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Private/Closed Dragon Ball Burst

Icicure looked at the weird box looking device, and told Sasha, "When I had my ship, they never had a feature like this before. I guess the technology for the space pods has really advanced after I had my ship taken away, huh."
Celacion heard the respond. "Good, alright follow me." He said as he started to drive his pod towards their destination at high speed. "I'm going to take my planet back." He though as he moved.
Arcie continued to enjoy a magazine while her ship flew itself when her scanners picked up something. Arcie took a look as the ship's scanners showed a couple of small objects were a fair distance behind them, but closing in and moving fast. By Arcie's estimates they would pass by her cruising ship in a few minutes.

"This is your captain speaking. In just a few minutes you'll be seeing a couple of personal transport pods flying by the left window. Enjoy the view and have a good day." Arcie said on the intercom before she went back to reading her magazine. Damunga was indifferent to the news and just focused on using some ice to heal his heel as quickly as possible.
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The top of the mountain where Ken had made his lab was now collapsing, allowing the Nighthawk to fly through the top. The ship flew with its not-lightspeed engines up until it was out of orbit. Ken and Ji began making calculations for their flight path. "Feel free to start now, Ozen. You'll need the time."
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Ozen had retrieved his ship and landed it by the Blackbird. His ship was a small two-seater with a glass dome top and a dark bronze bottom. It clearly had inspiration from the classic flying saucer design. Overall, the ship looked...mediocre. There were dents and scratches all over it, the engines sputtered, and it was just overall outdated equipment. "I think I'll start with you." Ozen replied with a cheery smile.
After Ken and Ji had set in the flight path Ozen gripped the front console of his ship. "Great. Ready...set..." In between the pause Ozen placed his fingertips against his for head and smiled at Ken, "GO!". And with that, Ozen vanished.
Damunga began walking to the gravity room. His leg had mostly healed (Whether he just masked the pain or actually recovered was up for debate).

"Hey, don't go back in there! You're done for the day." Arcie said over the intercom, Damunga naturally ignored her.

This day just keeps getting better and better. First I receive my greatest humiliation, now I'm stuck with this annoying half pint and have to work around this stupid heel. Things could not get much worse...

Just as Damunga finished that thought, he felt a sudden power level in the ship. Not a second later...

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!

A pre-recording of Arcie's voice signaled that someone made it into the ship. Damunga rushed into the lounge area where he sensed the presence and soon saw Ozen standing on the dinning room table.

"The hell..."

"THE HELL ARE YOU!" Arcie shouted, a laser gun in her hand as she entered the lounge area as she moved next to Damunga, gun pointed at Ozen's head.
Ozen blinked a few times, his fingers still on his forehead. "Huh... I sense Sasha but not on this ship, I was close." He muttered to himself before he suddenly sensed a familiar energy. "Aw man..." He said as Damunga burst into the room along with a small Arcosion. "Uh...hey Damunga, looks like you've gotten a bit stronger. You wouldn't happen to be heading towards Planet Legum would you?" He sweat dropped while asking, half a grin was plastered on his face.
Damunga gave Ozen a deadpan expression the second the shock wore off.

"The hell are you? And what's a Planet Legum?" Damunga asked, having already forgotten Ozen. As did most people he met at the previous world.

"More importantly, how did you get on this ship!" Arcie yelled, gun still pointed at Ozen's head.
Ozen crossed his arms as Damunga spoke, "You dont remember me? Well you probably remember Icicure, the Arcosion who thrashed you." He turned his attention to the small Arcosion and smiled, "Hi, sorry about the sudden appearance, I'm Ozen. I was trying to teleport to a friend of mine but my calculations were off. Who are you?" He asked holding a hand out, completely forgetting Damunga was in the room.
"You've got some nerve..."

"You can teleport!" Arcie said with a big grin, cutting Damunga off. Arcie shook Ozen's hand.

"Name's Arcie. Captain of this ship." Arcie said still showing that big grin, Damunga shot a glare at Ozen.
Ozen raised and eyebrow while shaking Arcie's hand. "Hm, your a pretty young captain huh? Not gonna lie I thought this was Damunga's ship. And Planet Legum is where you can go if you want a rematch with Icicure."
In just five seconds, the Nighthawk had arrived at Planet Legum. Ozen's ship was nowhere in sight. "Well, this baby can still fly." Ken said, smiling.
"YEAH, WE WIN!" Ji said, holding her arms up in the air. Suddenly, one of the screens lit up and a small alarm began to blink. "Uh, Ken? What's that?"
"Two approaching crafts - neither of them Ozen's." Ken replied, looking at the screen. "Maybe we can establish radio contact." Ken opened a comm channel, trying to contact one of the pods. "Hello there. This is Ken, of the Nighthawk."
"And Ji, too!"

