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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

"But I really need my badge case," she replied while looking as sweet and innocent as she could, "And I really don't trust a random person that calls himself Booger to get it for me. You could be a thief!" At her last sentence, she made her eyes widen and covered her mouth as if she was in shock. "It won't take me long, I sware! I remember right where I left it. It would be hard to find for you though since I can't give directions for the life of me!"
Redton laughed calmly. "Why would a thief be working at a Gym? Tell me where you left it by and maybe I can walk you there." He shrugged. "If we can avoid the other workers, that would be better."

Bob watched through the cameras. "We have a possible disruption." He said.

Whiton listened through and ear piece. It was convenient for the others to hear that information. "Everyone! Please stay back and do not make any noise." He said with a threading voice. He left the arena.

Azumi watched him closely as he left and Maker just stomped her foot upset.
She frowned. She didn't like the situation that she was in. How could she convince him that her journal was a badge case? "I left it in the stadium. Don't worry about following me to get it, I have my own light. My own personal Candle." She put on her best fake smile and motioned him to lead the way. She recalled Derp Lord and sent out her Lampent, Candle.
"I can get it myself! I sware I will quick! It is my jou- badge case, so I will get it!" She shouted. Butch, sensing her distress, busted out of the Pokeball and gave a huge roar. Her blue eyes were burning with rage as the Pangoro behind her gave a threatening look. She didn't want anyone to lay a hand on her journal, it held so much information about her life!
At last, Michael and Jodi reached Sunnyshore, after a long, silent ride. They got off their Pokémon and slowly opened the door. When Michael saw that there was a new guy there and three other Boogers, he said "Aw, hell no!" and closed the door. Jodi scolded him for a minute before reopening the door. They slowly made their way next to the others.
"So, what will we do?" Jodi slowly asked, a worried expression on her face.
"Hmm... so if that pillar connects there and that beam connects there... hehehehe... time for a field day, Bastille..."

Yeah, he's already sketchy, but the fact that he's mentioning what are probably key parts of the building's infrastructure is like, ten times more sketchy than before. All the while he's just scribbling away in his notebook. Now that you look at it, it's already pretty full... almost the entire book has been fine through, and there are several sticky notes marking pages.

"Done. Let's do this. I've needed this for a long time now..."
Redton pretended to be impressed. "Ok ok! Go on ahead! Just be careful!" He said as he closed the door behind her.

Bluton got up. "Let's get this started! Can I get a woooo?" He said out loud.
Whiton replied with. "Woooo!"
Bluton pointed at Whiton. "Wooo thank you!" He cleared his throat. "You guys know that back in the day we had colosseums? A gladiator would face off against a Pokemon. It was epic. Well... We are doing something like that." He snickered. "We will have a small tournament! One on one, simple." He smiled proudly.

"Nothing is simple with you dorks! What's the catch!?" Maker called out.

Bluton smiled. "Whoever loses will randomly lose one of their Pokemon." A sinister smile spread across his face. "Fail to cooperate and Eli here gets the electric chair cage thingy. Still working on the name. Now the Pokemon won't be killed of course, we aren't monsters. They will just be held hostage." He lifted his arm. "Any questions? Or should I call out the rounds?"

Maker grew furious while Azumi remained calm while examining the information and the building they were in.

