dodge if he could, the bone crashing straight into his gut. He growled in pain, surprised for a moment before suddenly disappearing a wrap of light, emenating like a beam from the sky. Soon, the beam shot downwards once again, this time on a platform out alongside an entrance to a tunnel.
"No matter," He waved off the minor pain from the attack, as if nothing had happened. "You will die, all the same!"

Suddenly, the remaining 2 Psionic Zombies began to flicker slightly brighter, one pulling a finger along it's neck.
Sure enough, both soon attempted to explode - Even if Lucario killed either in time, it would explode in death, the only safe option was to get out the way.
In the meantime, the Mindripper charged some form of psionic energy in his hand, as if preparing for the right moment...

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Listening closely to Chai's explanation of how the device worked, Noah glanced around to see the number of fighters here dwindling. "Well, I don't want to keep the others waiting too long, I won't bother picking anywhere. Wherever you selected is fine with me." Resting a hand on his hip, Noah found himself staring up at the sky, a bit wistfully. "I never really got to see any new sights where I'm from, so picking some boring old battlefield from my home doesn't exactly appeal to me. I'd love to see and learn about your worlds."

"Oh, only if thats okay with you Kragg. If you have anywhere you'd like to go, please pick it. The more variety the better after all." Noah suggested, turning to look at the other half of his duo.


Previously Gamingfan2
Lucario's eyes flicked towards the zombies as he sensed their already unstable aura self-destructing. No time to knock them away, he had to evade!
Lucario retreated, backflipping away from the center of the twin blasts. Once they detonated, the force of the blasts sent the pokemon back a few feet, singeing his fur, but he managed to avoid any major damage.
Lucario recovered quickly, landing on his feet and dashing towards The Warlock without delay, snatching his bone staff from where he teleported from. As for where he teleported to, Lucario didn't risk following him up the platform for now. He had the high ground, and Lucario could sense cunning in him.
"Do you intend to surprise me?" Lucario telepathically asked The Warlock. "You may want to reconsider your plan."
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Previously mallard
The world shifted around them once again. Around them, a subway tunnel took form- though the walls were much rougher than they should've been. Metal tracks ran along the floor, and lights were fixed every few feet along one wall. One side of the tunnel opened into a jagged edge, in the shape of a Sharpedo's mouth. The cave mouth had touches of grass, and a brick wall that leaked a stream of water to pour out of the Sharpedo's mouth. Opposite to the brick wall was a wooden door that blocked off a set of cement stairs that came out aboveground. The exit was surrounded on three sides by a metal fence. Aboveground was a mix of New York City and Treasure Town, with large buildings roughly-Pokémon shaped with grass and gravel between them. Surrounding the main area were large trees and pillars of rock shaped like skyscrapers.

With his back to the opening, Taskmaster flexed his fingers. An odd wind ensured that his cape billowed behind him. He was ready.





The mercenary procured two throwing crescents in an instant, throwing both. But... his aim was wide. They ricocheted off the tunnel walls, coming in at angles towards his two opponents. A simple trick, but it'd caught his opponents off guard more than once before. He had other, more threatening options, sure, but as of right then, he was testing them.

The smaller Pokémon watched as Mr. Mime sent out his own creatures... three at once! These things were kind of spooky, but Lucario handled them with expertise. Mudkip cheered on his pal, because even as the creatures exploded, the Aura Pokémon came out relatively unscathed.

The burden of decision once again fell to Kragg. Sightseeing... Noah had brought an interesting thought into the Wallrunner's noggin. He'd never wanted to go anywhere else and shirk his duties, but as this opportunity arose, he figured he'd want to see the Archai Mountains up close... As soon as the thought crossed the beetle's mind, both lights on the machine turned green and it disappeared. The ground sloped at a healthy forty-five-degree angle, comprised of dark, uneven rock, its edges made evident by the full moon high in the sky. Light poles, trees, and large screens displaying the Air Elders stuck out perpendicular to the mountain. However, awkward footing wasn't the only option, as a flat cement path was carved into the mountain about halfway up the stage. Gift shops and tents hovered around the mountain courtesy of purple gem clusters that grew on the bottom of the buildings. And, the cherry on top was a huge globe held up by a pair of golden rings and labelled with the letter V.





Kragg immediately began with his most comfortable technique. He dug his fingers into the earth, gripped a large chunk of rock, and pitched it at Cayman.

The two made their way toward Audrey, paying his disappearance no mind. Perfect. As his "ally" fended off the opponent's initial rush, Troy burst from the fog, propelled by a wind burst that cleared that particular section of yellow gas temporarily. With his speedy sneak attack, he thrusted a foot at Nott's eagle to kick it in the back, using the attack to halt his momentum midair should it connect, allowing him to twist in midair and slash at its owner, fully intending to split her skull open with the Soul Edge. He would have gone for Ryuji, but he wanted to see that spirit he smelled...


Was the only reply Dagr got. Beam was pumped about the compliment, and even more so pumped for the fight! He stood there flexing as His opponents decided on a stage.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Huh... Sounds like you are carrying some Serious baggage there my dude." Chai remarked as Noah called for his beetle companion to select the map.

The beetle didn't speak as the stage rose up around them. Neon screens covering parts of the otherwise organic looking map, the slope having jagged concrete paths that clashed with this dynamic. A distance Ferris wheel could be spotted, and a big golden 'V' was spotted right at the dead center of the stage, imprinted on a holographic globe.

Chai's chest gave a pound, the MP3 lodged in it shaking as a song had begun to start. The screens having music bars across them they rose and fell with the tempo and instruments in it. The lights strung across the battlefield danced and lit up with the different vocals and the primary base line. Finally, the tents puffed and pulled with the fast drum beats and the Ferris wheel turning with every other guitar strike.

Chai whistled, raising up his magnetic grabbing stick, which was produced from a slot under the palm of his hand. Swerving it to the left, metal fragments from the grounds flew towards it, accumulating around it until it formed a sharp looking guitar made of scrap metal.

"Okay then, Noah." Chai looked up, a smooth grin on his face. "Let's rock."

"Ready To Die"
- By AndrewWK

As the drums came pounding, so did the rest of the song, Chai charged ahead, his guitar sparking on the concrete path. With a leap, the boy flew through the air, swerving around as his scarf flapped behind him, his guitar sweeping to smash Noah across his face.


Previously Manu456Alola
“Hey, what’d I do?!”

For whatever reason, Rex was now gunning for her, even calling out her name like she’d done something to piss him off. Kirin could see the dinosaur prepare another fire attack, so she preemptively flung a talisman at the ceiling just behind King Rex. Just as she predicted, a stream of flame came her way, and she made use of her Arc Chain to warp above the creature at lightning speeds.

It was here that the Adept threw the remaining four charged talismans in her spread shot at the massive dragon, aiming to tag it—before she held her blade out, spinning through the air like a buzzsaw, making a beeline for King Rex’s back. The Battle Priestess’s Rakshasa Cleave could rack up a lot of damage in the right situations, and with the right angle, she could even chop one of the creature’s wings off!

The time had finally come. Slamming his fists together, Cayman’s body was enveloped in a crimson light, and once it faded, his body had been covered in a gray suit, black and red armor covering it, a ring on his back adorned with crimson heads attaching at his shoulders. His hands and feet looked similar to these heads, spewing out a small burst of fire, and Cayman’s hair turned red to match the outfit, eyes yellow with black sclera.

“Let’s have a good Duel!”

Kragg was quick to toss a chunk of earth at the Iron Delinquent, who rushed in without a care in the world, rearing an arm back before smashing through the projectile, sending smaller pieces flying back towards Kragg and Noah. His focus wasn’t on the latter, however—he was going for the toughest looking guy, the one who would get his muscles burning.

Leaping through the air, the man’s legs were enveloped in flame as he performed a quick, fiery dropkick, headed straight for the rock beetle!

“That last attack seemed more effective against the barrier,” Palutena noted. “Melee attacks could be key to getting through it.”

The angel took note of this as M.O.D.O.K. raged at him, cursing the lack of hostile banter. Oh man, he was really off his game right now.
“Sorry, been a while since I faced a bad guy like you,” Pit replied, scratching the back of his head. “Actually never mind, I’ve never fought anyone like you— uh, point is, you’re getting totally annihiblasted!”

Pit’s confidence briefly faltered as he saw the lasers come out again, blue in color this time, and he was forced on the move once again, keeping his usual tactic of strafing around his opponent’s position. He had the speed to steer clear of the lasers, but what threw him off was the weird psychic ray. It was following him way too closely, something he found out as he attempted to juke it out by changing directions, leaping over a few lasers—and the blast was still hot on his tail, flight path changing in a fraction of a second.

