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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

The wind stopped blowing around the area of the tree. Even Wild Magic was tense. The guardians that were not around the tree felt the sudden shift, and did not know how to respond. In fact, they did not know the reason for the shift. They were suddenly frightened, which was rare for guardians due to the fact the believed that Wild Magic would guide them.

Star paced around the room, muttering to herself in worry. Sol laid next to her, trying to clam her by having his pelt touch hers. Sure, he got a paw in the face sometimes and sometimes Sky's tail slapped him, but he did not mind. Storm sat guard, his expression unreadable. He did not want someone to use Sky against him if he was locked in combat. Of course, there was no danger here, just a force of habit.
Sky ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. If she could, she would fly, but they broke on her first day in this dream prison. She was unsure if any injuries she acquired here transferred to her waking body, but she did not like the fact that that could happen. Her legs were almost a blur as the tried to outrun the beast that wanted to eat her, by extension, destroy her. She was certain that she heard the two talk about the beast eating the captive, kills them. At least, that was what she remembered. But she did not have the time to reflect. She needed to get out, to be free, to enter the blind eyes that were hers. She never wished more to be bind in her life. She did not mind this unfortunate fact about her birth, but she always did have this minor wish to see, to understand colors like her friends did. However, she never wanted to see this beast. She wished that the darkness that what she usually saw to be what was what her eyes showed.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel placed the device and opened the portal. A Reality black dot appeared, growing into a reality black misty sided portal, the other side revealing a dead landscape. Eli glared at Muel "Your going to far Muel" Muel looked around "Are you really alone?"
Shoot, he knows! Shui thought. She stayed hidden, just like everyone else. Zectabuteca did not seem scared that they could be found. No one dared to take a peak. They just sat there, huddled together in the ditch, waiting for the signal. Or what Zectabuteca deemed the signal. The pact guardian kinda went off the script.
Shui gave a sigh of relief. At the same time, the wind blew, drowning out any noise her sigh created. She waited. Like everyone in the ditch, she waited for the battle to start and for Muel to place his back towards them. He was not exactly looking for them, so it would be extremely difficult to find them.
They hid still. Now was not the time. Muel was still to suspicious. They held their breath in hopes that he would not discover them, although they were hidden well. Zectabuteca and Lunverina were the only two not worried. They knew that Wild Magic was on their side. Due to that, they felt that they could win anything. Dermininia glared at Muel from above, her black eyes thin lines that threatened to close. She had to keep an eye on him. f he discovered everyone else, then she would be the only hidden one left.
Zectabuteca knew it was time to show Muel that Eli was not alone, but he still felt like it was too soon. However, he pushed the thought down and nodded to the rest of the team. Yuro tried to pounce on Muel. Flarea shot a fire breath at him, Shui cheered them on, not knowing what to do with her lack of fighting skills. Stella swiped at his leg, Zectabuteca tried to find any weakness he could exploit with the help of Wild Magic, Dermininia hopped down from her tree and shot fireballs at him while she laughed and Lunverina looked on in confusion. She did not know how to fight! That was what she was trying to tell Eli.
Everyone dodged out of the way except for Yuro, who decided to enter Shadow Form instead of the dodging method. Thankfully he did that becasue the blast would of hit him if he did not. Zectabuteca stood in front of the tree. He would not let anyone get close to him. He silently asked Wild Magic to have its first creation help. He did not recive an answer, yet.
Stella looked nervous. He was just backing off? It did not sit right with her, and she saw it did not sit right with uro either. Backing off? Yeah, right. He was planning something, she could feel it. From what she had seen at the Fireclaw's home, he did not simply 'back off'. She gave a warning growl.

Flarea felt proud. They did it. They defeated Muel. She rose up and lifted her wings with pride. Lunverina looked at her and shook her head, not liking the small resemblance between her and her uncle. However, the two were nothing alike. Any signs of pride was frowned upon by Lunverina.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel pulled out a small wand like devise, a small amount of light beaming on him as the rod created a glitch like visual effect and he vanished. Eli narrowed his eyes as he taped his ear, a holographic eye monitor appeared
Flarea looked around, confused. Someone could not just simply, disappear! She growled and swung her head around as she looked for Muel. She could not allow him to get to the tree. Zectabuteca worked so hard to keep it in the most amazing shape ever! Also, the universe thing.

