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Private/Closed Bootleg Brothers 6


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Expectedly rude and dismissive. He tried to sidle off with his rival(?) in tow. Irnane cast a glance toward the ongoing fights, before she promptly closed her journal, and tucked it into her inventory, the book vanishing. Weevil was trying to be quiet, but he was unsuccessful in keeping any syllables from the dunmer's ears - she had very good hearing, after all.

Weevil's presence likely was a problem just waiting to happen. A scheming megalomaniacal runt. She was certain Master Hand had some awareness to this situation... but she would feel more comfortable if somebody was keeping on eye on them, Weevil in particular.

Making no effort to hide the fact that she was now following them, Irnane began to move, disallowing Weevil from gaining the distance he privacy he desired.


Predictable. This foe was of little concern, the gardevoir felt. It had shifted its focus toward the marshtomp, leading with an attack. No doubt the dark spirit thought he was very clever in this attempt, but in the short moment that the two had collided a second ago, Nephthys had gathered all that she needed to know. The little marshtomp was a match for the ghost, if not moreso.

There might have been a type disadvantage for the gardevoir, but that was null when compared to the disparity in power. It was like a toy knife trying to pierce a block of solid concrete.

The marshtomp was already getting a response ready to this altered tactic, so the gardevoir placed a palm upon her helmet, closing her eyes and sensing as strongly as she could. The trail was stronger now... the ghost was tied to a duel disk, no doubt, and that connection could be sensed. It was far better than the breadcrumbs she'd been scrounging for earlier.

She knew roughly where the dark spirit was, but knowing how her last confrontation with a duelist went, exercising caution would be the optimal decision. He'd likely been getting other traps set up, differing obstacles, more challenging foes. It would not be a waltz to reach him. No, she needed to understand how to use this duel disk on her arm, to fight fire with fire.

Once more, she pushed for another summon, trying to yank the unconscious Bakura into this level of his subconscious.

But, just as before, she wound up pulling in something, or someone, completely different that fit the criteria.


Short fight? Them's fightin' words. "Haha! Finally!" Dart pumped his fist as Magolor made the first move, sending three projectiles toward the Red Warrior, who narrowed his eyes at the orbs streaking his way. Elemental magic (or the likes) he could recognize, and Magolor was using more than just wind.

"Whoa! Multi-element?" Dart slashed his blade against the ground, generating an angry red mark. Just as the apples neared, the ground erupted, fire and smoke billowing upward, engulfing Dart. He'd disappeared from view just a moment before the orbs struck, and they erupted with their energy, engulfed as well. Frost and wind and lightning burst on the spot, the wind effectively wiping out the base of the plume Dart had generated.

Yet from the peak of the smoke and flames, out burst Dart, having ridden the blast upward. He sailed toward Magolor, preparing Heat Blade for a slash.

In the center of the room, where the wind dragoon sat, it pulsed with stronger emerald energy at the presence of more wind magic. Magolor's words might prove right - the fight would indeed be short if the spirit awoke. At least the fight would be put on hold, because a dragoon spirit was pretty volatile, and it'd keep their attention in such an event.


"YOUR EFFORTS ARE FUTILE!" The Mechanized Organism roared with laughter, the magenta eyes of his battle mask burning into Mega Lucario's cold stare.

A game of what could have been cat and mouse, lasers and explosive flying in every direction as M.O.D.O.K. exhausted every active component of his arsenal and psychic potential, but the agile jackal was quick enough to keep ahead of most of it. But there was room for improvement, as a stray laser, or flying shrapnel, would make contact. Beneath his golden mask, the Man-Mind's grin grew insanely wide as he recognized this. The Lucario was exhausting himself with this, while M.O.D.O.K.s arsenal could replenish. Besides, he was saving a couple trump cards up his sleeves. It would be a waste to use them in this all-out attack anyway.

The onslaught barely relented as the distance was closed, and the two opponents went head-to-head. This Lucario was giving it everything it had. The fact it was still alive was irritating the A.I.M. leader.

They collided, and as though it were in slow motion, the Man-Mind's eyes widened, his shield shattering apart beneath the Pokémon's steel-tipped paw. No, no, no! It couldn't end like this! The energy propelling into that paw was insane! He had no time to think. There was only instinct.

M.O.D.O.K. unleashed the extent of his mental pool of energy, a burst of energy surging around him as his forehead beam struck outward, colliding with the fist as it expelled its own energy. Lucario and M.O.D.O.K. disappeared within the center of the omnidirectional psychic wave that was released. All that surrounded them, the debris, the residue rockets, the entire tower of the Avengers, the surrounding buildings from Lucario's world, all of it was eviscerated in the sheer, terrible power unleashed from the combined explosive attack, its yield tremendous as every aspect of their arena was reduced to nothing more than blackened earth and molten metal.

The arena slowly returned to view as the immense wave finally dispersed, and M.O.D.O.K. let out a shout as he felt his left arm break beneath his own weight. He had landed on the charred dirt, his right arm and both legs flailing in the air. His Doomsday Chair had been obliterated in the attack. Atomized. Not so much as a molecule remained.

Panting, the Man-Mind winced as his weight continued to suffocate his right arm, but as his massive, bloodshot eyes swiveled about, he could see nothing else around him. Even his golden mask had been destroyed. His cracked lips stretched into a grin.

His voice caught in his throat, and sweat beaded on his forehead, when he heard a grunt from behind him. No... no, it couldn't be!

"This... is over..."

From around the immobile mass of M.O.D.O.K. came the Mega Lucario, looking just as worse for wear - but still walking, and at the upper hand.


Of course... that aura... it had no doubt protected Lucario in a similar vein to how the Mechanized Organism's own psychic mind had saved him from the evisceration.

The Lucario had already spoken his intent, glaring down at M.O.D.O.K. before he raised one arm, the other hanging limply at his side. An aura sphere began to generate in his palm, growing brighter and larger by the second, but it was slow due to the expended energy the Pokémon was suffering from.

M.O.D.O.K. was powerless as he stared in wide-eyed surprise and anger at the ball, his dilated pupils quivering, before he shouted,

The Lucario's eyes narrowed, and he held the aura sphere for a few more moments... before it faded, and he stood up straight. Turning, the Lucario began to walk away, burdened by a heavy limp.

IS WHAT I WOULD SAY, IF I WASN'T ALREADY THE DECISIVE VICTOR OF THIS CONFLICT! M.O.D.O.K. thought internally as he pulled out his last tool of destruction with his right arm, struggling to aim it at the back of the Pokémon's skull. The Ray Gun. Its offensive yield would no doubt disintegrate Lucario in his weakened state. "DIEEEEE!!!"

A beam of purple light erupted from the tip of the ray gun, screaming toward the Lucario, and---


M.O.D.O.K. stared, mouth agape in surprise and shock. A sphere of violet energy had erupted against the invisible side of the arena, but it had missed the Lucario. Dust had kicked up from beneath him as he'd slid out of the way, simultaneously spinning enough to now turn his hardened gaze upon the officially defenseless Man-Mind.


With a shout, Lucario reeled his arm back, all of his regained energy manifesting into a large aura sphere, before he hurled it at M.O.D.O.K., who screamed as it engulfed his vision, before it engulfed his form.

A second BOOM! echoed through the destroyed arena, and with barely a second later, the victorious fanfare began to play, sounding almost haunting in the wasteland their earlier collision had created. Behind Mega Lucario, the gateway opened, and without nary another word, he turned and stepped through it.



Suddenly, Dagr was healed. She looked down at herself curiously. Of course, the spinning. It really did have funky effects. It was another effect, different from all the others before. A weird spinning effect, and Jevil giving her a new weapon? Dagr almost felt a little guilty for all these little advantages.


Jevil managed to stop her Dragon Fang attack, and the scythe flew back towards her. Normally, Dagr would dodge or hit the weapon away. Instead, there was a strange instinct to catch the weapon. Dagr held out her left hand, and the scythe landed perfectly in it. Dagr's grin grew.

"All right! This is great!" Dagr said. With the Devilsknife in one hand and Skinfaxi in the other, Dagr slashed the ground with the two weapons. With the Devilsknife in hand, Dagr felt a strange power coursing through her. She felt lighter, quicker on her feet.

Jevil rushed towards Dagr, and the Princess through the Devilknife at Jevil once again. At the same time, Sun-Wing fired another set of eye-beams at Jevil. Dagr swung her ax at Jevil when he reached her, meeting his attack with one of her own!

Bakura/Yami Bakura

The white haired teen twitched when 808 shocked him. He winced in pain, but otherwise did not stir or wake. For a moment, the golden ring on his necklace shone. Or was that just a strange effect of the light and the shock?

Inside the mental landscape, a strange course of electricity illuminated the labyrinth for a moment. It crackled loudly, but didn't affect anyone inside and was gone in a moment. Yami Bakura looked up from the game board. What was that?! Using his powers, he observed what was going on back in the real world.

A... talking cat? The spirit scowled. He'd have to keep an eye on that thing or wrap this up quickly, the more people that interfered, the messier this would get...

Weevil Underwood

"There's other ways for people to stop us then confronting us directly, numbskull." Weevil said. Glancing over his shoulder, Weevil could see that Irnane was now following them. "Just because she can't fight us, doesn't mean she can't do other things."

Weevil tried to think back to the fights he had watched, the ones Irnane had fought in. Now they'd have to deal with her and the shopkeeper. Hm... Maybe there was something they could do using their duel disks. Yeah, that was it. But what could they use that wouldn't be considered fighting?
"Maybe if we used our cards-"

Weevil's thoughts were interrupted as he nearly stumbled over 808.
"Dumb cat!" Weevil said, aiming a kick at 808.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Peppermint & Rex

Eh? Light? That's not normal.

While Bakura didn't wake, the light emitting from the item around his neck reacted. The shock did...something. She wasn't sure what exactly though. They were afraid that any further action on that front could result in consequence for Bakura...and maybe the woman that fell ill to his predicament as well.

"This is definitely outside my realm of expertise-"

Then her feline ear twitched as Weevil stumbled over them. Looking annoyed at first, she started to focus closer after he grit his teeth and swung his foot back.

"Dumb cat!"

As he kicked forward, 808 leaped straight up into the air, their metal claws extending out from their paws, next thing you know-


She would try and out three scratch marks on Weevil's face, a little karma for what he tried to do. Landing on the ground with grace, 808 Stood on two legs, one hand on their hip.