Damunga went over to put a hand over Arcie's mouth, shutting the enraged girl up.

"Planet Legum huh? Fine. Alright Arcie I know where I want to go, take me to Planet Legum. I'll be in the gravity room, don't disturb me." Damunga said before he began to make his way to the gravity room.
Ozens shook off messing up the teleport as Sasha, Icicure, and Celcions energies were quickly moving away from Arcie's ship. "Oh and Arcie, your running the ship well, keep it up." He gave a thumbs up before casually walking off in the same direction as Damunga, "We're actually very close to Legum, but we've got a little time." He said cracking his knuckles, fully aware of the power gap between the two.
Damunga raised an eyebrow.

"You want to train with me?" Damunga asked as he entered the gravity room. During this Arcie went to the captain's room and entered the new coordinates to Planet Legum.

"Fine, but I don't slow down for anyone. If you want to train, keep up..." Damunga said, setting it to 40x normal gravity, where he had left off earlier. Damunga had no consideration for whether or not Ozen could handle that pressure, Damunga needed to improve.
In an instant Ozen was brought to his knees. His forearms slammed against the ground, damaging it. "Gah! What kind of training is this!" He grunted trying to pick himself up off the floor only crash back down onto one knee. "Have you been doing this the whole time?!? No wonder your power raised so quickly." Ozen said trying to steady himself with a hand but failed, falling flat on his face with a large thump. "This is crazy..."
"Damunga shut it off! He could die in there!" Arcie said over the intercom. Damunga grunted as he faced the security camera.

"If he's going to let gravity defeat him, he's not fit to stand in the same room with me!" Damunga said, practicing his kicks and punches while combating the excess gravity. They were slow, very slow, but the fact he was able to throw any at all showed how much Damunga had pushed himself.

"You arrogant jerk! Either lower the gravity, get him out of there or shut it off. I can easily turn this off for good and prevent the both of you from using it!" Arcie yelled as Damunga paused, taking a moment to glance at Ozen on the floor.

"If you can't handle it, I'll take you out of the room. I'll give you a turn when I am finished. That way you can go at your own pace." Damunga said to Ozen, waiting for a response.
Ozen fought to raise his chest off the ground and look Damunga in the face, he forced a painful smile with one eye clenched shut. "No! I can do this..." Ozen let his head droop trying to muster the strength to stand before glancing at his gauntlets, that was his way out. He unsteadily forced the wrist latches up, releasing the heavy weights, they caused a boom as they hit the floor and cratered the ground wear the impact occurred. "Ah...better, but not great." Ozen said, shakily climbing to his feet, "Thought those things were gonna rip my arms off." He added while rubbing his wrist. He was on his feet and stable, but he was clearly unused to the gravity and could barely take a step.
Celacion's pod flew across space until it came across a orange looking planet. "We're here." He activated his comm and contacted Sasha. "We've arrived, meet you on the planet." He said as he started to move onto the surface of the planet and landed. He recived the transmission. ''This is Celacion, what's your buisness here.'' He asked.
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"You brought weights in a gravity room? You're crazy." Damunga said, shaking his head with an amused grin. Damunga went back to working on punches and kicks, moving a little faster than before. Arcie watched this from a monitor, she also took a moment to shake her head.

These two are gonna drive me crazy...

Arcie refocused on getting the group to Planet Legum.
"We've been sent by a man named Ozen as part of his mission to free Planet Legum." Ken said, switching from main engines to auxiliary to bring the Nighthawk in for a slow landing. "You wouldn't happen to be my contact?"
"Wait, Celacion? Are the other two with you?"
Celacion walked out of his pod after landing. "I believe so." He said. He turned to the giant ship that just landed. "Alright, we're here. I really must thank you all for helping me out." He said through the radion in his pod.
"Hey, Ji's the one who wanted to come. And she insisted I come as well. And since I made a promise to protect her I kinda have no choice..." Ken said, having landed his ship and was walking out of the loading hanger. Ji was with him.
"Ken's gonna be a huge help to you! He's the smartest guy I know, and he's got some freaking awesome tech!" Ji said to Celacion. "Now, where are the other two? ...and Ozen, for that matter...?"
A while later, Arcie's ship arrived outside of Planet Legum.

