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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

As the Vespiquen fell to the Flame Wheel, the trainer returned it and called out a Golduck. Renz watched as the Throh was knocked back past him then tensed himself in case it attacked him. Throh's trainer recalled it and sent out a Golem.

"Golem, Stone Edge!"

"Golduck, Surf!"

The Golem sent a spear of stone into Ty as he continued to spin, and then the wave of water washed through the passage and knocked Renz off his feet. Ty was really hurting, so Renz quickly recalled him and sent out Piloswine.

"Piloswine, use Ice Beam and freeze them!"
Joan was washed away by the attack. She stood up again, growling. "Joan! That's enough, come back!" Azumi returned her pokemon. She reached for another pokeball and let out her Stoutland. "Let's go Pops!" She said as the dog Pokemon let out an intimidating bark. "Be prepared to backup Piloswine!"
The Ice Beam immediately fainted the Golem, while the Golduck was frozen solid. The Golem was returned to its pokeball and replaced with a Gurdurr.

"Piloswine, Come back for now. Ceasar, Megahorn!"

The shiny Nidoking rushed forward and cracked the Ice with his horn, then the tip Exploded and Golduck was fainted. Its trainer growled and sent out a Torkoal. The Gurdurr rushed towards the Stoutland and attacked with a Mach Punch.
The Torkoal spewed out smoke from his back as the cloaked figures fled the tunnel and climbed up the ladder. They had know it was time to flee, so they had sent out Torkoal for the Smokescreen. Renz returned Ceasar and turned to Azumi, or where he though Azumi was.

"Looks like they had to go first."
As the cloaked figures rushed towards town they radioed in on their walkie talkies that the Snowpoint base was taken. They had recalled their pokemon just before they were hit by the Rock Slide, and were out of breath as they entered town. They jumped into a truck parked outside of the pokemart and drove off.

Renz called to Azumi,

"Do you have any way to clear the smoke? I can't see a thing!"
Azumi reached the top when she heard Renz. "It's a hallway! Just follow my voice." She yelled back. She reached the top, but didn't see any enemies nearby. "That's it? That was somehow disappointing." She told herself. She sent out her shiny Golurk. The giant statue kneeled before his trainer. "I'm happy to see you also. I need a ride my dear Henry." Azumi said. The Golurk nodded and they waited for Renz.
After a moment of heading the opposite direction from the ladder, Renz clambered up to the top. Aaaaaand there was a Golurk standing there. Renz was preparing to attack when he realized that Azumi was perched on it.

"Awesome, a Golurk! Hey Azumi, I'll spin by the cabin and get our stuff. Met you at the PokeCenter."
"No." Azumi said seriously. She climbed on her Golurk's shoulder. The giant statue grabbed Renz by the torso and took off. It's rocket like flying technique allowed it to flying quickly over the region. At first the cold air was tough on the trainers, but once they got closer to the South, the sun began to feel warm. After 30 minutes of flying, they made it to Celestial town.
The Golurk gently placed Renz down and allowed Azumi to get off. "Thank you." Azumi said as she bowed and Golurk responded with kneeling before her. Azumi returned her Pokemon. She looked around and sent a message to Michael.
I'm in Celestial Town. Where are you?
"Michael told they are here and that they are in trouble." Azumi said as she speed walked down the street, looking around suspiciously at everything. She was cut off by a man with black, dark sunglasses and a school uniform.
"Hello Azumi Towers!" The man said. "I am here to..." He was interrupted as Azumi punched him in the nose. "What the hell?! You just punch random..." He was interrupted by another punch from Azumi. "Stop it!" He yelled out as he took a step back to get distance between them.
"Where is my sister and my friends?" Azumi said while glaring at the man.
The man rubbed his nose and began to laugh. "Oh they are playing a game you see..." Azumi punched him again. "Dammit! Again in the nose?! Would you let me explain!"
Azumi took a deep breath. "Fine. Hurry."
"Thank you!" The man said as he cleaned the blood from his nose. "We have your sister. Your friends are in the middle of a game and for every ten minutes they don't solve the puzzle, we break one of Maker's fingers." He began to laugh but Azumi punched him again. "Gargh! Stupid blonde son of a..." Again Azumi punched him.
"Call it off now." She said with a mean look.
The man rubbed his nose, his eyes getting watery. "I can't. You either win the game or suffer the consequences."
Azumi approached the man, who covered his face, but Azumi kneed him in the stomach and punched him when he bent over. He fell unconscious to the floor. "Then you are useless to me." She said as she took the walkie talky from his belt. "Whoever is on the other side answer now." Azumi said to the walkie talky. Her voice could be heard through all the other ones. "This is Booger five. I see you took out Booger 4. Pity." A voice answered back.
"Booger?" Azumi asked through the small device.
"Yes. Michael gave us that name, there's five of us. Three are playing with your friends and I'm in charge of your sister. By the way time is up. It's been ten minutes." Booger five responded.
"Don't you dare touch my sister." Azumi replied with an angry tone.
There was only static playing from the other side. Suddenly Maker's voice could be heard. "Hey! What are you doing! Let go of my hand!" There was silence once again. Then a cry if pain was heard. Booger five spoke again. "Y'all better hurry. Booger five, out."
Azumi just stood there quietly as she heard the whole thing. She turned to Renz, holding her tears back. "Look for the others, quickly." She took out her Stoutland, got on and rode away as fast as possible.
Renz watched as Azumi began pummeling Booger. When Azumi told him to look for the others, he called out Garchomp.

