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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

He looked at the ground, got off Cotton, wrote something on a slip of paper and slipped it into Maker's hand.

"My number. In case you need it for whatever bull those clowns pull next, which since I've sicced my team on them, probably not happy. Cotton needs a break so I'll get out a better way. Capture on!"

His watch thing shot out a top, and he looked to the sky for any Pokemon, spotted a Drifloon, made some weird hand motions, and the Drifloon drifted down to him.

"Time to get destroyed again... later."

The Drifloon carried him away. Normally this would be a terrible idea.
As the fight-er, the torture started, Michael got next to Jodi. "Things are starting to get out of hand. Should we interfere?" He whispered to her.
"No, they've got this. I think the Boogers are suffering enough." She responded, her gaze flying between all of the people who were attacking the weird man. Then, they realized that Eli was now free.
"...Cool." Michael said with a smile. He quickly looked around, sighing with relief when he saw Blaziken and Charizard on the same field as them. He walked over to the metal box, and grabbed eight PokéBalls, his and Jodi's. The next thing he knew, they all were on a field. "Wow, teleportation!" He looked around, until Azumi bowed down to him. He watched her with an unimpressed look, but as she finished, his face softened. He sighed and gave her a weak smile. "I'll be fine.Thank you for apologizing... And stop bowing, it creeps me out. Anyway, good leaders realize that they can't do anything alone, and that's what I wanted you to do." He put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and turned around, hearing Maker's comment. He step towards her and said "I'm the one making jokes about love around here!" Jodi sighed and elbowed him.
"My name is Jodi Kelly. It's nice meeting you, Kathren, right?" She said with a warm smile.
"And I'm Michael Kanlo- OW!!" Michael tried to say, but Jodi stepped on his toes. "Ugh, and I'm Michael Matthew Kanlope." He gave Jodi her PokéBalls AND a nasty look. He sighed and continued "So, aren't you happy that this 'journal' I keep hearing about brought you back together?"
"Yes, I'm Kathren, nice to meet you Jodi and Michael. I've been keeping a journal ever since I've started my journey. This is honestly the third one I have!" she replied, "But not really. Honestly, I should of checked to see if it was there before I left, not the night afterward. But I am glad to have this one back. Some of my more... crazier moments are in this one." She looked back at Derp Lord and motioned him to come over. He tried to run over, but he fell on his face.
"Well I was completely ignored." Maker said as her greeting wasn't returned. She turned back to Eli and saw his Sylveon. "Aw aren't you the most adorable Sylveon EVER!" She petted him until Gaeboo gave her his number. "Oh, thanks but you should be careful since last time we sepe..." He was gone. "What kind of catch phrase is catch on?" She said to herself. "Well we should worry about Eli's condition meanwhile." Maker got up and looked to her sister. "Right sis?"

Azumi was watching Nana. She turned her attention the her sister. "Right. We are just waiting on Renz. Did anyone else get hurt?" She asked the group.
Renz arrived at the Pokemon Center, and alerted the Nurse Joy of the need of medical attention. She immediately began gathering supplies, and would be there in about 10 minutes. Renz flew back, and landed in the field a little ways away to greet his pokemon. He released them from their pokeballs and hugged them by one by one.
He landed in Pastoria, letting the Drifloon float away.

"Welp. That was something. Every group has to have that annoying guy that everyone hates. More trouble than I'm worth, really, but oh well. I'm here, I'm a one trick pony, and everyone hates me... including my mom. Arceus damn it, why can't I live my life like a normal person for once, get some friends, have hobbies, do SOMETHING that's USEFUL!"

He just sat on the ground, his hands covering his face from this... teenage drama. Czar just popped out of his ball and nuzzled against him to cheer him up.

