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Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

Suzy looked at Lily, and said, "I'll tell you one thing, it wasn't pretty. She was up against this boy, Lucas, who had the ability to excrete various types of poison/venom, I call it code-word 'Black Mamba'. He was able to beat the girl by creating poison in the form of gas, and spat some sort of acid in her spinal cord region. It's a good thing I brought her here in time, who knows what could've happened."


Previously Sarah316
Lily had to grimace at Suzy's description. Yeah, that did not sound pretty in the slightest, and she was partially thankful she had missed it and even more thankful that Suzy got the girl here just in time.

"I see, sounds pretty brutal. But hopefully she'll be okay. You did good bringing her here." Lily said with a smile to her friend, happy to see Suzy willing to volunteer to help others to the nurse even if she didn't know them that well.


Previously LunaLuma
Ella Scowled as the teacher began to heal her, she felt the acid dissolve into nothing and leaving a purple mark on her back which then began to heal. Ella was amazed at how well the nurse was healing her. Her back still stung a little but She would get over it. She then put out her wings, relieved that she didn't lose her ability to have them. Ella then heard the girls talking about the fight. She nodded as Suzy explained what happened at the fight.

"I don't like him... Why would he do that... if he had already won..." Ella responded quietly, still laying on her stomach.


Cade saw Aura panting. He really liked Aura's ice powers and wanted to see what he could do to improve it. He thought of Ashley to get angry and his eyes turned red. Next, he placed his hand on Aura's shoulder, using his power on Aura. He thought about destroying the school but he resisted the urges and calmed himself down

"Are you okay?" He asked Aura with a smile. His eyes began to turn an emerald green as he took his hand off of her. He then wondered if Aura thought if that was weird. He blushed as he became heterochromia; One eye green and one eye yellow.
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Aura gripped onto Kevin's arms. "I- I-" She stuttered, "I saw her Kevin, th- the girl from my c- class..." She tensed as she remembered what had happened that day. "She just stood there and I tried to get to her but she kept moving away!" Aurora cried. "What did i do to her... What did I do" She mumbled as she lay her head on her knees.
Kevin acted quickly as he crouched down and offered a comforting hug to his friend. Kevin had seen this before from Aura, and had many times experienced these panic attacks himself, so he knew what to do.

"Aura, listen to me. Y-you didn't do anything. It was just a dream. You just need to relax and remember that I am here for you. Being in a panic isn't gonna help either of us." Kevin advised as he tried to calm Aura down and reassure his friend he was there for her. Oliver looked on in the event it was needed.

The Adaptdroid found it difficult to get to either child, one was simply moving away form the hand and the other was smacking its other hand. However, it did keep the children back which was what the android was counting on. Slowly it began to walk backwards as it would move closer to the bomb defuser while its hands continued to try and ensnare the girls but more importantly keep them back which would leave the real target defenseless.
Kendra soon realized the Adaptdroid's intent and used her magic to create a wall to block the Adaptdroid from backing up further, as well as keeping it from the Bomb Defuser. She brought her sword down onto the Adaptdroid's arm. Clay, Ryka, and Tia continued to watch.

Laila's eyes widened. She ducked, then slid underneath Serenity. She changed into her large Egyptian Mau form. Then she leapt at Serenity.
A feeling of uneasiness knocked Ryker out of his trance of concentration. His eyes opened and the aura flared down, as the boy looked at the opening door. Another teen stepped into the room. He was tall, had black hair, and sharp grey eyes.

“Mr. Trueno I presume,” the boy said calmly towards Mr. Trueno. The boy raised a pink slip of paper and handed it to the teacher. “My name is Ray Kage. Sorry I’m late. I had complications.” His voice was off putting and he seemed to reek mystery. But there was something else that Ryker couldn’t put his finger on. Something sinister about this new arrival.


Previously LunaLuma
Mr Trueno Frowned at the boy.