“I need you to find Michael, Jodi, and Eli. Or Maker.”

The desert shark leapt forward on the scent and quickly found Michael’s trail. He tracked it to an old house. There he picked up the tracks of all three other trainers. Renz walked inside, on his guard.
Michael eventually reached the Pokémon Center when he heard something from the other end. He covered his mouth as he heard Maker's cry. His eyes became watery and dashed into the building. He began looking around frantically, trying not to be too suspicious. "Oh gosh, I can't be playing this game! Maker needs help!" He thought in distress. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he ran out the door in the direction of the house. "Screw Booger's games, I won't be calm anymore!"

Jodi speed walked over to Route 210, trying to hurry. She found herself in a grassy area and thought that things were looking good, until she heard the ruckus coming from her walkie talkie. "Oh no... I need to head back NOW!!!" She whispered as she turned around and ram back to the house.
In about three minutes she found herself with Michael, and sighed happy. "Good, we're back together." She said relieved. Michael got his PokéGear from Vaporeon, scratched her behind her gills and went for the door.
"Shall we go inside?" He asked politely. Jodi nodded, and the three of them went inside. Jodi rushed to pet her Shiftry, who was simply meditating. They turned around and saw that Renz and his Garchomp were also there. "Great, you're also here... " Michael sighed disappointed and waited for Azumi and Eli to come back.
“Hey, don’t look so disappointed. Azumi is somewhere around here. So what is the situation? Any idea where they’re holding Maker?”

Renz called out Piloswine and had it use Odor Sleuth. The shaggy pig Pokémon could tell that there was someone upstairs, and did his best to communicate this to the others.
Booger watched as Renz walked in. "Sorry, occupied! Keep moving!" He snickered. Just then Michael and Jodi burst in. "Oh did you finally figure out the first one? It's about time! I can't believe we fooled you so easily."
His radio cracked and Booger five was heard. "Booger five to Booger one. The kid with the Garchomp arrived with Yellow. His name is Renz, ground type trainer. Code name: Brown. Also, blue and pink should be with you."
Booger replied. "Yes. I see them." He burst into laughter when he saw Piloswine. "She ain't here brother. We ain't stupid."
“Stupid? Brown? You should learn to respect your betters.”

He leapt forward and punched Booger, flinching him, and then stepped back in time for Piloswine to freeze him with Ice Beam.

Once Booger was dispatched, he had Garchomp sniff and find Maker’s scent as well. He sent Garchomp and Piloswine off with instructions to locate the building where Maker was, and then fire an attack into the air to give the location.
The voice of Booger five was heard through the walkie talky. "Oh and someone just broke the rules! Guess what that means guys?" He laughed. "We break her! Now, taking out Booger, 1 finger, not following the game rules, two fingers, and sending Pokemon to look for her... How many? Two Pokemon? Two fingers? That equals... 4!"
The sounds of Maker's voice were heard. "You again?! Let me go and take me on fair and square you coward! Ah my hand! Stop it! Not again!" Her scream was heard. "Stop it! I'm going to..." There was silence and then she screamed again. "Ok I'm be quiet just please stop!" She screamed again. Maker could be heard sobbing. "No more. No more no more." Silence. The sound of a door being closed was heard.
"There we have it folks. She passed out." Booger laughed. "We are watching you."
Renz was horrified by the sounds coming from the other end of the walkie talkies. He wished he knew more about technology so he could trace them by the radio signals of the walkie talkie.