He didn’t quite have the time to even think about how to deal with it, and he could feel himself tiring from the constant sprinting, so the angel dove to the side, firing a few talons from his Tiger Claws before the beam finally struck, Pit letting out a shout as he was sent tumbling along the ground, away from the Man-Mind.

This place was way different from what she was used to. They were standing on clouds, though she could sense the sand packed into each of them, giving them that orange color Grazie recognized. Magolor seemed intent in getting them to forfeit, even offering a couple—admittedly tasty looking—Gem Apples, but she refused, shaking her head. She also didn’t like how he’d called her a kiddo.

“Dang, that’s how it feels…?” She whispered over to Axe, before she focused fully on the opponents, frowning. “No can do, magic guy. We ain’t backin’ down from this one!”

On cue with her words, sand particles flew up from the cloud they stood on, growing in number quickly before they converged on the Adept’s body with a yellow glow—before her form changed, now sporting gray and black armor with yellow accents, including a cleric-like helmet that looked a little big on her. Grazie held a hand out to her side, summoning a shovel-like scepter, the tip of it covered in sand. Normally, she'd only be able to enter this form when using one of those Binding Brands – but something about this tournament was allowing her to use it freely. A little of her own practice helped, too.

“Just try an’ stop me.”

With that, she swung her weapon, lobbing multiple spiked sand balls at her foes. Despite their composition, they were still as sharp as the real deal, making getting hit by one quite undesirable.
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Previously Gamingfan2
"Well, that's a disappointment." Magolor sighed.
Both kiddos rejected his oh-so-kind offer, much to Magolor's disappointment. After stashing his apple for later usage, he prepared his magic, swirling his hands around as if conducting a séance. Already, he noted two things. The girl had control over sand, so she was likely the reason for Nutty Noon's new look. Two, her armor was made of sand. Both things to keep in mind. The boy...Magolor would figure him out soon enough.
"Alright then. If you insist." Magolor replied, Just then, a rune appeared behind a nearby Sumeragi car, propelling it in front of Magolor and Miracle. The large vehicle shielded the duo from Grazie's sand balls, impressive staying intact during the assult. Magolor shoved his hands forward, sending a blast of wind that tossed the car into the air. It flew across the orange sky, before coming right back down...on Axe and Grazie!
Parasite Paracide & Weevil Underwood

The small insect monster let out a pained screech as Twin-Headed King Rex destroyed it. It exploded into a burst of pixels. At the same time, Weevil's Reckless Parasite card exploded in a burst of pixels as well. As the spell disappeared, Kirin and Neph reverted back to their normal forms.

Win, my duelist...

"Well, well, well. Looks like you were finally able to figure it out. But it's too late!" Weevil exclaimed. Cracks began forming in the cocoon, and a low rumbling could be heard from within.

Weevil grinned.
"Can you feel it? The power? The might of one of the most powerful creatures in all of Duel Monsters?!" Weevil called out. The rumble turned to a loud screech. Suddenly, the cocoon burst open! A truly massive insect rose from the cocoon, a giant green moth with horns and blue wings. Strange white powder began to fill the air, being blow around by the massive monster's wings. So large the creature was, it destroyed the walls and ceiling near it.

Weevil gestured to Neph and Kirin.
"Come forth, my Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth! Destroy these pitiful fools that oppose us!" Weevil exclaimed. The massive creature screeched, beating its wings more intensely. Huricane level winds whipped through the ruined facility, attempting to blow Kirin and Neph away!


Audrey charged forward to meet her, dragging her sword behind her. For a moment, it appeared the weapon was too heavy for the red scarfed woman to use, until Nótt watched her easily batting away Skull’s flaming shots. Audrey swung her blade at Nótt, and the princess countered with her own lance. Sparks flew as the weapons clashed, Nótt standing her ground against Audrey’s attack. Like Audrey, Nótt couldn’t help but to grin. Her refined poise was gone, replaced with the exuberant smile of a true Jötun warrior.

Having knocked away Audrey’s attack, Nótt pressed forward and aimed a powerful kick at Audrey’s chest.

From the mist, Troy leapt forth. Nótt's eagle let out a screech as it was kicked, giving the warrior princess just enough of a reaction to block Troy's slash with her lance. Nótt spun to face Troy, smiling at the man.
"A good attempt, yes. Perhaps next time you will be more fortunate!" Nótt said, before lunging forward with an attack from her lance!
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Previously Deathstalker62
An arm was thrust forward, a serpent was shot out and the two blasts caught one another, creating an explosion that launched Minos to the ground and away, cancelling out his dive and causing him to crouch and put an arm on the ground to stop himself from sliding back, creating a trail of broken wiring and broken metal tiles on the ground from the knockback. This would not deter him, as once more, he stood up and made his way over to Jeice.

However, he did not do so rapidly. Rather, he power-walked over to him with slow steps that extruded not caution but complete confidence. Whatever Jeice was trying next, he prepared himself. He had taken several blasts now and while he was still standing, for just how long could he remain? After all, even he could not accurately gauge this foe's strength as he himself could see that this was not their full potential. So, he paced over at a steady pace, ready to break into breakneck-speed dash for whatever his foe had in store next.

Mr. Miracle
" That is true, my dear enemy! What cause is a tournament if it doesn't bring joy to the spectators! "
Mr. Miracle bowed in respect as the fight abruptly begun, here he was hoping they could get a bit more banter in or an 'intro' like in one of those fighting games he played as a child.. what was it now? Seed Flighter? Bleed Fire? Scene Biter? It didn't matter as their opponents already seemed all geared up, the girl in particular launching a bunch of balls of sand at the pair that his hooded friend took care of in time, thankfully.

Now, it was his time to return fire - and he did so by rapidly striking poses while pointing finger guns at his foes, firing a barrage of color-changing balls of pure magic at the duo, which would explode and fizzle like fireworks on impact for that sweet, sweet extra little bit of hurting. Nothing like a little flair and comedical posing to add that extra little dazzle to your attacks to really rake in the views.

It seems it was finally time to fight as the caped foe made their first move by.. throwing some form of crescent-shaped weapon at them that bounced off the walls. What a strange, yet interesting move! Well, no time like the present!

Shaymin flew forward in a quick burst as his ears were covered by a light-blue energy before moving his head forwards and sideways, sending out crescent-shaped attacks on his own in the form of Air Slash, creating wind blades that attempted to cut through the crescents and make their way over to Taskmaster and Masaru to try and cut into them as well!
The Hero was surprised as Nótt matched her attack with her lance and smiled, even more so when Audrey felt the Princess's kick launched into her chest, causing her to skid back a little, letting out a cough before shaking it off and rolling her shoulder.
"Sheesh, those muscles aren't for show..." She mumbled to herself, before raising her blade again, now going to try and stab it directly towards Nótt's gut while she was dealing with Troy!
(Though now that she thought about it, perhaps she should have paid some semblance of attention towards her allies because now she had no clue where Allison was. Silly Audrey.)

Axe was surprised by both Magolor's movement, though that was more confusing than anything, and Grazie's transformation. Scratch that, he was confused by both.
"Huh...?" But before he could think on anything, the battle really started, and Axe readied himself - Only for a strange metal vehicle to be launched straight at him and Grazie. "Is that all?!" He decided to taunt, before holding out his shield to the side.
Suddenly, the end of the weapon shot out, attached to the shield only by a long hilt - Sharp, like a pickaxe. "Let's do this!" He ran forward, and jumped...!
The pickaxe, empowered a red glow from Axe's satchel pocket, cut straight through the car downwards, cutting it half as Axe landed! Of course, that doesn't stop the momentum entirely, and the two halves went off to the side as Axe had to quickly retract the pickaxe into his shield once more - Mr Miracle's magic attacks soon rocketed against it, exploding on contact. The shield did protect from them, but it was still a little stinging from the firework esque explosions themselves. And several did go right past the small target, anyway, towards Grazie - Which Axe couldn't exactly help with. Instead, he decided to do something else, charging straight towards Mr Miracle in an attempt to do the same as he did to the car.

As the area around Masaru morphed, the martial artist, could not help but gaze in wonder to how it all worked, and his change in surroundings. He turned to his foes, however, as the match was about to start.
"Good luck to you both!" He called out, bowing a little in respect - Even if he wasn't sure if they understood him, as a martial artist it was both the right thing in his eyes and instinctual. Of course, he then took his usual stance, widened out legs with his hands near his waist and clenched, his back straight and focused. Taskmaster started the fight, starting with some form of impressive throwing technique, so Masaru decided he'd best do something too - While Shaymin fired off it's own attack, some form of aerial cutters. Should they cut through the cresents his ally threw, Masaru's plan would be to slide against the ground to avoid. Even if that did not come to pass, Masaru's next step was to jump upwards.
Spiral Knee!
He launched downwards from the air, as if angling himself to aim a knee towards Shaymin. It was clear he was slightly holding back however.

