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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Azumi put her coat on, grabbed her bag and dressed Nana. "Yes." She said as Nana cuddled in her arms and Azumi opened the door. Joan rushed outside, as if scouting the area. Azumi followed and began walking. The snow was pretty deep so their movement was slow.

Booger scratched his head. "Jodi ain't playing." He threw a soda at Eli. "You guys are a disappointment. Seriously, none of you have figured this out?"
They traveled through the snow towards the location of the enemy base. As they neared the approximate location, Renz called out Piloswine.

“Piloswine, I need you to scout around for an enemy base, Okay?”

As Piloswine disappeared into trees, Renz turned to Azumi.

“If Piloswine is seen, then they will hopefully think he is one of the native Pokémon. And if the entrance to the base is hidden, then hopefully he will be able to sniff it out.”


Piloswine was indeed seen, and the entrance to the base was indeed hidden. A man watched from inside the branches of a large pine tree. He saw plenty of Swinub and Piloswine each day, so his suspicions were not aroused. That is, until it began sniffing at the snow covered entrance to the base. Then it turned around and walked to the base of the tree where he was sitting! The man watched closely as the Piloswine looked up towards him and then shuffled away back the direction it had come from. The man pulled out his walk-in talkie.

“We may have intruders. A Piloswine was just snooping around here, and I think he discovered my hiding spot.”

There was a crackle from the other end of the walk-in talkie. Then someone on the other end ordered,

“Alright, get inside. Ambush anyone entering the base.”



Renz and Azumi walked up just in time to see the man climb diwn from his perch in the tree. Renz darted forward and kicked the man, then as the guard flinched in pain he put a hand over the guard’s mouth and pinned him to the ground.
Azumi followed Renz. She saw him take down the soldier. She could see the soldier struggling to get free. Azumi walked slowly towards them. She kneeled down next to the man. "We can't have you make any noise." She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with her left hand and with her right she punched him swiftly in the face, knocking him out. She stood up and looked around.
Joan looked at her trainer surprised and Nana just giggled.
"So, where is the entrance?" Azumi asked Renz.
Renz turned to Piloswine.

“Where is it, Piloswine?”

The piglike Pokémon waddled over to the smoothed patch of snow on the ground. He pushed aside some of the snow, and uncovered a trapdoor. Renz walked over and tugged on the lid. It was locked with a digital lock.
"Of course it's locked." Azumi said annoyed. "We can't bust it open or we will make too much noise." She looked around. She then starred at the knocked out guard and then back at Renz. "Put his uniform on. Use the walkie talkie to contact indoors and ask for entrance." She stepped back and turned away towards some trees. "Or we can bust it open and see what happens."
“I think that the guard would definitely know the code. I can’t just go in his costume and walkie talkie in that I forgot the code. That would be way too obvious. Do you know anything about evil team’s codes? Or code conventions? I once heard that team rocket used Password with a zero instead an O.”

Renz bent over the lock.

“Or maybe me can shortwire the lock... electricity is neutralized by Ground.”
Azumi looked at Renz. "Doing something like that with no experience can cause a circuit to flaw and therefore a blackout. If you are going to attempt something like that, at least use the uniform and say you rushed to the scene as soon as it happened." She pointed at a tree nearby. "I'll hide the body and myself by those trees."
“And yet another idea. Ceasar could Dig us into the base!”

Azumi could tell that Renz didn’t want to wear that outfit. She could probably also guess that one reason is that he was about a foot taller than the guard, so the guard's clothes would be pretty small on him.