"I would appreciate it if you were to come earlier but I guess it's better then you being completely absent... Just don't be this late again please," Mr Trueno told him. He was okay with students being late by a couple of minutes but not this far into the lesson.
Suzy overheard Ella, and sat right next to her. "Now, there is no need to be so harsh," Suzy said as she patted Ella's back, "You can't really say you hate the guy just because he hurt you one time. I mean, take my fight with Diego for example, I'm not mad at him, even though he may have caused me to be cripple. But, it was also my fault because I insisted on him to keep going."

"Basically," Suzy said, "What I'm trying to say is, look at it from both sides. Ask Lucas why he did such a thing to you, his answer may just be surprising."

Suzy then got up, and told both girls, "Now, come on and lets go to class. After all, I don't want to miss the fight that just ensued." Suzy then started heading towards the classroom.


Previously Sarah316
Lily would nod as she would follow Suzy back to the classroom, not wanting to miss more of the current fight now that she had been all healed up.

Serenity groaned as she jumped back and slammed her hand on the ground, which generated a large crystal that acted as a barrier against the transformed Laila to try and stop her pounce all the while she tried to figure out what to do next.

She's too quick for my projectile crystals to hit. And these barriers are only gonna stall. I can't keep them up all day. Come on Serenity think, you can find a way to turn the tables...


Previously LunaLuma
Ella thought about what Suzy told her. The idea to ask him about it lingered in her mind as she followed Suzy back to the classroom. She barely felt any pain in her back anymore.


Lucas was bored. He wasn't interested in the fight. He only wanted to know if Ella was okay. He didn't want her to die because of him. Lucas held onto hope as the battle continued.
"It felt so real, I could hear her, I could see her!" Aura moaned. "She was actually there, or at least her mind was"
'I should go again'
Aura grabbed at her blindfold and attempted to tie it around her.

Sammy sat in class, bored as ever. She glanced over at Emily, and gave her a grin.
"Hold it young lady, putting yourself back in a situation that caused you such stress might not be so wise." Oliver said, advising against Aura doing whatever spiritual trip or whatever it believed Aura was doing. Kevin however had a different reaction.

"Is there a-anything I can do to help?" Kevin asked Aura.

Emily, who was also bored out of her young mind, saw Sammy grin at her and returned it in kind. After she checked to see if the teacher was paying attention to them, which from what she saw she was not as she was writing on the whiteboard, she would whisper over to Sammy.

"Think the teacher will give us some free time? Or at least give us a chance to do something cool? I'm so bored." Emily complained, in her most quiet voice.
"Me too" Sammy complained, "I wanna do a battle"
The teacher looked over to Sammy, "Battles you say? Well that could be interesting. Class how does that sound?"

"N- no." She took a deep breath. "I'll continue to visit her and i'll strengthen that skill, the best thing you can do to help is to listen." She said, looking up at Kevin. "We gotta stick together in all this, in your troubles, my troubles. That's what friends do, right?"
Emily grinned when the teacher asked the class.

"I want to do battles!" Emily said as she passionately cast her vote in favor of the suggestion.

Kevin gave a nod, Aura's words made sense to him so he would respect Aura's decision and support her however he could.

"Right, that's what friends are for." Kevin said with a small smile to Aura, while Oliver remained quite. It knew that speaking now would only cause further problems. It would just try that these two knew what they were doing.


Previously LunaLuma
Mika Perked up when she heard the word battle.

"I wanna do battle!" Mika yelled after hearing Sammy and Emily.


Cade overheard Aura and Kevin's conversation.

"Perhaps I could help. I can Strengthen your powers.... so you can visit her for longer..." Cade said to Aura, trying to be helpful.


Ashley finally had some free time to watch over her younger brother. She liked pestering him because she found it quite funny. Ashley then closed her eyes as she began to watch Cade telepathically. She observed Cade in a class with other students. Ashley didn't know who Cade was talking to but she could tell He only just met them in this class. The way he talked made him sound...Slightly Nervous...
Ashley continued to watch them as she sat in her room.
“Battle? I don’t know That sounds a bit scary.” Landon said as kids from the class demanded time to battle each other. But he couldn’t battle. He didn’t even have good enough powers to do that. His stomach was now doing backflips.

