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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

“First of all, there’s Maker. She specializes in Fire types. Over there is her sister, Azumi. I’m pretty sure she’s some kind of cop, but nobody specifically told me and I haven’t had time to ask. The girl who is battling is Jodi, I think she is Michael’s sister, Michael is a Drama King who bakes cupcakes, the one in the cage is Eli, who slapped me and the face, and I don’t really know any of these new people who keep showing up.”

Renz grimaced as he looked at the Boogers.

“And THEY are the Boogers. As much as I hate to admit it, they are pretty smart and there is nothing we can really do while they have our Pokémon.”

He said all this in a low voice so nobody but Kathy and possibly Maker could hear.
Maker overheard the conversation Renz and Kathern were having. "Hey, did you just say Spin...." She was cut off by the two masked trainers arguing with Bluton. "Hey you two!" She pointed at them. "Do what they say or our friend gets it!"

Bluton laughed. "Took the words right out of my mouth."

Azumi looked around suspiciously. She was trying to figure out what the next step would be for the Boogers.
She looked to the girl. "Oh you mean that friend over there where my partner Blue and my brothers partner Sparkx is at ready to smash it with her iron tail and give an electric shock to break"she said looking to her as they didn't not notice them go right up to it. "Listen closely, if you try and even harm this innocent girl the machine will break and don't even try to electrocute her because it won't have an effect on her with Sparkx on it"Shadow said. "Go head try and shock her but Sparkx has a special ability that will prevent her from being shocked"he added walking up to the girl patting her shoulder. "If you studied a Jolteon's ability then you will know what I am talking about"he whispered to her in her ear for only her to hear.

"Go ahead I dare you to harm her but in a every swift movement that machine will be broke before you even have the time to stop her"JC warned approaching closer as Blue and Sparkx glared at them to say they were going around.-
Maker, Bluton, Whiton and Blacton burst into laughter. Maker said in between laughs. "He just called Eli a little girl."
Azumi rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Your laughing along with them?"
Maker stopped. "Sorry it was just hilarious how they had this whole heroic speech and called Eli a girl."
Azumi shook her head in disappointment and looked at the masked trainers. "Listen! We appreciate what you are attempting, but that blue energy around the cage, it reflects any attack you throw at it with doble the force. Like a combination of mirror force and counter. Please, for Eli's sake, do not attempt to destroy it."

Bluton smiled devilishly. "Oh nononono, please... Try it! I can't wait to see you do it!"
In a swift movement she made her way to the male with a devilish smile before punching him in the face out of anger. "JC!"Shadow said shocked. "Um and sorry about calling Eli a girl I thought your friend was so our apologizes" Shadow said. "Answer my question! Did you place him inside there! By the way we have no other team members!" She lied as her team was hidden under her hood. "If you did do that you make me sick!"she said a bit flared.

"How about all together...if we override the system...it is bound to explode if too much energy is being held to let out I mean come on every machine has a weakness...its not rocket science.."he whispered to her. "I'm a mechanic...so I know any machine inside and out..."he added.-
"Glad I didn't try it before then! I sware, don't do it! If you do I'll send Candle after you! I-no WE have already made it worse just by entering!" Kathren yelled, trying to convince the two problematic trainers, "I say we all just calm down and just STOP BEFORE ELI GETS ELECTROCUTED AGAIN!" She started to breathe heavily due to her shouting. She then smiled at the two new trainers.
"Yeah... No." Maker said. "I'm sorry but if that works than what? You blow up Eli? We can't risk it."
Azumi looked around, she was biting her lip as she noticed that once the first battle was over, Eli will get shocked again and someone will lose their Pokemon. Not to mention that their pokemon were being held hostage. She looked at her pokegear, it was off. Electric devices were not working, including pokeballs. That meant that they had set up the weird blue energy around the Gym also. But, how were they able to use communication systems and shock Eli? Her thoughts were interrupted by her Kirlia, Nana, who was showing her the new idol pose she came up with.
He stood up straight before eying the male named Eli in the cage. "I think I know of a certain way to get your friend out but would you mind telling me the situation here so I can better understand it so that way my sister knows this as well....if I can grab the situation better I promise I will get your friend out. Although I may not like it....my sister will do anything to save others in trouble and in need....so the flaw here is that my sister and I will probably not find away out of here...but if you guys can escape then she and I would agree with nothing else...even if it is torched because I can sense torched here and even my sister senses it"he whispered looking to her under the mask.-
Gaeboo looked at the ground for a second, thinking to himself.

