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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

"You're right, that does sound boring. I can see why you want someone to do this job for you." Shui really wanted to see if she could reach Death's limit. It might seem counter-intuitive, but to Shui, this was the best way for her to get to know people. She loved judging the reactions of people when she was smart-mouthing the room. It was just another way of seeing people's reaction to comedy. Her own, personal kind.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Death chuckled "I may have had a hand in creating the multiverse, but even I can't sort through all the souls in it" he turned to the door "on the desk are two books, one is a law book, one is my recommendation on how to deal with some tricky things, although you'll get a natural tuition of the law, you still might need it" Death walked out of the room, across the hall and leading Shui into another room, now standing on a platform with six lines shooting to the distance, in between them the afterlifes This is the viewing platform, to look over the afterlife, you are the only one who can cross, or even see other sections"
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Shui looked at Death. "Um, intense? What kind of intense?" She stared back down at the weapons, her sprite nature trying to force her not to wield one. She knew that her ancestors once did, otherwise things would be much different right now. And besides, she was told by her new boss to chose one.
Shui looked at the weapons. "You know, I'm not too big on the weapon thing. Sprites are supposed to be peaceful. Oh, wait, I ruined that a while back. Huh." Shui looked thoughtful for a moment, the shook her head and looked back at the weapons laid out in front of her. She hated it when there were too many choices.
Shui glanced around the table until her eyes fell upon a pole. She stared at it. This thing is a weapon? She was confused by it and why it was there. "Hey, Death, what is this thing?" she asked as she pointed at the pole known as a brandistock.
Shui immediately fell in love with the brandistock. It was simple and looked innocent on the outside, but was actually dangerous. She liked that. She liked the fact that people would underestimate her. She picked it up. "What is it called?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"A brandistock, you can summon and unsummon your weapon at will" Death waved his Scythe and a light appeared "Remember, you have free rain until sunset, then you are expected to do your job, you can teleport from here, to the material world, to the death plane, and my office anytime you need to, play nice with your peers to follow, if you have any trouble, feel free to come to me" he then vanished
Shui sighed and decided to go back to the material world since Flarea was there and was probably worried sick. Or mourning excessively. Or completely out of her mind. One of the three.

Flarea wept over Shui's body, still mourning over the death of her friend. She felt incomplete, like a part of her was missing. They have been through too much for Shui to just die on her. And yet... Flarea knew the cat was nearby, it did not bother her though. The cat was just there, not bothering her or trying to comfort her. The last thing she wanted was to be comforted.
Shui's body squirmed and Flarea jumped back. The red dragoness looked at her friend's body in worry. What was happening? The wound that killed her healed and her eyes opened. "What's with that face? You look like you've seen a ghost. And yes, I used that cliche line."
Flarea stared at Shui, dumbstruck. What could she say? "I, you're, what, who, how are you alive?!"
Shui shrugged. "Doesn't really matter."
Flarea snorted, not liking Shui's answer. "Listen, if you're not going to tell me how then we should head to Eli's ship." Maybe he can get it out of you.
Shui shrugged, letting Flarea chose everything for their last full day together in a long time.
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"That's what I want to know!" Flarea shouted.
Shui shrugged. "Listen, it's none of your concern, just like I told Flarea.
Flarea snorted once more, fed up with Shui's dismissive nature. Why was she hiding something from her? Did her friend not trust her? This sliver of fear crept through Flarea's mind.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Elis mind raced as e thought about what could have happened, then he spotted a scar on the sprite, from the stab, he licked his lips before swivelling to a monitor and rapidly typing, quickly finding what he wanted before shutting it down, he turned back, an eyebrow raised, if one where to look very closely, they would find an inkling of fear in his eyes, he leaned forward "It's your secret I guess"
Shui glared at Eli. "Yes, it is. Don't ask me again. All I want to do is have a relaxing day with Flarea before I have to do other stuff."
Flarea looked at Shui with confusion. "What other stuff?"
"Never mind that. Let's just talk about other stuff, make jokes and-"
"Shui, why won't you tell me? I understand Eli, but me?!"
Shui gave an annoyed sigh. I should of known she would ask this question, she thought.
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Flarea nodded and looked at Shui. "Fine, but you better not just be coming back for one day and I never see you again, ever." Flarea gave a snort of laughter at her strange idea.
