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Open Eevee School

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Moku acknowledged the others and set to work on the assignment. She tuned out their whispers and worked slowly to avoid making mistakes.
Mia took out a book from her bag.Seems interesting.She said in head.She started reading the book waiting for the other eevee's reply.
Moku looked around at the finished pokemon and got mad, staring down at the few problems she had left. She finished quickly and sloppily, hoping the answers weren't wrong, and settled down to read.
"Joy to the world!" Moku put away her books and dashed out of the room, leaving the hall to sit outside with the berries she had saved from earlier.
Midnight looked at Zenix. "Time to go. And my name is Midnight" she said the last sentence shyly. She packed her stuff up and went to Zenix. "Alright, you ready?" She asked him.
Zenix nodded at Midnight, "Yeah, let's go." He walked out of the class and went outside. He looked behind him to see if Midnight was following.
"Sure," Zenix replied and looked around for a good spot. He eventually found a tree that looks like a good spot. He turned to tell Midnight but notices Mia was there too.
Midnight followed Zenix and sat down next to him. She pulled out her lunch bag, which had an Espeon and an Umbreon on it, and smiled at it. She opened it and then frowned, realizing that she didn't have anything in her lunch box. "Dang it I forgot to go to the store" she said to herself, closing her box and putting it back in her bag. She sat still and smiled, even though she didn't have any food. She had accomplished some of her goals, she made new friends.
Zenix sat down next to Midnight and opened his bag. He noticed Midnight not having her lunch. He brought out two berries and gave one to Midnight. "Here ya go," he said, "you must be hungry." He saved the berries from this morning's food rain.
Midnight looked at him surprised and then smiled. "Thank you, Zenix" she said and took the berry gratefully and slowly chewed it so she could save it and she really liked all berries.
Moku looked over from her spot by the door, unsure of whether to sit by the tree with Midnight. She tried listening in on the conversation, bored with the result.
Lunar read her book and sighed reading to herself "Art often imitates life, and in the case of a 42-year-old electrician, this was no exception. The electrician became starry-eyed after being shocked by 14,000 volts of electricity while he was on the job. An electrical current went through the unidentified man’s entire body after coming into contact with his left shoulder. According to the case report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the current struck the optic nerve and caused star-shaped cataracts to manifest in both of his eyes.." Lunar read
Zenix smiled as Midnight enjoyed the berry and started to eat his. He then pulled out the last two berries he had in his bag, and placed them next to Midnight. "If you like it and still hungry, you can have these two," he said, "I ate some earlier, so I'm not that hungry."
Midnight looked from the berries to Zenix. "Thank you" she said and grabbed a second berry, threw a thankful smile at him and started to eat the berry. She smelt Moku and smiled lightly. "Moku! Over here!" She yelled when she spotted her.
Moku was jolted to attention by Midnight's call, and reached for her schoolbag. Not bothering to pick it up all the way, she half dragged it along the ground, somehow managing to not destroy any of the contents. She made it to the group and sat by Midnight, unsure of how to act.
Midnight smiled at Moku. "Zenix is shy too. But I understand, I only feel comfortable around my friends too" she gave a small smile. She picked up the third berry and began to slowly eat it. "Oh I forgot to go to the store so I don't have anything to eat but Zenix gave me some berries" she said and looked at Zenix. "Thank you again, Zenix" she said politely and smiled at him. "Ok so what do you guys want to do?" She asked them, taking another small bite of the berry.
Moku shrugged, taking out her berries. The first was downed instantly as her tail swished back and forth. "Generally I wing it." She said, picking up a berry and finishing in two bites.
Midnight laughed. "Well that's one way but..." she trailed off, not wanting to finish the rest of her sentence but she wanted her friends to trust her. "I live by myself. Not in a house but in a cave in the forest. So it's a hard living but I manage" she said hoping that they would understand that she didn't want any sympathy. "And my brother saved me" she said last.
Zenix heard Midnight's story and instantly felt sorry. He had no idea that Midnight would be living a life like that. "I'm... sorry to hear that..." he said.
Midnight looked at Zenix and smiled lightly. "Well I mean if he hadn't saved me I never would have met you guys and I'd probably still live in that cave with him or with that trainer that caught him but I'm ok, it's just that I will have to live off berries for a while until I find a job and get some money to buy food" she said to him, smiling lightly. "Anyways let's get off that sad topic!" She exclaimed like it was just a regular thing for her to talk about. "Oh look there's Cerol" she said to herself. "Cerol!" She yelled trying to get him to come over.
Zenix still felt sorry for Midnight. There was nothing worse than being separated from family. Zenix knew that well as he was separated from his mother by a poacher with a Liepard. In fact, that Liepard was the one who gave Zenix his scar. He put his paw on his left cheek as he remembered.
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