“Consider yourself lucky I decided to show up at all.” Ray said coldly as he made his way away from Mr. Trueno and leaned against a wall.

“I know this sounds a bit unlike me, but maybe give it a rest.” Ryker walked over to join his friends. “Think about it. The past is in the past. Whatever happened, you can’t change it. Take some rest and try again later. However if it’s that important to you. I can’t stop you, and all I can say is charge on ahead.” The boy gave a thumbs up and a smile

“Guys, is it just me or is that guy sketchy?” Ryker added as he pointed his thumb towards the new kid who walked in. “I can’t explain it, but my emo sense is tingling.”


Previously LunaLuma
Mr Trueno did not appreciate Ray's attitude towards him. He thought these kinds of kids only appeared in books and movies.

"Consider yourself lucky you haven't been sent to the headmaster yet," Mr Trueno responded to Ray while scowling at him.


"So who are your new friends?" Ashley asked Cade Telepathically.

"Oh great She's back," Cade thought to himself.

"I only met them a couple of minutes ago, can you get out of my head?"

"Oh, She's cute. do you like her? Or do you still like Jye?"

He was blushing but he didn't know. Jye was a student at his old school. He never actually asked him out though. Cade sometimes wondered what Jye was doing. He hoped he was happy.

"How do you know about him?"

"I've been watching you for like forever remember?"

Cade forgot about that part.

"Whatever... Anyway if you must know, The girl is called Aura, I battled her recently, She has Ice manipulation powers."

"Aura huh?"

That was the last thing Cade heard. He had one eye red and the other was bright yellow.


Ashley then opened her eyes. She was interested in who some other students were like the teacher, the rebellious bully who was leaning on the wall and that girl from before who was her age. Was her name something like Lily? She also wanted more info on Aura since she thought she had briefly heard of her. Ashley wanted to ask but she could tell Cade was mad and she didn't have any more free time left.

"Back to work, Yipee..."
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The Adaptdroid's hand was sliced clean off, but this seemed to do little to detour it as soon gas began to shoot out from where the hand used to be as the Adaptdroid tried a smokescreen attack to try and blind Kendra. During this the Adaptdroid would retract its other hand away from Ash before it shifted into a cannon and began to fire a couple rounds to try and blast apart the wall Kendra created.

Candice watched the entire battle while she took notes to evaluate their performance; her expression giving away nothing.

One of them managed to wound it, but this battle is far from over...
Laila crashed into the crystal wall. 'Great, now what?' Laila thought. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to get up the wall. 'If I can find a way over it, I could get to her. Think Laila, think.'

Kendra coughed. She waved her hand back and forth to try to clear away the smoke from the smokescreen. 'It's hand is gone, but it's still going. Maybe if we cut the head off...'
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Previously Sarah316
Serenity used this time that crystal barrier would allow her time to think of a new strategy. Serenity expected Laila would try to go around the crystal to attack her from either of her sides or even run all the way around behind her and her barrier and as such prepared herself for anything.

It's too smooth to climb, I would think, so she'll have to go around. If I know where she is attacking from, I have the advantage.

Ash took note of the Adaptdroid blinding Kendra as well as trying to demolish the wall and acted quickly. With her crowbar in hand as she charged the Adaptdroid knowing it couldn't hold off Kendra, destroy the all and defend itself as she would aim to deliver a shot with said crowbar across the chest of the android.
Laila went around the wall. She circled Serenity clockwise twice, then counterclockwise twice, on all fours. She was simply observing her at the moment. She was trying to figure out a plan. A strategy of some kind that would take the girl down without causing too much damage to her.

