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Private/Closed Dragon Ball Burst

Ken was still behind the curtain, and no one else could see what he was doing. "Yeah, I'm a tech guy. Built all the stuff you see in this lab myself. Don't come behind the curtain, please - I'm working on a project that no one can see yet."
"Not even me?"
"ESPECIALLY not you, Ji."
"Hmph! See if I care!"
Ozen grinned as slightly Nitro called him 'Saiyan'. He had liked to be called saiyan but he grew up hearing human, he was glad these people accepted him as a saiyan even if his blood ran thin. He snapped back into reality when he heard Ken and Ji getting progressively louder. "Uh hey guys, no need to argue right? Hehe..."
"I'll Show yah Something if You Let me See whats Inside Their." He said, Poking at the Curtain,
"Must be Secret if you Wont let Yo Lover In." He said, Teasing Him as he Shipped Ji and him,

((Shipping Intences.
Celacion grabbed a tiny remote from his overcoat's pocket and pressed a few keys. His Saiyan Pod activated and few out of the building and towards Celacion. "I got my ride, what about you?" He asked.
"No, we argue all the time." the two said at the same time.
"Besides, Ji will probably forget about this whole discussion tomorrow morning." Ken replied.
"Hey, I heard that!" Ji replied. She then intensely blushed at Nitro's comment. "Wh- IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! WE'RE FRIENDS!" she said, punching Nitro accidentally.
"Uh, Ken? If you would be okay with helping us could you also run a few tests on my blood?" His voice came out quiet and soft, showing his youth. "I'd just like to compare it to the blood of a normal human and maybe find out a little more about myself."
"Huh? Uh... sure." Ken said, stepping out from behind the curtain. He was now wearing a welding mask that looked slightly scorched. "Might help me a bit in my research, too. You see that lab with all the tubes and bottles and stuff? Just step over there, and sit in the stool."
"Ow, It was Worth It, Well, Not like I have Anything to Lose." He said, Holding the Curtain Open as he walked out, Then walking In,
"You created all of this, correct?" He said, Looking around the Room full of Electronics',
"Its Nice in Here, Might leave Some Notes On this Desk."
Icicure looked at Celacion, and said, "Um..I don't have a ride. I sort of, had mine taken away." Icicure then started remembering awful things that happened to her while boarding a ship, once. "Do you think that I can ride with you?" she asked.
Ozen walked over to the seat and sat there for a moment starring off into space. "Huh....oh yeah!" He perked up before placing his fingers against his forehead and disappeared from the room before reappearing by Celacion. "Hey, I'd like to help with your problem but I'm gonna need just a little time, later." And with that he flashed back to his seat awaiting Ken.
"Here it is, not quite as spacious as you might want, but still enough room to work with I think."

Damunga had been shown inside the gravity room, a large mostly empty room with a mechanical pillar in the center where the manual controls were.

"Rather buggy right now, but it can go up to 100x gravity at the moment without much issue...I think." Arcie said, a sheepish grin on her face as many of her rooms had bugs she had to work out, so she was giving Damunga a fair warning. Damunga had a look of pure excitement.

"Alright, get this thing up and running and leave me be. I got some training I need to do." Damunga said as Arcie gave a nod before she walked out of the room, but before she closed the door she turned to Damunga.

"You never told me where you wanted to go?" Arcie said as Damunga thought it over for a moment.

"Cause I don't know. Just need to get out of here." Damunga said without turning to look at Arcie. Arcie let out a sigh before the closed the door and went to the main controls of the ship.
"Don't touch the computer." Ken said, walking over to the med lab he had set up. Taking out a needle, he lifted up the edge of Ozen's shirt a bit. "Ji, mind making sure it doesn't hurt as much?"
"Sure." Ji said, getting a pad and a few drops of an orange syrup. "Drink this - it'll ease whatever sting of pain you feel."
"Alright. Three... two... one." Ken stuck the needle into Ozen's shoulder, drawing a bit of blood into the container. When he was finished, he took the needle out. Pouring the extract into a vial, he closed off the vial and put it into a machine along two similar-looking vials labeled Ken and Ji. A screen turned on, showing the readings the computer he had installed was getting from the blood. "Huh. Your blood cells seem to be at least three times as strong as ours. Perhaps I could get a physical reading on you, using my three-dimensional scanner?"
Celacion looked at Icicure. "Well this is supposed to be a one person pod." He explained. "But you are smaller than an average person so I guess you could squeeze in with me." He said. He turned towards Sasha. "What about you?" He asked.
Icicure looked at Celacion a little bit annoyed. She said, "Um...I'm actually tall for my species. I guess your species has much taller specimen."
Damunga already felt the pressure as he focused on push ups while the gravity room generated 10x normal gravity. Suddenly the intercom projected a familiar voice.