Renz was confused. He didn't get it... They were fighting against their own Pokemon? And if the trainer lost the pokemon went to the Boogers? He walked closer to Ty and began stroking his neck. He also began thinking taking these guys down would be a better idea, if they didn't have the other pokemon...
She smiled and nodded, then she entered. Two of her three pokemon followed her. Candle, lighting her way, was in the front while Butch stood behind her. She needed to get her journal. It had everything written down in there! She made her way to the stadium, where she placed her bag on the bleachers during her battle. Her journal must have fallen out during the battle. She recalled the buttercup yellow book with slightly torn pages due to how much she has reread the well-loved book. It had to be under the bleachers. She sighed and entered the stadium, not knowing what awaited her.
Bluton shrugged. "You have to wait and see!" He burst into laughter. "I'm kidding, you guys win the game, you guys go home with your Pokemon. That means go HOME and OUT OF OUR WAY!" His voice sounded threatening.
Azumi looked up at Bluton. "What if we lose?"
Bluton laughed. "Let's hope you don't." He took out his phone. "We have a new participant." He smiled as he saw the new trainer walk in. "Welcome! Please drop off your pokeballs here in this box..." He pointed at the box. "So we can get started!" He shocked Eli. "Or he dies."
"Stop doing that!" Maker yelled angrily.
Azumi looked at the new trainer. "Oh no. What are you doing here?!"
"Why are they always laughing?" Jodi whispered to Michael.
"I don't know. The things they say aren't even funny... neither they are jokes." He responded in a low voice. When Bluton mentioned someone new, they both turned to the new trainer, a girl a little older than Michael. "Great, now we have yet another random person meddling in our business. If there will be more than a dozen of us after all of this is over, I won't be surprised." Michael whispered annoyed.
"Renz? Oh, my! Well, it's no use to pretend I'm looking for my badge case now. My journal was left here. It fell out of my bag. So I came back to get it. I didn't know somthing was happening here. This is even worse than Spindas." She looked at her two pokemon and chose Candle as her pokemon. She recalled Butch, much to his displeasure, and put Derp Lord's and Butch's Pokeball in the box. She ran down the steps and huged Ty. "How you doing, buddy?"
"Well that was pretty odd..." Bluton cleared his throat. "Anyways, tournament! One on One, you lose, you lose a random Pokemon and Eli gets shocked." He laughed. "I forgot to mention that. Eli gets shocked for every Pokemon that loses, sad isn't it?" He lifted his hand. "Now that we are all here..." A loud noise was heard, like an electronic motor running. The blue energy covered the entire building. "You're all stuck here until further notice! Now first round..." He pointed towards the other bleachers, where Blacton was now at with a big roulette. It had the names: Azumi, Jodi, Michael, Maker, Renz, Gaeboo, Whiton and Blacton had been scratched out and replaced by Katherine.
Blacton sounds the roulette and it stopped on Gaeboo. He did it again and it landed on Jodi.
"We got our first two participants! Jodi vs Gaeboo! If you refuse to play, we will shock Eli until our hearts content. Trainers prepare your Pokemon and let the shocking tournament begin!"
"What? Who's 'Gaeboo'?" Jodi asked, and Michael pointed to the new guy. "What?! But I'm so much younger than him!" She tried to protest, but Michael elbowed her in the ribs. "I mean, fine... you wicked monsters..." She walked next to Charizard and began petting him. "Are you ready?" She asked with a gentle voice. Charizard roared determined and flew over to the arena. "Wait a second, if Eli gets shocked for every Pokémon that loses, than he will get shocked every time?"
He looked to Jodi, and sadly shook his head, hiding his eyes with his cap.

"I hoped we could get along... but I have a reputation to upkeep. Sorry to say that you've already lost..."

He whistles, and Bastille rises from the ground. He walked up to him, pet him, and flipped to the page of the notebook he was writing in earlier and showed it to Bastille. He nodded, then looked up to Charizard, then Gaeboo went to his position.

"Ready. I'll try to take it easy on your beloved friend... but no guarantees I won't get carried away."
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"What is wrong with you?!" Michael yelled at Gaeboo. "Shut the hell up and fight!" Jodi held up her hand, signaling for Michael to stop.
"It's quite okay. So, if I'll lose, I guess you wouldn't mind me attacking first. Charizard, use Dragon Rage from the air!" Charizard spread his wings and flew up in the air, shooting a shock wave of pure rage at Bastille.
Azumi watched impatiently as they prepared to battle. Maker walked up to her. "Please tell me you didn't choose Nana." She said with a worried look. Just then, Nana emerged from her pokeball, with an idol pose. Maker looked at her sister. "You can't battle with Nana!"
Azumi looked at her with an upset look. "You think I don't know that!"
Maker grabbed her sister by the elbow. "Then what do you plan to do?"
Azumi pulled her elbow away. "I don't know! I'm thinking!"
Maker walked away and went to Renz. "So you know the new girl? Is she your wifu?" She elbowed him playfully.
Bastille took the hit, then shook it off, looking back up at Charizard.

"Bastille, Delta!"

The Palossand spread out their body across the arena floor, then all of it zoomed up the wall, through a beam, and he was nowhere to be seen.

"After we're done here, I'll give you some pointers on battling really well. First thing is, you should dump Dragon Rage, it does too little damage for any opponents that a Charizard will face. After this, I'll lend you a Dragon Claw TM to help with that."