Kendra managed to clear the smoke away without using her air powers. She spotted Ash as she charged the Adaptdroid, crowbar in hand. 'Since it only has one hand, it can no longer fend off the both of us.' With that thought in mind, Kendra softly chanted something in her native tongue. Sparks flew off the sword. Kendra did a loop in the air, the dove down at the Adaptdroid, sword sparking.


Previously Sarah316
Serenity saw Laila move around the wall and begin to circle her. Serenity took a deep breath before she would jump back and then jump off the wall and over Laila; using the self made fortification as a boost.

Serenity then turned back to face Laila, and with the wall now behind Laila cutting off one path of escape, Serenity aimed to take advantage as she fired projectile crystals from both her palms aimed right for her.

Andrew, Lily and especially Diego looked on with interest.
The crystals sliced through certain places on her fur. Laila winced, and hissed in pain. She leapt at Serenity, but fell short. Her left front leg was injured. She knew she could not fight in this condition. "I forfeit." Laila said.
The Adaptdroid was unable to stop both Kendra and Ash, especially with a missing hand, as the sword and crowbar would deal critical damage before the Adaptdroid collapses, its head removed and its body damaged beyond capacity as Candice would not and signal an alarm. The virtual world returning to the regular arena.

"Ash & Kendra have defeated the Adaptdroid, the city is saved! Now then if you need to go to the nurse either or even both of you are excused. Just be sure to return as soon as you can. Now then for the next pair..." Candice said as she shuffled through the student pairs before she picked a pair of papers and made her next selection.

"Clay & Ryka! Make your way to the arena!" Candice said as she would wait for those students to move before she would explain their task.
Clay and Ryka made their way to the arena. Both had one thought in mind. 'What is our task going to be.' they thought. Tia and her partner Ron, watched the two as they walked. Kendra turned to Ash. "Do you need to go to the Nurse's office?" she asked.
Aura turned her head over to Cade, she could feel something, a vibration, a noise almost. So high pitched she couldn't hear it. It was more obvious as she got closer to Cade. All of a sudden it stopped. "Hmmph." Aura sighed, "That was weird"
She looked back over to Cade and he was blushing a vibrant red, 'what's that all about" She thought.
Mr. Kinito heard Laila's forfeit, and the bell rung, finishing the battle. "Due to forfeit by Laila!" exclaimed Mr. Kinito, "Serenity is the winner of this battle!"

Suzy wasn't there for most of the battle, but for what she was able to see, it was pretty obvious Serenity would've been the winner. In the scale of raw battle power, Laila seemed to be better than Serenity, but there was one thing Serenity had that Laila didn't, defense. Serenity could, and did, merely block every single one of Laila's attacks with the forging of her crystals. She even seemed to form it so that their could be an opening for her attack Laila when Laila pulled a move. It was genius...pure genius.

Suzy automatically knew everyone in this room had crazy fighting potential, but Suzy still felt like dirt compared to them. Still....it didn't mean she wouldn't try to be as amazing as them.

Mr. Kinito then pulled out two new names from his hat, "Celica Scarletti and Ramon El Dorado!" exclaimed Mr. Kinito.

A boy wearing black masquerade mask and tuxedo to match, would then gallantly jump and twirl into the arena, and when he landed he posed in front of everyone in the classroom with a rose in his mouth. With a rough Spanish accent, he then said, "Why, hello everyone! My name is Ramon El Dorado!" The boy then twirled even more around, and this time purple flames spewed out of him. After Ramon finished twirling, he made a giant "R" entirely made of fire. "I hope I didn't impress you all too much," Ramon said.

Suzy just stared in disbelief. Is this guy.....actually real?....
Laila limped out of the arena, still in her Egyptian Mau form. Thankfully, she got out before Fire Boy showed up. 'You've got to be kidding me.' Laila thought. 'What a show off.' She soon remembered her injury. She went up to a Sophmore, Suzy, if she remembered her name correctly. "Excuse me, do you know the way to the Nurse's office?"
I wonder if the soil here is delicious? ... I hope it isn't too acidic, my roots don't like strong acids... Though it can't be too basic either... Can I import soil? Maybe I'll have it delivered by air. Speaking of air the air here is rather nice... I did hear that the headmaster was an air-spirit so maybe it's his doing? I hear they're quite territorial, I wouldn't count as an invasive species would I? Well, there was that one time with that lake-nymph...