The Warlock
If surprise was all I had, do you honestly think I'd have taken on this task?! Was the thought sent back to Lucario's telepathic mind, before the Chosen decided to do something that seemed rather incredulous, jumping from his current platform...all the way to a platform on the other end of the room.
Suddenly, psionic energy shot out of his hands, to his head, and to the ground in a large circle around Lucario! When the Warlock raised his hands, as if pulling something up from the ground, it was revealed.

More...well, psionic creatures. But different - An aura slightly more detached from The Warlock, and slightly more put together - They would take slightly more work to take on. But more notably, these were not merely regular ghouls, no - They had weapons. Guns and electric stun batons, and it was clear those were not merely set to only stun. As the Warlock knelt down, a psychic barrier incasing him, the Spectral Army charged Lucario, 2 thirds of them (4) attempting to strike him with a stabbing motion from their batons while the remaining two fired their guns at the Pokémon, with some form of magnetic weaponry, far more advanced than conventional weapons.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"Don't play coy! I know it was you in my head!!" Rex shouted at her. "You just wanted me to destroy that Parasite Paracide card! So! Now it's gone! Don't think that's gonna save you!"

Before his eyes, he saw just what Kirin's Talismans could do. Warping up atop of King Rex and going to town, even lopping a wing off of the beast! The dinosaur roared, but was unable to shake her, since its heads couldn't stretch back there and its arms were too small to reach it. He needed to get Kirin off of his monster.

The bullheaded rex drew another card, keeping it in his hand while he placed another monster of his on the field to greet everyone.

"Go Tomozaurus! Knock some sense into that brain invading broad!"

Just then, a small dinosaur appeared ahead of the duelist. It was five feel tall and green, looking like a miniature Godzilla like creature. The dinosaur growled as it arched its body, hind legs kicking the dinosaur up and onto King Rex, and the leaping once more to give a savage bite onto Kirin's thigh.

While all of this was happening, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the perfectly ultimate great moth emerging from the cocoon. He couldn't help but have a bead of sweat drop down his cheek.

...Weevil had THAT up his sleeve? I never saw an insect like it. Hmph! You telling me he didn't even go all out when I fought him before?! Ugh! That's so infuriating! ...Hm! Maybe that IS the thing my inner voice was worried about...

...What. No that was Kirin! Shut up Rex and focus!


Previously Gamingfan2
"Bold words for one hiding behind their underlings." Lucario retorted. Just then, The Warlock leapt from his position. Lucario took advantage of his midair state, firing an aura sphere that would home in on the Warlock.
However, it did not stop the psychic blast, nor the zombies that arose from it. They were bigger in number, and tougher in durability, including now holding weapons. They closed in on the fighting type, only to be launched back as he put his paws together, releasing a wave of aura entirely around himself. The four baton wielding ones were eliminated, though Lucario grunted with pain as the projectiles struck his sides. They packed a punch, though thankfully they were weakened by his aura blast.
Before the zombies could fire again, Lucario jabbed a his bone staff into their hands, knocking their guns out of their hands and disarming them. With them unarmed, Lucario leapt into the air, firing a blast of aura onto both, eliminating them and propelling Lucario towards The Warlock.

The young girl impressive reflected his bullets, sending his bullets right back at him! Ryuji dived down, somehow falling faster. He just barely avoided his own shots as he landed on the floor, having caught up to Nott, who was being double-teamed. Seeing her dealing with Troy, Ryuji slid past them and blocked Audrey's weapon with his own, striking it aside with one arm. With his other, he sent a sucker punch towards Audrey!
Sonic the Hedgehog
“Fine, but I doubt I’ll even get a good workout in before smokin’ these guys.” Sonic said, letting out a small sigh and revving up in place as NiGHTS took off towards the rift in the center of the plaza. The hedgehog waited a moment, giving NiGHTS a headstart, before taking off into the middle of the plaza. He made it there before his pal even with the headstart, though that was to be expected,

The duo was transported to a white void that stretched on for what felt like miles. Despite this, a crowd was present. “Talk about deja vu…” Sonic recalled his past experiences in White Space before a voice spoke in his head, something he didn’t even question anymore. He’d been in too many of these things.

Titling his head for a moment, Sonic snapped his fingers. “Ey pal, Radical Highway sound good to you?” He asked NiGHTS in regards to their stage of choice.
@Shen: King of Digimon

”Sticks and stones can break my bones…” Jevil sung in a mocking tone on response to Kassandra‘s jab. “But wooords can never hurt me.” He booped his teammate’s nose, purposefully annoying her at this point. As the jester danced around his teammate, one of his opponents caught his eye. The kangaroo…he seemed to be truly free! Flicking his tail in excitement, Jevil yelled over to Ripper Roo. “Greetings, friend! So nice to finally see someone truly free, free!” How wonderful, wonderful! Shame they were on opposing teams in the game, but no matter! He was sure they could have quite an enlightening conversation in the future!

Returning Kassandra’s side-eye, Jevil’s grin widened and he squinted briefly in response. “A true player can enjoy the game anywhere!” He said, thrusting his arm through the air, causing his cape to move for extra flair. Jevil was practically bursting with excitement for the upcoming match, swinging his feet in the air as he floated around.

What a bizarre location…

The teams‘ venue of choice seemed to be half city, half mountainous region. Large wires could be seen unnaturally snaking throughout the cavern and up to the streets above. The two choices of arena must have merged together to make this location.

”Good luck to you both!”

One of the opponents called out to them and bowed slightly, a good demonstration of etiquette. Aegislash put one hand behind him and the other in a fist in front of him and leaned forward slightly, bowing in a knightly manner as well as he could with his sword body.

Then, the fight started. The man in the skull mask threw two crescent shaped projectiles in a wide arc, which Aegislash responded to by throwing his shield. The shield hit one of the projectiles and bounced off of it into the other one in an impressive manner, causing both crescents to fall to the ground as the shield returned to the Royal Sword. The martial artist then moved in, leaping off of the ground and descending towards Shaymin with his knee stuck out.

Aegslash decided to protect his ally and flew forwards, spinning around with his shield stuck out as he did so, then moved in to bluntly hit Masaru in the head with his shield and smack him to the ground!
@Fraseandchico @DevVoid @Psymallard

Inkling “Blue”
“Man, are people here really that serious…?” Blue scratched the back of his head as Dagr told him there was no shame in tapping out. He looked inwardly for a moment, guess this place really was a big deal. After a brief moment of doubt, the squid kid shook his head and looked back up to his ally with a grin. “Nah, no point. We got this, right?” He said with a laugh and an innocent smile.

As Dagr explained her “Pathfinder” ability, Blue listened as best as he could and his smile gradually got wider with awe and excitement. “Woah, I’ll be able to teleport? Awesome!” He said as they reached the archway and walked inside, finding themselves in a white void with the other team. One of their opponents seemed to be around his age, so Blue tossed him a wave. “Sup, man! Let’s try to have fun, kay?”

Dagr asked him if he had any place he’d prefer to fight, a question the Inkling pondered for a few seconds. “Hmmm…ooh!“ He snapped his fingers and his face lit up. “How ‘bout Urchin Underpass?” He said, although the light for their team immediately lit up as he said the location’s name, so it wasn’t like Dagr had much choice anymore.
@Captain Cardboard @Shen: King of Digimon @Psymallard

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

And so the complete enemy team had arrived. The mature woman and the excitable ink boy. The latter of the two waved at him, greeting the little demon.

"Sup, man! Let's try to have fun, kay?"

Rinku couldn't help but chuckle to himself, they had no idea who they just greeted. If they knew he was an S class demon, they probably would have addressed him more harshly, or even more extreme: been terrified. This reaction though was nice. Perfect even. It made it a much more satisfying play-date.

"Yup!" Rinku responded, swaying back and forth childishly. "I plan to."

And with that, the AI had switched all lights to green before vanishing. The stage had begun to synthesize right before them all. A thick bar of sand stretched across a large portion of the map, metal plates scattered across it. Atop a rather extensive line of plates, a stage was erected, speakers fitted over and aside it. In a circle, suspended over the battlefield by concrete pillars, was an highway of sorts, the sounds of beeps and horns aloud. Surrounding all of this was an ocean of water, stretching far and wide around the island of a stage. As portions of the colosseum warped in to watch the match, the countdown had begun.

Rinku & Beam
Dagr & Blue



Rinku, who was on top a sizable speaker, hopped down, landing near Blue. Tilting his head to the side close by him, he gave the inkling a grin.