“Unless they have cemented walls, which is more than likely...”
Azumi thought about his idea for a while. "I highly doubt that we can penetrate an underground base." She looked around again, as if the solution was somewhere in the woods. "Well I can't think of anything else and we are wasting precious time." Nana walked up to the door and starred at it. "Do you know the code Nana?" Azumi said sarcastically.
Nana giggled and teleported. Azumi quickly looked around, but she couldn't find her. "Don't tell me she..." She said desperately. She ran to the door and placed her ear against it. She could hear Nana giggling inside, but she sounded far away. "Oh no!" She got up quickly. "Joan quick..." Before she could finish, her Loppuny was in the air already, preparing her high jump kick. She crashed down and smash her foot on the metal door, busting it open. A loud noise echoed through the white forest. Azumi rushed inside and there was Nana, giggling still. They were in a long dark hallway. Azumi looked at Renz, feeling dumb. "So... It's open."
“Whelp. There goes a stealth mission...”
Renz thought to himself. He returned Piloswine and released Krokorok.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Renz jumped down the hole and landed in a passage. There were concrete walls, just like he had thought. The passage went straight forward for a ways before coming to a T. Renz traveled down the passage, and Nana’s giggles echoed through the halls. Just as they were coming to the T, Krokorok leapt forward and punched a guard hidden around the corner, knocking the Pokéball out of his hand. Another guard jumped from the other side of the T as he released a Alolan Marowak. Renz whipped around and punched the guard, knocking him to the ground out of breath, but the Marowak hit him in the gut with a Bone Rush.
Azumi ran and stood in front of Renz. "Joan let's go." She said as Nana teleported next to her with a scared look and Joan stood in front of them, facing the Marowhak. "Ok Joan, I haven't faced a Marowhak like this one. I have no idea on it's typing, try quick attack!"
Joan dashed quickly and tried to hit the enemy, but faded through. The Marowhak hit back, but Joan dodged quickly. "Looks like a ghost type, try showing me a move that's not normal or fighting type." Azumi told her Pokemon.
Joan nodded, she placed her hands together and then fired a water pulse. "Great!" Azumi said excitedly.
Renz was knocked back by the attack, but Krokorok had him covered. While Joan charged up the Water Pulse, Krokorok fired off a Bulldoze right underneath the Marowak, knocking it forward into Joan’s Water Pulse, fainting it. The trainer was unconscious as well, and everything was quiet again. Renz struggled to his feet, he was fine overall, just pretty bruised.

“You good Azumi?”

Then a moment later,

“Which way do we go?”
Azumi him a weird look. "I'm fine, I wasn't even touched. You should worry more about yourself." She pointed down the path to the right. "I will take that one. I will avoid trouble and come running your way if things get complicated." She took a deep breath. "This is going to be complicated." She began walking forward, Joan close by and Nana held to her pants.
"Okay then. Lets go, Krokorok."

Renz took the path indicated by Azumi. There was not much other than locked doors for the first little ways, but then he came to a door that was ajar. He peeked inside and saw a woman standing in front of a mural on the wall which was covered in runes similar to the ones from the books he and Azumi had been studying. There was also an Alakazam standing on guard by the woman's side. The Alakazam looked directly at him, and a moment later the woman looked around as well.

"I know you're there."
Azumi continued to walk down the hall. Joan stopped suddenly. Her ears moved. "What's wrong Joan?" Azumi prepared to battle. "Get ready then."
Joan looked back at Azumi. She signaled for her to be followed. Azumi followed her to a room. They peeked inside and saw two familiar faces. It was Waruigi and Walio. They were sitting at a desk and on that desk were Azumi's pokeballs and pokegear.

Booger laughed. "She is being taken care of don't worry. I did however leave her company, so don't worry." He chuckled. "I can't believe you guys haven't figured out how to get out of here. Have you tried saying please?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli raised an eyebrow "I can't believe you just told me there was a way out, also, if you would really let use out if we just begged, you would not have the men outside you told us about, the ones that would kill us or whatever" He stood up, leaving the drink and doing a few hand motions. Lix got up and left, the room, searching the house
Michael quietly waited, listening to the others talk. He was super mad at everyone: at Maker, since she brought them here; at Azumi and Ray, since they didn't come help; at Eli and Jodi, since they wouldn't take any action; and at Booger, since he was just a douche. As the weird man talked about a way to escape, he quickly got up and shouted "Hey, does the barrier affect the floor, too?" Jodi looked up as she heard Michael's voice, but didn't realize what he wanted.
Booger did a face palm. "Did you just scream out the answer?" He began to laugh. "I was hoping one of you would figure this out and attack or try to escape when I wasn't looking. But, Michael just ruined the whole element surprised."
He walked over to the window and made a signal with his hand. The barrier disappeared. "Well you guys are free to go!" He had an evil smile as he slowly walked back to the wall he was at before and leaned against it. "But I suggest you stick around for round two. Trust me, it gets better." The smile on his face grew wider.
"Yeah, no." Michael responded to Booger's request. He came in through the door and stomped into the house, stopping four feet away from Booger. "Now, if you would stop being so weird and creepy, you should tell us where Maker is. We are not leaving without her." He said with a scowl. "Even though I liked to have some Maker-free time." He thought disappointed. Jodi got next to him, and put her hands on her hips. They stared down the weirdo, waiting for his answer.
Booger wiped a fake tear away. "It's so beautiful." He began to laugh. "Sorry if I creep you out, I've been doing it since I was a kid." He went to the burned couch and from between the ruined cushions, he took out a walkie talky. "Hey our codename is Boogers. Say Booger two, how's our guest?" He spoke into the small item.
After a few seconds static was heard and another voice answered. "She won't shut up! She keeps kicking the walls and talking about how she is going to beat me up and that her friends are all super trainers with monstrous Pokemon."
Booger chuckled. "Y'all heard that? She is fine. Let's keep up the game!" He took out a folded piece of paper and unfolded it. He gave it to Jodi. The paper said:
Round 2
Scavenger hunt.
Green is where it can be seen.
Blue is where there are plenty of clues.
Red is where everyone goes to bed.
"Those are your clues! You must leave your pokegears here though, we don't want you cheating." He pointed at a small cabinet. "But we need you to communicate! There's walk talkies in there, leave your pokegear and take one." He took out another piece of gum. "You all must find the three locations. There's a button to press and you all must press it at the same time or it won't work." He began to chew his piece of gum. "Also, every ten minutes equals one of Maker's fingers being broker." He burst into a high pitched laughter. "Boy I love my job".
The Alakazam fired off a pulse of Psychic energy towards Renz, but Krokorok jumped in front and neutralized the damage.