"All right ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking we are prepared for lift off!" Arcie said from the pilot seat before she shut off the intercom and turned on the main engines. The ship began to lift high in the air, taking just a moment to warm up before they would fly into the sky and beyond. Damunga went back to doing push ups during this process.
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The engines eventually warmed up and soon the ship flew beyond the clouds and into open space. Arcie decided to just go for a casual cruise through the stars until her passenger decided where to go. Arcie decided to see how Damunga was doing, checking his progress through one of the security cameras. What she saw surprised her.

Wow, he's already jumped from 10 to 20x gravity. He's rushing it...and I don't like that.

"Push yourself too much and you'll kill yourself. I'm not gonna fly around with a corpse." Arcie said over the intercom as Damunga was in the middle of sit ups before he shot the camera in the gravity room a glare.

"This is nothing. If anything I'm taking it too easy. You think you can tweak this thing? Make it go beyond 100x normal gravity?" Damunga requested much to Arcie's shock.

"Are you insane!?" Arcie said as Damunga began to laugh, which masked a twitch of pain he did feel from the excess gravity.

Yep...he's insane...
Sasha got out a little remote from inside her armor and pushed a few buttons. A pod similar to Celacion's flew out from wherever it was and flew towards Sasha. "I don't think so," she said, not liking the of Icicure flying with Celacion, "A female Arcosian in the same pod with a male Saiyan, not happening. Icicure could fly with me in my pod."
Icicure chuckled a little, and said to Sasha, "Oh, come on Sasha. I can take care of myself. But...if you want me to fly with you in your pod, then I won't hesitate."
Ozen watched Ken work although he was completely lost. "Uh, sure. Hey that was impressive, a normal needle would've broke against my skin, that's some awesome gear." He glanced at the screen displaying his cells statistics. "But no obvious signs of the super saiyan gene appearing in my system..."
"That's because your blood is too strong to get DNA reading from." Ken continued. "The three-dimensional scanner should be able to get a reading on it, though. It's that grey box with light blue screens all over it. Just step inside and let me handle it." Ken marked down "Ozen" on the vial of blood he had just gotten, and put the three vials in a special compartment of the med lab.
Ozen nodded before stepping into the box. He wasn't really sure what he wanted to discover through these tests, but if they might have a chance in helping him unlock super saiyan it was worth a shot. "Okay, ready when you are."
"Alright." Ken activated the machine, and it did a complete scan of the man. A 3D image was produced, which Ken sent to his main computer. Checking, he was able to read some of Ozen's DNA. "Huh, that's strange. Ozen, you have some kind of strange cell inside you. It's extremely similar to that of a Super Saiyan, but it's not the same. Now, I'd better get back to work on my project." Grabbing his welding mask, Ken went back behind the curtain.
Celacion looked at Sasha. "Yeah that would be a better idea, you're smaller than me as well, there will be more room in your pod." He said as he climbed into his pod and sat down.
Once Celacion got on to his pod, Sasha's pod arrived. The pod opened and Sasha got in but left room for Icicure. "Well, you coming Icicure?" she asked.
Icicure smiled, and said, "Yeah, I'm coming." Before Icicure headed to the pod, she looked at Celacion, and said, "Let's do this," giving him a little smirk. She then finally headed into the pod.
Ozen's ears perked up as Ken read him the results. "Strange cell?" He questioned while floating from the box to the computer so he could take a look at the results himself. He stared at the screen for what seemed like hours with an indecisive look on his face. "But what does it mean..." He mumbled to himself before taking a step back from the computer.
"Well thanks for the help Ken!" He yelled before walking up to Nitro and Ji, "So...what now?" He said in his usual happy go lucky tone until after a moment he jumped a little looking down at himself, "Actually, does anyone know where I can find something to wear?" Ozen asked taking note of the fact that he was now only in pants and slightly shredded shoes.
Ji went over to a closet and grabbed a suit that was hanging. It looked like some sort of martial arts training outfit, but was also slightly sophisticated. "This is one of Ken's old suits. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you use it."
"Go ahead." Ken shouted from behind the curtain. "Oh, and play some video games or something while I'm finishing up my project."
Damunga continued his intense training, having jumped from 20x gravity to 40x gravity. However, by not taking his time to get adjusted to each gravity and trying to rush this training would lead to an unfortunate accident....


Damunga had been doing an exercise of jumping around the room. However, he landed on his left foot at an odd angle and the extra gravity would make him pay for it. Damunga was now on the ground, having clutched his left heel in pain while the extra gravity only added to the agony. Arcie saw this off her monitor and began to panic.

"Not good not good NOT GOOD!"