"Show me what you can do~"


Previously Manu456Alola
The Battle Priestess’s move proved effective against King Rex, its lack of flexibility leaving the back vulnerable. She couldn’t keep attacking for long, however, as Rex had summoned another dinosaur to intercept her, the creature leaping toward her side, steering clear of Kirin’s blade.

Moments before its jaws struck, a powerful gust struck everyone in the hallway, courtesy of Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. Kirin was sent hurtling through the air, twisting as she flew to land feet first, digging her blade into the ground as she landed, skidding to a stop, though the wind was still incredibly powerful. She could barely move from her spot without getting blown back.

“That thing’s huge…! If it keeps it up, I don’t think I’ll be able to get close at all!” She called over to Neph, barely audible amidst the roaring wind.​

Axe already showed a lot more power than what met the eye, reminding Grazie a bit of herself—though she was quick to bring her focus back on the fight, a series of small, firework-like projectiles heading her way, slipping past her teammate’s guard.

She stood her ground, the Sandstorm Adept holding her staff in front of her before spinning it, a layer of sand covering the weapon for additional protection. The magical bullets struck one by one, each one forcing Grazie back a little, though she came out unharmed in the end. In retaliation, the girl threw her weapon into the cloud everyone stood on, where it vanished for a moment.

After a couple seconds, the shovel burst from below Magolor and Mr. Miracle, covered in sand spikes, additionally sending spiked sand balls flying everywhere!​

His opponent cancelled out his ki blast with an attack of their own, but was still sent to the ground. Jeice grinned. Finally. This guy must have just been going all out from the start. But now, his opponent had to be burnt out. But Jeice's grin faded as Minos stood up and began power-walking towards him. Not running, not cautiously approaching. Strutting, with all the confidence in the world. And with no face, it was nearly impossible to read his facial expression.

Jeice faced down this massive man walking towards him. How was he still coming?! How?! The red alien gritted his teeth. He'd have to play this smart. Focus. Take this poser down. That would show him. Jeice pointed to Minos.
"Even with that impressive swagger, you've got a long way to go if you think you're stylish enough for the Ginyu Force!" Jeice exclaimed. Leaping forward again, Jeice flew directly towards Minos just as he had earlier.


"MEAT!" The muscle-bound demon exclaimed, flexing. Dagr grinned. At least he was excited.
"Hey, can't go wrong with meat." Dagr said, flexing a bicep for Beam to see. Blue chose a place, Urchin Underpass, and Dagr nodded. "Works for me. I'd like to think I can fight anywhere."
Not that there was much she could do to contest the choice. The device activated, and then they were standing on an island of sand and metal. Oceans. Urchins. Dagr nodded. Not bad.

The other kid, Rinku, returned Blue's sentiments. That was good. Looks like they had been pretty lucky in their opponents. Dagr readied herself during the countdown, and the match began!

With surprising speed, Dagr sprinted towards Beam. She slashed down at the shark demon with her ax, aiming to sink her ax into the opponent's head or upper body!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Yeesh, this guy was really serious! Kind of reminded the dragoon of a more talkative Lloyd. Except... well, there was actually very little to compare, come to think of it. Maybe Dart just struggled to differentiate between egotistical people. Regardless, Warlock and Lucario started going at it in a back-and-forth fight, watched on by Dart and Mudkip, who the mercenary approached, and casually sat beside it, crossing his legs to watch the fight. He wasn't his usual talkative self, instead engrossed in watching the battle unfold, studying the two with an intrigued intensity.

He hoped he'd get to fight Warlock, all his monster summoning was getting Dart excited. All the more enemies to beat, after all, and he was hyped to get into the action, but of course, he had his own rules to follow. The Mudkip beside him was pretty peaceful. No reason he should fight it, and if Lucario beat Warlock, then Dart would just have to forfeit. No point in fighting a weakened enemy. If Warlock won... well, Dart hoped he could convince Mudkip to forfeit.


"HA HA HA HA! WHO GOT ANNIHIBLASTED NOW!?" The Man-Mind laughed hysterically, though one thing to note: he still fired. Blue lasers continued to pelt out like rain, M.O.D.O.K. turning with his movement, and now that Pit was struck...

"GODSPEED, ANGEL-MAN!" The Mechanized Organism shouted as he rained blue fire down on Pit, not giving him even the slimmest moment of reprieve. And for good measure, a single missile launched out of the back of the Doomsday Chair - his DEATH MISSILE. "HA HA HA HA! IT HAS BEEN FUN, BUT THIS OUTCOME WAS PREDICTABLE!"

The missile spun in the air, locking on to Pit, and blitzing for him.


Damn it all. Rex was too stupid to be useful, and Weevil too clever. She'd known exactly what message the cocoon sent when it had appeared, and now it had opened up to reveal another disgusting bug.

On the plus side, her strategy had gotten the dumb parasite killed, so her altered appearance and type reverted back to what they were supposed to be. The "Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth" (she was NOT going to be using that name. Dumb Bug sounded better) began to beat its wings, kicking up an impressive wind. The gardevoir blinked, before she glanced back to see any obstacles as she allowed the winds to carry her.

Being what she was, a gardevoir, she didn't have the need to walk anywhere. Her kind carried themselves with their mind constantly, even when asleep. It was as natural as breathing. So pushing her through the air wasn't hard, and she simply moved with the winds, lifting herself higher to blow right out of the corridor, rising high up into the air, her eyes narrowing downward. She could hear Rex's thoughts, reminding her that she hadn't pulled fully from his mind yet, and she had to suppress a groan of annoyance.

< It was not Kirin, she is inconsequential. It's now or never, Rex Raptor. Bring back dinosaurs to the spotlight, or... >

She dug a little deeper for her answer on what a dinosaur was.

< ...Let them go extinct again, consumed by the insects. >

She heard Kirin's call. The girl was just stating the obvious. There would be ways to close the distance, but Kirin did seem more focused on the melee game.

< I need you to tell Rex you think he's really strong and he should destroy the big bug, and you'll forfeit if he does. A lie, obviously, but it would be better to focus on ONE giant monster than multiple. >


Gods, Jevil was unbearably annoying already. She'd been fortunate not to interact with him last tournament. She should have just kept that streak up this time around. "Stick to your games, little skýla, and I'll stick to mine."

With the stages both selected, Kanterbury Forest and The Akropolis, a world began to take form in a somewhat familiar and nostalgic way. After all, it had been 400 years for her since that old tournament.

The arena around them became filled, and it remained fairly faithful to her memory of the Akropolis, just minus the people about. The building itself sat tall, guarded by the statue of Athena. Various buildings littered the great hill the Akropolis sat on, though it seemed some aspects of nature had overtaken the land, not native to the Greece she remembered, a lot like Gaul, actually, come to think of it. Trees sprang up all around, long grass growing out of every little crack in the stone and marble of Athens. The rest of the city, of course, surrounded the site, but stands seemed to limit the area, onlookers from the crowd present, yet they seemed strangely transparent, like ghosts, as though they weren't really present.

"Alright, let's get this started," Kassandra grinned, eager to get these annoying interactions out of the way, and finally get to one of the only reasons why she'd agreed to attend this tournament.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

Tomozaurus was also flung off at the same time as Kirin, the wingbeat of the ultimate both throwing the green dino to the ground, whimpering as a result. While both were recovering from the recent thwamp, the voice returned to Rex's head. With a rather...interesting argument. Rex paused, crossing his arms and looking up at the corner of his eye, lost in thought

<...Alright my rather invasive and oddly feminine conscious, is Weevil an annoying punk? Of course! But he's a useful punk and can fight well enough to keep up with me. Imma wait till he's soaked up enough damage and dealt enough damage till his bugs are all tattered...THEN I'll tear them apart! Then I'll be the last one standing! After all, you and I know Two Headed King Rex isn't my strongest monster...>

Flashes of some kinda of new creature ran through Neph's mine. Something with sharp talons, a pair of jet black wings, and a long crooked beak. Rex was holding out too. Weevil wasn't the only one!

"Don't give Kirin time to recover! King Rex, Foot Stomp!"

Tomozaurus lunged at Kirin, aiming to bite her wrist and keep her detained for the moment while the much bigger and threatening dinosaur charged over, attempting to take advantage of her state and smash her into a parking lot of a footprint.


“Greetings, friend! So nice to finally see someone truly free, free!”

Jevil bounced around like a cartoon character, and so Ripper returned in kind, bouncing about without a care in the world, laughing somehow even more spastically than before. Landing back on the ground, Ripper squinted before coughing, something lodged in his throat.

Honk! Honk!