“Dark types...”

The woman muttered. She turned towards Alakazam, and without saying anything it focused energy in its palm, and then fired the Focus Blast towards Krokorok. The Desert Croc threw up a Stone Edge, which absorbed some of the damage, but he still took quite a bit of damage. While their opponents were distracted, the woman joined hands with Alakazam as they began to Teleport.

“Krokorok, Pursuit!”

Renz shouted as Krokorok leapt forward and slammed into the energy warp of the disappearing Alakazam. The Alakazam fainted mid-teleport, and the lady disappeared. However, two of her fingers were left lying on the floor.
Michael growled as Booger gave them some instructions on a scavenger hunt. "Oh please, do you actually think we'll give in and follow your stupid little games!" He shouted at the man. "You're a freak! If we give you our PokéGear, who knows what you'll do!" He shook his wrists, and out of his red bracelets came spikes. "If you don't want a spike in your eye, you'll give us Maker!" He pointed at the man's chest with a death glare.
"That might be too over the top..." Jodi protested, but Michael gaze didn't leave Booger.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli released his other two pokemon and glared at the man, motioning Razor in front of him. he snatched two walkie talkies and set one next to Razor "If i find out hurt makers hurt, I swear I'll giver Razor here the command for something really harmful, to you, or if you let out a pokemon" he held the other walkie tight "If you want to tell us where she is, that can be avoided all together" he glared at him with the glare of death
Azumi rushed into the room. She placed a chokehold on Waruigi while Joan used high jump kick to knock out Walio before he could react. Waruigi struggled, trying to reach for his pokeball, but Azumi slammed his head against the wall and knocked him out. She walked over to the desk they had been sitting at. There she saw her pokeball and pokegear. "I missed you all so much." She said as she placed them in her bag. She noticed unread messages on her pokegear. She opened them and read. She replied quickly:
Michael I am sorry I just got your messages. I will head there asap.
She ran out of the room and towards the direction Renz was at.

Booger laughed again as he saw how he was threatened. "Really? Go on. Do your worst. I want to see what you 'heroes' are capable of." He smiled devilishly. "By the way the time is running. I'm sure Maker doesn't need her fingers, does she?" He looked over at Eli. "I don't need to take out any Pokemon. All you have to do is play the game."
Just then the walk talky began to produce a voice. "Yellow is in. I repeat yellow is in. Snow point confirmed."
Booger snickered. "And now we have Azumi! We knew she would go after you all and her Pokemon. It was just a matter of time before she walked into our claws." He looked at the trainers before him. "Well... What will it be? Play the safe way or risk the life of the Towers sisters?"
Renz whipped around as he heard footsteps running down the passage, but it was just Azumi.

“Azumi, look in here. Runes!”

Renz pulled out his Pokédex and snapped pictures of the runes. Then he made a quick search around the room, then returned to Azumi.

“Nothing. Not even a translator of some kind.”

