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Open Eevee School

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Cerol looked in schedule. "I looked not at that day!" Cerol said, and fast started going to health. "But, where is my pen?" He asked himself again.
Mia found the pen under her desk,"I found your pen."She said shyly giving the pen to the other eevee.She looked at her schedule again "Math is at a other time!"She said and headed to health.
Mia sat down at the same desk she did in math class for two minutes,the far corner.Seeing the same eevee she did in math class hopping he would sit right next to her.
"Well bye I'll see you at lunch Zenix" Midnight said and walked to her math class. She got her stuff ready then started to read her book to pass the time. She looked around the room and didn't know anybody causing her ears to go flat and her face closer to her book.
Midnight remembered that she left her art bag in art and then got up. She didn't want any attention on her but she ran out of the classroom and into the art room and looked for it, but she didn't find it. "Oh no oh no" she kept on saying but she gave up looking and went back to her math class, her ears flat the whole time.
"Wait... Am I forgot something again?" Cerol said to himself. "Am I forgot to... Wait... My battle bag! But there is my phone!" Cerol said, and ran at speed of light in battle class. "Phew... At least it here..."
Midnight was frowning while reading her book. It was really suspenseful, this book. She forgot her art bag and someone probably stole it. She felt horrible, she hated that she had to forget her art bag.
(I can be here for these one post.)Mia didn't like this book at all.When she turned around the eevee was still there, she waited until her teacher said something.
Cerol seen other bag nearby his bag, but don't want to touch it. "Someone can think I a thief..." Cerol thought to himself.
Midnight heard a faint bell and frowned when she realized that wasn't her bell. She read on but then she chuckled lightly at her book then put her hand to her mouth and blushed. But as she read on her blush deepened. What is with this book? Why did I even pick it, Midnight thought. She went to the next chapter and her blush went away.
Moku got bored of wandering around and checked the schedule. She was about to leave for math when she saw a bag laying around. "Maybe if I advertise, someone'll pick it up sooner." She said to herself. She grabbed it and slung it over her back, and began plodding to math class.
"Fun, fun math class." Moku grumbled as she reached the door, almost tripping several times on the way to her seat. The two bags she had were dropped next to the desk as she checked who was there.
Midnight looked around the room and saw Moku then she saw her art bag. "Moku! You found my art bag! Thank you!" She exclaimed and then hugged Moku. "I have been looking for it" she said when she let go. "Really thank you so much" she said and grabbed her art bag then chose the seat right next to Moku.
Moku tensed slightly when Midnight hugged her. "It's no problem." She said, and relaxed when she was released, glad that Midnight had her art back.
Zenix waved bye to Midnight and made his way to math class. When he arrived, he peeked and saw Midnight there. 'That's strange, I thought we had different classes,' he thought and shrugged it off. He went on to sit behind Midnight.
Mia took out her math book."Math my favorite."She said sarcastically,even though it was the subject she was most well at but she hated it.
Midnight looked at Cerol, Zenix, and Lunar and smiled. "Hey guys! Your actually here, I didn't know that" she said happily. "Ok so everyone knows everyone, right? Or are there some people that don't know some people?" She asked confused, her head going to one side in confusion.
"Well.. I still don't know everyone here," Zenix said as he looked at Cerol. Of course he knew Lunar since they battled and introduced each other.
Zenix just shyly waved hi at both Cerol and Moku. Even though he's comfortable around Lunar and Midnight, he's still a bit shy around others.
Mia started doing her math quickly.She was done in 10 minutes,she looked over at Cerol."Do do you need help?"She asked shyly to Cerol.
Midnight smiled at Zenix's reaction to meeting others. Then she turned to page 216 and finished it in 5 minutes. "I love math" she said to herself then she began observing her other friends and noticed Mia. "W-what's your n-name?" She asked her shyly when she noticed she was finished with her work as well.
Zenix opened his textbook and turned to page 216. When he was three quarters done he noticed that Midnight was already. 'Wow, she's really smart,' he thought and eventually he finished his work.
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