"What kind of kid would kick a cat...? Don't you lay a finger on her!"

She pointed a finger up accusingly at Weevil & Rex, which Rex just blew off. He arched a brow and smugly hung over her.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, pussycat?"


Within a moment, Rex conked out, flopping limp forward with back arching up. Peppermint facepalmed...err, facepawed.

"Great, it's spreading further."



Rex blinked and he was whisked away to...somewhere. To a dark place swirling with...walls? A lot of them.

Is this a whole labyrinth?! I hate puzzles! Ugh, what did I do to deserve this?! If this is because of Weevil I swear it was-

Twitching as his peripheral vision caught something, he slowly turned to see...lady rex.

"YOU!!!" He snapped his index finger forward at her, glaring with heavy aggression.


Previously mallard
The assassin saw the bird's eyes flash, and knew what came next. He spun out of the way, but the distraction allowed the warrior princess to take the upper hand. She attempted to stab at him again and again, but at this point he had noticed a sort of pattern in these strikes. He continued deflecting these, and as her armor crackled with energy yet again, he knew what was coming- though under these circumstances it was bad news. He held up his shield and dodged to the side, though the attack's scale was large. He was caught on the edge of it, and although the shield took the brunt, some energy still washed over his body armor. He was thrown into a tree, and fell in a heap to the ground. Yet, the Taskmaster rose again, rolling his shoulders to prepare himself for round two.

"Not too bad, your highness."

The hand that wielded his shield went to his belt, where it drew a pistol. He brought it up, and began unloading the entire magazine at Nótt. He knew that Moon-Wing would block it... and that's what he was counting on. As his left hand fired his gun, his right swung the club, clicking a button on it to unravel the cable. The billy club bounced off one tree, then another, then another. The weapon then came back to the supersoldier's hand, where another click of the button reeled the cable in. The club had bounced between trees to travel behind the warrior princess, and now that the cable was rapidly receding, the wire threatened to catch on the back of Nótt's legs! It would ideally trip her up, but it was more likely to restrain her movement, which was also acceptable. If the jotun attempted to peek out from the saftey of the wings, the Taskmaster would fire between the crack with pinpoint accuracy.

The shark could sense its opponents' activity increase, but he had already committed. He would continue his assault without panicking as he did before. The jester had turned into a dolphin, and Beam knew what that was! It flipped around, and as it did, Beam twisted in the air to remain vigilant against any tricks, but there were no tricks, as NiGHTS decided to confront him head-on. With an enlarged flipper, the dolphin aimed to slap the devilman silly, but, seeing a large object headed towards his face, the shark instinctually bit at it. So, the jester would either have to bail out at the last second or have their tail flipper become a victim of the Shark Devil's multi-ton bite force!

The primate successfully moved out of the way, shoving Kragg into his own stone pillar. The powerful blow shook the stage and sent sizable cracks down the pillar. Then William followed up with a headbutt of his own, fully shattering the rock at that the two combatants were upon, but that rock was much less dense than the hide of this Wallrunner. Quickly, shards of gravel flew to the beetle's fist, and the shell grew in the blink of an eye to attempt to envelop Skull's foot. He then shifted his weight so that the Phantom Thief was below him, and tried to hold him there as they fell. The remains of the pillar meanwhile were fashioned into small, sharp rocks that were sure to smart if the blonde were to land on them, not to mention with Kragg's weight on top of him.

The ghost shifted focus to Marshtomp, assuming it would be easy. Yet, the small Pokémon would not be overcome by the summon so easily. Marshtomp's thick arm came up to guard against the wicked blade, his fighting energy manifesting in a Rock Smash. The clash would either heavily damage or outright shatter the blade itself, leaving the Mud Fish an opening to leap at the ghost with a crushing bear hug!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Part of their flipper was bitten into by Beam, who wasn't taking this lying down. While NiGHTS's expression wasn't seen under her armored mask, one could tell by the brief distressed body language that it didn't feel great.

But rolling with the punches, NiGHTS curled the edges of the flipper around Beam's head and tightened them, almost like a bind. Then, NiGHTS dove straight down toward the lava pit, and they swerved their tail over it, the large body of Beam's would be mostly submerged in lava!


Previously mallard
Beam bit down into the porcelain, scoring a good hit- but there was no blood? He didn't let go, which turned out to be a mistake when the flying dolphin grabbed him in retaliation. That caused the shark's hold to loosen, but he wasn't freed. He began to thrash, but unable to escape, he began feeling the air get rapidly hotter. He shapeshifted back into a humanoid to slip out of the dolphin's grasp, and kicked off of NiGHTS. He soared through the air and narrowly landed on the edge of the lava pool, safe from harm, but not sinking into cover this time.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Beam transformed back into his squishier humanoid form, which allowed him to slip past the dolphin's grasp. However, mid flight, the aquatic themed creatures began to shift just as their persona mask had begun to shift into a red color. The slick exterior of the dolphin changed into dense metallic plates of a serpentine dragon.

The dragon nosedived into the lava below, and a second later shot out at high speed, an eruption of lava following suit! The lava rocked out towards the still recovering beam, all the while Dragon-NiGHTS shot down in front of him, smashing a flaming field into the ground. The smash cause a ripple of force and flame to race towards the close range smaller beam. The concussion would throw him backwards right into the rapidly approaching lava wave!

"Both of them!? That's cheating, cheating!" Jevil (playfully) exclaimed, watching Dagr wield two gigantic blades at once. He was hit by the eye-beams, which slowed him down, but this didn't sway him from his plan. He threw dozens of diamonds at Dagr's scythe, hoping to "distract" it and push it away, while he used his personal Devilsknife to clash against Dagr's weapon.

The sound of the blades clashing was incredibly loud, sending waves of sound across the damaged forest. The wind began to pick up as Jevil pulled back his knife and slashed at Dagr again, and again, and again, hoping to tire her out. In the meantime, Dagr's Devilsknife spun back around, about to clash into Jevil, however was blocked by a Clubsdrone appearing and shooting dozens of clubs at it.

Jevil did not relent, throwing his attack continuously, laughing maniacally and only attacking faster and faster and faster...


Previously Gamingfan2
"Ha!" Magolor laughed at Dart's surprise. "Paltry tricks to my awesomeness!"
Though he attack didn't seem to do anything, as each apple elemental was neutralized by Dart's pyrokinesis.
Yet the apples remained whole, the first two taken by Dart's fire pillar and the third rolling off.
Magolor sneaky golden eyes watched as Dart elevated himself, his own disguised bombs following the Dragoon soon after, and had an idea. The egg mage wasn't done with wind it seemed, as it began to pick up around him. He torpedoed directly at Dart, meeting his blade with a Magolor Surge! As the attacks connected, Magolor's vortex burst and the mage was sent spinning back, though the force of his gale was likely to push Dart just as strongly. Conveniently, right between two falling gem apples.
Magolor giggled as he spun away, his wind magic seemingly having protected him from taking any real damage. Assuming his attack primed Dart's position where he wanted, Magolor would snap his fingers, causing the dual apples to detonate right beside the Dragoon, though they wouldn't be particularly strong. If not, Magolor would summon a rune, which fired off sharp chunks of ice at Dart!

As Ryuji struggled with Kragg, the bug's shell grew, encasing his right foot in stone. Ryuji felt Kragg pull him down, and was greeted to the sight of stone spikes coming up fast! The bug used his weight to shift Ryuji, but the stubborn teen wouldn't make it easy, keeping his grip on Kragg's horn as the two struggled. The bug's weight was its advantage however, and the lighter teen was fighting an uphill battle for now.
"Damn! William!" Ryuji called, reached for something with his unoccupied arm.
At his command, the Persona charged in from below, riding spectral waves of his own making. It crashed through the pillar, reducing it to dust. As it did, Ryuji grinned as he prepared his firearm, now aimed directly at Kragg's unarmored face.!
"Eat this, literally!" Ryuji bellowed as he pulled the trigger.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Marshtomp expectedly was able to hold his own, allowing Neph to keep her focus on this summoning technique - which she was still extremely ill-versed on. The fact she was succeeding at all was a bit impressive.

A human shape began to take form; no doubt Bakura, so Neph put forth more energy into pulling him in...

Only for it to be someone else.

By Arceus, it should have been ANYONE else...

"YOU!!!" Rex Raptor pointed at Nephthys in recognition, and she blinked back in response. She supposed he technically fit the parameters of, but why did it have to be him? Bakura was assumedly closer, he should have been more readily accessible. Not this blundering buffoon.

...He was probably better than Weevil, though.

<Great,> Neph replied to Rex, and her eyes darted to his wrist - where she noticed his duel disk was absent. <The one item that could have made you useful is absent.>


This crafty guy! Dart chuckled when he cast a quick glance backward, seeing what was coming from behind as the wind was pushing him back. Those apples were still active and on his tail. Specifically, the ice and lightning ones. Slapping Heat Blade onto his back, Dart's hands enveloped both of the apples as he was sent into them. They activated, freezing cold and electricity surging from them in droves. Ice seeped up his left arm, while electricity surged up his right. Despite this, he displayed no outward signs of pain, instead setting his jaw in concentration as the orbs quite suddenly ceased their functions, shattering into his grip as he crushed them the moment Magolor tried to detonate them after regaining his own bearings.

The mercenary's boots slammed onto the ground, and he skid to a halt after a short spin. Electricity continued to flicker over him, but it didn't seem to be leaving his body, seemingly kept to his body by his armor - which he hadn't been wearing when he'd fought Gunvolt during the test before the tournament. He reached back and grasped the handle of Heat Blade, and by doing so, a swelling inferno erupted around him, searing away the ice on him, before he slashed the blade through the air. The searing slash that materialized seemed to absorb the sudden spikes of ice that fired forth from a rapidly-summoned rune, before the slash barreled through the air, its own powerful magic crashing into the rune and shattering it, both forms erupting in an explosion of swirling sparkles and steam.

Dart glanced toward the green spirit as more wind magic was utilized by Magolor. The thing was getting increasingly active... he probably should have chosen a different location, he'd just assumed these kinds of things wouldn't manifest in the arenas. With sparks of electricity still filtering through his armor, Dart rested the blade of his sword on his shoulder as he looked up toward Magolor with a grin. "You better start taking this fight a little more seriously, I know you've got a lot more you're holding back! Give me your all!"