"Czar, it's not going to work this time... I need to do something to be productive in... just anything. I don't know anymore..."
"Eli!" Michael said surprised, he had forgotten about what happened to Eli. He got next to him and analized his body. "Thank Arceus you're okay! What those men did to you is unforgivable!... On the bright side, you might have electric superpowers now!" He chuckled awkwardly, realizing that he was not helping.
"On the REAL bright side," Jodi interrupted. "you won't be targeted again... One of us will..." She sighed, realizing that she now is a potential target.
The siblings landed in a more secure town right in front of the Pokemon center. The siblings thought it would be best to heal up the team before moving on. Once their team was healed they continued forward as JC returned Gem to rest. Blue on the other hand seemed to notice someone alone sitting on the ground with a pouty face. Blue walked up to him moving her head to the side in confusion. "Umbre?"she said looking to him with her gold eyes.

JC noticed Blue was not beside her as she looked around. "Blue?"she said until she spotted she spotted her in front of the male she had saw earlier. She came up to her. "Blue, did you sense his sort of feeling he was having?"she asked her. Blue's eyes shifted to her partner to say yes before eyes went back to him. "Are you trying to ask him if he is ok?"she added. Blue nodded as she kept her eyes on him.-
"Nice, I'm a target. I think I made a big impression on them as well. I think it'll be best if we bring Eli to some sort of clinic. But what do I know, I'm the crazy person afraid of Spindas." Kathren said, knowing that they might not listen to any of her ideas due to her being new. Derp Lord was beside her now, looking at Eli. "I'm afraid you can't help much, Derp Lord. You don't know any healing moves unless Rain Dance counts."
She looked to her brother then back at him. "What makes you think you caused too much trouble, you haven't caused too much trouble for us at least, others may think so but we don't"she said crossing her arms against her chest. Blue seemed to understand what her partner was saying as she sat down. Sparkx followed by sitting next to Blue watching him. Shadow stood silent for the moment as his sister tried to reason with him in a calm manner.-
"I said go away. What is so hard to understand about those words, pipsqueaks?"

He's CLEARLY not wanting their help, but if they want to keep pushing, it's all them. You can't say he didn't warn them if push came to shove. He was already gripping his Poke Ball sash on his waist.

"You weren't there the entire time, so you don't get it. Now buzz. Off."
Azumi looked at her pokegear. "Still nothing from Ray..." She sighed and walked over to the group around Eli. "Well we have to stay close. Really close. To avoid any of us being targeted. I hope the trainers who left will be fine..." She looked in the direction where they had flown off towards.
Maker shrugged. "The cranky guy gave me his number, idk why." She made a surprised look. "Maybe he was hitting on me in his own weird way!"
Azumi burst into laughter.
Maker began to laugh also. "What's so funny?"
Azumi calmed down. "Yes Maker. I'm sure that's what he was going for." She turned to Kathern. "Azumi Towers, nice to meet you."
Maker kept on laughing. "Wow my sister using sarcasm, I never thought I would see the day."
Renz walked back to the rest of the group, his pokemon trailing behind him. Piloswine and Hardhat went over to Katherine, It was about this time that a cart pulled by Tauros arrived, with Nurse Joy, two Blissey handsome medicine. They immediately began tending to Eli, doing their best to ease the pain and prevent paralysis. After a few minutes one of the Blissey began dispersing healing items to the other trainers.
"Nice to meet you as well, I'm Kathren Tretoes and my biggest fear is confused pandas," she replied to Azumi. Derp Lord looked at all of the new people. He ran over to a random person, that Kathren recognized as Maker, and gave her a loud "Quag!" Kathren facepalmed at her dimwitted pokemon's rude behavior. She'll correct him soon before he forgot. Actually, she was going to correct him now. "Derp Lord! Stop that! You can request attention from me, but no one else! She might be too busy. She might not like a random water type running up to her. Heck! Some people just don't like random Pokemon running up to them!"
She then redirected her attention to the two pokemon that were running towards her. "Hello to you too!" She cried as she petted the Philoswine.
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Maker noticed Eli and was about to comment on it, when the nurse arrived. They checked her fingers, she was past due her medicine. Maker was distracted when the Quagsire interrupted her. She turned around and smiled at it. "Well aren't you adorable! Makes me want to eat you like a cupcake!" She squeezed it's cheeks.
Azumi let out a sigh of relief as the nurse arrived. She looked over at Nana who was busy playing with flowers. Azumi would check her pokegear often, hoping to see news from Ray, but nothing. "I guess he must be busy." She looked over at the rest. "Well I guess we should go get some food and go with Eli. Two of you should go with Eli. The rest go get food. Remember we can't separate."
She looked to her brother again. She didn't want to cause trouble so just dropped it. She signaled Blue and Jolteon to come but before she left. "Actually I do get it! Being judged for no appartent reason just because of what we wear and think that we will cause trouble for them. You must have faith in yourself to move on, you can't just let a single thing about causing trouble for others put you down. You have to show them that you are not that kind of person, sulking around won't get you anywhere and that's a fact. I was trying to help a friend out here but it seems your not interested so my brother and I will be on our way"she finished before walking off as she needed time to think on what to do next. Shadow just gently patted her head as if to say good try but just gave a sigh. Blue and Sparkx followed next to them as they both closed their eyes.-
Derp Lord thumped his tail on the ground at the compliment while Kathren just sighed. "I still wish you wouldn't just run to people, but I guess you just saw me talking to everyone, so you thought it was alright." She then walked up to Maker. "I still want to apologize about Derp Lord, he shouldn't run up to people, demanding attention. But I'm glad you are fine with him." She then scratched Derp Lord's slimy head. After a moment of thought she said, "I'll help gather food. I don't really know Eli, so I don't think he'll like my presence all that much."
"I can take care of my problems any way I want. And personally, I hate people who don't shut their yaps OR call me their friend with no justification, so I'm peeved anyways, so I'll just shut you up FOR you!"

