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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Booger laughed loudly. "What a team you all are! The questions now is..." He crossed his arms. "If Michael is willing to show up. Azumi made it really clear she didn't want them nearby and boy oh boy is Michael sensitive! I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't showed up and we shock Eli to death!" He burst into laughter again. "Hey Renz? Can't your dragon fly at amazing speeds? I would hustle if I were you. If it helps, he is staying at Jubilife city."
Renz looked at Azumi for a moment as if seeking confirmation, then hopped on Garchomp’s back and took off. They flew at top speed to Jubilife City. Once they arrived he pulled out his Dex.

“Michael! Jodi! We need you, NOW.”

He shouted into his Pokédex, hoping they would pick up.
(I'll just place this here and delete it later if need be just to get my character across to others-)

Gaeboo walked around Pastoria after exploring the Great Marsh after all the time he had been away from Sinnoh. He finally made his way to the gym, a melancholic look in his eyes.

"We meet again, Pastoria Gym... it's been 8 long years since I gazed upon you. I've gone from region to region, took on trial after trial, and I've finally found a way to best you and truly get past these painful memories once and for all. Wake, I'm going to smash you into the ground... figuratively and literally this time."

He walked in, and you could already hear his wrathful screaming as he most likely threw himself into every trainer he saw, and was thrown right back out with his Pokemon landing on top of him, which is impressive, because one of them is made of sand.

"Ugh... we try again tomorrow team... for now, I'm hungry... let's head to Jubilife for a quick bite to eat. But I swear to Giratina, Bastille, if you do that thing again, it's the hose for you."

He returned Czar and Bastille, and hopped onto Cotton's back as he flew off to Jubilife.
Michael felt the pillow buzzing, so he got off it and looked at the devices. He saw the same message appear on his PokèGear and Jodi's PokéGear, so he showed them to Jodi. As her eyes reached the last few words, they went wide. "We need to go now! The gang's in trouble!" She said with a worried look. She started walking towards the door, but Michael's words stopped her.
"Good luck." He said from the couch. Jodi looked at him irritated and shouted:
"You are coming too!" Michael sighed and got up.
"No, I am not."
"But you need to! We can't just let them on their own!" Michael face turned into a scowl and raised his voice.
"Yes, we CAN!! Azumi can handle this on her own!"
"But all of us need to be there!" Jodi shouted, even louder than before. They continued to fight until there were only 30 minutes left.
"I am not going! I don't care what will happen! I'm clearly just standing in the way of Azumi's story!" Michael yelled at Jodi.
"But Eli's life is on the line!"
"So, let them handle it!"
"How would you feel, knowing that Eli died because of you?!" Michael's face remained blank after her words. He waited a second... and then he turned around. "I'm gonna go get my PokéBalls." He slowly walked upstairs, whispering "Ugh, damn Eli..." In a few minutes he came back, and waved goodbye to his family as he and Jodi walked out the door. They got out Charizard and Blaziken, got on their shoulders and left, riding them in silence.
They got to the others when only ten minutes remained. Michael got off and stared at Booger 3, not paying any sort of attention to the others. "What?"
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About the time Jodi and Michael were almost back, he called them again. He knew it was time to head back but he needed to find Michael and Jodi. Garchomp gave a worried look, they would barely make it in time if they left now. He signaled for Renz to climb on and began circling upwards, trying to find an air current to boost them along.

“Please answer...”
(Same thing here-)
As he got ready to land, he noticed Jodi and Michael taking off in a hurry, and grew curious of what was happening in order for them to leave so quickly.

"Hmm... sorry, team... I want to check this out first. Then we'll eat more if you guys do stop something dangerous."

He tailed behind Jodi and Michael, landing about a kilometer behind them, then sending out Bastille to do some stealth work.

"Alright, Bastille, go check out what's going on there. I'll be there in a couple of minutes, but remember, you need to keep a low profile. Go sand and keep an eye on them."

Bastille... nodded? and made his way to the warehouse, watching the scenario from the outside while Gaeboo caught up on foot.
Booger three laughed at Michael's comment. "Chill Mike man! We gonna play a game, you made it just in time also." He got up, and stretched. "So before we get started, everyone choose one of your Pokemon, the rest..." He pointed at a metal box. "... There." He looked at Eli. "Unless y'all want to see how many shocks will set him on fire."