...looked like it was a car horn. Swallowing it back down, it seemed like that was a way of expressing his joy. He then spun around, falling down on his back, his head plopping on the ground with his tongue splatting down on the floor. He looked...dead? ...Meh, he was probably fine.
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Audrey was caught off guard by Ryuji's intervention, her weapon parried before the teen's punch collided with her cheek, sending her sliding back again before she caught herself again. She growled.

"Alright, that's it! Time to pay for that sucker punch, punk!" She told Ryuji, her sword raising to the sky as her smile turned to a gritted glare. Suddenly, lightning bursted down from the otherwise clear sky, straight into Audrey's sword! It stopped after a short moment, loud and clear.
"HYAH!" She pointed her blade forward at Ryuji with force, lightning bursting back out of the blade towards Audrey's enemies!

"Woah!" Masaru was surprised that the other foe, the sword and shield, quickly moved to block his attack, rolling back as Aegislash struck him with his body, getting back to his feet fast. "Alright, not bad." He noted, rolling his shoulder slightly before launching forward again - Undoing Taskmaster's strategy in his head as he decided to target Aegislash for now.

The technique in mind, Masaru suddenly darted forward, twisting his foot slightly as he aimed to strike Aegislash with a disorientating kick, before jumping back to his original position, raising his arms in a guarded position.

The Warlock
While Lucario's aura sphere came close, it seemed to instantly disappear upon contract with the psychic barrier around the Chosen, as though merging into it. Then, however, Lucario taking out the Spectral creatures seemed to shatter the barrier, slowly, bringing the Warlock out of stasis and onto his feet. He quickly turned his head towards Lucario, glaring at the pokémon as he launched himself at the Mindripper - Who was about to display just where that name came from.

"Taste a sliver of my might!" He yelled out, a psionic burst of energy travelling from his hand, to his head, and straight towards Lucario. Upon the slightest touch, the powerful psionics would attempt to tear into Lucario's thoughts, trying to scorch his mind from the inside to leave him completely dazed - Vulnerable, and defeated.


Previously Gamingfan2
Alter Knight
"Indeed." Alter Knight agreed with Kassandra, very aware of what her words would've been.
Understandably, everyone was excited to get this fight moving. Alter Knight had to admit she did not feel the same excitement. She may have been the Chosen Guardian some time, but combat was just a means to an end for her. That said, maybe she'd take some joy in seeing Ripper's neck slashed.
Shame he was her teammate. The one called Kassandra seemed much more sane. Perhaps...
"I agree." Alter Knight replied to Kassandra, tightening her grip over Libera's handle. She studied her surroundings and her opponents.
The environment changed into something much more tolerable, though it differed greatly from the Kanterbury Forest she knew. Yet there were still elements from it. Meanwhile, her opponents were difficult to read, so she'd have to adapt. Alter Knight pulled out Libera and-
Her teammate fell down as if dead.
Alter Knight side eyed the animal. Honestly, if they were going to kill it now, she probably wouldn't stop them.

Axe attacked Mr.Miracle, while Grazie threw her weapon down. Magolor didn't like that, and his paranoia soon validated as he heard rustling and saw the the sand displace. Magolor flew sideways, just barely avoiding the spikes, though he winced as they cut his cheek. He snapped his fingers. As soon as he did, balls of magic appeared around him and Miracle, taking out any sand balls that got too close. With his other hand, Magolor blasted a powerful gale from a rune, blowing the sand away and leaving the shovel vulnerable enough for him to snatch!
"Oho! What's this?" he asked, studying the item.

"Lightining huh?" Ryuji noted with a smirk, running towards Audrey recklessly. "That's not gonna work! William! God's Hand!"
At his command, William apparated behind Ryuji, and the massive persona brought its fist, charged with colossal power, down on Audrey!
As he did so, Audrey's lightning struck Ryuji. Yet true to his word, it failed to do any damage, not even slowing the teen. Thanks to William, Ryuji was immune to lightning attacks!

The Warlock was prepared for Lucario's arrival, but Lucario was prepared for his attack. As Warlock fired his blast of psychic energy, Lucario stabbed his bone staff into the platform, pushing himself over the burst. Lucario then threw his bone staff once more, except it flew past Warlock. As he did, Lucario created three small balls of aura, which quickly dived towards The Warlock. Meanwhile, Lucario's bone staff was coming for a return pass, aiming to strike Warlock from behind almost anywhere he went!
"What the-" Eya's chosen one was surprised when not only was the Phantom Thief unaffected by her lightning, but she was forced to quickly use her blade once more to catch herself when she was caught off guard once more by the force of a colossal punch, launching her 10s of meters away. She caught herself with her blade, pulling back to her feet. "Where the heck did THAT come from?!" She angrily questioned,
pointing her blade at Ryuji. That lightning had been intended as a show of power, but clearly it had backfired. "Actually, you know what? Fine, I don't need stupid lightning to kick your butt!" She decided, rushing at her enemies again, dashing to try and zip behind Ryuji to bash Skull's face in!

I won't be beaten by some loser teen and a smug weirdo! Her angered thoughts arose, though her determination was undettered by her foes's action. It just happened to make it slightly more sluggish.

The Warlock
"What?! How dare you-" The Warlock was surprised when Lucario sought to avoid his attack, firing more aura attacks. These landed, Dhar-Hur Mordenna annoyed as they struck his blocking hand. They seemed to sting more than the attack that was launched from further away earlier...Of course, he teleported away right before the Bone could strike him from behind, making the Warlock reappear back in his original position, slightly to the left of it.

"Hm...alright, I suppose it's time to take this a little more seriously." He decided, launching psionic energy once more out of his hand. This time, however, it was far quicker, surrounding Lucario fast. He was attempting to place Lucario into a stasis, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he felt the power course through his hands. Sure, the psychic barrier would make Lucario immune to all attacks for a short time, but it would also make it impossible for Lucario to move or act - Based on past experience of his enemies, he wasn't even sure if those with Stasis forcibly inflicted on them by others could even think. Then, following that, he raised psionic energy into the air, summoning three white clad soldiers with psionic energy flowing from an amplifier on their backs, guns readying. "Priests! Wait for my mark!" He ordered to them, the 3 'Priests' raising magnetic rifles directly pointed at Lucario. Strangely, the crowd seemed to raise any cheers for the Warlock at the appearance of the Priests - Proof that the propaganda of ADVENT's world was powerful.

It was a firing squad. And the Warlock was leading it, drawing a weapon from his back - Grumbling about hating using it - and aiming it too; His own Disrupter Rifle, plasma at the ready to fire as soon the second Lucario was freed of Stasis. And there was no such thing as a stun setting on these guns.


Previously mallard
The man watched Aegislash throw its shield. He'd say Cap wanted his move back, but that'd make him a hypocrite. The deer swung his head, launching blades of wind at the two. Unfazed, Taskmaster swatted the attack out of the air with his shield. Masaru went for Shaymin as they had planned, but he saw the restraint in his ally's movements, even before the sword moved in to intercept him. All this happened so quick, but the assassin processed all of it just as fast. He rushed Shaymin, low to the ground, and in a flash, his left hand had procured his sword and thrusted it at the Gratitude Pokémon's throat. Equally as quick, he pivoted, right hand conjuring a pistol, and he fired a few pot shots off at Aegislash to put pressure on the flying sword and take some of the heat off his ally. Though, said ally needed to pick up his slack.

The Mud Fish Pokémon became anxious as his buddy struggled a bit against the creatures with guns, shifting his weight and considering joining the battle to help Lucario, but he handled the zombies himself. Quite well, Mudkip would add. But the creature's smile would soon fade as he spotted the trainer approaching. The small animal snatched up his bag and quickly backedpedaled away from the man, who simply... sat down. Dart seemed friendly, and Mudkip pondered the ethics of making friends with a trainer that was attacking his friend with a Mr. Mime...

"Taste a sliver of my might!"

Think of the devil, and he shall yell to remind you of his presence. The Mud Fish Pokémon had already learned that this guy screamed whenever he attacked, and so Mudkip's big head swung to face the action. His mouth fell agape, dropping the bag. He watched as Mr. Mime used Psybeam against his friend!

"Mudkip! [Watch out!]"

As soon as the battle started, Beam sprinted at Dagr, who returned the favor. While the jotun wound up a swing, the Shark Devilman sunk into the ground before he could get into range. While Dagr was (presumably) confused, his fin zipped between her legs. Behind her, the fiend resurfaced. He spun around, his head growing. Where three gill slits on either side of his head were grew eyes, pupils bouncing around like plastic googly eyes. His snout elongated to a point, and his teeth quadrupled in size. His neck grew as well to give him more range as he swung to chomp at Dagr and/or her eagle, his bite force massive enough to make armor futile.