Previously Gamingfan2
"Aww, and they had such nice craftsmanship too!" Magolor booed as Dart crushed his gem apples, before taking care of his ice rune.
Magolor gave a soft giggle as Dart pointed his sword at him, loudly telling him to let loose.
"Well, I'm happy you can register power when you see it! I'd like to humor you." said Magolor
As if to sate Dart, Magolor created a ball of magic, which sudden swelled and doubled in size.
"But the same goes for you. Prove yourself worthy of my majesty!" the egg mage commanded in turn, lobbing the ball of magic. Even Dart destroyed it or it missed, it would split into five smaller balls of magic that would home in on Dart!
Oop, the overlord in me slipped out there. Magolor thought to himself. But this is turning out fun!

Nótt rushed towards Taskmaster as the mercenary rose to their feet. He drew a weapon the Princess hadn't seen before, a small black device. While Nótt and Moon-Wing didn't know exactly what that weapon did, they knew what it was for. Moon-Wing raised its wings, blocking the gunshots. Nótt continued quickly advancing towards Taskmaster. While the Princess couldn't exactly see the Mercenary, she still had a good idea where he was.

This was unfortunate. At this rate, she may lose to this man and be kicked out of the tournament. She would have to use... that technique. Nótt sighed. She always looked so unrefined, using this move. But better to look unrefined then lose.

"Ríðahraðr Fyrirdǿma (Attack-Speed Menace)"

As she ran towards Taskmaster, a previously invisible rune on her right arm appeared and glowed. It released a explosion of magical energy, creating a massive aura around Nótt that would weaken and slow all enemies within. Inside this aura, Nótt's presence changed. She would appear to grow larger, more terrifying. At the same time, the aura would increase Nótt's own strength and speed. Nótt's lance, Hrimfaxi, glowed in tandem with the runes on her arm. The lance increased Nótt's strength and speed even further from the runes.

Nótt outpaced the cable, rocketing forward and attempting to slam Taskmaster back into the same tree and knock him off his feet.


Dagr's laughter echoed through the arena along with Jevil's. The warrior princess ran as she fought, forcing Jevil to keep up with her and constantly fly along with her. Sparks flew as their weapons clashed. Suddenly, an opening for the Dagrsknife! Weaving around the Clubsdrone, it attempted to fly back towards Dagr into her hand. At the last moment, Dagr hit it with her ax back towards Jevil.

The wind whipping around the pair of fighters suddenly became quite stronger. Dagr disappeared in a blur, using her Tempest step to launch herself behind Jevil and onto a high column. As she did, she smashed the Clubsdrone with ax. She caught her Dagrsknife as Sun-Wing fired another set of eye beams at Jevil, and Dagr launched herself down towards Jevil in a powerful spinning pirouette attack with both weapons!


Previously mallard
The jotun charged, an unstoppable force speeding towards Taskmaster as he attempted a more subtle plan. Then, an explosion of energy erupted, which the assassin raised his shield too- yet instead of harm, this energy made him feel more sluggish again.


As the the cable wouldn't catch her in time, and he probably wouldn't be able to evade her, he did something similar to the last time he was slowed. As he let gravity take over, he thrust his boot forward, aiming to make first contact with her ankle. If this worked, he used his weight as an anchor to cause the larger woman to trip, which would likely result in her sailing right over him and into the tree she attempted to force him into.

The shark didn't sink into the ground at first, but upon seeing the dragon and the wave of molten rock, he second guessed that choice, and slipped into the ground- albeit just barely. Instead of lurking and stalking from the shadows again, as soon as the waves of concussion and lava passed overhead, the Shark Devil erupted right back out of the tower of twigs. He shot like a torpedo through the air, aimed to sink his teeth into the larger beast's throat.

The smaller man struggled against him, but the beetle's superior grappling and weight triumphed. While the persona cleared away the spikes, Ryuji reached for a weapon. Kragg had a free hand as well, and reached to intercept it. He attempted to grab the boomstick and crush its barrel closed, while he dug his elbow into the blonde's chest and slammed him into the rocky floor with all his might!

Afterwards, the beetle quickly found his footing. If the teen had let go of his horn, he would swing the Phantom Thief in an arc overhead to slam him into the ground again, but if the stubborn punk held on, Kragg would employ a more ruthless attack to get him off: he picked Skull up, summoned a small earthy rectangle with a quick stomp, and then brought him down on the rock in an attempt to snap his spine.


Previously Gamingfan2
There was a moment of comedic silence as Ryuji looked at his dismantled firearm.
"For real?" Ryuji breathed, until Kragg harshly elbowed him. The teen definitely felt it, evidenced by a brief grunt, but he just flashed a grin back at Kragg. Something about the aura surrounding him seemed to dull the pain, making him hard to flinch.
Ryuji changed tactics, using his weapon to bash into Kragg's shell, cracking it enough to free his leg before throwing it at Kragg's face. he finally released his horn, instead gripping the shell pushed against him.
Like Kragg wanted, Ryuji landed first, but on his feet. The steel floor cracked under him as the force of Kragg weight pushed down on him, yet the teen remained standing. Still holding Kragg, Ryuji ran full speed a short distance before halting suddenly, finally releasing Kragg's as he used the momentum to throw the Wallrunner. But Kragg's momentum was quickly halted as William came by for another pass, bashing Kragg with his whole ship as he soared!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Magolor asked for a showing in-kind, before lobbing a great sphere through the air. Rooting his left leg behind him, Dart took an offensive stance. He wouldn't be able to do as Magolor asked, not yet at least. The legendary dragoon needed more energy, so the mercenary would have to make do with what he could do without it. Magolor wanted the best Dart could do without the dragoon, so...

Thrusting Heat Blade skyward, as though stabbing the air, the energy inside of the room began to quake. The wind dragoon would keep itself safe from what came next.

The mercenary's sword emblazoned with a blinding red light, the air around him humming with a rapid swelling of energy, the air around the blade appearing to shift and wobble as an intense wave of heat washed through the cavern. The great sphere closed in, and finally, Dart slashed downward, leaving a violent streak of white-hot energy in the air as Heat Blade struck the ground. "BLAZING...!" Dart began.

For a split second, the air seemed to be sucked from the room as time froze, the white streak the only thing that moved as it crackled, before it erupted in a brilliant flash, splitting apart the orb on contact.

"D Y N A M O !!!"

The entire cavern became engulfed in furious flames as fire tornados surged about, electricity surging from them in droves. The orb split apart into quarters, but as they honed in, the massive bolts of lightning being generated cracked forth, blasting apart the orbs, before the firenados and the lightning began to converge on Magolor, honing on him similar to how his attack was meant to.

Dropping to a knee, Dart leaned against the handle of Heat Blade for support, its blade stuck in the stone beneath him as he closed his eyes, breathing slowly. Using Blazing Dynamo had taken his breath away, but more than that...

It had enabled his access to the Red Dragoon.

Gargantuan plumes of swirling infernos continued to pursue Magolor as the lightning crackling from within them didn't let up in repetitive surging bolts that aimed to blast him in the blink of an eye.

"I know that attack wasn't your best..." Dart muttered, opening an eye to look toward his opponent. "So I'll just have to force it out of you."


Previously Gamingfan2
Despite his jeers, Dart just stood there as his attack closed in. The egg curiously put his hands on where he hips would be, flicking an ear in curisoity
"Huh, wonder what he's plan-"

"D Y N A M O !!!"

In the blink of an eye, the arena was now in chaos. Fire and lightning ravaged the cave in tandem, all focused on the little egg.
"Whoa! Neat trick Darty!" Magolor said in, flipping over and deploying evasive maneuvers. The firenadoes and thunderbolts followed his movements, until he sudden vanished in a star shaped rift, then reappeared out of another. The mage giggled as he repeated this again and again, his erratic location changing confusing the elemental pillars' homing. That is, until one bolt sudden snuck up on the mage.
Magolor squeaked as the bolt seemingly came out nowhere, cutting off his path. He only barely had the time to summon a magic shield, a chunk of his shield shattered as the egg was sent back, bouncing off the cavern walls.
"Well well." Magolor muttered with a tired laugh. "It's always the dumb ones."
Magolor swept his hands around, summoning a rune differently shaped than his others. Magolor swung the magic construct, and out came a massive hammer, encased in ice!
"Let's have a show!" he proclaimed proudly.


The grand hammer was slammed into the ground, a terrible chill swept the cavern and clashing with Dart's waves of heat. Ice spikes spread across the cramped cavern floor, covering the whole thing in frozen spires save for patches of the floor where the firenadoes made contact, evaporating both. Massive Icicles fell from the ceiling, meeting Dart's lightning bolts and bursting into bitterly cold explosions.
Magolor swung the Grand Hammer with more ease than one would expect, twirling the weapon before shoving it at Dart to strike him with the fury of a thousand blizzards!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


That hammer...! Dart's grin widened, before he swiped his thumb under his nose. Despite the powerful counter, Blazing Dynamo and Magolor's hammer counter were nearly locked in a stand-still. It made sense, given that Blazing Dynamo would only grow more deadly as it persisted - though it wouldn't last forever.

The initial wave of cold began to subside as quickly as it came as Blazing Dynamo surged back with increasing force, becoming more aggressive by the second. The firenados whooshed back with the heat, and Dart let out a chuckle. "Y'know, we coulda avoided all that wandering earlier if you'd given me a chance. Now we can finally do what we came here for."

Magolor's response was a jab with the hammer, sending its power barreling forth like an avalanche - both in strength and in temperature. Gritting his teeth with renewed focus, the mercenary withdrew an item from his armor, and shoved it into the epicenter of the strike.

There was a flash of light, and an equal tsunami of blazing embers washed over the cavern, empowering Blazing Dynamo further while simultaneously sweeping back against the blizzard strike. An elemental clash was something Dart had been excited for when he'd first come here. The Mudkip, while of the water element, hadn't been a challenge in any capacity - though he sure was a cute little guy. Still kinda was after he evolved, too, come to think of it. Then there was Warlock, a villain with the power of the mind. A foe that Dart wasn't the most accustomed to facing.

But this?

The mercenary from Seles thrived on this.

The item he'd used was expended to combat the blizzard strike (a Burning Wave magical item), and thus allowed Dart to regain his strength properly to follow up with a rapid series of slashes through the air, bursting lines of flames blistering toward Magolor as the firenados and the lightning bolts continued to converge on him without skipping a beat.

