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Crush a wish!

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What? That's an odd response.

Granted, but then you lose the ability to understand your native language.

I wish Brendan Savem could come up with a more original comeback.
Granted, now you have to come up with one yourself

I wish I could get rid of the feeling that Secad is plotting to own me bad

(you're right, I do need to do better than this)
Granted, but the plot is real and you get OWN'D.

I wish that I wasn't so bored...
(They thought you were twelve, and it got into all the tabloids and junk...)
Granted, but then you get into a whole soap opera type situation, and end up with a purple nose and an orange iris.

I wish I pwned Brendan Savem.
Granted, but then you realize you're a jerk for picking on a n00b on probation and go kill yourself.

I wish people would stop using wishes to get back at people. >>
Granted, but then you get attacked by a bunch of fans who liked it the way it was before.

I wish Avril Lavigne would sing in a concert near me.
Gratned, its even in your backyard, but you're not aloud to go.

I wish people would stay off my bed.
Granted, but then they won't get out of your house.

I wish the itchy mosquito bites on my legs would heal up without a mark or scar.
Granted, but then your TV requires $50,000,000 to fix it after I blow it up.

I wish I could find some songs on Project Playlist by Blink-182.
Granted, but then you find out that you're dead.

I wish Secad realized if he blew up my TV and it cost that much I could take him to court.
*takes major offense* *wacks DayU with giant hammer*

I am FEMALE! Please get it right. I take a lot of offense when called male. (the caps were for emphasis, not yelling.)

Granted, but then the blown up TV hits the courthouse, destroying it, thereby canceling the trial.

I wish DayU would look at my profile to see that I am female.
(Calm down. I'm mistaken for a girl all the time. You get used to it. And if you want to get revenge, go in the chat and do it. I'll actually pay more attention there. XD)

Granted, but then you learn he is also mistaken for his gender too and you feel bad for him.

I wish I could get my socks on my paws.
Granted, but then you can't get thread through a needle with those socked paws. (random, I know.)

I wish DayU and I could settle this in the chatroom in five minutes.

(Let's get this over with!)
Granted because he's already and almost always there.

I wish Arte would be so kind as to redesign my avatar.
Granted, but Arte explodes after you find something in the new one that you don't like.

I wish that more people would make the brown sugar brownies that my family is famous for.
Granted, but how are they so famous if I haven't even heard of them? :p

I wish someone could do my French homework for me.
Granted, but their handwriting is illegible so you get an F. (sorry)

I wish my mom would buy school supplies already. (I start college on Wednesday.)
(In Idaho, DayU, everything I do is basically in Idaho...)

Granted, it's cheap stuff from WinCo. And it's covered in chicken juice.

I wish that my stomach felt better.
Granted. She has a new attitude and just like every other female protagonist, she goes out and does contests. Does that sound good to you?

I wish they would make a G/S/C remake already...
(Darn you Rayn, I wanted to grant it with "Granted, but the rating go down because everyone likes Dawn's skirt better than Misty's shorts.")

Granted, but it sucks worse than the originals in quality.

I wish they would use the other game characters in the anime.
Granted, but your dad can't stop laughing and can't breathe. Therefore, he needs to go to a hospital to get oxygen pumped into his lungs again.

I wish I worked for Nintendo.
(That's a bad thing how?)

Granted, but they fire you because you're too optimistic.

I wish I wish I was a fish.
Granted, but you get eaten by a shark.

I wish HSM 2 wasn't a bad movie. :/

(It's a bad thing because your father could have died from not breathing and you would have to sell your house to pay for your father's operation leaving you without a home.)
Granted. It is instead a horrible movie.

I wish the kid across the street could see George Lopez isn't a jerk, just because his dad said he was. (And that I knew who Brenden Savem was...)
Granted, but the kid gets hurt by his dad. (And you realize its just a name to try and stand out.)

I wish that I could see HSM3 with my friends and make a ruckus.

(BTW: My dad has HIGH insurance rate.)
Granted. I can't break this in any way. It is perfect.(Uhm..I knew that...uhm...*implosion*)

I wish DayU could get the money from his dads insurance policy...*evil laugh*
Granted, but you get arrested for making a ruckus, & miss the ending. Once you're out, someone ruins it on you.
^ What I would have posted if Cody didn't beat me to it.

Granted, but he spends it all on a glass house... O.o

I wish the tv guide channel didn't play such horrible music.
Granted, but then you have to buy the TV guide book 'cause the channel shows show's titles in some language you can't read. (HOHO!)

I wish I didn't eat that tapeworm!
granted, now going home isn't enjoyable at all (smooth move Cody)

I wish we didn't have to take notes from the news everyday (if a bomb hit my house, I would know that)
Granted, but then you have to buy the TV guide book 'cause the channel shows show's titles in some language you can't read. (HOHO!)

I get the tv guide book for free. :p (If anything could just translate the words onto the computer.)

Granted, but now you have to give an oral report on the news from what you remember instead without using notes.

I wish my stupid laptop didn't shut off on me while I was talking to my friend on facebook. >:(
(hey! how'd you know that we had to do an oral report?)

Granted, it instead turned off on you when you were about to accept a cash grant for sucessful publishing of your sprites in the next pokemon game (the dream of every spriter in this forum I think)

I wish I watched more George Lopez
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