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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Renz reached the building and entered quickly. Garchomp had a Dragon Pulse charging up in his maw as they entered. After a moment or two he found the rest of the group, minus Eli, standing around a locked door. He looked abashed.

“Listen, guys. I’m sorry. I’m not used to these kind of espionage things, I’m really more of a battle strategist.”
Azumi starred at Renz. "We can talk about that later. There's a barrier that seems to reflect attacks. Michael believes that it isn't active from the bottom. I believe Garchomp has enough power to penetrate the floor and emerge inside." She pointed at the office window. "I can see her in there, in that small closet. But she doesn't respond, we need to get inside as soon as possible."
Renz thought for a moment. Instead of using Garchomp, he called out Ceasar.

“Ceasar, I need you to dig underneath the room, and then use Megahorn. Be careful, we don’t want to hurt Maker.”

Ceasar flexed and then looked at the Concrete floor. Garchomp nodded and slammed the ground with a Dragon Tail, breaking it and allowing Ceasar access to the inside. The Shiny Nidoking burrowed into the ground beneath the concrete, then carefully aimed at the chosen spot and unleashed a massively powerful Megahorn.
Azumi watched with a worried look as she saw Ceasar appear inside the small room. "It worked!" She said with relief. "Is there a way to deactivate for the rest of us?" She turned to Michael. His idea had worked, she hoped he had another one.
Maker just sat there as a Pokemon busted inside through the ground. She didn't look up or anything though, she was holding back the need to cry.
"Right, that was quite obvious." Azumi said when Michael mentioned going through the hole. She went in and slowly made her way through. When she came out, she looked directly at her sister. Maker was sitting down, holding her injured hand against her chest. She didn't seem to notice Azumi coming out of the hole.
Azumi walked over to her sister. She noticed the haircut, tattoos and piercings. She sighed and sat in front of her sister. "I'm sorry it took me so long." Azumi said.
Maker didn't reply.
Azumi noticed her swollen fingers. "Guys, somebody go get medical help." She called out to the others. "The rest of you, I need to bringing her out."
"Can you stand?" Azumi asked her sister.
Maker didn't respond, she just starred at the floor.
"Maker. We need to go." Azumi said, her voice sounding more strict.
Maker didn't answer back.
Azumi sighed. "I know what you went through was horrible. But we need to get you out of here. The more your fingers remain that way, the more time they will take to heal."
Eve went through the hole and cried out of joy when she saw her trainer. She ran to her side and rubbed her body against Maker.
"Maker? We have to go." Azumi said, starting to sound upset.
Maker didn't react to her sister's words or Eve's affection.
Azumi got up, feeling upset and desperte. "Maker Elizabeth Towers! You need to snap out of it and get up, now!" She said in a harsh loud voice.
Maker finally looked up, she had an angry look in her eyes. She got up and faced her sister. "For what?! So we can go out there and keep going through this kinds of things?!"
Azumi clenched her fist. "Nobody asked you to get involved! You're more than welcome to leave whenever you wish to!"
Maker stomped her foot. "That's exactly what I'm going to do! Why did I think that helping would be a good thing?!"
Azumi snapped back. "Because it's the right thing to do!"
"The right thing?!" Maker answered back. "The right thing always has awful consequences! Look!" She held up her hand with her broken fingers. "This what I get for doing the right thing! And in the end, another stupid organization is going to be created and we repeat the same story!"
Azumi crossed her arms. "Then we just have to keep beating them."
"Until when? When Michael breaks an arm?? When Jodi loses a leg? What if one of us dies?! Then what? We cry and then go at it again?" Maker began to raise her voice. Eve looked at her confused.
"We all know those are things that are bound to happen when messing with these kind of people!" Azumi's voice got louder also. "If you can't handle the idea of being hurt, then don't get involved!"
"So now I'm suppose to leave you alone?" Maker's voice began to crack, as if she was about to cry.
"Yes! Not having to worry about you, or any of you, would make things easier!" Azumi's voice was getting louder.
"You need me! You can't do this alone!" Maker replied back, tears now building up in her eyes.
"No. I don't. I never did. I didn't when Mom passed, I didn't when brother left the house, I didn't when I cared for you and father. I always did it on my own, you were just there because you were dependent of me, but I never needed you." Azumi answered with a cold tone. "Now let the Nidoking help you out, get to a hospital and go home."
Maker just starred at her sister in shock. After a few seconds, she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Ok." She answered as she walked over to the Nidoking.
Azumi got out if the small room through the hole. When she stepped out she looked at everyone and said. "You should all go home." She walked away, with her Stoutland following behind.
As Nidoking carried Maker towards the Pokécenter, he tried to comfort her.