Celia had stopped paying attention to the matches a long time ago, and only upon hearing her name did she snap out of her daydreaming. Her gaze grew less hazy and her attention landed upon the flamboyant... No... ostentatious? Well, an overly-fancy-Wowza-paluza-type character who had taken the field. All things considered, he was probably her opponent, and all things considered, he looked like a massive headache. Not that she knew what that was though, Dryads didn't get headaches. But to think they sent the plant-girl to fight a flame-wielder. sigh

Seeing as there was nothing she could do she resigned herself to battle. Feeling a bit competitive she gave herself a running start before launching herself onto the field. Plants weren't exactly known for their acrobatics, and they dryad hadn't the slightest clue how to go about performing a flip. However, she could still put on a good display. Arching her back she allowed a few leaves to flutter from her hair, and as she fell they scattered around her. She landed on her feet and shot Ramon a wink as the wind-riding leaves gently floated around her. The pair of swallows, Ning and Zen, hovered beside her.

"Nice Rose, it compliments your....uhhh...suit..."
The bell then rung, which initiated the battle between the two.

Ramon smirked, and walked up towards Celica. He then said to Celica, "Why, thank you miss Scarletti. And may I say, those two avian creatures suit your style as well." Ramon would then grab Celica's hand, and kissed it. "May we fight?" said Ramon, "Your beauty is quite...remarkable. I don't want to soil it by partaking in such bouts. Don't you agree?"

Suzy was still in disbelief. This guy has got to be kidding me! She then heard the voice of a girl talking to her. It was Laila, the one who just fought Serenity in the last battle. I want to help Laila, but I also don't want to miss the battl- Suzy then looked at Ramon once more, and felt incredibly uncomfortable. Nevermind, I'll deal with it for now. "Sure," Suzy said, "I'll help you. Come on, let's go." Suzy then started leading Laila towards the nurse's office.
Laila followed Suzy, limping all the way. "Thank you." Laila said. She figured that she could at least try to make some conversation while they walked. "The way my battle ended was somewhat inevitable. I tend to be a bit reluctant to use my claws on my fellow students." she said. "I'm glad I didn't lose any of my claws. I can't grow my claws back, unfortunately. Comes with the whole 'cat related powers' thing"


Previously Sarah316
Andrew and Lily were quite honestly speechless at this guy, though Lily felt the "charming" attitude of his pushed it a little far. Andrew himself could only shake his head.

Serenity made her way back next to Diego. Serenity was beyond frustrated at this guy, Diego himself actually seemed to be in aww of his theatrics though that attitude was challenged by his refusal to fight because of his opponent's "beauty."

"I really, really am lucky I didn't get to fight this clown. He is beyond ridiculous." Serenity said, offering the only word spoken between the four as they would watch the battle.

Ash would turn to Kendra and gave a reassuring nod to confirm that she was okay before she would answer.

"No, I'm fine really. I owe you big time. Without you I would have been in real trouble." Ash confessed to Kendra, as she felt her winged partner more or less carried their team.
Celica's face lit up, she put on the sweetest smile she could and said,
"Excellent, then would you be a gentleman and give up?"

Since this guy was going to go out of his way to be so nice then the least she could do was accept his generosity.
Candice would grin as she got on her mic to explain the next scenario to Clay and Ryka.

