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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Michael's mouth opened in shock as Azumi and Maker yelled at each other. He thought about interfering, but this seemed more like a family problem. As the argument finally ended, Jodi sighed with relief. She was about to follow the rest, when Michael got a hold of her arm. "Jodi, we are going home." She tried to protest, but Michael held up his hand to stop her. "It is clear that this 'mission' was a mistake, and that Azumi can handle this without us. Home. Now." Jodi tried to protest once again, but Michael dragged her outside, so she just sighed disappointed. They called back Vaporeon and Shiftry, and then sent out Blaziken and Charizard. Michael climbed on Blaziken's shoulders, Jodi on Charizard's back, and left the scene without looking back.
Azumi looked over at Renz with a serious. "I understand, you're not the only one to act that way." She though about Ray for a moment. "But, next time you put my sister in danger like that, or anyone, I'm not going to doubt in taking you out." She noticed Eli in the center. "Eli. Do you plan on remaining here or do you want a hotel room?" She turned her attention back to Renz. "I do appreciate you trying to help though. I'm sure you're intentions were as pure as the rest of us." She smiled for bit and then looked around. "I guess that Michael and Jodi did go home. I will have to apologise for being so rude to them later."
Maker moved around and giggled as she slept. Nana now just starred at the Garchomp.
"Well, we should get going." Azumi said.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at Azumi for a second before standing up "I'm sticking with this to the end, I'm going wherever this group is going" he looked at her with a very determined glare "Even if you try to stop me, I'm not abandoning my friends" he walked over to maker and looked at her in her sleep silently, before looking back at Azumi

Renz felt slightly better now. He quickly pulled out his Pokédex and shot a text to Jodi.

Hey, I was just talking to Azumi and she apologized for being rude. Maker is okay, just been a bit delirious, she is sleeping now. Apparently we’re doing Pizza Tacos for dinner, so if you guys wanna join us? Oh, and Maker has a craving for chocolate cake, and I have been told Michael is good at baking. Hope to see you soon.

“I hope you mean get going to find food, because it’s not only Maker who is hungry.”

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shook his head "I may not know what team galactic or whatever brand they chose to use, is doing, but if we leave them, or fail, we all get hurt" he looked her in the eye "I'm not leaving, I will be by your side, I'll see this to its end" he looked to the side and whispered "Besides, its not I have something better to do"
Jodi was watching the TV in the living room, while Michael and the rest of his family went up to their rooms. She eventually got a message, which made her a little bit suspicious. She closed the TV and looked at it once more. "How did Renz get my number...? When did I give it to him?" She thought, analyzing his message. She quickly ran to Michael's room and entered. She found him laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a frown, but she didn't pay much attention to that. "Michael, hear what Renz sent me:" She began reading his message out loud, and then looked back at Michael. He thought for a long second, and then said:
"So why did you tell me this?"
"Do you want to go?"
"...No. They can have their pizza tacos, and they can buy chocolate cake. I am not going."
"What? Why not? Since when do you turn down free food?"
"Since now. You can go if you want, but I am staying here." Jodi tried to protest, but Michael held up his hand. "No. I am clearly just an inconvenience."
"But Azumi apologized! Doesn't that mean something to you."
"She can give all the apologies in the world, and it still wouldn't be fine. I. Am. Done."
"Wow, I didn't take you for a quitter..." Jodi said with a disappointed look.
"I'm sorry, you can still go meet with them. Just without me."
"Fine, but I'll hope you reconsider. Good night." She swiftly waved, closed the door and went to her room.
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Azumi looked at Eli, she figured he was going to stick to them no matter what she said. "Fine. Just don't do anything reckless." She turned to Renz. "It's ok, I got one of my sister's Pokemon, it's faster transportation. You and Eli go look for a place to eat." She walked outside and let out Charo, Maker's Charizard. The oversized Charizard roared and flapped it's wings, causing a gust. He looked down at Azumi. "Hi, it's been a while. Can you help me carry Maker?"
The giant winged lizard took his trainer from Hardhat's back. "Thank you." Azumi said as she got on his back. "Let me know where to meet, I will drop off Maker and catch up."
Renz nodded and returned Hardhat as Azumi rode off with Maker. He turned to Eli.