"Gentlemen this is your captain speaking, we have arrived at Planet Legum. Please exit the gravity room and get ready, I am about to land." Arcie said over the intercom as she began to descent through the planet's atmosphere. Damunga let out a growl as he reluctantly shut the gravity off.

Damn it. I got stronger, but not enough for her. Not yet...
Ozen sighed as the gravity returned to normal. He flexed his arms a bit accessing how he felt. "Hm...not much of a power increase but my movements seem sharper, should come in handy." He concluded before walking over to his gauntlets and picking them up. "Huh...I dont feel like my energy has increased by much but these do feel lighter, strange." He said to himself while exiting the gravity room.
"I sense that the others have arrived. Um...Damunga, try to not start anything while your here please." Ozen added before taking flight and exiting the ship before o fully landed. He blasted off heading for the group. "Hey Ken! Guess you won!" He from the air above the others before landing.
"Well, look who finally caught up." Ken said, with a smirk. "So, what's our plan? There a specific place we're hitting up?"
"Uh, Ken, you should probably put on your Paragon Armor." Ji said, addressing the fact that Ken was still wearing his normal gear.
"Good point. I'll just need a minute." Ken replied, dashing back into the ship.
He might have a point. I do feel lighter...

"Arcie, stay with the ship. I'm gonna go see what the fuss is about. If I'm not interested I'll be back and we're leaving." Damunga said as Arcie let out a sigh.

"Oh come on! I want to see what's going on." Arcie said, voicing her complaints.

"Sorry, but you're a pilot not a fighter. Now wait here." Damunga said before he flew over to where Ozen had flown off to.

"So what's going on here anyway? You never explained why you wanted to come here." Damunga said, landing next to Ozen.
The pod opened and Sasha got out of it. As she waited for Icicure to come out, she noticed some other people. "So, there are more joining us," she said to herself.
Icicure got out of the pod, and noticed the girl from before with a new person she had never seen before, but she also noticed Damunga. Icicure smiled, raised her hand in the air, and started waving, and exclaimed, "Hey, Damunga! Over here!"
Damunga shot Icicure a glare.

"Well hello there Icicure. I came here for a rematch...unfortunately I am not strong enough for that yet. We arrived too quickly for my liking. However, I am curious what you all are gathered here for anyway." Damunga asked Icicure.
"...and I'm completely ignored..." Ji said sadly.
Just then, Ken walked out, sporting his Paragon Armor. "The man does have a point. What are we doing here, anyways? Ji told me we were "saving a planet" but not much else."
Ozen glanced at Sasha, noticing she was just a little stronger than before. "So I see our match ended up helping you and me both." He gave a competitive grin. "With the gravity room I might just be able to beat her." He adjusted the gauntlet on his right wrist as h continued. "Your powers increased a bit after resting "
Celacion walked up to the edge of the group. "We're here because the Tuffle has taken over my home planet." He said. "We landed on an unpopulated part of this planet, I ask you guys to please help me take it back." he explained.
"And what exactly is the Tuffle?" Ken asked, slightly confused. "I've never heard of it, and it sounds like a muffin crossed with a mushroom or something."
"Ech! Gross!"
"Truffles were a race known for advanced technology that until today I thought were wiped out by the Saiyans." Damunga said to Ken before he turned to Celacion.

"But what reason would a Truffle have to take this planet? Could it be just a desire for power? Or perhaps vengeance? Impossible to tell really..." Damunga said, putting his hand on his chin to "think it over" while he snuck a smirk to Celacion.
Celacion turned towards Ken and Damuga. "Yes, the Tuffle are a highly advanced race in science and technologie." He said. "The survivors of the extinction wanted revenge, since planet Vegeta was destroyed, they decided to invade this planet." He explained. "Do not underestimate them, they have creatures called Machine mutants which are very powerful."
"This is a rare story where I'd be cheering for the villains. However I'm here to win and I don't care that much. So I'm happy to finish the Truffles off. Can't think of a better way to improve myself." Damunga said, a sadistic grin on his face in anticipation for the fight ahead.
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"I got the Paragon Armor, the Pentagon Shield, and my secret project. Come at me, muties." Ken said, smiling. "Just in case, though, I'd better scan the area." Ken touched a button on the side of his face-mask-less helmet, and a black screen appeared. "Nope, no signs of anything except us at the moment."