He gave her a light smile, placing his hand on his hip. Least he's considerate.
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Kathren looked at the name board. "Ugg! They spelled my name wrong! If I'm going to be in this mess, the least that could be done is my name to be properly spelled!" Candle looked at Kathren and pointed underneath the bleachers where a small, tattered, buttercup yellow book laid. She smiled and ran over to it to pick it up. When she did, she hugged the book close to her. "There you are!" She cried.
"If you don't shut up, I'll stab you!" Michael yelled at Gaeboo with a scowl.
"What is this guy's problem? Ugh, why does he have to join us?" Jodi thought with a sigh. She called out to her Pokémon "Smoke Screen, I guess. There is absolutely nothing that will please this jerk, so this'll have to do." Her Charizard let out an obscuring cloud of smoke, covering him. He stretched his tail out, making it harder to realize where he is.
Name: JC
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Team (just 3 for now): Blue(F)(Shiny Umbreon)(Partner), Blade(F)(Absol), Gem(F)(Flygon)

Name: Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Team (just 3 for now): Sparkx(F)(Jolteon), Talon(F)(Braviary), Hetilla(F)(Shiny Arcanine)

Last time she remembered she was in a battle and she didn't expect to be captured by them. She felt her head hurt a bit as she felt a shake from a hand. "-ow my head...-"she thought before looking to who had tapped her as it was her older brother Shadow. "You alright sis?" He asked her. "Yes....where are we?"she asked him. "In some room but it appears the door is unlocked. She sat up looking around again seeing Blue, her partner was not with her and neither were her team members. "Where's Blue and Sparkx?"she asked him. "I don't know I think they were confiscated when we were knocked out so we have to go find them"he said to her.

She stood up seeing at least she was wearing her black hooded cape and white wolf blue streaked mask to hide herself and saw Shadow wearing his as well as his was a black wolf mask with gold streaks. "We need to find Blue and the others and find a way out of here or at least find other trainers"she told her brother. "I agree but first we find Blue and others here"he said opening the door before the siblings walked out. The siblings looked around carefully as the only way to find Blue was in her thoughts as she has the ability to understand her and her team. "-Blue where are you? Tell me where you are?-"she asked her in thought. Blue's Luxury ball began to shake before she appeared out in a different location. She looked around seeing she was in a room but a clear footing that was see through. "-Umbre!("I'm in some sort a room with a clear dooring I can see through-" ) she told her. The siblings followed Blue's description until they found the room walking in then found Blue inside. "Blue thank goodness, let me get you out of here" she said and to her surprise it easily opened. Blue jumped into her arms happily that she was back with her partner. She noticed however that not her full team was in the same room as Blue. "There is only three of my team members here including yours Shadow"she said taking the three Luxury balls in her hand. Shadow did the same as he threw out Sparkx Pokeball as the Jolteon appeared leaping in his arms. "Jolteon!"she said giving a smile. "Unfortunately we have to find our three other team members but I have to see who we are missing" he said.

The siblings nodded before JC started first. Once the two Pokemon from the Luxury balls opened an Absol and a Flygon appeared out of it. "I only have Blue, Blade, and Gem so I'm missing Wolfa, Delta, and Meadow my Dusk Lycanroc, Primarina, and Sawsbuck" she told her brother. Shadow did the same as only a Braviary and a shiny Arcanine appeared out. "Hm I only have Sparkx,Talon,and Hetilla so I'm missing Ghost, Salamance, and Eclipse my Shiny Decidueye, Salamance, and Midnight Lycanroc"he said. "Hm we will have to do with three for now until we find my other girls and your team brother" she said as he nodded to her. JC returned the girls as Shadow returned his team.

The siblings walked out before going down some hallway. Blue and Sparkx followed close next to the siblings looking around for any other trainers need by. "There has to be other trainers around" "we won't know until we search around" her brother added.-
"...I'm trying to be nice and give advice, okay? Friends don't come easy since I travel so much, so I'm trying to make sure I make a good impression on people. I'm just sorry that battling is all my life, and that I don't know much else. Bastille, Theta."

From the ceiling, sand began falling over Charizard's general area, and a Shadow Ball zoomed to where the sand slid down Charizard's body.