"Heh!" Dart rotated his sword-bearing shoulder, and patted his elbow. "You're still holding back! I guess that makes sense, you probably figured out that I am, too. You strike me as a fighter not used to being challenged. Getting here musta been a breeze! Heh, it... kinda was for me, too. But right now? You gotta stop holding back. If you want to win, you've gotta hit me with everything you've got, because I'm about to do the same! Are you ready?"


Previously Gamingfan2
"What can I say?" Magolor replied with a shrug. "I'm a scholar, I like to learn."

Dart's response was to punch something against his weapon. Which was followed by waves of fire sweeping across The Grand Hammer, which hissed as flames licked at its icy exterior. The mage pulled the massive hammer back and twirled it once more, deflecting Dart's sword beams, nearby firenadoes and lightning, only to indifferently throw his weapon away. The Grand Hammer spiraled into the air before slamming and seemingly embedding itself against the cavern ceiling, shaking the area. It spawned more ice spikes and icicles, further weakening Dart's Blazing Dynamo as Magolor pulled out another weapon from a rune. It was a sword, ornate in design and shimmering as if made of starlight. Magolor put both hands on it's hilt and focused. Purple energy spiraled around the two as magic was pumped into the blade, causing it to grow...and grow...and grow...
In just a few seconds, the Starlight Sword had become a Massive Ultra Sword! It's sparkle increased proportionally, almost enough to blind the unprepared.
The egg, still positively glowing with magic energy, flourished the blade, admiring by his own handiwork.
"Hee Hee! You want my best? You'll see my best. My best wares that is!"
And despite everything, the egg still dropped some shameless self-promotion.
"Have a taste of Magolor Shoppe weapons, the best around with quality guaranteed! Or your money back!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Beam sunk down into the ground as the flaming field around Dragon-NiGHTS pulsed with the flowing lava. But moments later $3: leap right back up again. The elegant dragon gave a loud scream as it's flaming barrier grew brighter and hotter, Beam coming forward, flames scorching across their body as they bit down on NiGHTS's armored body.

Less blubbery than the dolphin form, it could take more hurt than it, all the whole Beam would burn. And burn. And burn until he gave up, the barrier burning hotter than any typical fire.

Rex Raptor

"Useful?! You got a lot of nerve pulling a other 'lady rex' on me, flower petal!" He growled. "Get me out of here, wherever HERE is."

This thing and their stupid mindscapes. Can't she mope about her loss in silence without dragging me into it? ...Come to think of it, this place is a lot more...filled out than usual. And wait...is that-

"Is that a funky looking duel disk on you?! Since when are you a duelist!?!"
Yami Bakura

The ghost screeched in surprise as Marshtomp repelled the sword slash with a powerful fighting punch. The Marshtomp lunged towards the Ghost, looking to crush it with a powerful bear hug. Instead, the ghost raised its shield to block the Pokemon's attack. It appeared the ghost was a little better at defending than attacking.

Back in the boss room, Yami Bakura frowned. So this new fighter Neph had summoned was a bit tougher than just a support class. Then yet another game piece appeared on the board. One the dark spirit recognized from watching through his host's eyes. Rex Raptor. The spirit snorted with laughter. Perhaps back in the real world, Raptor may have been a threat with his duel disk and dinosaurs. But here, the boy would have no such advantages.

This was now two things that Nephthys had summoned. Something was not right here. Yami Bakura took a closer look at Nepthys' figurine. He hissed angrily.
"What?!" Yami Bakura snarled. A DiaDhank?! The monster hadn't had one of those when they first entered Bakura's mind. He certainly hadn't had one appear in those piles of treasure. Where did she get that?!

He leaned back in his chair, and drew another card. As annoying as it was, it would be of little concern. After all, this was his domain. He had complete power here. No matter who Nephthys called, there was no one that could possibly save her from her fate. Yami Bakura summoned another creature into the labyrinth...

Meanwhile, the Gross Ghost redoubled its efforts, attempting to fly around Marshtomp before slashing at the creature again with it's sword, this time from behind!

Weevil Underwood

The insect duelist screeched as his cheek lit up in pain. He fell to the ground, clutching his face and rolling back and forth.
"EYAAA! AGH! My face! MY FAAACE!" Weevil screamed. "WAAAHAHAUGH, oh the pain!"

Blinking back the tears, Weevil slowly sat up. Just in time to see Raptor go down.
"Oh... Oh my gosh!" Weevil said. He looked to the now three unconscious bodies, then to 808. Weevil pointed an accusatory finger at the cat.
"You! You did this!" Weevil exclaimed. He quickly turned back towards Irnane. "You! Blue lady! Are you really going to let this cat get away with this?! They've already taken down 3 people, and tried to get me too!!!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


The blade of the egg grew, and grew, and grew, filling the length of the cavern as it shone with an intense, ferocious light. If there was ever a time for it, it would be now.

As Magolor plugged in his self promotion, Dart crossed his arms in an 'x' across his chest as the air began to rumble around him. The swirling firenados, the gushing waves of heat, it all began to pull toward the mercenary, converging on him as though he were a black hole of heat and flame.

His body became enveloped in a light just as bright as Magolor's sword. Emerald-colored flames jettisoned from his shoulder blades, blazing into the air before they congealed into crystalline-like wings, an armor forming around Dart as he hovered into the air.

The light vanished as quickly as it came, the firenados and the heat all absorbed by the Red Dragoon, who swiped his reformed Heat Blade cleanly through the air, prepared to go all out.

"Let's go!" Dart shouted, his wings flapping with a flare before he burst toward Magolor, exerting a speed the egg might find comparable to a dragoon from his own world. He swept in with a slash, Magolor barely reacting in time as he brought the ultra sword down. It clashed against the Superior Heat Blade, a great burst of energy making the cavern quake from the strike. Dart slammed his boots into the ground, sliding to a stop. Stone and rock splintered into dust beneath his heels, before he kicked off, leaving a crater with a sonic boom as he went in again.

Too fast for half of the distant spectators in the tournament's crowd to even see, the Massive Ultra Sword and the Superior Heat Blade met in rapid succession, their bombastic collisions breaking apart the ceiling of the cavern. Shockwaves of energy obliterated the remaining ice on the ceiling, splitting apart the walls and floor, shattering the arena to its core. For a moment, it seemed the entre arena was about to crumble on the pair, but with a yell, Dart blitzed forth, and...


A blinding light momentarily disabled the extradimensional cameras that observed the fight, the observers left with nothing but static for a second, then two, and three... four...

Reality flickered back in, and the cavern had been seemingly obliterated, with nothing to remain. It had been replaced with the void of space, stars twinkling in every direction.

The Massive Ultra Sword had splintered apart in the blast, pieces of it flying in every direction. It seemed as though its destruction had the side effect of practically destroying the entire fabric of the engulfing arena, forcing it to essentially factory reset, and without a new user input...

A single platform seemed to hurtle through these cosmos. Magolor sat up on one end, as Dart gathered himself at the other. The top half of his blade had all but been evaporated, and his armor was cracked and chipped. That explosion of energy had been purely unexpected, even for the jovial Magolor, who quickly hopped into the air with a giggle. "Well whaddya know, you actually are a little interesting. This little transformation of yours... is it marketable?"

Climbing back to his feet, Dart took a moment to look at their surroundings as they seemed to barrel through the heart of a nebula upon this platform. Finally, his eyes landed on Magolor, before he stuck his sword out, pointing it toward him. "You've seen the Spirit of the Green Dragoon - but this is a power awakened. I am the Red Dragoon! And this fight is not over!" As he spoke, the length of his sword seemed to return, a light pulsing from within and extended, restoring Superior Heat Blade to its true form, free of damage.

His lime-colored wings spread, before he once more shot towards Magolor, who let out a 'tsk.' They spun about the cosmos, stars twinkling and dying out around them, galaxies forming and fading. Forced on the defensive, Magolor had to do his best to evade, bending his round body in unnatural ways to turn sure strikes into near misses.

"Well, I've got no use for what can't sell, so how about we-"


"Hey, that's rude, you don't just-"

But he was cut off again, as in the blink of an eye, what seemed to be a dozen Darts had appeared all around him, before they'd vanished as quickly as they'd come. In the brief moment he took to register this, he realized what had happened.

Immediately, a dozen powerful slashes erupted across Magolor's body, his spherical form contorting, struggling to maintain shape despite its elasticity. Dropping out of the air, Magolor bounced onto the platform with an 'umph.' That attack had been beyond physical, its magical energy had nearly erupted the powerful alien from within his very core. He looked up, already equipped with a witty remark, but fell silent when he saw the dragoon hovering just over him. A brilliant supernova erupted behind Dart, its explosion so distant and brilliant that it made the dragoon seem like a shadowed shape before him.

"Good fight," Dart said.

"Good... fight...? Oh, you think this is over," Magolor held back a snort.

"It is," Dart replied, the supernova fading into the distance.

"It's over when I say it's over," Magolor rolled back up. "You haven't beaten me yet!"

Dart blinked. "Oh, I thought- alright, yeah, you're right!"

Magolor zipped backward, trying to create some distance and form a counter-plan, but the Red Dragoon somehow seemed to have predicted this, as he flashed forward as well. No distance had been covered. In fact, he seemed closer than before. Quickly procuring the frozen Grand Hammer, Magolor let out a little chortle as he swung it toward Dart, exerting a lot more power into this swing than he was used to giving.

But the Superior Heat Blade was more than a match. It sliced through the base of the hammer, giving Magolor a moment of shock as he saw the head of his hammer go spiraling into the void - but Dart's sword didn't stop in its trajectory.


In one end and out the other, Superior Heat Blade plunged through the powerful shopkeeper, his body glowing with ominous light, welling with trapped energy, before-


A second world-shaking explosion, and once again, the crowd was left with a few seconds of nothing but blinding white light to see.

Slowly, it began to fade, and with it, a fanfare began to echo through the white void of the arena. All was gone, except for a single young man. His dragoon form had faded, leaving him standing upon two shaking legs, clad in smoldering armor.

The gateway opened in front of him, and he knew that he'd done it. He'd won the fight. Magolor had been almost too much to handle, but in the end...