Man he has some SERIOUS anger issues. He sent out Bastille and had him slide in front of the group.

"If you want to get in MY business, then YOU have to help me vent! Bring it on! I'm not scared of a couple of kids!"
She paused in her tracks as she became instantly confused. "Help you vent? Care to explain"she asked as one hand rested on her hips but her voice was in a slight of irriation. Blue and also Sparkx was confused about it so decided to listen in including Shadow who just looked at him in an irritated way but was hidden under his mask.-
"Battle me, you dimwits! I enjoy the feeling of knowing I'm still good at the only thing I can do well, so I'm going to pound you into the ground! I'll even take both of you on, c'mon!"

That cocky attitude does NOT serve him well, I'll tell you that, but at least he's determined. He called Czar over for him to get into position, and held his sash tightly. How edgy could this kid GET?!
"You don't have to apologise for such a lovely little thing!" Maker said as she patted the Quagsire. "Besides, he doesn't look like he can cause trouble." She then turned to her sister. "I say, me and you should go with Eli. Renz and Kathern should go get food."
Azumi agreed. "Ok." She went over to Renz. "Here take this." She gave him money. "Buy whatever pleases you." She turned to Michael and Jodi. "Whatever you two want to do is fine. Just make sure to stay near the group meanwhile."
Maker hugged the Quagsire. "Take care! I have to go." She returned her Charo, who was asleep, and walked over to the nurse. "We will meet you at the hospital."
Azumi let out her Stoutland and placed Nana on her arms. She got on and turned to the group. "Do not approach any shady characters! Report anything." She took off.
Maker let out her Rapidash, the fiery stallion stomped his foot and snorted. Maker walked over to Kathern. "Here is my number in case you need it." She got on her Rapidash and rushed to the hospital.
The siblings looked to each other before looking back at him. "I'm not going to battle you and neither is my brother, your letting your attitude get the best of you. You need to have a clear mind when you battle or you will just be too clouded to see what your opponent is actually doing and you will end up losing in the end" she advised trying to keep her irritation under control before she loses herself.-
Renz hated taking other people’s money (just like I do IRL), and would have refused but Azumi had already left. He walked over to Katherine.

“I guess we’re in charge of food, then. What do you suggest? We need something the whole group will eat.”
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Derp Lord waved at the leading trainers, having a huge grin on his face. Kathren shook her head at her pokemon, then said, "Something that will last. Dried foods will be the best choice if we will be on the road a lot. Both cheap and preserves well." Derp Lord nodded at this, although he didn't really know what he was nodding to.