Azumi didn't move or say anything. Maker began throwing a fit. "Are you crazy!?"
"How are you even thinking of killing a child, you bastard!" Michael roared at Booger Three. He took a step forward, but Jodi stopped him. He sighed disappointed and walked towards the box, where he threw four PokeBalls. "If something happens to them, I'll kill you..." Michael whispered with a snarl. Jodi followed his lead and threw in the box four PokéBalls herself, then turned to the man and asked with a worried look:
"So, what is this game you're talking about?"
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(You get the drill-)
Gaeboo finally made it to the warehouse, sidling against the outside wall as he listened in on the situation inside. He gestured for Bastille to hide in the shadows with Phantom Force to get a closer look to see if they need to intervene at all. While inside, Bastille saw Eli inside of the cage and overheard the whole electrocution deal, then quickly exited the warehouse. Once outside, Bastille sent a small stream of sand from his body against the wall of the warehouse, and put a thin layer of it over Eli, just enough to protect him and for him not to notice. Gaeboo pet Bastille, fed him a quick Poffin, then continued to listen in.
"You'll find out soon enough!" Booger three laughed. "Don't worry they will be fine."

Maker followed Michael's and Jodi's lead. She left one Pokemon with her and deposited the rest. She walked back and stood next to Jodi. "I don't like this at all..."

Azumi took a deep breath. "I can't decide on just one. Nana depends too much on me, but if we have to battle, she can't do much..." She bit her lip as she processed her thoughts.

"Take your time, 2 minutes left and we are missing one!" Booger began to laugh. The cage crackled a bit above Eli. Booger three just smiled as he noticed this.
Booger looked over at Eli. "Your Pokemon are fine. Have then stay put and out of this." He looked at his watch. "Man that Renz is going to be late so you can get shocked! Problably payback for that slap!" He laughed. "Hey Azumi! Hurry up! You have to make a choice before time runs out!" He yelled at Azumi.

Azumi glared back. "I understand." She took out one Pokeball. "I hope this is the right choice." She walked over to the box and left her other five.
Renz arrived with only a few seconds left. He leapt off and looked confused when he saw Michael and Jodi.

"I thought you guys were in Jubilfe... did he lie to me?"

He glared at Booger. Garchomp was a bit tired after his flights, so Renz returned him and let out Ty.
Booger clapped. "It's about time!" The metal box closed and the same blue energy covered it. "Just to make sure y'all don't try and snatch em." He took out a walkie talky. "Phase one is done."
The cage where Eli was and the metal box teleported away in a pink flash.
"Fancy huh?" He laughed. "Round 2 is going to be..." He walked over and gave a map to Renz. "Here!" He pointed at a red circle that had been scribbled. "That is in Sunyshore city! Meet you at the light house in 1 hour!" He teleported away.

Azumi and Maker ran up to Renz. Maker took the map from him and Azumi spoke to Renz. "What did he say? Where did they go?"
He finally peeked around the corner, slowly walking into the building.

"I, uh, could help with that. I could let you borrow Cotton, if you need to get there fast. Oh, and by the way, my name is Gaeboo, call me G. I followed a couple of you here because I was curious what was happening. Be happy I was here, because my little Bastille was making sure you're friend in the cage wasn't getting shocked to death."

He held out his hand for a brief moment, as if he was actually anticipating something. Like a handshake or something. Ridiculous.
As Eli's cage and Booger Three disappeared, Michael headed right for his Blaziken, who was just stretching. He got up on her shoilders, and telled her where to go. The Fully-Evolved Startet Pokémon nodded and jumped in the direction of Sunnyshore City. "So he left without a word, huh?" Jodi thought as Michael left. "I guess Azumi's words really got to him, so he wants to end this as fast as possible." She sighed and looked around. "I guess there's no point in wasting time." She got in her Charizard's back and flew after Michael.
Azumi gave the newcomer a weird look. "Um thank you I guess." She took out several dollars and gave them to him. "I appreciate the offer, Renz here could use a ride." She pointed at Renz.
"Um, what about you?" Maker said with a cocky attitude.
"I'm certain you got Charo." Azumi said.
"Yes I did! What makes you think I'm taking YOU with me?" She crossed her arms.
"I see. Then you are taking Renz?" Azumi asked, looking a little hurt from her Sister's words.
"Of course! He appreciates my company, unlike you." Maker said.
Azumi nodded. "Ok." She turned to Gaeboo. "Then I am in need of your assistance."
Maker took out her Charizard and got on. "Hurry it up Renz."
Azumi got on the Alteria also. She spoke to Gaeboo. "Listen, I appreciate the ride, but we aren't going somewhere nice. You should problaby stay away from us."