She would have disposed of Raptor at his request, if she knew exactly how to - but de-summoning was probably trickier than summoning, she imagined. Especially if her results were this undesirable already. However, Rex called attention to the duel disk on her forearm, and despite her distaste for it, the gardevoir smirked and held it up so he could get a better look. <Yeah. Guess I was deemed better than a third-rate duelist, unlike someone I know.>

Mind you, they were doing this while Marshtomp was actively fighting against the gross ghost.

<Anyway, I didn't intend to summon you. I never willingly would, you're incredible worth nobody's time or energy. I was trying to summon Bakura so I could learn how to use these children's toys people from your world are so obsessed with. Now make yourself scarce while I attempt to summon somebody
worth an ounce of my care.>
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"As if! You didn't know what duel monsters was a little while back and got rocked by me and knocked out of the winner's circle! You ain't even on my level."

The nerve of this chick. Doesn't she know I'm a regional finalist? Who does she think she is, especially after losing to me? But that duel disk does like neat...heh...

"Put that thing away and give it to a REAL duelist, you'll just poke your eye out."

Rex reached for the duel disk to tug it. Didn't belong to her anyway, bet she wouldn't mind if he took it off her hands!


"Woah, hey now. Got a lot of faith in 808 to think that." Peppermint held up their paws defensively. "If she could do that on command, wouldn't that be real convenient to bring out during the matches?"

Shaking their feline head at the notion, the leaped up on the bench next to the slumped Bakura, Rex, and Neph.

"Listen, they ARE stable, but I'm not sure for how long that'll be the case. Ir...nane was it? Do you have any bright ideas how to handle this?"



Pink slurpie in hand, the victorious demon sat at the diner, glancing at the screen lazily from his booth. His feet propped and crossed on the table, his noted the remaining fights going on, their few number.

Beam's tryin' his best, the poor lug. Dart looks like he's...yup, he won. There's the beetle and the fighting women. I'm sure the most entertaining ones will come out on top. Could use for a good challenge. Maybe that Dart fellow, he looks like he would make things fun.


Previously Manu456Alola

Despite being in the midst of battle, the priestess had to admit - that was a really cool sword. She didn't have much time to appreciate its sleekness, however, as waves of mana were launched her way, keeping Kirin on her toes. Their shape followed the trajectory of Alter's swings, giving her an idea of where to move.

Procuring a talisman in her left hand, Kirin made to slide below the first of the mana waves, simultaneously throwing the talisman at the ground just behind Alter Knight. Although the increased size of the wave ended up in it barely making contact with the Adept, she managed to use her Arc Chain just before the second one struck - and she warped behind her foe in an instant. She expected Alter to react swiftly given the adaptability she showed, so the Battle Priestess wasted no time in attacking as she lingered briefly in the air, a still smoking burn covering half her face from the earlier hit.

Kirin became a blur as she spun with her blade outstretched, swinging at her opponent over and over again like a human buzzsaw: her Rakshasa Cleave technique, amplified greatly by the Special potion 2's effects!


"Yer still kickin' after that?! I've just 'bout had it with ya, missy!"

Blast after blast of lightning soared through the air, booming thunder following each one as Audrey dived in Grazie's direction. Despite her size, the Adept managed to leap out of the way of the first lightning blast, letting it whizz past her. A second one came in, prompting Grazie to kick up a sand pillar to intercept it - but when the godly lightning struck, all the sand turned to glass in an instant, leaving the sand-bending girl puzzled.

"Wha- Ngh!"

In the time it'd taken her to react, a third lightning bolt had been launched her way, striking the glass pillar and refracting wildly in all directions, many volts of electricity painfully coursing through her body. Grazie struggled to get moving again afterwards, and her situation was only made worse by the fourth blast that landed at her feet, turning the sand below her to glass and leaving searing burns along her mechanical armor.

"I-If ya think this is stoppin' me..."

Audrey herself was now approaching from above, divine sword gleaming brightly with electricity, a look of rage and smug confidence upon her face.

"...then ya got another thing comin'!!"

Pushing through her injuries and paralysis, the Adept swung a massive mechanical arm, clashing against Audrey's own weapon, her own drill spinning dangerously fast, a shower of sparks flying off from the contact point. Grazie's superior mass deflected Audrey upwards, the Hero gritting her teeth as she retained her focus - and saw an opportunity she could seize.

To Grazie, Audrey was an azure blur as she moved through the air, vanishing from her sight. The next thing she knew, Redheart was behind her, and a familiar burning feeling spread throughout her whole body. The Adept could barely turn to look at her opponent as her armor began to fall apart, turning to a mix of sand and glass shards that burst outward from her body. Going out like this... it was almost exactly like last time, huh?

"I jus' can't... believe this...!"

A bright flash of light enveloped her as her form fell apart completely, the world around the fighters fading away. When the light finally vanished, all that was left was Grazie in her normal attire, lying unconscious face up on the floor. A lone gateway opened nearby as fanfare began to play.

Winner: Audrey Redheart!

It was a slight ways from where they'd appeared, but they finally made it: the Regular Burger. Pit barged in through the front door just like the last time he'd been here, finding it to be a lot quieter than before. With a lot of contestants eliminated and a few fights still going on, there probably wasn't as much business going on...

"Guess there's not that much business going on with all these eliminations, huh... Well, just means more food for us!"

Sliding into one of the booths, Pit was quick to grab one of the menus already laying on the table. He didn't really need to read it, though; he already knew what he'd come here for.

"Last time I was here, I got one of those "Unending Monotony" burgers. Meatiest thing they got on the menu, I think. Gonna need like, five of those."​

Jevil felt weaker again! Had to have been the pirouette. Blast it! He was also hit by Sun-wing's Eye Beams, and combined with all of this was unable to avoid the violent spinning attack from Dagr. The Dagrsknife cut him, before the Skinfaxi slammed into him and aggravated the cut. Jevil was launched away at high speeds, before simply floating at the apex of the launch instead of falling.

"You're missing the point, point!" Jevil cried at Dagr from a distance. "The Devilsknife isn't like your axe- it's not just a weapon, but a tool, tool, that grants you the power of speed and flight! I gave that knife to you so that you could soar like me and the clouds, clouds, but you seem to be holding onto the ground with all your might, might!"

Jevil seemed genuinely annoyed that Dagr wasn't using the Devilsknife as intended. This is shown by his next attack, where he bombarded Dagr with a large amount of spades from above. It would be difficult to send Sun-wing or some pieces of platform at Jevil, but Jevil seemed to be purposefully leaving himself open to melee... at hundreds of meters up.

Dagr slid across the ground, and took off in a run as Jevil flew up into the air. There was even more to the Dagrknife? She felt its effects when she was able to jump that massive distance. Jevil was saying she could fly with it? The jester floated higher, raining spades from above. Once again, the Wings of Fast Defense protected Dagr from a majority of the projectiles. Sun-Wings' actual armored wings protected Dagr from any projectiles that made it through the shield.

Dagr grinned.
"Alright, I'll give it a shot if you'll let me!" Dagr called back. The warrior princess threw the scythe again, using it to smash another already damaged column. As it fell, Dagr picked up speed and sprinted up the pillar like a ramp! She launched herself into the air... and kept moving! It was true! She really could fly!

Dagr laughed as she flew towards Jevil, going all out in a barrage of slashes with her Dagrknife and Skinfaxi. She threw herself at Jevil almost recklessly, attacking with a rapid fierceness and speed, but didn't seem to give much mind to her defenses. Sun-Wing stayed on guard, ready to use all its power to protect Dagr.

"UEE HEE HEE!" Jevil laughed maniacally, as Dagr flew at him. Jevil fought relentlessly to keep up with Dagr's barrage, but his initial guard had been too weak to keep the first attacks away, and he was hit, hard. Even with this, he fought wildly, throwing a series of fast, spinning attacks to fight off Dagr's barrage.

"You get it, you get it! You understand the power of chaos, chaos, and see the strength hidden if you just let yourself be free!" Jevil cried, overjoyed that Dagr had learned to fly. He suddenly span faster, before breaking off from the clash with Dagr. From there, he demonstrated deft usage of one of the more interesting aspects of flight- the third dimension.

He launched several Devilsknives at Dagr. 2 went to the sides, and one went under, while Jevil went above and slashed at Dagr while "falling," in a similar manner as before.

While Sun-Wing was able to block and repell most of Jevil's counter attacks, Jevil still managed to get a few hits in. A slash up Dagr's arm, across her cheek, across her thigh. Dagr slashed again, but Jevil quickly dropped out of the way. He flew up above Dagr, summoning more Devilsknives and attacking. Still, Dagr kept her focus on Jevil. The three Devilsknives clashed against the Wings of Fast Defense, unable to reach Dagr.

Jevil fell towards Dagr, and the Jotun Princess attempted to block his Devilknife by hooking it with her own weapons. The power of her Dragon Fang attack would flow up both Skinfaxi and the Dagrknife, taking the form of not one, but two dragons. Dagr would then attempt to somersault in midair, swinging Jevil around before flying down and attempting to smash Jevil into the ground with her weapons!

Jevil watched the Skinfaxi and Dagrsknife get set alight by dual dragons with awe. He barely had time to say anything before he had to raise up his Devilsknife to just barely block the hit, still getting hit incredibly powerfully and being sent almost to the ground. He grinned. "A perfect 10!" He shouted, before tossing more Devilsknives up.

The manner in which he tossed them was weird, as he seemed to be... juggling them? If Dagr dodged, they would go a little bit further up, before circling back to Jevil and being tossed again as he rose into the air. At the same time, Jevil summoned a squadron of Clubsdrones to begin spinning around Dagr and firing inwards.

"It's all too much fun!" Jevil cried, maniacally juggling the Devilsknives faster and faster as the Clubsdrones spun and fired, spun and fired. The sky began to darken, and the wind blew in a strange pattern, but Jevil only laughed, and laughed, and laughed...

Three Turns.


Previously mallard
Taskmaster vs Nótt
Nótt was blinded by Moon-Wing's feathers, courtesy of Taskmaster's projectile pressure forcing them to envelop her entirely. She was unable to react in time, and the unstoppable force had her foot hooked upon her opponent's heel. The eagle was the first to react, its impeccable sense of balance warning it to right itself. Moon-Wing had to hop off its perch, and thus stopped protecting Nótt.