Zectabuteca did not seem concerned about Muel.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli's ear devise started to use echolocation, revealing Muel to Eli, already next to the tree. Eli tackled Muel, he dropped the rod, the Rod appeared midair and plummeted to the ground, free of anyone's grasp
Shui dove for the rod, grabbing it before it touched the ground. "Hey! I got it again! Should we do the game again? I mean, it was kinda fun for a while."
Flarea shrugged, not caring. Yuro did not look excited but did not complain. Stella, Lunverina, Dermininina, and Zectabuteca did not know what the game was.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli flew strait in the air as he was shot in the stomach with Muels force gun. Muel got up, still invisible, circling around Flarea and creating a holographic glitch where he was with Eli, making a fake Muel who charged at Flarea in an attempt to chase her to him
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Flarea stood her ground, unfazed. She bared her teeth and tried thinking of a blizzard. Out of her jaws came a freezing blast that froze the air around it. She aimed it straight at Muel, or what she thought to be Muel anyway.

Shui flew high up, trying to stay out of Muel's reach. She could not give him the rod, no matter the cost. Of course, Flarea never crossed her mind when she thought cost.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The image of Muel glitched and vanished, the real one still hidden used Flarea as a springboard to reach Shui. Eli fell back down and was caught in the ice breath, being knocked into a tree with an audible crack
Flarea's eyes widened in horror at what she just did. She rushed over to Eli, nuzzling him slightly to make sure he was alright. "I-I'm so sorry," she whispered. She shook in the shock of hitting her new friend. Her stomach churned with guilt. It was not Muel who injured Eli, it was her. Tears threatened to flow down her face.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shackly breathed and slowly sat against the tree, his vision blurry "Like I... Said.. Earlier. There's a... Time for... everything" he looked up "Right now... is not the time... to regret, but the time... to defend" he looked at her face "Please, come closer"

Muel failed by an embarrassing amount, landing on the ground before making a fake version of himself with Elis boots and gloves on above her, glaring at her as if readying to charge
Flarea padded a bit closer, her head cocked to the side. "What?" She was much more careful than she normally was, due to the fact she did not want to hurt Eli further. Though Eli told her not to regret right now, she could not help it. At least she could not help it from being there, but she could try to work past it.

Shui laughed nervously. "Um, how about we just forget I was here with this rod, eh? Sounds like a good plan to me! BYE!" She zoomed above the forest for a bit, trying it escape the scene. If she could hide wit the rod everything would be fine, right?

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel flicked his wand, he himself still unseeable, as he created forms of himself on all sides of the poor sprite, all saying in unison "Where are you going?"

Eli reached to touch his ear with his not broken arm, his right one "Configuration 2.7 size 39" he removed his earpiece as it unfolded and became more suitable to the dragons ear, placing it in the dragon's ear "use this" he slumped, uncouncise at the moment, from a mix of pain, cold, and shock
Flarea did not know how to use the thing. Honestly, if the situation was different, she would be irritated with Eli for not being more clear. She might have seen him tapping his ear before, but she never really paid attention then. Now, she was mad at herself for not paying closer attention. She spun around and whipped her head back and forth to find Muel. Her eyes narrowed in both concentration and anger.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Inside he earpiece, the computers voice spoke "Hello, would you like to continue illusion protocall 3?"

All the Muel versions created a box of Mules around her, non clipped, but not much room between them
Flarea nodded. "S-sure." Uncertainty filled her voice, due to the fact she never heard of something like this before. She still looked for Muel, not liking the fact she could not find him. She had a feeling that he could not fly, so she never looked up.