Garchomp was far enough away from the old house that he didn’t hear the screams coming from there, but he did hear screams coming from another direction. He traveled in that direction for a way before the screaming stopped. A few townspeople were startled by the screams, and several muttered as Garchomp passed by.

Piloswine has traveled in the opposite direction and was happily munching on some leftover food he had found.

Renz quickly applied some potions to his injured Pokémon and rushed out of the door. Then he had a sudden thought. He wheeled around and ran back in.

“Jodi, does your Shiftry know Extrasensory? If so we can use that to find where they are hiding!”
Azumi clenched the walkie talky in her hand as she heard what had been done to her sister. She used it to communicate to the others. "Renz. Did you just cause my sister's fingers to be broken? Are you not aware of the situation? There is a hostage and you are tempting the kidnapper? Recall your Pokemon now, or I will do it for you." She took a deep breath and spoke again. "The rest of you, what are the clues that were given to you? The faster we solve this, the better."

Booger laughed through the device. "Finally someone with common sense! I spy with my many eyes, a Garchomp and Piloswine doing what they shouldn't! I want to see them back with their trainer, I want Booger unfrozen and you playing the game! Asap!"
Renz felt terrible. It seemed like whenever he followed his gut, things went wrong. He walked out of the building and began looking for his Pokémon. He found them as quickly as possible and then headed back to the Pokécenter. He healed his Pokémon just in case, and then released Garchomp again.
Booger five spoke through the walkie talkies. "I still see a frozen booger! The clock is ticking! I wonder if the feeling of another broken finger will wake her up?" He laughed for a long moment. "Not so tough now huh? I wonder why tempest wasn't able to stop you. This has been so easy."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli growled into the walkie "Leave her alone you sick, twisted, excuse for a human being" he walked into the nearby hotel because it was 'the place with beds' and looked around, he was about to walk out when he spotted something, a guy with red hair, sitting on a chair near the hallways to the rooms
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As Maker's scream rang out through the walkie talkies, Michael and Jodi trembled. They looked at each other, both of their eyes starting to fill up with tears. "Ugh, what is wrong with you guys?!" Michael roared at the walkie talkie, his voice trembling. As he took in a deep breath, Jodi suddenly covered his mouth.
"This isn't the time!" She scolded him. He quickly looked the other way and yelled "Vaporeon! You need to use Iron Tail, please!" Michael's Vaporeon quickly ran into the building, hitting the ice with her hard tail, freeing Booger. Then, she looked at her Shiftry and motined for him to follow her. The two people and their Pokémon rushed outside, seeing Eli enter in a hotel. They rushed in after him. "Eli, did you find something?"
Booger two watched as Michael and Jodi walked in. "Oh what's this? I didn't expect you two here. You know there's still two more to find right? I would hurry if I were you."

Azumi spoke to everyone through the walkie talky. "Would somebody please tell me what the clues are?! We are wasting time here! What are you all doing?!"