At the word ‘translator’ a hologram appeared from the floor, showing a translation of each rune into its corresponding word. A voice said from behind them,

“Put your hands in the air. And turn around slowly.”
Michael growled with fury at Booger's response. "OH YEAH? HOW ABOUT I SHOW YOU WHAT 'HEREOS' WE ARE!" He rushed towards the man, ready to hit him, when Jodi caught his arm.
"No! It's too risky!" She scolded him. "Plus, there are hundreds of them! Going after one rookie won't solve anything." Michael met her gaze and quickly looked at the man, escaping Jodi's grasp.
"...Fine. But I'm keeping my PokéGear! Excuse me for a second." He quickly walked outside and knelt beside his Vaporeon. "Vapo, I want you to stay here. You need to get ready to kick some butt if something happens." He kissed her forehead and got up. He was about to go back inside when he got Azumi's message. He quickly sent back:
No! It's a trap! These guys are crazy and we would need some help, but I can't risk you! Please stay there...
He closed his PokéGear and entered the house with a scowl. He looked at the man and said "You. Are. A. Douchebag." As Eli got the paper from Jodi, she and Michael quickly read over his shoulder. "...Is this some kind of joke?" Michael complained.
"No time to waste, let's go!" She got Michael by the wrist and followed Eli.
Azumi heard the voice behind her. She learned about this situation since the first month of the academy. With a quick movement she turned around and fired her taser at the grunt. The grunt shook violently as the electricity ran through his body and then fell off unconscious to the floor. Azumi checked him for anything useful, but there was nothing. She turned to Renz. "There might be more coming."
She kneeled down to Nana. "It's dangerous. In your pokeball now young lady."
Nana nodded and went into her pokeball, Joan just looked at her trainer. "I still need you Joan." Azumi said. She received Michael's message and replied:
A trap? What did they do? I'm by Snow point, I will make my way over there soon.

Booger called out to Michael. "You can't take your pokegear you cheater! That's going to take 5 minutes away!" He grabbed the walkie talky and spoke into it. "One rule has been broken, get the redhead ready. Make sure they can hear her scream."
"Wait no, wait no!" Michael said as he rushed back. "Jeez, you're such a douchebag." He got his PokéGear and threw it at his Vaporeon, who caught it. "Please die a horrible, horrible death." He said with a glare as he took two walkie talkies. He rushed back to the others with a big scowl. "I seriously hate that guy. So Eli, what do we do? I'm asking you since you have the paper."
"Nice work, Azumi. Let's keep going"

Renz waked towards the door after taking a picture of the hologram. He checked around the corner, but no-one was there. Meanwhile, Krokorok flexed and began to glow. The brilliant blue light filled the room and caught Renz's attention just in time to see his new Krookodile.

"Yes! You evolved!"
"Hm... I think the red thingy is a Pokémon Center. Wait, does it have to be outside the creepy house or inside the creepy house?" Michael asked confused. Jodi looked at the paper one more time before answering "Yes, I think it's outside, since the green part might be Route 210, but I'm not quite sure... Anyway, we should check those spots out!" They waved to each other and parted ways, each heading for their destination.
"Okay........ what? I thought there was more of the base to explore?"

He said as he followed Azumi. Krookodile followed behind, feeling slightly tired but super pumped. Renz decided to leave Krookodile out for a moment more, just in case. As Renz and Azumi neared the exit hatch, two cloaked figures jumped down from the exit and threw out a Vespiquen and a Throh. One of the cloaked figures pointed at Azumi, saying,

"You want to get to your friends? I'm sorry, they'll have to do without you. A spot of Bother it might be for them, too... Throh, Focus Punch!"

"Vespiquen, cover it with Gust! Keep them back!"

The Throh began charging up its punch, while Vespiquen blew a wind down the tunnel to prevent any attacks from Azumi or Renz.
Azumi covered her face as the gust pushed her back. "Joan, cosmic power!"
Joan began concentrating to improve her defenses.
"Brace yourself!" Azumi called out.
Joan prepared to face the focus punch.
Krookodile threw up a Stone Edge just in time to prevent some of the damage to Joan, and also did a bit of damage to the Throh. Renz leapt out as the Throh finished its punch and punched it, surprising it enough that it flinched. Vespiquen used Fell Stinger on Krookodile, dealing enough damage that he was barely standing.

"Krookodile, Return. Go Ty!"

Renz threw out Typhlosion, who used the momentum of his appearance to spin into a Flame wheel, directly impacting the Vespiquen.
Joan was pushed back, but she remained standing. "This our chance Joan! High jump kick!" Azumi yelled out. Joan rushed at the Throh. Halfway she jumped and smashed a powerful kick to her opponent's chest. The Throh fell backwards, but managed to get back up. Joan's breathing grew heavier as she awaited her opponent's next move.