"Damn... of course no one trusts me here... much less respect me... looks like when I tried to make friends from an odd scenario again, I just get stomped into the ground by them... why can't I just be normally accepted like everyone else is? Guess I'll probably have to leave them be after this... a shame, wish I actually had travel buddies when I got back home... and if these guys have me lose Bastille... I'm NOT going to be happy in the slightest... I took training in Almia for a reason..."

He shook his head rapidly, looking back to Jodi and her Charizard, relaxing his muscles some, then letting out a deep sigh.

"Sorry... I know I'm an ass, but you won't have to put up with me much longer..."
Bluton walked up to Shadow, rubbing his face from the punch. "Listen. If we want, we have the technology to teleport us away. Including their pokeballs with their Pokemon and their friend here." He looked around. "You think they haven't tried or thought of ways to escape before? We got an Interpol officer in the group even." He looked at Azumi. "Ain't that right toots?"

Azumi looked away. She returned her attention to Nana. The Kirlia began singing a low lullaby. Azumi watched her and then came to a realization. Sound waves. They could communicate and control Eli's trap through sound waves. She looked at Nana.
"Hey Nana, Eli looks sad. Why don't you cheer him up with a song?" Azumi asked her Pokemon.
Nana looked over at Eli, then back to Azumi and nodded in agreement.
"Great!" Azumi said with a smile. "Now, remember in the library when you sang really loud?"
Nodded thought for a moment and then nodded in understanding.
"Good. Sing that loud, you should sing that song..." Azumi thought for a moment. "Chandelier."
Nana's eyes brighten and she did a twirl. She was excited, it was like doing a live performance.
"Now, Eli is hard at hearing, so you have to be next to him." Azumi petted her Kirlia.
Azumi got up and looked at Maker. "Hey Maker."
Maker looked at her sister annoyed. "What?"
"We should get a roulette after this." Azumi said, pointing to the roulette that was near Blacton with her eyes.
Maker smiled. "Sure. Just say when we should go shopping."

Whiton noticed Azumi's behavior. "Hey! Keep it down over there!" He yelled.

Azumi gave him a mean look. "I'm planning my strategy with my Pokemon."
She looked down at her Kirlia. "Nana, go cheer up Eli!"
Nana nodded and teleported away.
Azumi turned towards Eli and yelled. "Cover your ears!"
The boogers looked around confused as they didn't understand what was going on.
Nana appeared inside the cage with Eli. She did a twirl like a ballerina and an idol pose. She than joined her hands and began to sing.
Bluton looked at Nana confused. "What are you doing in there!"
Nana reached the chorus of the song and let out a high pitched disarming voice. The cage rattled and the odd blue energy around it disappeared. The cage fell apart and Nana continued to use disarming voice.
"Maker now!" Azumi yelled, making sure she was heard over Nana's performance.
Maker nodded and looked at Charo. "Scorch that roulette!"
Her giant Charizard roared and let out an overwhelming flamethrower straight at the roulette. Blacton ran to it, but the flames got to it first, causing it to explode and send Blacton flying.
Nana was startled by the explosion and teleported to Azumi's leg. "Now! Everyone! Electronics still don't work! Which means their teleporting technology is offline! They can't get away! Get the box with the pokeballs and Eli! Find Bob and Redton before they deactivate the energy around the Gym!"
The siblings saw what the Kirlia had done before JC acted quickly as luckily Gem her Flygon was already out, to begin with, but in hiding. "Gem! Grab the box! Quickly and Eli!" she called out as the Flygon appeared grabbing the box quickly before asking her way to Eli grabbing him gently since he was hurt before flying out. She could sense her last three Luxury balls inside the box that Gem was holding but also Shadow's as she couldn't figure out how they ended up in there. Probably placed in there when they were confiscated from her. "Quickly just go! I'll stall just in case we are followed! You too brother!"she added looking to him. He hesitated at first but nodded calling Sparkx back to him before making his way back. Blue was on Gem's back ready to attack if necessary as she growled. "Umbre!" she cried.-
Renz leapt into action.