“There are Pokemon that have the power to heal your hand. Like an Alomamola, they have strong healing powers.”

Ceasar grunted a bit, and continued to trudge towards the Pokécenter. Garchomp leaned in towards her, trying to make her feel better.
Maker just held her hand to her chest the hold time. She heard what she was being told, but didn't seem to care for anything at the moment. When they arrived at the Pokemon center she walked in and was taken to the emergency room quickly. She just followed quietly.
Azumi sat on the side of the street, outside the warehouse. She buried her face in her hands and complained in a low voice.
After a few hours Maker came back out. She had some weird plastics around her fingers and a weird silly smile across her face. Eve ran up to her and rubbed herself against Maker's legs. Maker walked awkwardly as a nurse helped her walk. Maker pointed at Renz. "That's my ride!"
The nurse helped her get to Renz and Maker sat next to him. "Thank you nurse lady!" She said with a big smile. The nurse looked at Renz. "Those plastics on her fingers will allowed her to move them while healing. Make sure she keeps them on and ..." She gave Renz a bottle of medicine. "These are pain killers. She might be a little... Unstable." She said goodbye to Maker and left.
Maker laughed. "Your hair is funny." She said as she touched Renz's hair.
“Hey, you seem like you feel better.”

He said after nodding to the Nurse and acknowledging her instructions. She began fidgeting with his hair. He was pretty sure this behavior was due to medications.

“Where do you want to go? Or would you rather just hang out here?”

Garchomp looked confused, Maker had been acting a lot different than his previous experience.
Maker squinted her eyes, as if she couldn't see Renz well. "I'm hungry. We should eat. Cake. Chocolate cake." She began to laugh again. "The doctor said I should talk to someone about what happened." She began playing with her hair. "I don't want to though. Michael is going to be soooo mad at me."
“Cake? Uhh... okay. Let’s go find some... by the way, do you still have your Pokédex or some other communication device?”

He regretted not getting Azumi’s number in the last couple of days, but it had kinda slipped his mind. He began trying to lead Maker outside, and had Garchomp keep an eye on her while he looked on his Pokédex to see where he could find a place to get cake.

“I’m looking for a place to find cake, Maker. We should be able to get some soon.”
Maker giggled. "Cake is AFTER, you silly. We need to eat really food first. Like..." She stumbled a little but regained her balance. "Pizza or tacos. Or both! Pizza taco!" She hugged Garchomp. "You're such a beautiful Pokemon, too bad you're not a fire type." She began walking down the street. "Let's go Renz!"
Maker laughed. "I said pizza taco. You get a pizza and put taco stuff on it. Then you fold like a taco and eat it." She continued to walk, Eve would occasionally help her keep her balance. "We should go to Michael and Jodi and Eli. They are probably hungry also."
“Okay, let’s go look for them. Would you like to ride on Hardhat?”

He pulled Hardhat out and patted the turtle’s back. Renz was planning to go back to the warehouse. It was unlikely the others would still be there, since a few hours had passed, but that was the only place he knew to look right now.
“Do you know their numbers? I can call them if you can tell me. Then we will be able to find them.”

Hardhat grumbled a bit in his throat as tears fell on his back. Garchomp gently patted her on the back. Renz knee that Maker specialized in Fire types, so he let out Ty the Typhlosion. Ty appeared near Maker and began giving off heat into the slightly chilly air.
Maker gave her pokegear to Renz while sobbing. "I'm sure they are there." She smiled when she saw the Typhlosion, but then began to cry when she noticed his leg. "Poor Typhlosion! Why would someone do that!" She kept crying. "It's no fair! What kind of world does something like that to such a noble creature!"
He quickly found the numbers for the rest of the group and typed them into his phone.

“Something similar to what happened to you. A bad person decided that they didn’t like something that Ty had done and then hurt him. I discovered him in the forest after he escaped his old master.”

He then dialed in Azumi’s number and tried to call her.
“It’s me, Renz. I got the number from Maker. She is doing okay, just a bit... delirious? I think it is a combination of stress and the medicine they gave her while they were fixing up her hands. She wants to know where the rest of the group is, and to meet up for ‘Pizza Tacos’...”