"Got any ideas? We are looking for Tacos and Pizza."

He pulled out Piloswine and asked,

"How about you? Can you lead us to a Restaurant?"

The shaggy pig nodded and walked to the South of town, and led them to a buffet that had all kinds of foods, Tacos, Pizza, Noodle dishes, Berry soufflé, you name it. Renz pulled out his pokedex and texted the members of the group with the location.
Azumi and Maker arrived at the hotel. An employee walked up to them. "You must be Ms. Towers. We are ready for you."
"Yes, thank you. I need help taking my sister to the room. She is on medication." Azumi got off Charo's back and took out a credit card. "Whatever she needs, charge it from here."
The employee took the card. "Of course." A Slaking walked up to them. "He will take her to your room." The employer said. Charo handed Maker over. Azumi returned him to his pokeball and placed it in Maker's bag.
"Anything else?" The employer asked.
"No, I will call if needed." She said as she took her Stoutland out. She read the message Renz had left. "Let's go Pops." She petted her Pokemon as Nana teleported to her arms and they rode away.

Once she arrived at the restaurant, she looked around for Eli and Renz.
“I don’t have any plans just now, other than finishing this potato and then quickly flying back to Snowpoint to get the stuff we left at the cabin.”

Renz had amassed a variety of foods and was eating to his heart’s content. Garchomp was eating some steak, and Renz had also gotten some food for the others to eat later.
"Ok. I see." She looked over at Eli. "What about you?"
Just then a message arrived to everyone. It read the following:

You should all stick together. The next game is almost prepared.

Azumi looked around. "I have to get back to Maker. You two should come with me and..." She remembered that Michael and Jodi had left. "Oh no, Michael and Jodi." She sent a message to Michael.

Michael, keep Jodi close to you and stay near family or friends at all times. Please keep me informed.

She looked up at Renz and Eli. "We need to get moving."
Michael looked up at the ceiling, his eyes slowly closing. Right before they were completely shut, he got a message. He groaned and looked at his PokéGear. His eyes went as his eyes touched the last sentence. He quickly got up and dashed to the hall. "EVERYBODY WAKE UP!!!!!!" He yelled desperate. His family and Jodi slowly made their way to the hall, with rings under their eyes.
"What is it, Michael? Why did you have to scream?" His brother asked with a frown. He quickly held up his PokéGear to their tired faces. "Does this have have something to do with your friends? And why are you involving us in your missions?"
"Alejandro! I'm scared! Please, stay with me downstairs!" Michael pleaded to them. They all hanged their heads and followed him to the living room. He ushered all of the Pokémon that remained outside inside and sat on the couch.
"Are you okay, Michael?" His mom asked him with a sympathetic voice.
"We're going to be okay. If you want, I'll help you fight one of those people." His dad said with a small smile, as his wife gently elbowed him with a chuckle.
"T-Thanks, guys. We'll be fine.... I hope." Michael thanked them with a somewhat worried look.
Renz looked at the message.

“Ugh. Not again. Alright, let’s go.”

Renz paid for his food and got Garchomp ready to go. He pulled out his Pokédex and called Michael. Garchomp was on the alert now and keeping his eye out for any danger while Renz was distracted.
Azumi got ready to leave. "You two stick together, I will rush to Maker. Get to the Fairy Dust hotel asap." She got on her Stoutland and Nana did the same. "I will go through crowded areas to avoid trouble." She took off, her Pokemon running as fast as possible.