Oh god you said his trigger word- Bastille's already attacking their Pokemon. He launched a few Shadow Balls then backed off.

"I will NOT be made a fool of by ANYONE! Now FIGHT before I make you! I don't lose, NEVER! Bastille, don't let up, you know this plan!"

He pulled out his notebook and flipped to a random page. He's not gonna stop-
Azumi and Maker were at the waiting room when the doctor came in and told them where Eli was and his condition. They went up to his room, as soon as they walked in, Azumi called for a nurse.
"Hey Eli Deli!" Maker said joyfully. "What a shocking day huh?" She laughed at her own joke. The room was quite small so she stood by the end of the bed. "This room is so small. We need something bigger."
Azumi nodded. "That's why I called the nurse, I will go get us something better. I will wait for her outside."

Maker nodded. "Ok sis!" She turned back to Eli. "So are you bored? Hungry?"
The siblings leaped back as Blue and Sparkx swiftly leaped up dodging the attacks as she used iron tail to deflect all of them back in a swift motion. "Don't say I didn't warn you and don't say words you can't keep! You will only be batting me and trust me my stragety is unpredictable!" She said. "-Shadow ball Blue then Iron tail!-"she said in thought. "Umbre!" She leaped up unleashing Shadow ball and used the iron tail to give it a more powerful force as she landed before swiftly going at his Pokemon as her tail lit white before slamming her tail on his head hard making him be slammed to the ground before flipping in the air landing back in front of JC as the Shadow balls hit as well. "Don't underestimate my partner here, I raised her right from an egg! Your attitude is clouding you! I won't go easy on you and don't blame me for acting rash! I don't plan to lose either so don't get your hopes up!"she finished waiting for his turn.-
“A lot has happened since last time...”

He shuddered as the memories of Hermaeus’ staff and the Spinda from the train flashed in his mind.

“Any news since? I saw a Spinda recently... it wasn’t one of the King’s but I didn’t know at first.”

He felt slightly cold, even though it was kind of humid.
Kathren's eyes widened then her face returned to normal. "Yes and no. All Spinda activity have been documented in my journal. I just recently got the king off of my trail. Kinda been in hiding. Right Derp Lord," She said. Derp Lord nodded. She recalled the caves and small visits into towns to restock on food and heal her pokemon.
“Not fun. I should honestly train one of my Pokémon in Focus Blast so we can fight them more effectively...”

He paused for a moment, and sighed.

“I wonder why he hates you. I’ve been pretty out in the open, and I haven’t been attacked... unless he’s after Candle?”

About this point they reached the border of town. Renz paused and looked into the shadows to make sure there was nothing there before continuing towards the Pokémon Center.
Michael looked around, trying to decide what to do. "I know! I'll go grab food with Renz and Kathren and you go with Eli. How does that sound?" Jodi shrugged and Michael ruffled her hair. "Nice! See you later!" He went to Blaziken and motioned her to follow him. Then, he ran after Renz and yelled "Wait for me!!!!"
Jodi sighed with a small smile and got on her Charizatd's back, who flew to the hospital. They arrived shortly, and ran to the waiting room where Maker and Azumi were waiting. "What did the nurses say?" She asked with heavy breaths.
Michael eventually reached Renz and Kathren, and threw his arms around their shoulders. "So, what interesting conversations did I miss?" He asked with a smirk.
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“Hey, Michael. We’ve just been catching up since last time we saw each other.”

He shrugged Michael’s arm off his shoulder and continued walking. Once they reached the center, he waited for the others to heal their Pokémon (if they wanted to), and then walked towards the store.
Kathren was going to answer Renz, but then Michael came up to them. "Yeah, just catching up since we last saw each other. It'd been a while. Anyways I'm going to heal up my pokemon and retrieve some from the box." She entered the Pokemon Center and handed her pokemon to a Chansey and went to retrieve some of her pokemon.