As for the princess, she barreled through the tree behind Tasky, reducing it to splinters and leaving her bird with the assassin. Taskmaster's piercing gaze was locked onto the eagle, who was more concerned with finding its master. Moon-Wing shot its lasers from its eyes and attempted to fly away, but the Taskmaster, outside Nótt's hindering aura now, rolled away from the energy and threw his billy club in front of the eagle's flight path. Moon-Wing hadn't the time to stop itself from flying into the following cable, which entangled its wing. With a powerful yank, the bird tumbled from the sky, and the mercenary made sure to fire his last round into the bird's unarmored patch of neck before it impacted the ground- for insurance.

Now that the bird was dead, the Taskmaster reeled in his billy club and then turned his cold gaze into the dark forest, where the princess had disappeared into. There was a glimmer of her runes, but no clear indication of what she was doing. Suddenly, a shockwave erupted from that direction, and swept across the clearing. The assassin rose his shield, yet it didn't help much- the blast flung him off his feet all the same. Taskmaster quickly recovered and dug his shield into the dirt to stop himself. He stowed his pistol, and not a moment later, the princess herself came charging from the darkness. Despite having hurtled through a tree headfirst, she seemed relatively fine.

As the jotun approached, the aura had an effect on Taskmaster again, though he was able to deflect the initial thrust to the side- sparks flying as metal scraped metal. When he attempted to counter with a strike of the club, Nótt was ready. She reached over to catch the club, and attempted to yank it out of his hand. A quick twist from Taskmaster, and he was able to hold onto his half. The princess tossed the billy club over her shoulder, which flew over the aqueduct and out of the stage. At the same time, she swept the ground with her lance, which cut through the flora like butter, yet did not catch the Taskmaster as he flipped over his opponent. Nótt spotted this maneuver, and, before he touched the ground, jabbed the butt of her polearm square into her foe's chest.

The attack sent Masters flying- to ricochet off a tree before he tumbled to the ground, now in view of the temple again. He got up, and drew something from behind his back with his shield hand. Adrenaline covered up a good share of the hurt, including the soreness of his muscles, which couldn't keep up with the princess for too much longer while she was this fast. He slowly backed away from the rapidly approaching Nótt. This seemed to be misjudgement on the skull-faced killer's part, as he was being backed against the wall. The princess did find this odd, but was too busy pressing her advantage to care.

When she reached him, he was just a couple feet from the wall, and once again approached with a vicious thrust. He twirled to the side and deflected the weapon into the wall. However, for a split-second, Taskmaster's back was turned to her. This was her chance! Nótt prepared to carve her blade across her enemy's back- yet found that she couldn't begin her strike. She glanced at the wall, and found that there was a silvery goop fusing her precious weapon with the stone wall. He had stuck a putty arrow out from behind his shield so that her weapon would strike its head and erupt it!

As he completed his pirouette, Taskmaster connected his billy club with her jaw. Nótt's head snapped back, dizzy. As she reeled, he planted a foot on her thigh, used that foothold to heft himself up, and deliver a brutal Flippy Kick to her chin. This hit finally caused her to release her precious Hrímfaxi and tumble to the ground. The copycat didn't attack her on the ground, but he traded his billy club for his iconic sword as she got to his feet. Now that he had separated the woman from her weapon, her speed was reduced a level, and this became a much more manageable fight. She realized that she would have to get through Masters to reunite with her weapon, and so got into a fistfighting stance. It wasn't as perfect as her stance when armed, but the Taskmaster had seen worse.

She picked up a large chunk of rubble with one hand and hurled it at the assassin to start, and then made a beeline for her lance. Tasky slid beneath the projectile and then lashed out with his sword, only for the nordic warrior to leap over it. While she was midair, the mercenary continued his spin to sweep her legs out from beneath her and allow her to crumble to the ground. This time, he didn't hesitate to attack her on the ground. He thrust his blade down, and it tasted blood. However, Nótt caught his hand before he was able to drive it into an organ. With a yell, she shattered the bones in his hand and then threw him at the wall- which forced him to drop his weapon as well.

She scrambled to her feet, and instead of going to get her weapon, she decided to press her advantage. Nótt lunged at the mercenary, first with an uppercut that Tasky caught with his shield. The force of the blow cracked his targe, and threw his body up against the stone wall behind him to crack that as well. The second blow smashed him in the face, which fractured the skull mask from which his blood flowed. Nótt finished this trifecta with a straight kick, also caught by his shield, but this attack smashed him through the thick stone wall.

She stared at him for a moment, collapsed on the ground and bleeding. Yet no fanfare played, and so the woman decided to get her weapon, as her opponent didn't seem to be conscious. The jotun speedwalked over to her Hrímfaxi and punched through the wall that was stuck to it, though the gunk remained attached. Nótt decided it didn't matter, since it would get the job done. She walked through the hole she had just made, only to be met with a...


A bullet, fired from a barely-standing Taskmaster's pistol, embedded itself in Nótt's shoulder. This infuriated the princess more than anything, and she charged at the man. She started up her Dragon's Fang attack, a grim realization in her opponent's eyes, but then her vision blurred for a moment and she stumbled. A poison had seized her system- one that could kill any human in seconds, but a jotun's constitution was far superior. Nonetheless, Taskmaster took advantage of this wave of this dizziness, dropped his gun, drew a knife, and hurled himself forward. The jotun, of course, lashed out with her lance, but the Taskmaster dropped to his knees and slid beneath the swing. Then he drove his knife into her inner thigh to strike the femoral artery. He pulled the blade out, continuing to slide past her, and sliced the back of her knee, taking out the tendons with it. Then he rolled onto his back, spun to face his foe again, and flung the blade at her back.

Nótt tried to turn around, but upon finding her leg fail her, she struggled to stand, and it was only getting harder as the poison worked throughout her system and blood gushed from her thigh. It only took a moment more for her to collapse. The Taskmaster laid on the floor, only slightly more alive than his opponent as the world faded to white.



The shark had lunged, and there was no turning back. As his teeth dug into the armored body of the dragon, flames rolled down his skin. The hard dentricles provided some protection, but as the heat continued, it permeated and seared. Beam's eyes rolled back in his head as he bit even harder, crushing the armor under the devilish power. He thrashed about; he refused to leave the burning hell without a chunk of the Nightmaren in his jaws.

Ryuji found his footing, and with superior leverage to Kragg, stopped the falling beetle. Skull then took off, speeding across the stage with his foe in his hands. The Earth's Bastion swung his arms to twist out of the blonde's grip, and was successful in doing so. He righted himself in the air, but no sooner than he did, a persona plowed into him full-force, and smacked him in the complete opposite direction. It was a heavy blow, but Kragg was as tough as they come, and maintained his footing as he skid across the metal floor.

The Phantom Thief sought to follow up with an upwards swing of his hammer, yet it was met by the beetle's horn. The attacks stalemated eachother, but Kragg was quick to counter- he swung his horn back upwards to try and catch Ryuji with its sharpened tips. Skull backpedaled out of range in a flash, and then sprinted to the other side of his large foe. He swung his maul in an attempt to crack open the beetle's shell. An attempt that was foiled as the Wallrunner punched the floor to summon a wave of spikes to impale Ryuji on. They connected and threw him backwards, for his sturdiness ensured that they could not pierce too deeply.

Kragg whirled around and leapt at the airborne Ryuji. He hurled a nasty haymaker, which the punk once again tried to block with the staff of the hammer, but the force of the blow knocked him into the ground and dented it. Kragg came down heavily onto the floor, and his stomp summoned another spike beneath Skull, a spike which the punk was able to avoid. Ryuji rolled to his feet, and immediately swung his Mjolnir at his foe. The blow was met by an armored forearm, which left Kragg's left knuckle free to meet with the blonde's face. The solid blow knocked him off his feet once again, and he soared a good distance before he crumpled to the ground. The Wallrunner understood that his foe wasn't about to go down that easily, and immediately moved to follow up. He rolled into his Defense Ball and chased down the Phantom Thief, but before he reached his target, Ryuji grabbed his weapon and scrambled to his feet. He rose with an upwards swing of his hammer and smacked the Earth's Bastion high into the air! Skull's persona responded to his volley, and flew up to the airborne beetle. He raised his cannon hand high before he used it to spike the beetle back into the earth. Kragg cratered the metal floor, though the compact shell seemed fine.

He landed near a large stack of what looked like shipping containers. As the armored rival uncurled, he soon spotted the Phantom Thief charging toward him, weapon primed for clobbering. William cast a Ziodyne down upon Kragg to cover his partner's approach. The beetle was forced to bring up a thick rock wall to absorb the harsh lightning attack. He knew the Phantom Thief was still approaching, so as the electricity stopped, Kragg slammed a fist into the rock wall. The punch shattered it and blasted gravel at Ryuji to interrupt his swing. Then, the Wallrunner lunged at his foe, picked him up by the legs, and flung him into the stack of shipping containers.

The impact shook the stage, and Ryuji found himself in the center of a large dent in the middle of one of the containers. As he fell, Kragg was already running closer to where Skull would land, but the punk was ready, and prepared to counterattack the Earth's Bastion- though his head was throbbing. However, a pillar erupted from beneath Kragg's feet a moment before contact, and carried the beetle closer to Ryuji than he'd expected. The Wallrunner grabbed his foe with one hand and shoved him into the containers again to drag him across the metal as the pillar continued to rise. As the pillar stopped, Kragg jumped, and when he came back down, he smashed Ryuji into the top to shatter the entire top half of the spire! They fell, and Kragg kept up his assault, continuing to punch the blonde's face while he also foiled any attempt at counterattack with Mjolnir due to their close proximity.

The Earth's Bastion had learned over the course of the battle to keep an eye on the ghost, so when he realized that he didn't see it anymore, he paused for a moment to look around. Sure enough, William was on his way to save the day as he rocketed towards Kragg. This attempt was foiled when the beetle swung Skull in front of himself to be a meatshield, which caused the persona to dematerialize and avoid harming his ally. This left just Ryuji and Kragg, and the rock enthusiast summoned another pillar to rapidly meet them. Kragg smashed the punk into the oncoming spire of rock, shattering that too. By the time Kragg had landed- on top of Ryuji- the blonde was battered and bruised. Alive, but unable to continue. The Earth's Bastion stepped off of his foe as fanfare played, and looked at the unconscious Ryuji for a good moment as fanfare played and the victor was declared. Then, he spoke bluntly,

"Good fight."