"You can call me a lot of things, creep, stupid, annoying as all hell, but that's not gonna chase me away, I've faced more than you could imagine."
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"Sorry! It just happens all the time. And it could be a lot worse, like you in a shreder." she said to Eli before walking off. She then shuddered at the thought of shredders. She placed the journal in her bag and walked over to Renz. "So where have you been? I'm not going to ask how, since all of this." She mentioned at the evil team members.
"Well, at least you could stop being such a jerk." Michael suggested as he rolled his eyes. Jodi sighed as her Charizard got hit. She called out to him. "Roost!" Charizard landed on the ground, healing. "Now, Double Team!" He got back in the air, and started to multiply. When there were about fifteen burning tails, they all started moving, making it way harder to find out who is the real one. "It's good that I thought of this Smoke Screen." Jodi thought, analyzing the scene. "Now I can show that jerk that I'm not some weak kid."
The siblings kept going exiting out of the building until they saw trainers in the distance "battlong" one another but saw the evil team members. "I have a bad feeling about this.."JC said a bit irritated as Blue felt the same way. "I agree but we have to approach to see what is going " her brother added. The siblings before sighed as did Blue and Sparkx. They walked in seeing two trainers battle but had glanced to a boy talking to a girl with just glimpse of the mask but had stood standing as JC crossed her arms as well as Shadow as Blue and Sparkx sat on the sides of them watching the battle.-
"Well, I'm SORRY that this little birdie didn't have anyone to TALK TO for TEN YEARS! Gamma!"

More sand drips from above, and two Shadow Balls come down, colliding together, the force blowing away the Smokescreen and creating a shockwave.

"You have a good set for defense, it'd be good if your Charizard had a move that could burn to whittle your opponent down."
Renz glared at Maker, also blushing a bit.

“Katherine is an old traveling companion of mine. She was there when I got Ty. She was the one who named him.”

A moment later Katherine walked up and asked where he had been.

“Around. Fighting some gyms, potentially witnessing the vestige of a legendary Pokémon, meeting up with this group, fighting cultists and these Boogers.”

Pointing at the Boogers. He watched the battle anxiously. He was voting for Jodi, since he had known her longer.
Maker was really into the battle. She began cheering for Jodi. "Come on Jodi! Beat him down!" She turned to Eli. "Sorry Eli..." She stopped when she saw two masked figures standing there watching the battle. "Who are they?"
Azumi turned. "They weren't there before."

Bluton noticed the sisters distracted and turned towards the new arrivals. "Who are they?" He pointed.
Bob leaned close to the cameras. "It's those wimpy trainers we had locked up!"
Whiton noticed their arrivals. "How did they get out?!"
Bluton shrugged. "Maybe it was one of the speakers?"
"Shut up Bluton!" Bob yelled through their ear piece. "Control the situation!"
Bluton looked at the masked trainers. "Hey! You're only allowed one Pokemon! Deposit the rest in that box that box or the boy in the cage gets it!" He zapped Eli.

Maker screamed at Bluton. "Stop doing that! We don't need a demonstration!"
Azumi thought for a moment. "Why did he say speakers?"
"I oughta have Candle burn him," Kathren whispered angerly only the two next to her could hear her. Her Lampent also heard but did nothing. Instead, she started to yell at the Boogers. "Lam lamp ent! Ent pent lamp!" No one understood what the Lamp Pokemon said, not even Kathren, but she knew what her pokemon meant to say. And she agreed.
Kathren, without thinking, knelt down to scratch Ty's head. She looked up at Renz and said, "Alright, although the Spindas have been very quiet. I don't like that. Could they be plotting something? Other than nearly having a heart attack from losing my journal, watching over my shoulder for a Spinda attack, and this recent event, everything has been fine!" She then looked at the people that called themselves the Boogers, "Don't tell anyone, but I'm coming up with an escape plan," she whispered, "Don't worry, I'll help your friends, but I need to know everything about them you know about them. No one forces me to give up my Pokemon."
The words coming out of the speakers mouth about being wimpy irritated her before she spoke. "Its none of your concern who we are disgusting man with the speaker! However, don't underestimate the siblings because we are not wimpy!" She said sternly but in a cold way as Blue and Sparkx glared at them. "You know insult us especially my young sister isn't going to help the situation! So I suggest you keep your mouth shut! Maybe if you were kind enough we would tell you would we are but in this case we are not!" Shadow finished as Blue and Sparkx were on guard.-