"For the scenario you two have been handed, there has been a bank robbery, the bank is located near the entrance of a bridge, where the Adaptdroid will play the role of a robber loading up the contents in a van. Its goal will be to get across the bridge with the money and your goal will be to stop it and return the stolen money, so as such be careful not to damage the stolen goods. If you have any questions, please speak now otherwise I shall wait for your signal to begin. You will have a fifteen minute time limit." Candice explained, her mic allowing her voice to project clearly while she would await for either questions or for whatever signal they use to let her know they were ready and she could begin the simulation. During this, a new Adaptdroid appeared at the arena with Clay and Ryka as it would wait as well.
"Tch, tch, tch," Ramon said, "That cannot do. After all, my image is at stake!" He then pulled out a dramatic pose. "Oh, well, since neither of us wants to call this battle quits, then I guess I have no choice but to battle."

Ramon then did a back-flip, and kept himself a distance from Celica. Then, with a simple snap of his fingers, Ramon created a barrier of fire around Celica. Ramon let out another smirk, and said, "Do you really think that little stunt I pulled was just for show?" Off in the distance, it could be seen that the giant flaming "R" was still there, and it even seemed to power the barrier. "I'm in this to win," Ramon said, "Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you are a lady." Ramon then pulled the edges of his gloves. "What can you do now?" Ramon asked, "Are you going to call it quits? Or do you have a plan?"

Suzy looked at Laila, and said, "It makes sense, but there is one thing I can tell you. You're very strong physically, and your speed is fantastic, but there is something you need to work on if you don't want this to happen ever again."
"And what is that?" Laila asked. Laila's right ear flicked to the right as she spoke. She made a mental note that this was the girl to go to if you wanted to know what to improve on battle-wise. She was very observant.

Ryka and Clay turned to face each other. "Sounds simple enough." Clay said. "I don't know." Ryka said, hesitation in her voice. "You'll never improve if you don't try." Clay said. "Promise me you'll try." Ryka was silent for a few seconds, then spoke. "I promise." she said. The two then gave a thumbs up to Ms. McKnight.
"Oh dear. What a shame."

Celica frowned at Ramon's response, and her frown turned to a scowl as walls of flames surrounded her.
"Oi! Are ya tryna kill me? Don'tcha know fire and trees don't mix!?"

Snapping her fingers Celica kicked her power into high gear. Her leaves flushed with vitality and Ning and Zen who'd been flying beside her began to beat their wings into blurs of motion. The high-speed flapping released a piercing trill and a storm of dust and wind combated Ramon's flames. Naturally, since her most glaring weakness was flames she'd long since come up with a counter-measure for them. Even if it wasn't the most effective measure it'd be enough to preserve her life in-case of an emergency. Taking the opportunity she rushed out of the flickering encirclement of flames and fled to the opposite side of the field.
"Alright everyone, form a pair please, we will be doing 1 on 1 battles" The teacher announced. Sammy's face lit up with delight. "Battles!" She squealed, "Emily Emily you're with me!"

Aura sighed and tied her hair up in a neat bun, she sat down and waved her hand around. Her powers could be used for combat, but also for beauty. She created a tiny little ice sculpture and let it melt, then suddenly she blacked out.

"But won't you come play with me Aurrie?"
"I can't"
"I just can't"
Kevin noted Aura had blacked out. "Aura!" Kevin cried as he went by her side, checking and tapping the side of her face to try and get her to respond.

"Are you okay!?"

Emily grinned when battles had been announced, and heard the girl Sammy call her over which she was happy to accept as she went over to her.

"Yay! This is gonna be so gun!" Emily said to Sammy with a big smile, her excitement more than evident.

Candice saw the thumbs up as she switched on the simulation, turning it to the city setting once more. The Adaptdroid would be down the by the bank, already loading money in the van as it aimed to finish its loading before it would then aim to get in the van to drive to the nearby bridge entrance.

"Let the trial begin!" Candice said as she began the time for Clay and Ryka.

Rebecca watched the fight, noting there was another fire user among their class. That would prove interesting....Rebecca only wondered why this guy had to be as...eccentric as he was.

Still she would watch closely, the guy had some talent and maybe she could pick up a trick to try herself down the road.