Maker and Renz arrived at the Gym. It had a sign saying it had been temporarily closed. Maker returned Charo and checked the door, it was open. She walked in and made her way through the Gym until she reached the battle arena.
"Welcome!" Booger three called out. Next to him was the cage with Eli in it and on the other side the metal box. "Oh boy this is going to be so much fun!" He said excitedly.
"What are going to do?" Maker yelled at Booger three.
"Have fun of course! You guys will love it!" He replied as he stood up. He walked down the bleachers until the edge of the battle field. "Now let's see... We got Maker, Renz, Azumi, Michael and Jodi..." He thought for a second. "That meddling trainer who was spying on us will probably join the party..." He counted with his hands and then used the walkie talky. "We need two more." He said.
Just then in front of Maker and Renz appeared Booger four and five. Booger four had bruises on his face, due to his encounter with Azumi. Booger five had white hair, he smiled proudly as he looked at Maker.
Maker clenched her left fist. "This sicko again?!" She starred back at Booger five.
Booger five laughed. "You act tough now, but I remember you begging me to stop not so long ago." He shrugged.
Maker took a step back as the memories flooded her head.
Booger three laughed. "Well allow us to properly introduce ourselves. I am Bluton. Black hair is Blacton. White hair is Whiton. Red is Redton and green is Bob." He laughed. "Redton and Bob won't be joining us today."
They took off in a flash, trailing after Michael, Jodi, Renz, and Maker.

"Look, I know I seem stupid for getting involved in it, but I might a well come along. They probably already know about me, and I have nothing to do but complete my gym challenge after all these years."

They land in Sunnyshore, right at the gym, and he returned Cotton to her ball after feeding her a Poffin. He entered, looking around some.

"Wow, if we weren't being tricked into playing this game, I would say I enjoy being here..."
Azumi followed into the Gym. "I'm sure they do have your information, but they won't bother you if you don't bother them." Azumi walked straight ahead, her focus on what's in front of her. She finally reached the arena, where the others were. She saw the possible battle and regretted keeping Nana.
"I'm here, what's the next step?" She said with a mean look towards Blacton.

Whiton laughed. "Hold your Rapidashes! We still waiting on more."
He hopped into the arena. He tipped his cap down at the ground, chuckling a bit at the possible scenarios.

"Ah... I love this feeling... an arena gets my blood pumping... just don't mind me much... I'm just getting dragged along by this string they're leaving out..."

He consults a notebook he has stored in his bag, looking over... something. You can't really tell, he's keeping it pretty close to his chest. He lightly chuckles with every page he turns.
Maker gave a weird look at Gaeboo. "Who is this bozzo? We got another new one?! In the middle of this?!" She crossed her arms. "And where's Michael and Jodi? Is Michael ditching us?" She turned around towards Eli. "Are you ok over there?"

Azumi crossed her arms. "It doesn't matter, we are all in here now, we have to participate."
"You weren't paying attention, but I one: brought this little lady here, two: introduced myself already, and three: don't appreciate the term "bozo". If you're calling me anything, call me by my name, G, or twat."

He resumes droning away in his journal, making little marks here and there as he continuously and creepily chuckles to himself.
"Hmph. Well just don't do anything stupid." Maker said as she turned around.

Bluton yelled at Gaeboo. "Only one Pokemon man! Toss the other two pokeballs over here or Eli gets it!" He zapped Eli. "Oops! My bad! But you get the point." He laughed along with Blacton and Whiton.

"Be careful you idiot!" Maker yelled.
"Twat. It's twat."

He put his other 5 balls to the side, keeping Bastille with him.

"And I'm sorry that I didn't know about that. I wasn't there the entire time. So give your balls a tug and respect me. Then I'll treat you the same. The only way to help your friend there is if we get along."

He adjusted his glasses and held his notebook at his side bookmarking the page he was writing in.
Maker looked mad towards the comment made by Gaeboo. "Wait what? I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to the dumb sunglasses looking mofos!"
Azumi looked at Maker. "Keep calm. You won't gain anything from snapping at everyone."
Maker snapped back at her sister. "You stay out of it!"

Whiton laughed. "You guys are so adorable."
He put his hands on Maker and Renz's shoulders, patting them a few times.

"The little lady is right. You're stressed, scared, and unsure what to do. Just breathe deep, think of the good things in life, then use that leftover anger to pummel these color-coordinated clowns. It's what your friend in there wants. Now I have no clue what happened before this, but if you don't stop whining like babies and snapping like Carvanha, no one will keep you stable enough to do anything useful. It's a two way street."

Let's hope that charisma stat actually works for once.
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"I can't believe I forgot my badge case at the gym!" a young lady shouted, with a derpy blue pokemon next to her, "I should have to retrace my steps! What if-" she looked behind her, to see if any Spindas were around. No Spindas. She gave a sigh of relief. Her derpy pokemon followed suit. "You know Derp Lord, you don't have to copy me. In fact, you can stay in your Pokeball!"
He shook his head as he said, "Quag-sire!"
She shook her head and muttered, "Your choice," as she opened the front door of the lighthouse in Sunnyshore, that seconded as a gym.
Redton noticed the new arrival at the Gym. He quickly teleported at the entrance. "Yo! You can't be here." He told the young lady. "We are doing important Gym business things." He smiled like a normal person, nothing compared to their maniac ways of laughing or smiling while they tortured the other trainers.