Booger got up, shivering. "Oh that's cold. Wait... Did they leave?" He looked around. "What a bunch of morons!" He took out a button from his back pocket. "Green that can be seen." He smiled.
Michael jumped as Azumi's voice ranged through the walkie talkies, clearly startled. He got his and quickly spoke into it "Sorry Azumi! Eli found where one remote was! The remaining hints are... 'Green is where it can be seen' and 'Blue is where there are a lot of clues' or something like that! Over." He put the walkie talkie back and looked at Eli "Well?"
Azumi thought about the clues she had just been informed of. She had to find something blue in a place where there were a lot of clues. Her mind wondered for a few minutes. She decided to go through public and government buildings first. She ran a lost of them in her head until one matched the description. Police station. The only place were one would gather clues. She rushed to it.
Upon arrival, she saw a man in the parking lot, he had blue hair, black sunglasses and a blue school uniform. "He looks just like the other one named Booger four." Azumi spoke to herself. Azumi spoke through the walkie talky. "Everyone. They look the same, different hair color. That means the other two must have green and red hair."
When the message went through, the man in blue hair looked up and waved at Azumi. "Booger three here!" He yelled.
Azumi approached him quickly, but with an angry look on her face. The man handed the small remote with the button. "Take it. I don't want to get punched." He burst into laughter.
Azumi sighed, annoyed, and spoke to the others again. "I have a button, what now?"
Booger five responded. "Oh my you guys are close! 2 minuted left! I better wake her up." A sound of running water was heard. Then a door opened. A sound of what seemed to be water splashing and then Maker gasping for air. "I'm going to kill you!" Maker could be heard.
Booger five laughed. "She is ready for the show!"
Michael and Jodi nodded to Azumi's words, thoughtful expressions on each of their faces. "So, the green one is left, huh?" Michael said determined.
"By what Azumi said, he has green hair." Jodi added, self-assured. They both looked at each other, realizing just now. "BOOGER ONE!!" They yelled together. They got out of the hotel and ran back to the house.
"You have the last remote!" Michael accused Booger.
"You can laugh all you want, and even say 'It took you a LOOOONG time to realize that! I wonder why Tempest wasn't able to defeat you!!' but now you have to give it to us." Jodi said with a sad sigh.
Azumi stopped and spoke into the walkie talky. "Press them now!" She said. "At the count of 3. We all press the buttons!" She prepared hers. "Everyone get ready." She took a deep breath. "One, two, three!" She pressed her remote and stood quietly, to see if anything happened.
Michael and Jodi held their breaths as Azumi began counting. When they heard the word 'three', they both pushed the button at the same time. "Please work! If the Ice Beam destroyed it, I will never forgive Renz!" Jodi thoughts rang through her head.
"Come on, come on! You have got to work! If Maker comes back with all of her fingers broken, I will never forgive myself!" Michael thought with a worried look.
A crackle was heard through the walkie talkies. "Good job everyone! It only took 5 fingers!" Booger five burst into laughter. All of a sudden all the boogers disappeared with a pink flash. "Thank you for playing! Let this be a lesson..." Booger five spoke in a dark serious tone. "Get out of our way."
A big purple cloud of smoke emerged from a warehouse, far off on the north side of the town. Azumi saw it, got on her Stoutland and rushed over there. She didn't care about anything else at the moment. It didn't matter if the boogers got away or if her friends were behind her. She was just focused on the possible location of her sister.
Eve barked when Booger one disappeared. She then began sniffing the area where he had been, as if trying to find him. She was unaware of the situation and was hoping to see her trainer return.
Azumi reached a warehouse that was in really good shape, but didn't seem to be in use. She opened the big doors to go in it and in the middle of the big building, was a small 4x4 room. It had a door and a big window that allowed you to see inside. Azumi rushed to it. She reached for the door knob, but a blue energy appeared and shocked her. She quickly removed her hand. "What on Earth is this?!" She said with a tone frustration. She tried again and the blue energy shocked her back. She looked through the window. There was a desk with a walkie talky and an empty bag of cookies. There was also a small storage room inside and Azumi could make out Maker's body inside. "Maker!" She yelled. But there was no reaction. "Pops, open this door!"
The Stoutland rushed at the door, but the energy activated and sent him flying across the warehouse. "Pops!" Azumi called out. She looked around, trying to find a way in.
Renz had been wracking his brain for ways he could help, but nothing had come to him. However, when he saw the smoke billowing he began to move in that direction. Based on the coloration of the smoke, he thought it was probably from a Dragon attack. It was about the color of the Dragon Rage attack which had been Garchomp's specialty when he was a Gible.

"Garchomp, lets go."
As soon as they heard the words 'Thank you for playing!', they sighed with relief. "We have to get to Maker!" Jodi said, pulling Michael out of the house. "See that smoke? She has to be there!" Michael slowly nodded, before running towards the warehouse. "Hey, wait for us!" Jodi called after him as she, Shiftry and Glaceon dashed after him. In a matter of three minutes, they found Azumi and her Stoutland trying to get their way through the barrier.
"Azumi, no. You'll just make Pops get injured." Michael said with a serious tone. "You might be able to get in from below, without anyone getting hurt."
Azumi looked at Michael. "From below? I don't have a Pokemon with dig, plus there's concrete. We need serious power to..." She stopped when an idea came to her mind. "Where's Renz? His Garchomp should be strong enough."

Eve followed Michael and Jodi. She walked into the warehouse with a confused look as she saw the trainers talking amongst themselves.