Shui cowered, not liking being surrounded. She heard a roar, but it did not come from Flarea. No, it was to low pitched. It came from a dark grey dragon. Yuro. The nervous-wreak of a dragon flew straight towards the Muels, or what he thought was Muel. He swung a claw at what he thought was there.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
A holographic screen slid over Flareas right eye, tinting the world blue as a small ping happens every so often, with each ping a wave of white on the screen seemed to flow across the ground, flowing over every object present, including the hidden Muel, pointing his rod at the sky, and those in the air, not including the fake Muels

The muels all laughed as once as they seemed to move at unreasonably fast speeds, surrounding yuro as well and making it seem like a infinite void to them, having the muels slowly begin to try to work the two to the ground by slowly closing in
Yuro snarled as he reached for Shui to protect her. He would not let them, him, whatever, hurt her. He wanted to enter Shadow Form, but he would not go anywhere with that. Although people and stuff can phase through him, he cannot phase thought stuff himself. Everything must be thrown at him for him to phase. However, he did not was to go and land. If Muel wanted him to land, then he would have to muzzle him and trap him.

Flarea grinned. He must not know she could see him yet. Perfect. She made sure she was behind him and fired her frost breath, her quietest breath.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel was caught of guard as he stumbled forward and all illusions instantly died, he growled when he saw the eyepiece "Well then how about that" he turned around and pointed at the sky with his rod, the strong image and sound of lightning came from the sky, he made it so the illusion of the lightning looked like it barely missed Shui "Stop!"
Shui looked where the fake lightning was at. "Um, nope! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! Someone else take this thing." She looked at Yuro and handed him the rod. "You take this thing! I'm outta here!" Shui flew off, hoping that Flarea would not scold her later about abandoning them. She would remain close by, just in case. But being nearly struck by lightning while it was still clear out was the final straw for the poor sprite.

Yuro stayed in place, speechless. he was confused about what happened. Did Shui just leave? He shook his head and regained focus. He had to keep this away from Muel, at any cost. A strong sense of duty flooded him as he glared at Muel. Try that with me, he thought. He hovered there challenging Muel to try the lightning thing again.

Flarea snorted at Muel then blew fire at him, earning an applaud from Dermininia and a groan from Lunverina and Zectabuteca. She wanted him to come closer, but she did not want to be the one who cut the distance.
Flarea snarled and lunged at Muel, knowing that this was her last chance to pin him. She had a feeling that she could be hit with the gun, but she did not care. Her scales were hard, and that made her reckless.

Shui immediately felt regret and flew back to the fight secean. She saw Flarea lundge at nothing and knew something was up. Flarea did not jump at nothing. Quickly deducing at about where Flarea would land, she flew around the area, staying at the far side of the perdicted landing spot.

Yuro bared his teeth, preparing to claw or chomp at the illusion. He could not allow the rod to fall into Muel's hands. Though, he had a strong urge to fly off like Shui did.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Meul rolled under Flarea and shot a weak pulse up at her belly, springing up and running to Shui, smiling and pulling a knife and placing it near her neck, so she would not feel it and placed a finger on his mouth, showing Flarea to be quiet

The clone laughed "Good bye" it moved its hands, now glowing Dark blue, he disappeared in mist before the surrounding light for yuro changed as a simulation of warp speed happened and he appeared to be in a black void
Flarea got up and looked at Muel, her face visibly angry, but not saying a thing for fear of her friend's safety. The anger quickly changed to fear as she clenched her jaws shut, unable to move in fear of hurting another one of her friends.

Shui observed Flarea's face and knew something was definitely up. There was no doubt about it. Shui started to hover towards her friend slightly, earning a shake of the head no from her friend and the cool feel of the knife. Shui quickly backed up. Something was there, something she could not see. It scared her.

Yuro looked around him, not liking somewhere so dark. He flapped wildly around, his nostrils flaring. He had to escape! He had to! He gave a roar of fear and confusion.
Flarea glanced at Shui, silently asking for her friend in exchange for the rod. She did not want Shui to stay in his grasps. The small thing was to perfect for hostange, and Flarea hated that. The fear for Shui was written all over her face, clouding Flarea's judgment. At this point, she would give almost anything for Shui's safe return.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel grabbed the sprite and and became visible "Now" he looked back up at Yuro "For all of your sakes" he pointed the rod at the dragoness "I can do alot worse thing with this rod"

Elis eyes fluttered opened