“Ty, Flame Wheel!”

The fire badger leapt forward off the sidelines and tucked into a firey ball. He got the momentum to rev up the stairs of the Gym, and up to the top floor, Renz following. He suspected that would be the easiest point to emit the barrier from.
Maker rolled up her sleeves. "Get the one with white hair Charo." The Charizard roared and flew towards Whiton, who tried to run away, but Charo stepped on him and held him down. Maker walked up to the trapped Whiton, an angry look in her eyes.

Whiton laughed while being pinned down. "That is something! You got us! We give up!"
Maker looked down at him. "You have no idea how much I needed this." She stepped in his hand.
Whiton cried out. "That hurt!" He began to laugh.
This made Maker angrier and she began stomping repeatedly on Whiton's hand. She stomped on his hand and util she grew tired. Whiton's hand was red and swollen, while Whiton had passed out from the pain.
Azumi stood in front of Blacton's way. "It's over." She said as Blacton laughed.

Bob and Redton ran down the hallway towards the Gym exit, while Bluton just laughed and stood in the same position.
He looked at them all, then looked at the door, then the ceiling. He called Bastille down from the ceiling, grabbed his remaining balls, and stood alongside JC. He sent out Czar, his Empoleon, and Cotton.

"I'll help keep them back, the easy way. Czar! Bastille! Cotton! Pin 'em!"

Czar rammed into Bluton using Drill Peck, Cotton pecked and clawed away at Whiton while engulfing his face, and Bastille literally forces his shovel into Blackton's hand, stealing his life energy. He's smart, at least.

"That may be overkill... but they deserve it."
"Candle, help me fight these Boogers! What an awful name! Let's get Redton, he's the one who got us in this mess!" She comanded. Candle let out a malicious laugh that Kathren never heard before. She looked at her Pokemon with a worried look, but then dropped it. Maybe she could pinpoint his soul or was that only for almost dead people. She shook her head, she needed to find Redton.
She looked to the male beside her to help her before she nodded to him. "Gem Dragon pulse! Blue Psychic!" she commanded as she took this time to grab her three remaining Luxury balls. Gem had put Eli down before flying up using a strong Dragon pulse at them. She let out Wolfa to protect Eli for now. "Wolfa get Eli out of here to the others, I don't want him getting more hurt again," she told the Dusk Lycanroc. "Lycan!" she barked before looking to Eli helping him up and walked him back to the others. Blue, on the other hand, used Psychic to keep Bluton and
Whiton down before she slammed them both on the ground. "tsk you pests" she told the men as she threw Shadow's pokeballs back to him until he caught it.
Azumi looked around and noticed the uprising violence towards the boogers. "That's enough!" She called out. "We just need to stop them, not hurt them!"
Maker looked over at Azumi. "What?! After what they did!"
Azumi replied. "We are the good guys. We don't torture or hurt people! We save them!"
Maker growled, she looked down at the unconscious Whiton. "Fine." Charo removed his foot and followed Maker. Maker grabbed her pokeball and took the rest to Azumi.
She looked to Blue and Gem. "Girls that's enough, we are not heartless," she told them as Blue's Psychic stopped letting Whiton go as Gem stopped her attacks. "We should find a way out of her once we find the other remaining trainers here," she said looking to Gem seeing the box already open and Pokeballs were already taken by the fellow trainers. "Let's go, we can't afford to waste time" she said looking to the male beside her and the girls in front.
Renz reached the bottom of the stairs, panting. Most of the Boogers were unconscious or captured. He began to look for the box of Pokéballs so he could get his Pokémon back. He didn’t see Katherine though, so he was kinda worried that she went after the remainder of the Boogers alone. He rushed towards the exit, hoping he was going in the correct direction.
Maker got on her Charizard. "Let's get out of here!"
Azumi stopped her. "No, we can't. The blue energy is still active. No electronics and it reflects any attacks. The Gym is to tough for any Pokemon to penetrate underground. We gained control, but we are still trapped in here."
Maker got off her Charizard. "Fine, someone help me tie up these losers. My fingers are starting to hurt."