A message was sent to Eli and Renz only. It said:

She isn't at Fairy Dust hotel. We got to her first. Is she at the museum or back at the warehouse? There's two of you and two locations, good luck!
Btw, don't call for help, you don't want to make us mad.
A sudden ring filled the room, which made Michael jump. "Who could it be at this hour?!" He shouted, a little freaked out.
"It might be one of our friends." Jodi suggested.
"Well, then they should have sent a message. DENIED!" He covered all of his devices with a pillow and sat on it, until the ringing stopped.
The call to Michael didn’t go through, and he was about to call Jodi when the message came through.

“Okay. I think they’re less likely to be back at the warehouse since we already know a lot about that place.”

He rushed out to look for the museum. Once he arrived, he tried the door to see if it was locked.
Azumi reached the hotel and ran up to the room where her sister should be. She entered suite, it had a large living room with a view of the town and two bedrooms. Each with an individual bathroom. She rushed into the bedroom and saw Maker sound asleep on her bed, drooling. Azumi sighed in relief. She sent a message to everyone.

I'm with Maker, is everyone else okay?

As Eli approached the warehouse, a cage emerged from underneath him. It trapped him alone and inside. It was covered in the odd blue energy that didn't allow for electronics to work and reflected and action towards it.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli fell down in surprise and looked around, his face turning from surprise to anger "Whoevers there, show yourself!" he got up and raised his fists trying to see who did this to him
Razor and Veon Glowerd at whatever they thought did it and Lix ran back where he came from for help
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Booger three, with his blue hair, stepped out into the scene. "Hi! So it was Eli this time? Well we are going to have so much fun!" He had a foldable chair with him, which he unfolded and sat down on it. He looked at Eli's Pokemon. "Want to know the new gimmick?" He snickered. "The cage you are in... It electrifies you!" He pressed a button and a shock wave went through Eli's body. "That was just a taste. All of us have one. So if anything happens to me, the party keeps going!" He looked around. "We are missing one more Pokemon... Where did you send the third one? To get the others? Oh I sure hope so!" He stretched and got comfortable. "Well, get comfortable, we will explain the rules in a bit."

Azumi sat next to her sleeping sister, when she got a message from Renz. She replied to him.

What do you mean a trick? Where are you? Are you with Eli?

She laid down next to her sister, her mind wondering about the possible things that are about to happen.
We each recieved a message from the Boogers saying that they had kidnapped Maker again and that she was hidden at the museum or the warehouse, and not to call for help. Eli went to the Warehouse and I went to the museum. I just left there, I’m scouting. Keep me posted.

Renz hit send and then went back to peering into the darkness and the lighted streets below. He flew in ever-widening circles, covering more each time.
Booger three got up from his chair and cleared his throat. "I'm going to tell you a story." He looked up at the sky. "If you had, one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything that you ever wanted. Would you take it? Or let it slip?" He looked at Eli and started bobbing his head. "His palms are sweaty, weak knees , arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti. His nervous! But on the outside he looks calm and ready, to drop bombs! But he keeps on forgetting, what he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud, he opens his mouth but the words won't come out. His choking out everyone is choking now! The times run up, game over times up, PLOW!" He burst into laughter. "I don't need to give you a reason."
As they neared the Warehouse, Renz spotted something. He guided Garchomp in for a closer look. Once he got close enough he saw the situation.

“Hey, Boogerhead, am I cleared for landing? Or are you gonna keep sending texts?”

He swept by and glanced at the cage. He pulled up and circled back around, hovering while waiting for a reply and looking for traps or an ambush.
Azumi jumped startled when she noticed the Pokemon that had arrived. "How on Earth did you get in here?"
Nana teleported away, startled by the new arrival.
"Why is this Pokemon in our room?" She looked around for a trainer or any sign it might be a trap. "This isn't your room! Shushu!" Azumi tried to get rid of the Pokemon.

Booger three watched as Renz arrived. "Well we finally see someone who cares about you Eli! The one person you slapped came to your rescue." He chuckled and sat back down. "Well how ironic. Let me know when you're ready to come down!" He yelled at Renz.
Garchomp flapped for a moment before landing. He ignored Booger for a moment as he asked Eli if he was all right then turned to the others.