The man landed like a cat, twirling his sword to brace the flat side against the back of his arm. He got low to the ground, and with his wide blade, he caused the lance to glance off the other side. Twisting the ring-shaped handle in his hand, he pivoted around and slashed upwards, letting go of the sword at the height of the attack so that it was tossed into the air. To follow up the basic slash, he leapt into the air as air began to spin around his foot, soon exploding outwards as he twisted midair and kicked the Soul Edge! The Vortex Ball Burst added a lot of momentum to the sword, and it sped like an arrow towards his jotun foe.


Previously Deathstalker62
Though Minos took note of Jeice's movements, he could not simply ignore the fact that his ally was currently in danger of being struck down himself by the sentient cranium of a creature that was his second foe. So, Minos attempted to solve two birds with one stone - for one, as soon as Jeice himself had flown towards him too much to back out, the former King would throw out a fake-out in the form of a left hook. And two, he instead planned to use his other arm to grapple the alien and toss him at the Death Missile, aiming to shoot another explosive serpent to try and both destroy the missile before it hit his teammate and eliminate Jeice in the process.

" Angelic One! Thy life shall not be relinquished just yet! Not while I am able to assist! "

Mr. Miracle
His magic blasts blocked and one foe already heading for him? Sounds like a good time for a little bit of trickery! Tossing a smoke bomb beneath himself, the magician seemed to have disappeared as Axe moved closer and Grazie's spiked shovel would emerge from the ground. He himself had appeared behind Axe not a few inches away and raised a hand, comedically stretched his fingers for but a brief moment and attempted to give the boy a light push into his teammate's own attack for a little, spiked surprise!

Already in the heat of battle, his ally took care of the incoming attacks, though the hooded one already made his way over to Shaymin, attempting to stab at him with some form of blade! Little did the man know that he seemed to have underestimated the sky-formed Pokemon's speed which was raised in this form, allowing him to react in time by enveloping his body in some form of light-pink energy and his eyes being charged with much of the same kind!

Shaymin then shot out a beam from each one of his eyes at Taskmaster simultaneously, which, if it landed, would allow him to do two things - one, to throw his opponent back with telekinetic force to a safer distance. And two, to try and take away both weapons, or at the very least, bend them enough to become unusable to the foe!


Previously Gamingfan2
His attacks landed, though they did noticeably less damage than his bone staff, which Warlock specifically avoided. Clearly, this...whatever he was...was more specially defensive than physically. He'd have to-
"Watch out!"
Lucario risked a glance at his partner, catching sight of him and Dart sitting together.
For a bit, it was last thing he would see. Something odd happened to him, as if he fell asleep briefly. With barely any time, he processed a few different things. One, The Warlock was backed up with three new summons. Two, they fired at him as soon as he "woke up". Conclusion? Danger!
The blasts converged over the Aura Pokemon, and exploded. Though one could not see anything through the smoke, they left nothing but a charred spot in the ground. Lucario was...
Right behind The Warlock, though smoking and scarred. Moving at an extreme speed, Lucario escaped from becoming a well-done pokemon, but the explosion still caught up enough to burn his side, leaving him medium rare.
The Aura Pokemon fists flared with aura as he palmed at Warlock, aiming at a vital point in his aura pathways. With this blow, he would impair both Warlock's mobility and magic!

Skull grinned wildly as he sent Audrey flying, before pointing at himself with his thumb.
"All me baby!" He boasted "The one and only Ryu-"
"Skull!" Oracle snapped.
"Not that! She's on the attack!"
Indeed she was. Audrey ran past Ryuji nimbly, and the Phantom Thief was just barely able to turn and block her blow with his arm, grunting as he felt the force of it. This chick hit pretty hard despite her looks.
But whatever Audrey could do, he would deliver tenfold! With his other arm, he swung the Imprisoned Mjolnir into Audrey's side!


Previously Manu456Alola
Kirin could hear Neph’s words resonate in her mind. A decent strategy, though she was unsure exactly how Rex would react to the offer. Then again, the opportunity to eliminate an opponent at the cost of only one friendly asset would seem pretty enticing...

Well, her Battle Priestess code never said anything about lying.

First though, she had to deal with the dinosaurs coming at her. With the wind still going strong, the Adept pulled her weapon out from the ground, allowing the gust to carry her backwards, just out of range of Tomozaurus' first lunge, King Rex following right behind. Knowing she had to get past them or else get stomped, Kirin crouched, making use of the Azure Spirit she held to perform another Fierce Issen Dash, the girl zipping right under the dinosaurs in the blink of an eye, slashing at their legs as she did so.

She came to a stop within speaking distance of Rex, where she could finally enact the plan. Hopefully this worked.

"I didn't think so at first, but I gotta say, you and your dinosaurs are really strong! Way more threatening than whatever insects your teammate is throwing out!" She lead with, trying her best to appeal to him. "Y'know what? Show everyone how strong you are! If you destroy that big moth, I'll forfeit!"

"Lasers are still coming! Look out, Pit!"

Pit managed to look up just in time to notice the projectiles still headed in his direction, M.O.D.O.K. undeterred by his attack. Some of them struck, and they sure hurt, forcing the angel to hold his hands out in front of him---and he summoned his Babel Club, the massive weapon essentially acting as a massive pillar for Pit to hide behind while his opponent unloaded his arsenal on him. He could hear Minos proclaim his intent to assist, an orange serpent flying in from afar to intercept the missile.

"Thanks, Minos!"

Once the attacks finally relented, Pit swung his club, charge shot ready---and a huge wind projectile burst from the weapon, tearing through anything in its path toward M.O.D.O.K., aiming to deal lots of damage to that forcefield of his.

...hopefully. That thing was pretty tough.​

"Give that back, eggy!"

Grazie was, of course, not a fan of Magolor nabbing her weapon. Piles of sand rose from the cloud as the traveler examined it, aiming to quickly converge on his position to bury him alive. Regardless of the result, a layer of sand would soon cover the shovel once more, allowing Grazie to control it. She would make the weapon spin ferociously, attempting to throw Magolor off should he still be holding it, before the girl called it back to her position, flying in an arc above everyone as it returned to Grazie, luckily for both Axe and Mr. Miracle.


Previously Gamingfan2
"Eggy!?" Magolor repeated indignantly. "You should watch your language, tiny! "
Predictably, Grazie began controlling the sand around him, either attempting to bury him or take his new prize. Perhaps both. Yet, with a snap of his fingers, a large rune appeared below Magolor. Just then, the sand changed behavior, instead swirling around Magolor in a dome. As long as it was within Magolor's rune, it was his to control!
Magolor gave a mocking, posh laugh.
"You think you're the only one who knows sand magic? Think again!" he teased.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"Wha? Forfeit?"

That was...unexpected. Especially since she battled all the way through the dinos to get right in front of him. Did she really believe the things she said? Crossing his arms and snorting, the dinosaur duelist couldn't help but give a smug sneer.

"Ha! Of course they are! You didn't think they earned the name 'King' for nothing, did ya?" He laughed. "I don't blame you, you were about to become a pound cake. But before I do whatever I'm about to do, I gotta make sure of some things first."

At this point, King Rex and Tomozaurus had turned around and begun encircling the pair like the predators they were. Rex pointed directly at her.

"Fork over that blade of yours. You talked big game about fighting dragons. I want you to disarm. Show you mean business! Heh! Besides...I would look really cool with it."

Rex fantasized about wielding the dragon killer blade whilst riding a mighty dinosaur, slaying blue eyes dragons, getting rich and famous while Weevil was begging for money outside of his golden trove at his dino den.
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Weevil Underwood

The kid duelist grinned, watching his opponent's futile struggle against the power of his Ultimate Insect. Or at least, one of his opponents. Somehow, the Gardevoir was unaffected by this intense wind. But no matter. Any nail sticking up would be brutally hammered down. Weevil drew another card, watching Neph.

"Hopelessly writhing about. What arrogance. But soon you will be shivering in fear before the sheer power of my Ultimate Insect!" Weevil said. He placed another card onto his deck. The area around the duelists began to change, as even more plants began to spring up. Trees suddenly erupted from the thick concrete, making the arena much more forest the lab. Small, normal insects began to emerge and fly about.
"Just to add onto it, I'll play the spell card Forest. It's a field spell, which changes the arena around us and powers up my bug monsters even more!" Weevil said. The Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth shrieked again, growing even larger as a mass of energy swirled around it.

"Face it, Neph! You're getting swarmed!" Weevil said. "Your psychic powers won't protect you from this attack! Ultimate Tornado of Doom!"

The moth screeched as just before it, a mote of energy formed. It suddenly blasted out an incredible beam of energy and wind, heading straight towards the Gardevoir to destroy her!