The beetle scooped up the smaller brawler and slung him over his stony shoulder, before carrying the Phantom Thief into the golden portal that had appeared a few meters away.



The Mud Fish faceplanted against the shield and fell onto his behind. Meanwhile, the ghoul circled around, aiming to attack him from behind! Yet, the smaller creature still managed to dive forward, just out of range of the swing. From there, he moved into a pile of gold. As soon as the Pokémon set foot in the pile, his waddling gait turned into a smooth glide as if he was more accustomed to the unsure footing that the gold provided. From there, he spat a Mud Shot, which would explode into sticky mud that would slow the Gross Ghoul down!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Despite the raging inferno, the shark man endured, biting ever harder on the hard exterior of the dragon. The serpent's armor frayed and bend, starting to reveal the hollowness that lay inside of the dragon. However, this wasn't going to dissuade them from their attack. They would embrace it.

NiGHTS-dragon let out an exhaling hiss, coiling all sorts of ways around Beam before tumbling themselves into the lava pit below. While they had lava immunity, Beam did not. So as the shark warrior began to melt away, the grip loosened before only a set of smoldering teeth were left imbedded into the armor.

Winner: NiGHTS!

Transforming back into their familiar jester form, they took a deep breath noting the big gash in their side that was missing, revealing the hollowness of the nightmaren. Shrugging it off, NiGHTS shook their head.

"Can't help it." They said, before turning around and yelling into the lava. "Good match big guy!"

With that, NiGHTS fluttered to the exit and left with a trail of sparkles as the only evidence they were ever there.


"Monotony? Is that Italian?" Chai scratched his head as he sat down. "Alrighty then, order the same for me, I could eat! Peppermint doesn't get any cause she's not here in person. Riiiiight peppermint?"

Turning to deliver his jab at the cat controller, he realized she was no longer there. Looking left and right, he could confirm he wasn't in the joint. Could she have gone off somewhere on her own? ...Eh, she could take care of herself, she'd never let 808 coke to any harm.

"Meh, she'll turn up."

There it was again, that feeling of three 'turns'. Something rapidly approaching. Dagr's grin grew.
"Three turns, two turns, blah blah blah!" Dagr said, constantly flying around. She let the Dagrknife control the flow, having it pull her too and fro in an unpredictable manner. She knocked away the Devilsknives with her own weapons, Sun-Wing and the Wings of Fast Defense worked to protect Dagr from the Clubdrones and their projectiles.

"You better speed up that process, JJ! I won't let you bring it out!" Dagr called down to the jester. Wing swirled around Dagr and she shot down towards Jevil in a blur. Faster and faster she moved, until the Clubsdrones could no longer track her accurately. She slashed at him with Skinfaxi as she flew past Jevil, ricocheting off the ground and back up towards Jevil. Dagr used her Tempest Step, still moving in a blur and jumping off the columns of the arena. Each time she flew past Jevil, she slashed at the creature with her weapons.

Suddenly, Sun-Wing was on top of Jevil. On one of the passes Dagr had made, Sun-Wing had jumped off the warrior princess. For the first time in the fight, Sun-Wing had left his perch off Dagr's shoulders. The massive eagle screeched angrily, attempting to maul Jevil with armored beak and claws and otherwise obscure the jester's view with its massive wings. While Sun-Wing distracted Jevil, Dagr slashed at Jevil from behind, attempting to slam Jevil to the ground and crush him to smithereens!


Nótt slowly blinked awake. She was back in the lobby. She had lost... Again.

Quickly, Nótt stood up. It was unseeming for a princess to be seen lying unconscious on the ground like a common drunkard. She lost again! How could she lose again, to another human? Another skull-masked human, for that measure. Well, perhaps Dagr had... well, that was yet to be seen. Her match appeared to be still going on. Nótt forced herself to calm down and remove her scowl. It just was not her day today, was it. Nótt sighed. As much as she wanted to rage at the loss, she had to maintain appearance. Graceful, serene, even in defeat. Nótt cleared her throat, and turned her attention back to Taskmaster.

"Well fought, sir Taskmaster." Nótt said to the mercenary. She extended a hand to the man, offering to help him up. "Truely, your strength and skill was incredible. I felt like I was fighting an entire army with all the different styles and weapons you employed."

Nótt gave the assassin a smile.
"Please, allow me to dine with you to celebrate your victory in moving to the next round."

"You picked a bad time to leave your nest, nest!" Jevil cried, grabbing Sun-wing and spinning the gigantic bird around. At the same time, Jevil ceased his summoning to begin pulling Sun-wing with incredible force, and begin "orbiting" around a strange central point. The wind howled violently, as the clouds seemed to be... pulled down?

Two tur-
One t-
Uee Hee Hee!

A gigantic amount of cloud was called down into a massive funnel form, spinning around a central axis. Charged with magical energy and by Jevil's spinning, the wind span faster and faster, soon crashing into the ground and forming... a tornado. "UEE HEE HEE!" Cried the mad jester, watching his final Chaos form.

"NOW DAWNS THE TRUE CHAOS!" Trees were ripped from the ground and tossed into the air, posing a danger to any form of flight- except that which used a Devilsknife. The magic of chaos spread through the land and- despite the insane chaos everywhere- Dagr felt stronger. But Jevil, too, had been enhanced, and wasn't slowing down any time soon...

The air crackles with freedom.

The wings whipped faster and faster. Dagr flew after Jevil, but the jester quickly whipped up an entire tornado. So, this was his big move? Ruins and trees were pulled out of the ground, many of the trees that had already been cut down by Jevil earlier in the match were quick to take to the skys. Dagr dodged around one of the trees in mid-air, hooking it with her Dagrknife and riding on it through the air like a surfboard. In the chaos, Dagr had momentarily lost Jevil. But there he was, rapidly spinning around the center of the vortex.

The Princess caught another tree flying through the air, and launched it towards Jevil. Sun-Wing continued to peck and slash at Jevil, attempting to gouge the jester's eyes! Did he even need eyes to see? The Jotun Eagle didn't care, ripping and tearing with all its might! Dagr jumped off the tree she was surfing on, flying from debris to debris. She slowed herself down, watching as Jevil flew around the center. And when he came back close to her...

Dagr launched herself at Jevil as he whizzed by, matching his speed and slashing at him with her weapons! She attempted to force him into the center of the tornado, fighting hard to crush him!
"Jevil! Take this!" Dagr exclaimed. The crackling of her Dragon Fang began to spread up her ax. Then the energy vanished and appeared on her Dagrknife. Then back on Skinfaxi. Then Dagrknife. One of the weapons would have the Dragon Fang attack, but which one?!
"CHAOS DRAGON FANG!" Dagr exclaimed, swinging both of her weapons at Jevil. But the Dragon Fang attack came from neither one.

The energy of Dragon Fang formed around Sun-Wing's beak, and the Jotun Eagle slashed at Jevil's neck with the power of Dagr's Dragon Fang attack!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Rex Raptor, in all of his self-indulgent wisdom, sought to claim the otherworldly duel disk for himself, darting toward the gardevoir with his grubby hands outstretched. Neph frowned as he grasped onto the duel disk, and started to tug it off - or rather, he tried. The boy yanked with grunts of effort, annoying the gardevoir as she was jolted with each tug, before she pulled her arm away from him. <Idiot boy. It appeared on my arm - I doubt even I can remove it in this realm. Besides, you haven't noticed it, so I'll show you->

The gardevoir held up the disk, showing off the active cards to Rex. One was the Marshtomp, and Rex himself was the second, with only a third empty slot remaining. <How does it feel to be a monster for a duelist, Raptor?>

The third summon was a very clear potential to Nephthys, but she needed to be a lot more careful with this one. Somebody who was intelligent, someone who could get them through this better than Neph herself, let alone Raptor the Boy Wonder (as in "I wonder how he's functioned in society at all").

She glanced to the side, reminded that the gross ghost and Marshtomp were still fighting. Raptor was an annoying distracted. She flicked her wrist, and used a telekinetic pull to try and force the ghost to be yanked to a stop, allowing the mudshot attack to strike dead-center.


Weevil, in all of his self-indulgent superiority, sought to kick a mechanical cat from behind, reeling his foot back before swinging it toward the feline's rump. The cat reacted with a leap and a turning slash, knocking Weevil onto his rear - complete with tears and whimpers. He was clearly unused to punishment. His duel monsters took most of that for him, anyway.

Rex Raptor then collapsed, and the dark elf's eyes narrowed, fully taking in the strange scene. She mostly ignored Weevil's comment, trying to manipulate the Nerevarine to his own ends. He had grown too predictable. Still, he was just a child. She felt a little bad about his little accident, regardless if it was self-inflicted. Irnane was reminded of herself, in some regards. She hadn't always been who she was now, she'd come from a life of thievery and material debauchery. As a small dunmer girl, she'd been very good at sneaking into places, climbing tall walls to open windows, and snatching valuables she could find. She'd run with a gang at first, one that had more or less adopted her and encouraged this lifestyle, but there is no honor among thieves. She was a scapegoat to them in the end, and she'd been on the run into her teen years, working on her own. She herself had become equipped with manipulation. They were certainly an undesirable part of her life.

It wasn't until the Emperor of Tamriel himself visited her, within another of her stays in the cells of the Imperial province, that everything changed for her. The Emperor had told Irnane something that encouraged this change, and when he'd sent her to Vvardenfell with a mission, she had decided to make a change in herself. That's what enabled her to save Morrowind from Dagoth Ur.

Weevil was not ready to hear the words Emperor Uriel Septim VII had told Irnane. Not yet. But the connection between him and her younger self had given her pause enough that her hard eyes softened when she looked at his own tear-filled ones.

Irnane did not have to immediately respond to him, as the mechanical cat spoke up. It was 808, if the dark elf remembered correctly. A voice named Peppermint emitted from it. It belonged to the recently eliminated Chai. She then asked the dunmer for her input. Irnane was silent for a few moments as her dark red eyes moved from Bakura, to Nephthys, to Rex Raptor. The condition was one she'd seen before. They were under psychosis, a dream-like state as their conscious was transported to a separate realm. It was... a fairly common occurrence when dealing with Daedra in her world. This probably wasn't Daedra-induced, and if Irnane had to guess, this was the doing of the dress-wearing woman-like creature. A "gardevoir." It was a psychic being, the only of the three as far as the Nerevarine had witnessed that was capable of doing something like this. Given that Weevil and Irnane had not yet been lulled into unconsciousness like Rex had, Irnane assumed this wasn't proximity-based. Rex had been pulled into the mindscape for a reason.