Arcie quickly ran to the gravity room and used her all purpose remote to shut off the gravity before she ran inside right beside Damunga.

"Are you okay!? Are you hu..."

"Get away!" Damunga said, cutting Arcie off with an aggressive shove. Arcie looked on in annoyance before it shifted to a look of concern as Damunga tried to get up, but his injured heel made that difficult.

"You're hurt..." Arcie said, which only caused Damunga to glare at the girl.

"What are you a doctor now?" Damunga said as he tried to stand up...only to let out a groan and fall to a knee. When Damunga turned to look at Arcie she was on her feet with an I told you so look on her face.

"...just a sprain. Landed wrong. Nothing else to it. I'll be fine. Now get out and turn the gravity..."

"No way! You are done for today. You need rest." Arcie advised which only made Damunga frown as he managed to make it to his feet, though he had a noticeable limp.

"I need to train. I need to get stronger. I need..."

"To rest and recover. You train with that leg and you'll go from a sprain to shattered bones. Is that what you want?" Arcie said, getting in Damunga's face and not backing down. The two glared at each other for a minute or two before Damunga let out a sigh and gave a nod, allowing Arcie to lead him out of the gravity room....without directly helping him much to Arcie's annoyance.
A few hours later, Ken had finished up his project. He was now wheeling it out in a giant crate, two times as tall as Ji. (Ji's the shortest one there but not by much.) "Alright, I'm all finished." Ken said. "So what was the plan?"
"We're going on an adventure to another planet!" Ji replied.
"...wait, what? And how exactly do you plan to get us there?"
Ozen stepped back into the giant lab wearing his new attire, he glanced at himself while passing a reflective piece of equipment. "Hm...not really my style but it works for now, thanks." He said while approaching the others. "And as for going to space...I can help with that." He added with a large grin.
"Well, all we need is directions." Ji said. "Then Ken can fly us there in the Nighthawk!"
"It's a space ship I built a while back..." Ken replied. "I haven't used it in months, though. But we could definitely use it to get both me and my equipment to the planet in record time."
While Ken talked about his ship Ozen couldn't help but get pumped up seeing as he's very competitive, "Oh? So your...'Nighthawk' is fast huh...how about we make the trip a little more fun? I've got a craft I used to reach this planet, if I retrieve it would you wanna have a race?" A note of cockiness could be heard in the young boys tone and his smile had vanished, he knew he could easily out fly whatever Ken has in store, but wheres the fun in that?
Ozen wasn't sure if the scientist would agree so easily so he took it upon himself to try and improve his chances. "Unless your homemade ship isn't enough..." And with that he turned on his heel and began looking around the lab without waiting for a reply. "Hope this works." He thought to himself as he continued scanning the area.
"For your information, I've equipped my ship with 14 Light-speed engines. The Nighthawk can cross galaxies in MICROSECONDS." Ken said, smiling. "Let's see if your cheap, industrial escape pod can keep up with speed like that."
"Well, shall we start getting things loaded up?" Ji said, grabbing a large box and putting it on a cart. "How about whoever makes it to Planet Whatever first wins!"
"You're on, but you need to give me directions and help me load my gear. We leave at the same time." Ken said, beginning to wheel his new project onto a platform.
"Ill do what I can to help. By the way my craft is in a large open field so we could start there." Ozen said. Even though the boy was smiling on the outside he was slightly panicked on the inside, "Hm...think, think! How are you supposed to beat a ship like that?" He mentally slapped himself trying to come up with a plan before it hit him. "Oh! That might work, but..." He looked down at the palms of his hands and sighed. "But how long could I keep it up..."
Celacion turned on his pod and it levitated and flew off of the surface of the planet and into space. He activated the comm in his pod to try and connect to Sasha's pod. "Sasha do you hear this?" He asked.
Sasha closed the pod with her and Icicure inside and turned it on. Pod levitated and flew out of the planet's atmosphere and into space. She heard her comm activate and heard Celacion's voice. "Loud and clear," she responded.
Icicure had heard Celacion's voice, but she couldn't find Celacion. She looked at Sasha, and said, "What the!? Sasha, where is Celacion!? I can hear his voice, but I don't see him anywhere!" Icicure was so scared.
Damunga had began to eat a snack as his heel was wrapped in bandages. It was just a sprain, so Damunga would only be out of commission for a short while. Still, it stung his pride more than anything else. Arcie skipped into the room with a smile.

"Got us on cruise control auto pilot now. So, did you ever decide where you wanted to go?" Arcie asked. Damunga gave a shrug. Arcie let out a sigh.

"Hard to fly people to where they want to go if you don't tell me where they want to go." Arcie said.

"I'm sure some inspiration will hit me." Damunga said with a smirk.