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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

The Magneton stopped the flamethrower using protect. The Granbull and Machoke charged at Blaziken, but the Machoke was stopped by Anakin, who slammed a force palm across his chest. The Granbull kept charging towards Blaziken.
Marowhak stopped the dragon tail with bone rushed, while the Poliwhirl fired a water pulse at Charizard.
"These guys have a lot of battle experience, don't get confident!" Azumi called back towards her friends.
"Yeah yeah,they're strong,blah blah!Use Poison Jab!"Michael yelled and his Blaziken nodded.He rushed towards the Granbull,ready to stab it with her poison claw.Charizard quickly got back as the Marowak stopped his Dragon Tail and looked intensely at the incoming Water Pulse.
"Charizard,fly up in the air and use Thunder Punch on the Poliwhirl!"Charizard nodded and flew up,avoiding the attack and going back down,ready to punch the foe.
The Magneton placed itself in front of the Granbull, the poison jab doing nothing. Granbull jumped over it and prepared a headbutt diving straight to Blaziken. Meanwhile Anakin was using detect to dodge the incoming karate chops from the Machoke.
Marowhak's lighting rod absorbed the electricity from charizard's fist. The Poliwhirl took nearly no damage from the neutral punch, he fought back with doble slap while Marowhak charged with a thunder punch of his own.
Michael sighed and nodded reassuringly to Blaziken,who nodded back.As Granbull was heading right for Blaziken,she grabbed its head before it could reach her and smashed it into the ground and used Blaze Kick on the Magneton.Meanwhile,Charizard was about to get hit from both ways when he flew up in the air,dodging the attacks.It started gatgering light and in a matter of 2 minutes it fired a powerful Solar Beam towards the enemies.
Anakin and Machoke clashed. The Lucario used force palm while Machoke used cross chop. Both Pokemon landed back on their feet. "Aurora sphere!" Azumi called out. Lucario began charging his attack as the Machoke charged at him.
The Magneton held on thanks to it's sturdy ability and used thunder wave on Blaziken, leaving it paralyzed. The Granbull got up and attacked Blaziken with play rough.
Marowhak took the solar beam for it's partner. The Poliwhirl took advantage and fired it's water pulse and the Charizard who was too busy attacking his partner.
Both Charizard and Blaziken were hit by the super effective move and got weakened.They started breathing heavily,until a red aura started surrounding them.It was Blaze.They both got up and looked intensely at their opponents.Blaziken was able to resist the paralysis this time and let out a powered up Overheat.Meanwhile,Charizard coughed and used Fire Spin,creating a huge vortex around his opponents.Then,it got above it and crashed down using Flare Blitz.
Anakin finished the machoke off with his aurora sphere. The other Pokemon were unable to stop Michael's attacks and were knocked out. The thugs returned their Pokemon, looking angry.
"Leave, now. Next time there won't be a warning." Azumi told them with a serious tone.
Both gangs left while complaining. Azumi turned to Michael and Jodi. "Let's head home before the ice cream melts." She said with a smile.
Alex cheered. "Hey, that was excelent! Do you feel ready to try giving them a command?" Alex thought for a second, trying to remember some options. "Aside from 'attack', those kinds of trainers sometimes teach 'stay' or 'stand down' and sometimes 'speak' or 'roar', in order to use their pokemon for intimidation. They might also use something like 'guard'." Alex hesitated a moment before his next suggestion. "You could also try asking them to try some sort of attack. That could go very poorly, but teaching them a proper battling attitude is also important. We'll want to get around to that eventually either way." Alex paused, failing to find a good segue to his next thought.

"Having them follow a simple command will also help establish you as their leader, which should help with their aggression towards you. It'll also make rehabilitation easier overall. Remember to say it firmly, but not unkindly. Like this," Alex stood up straight and spoke with finality, though carefully left any aggression or fear out of his voice. "You've got the posture down, just let that same feeling flow through your voice, too."
"Gah! I've been slain!" Ray exclaimed as Nana's piece of bread hit him and he dramatically fell to the ground. "Someone must put an end to this terrible monster's reign... Why, none other that Akali: the chosen hero!"
Ray sent out the Mawhile and tossed her the piece of bread. He was drained from working with Levan's pokemon so much, and in need of a change of pace...
"Akali, use counter-bread!" he pointed at Nana, and the steel-type threw the piece of bread back at her enthusiastically...
"I hope that the whimpy kids weren't an inconvenience for you!"Michael yelled sticking out his tongue.He went over to Blaziken,pat her head and called her back.The same thing did Jodi with Charizard.They quickly followed Azumi,arriving at the house.Michael entered and yelled"Honey,I'm home!"He laughed and placed a bucket of ice cream on the table."Hey Oti',want some ice cream?"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie picked out a couple of pastries, one for her and one for each of her Pokemon. She handed Eevee and Gardevoir a pastry each, and began to eat her own. "This is great!"
"Veeeeeee!" Eevee cried with joy.
"You like it, Eevee? I thought you would," Allie said with a smile. She turned to Eli. "Should we head back now? We've been out for a while..."
"Not this time!" Ray exclaimed as he caught the incoming bread mid-air. "My defences have increased!" He triumphantly bit into the bread, only to promptly spit it out. "Blegh! This tastes terrible... why do pokemon like this stuff?"

He look up at the golden sky. He hadn't realized it, but they'd pretty much spent the whole day training his pokemon... it was already evening, it looked like.