Shui rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'm not. Besides, I would tell you if that were to happen. Now how about we change the topic? I sware if you didn't catch Muel, I'm going to be really mad. I really don't like to be taken hostage."
Flarea smirked. "Yeah, Eli told Yuro to tell the ship, so the Yuro, the ship, and maybe Eli knows where he is being held. Do you want to see him?"
Shui shrugged. "Nah, just the knowledge that he isn't going to try to catch me again for a while is good enough for me."
Flarea frowned. "Not even to rub in his face that you're alive?"
Shui was silent, thinking. "Nah, what do you take me for, a sass lord?" She grinned as she gave Flarea a knowing look.
Flarea could only nod to this rhetorical question. Although she pretended not to worry about Shui, she could not stop thinking about the fact the sprite was hiding something.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at the two, thinking “Hey, now that saving the world is over, do you two want to see something really cool?” He stood up and smiled at the two, awaiting their response
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Flarea gave a huge smile, her eyes glittering. "Yes!" Her enthusiasm was stronger than she thought it would come off as. She gave a slightly embarrassed look and sat down, her large tail curled around her front talons.
Shui shrugged. "Eh, I guess so." She saw how enthusiastic Flarea was and quickly changed her tone. "I mean if it is no trouble to you." Shui wanted this to be one of Flarea's best days, so she could not let her own mood dampen Flarea's mood. Though, it would be really hard to do that, considering just how hard it was to do that when she is feeling victory on her wings.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "Wait here a second" he moved to the back room and pulled out the dimensional drive, taking longer than normal due to his arm, installing the hyper drive before starting to head back
Flarea narrowed her eyes in concentration. "I know the sun is big and makes heat for the day, then sleeps with us for the night. The stars a small specks in the sky that make a soft glow to help draw out Tear's beauty." Shui just crossed her arms, not saying a thing. She agreed with Flarea's assumption though.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shook his head as he typed his final keys "Nope, not an unreasonable assumption, but still wrong, hey, who wants to see it up close?" he gripped a lever, and pulled it, the ship launching of the earth at warp speeds
"Up close?" Flarea was unsure of that idea. Seeing the sun and stars closer than normally? If that was far, then just how bright were the objects? Just how hot was the sun?! The thought scared Flarea as the ship removed her from her home. To her, leaving was the worst possible thing ever. Leaving her country was difficult enough for the red dragoness, now she was expected to leave her planet? She was also afraid of what Ragenrok would do if she left. The huge brown dragon always made her uneasy and combined with this, she was scared.
Shui saw the uncertainty on Flarea's face. She saw the fear. A strong urge to speak out for Flarea overwhelmed the sprite. "Maybe we shouldn't. Just look at Flarea."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The ship came to a complete stop a few miles in front of the sun "This is the sun, if it were not for the ship protecting us, bright enough to instantly blind us, hot enough to vaporize you"
Flarea was awestruck. How was the sun so large? She dared not to look at the sun for long though. Even from her home, she could not look at the fiery ball for long. Shui glanced at Flarea, glad that she was so far enjoying her time up here, even if she could see Flarea was still uncomfortable.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli typed in some more thing "Tell me, what is your favorite star?" he reached up and flipped a switch, typing in some more things, so we would not have to do something and ruin the moment. Lily walked into the room
Shui, finally allowing the enthusiasm to wash over her, darted around for a little bit before saying, "The blue one, next to Tear. I think it's known as Tear's daughter."
Flarea nodded. "She's called Azure. I also like her. She is so pretty when she sits next to her mother."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli smiled and pushed the last buttons and pulled a lever, jumping to hyper speeds, arriving at the star, just far enough to see the whole star, Eli went to work on a few more buttons "This is a star!"
Flarea cocked her head. "She looks a lot like the sun," Flarea observed. The red dragoness realized that was probably the most obvious observation and simply hung her head down, feeling a bit stupid. Shui patted Flarea's back, trying to comfort her.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli smiled and nodded "the sun is just another star, it just happens to be ridiculously closer, so close your plant orbits it" he pressed a button as a few sounds could be heard in the back of the ship
Flarea perked up, the next question rolling off her tongue with no effort. "If the sun is a star as well, then why don't we see the stars during the day. Is he jealous?" This time she did not feel embarrassed. Besides, she was probably right about that. The sun in all the tales hated sharing, so he always kept out Tear's children and Tear herself. Of course, those were all whelp-tales.