To the warrior princess's surprise, her opponent sank into the ground before her ax could strike! She watched as the fin went between her legs, turning with a grin.
"Well, that's a neat- WHOA!"

The creature that emerged from the earth only resembled Beam just barely. It's head was massive, more resembling a shark with massive spinning eyes, and teeth. So many, many teeth. It lunged towards Dagr, and she jumped back with her poleax in hand. She could sense the force of the maw snapping shut, looking up to Beam.
"... Double whoa. Didn't see that coming." Dagr said, half to herself. "What kind of meat have you been eating?!"
Dagr readied herself, staying on the defensive and watching for Beam's next move.


In a rather stylish move, Troy had launched himself into the air, then launched his sword down to her. Nótt quickly moved to the side, her eagle raising it's wings. With the sound of shrieking metal, Troy's blade glanced off the side of the eagle's wings. But the attack had knocked a few of the feathers away. But now, Troy had seemingly disarmed herself before the princess. Nótt attempted to close the distance to Troy, attempting to grab Troy's leg as he fell and forcefully slam him into the ground.


As he flew towards Minos, the humanoid swung at Jeice.
Ha! Got him- Ack!
To Jeice's surprise, Minos had faked him out! The humanoid had instead grabbed him! But as he attempted to throw Jeice, the red alien had already returned the grapple and attempted to cling onto Minos regardless. While he still had Minos close, Jeice attempted to attack Minos with powerful knee and elbow strikes.


Previously Manu456Alola

As requested, Kirin dropped her blade, pushing it with her foot to send it sliding over to Rex’s end, stopping right in front of the boy, a faint purple glow emanating from it periodically. Normally she wouldn’t do something like this, but the situation called for it. She could only hope Rex would do as he was told.

“Now go kick some insect ass.”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"Don't mind if I do."

The sneering duelist rubbed his hands together before getting his paws on Kirin's blade. Oooking at his grin in the reflection of it's shine, he picked his teeth with it, looking back to Kirin after he was satisfied.

"Oh don't worry, it'll happen. Just gotta take care of one small thing first..."

With one opponent waiting now on the sidelines, that left one opponent active. He was slow to move. He watched on as Weevil fought Neph, releasing a dangerous wind attack toward their direction!

"King Rex, march closer to that fight."

He doubted Neph would survived such a heavy attack, and with forest in play...he needed to be in a good position. With King Rex marching up behind Weevil but closer to the brawl, he was prepared to attack Weevil if Neph was defeated. If Neph somehow escaped the attack, Rex would order him to torch that gardevoir until nothing but crisp remained!


Previously mallard
The small animal tried to blast him with strange beams coming from his eyes. Like Hyperion, though these beams weren't made of light. Mid-thrust, he dug his boot into a groove in the ground and sidestepped the attack. He dug his other boot into the ground once he was clear, but instead of halting his momentum, he transferred it into a spin. He swung his forearm-mounted shield at the deer, aiming to catch his antler with it. If it connected, it would jerk Shaymin's head around, not breaking it, but it would cause some lasting pain and discomfort in a similar way to whiplash.
Taskmaster wasn't done, and though he had both feet planted on the ground again by this point, he upheld his upper body rotation to draw his sword across the exposed neck of his opponent if the shield bash connected, but if the Gratitude Pokémon had moved, the assassin, he fully extended his sword to catch it on the retreat. Either outcome saw him flinging up his right arm again to fire a couple shots from his peashooter off at Shaymin. The pistol looked like a glock, but it used compressed air to fire, essentially an airsoft pistol. It could break skin and cause hurt, but it was relatively safe compared to his first two attacks.

The cult leader didn't expect Nótt to grab his leg, which was some excuse for the grapple's success. The jotun slammed him into the ground, and it hurt. Troy bounced off the ground, and, to save himself from further harm, he kicked Nótt in the wrist with his free leg to save himself from any follow-ups. Then, dazedness overtook him, and he laid there to recover for a moment.

"How dare you put your hands on him?!"

From behind Nótt, Allison plunged a dagger at the warrior's back, precisely aimed for the spleen.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Rex played into her hand by revealing much of his own plans, no digging required. She performed Calm Mind for a fourth and final time, bringing up her special stats to their max. She'd be needing it. After Rex's reveals, the Pokémon quickly summoned up her following response;

< You're right, of course. Why not summon it now? Begone with these pests. >

Then Weevil used another card that changed the environment, doing exactly what Neph had been trying to avoid when she'd had Kirin pick a map in the first place. The gardevoir had been drifting back to the ground, far outside of the confines of the laboratory now. The once-distant skyscrapers were no very close, but they seemed to mark the end of the territory. She touched down to the ground, more forestry around her, as Weevil telegraphed his attack.

She nudged swiped her hand in front of her, a simple blast of psychic energy severing a rather large tree, before she pushed the same hand outward. The tree was carried into the attack. She didn't expect the tree to actually stop it, and as expected, it did not. The blast was carried through it, not to deterred - but structurally weakened.

The tree was splintered into oblivion, and with her arm still raised, the basic psychic barriers erected, boosted not only by her special defense, but that same stat protected it from the special attack status of Weevil's attack, and the attack dispersed against her barrier, canceling one another out. With her stats raised as far as she needed, the gardevoir was well aware she was more of a counter to Weevil than the others, who clearly specialized in special attack. It was his mind she was more wary of.

< What was that, Weevil? Sorry, I couldn't hear you, too much snot dangling in the back of your throat. Perhaps consider clearing it once in a while? > Her reply was mean-spirited, but she could hardly care as she disappeared, teleporting herself much nearer, just on the outside of the lab at Rex's end, knowing full-well that the dino duelist had nearly been converted to her cause, even if she detected his treachery. It was no matter, of course. He was nearly prepared to do battle. The next step... was alerting Weevil.

< And what's this? It appears Kirin has convinced your ally to turn on you. Watch that King Rex stomp closer, getting ready to torch your precious bug, as Kirin stands by, unharmed and out of conflict. How precarious of a position for you. >


The fight had begun. Well, sort of. Ripper Roo had delegated himself to playing dead on the spot, which humored Jevil to no end. Kassandra and Alter Knight cast a glare toward the two of them, namely Ripper, before they shared a glance. Kassandra was half tempted to just ask to switch teams, and lay waste to the idiots with someone actually competent.

Actually, hang on.

"Wanna replace Jevil?" Kassandra asked the knight.


Very few times he'd actually had to fight a summoner, and Warlock seemed to have them in abundance! Mudkip similarly was engrossed in watching the fight unfold, shouting out its name (for some reason) when Warlock fired a beam from his head toward the dog-like Lucario. It faltered, and almost seemed beaten- but it prevailed. Dart found himself pumping his fist with an excited "Alright!" for his opponent, unable to help himself root for the underdog. Pun intended. "They're both pretty tough!" Dart commented, directing his words to the Mudkip. "Hey by the way, why don't you want to fight?"


"YOU FOOLS, I HAVE DESIGNED MY DEATH MISSILE TO EXPLICITLY COUNTER YOUR EXACT STRATEGIES!" The Man-Mind cackled, as Minos had attempted to throw Jeice into the missile, which failed, but a follow-up attack had struck it - only to glance off, sputtering against a localized energy shield around the missile itself. "DOUBLY, THIS MISSILE IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DETONATE WITHOUT MY OWN COMMAND. TO DUMB IT DOWN FOR YOU COLLECTIVE APES: I WILL OBLITERATE ALL OF YOU!"

He began to laugh again, as the missile struck the ground, directly in front of the Babel Club---the moment Pit moved it. With the simple press of a button, it erupted in a brilliant flash of light, fire, and force, almost point-blank with the angel, though he had managed to get a shot off in the meantime, another projectile weapon, which pummeled into the energy shield. M.O.D.O.K.s large eyes swiveled to look at his screen, fingers tapping at his console, pulling up a damage assessment. Shields were already at 12%?? Bah! No matter! He had already won this fight!

And unfortunately for Pit, those blue lasers still had yet to relent, the Doomsday Chair roughly tracking the angel through the smoke of the Death Missile, zeroing in on Pit to continue pelting more blue lasers at him, before finally, a hiss was released from the two twin turrets, and they ceased to fire, smoke rising from their barrels, going into a forced cooldown to prevent damage to the devices.
As Ryuji moved to strike Redheart with the Imprisoned Mjolnir, Audrey moved her hands to grip her sword with both hands again as she blocked the mace with her sword, pushing herself back to create space. Following this, she jumped up and dove down towards Ryuji, swinging her sword in an attempt to cut him down from above!