Whiton was unconscious along with Bluton. Blacton sat next to them, laughing.
She agreed to help the girl and tie them up tightly. "We should hurry and find a way to deactivate this blue energy so we can escape from here before others like them appear" "The last thing I want to deal with the pests here and get tired along the way,"she said seeing her brother make eye contact with her before nodding. "Maybe we could override the system but then again, it may be risky" she advised.
Kathren held Butch's Pokeball in her hand. "REDTON! COME HERE!" she shouted. She really wanted to defeat him after that trick. Sure, she insisted on entering the gym, but she was under the impression that they were working on remodeling, not doing evil stuff like electrocute a random person. She gritted her teeth. "I want to give you a battle! That's what you wanted the trainers that you caught to do right? Battle?"
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"Hmph. Team, lay off. We're causing too much trouble for a situation we're leaving soon."

He reoriented his Pokemon at the door to guard it, then pulling out a watch-like device hidden under his sleeve.

"Been a while since I've used this thing... useful for tight binds, though. Hey, I know this makes me sound like even more of a bastard, but mind leaving the door to me? We should spread out some to see if we can find them at all."
She looked to the male she did not know the name of. "I have a sense of doors as well thanks to my older brother, if you will allow me to help you with this, I don't want to leave you alone without someone to have your back at least" she offered looking to him. Blue returned to her side as she sat down next to her gold eyes looking to the male with the unknown device he had. "My brother split with me to help find the others so it's the least I can do for now" she added before crossing her arms as Gem stood behind her still holding the box of Pokeballs.
Maker looked at the masked trainer. "Ok, but why do you wear a mask?" She had completely ignored everything else that had been said to her.
Azumi stood next to Eli. "I hope you aren't too hurt Eli."

Bob stepped out in front of Kathern. He burst into laughter. "Hi. Looking for someone? Redton isn't here at the moment."
Redton walked back into the arena with a giant smile across his face. "Hi everyone! Don't tell me ya'll are leaving so soon."
"Yeah, about that, I have an appointment to go to, and just looking at you dimwitted twats makes me want to get my eyes checked, because I think I'm going blind. So if you could, let us go, and we'll leave you be to your scheming to "play more games" with us. Before I have to have my friends here attack you more would be delightful. I'm not merciful like many of the people here. I've covered wars, you know."

Bastille has already begun drifting up to Redton, clearly displeased. Palossand kill people, you know.
Kathren frowned. "I guess you'll have to do then. Send him my regards, thanks! Also, why didn't he tell me that this place was under an evil organization's control? I would have never entered! Now if you excuse me I have really poor manners from hiding from Spindas! Glad I have my repent once more. GO BUTCH!" She said right before starting a battle. The Pangoro roared once more and had a gleam in his eye. Oh, how he has waited for a battle! Now he could really do some pummeling!
Bob scratched his head with a smile. "Sorry. I don't have Pokemon." He smiled and teleported away. He appeared back at the arena. "Hi! I got bored, y'all can go home. Until next time!" He snapped his fingers and all the trainers were teleported away.
The trainers appeared in an open field in the middle of a field in Floaroma town. They had their Pokemon and belongings. Maker rushed to Eli. "Hey are you ok?"
Azumi looked around. "Teleporting makes me dizzy, is everyone ok?"
She watched him closely hearing rudeness in his words but she pushed it aside. "There is no need for that but you could have just said no if you didn't want me to help! I am that reasonable!" she said sternly but had sighed "But I suppose you have your reason's for being for who you are and that I won't judge" she said. "I'm not playing games here, I don't want to make an enemy of you so you can go if you want, I just want to get everybody out safety and if I have to put my life on the line to protect others I will even for you" she added. She glanced to the girl who asked about her mask. "My brother and I wear a mask for personal reasons that only involves us" she answered her. "I can sense that others seem to judge you of who you are but I see nothing wrong with you because I'm not that type of person," she said whispering the last part to him as her eyes turned back to him before walking past him to catch up with Shadow as Blue just looked to him one last time nodding to agreeing with her before she and Gem followed her afterward as Wolfa joined her after. Shadow eventually caught up with his sister to help.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli had went limp and let himself be dragged along, his pokemon following him. When Maker ran up to him he looked op at her as if she was the most comforting thing he could have, he opened his mouth and rasped "It hurts, everything feels like it's on fire"
Butch growled with anger. "Whoh, calm boy! Save your energy!" Kathren said as her Pangoro went snarling at everyone. She looked at everyone. "I think that Butch needs to be returned. He is usually calmer." She said as she recalled her pokemon. Now that Butch was returned, she did feel a little queasy. Maybe the teleportation did that. "Ugg, Feels like I tumbled down a mountain and was played with by a Whirlapide. Not the best feeling, but could be worse." She added the last part quickly, not to anger Eli once more. Candle hovered by her trainer and gave some comforting warmth. She smiled at her loving Lampent and took out Derp Lord's Pokeball. "Candle, I'll let you out later, Derp Lord needs to spend time with me, I really need to see if he's alright. Ok?"
He looked around a bit, seeing where they were. He shook his head, walking around for a few moments.