"Hmmm... maybe we should head back home soon?" he asked the group. "Azumi's probably off work now... and Lucian will probably be expecting me soon..."
Maker looked at Ray with a confused look. "Lucian is waiting? For what? You cheating in Azumi with him?" A smirk appeared on her face towards the end. She let her Rapidash out and got on, ready to follow them back to the apartment.

Azumi opened her eyes, she had dozed off while working. She set her laptop down and walked to the living room. "Hey Otis, help yourself to anything you want to eat." She said while holding in a yawn. She looked at the time. "Ray, Maker and Alex haven't returned yet. I hope they were able to make progress." She sat down on the couch next to Otis and looked at Michael and Jodi. "Sorry I left you two alone. I fell asleep without notice."
"Yeah,help yourself with some!"Michael said with a smile."Thank 'Zumi,she needed to get some yogurt for Nana,so she let us buy some!"He got 2 spoons,gave one to Jodi and said determined"We've got this one!"They started eating it and in about 5 minutes,they finished it."Owwww!My head!Ugh,I hate it when I get a brain freeze!"
"Owwww,don't worry,I've got this!"Jodi said releasing her Charizard.He put his tail to both of their foreheads and their pains were gone."Thanks!"Jodi said calling him back.As Azumi came back,Michael nodded and said"Oh,it's fine!We should get going any time soon now!"
"It is getting late..."
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Alex laughed and took a bite of the bread he was holding. It was slightly savory and a little sweet, but mostly bitter. It tasted kind of like a raw tomato drenched in hand sanitizer. He struggled to swallow the foul substance. "It's not that bad," Alex tried to smile mischievously, but his face was locked in a grimace.

Alex looked at the sky. He hadn't realized it had gotten so late. "Yeah, you're probably right. Let's head back," Alex suggested. "What are you doing with Lucian? If you're allowed to tell me, I suppose."
Ray gathered his things and once everyone else was ready to go he began to walk back to the apartment. It was a lovely evening, and Akali skipped happily alongside them as they walked.

"Ha ha ha" he laughed sarcastically at Maker's comment. "No, that's not it... And I trust both of you, so I have no problem telling you the real reason:
Lucian and I are going to investigate the attack on city hall. Well, it was his idea - I'm just tagging along... Azumi's going to come too, in order to investigate Lucian as a suspect, but Lucian doesn't know this of course. I doubt she'll find anything against him. Anyway, should be an interesting night - I have no idea where Lucian even intends to start investigating... Oh, and you two are welcome to tag along too, if you want! He told me I can bring anyone I trust."

They arrived back at the apartment and Ray let everyone inside.
"Hello?" he called out as he opened the door and walked in. "We're back!"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie very rarely got genuinely angry at someone, but the "date" comment along with everything else Michael said made her explode.
"EXCUSE ME?" she screamed. Even Eevee shied away from her. She glared at Michael. "We were training, thank you very much! We stopped to grab a snack, but that's it!"
She realized how irrational she was being and sighed. "I'm - sorry. I just get really defensive sometimes." She glanced at Eevee, who still looked a bit scared. "Oh, sorry Eevee!" She laughed awkwardly. "Uh... so what did we miss, guys?"
Azumi threw herself and Ray. "It's about time. I was thinking about sending a rescue team." She as she gave him a kiss. Nana cried with joy as Azumi picked her up.
"After today I actually respect Ray a little." Maker said as she served herself ice cream. "He was all manly standing strong against his Pokemon."
Azumi took Nana and Akali to the kitchen and gave them yogurt. Then she returned to the apartment and wrapped her arms around Ray and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Well Michael and Jodi helped me out today. We had some battles against some gang."

Maker laughed when she heard Allie. "Relax! Michael has this weir obsession with partnering people up."
Michael chuckled at Allie's explosion."Wow,I actually didn't expect that!"
"You'll get used to it."Jodi said with a sigh.Michael laughed at Maker's comment and added:
"Yeah,it's my thing!But it's not weird,it's actually fascinating!But you wouldn't understand.Heheh."He chuckled again and pat Allie on the shoulder."I won't say that if it hurts you...I'll just think about it!"He chuckled once more and sat back on the couch.


Previously EeviumZ
"Veeveeeveeeeee!" Eevee cried, staring at the ice cream hungrily.
"Eevee, you've had plenty of treats today. You and me both."
"Vee..." Eevee sighed dramatically.
"But... a little more couldn't hurt, huh?" Allie replied with a mischievous smile.
"Veeveeveevee! Vee! Vee!" Eevee said excitedly.
"You don't mind if we help ourselves, right?" Allie asked the group.
"Of course not! There's plenty. Please go ahead." Azumi said as she still hanged on to Ray.
"Oh by the way we couldn't get Nana to use telepathy again." Maker said looking disappointed.
Azumi looked in surprise. "Nana used telepathy before?! Why didn't anyone tell?"
Maker looked at her confused. "Wait Ray didn't tell you?"
Azumi nodded saying no.
"Well we were all there, right guys?" She turned to the group.
Maker thought about it. "She did seem to be doing it without thinking it. Most likely it was just by mistake. What do you think Mr. Behavior specialist?" Maker said looking at Alex.
"Well I'm just glad to finally know her ability." Azumi said as she smiled at Nana, who was to busy having a conversation with Akali while eating yogurt.