"What the- Where'd he go...!" Axe stopped when he saw Mr Miracle disappear behind a cloud of smoke - Only to gasp in surprise when he was pushed towards Grazie's attack!

Then, thankfully, Grazie recalled her weapon to her, and Axe was able to turn around when he would've likely been harmed otherwise. Wordlessly, he took a firecracker out his satchel, lighting it against his boot before throwing it towards Mr Miracle, moving to follow up the explosion with a shield bash! At the same time, he began to try and get a feel in his mind for how Mr Miracle moved, and what he would probably do...

The Warlock
As Lucario appeared behind the Warlock and his Priests, one would normally expect a foe to feel shock. Perhaps even fear. However, Dhar-Hurr Mordenna felt no such thing. With a clap of his hands and psionic energy flowing, one of the Priests appeared, no- teleported, between Lucario and the Warlock, taking the blow for him.
"Your sacrifice is worthy of the Elder's praise." He merely said, as though it was chosen by his minion rather than forced. Unsurprisngly, given that ADVENT's mass produced soldiers were only a little tougher than your average human, the Priest fell dead to Lucario's blow on the spot.

The Warlock turned around, looking down on Lucario like that was completely nothing as the Hybrid put his gun away at a surprisingly fast speed before psionic energy flowed in his hand.
"Now, feel the void grip you close!" He put his hand forward, and a Laser, made of pure, powerful, psionic energy fired out, straight towards Lucario. The two priests, meanwhile, prepared to fire on Lucario once more if he dared to try and escape - Though they did not appear happy about the fall of their comrade.


Previously Deathstalker62
With a failed attempt to toss his opponent away, Minos was given but one option - though Jeice attempted to throw an elbow first and a kick after, Minos had tried to catch the arm with the hand of his that was currently free, raising his own leg to potentially block the incoming knee strikes by putting it in the way of the attack, aiming to let his leg take the brunt of the attack instead as opposed to his sides or chest.

The soul had aimed to re-affirm his grip, planning to violently pull Jeice's arm down as if trying to sever it, but only trying to cause momentary pain in the alien as a distraction for the true plan that was trying to grasp at Jeice's throat with one hand and let go of his arm with the other, planning to affirm a tight grip with both hands to try either choking him out or crushing his windpipe - or therefore equivalent. Whichever came first mattered little to him.

" DIE! "

Mr. Miracle
Though his plan to make his opponent appear to have tripped and fallen onto their own ally's attack. Drat, that would've been a pretty funny thing to witness, too. And his foe retaliated, by.. tossing a firecracker at him? How quaint. Such little explosives are quite laughable, yet adorable. How about he show this kid what fireworks really look like?

With a quick jab of his arm, Mr. Miracle reached out to the firework, yet did not make an attempt to grasp it. Instead, he let the small explosive enter one of his sleeves, which then seemed to have disappeared from within his clothing, as a familiar sound of a lit fuse would sound up behind Axe, indicating the new presence of the firecracker - having popped up behind him! Though this was just a surprise to the main trick, as Hagen proceeded to pull something long and yellow out of his coat..

..and promptly turned his back on Axe right before, lobbing over his shoulder, a banana peel was thrown and placed in front of the kid as if in a cartoon, Terry stealthily keeping a hidden finger pointed at it to ensure that, even if physics didn't work in his favour, he could still manually trip the kid the moment he stepped on the peel to complete the bit's comedic effect.
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
A look of awe came to Noah's face as the world changed around him, completely transformed into what could only really be described as an industrial park in Noah's mind. "Spark.... Never seen anything like this in my life." Noah didn't exactly have much time to admire the scenery, as he noticed the battlefield almost began to beat with life. Seems like the time for talk was over, as both Cayman and Chai started their assaults. Cayman easily punched through Kragg's boulder, the chunks of earth coming back at Noah and his insect companion.

Keeping his calm, Noah quickly dodged out of the coming debris, as his attention shifted to Chai, who sprinted forth with his weapon, some sort of metal weapon the soldier could not make out. At the last moment, Chai leaped up into the air, presumably to bring that weapon right down on Noah's head. Getting into his battle stance, Noah opened up his right hand, his veiled sword appearing out of thin air. He gripped the blade with both hands and suddenly leaped into the air. "Air Slash!" The blade shot a beam of blue energy, as Noah swung it upwards, trying to knock Chai's weapon out of the way and knock him out of the air.
Weevil Underwood

Weevil stared at Neph in shock.

A tree.

A single, individual tree.

That was all it had taken to reduce his most power monster's most powerful attack, even after it had been powered up by the Forest field spell, to no damage against the Pokemon. Just how powerful was she?! His Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth could crush even the mighty Blue-Eyes White Dragon in a single blow, and now with the field power bonus from the Forest, could even crush the Gate Guardian! But from just hiding behind a tree and using its own defenses, this creature was not just able to withstand the attack, but be completely unaffected by it! The bug duelist gritted his teeth as Neph mocked him. No. No, he would not let this happen!

Weevil drew another card, but Neph teleported away. He looked around frantically as Neph continued to mock him, and even said that Rex was willing to attack him as well! Sure enough, Rex's dinosaurs were stomping towards him and his insects. Weevil placed another card on his duel disk, and another face-down monster appeared before him.
"Raptor!" Weevil yelled at the other duelist. "She withstood the power of my Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth! This is a team battle! If you throw in with these two chumps, they will be the ones that win!"

Even if Rex decided to ignore his advice, Weevil doubted there was a card in the dino duelist's deck that could stand up to his ultimate insect. But still, it would be for the best that he began to move things into his favor. And he could start by cutting down the number of threats.

Clearly, his opponents still had a lot of fight left in them. So he could take no chances. Weevil placed another card into his duel disk.
"Let's see if you're still laughing after this! I activate the Level 2 Power Boost!" Weevil exclaimed. In a flash of light, a pair of massive fan engines appeared on the back of the Ultimate Moth. The insect's attack power was suddenly boosted much higher as the fans kicked up, strengthening the Moth! Weevil grinned.
"And I think I'll have it attack... Kirin." Weevil said. "Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth! Ultimate Tornado of Doom!"

Just like before, a mote of light appeared below the insect monster. Letting out a screech, a beam of light and wind blasted out from the insect monster once again! But this time, the pair of massive fans on the back of the monster powered it up even more, and the massive blast of wind shrieked towards Kirin to tear her to pieces!


Before Allison could reach Nótt, the massive eagle on the princess' back leapt off to intercept her. It screeched loudly, attempting to slash at Allison's face with it's claws to defend it's leader! The voice and movement caused Nótt to look over her shoulder. Where had Allison came from? The sword was gone. Had that been her? Brushing the thought from her head, Nótt looked back to Troy. She needed to press her advantage. Nótt struck down at Troy with her lance, attempting to run him through while he was stunned!


The soul yanked powerfully on Jeice's arm, causing Jeice to break the grapple for but a moment. But it had unknowingly left himself open, and Jeice gagged in surprise as Minos grabbed his throat. Jeice grabbed the soul's other hand, but still with only one hand, Minos had one heck of a grip.
"DIE!" The soul yelled, squeezing his throat.
"Gak! You... first!" Jeice wheezed back. The red alien placed his palm on Minos' chest, firing a powerful ki blast at point blank range!


Previously Gamingfan2
Alter Knight
The Knight's eyes flicked towards Kassandra in surprise, though she barely showed it. So Kassandra had the same idea as her. Alter thought she would have to convince the first, but perhaps Kassandra was just far more irritated with her own partner than Alter thought.
"Heh." Alter Knight let out a amused laugh, an odd feeling after so long. "I was about to ask you if you like to replace...that one."
Alter Knight gave a distasteful look at Ripper Roo, before finally unsheathing Libera, bringing the blade to the sky. Thunder could be heard rumbling.
"Now, if we're all in agreement." Alter Knight nodded at Kassandra. "Shall we?"

He was too slow, much to Ryuji's consternation, but as Audrey leapt off him, he caught sight of someone new, striking from Nott's back!
"Watch out!" he warned, and rolled forward, avoiding Audrey's own dive. To slow to stop anything, Ryuji instead opted to bring a hand to his mask, summoning William again.
"Fighting Spirit!" he roared.
Just then, both him and Nott would feel power well up inside them. Power that would cause their next physical blow to have twice the power!
Ryuji, then brought his focus towards Audrey, summoning Maziodyne. A large blast of electricity erupted from below Audrey, likely inflicting shock should it hit. Time to see how tough she was against electricity!

The aura pokemon struck something, but it wasn't his target. Using one of his summons as a shield, Warlock defended himself initially. Lucario realized what was happening and made a split-second decision, charging even more aura into his palm. The aura blasted out of it, going through the priest fodder and washing over The Warlock!