Ty snuggled up to Maker. He sensed a kindred spirit in this trainer, and he could tell she needed comfort. He gave small purring noises and licked her uninjured hand.
Azumi sighed frustrated. "Tell the others. I don't know where you can buy pizza tacos. Also, thank you for taking care of her. She is..." She thought about the right word. "Annoying."

Maker hugged the Typhlosion. "You are so adorable! I'm going to steal you away one of these days!" She gave him a kiss on the chick to return the hand lick.
“She said to get Taco toppings and put them on a cheese pizza, then fold it in half into a taco shell.”

He glanced over at Maker and Ty.

“Let’s just pick somewhere to meet.”

Ty rolled over a bit, as far as he could without making Maker uncomfortable. He clearly wanted belly rubs. Torterra shook itself slightly, raining a few leaves down on the others. Garchomp sat down as well, and wiggled around, also asking for attention.
Azumi rubbed her forehead with her fingers. "I guess. Choose a place and let me know. I can't really think right now."

Maker laughed and rubbed Typhlosion's belly. "Oh you are just so adorable." She looked over at Garchomp. "You too!"
Eve rolled her eyes and curled up.
“Let’s just meet back at the Pokémon Center. It’s near the middle of town, and then we can go anywhere from there. I’ll text the others and tell them to meet us there. See you in a few.”

He hung up and turned to Maker.

“We’re going to meet the others at the Pokécenter and then get food.”

He sent a text to Michael, Jodi, and Eli, telling them to meet up at the Pokémon Center.
"Again the Pokemon center?" Maker yawned loudly. "That is so boring. We should go to the amusement park." She went over and carefully petted Garchomp. "Then we can get ice cream and french fries!" She began walking down the street, opposite of the direction of the Pokemon center. "Or we can go to the movies! I love the movies!"
Eve got up and followed her trainer.

Azumi hanged up. "Come on Nana." She said as she walked towards the center. Nana smiled and danced along the way.
“Maker, I don’t think there is an amusement park in Celestial Town.”

He began walking after her and returned Ty while they walked. Hardhat ambled forward and cut Maker off.

“Please, hop on Hardhat’s back. We should only be at the Pokémon Center for a minute or two...”
“Yes, I could sleep. You might heal faster if you sleep, and then you won’t be bored if we have to wait for a little longer than I think.”

Renz hoped that Maker would sleep. He slowed down so that Hardhat would be more gentle. He also made sure Eve was following.
Maker yawned and curled up in the Pokemon's back. "Okay. Just remember to get me my food and anything that's cute." She laid comfortably, her eyes slowly closing. "I feel so comfortable. Don't steal my cake..." She fell asleep. Eve just followed obediently.
They reached the Pokémon Center fairly quickly. Renz left Hardhat outside so Maker could sleep, and Garchomp stayed behind to keep watch. Renz stepped inside to look for Azumi. She would probably have beat them there since he had had to chase Maker for a block or so, and then returned slowly.
“Hi. Nurse Joy said that she had put on flexible plastic caps on the fingers so that they will heal faster. She also gave me some medications. And she mentioned something about loss of wits, I think it is the medications making her delirious. Do you know where the others went after we found Maker?”

Renz waved to Nana and then checked his Pokédex to see if anyone had responded.

“Oh also, Maker said to get her some food if she slept for too long.”
"I didn't really pay attention." Azumi replied. "Thank you for taking care of her. I will have someone take her home as soon as possible. I already called and they should arrive tomorrow morning. I will see if I can get her a room at a nearby hotel meanwhile." She walked over to see her sleeping sister. Eve ran around Nana and Nana jumped happily.
Azumi grabbed one of Maker's pokeball. She turned back to Renz. "Don't worry about everything else, the hotel has room service. If you need a place to stay, I can arrange a room for you also if you like."
Nana starred at Hardhat, she was amazed by the size.
Hardhat turned his head towards Nana and grinned. He could guess what that face meant, and he enjoyed complements, even inaudible ones. Or he took it to be a compliment. Garchomp waved at Nana as well.

“Hmph,” Renz grunted, “I’m not sure what I want to do next. Listen, I’m sorry.”

He walked over to Hardhat and leaned against the shell of the giant turtle.

“I have just been following my gut and not thinking through things well enough. I hope you can forgive me.”