They traveled through the snow towards the location of the enemy base. As they neared the approximate location, Renz called out Piloswine.
“Piloswine, I need you to scout around for an enemy base, Okay?”
As Piloswine disappeared into trees, Renz turned to Azumi.
“If Piloswine is seen, then they will hopefully think he is one of the native Pokémon. And if the entrance to the base is hidden, then hopefully he will be able to sniff it out.”
Piloswine was indeed seen, and the entrance to the base was indeed hidden. A man watched from inside the branches of a large pine tree. He saw plenty of Swinub and Piloswine each day, so his suspicions were not aroused. That is, until it began sniffing at the snow covered entrance to the base. Then it turned around and walked to the base of the tree where he was sitting! The man watched closely as the Piloswine looked up towards him and then shuffled away back the direction it had come from. The man pulled out his walk-in talkie.
“We may have intruders. A Piloswine was just snooping around here, and I think he discovered my hiding spot.”
There was a crackle from the other end of the walk-in talkie. Then someone on the other end ordered,
“Alright, get inside. Ambush anyone entering the base.”
Renz and Azumi walked up just in time to see the man climb diwn from his perch in the tree. Renz darted forward and kicked the man, then as the guard flinched in pain he put a hand over the guard’s mouth and pinned him to the ground.