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Crush a wish!

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Gratned'd. CAUSE I COULDN'T THINK OF A GRANT... People don't understand anything, but they don't care, and just take everyone for who they are. Keep in mind that they aren't understanding though.

I wish that I didn't make up the whole "Gratned" thing. (Which is giving something that could be a grant to a wish, but is not what they wanted.)
Granted, but now you are confused.

I wish John's dad wouldn't delete his messages on him and then lie to him saying there are no messages when people have sent him messages. :( That's messed up. >:-
Granted, but when he replies to them, he makes it in a huge block of text (unless you mean voice messages, then the background noise makes your ears bleed)

I wish Tony would give me SSBB for this coming Christmas (he is Santa Clause)
Granted, but for the next 7 christmas's you get coal in your stocking!

I wish i had a stantler with a red nose so i can nickname it rudolph
Granted, but he eats all of your coal supplies as that is what keeps his nose glowing

I wish I had a shovel for the coal in my stocking (funny how I'm talking about Christmas when it won't happen until the semester ends)
Granted, but you drop it and it accidentally captures you (At least we get to know what is inside a pokeball)

I wish Cody would implode with Tony in his pokeball
Granted, but it cause a shock that kills and you where there so yea...

I wish Cody would stop imploding (ima get him a non imploding blanket for christmas)
Granted, but an implodinator (my nickname for imploders like Cody) has to implode often. Because when he doesn't he gets a build up of implosion energy and it forces him to explode with twice the force of an H-bomb. Unfortunatly, you try to give him his non-imploding blanket in the exact moment Cody does so. (that was kinda long)

I wish there was a better name I could give for an implodinator
Granted, but it's hard to pronounce.

I wish I didn't have the Camp Rock song stuck in my head while I'm trying to do my homework. (It's so annoying.)
Granted. To get it out, I implode in your head. You die.

I wish she was back to life, and that the voices in my head would go away.
Granted, he leaves for today and then moves into your house tomorrow

I wish i can learn how to play m.i.a by avenged seven fold on my guitar
Granted, but everytime you play it, you make a mistake.

I wish I knew why my laptop was acting strangely.
Granted, but the weight of them causes the house to collapse.

I wish I had been alive to see (and live through) the big bang. (Assumming there was one)
Granted, but after seeing it, you implode from the amazement of something that didn't happen. (Error #53409: Inability to think someone reading this might believe God made the world.)

I wish I could go back in time long enough to see The Beatles preform live.
(reject error #53409-Keyword_I_do_)

Granted. But you see them as a chinese baby, so have no idea what is is.

I wish more people could believe in SOMETHING bigger then them.
Granted. Most people do, then the numbers dwindle down to some. But basically they believe in a lame "Universal Consciousness" and all turn into lame hippies. LAMENESS!

I wish that the people in charge of my school district didn't seem like they are on drugs.
Granted, they don't seem, they are. XD

I wish Rayn wouldn't be sp hating toward hippies. HIPPIES ARE IMPORTANT!
(That was pathetic and had nothing to do with the wish or me. >>)

Granted, but instead he plays with everything else you have.

I wish my gut didn't hurt.
(no problem, that happened last week)

Granted, you will be sick (sorry)

I wish there was a single animal that hasn't tried to sleep on my face
[The guy I like. ::)] (He's the one in the orange shirt. We match. :))

Granted, but you have run out of time.

I wish I got in the picture sooner to stand next to the guy in the orange shirt.
(Is it me or does it look like you took this picture in Madagascar)

Granted, but you are doing cross-eyes so you would really look best in the middle, near the black guy who is already doing cross eyes

I wish I was a ditto
Granted, but your trainer left you in daycare... :-[

(The picture was taken in Disney world (Animal Kingdom) it was the senior trip.)

I wish Melissa (the girl all the way to the right in green) wasn't on the trip. (She wasn't nice to me.)
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