“Well. What’s the game, Boogerhead? Just me, or do I get to call in the others?

Garchomp growled and glared at Booger. He could sense evil intent flowing from this man like water off a duck’s back.
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Booger three shrugged. "Call who ever you want. We fixed the cage, you can't dig out anymore." He took out some chocolate and began to eat. "The game? First round is bring your friends! Can't start without them!" He laughed. "You got one hour to bring, Michael, Jodi, Azumi and Maker!"
He immediately started texting.

Everyone, meet at Warehouse. The Booger’s have Eli. You guys have an hour to get here. Hurry!

He copied and pasted the message, and then sent it to the others. He also attached to the end of his message to Azumi that Maker needed to be there too. He also called out Piloswine, and began petting him.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
When Renz asked if he was ok Eli gave him a 'Really' look. At the end he sighed and laid down on his back, staring at the ceiling. Lix grabbed the bottom of Azumi's pants with his mouth and tried to drag her to Eli
Azumi was still trying to get rid of the Eevee, when she got the message. "Oh no... I can't take Maker." She looked over at her Sister. "But I'm sure if we don't show up, something awful is going to happen to Eli." She walked over to her sister and tried to wake her up. "Maker, get up." She moved her.
Maker complained and turned around. Azumi kept moving her, trying to wake her up. Finally, Maker opened her eyes. She got up and looked around. "Where am I?"
Azumi looked at her. "Hotel. How are you feeling?"
Maker shot an angry stare at her. "Why do you care? I'm just a bother for you."
"Because you're my sister." Azumi replied.
"Whatever." Maker got up. "Hey that's Eli's Eevee." She kneeled down to pet it.
"Oh, that makes sense." Azumi said. "We have to go, it's those men again."
Maker laughed. "Nope. Not going there, you made it perfectly clear you have no need for me." She walked out of the bedroom.
Azumi chased her. "They need us!"
"No, they need you! I can't even throw a pokeball right now." Maker showed her fingers.
"They got Eli." Azumi said.
Maker stopped. "Those assholes." She turned around. "Fine. Let's go!"
Azumi returned Nana and grabbed her things while Maker got her stuff and picked up Lix. Both sisters ran out of the hotel. They used Charo to arrive quickly at the warehouse. They saw Booger three sitting down comfortably with a big smile on his face.
Maker got of Charizard and began walking towards Booger three. "I'm am going to destroy you!" She said furiously.
Booger laughed as Eli was electrocuted again. "Be a good girl or he gets more."
Maker stopped and ran to the cage. "Eli! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" She touched the cage and was shocked. She took a step back and turned towards Booger three. "What are you up to now!?"
Azumi just stood next to Renz silently, examining the situation.
Booger laughed. "Have to wait for the rest, we got 45 minutes left!"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli grunted and arched his back as the wave of electricity ran through him, he coughed and stood up "Michal and Jodi better come back" he looked at Azumi "Why'd you have to drive them away? we were a team back on that island, what happened?"
Azumi looked at Eli and pointed at Booger. "That happened. Its dangerous. They have information on us and you're the second one to get taken away. I was terribly mistaken to have brought you all along. You could all be nice and safe. Yet I thought it was a good idea and what happened? My Pokemon were stolen away, Maker got her fingers broken and now..." She was interrupted by Maker.
"Oh shut up!" She yelled back. "WE ALL knew it was dangerous! You think you're strong enough to stop them yourself?"
Azumi snapped back. "Of course not! I'm not strong enough to take them out and I'm not strong enough to protect you all! I can't stand the idea of any of you getting hurt because I didn't stop you before!"
Maker yelled back. "I can't stand the idea of my sister out there alone and in danger without me by her side!"
Azumi was surprised by the comment. She didn't say anything and looked away, biting her lower lip.
Maker stomped her foot. "Hurry Michael and Jodi!" She yelled at the sky.