Finally, her gaze turned toward 808. "They are under psychosis," she explained. "Nephthys is likely the cause. She has pulled their conscious minds into a mindscape, leaving their bodies alone and vulnerable here. If I were to guess, since Rex Raptor only just fell under the spell, that Bakura asked Nephthys to enter his mind. Perhaps to deal with past trauma, unlock ancient memory, or to commune in a most private space. I cannot tell more without further evidence."


With a 'pop,' the Man-Mind returned to the lobby. His arms and legs hung loosely as his doomsday chair hovered in place for a moment, before it turned so that he could get a look at the bracket board. His name had been moved to eliminated.


As his eyes swiveled about, looking about at the other names in the eliminated pool, he recognized Jeice among them.


With the full intent of laughing at the red mutant's face, M.O.D.O.K. began to seek out his prior opponent.


"Alright! What a rush!"

Dart Fled pumped his fist in the air as he stepped through the gateway, appearing back in the lobby. That fight had been a toughie, even for his dragoon form. That was exactly what he'd come to this tournament for, after all. Even still, if people were going to be even tougher following that...!

Maybe they'd added that little shop for good reason. Dart stuck out his tongue as he rummaged through his pocket for a moment, before he pulled out a hefty six tokens. That was gonna get him something worthwhile, no doubt about it!

At a sprint, Dart made his way to the lobby shop, coming to a stop at the window. "Hello? Shopkeeper guy? I've got money and I'm lookin' to spend! Whatcha got?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Psychosis? A dreamscape...?" Peppermint processed, quickly trying to adjust to the non-scientific information. "Wait, hold on. I could believe that if that were just the two of them, but what about the brat? Why would he suddenly go under? I doubt either of those two would want his company."

The fact it was spreading was the worrying part, and they hadn't been in the lobby for long, so for all they knew, there could be even more unconscious people.

Rex Raptor


Looking at what the gardevoir held up...he had a card? Okay no, this was getting WAY too trippy for his taste, and he was talking to a sentient hand just the other day.

"What?? There's just no way!" He exclaimed. "Even if that would be true...there's no way I'd follow what you say!"

glancing over at the marsh creature fighting a familiar duel monster, Rex tilted his head in confusion before flipping back to the psychic pokemon.

"...You don't even know what you are doing, do you?! An absolute rookie!" He spat. "Please tell me you at least know the difference between spell cards and trap cards...?"
Yami Bakura

The Gross Ghost screeched and laughed, attempting to follow after the Marshtomp as it climbed onto one of the treasure piles. But suddenly, it couldn't move! Neph's psychic force restrained it in place, preventing the creature from being able to move. It pulled itself back and forth in midair, its semi-intangibility making it difficult for Neph to keep the ghost fully restrained. Still, it was enough for the Mud Shot attack to hit the ghost straight on. The ghost howled in pain, thrashing back and forth as it was coated in a thick, slowing mud. It almost seemed to improve its appreance, to be honest.

The ghost wriggled out of Neph's grasp and lunged towards Marshtomp again, attempting to slash at the Pokemon once more with its sword!

The pecking of the bird hit Jevil violently- While his eyes were not poked out, they were disfigured and it became a little harder to see. He had been able to see Dagr's tree-surfing, however, and was grinning maniacally. He was sent towards the center of the tornado by Dagr, and when she declared the "Chaos Dragon Fang," his grin stretched from ear to ear.

What happened next was strange. While Dagr and Jevil saw the following events occur in a clear and distinct order, the audience perceived it as near-simultaneous. The events shall be described from the point of view of Dagr, for simplicity and narrative convenience.

Jevil was hit directly in the neck by Sun-wing's beak, his HP dropping to near-0 values in an instant and launching him down into the ground. Afterward, Sun-wing was hit by a stray branch and launched away, although did not take much damage- rather, the gigantic bird was simply sent away. As Sun-wing flew away, Jevil transformed into a Devilsknife, pointed himself at the ground, and launched himself directly into it, moving at incredible speeds. After this, the course of events becomes clear.

Jevil slammed into the ground at incredibly high speeds and with enormous momentum, sending a massive shockwave into the devastated landscape and the air above it. The shock, although chaotic in nature, seemed to transmit a calming message, which slowed the air. The tornado slowly dissipated, the chaotic trees and chaos around Dagr dropping to the ground with a strange sound, like very heavy rain.

The clouds returned to their position above the landscape, before themselves moving away, revealing the sun again. The landscape was devastated and cracked, with debris, trees, and chaos scattered everywhere. In the center, an enormous crater, with a glitter in the middle. Dagr found herself pulled towards it- literally. Not a mental pull, but rather her Dagrsknife moving towards it.

The Dagrsknife, in fact, was always intended to be temporary, and had to return to Jevil regularly to recharge. It attempted to do this, however did not have enough energy and dissipated just before reaching Jevil, with the side effect of bringing Dagr towards the jester. Or, rather, the knife that Jevil had transformed into.

Before she could say anything, Jevil transformed back into himself. He was dissheveled. Unlike the finely groomed chaotic jester he had been at the beginning of the fight, this chaos did not seem intentional. His hair, which had at first been hidden entirely under his hat, was wildly frayed and unintentionally chaotic, as well as being completely matte, rather than shiny. His actual face was not better. His eyes had been almost completely clawed out- but there was no blood. Regardless, scratches covered his face, and it looked as though a tornado has passed over it- which, in fact, it had. His outfit was torn and frayed, yet no skin was revealed somehow- under the outfit, their appeared to be another, identical outfit. His arms, rather than the thin tree branches they had been, were now best comparable to limp noodles- and his legs swayed and bobbed. He did not move at all, yet his legs moved. How this worked is still not understood.

And yet, in spite of everything that had happened, Jevil's scratched and destroyed face bore an enormous grin. "HA HA HA, WHAT FUN!" he cried, somehow able to extort an incredibly cheeriness and loudness from what must have been battered lungs. "You're fast, fast, and clever, clever- but that isn't all." he claimed. "You aren't the same anymore after this- We have built a little freedom inside your head," and he pointed to Dagr's head, "And this shall make all the difference! It will not matter what you face from now- For you are free, free, and can fight any order they try to force upon you!" He cried triumphantly, visibly joyous.

"Now I have lost the numbers game, and must leave, leave. But either way, a mischief-mischief, a chaos-chaos, shall make all the difference!" at this, Jevil transformed back into a Devilsknife, aimed upwards, and flew into the sky while spinning over and over. At the same time, a louder voice seemed to cry,
And Jevil crashed into the sky, unleashing a collumn of light that seared the ground in front of Dagr.

Victory: Dagr!

The Jevilknife crashed into the sky, unleashing a coloumn of light that seared the ground in front of Dagr! The exhausted warrior princess shielded her eyes as the light expanded, enveloping her and everything else in the arena.

Then the light faded, and Dagr was back in the lobby. Her energy was back, and the various wounds she had received from the fight were gone. Just like before, she felt just as good as she did before the match started. Dagr put the point of her battleax against the ground, leaning on it as she looked at her hand. She mulled over what Jevil had said. A little bit of freedom. A little bit of chaos. Jevil had said she had changed. But had she really? She certainly didn't feel any different. She felt like, well, she felt like Dagr. Their fight definitely had left Dagr with a new appreciation for chaos, but Dagr had always had that. She wasn't like her sister, who felt the need to be prim, proper, and orderly.

Sun-Wing landing back on his perch brought Dagr out of her thoughts. She looked up at her companion, petting her eagle.
"Good job, Sun-Wing. That was real brave of you." Dagr said. She rested her ax on her shoulder, and looked around the lobby.

"Hey! Jevil! You still around here?" Dagr called out.
Audrey Redheart
As the Adept said her defeated words, struck down by Audrey's blade, the Hero smirked widely once more.
"You better believe it." Swinging her sword to one side, Audrey sent sand and glass shards caught on the weapon off right as the bright light occured behind her.

Once it ended, Redheart hesitated, as she looked between her exit and Grazie. After a moment of deliberation, she walked over to the fallen Sand Fortress... And looked at her blade.
"You...just had to be a little brat, didn't you." She sneered, raising her blade for a moment, and getting ready to drop it straight into her defeated foe's gut-

But she stopped. Her eyes darted to the unconscious Grazie's body, and Audrey's sword slid down her back, held there for now.
I can't. Not...
Not in front of a crowd!

That was how Audrey chose to use to rationalise her decision. Instead of driving her blade into the unconscious kid like she was maybe-definitely-thinking-of-doing, she instead lifted Grazie's unconscious body, moving some of the sand to make a pillow like shape for Grazie's head, and left her there.
I mean...It'll keep her head up, avoid injuries. Crowd'll like it!
Yep, she was trying to convince herself, alright.

Audrey Redheart returned to the lobby moments later, breathing a sigh of relief as her injuries healed and her tiredness faded. Looking around, she could feel like there a rush of energy in the air, but wasn't entirely sure why. Still, there seemed to be a lot happening all over the place, if she had to guess, as the hero spent the next few moments wandering and listening in. Something about people falling unconsicous was happening, but also it seemed a bunch of other people had just won their matches.

Redheart had no clue how long she had until the next round truly started, but Eya, she needed a rest, and some food. Luckily, her wandering had led her straight to the 'Regular Burger'.
"Stupid name," Audrey muttered under her breath as she opened the doors, making no note of the lack of noise as she made her way other to a booth, taking a menu as she lifted her legs to keep them rested on the table rather than the floor.
"Dumb name, dumb name..."
She appeared to be attempting to decide what to have based on it's name.

A terrible choice really.

Jevil was, in fact, still around here. He was on the floor, as a Devilsknife, which he quickly morphed out of to return to his normal form. He had been completely cleaned and healed- His eyes were not clawed out, his outfit was crisp, and his hair was once again hidden under his hat. In spite of this, he seemed... annoyed?

"Oh come on, come on! I put all that effort for drama, drama, with a lengthy speech, speech, just to reappear!" He declared angrily. "Unacceptable, UNACCEPTABLE! I need to have a word with that giant hand thing- But later." He turned to Dagr. "Well, that was a good fight, fight. You're stronger than I thought!"