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Crush a wish!

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(I would have said 'granted, but then every kid you look at from now on has the head of George Lopez hence the episode with the earthquake' but I don't make your decisions)

granted, but I'm the one who gives it to you and I take this oppurtunity to implode for cheating the game

I wish I could play 'talk dirty to me' really well on my guitar.
Granted, but then when the song is almost over, one of the guitar strings break. (I'm sorry.)

I wish my dad wasn't home so I could watch tv in the living room.
Gratned'd. Yes, it got Gratned'd which means I'm really bored and you get thirty bajillion little TVs in your room which do the cool big screen dealio thing all together. But your dad is still home and you have to watch it in your room.

I wish I wasn't so bored that I do crazy grants/gratneds...
Granted, but then we no longer love you. You'll be missed gre-- not so well.

I wish I could get online earlier.
(I could live with it. >>)

Since there was no wish, Cody implodes.

I wish I had a remote that'd implode and explode Cody.
Granted, but you can't find Cody to implode and explode Cody. The remote only works if you see Cody.

I wish my backpack wasn't so heavy. :/ (I start college tomorrow, and the textbooks are heavy.)
Granted, you are instead horrified.

I wish I was un-vampired, alive, and no longer pressumed dead. And for an implosion.......on Jupiter.
Granted, Cody now knows this, but implodes from speaking in the third person. (And as far as I know, Vampires can't implode like I do.)

(He's something I'd say to a Genie....or however it's spelt.)

I wish this wish didn't count as a wish.
Granted, but you become an oreo and DayU give you to Rayn for drawing him something.

I wish I wish it rained fish.
:'( But...I....love....him... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Granted, but you have go on a date with Meg from Family Guy.

I wish I could read minds.
Granted, but everyone around you are thinking of things that makes you uncomfortable and spend your college years cowering under your bed

I wish I brought spare guitar strings (WWHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!)
Granted, but you come back as throw up. (I'm sorry.)

I wish that stupid Tyler (from my hs last year) would leave me alone. I don't like him! He's a perverted je...k...
Granted, your fears are cleared as those you hate are in your class (I know how that feels)

I wish I had a spare fire extingusher to replace the one that was empty so I can save my guitar strings (If this gets on your nerves and you want me to do something new, just wish for it)
Granted, it implodes.

I wish you'd stop wishing for fire extinguishers, and that Smoochum's college would be fine.
Granted, I start wishing for anvils and SweetSmoochum, who is doing so well in college, starts rambling about a hot guy who's in all of her classes

I wish for an anvil to hit Cody on the head for making me lose my guitar strings (followed by it imploding on him)
Granted, the anvil falls on me, but before it hurts me, I implode.

I wish I could think of some other way to spend my time other than imploding.
(Hey, my hair is the color of fire pretty much. lol)

Granted, but you're always benched.

I wish I knew who was in my other two classes on Saturday and Monday.
Granted, but to use them, it takes some sort of complicated code.

I wish to do better in track this year.
Granted, but it's so time consuming that you have no time for anything else.

I wish that I didn't sit on my gerbil, that seriously freaked me out! (He's fine, but I got scared!)
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