"Well, it's clear that you guys don't want me here. I'll be leaving, but first, gear up for battle. I've gotten them all labeled and alphabetized to find what you need easier. If you ever see me again, be sure to get these back. I'm usually in Pastoria, so try finding me there..."

He put his TM case next to the group and sent out Cotton, getting ready to take off as he hopped on her back.
The siblings looked around seeing they were in an open field. They checked to make sure they had everything including letting their team out. "The girls are all here..."she said a bit relieved. "So is my team..."Shadow added. They returned the team before JC looked to the male on Cotton. "Be careful with yourself,"she said throwing him a small bag containing useful items of potions and snacks to eat. "No need to thank me but anyway Shadow and I must go everyone and thank you for the help"she said before letting out Gem as she got on her back. Blue, Sparkx, and Shadow followed getting on Gem. "Lets go Gem, we don't want to cause anymore trouble then we already have" she told her as the Flygon nodded before flapping her wings and took to the skies.-
"Hey Renz!" Maker called out. "Can you bring some medical help? I don't think we should move Eli." Maker sat next to Eli, her Charizard laying down close by enjoying the nice breeze.

Azumi watched as the other trainers began to leave. "They came and left so fast. But, seeing that I failed to catch the boogers, they will problaby make us get together again." She looked over at Nana, who was dancing among the flowers. "At least one of us is enjoying all of this." She then turned to Michael. She made her way to him, once she got to him, she bowed. "I'm sorry for being rude to you before Michael. I understand that you do things with the best intentions and trust me I do to. We just have different point of views. Besides that I really appreciate your friendship and would like to conserve it." She remained bowing, waiting for Michael's answer.
Renz was teleported in a sudden flash, and found himself and the others in a field along with the rest of the group. Hearing Maker's request, he discovered that he had his pokeballs back, so he let out Garchomp. He left Ty with the rest of the group, just in case. Not to mention Ty probably wanted some time to catch up with his old friends. So did Renz, for that matter, but he jumped onto Garchomp, patted him and flew off towards the nearest town to find the Pokemon Center.
"I'm honestly staying here," Kathren said, her Quagsire now next to her, "I mean it sure beats the alternative!" She then shuddered, thinking of all the Spindas. Derp Lord strutted over to Ty and opened his mouth wide and gave a loud "Quag!" Kathren rolled her eyes. Seeing that Renz left while Maker gave him something to do, she did it for him. "Renz will come back. He left Ty, he'll never abandon Ty."
Derp Lord patted Ty on his back.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked up at maker and tried to reach up and grab her hand, but eventually gave up and rested his hand by his side. his pokemon walked up to him and laid by his side, Veon wrapping her ribbons around the hand he had not tried to lift