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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

Flarea looked slightly disappointed. So all the stories about the sun and other celestial bodies were just stories? Sure she knew they were stories, and probably also slightly fake, but she always did hope that the sun and stars did, in fact, have the personalities that the stories gave them. Shui looked at Eli angerly. She wanted him to allow Flarea to keep some of her previous thoughts about the stars and whatnot, but she already knew Flarea's response to her griping, 'Sometimes the truth hurts, Shui.'

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at Flarea "Don't be so sad, the stars are still amazing things to marvel, the pressure and heat in a star is many thousands of time greater than any dragon, strong enough to change the fundamental elemental- sorry, change one thing to another" he turned back and muttered something to himself
Flarea gave Eli a courious look. "Change one thing into another? How? Last time I checked, Azure hated change. Though, that was all just the whelp-tales I was told as a whelp. So that information is probably false." Flarea realized the redundancy in her second to last sentence and just stayed quiet for a bit while she waited for Eli's answer.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli thought for a bit "Well, I could explain chemistry to you, but that's for another time" he taped a button and a periodic table protected as a hologram "In the universe, some materials are lighter, and heavier, these thing, called elements, make up everything else" he pointed a the table "Stars take the lighter ones, violently smash them together, and make them heavier elements" he leaned back "Unless you want me to teach chemistry class, that what I got"
"But I thought... never mind." Flarea had enough of her world being flipped over. This sort of stuff being dropped down on her did not make her feel smarter for learning such things but made her feel a bit stupid. "I-I think I had enough now," She said as she was still trying to wrap her head around everything that she just learned.
Shui was silent. She was unsure of when she could help out Flarea again, and if she even could. "Go back to trying to take the throne from Ragenrok. I mean, if he changed from when we last saw him, which I doubt, then we should just leave him alone. But I don't think he would have a change of heart that quickly," Flarea said, much to Shui expectations.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at the sky, whispered something to himself, before he nodded and took the ship to the base of vulcan, the door opening "Good luck" he walked up to Flarea "Oh yeah, one last thing"
Flarea gave Eli a fearful glance. "I don't think I'm ready to face him yet. I mean, I still have to learn the rest of the breaths." She when she said she was not ready, she meant she was not ready. She was about to enter the den of a swarm of dragons, literally. And while it was true she was a dragon herself, all of the dragons there were going to kill her.
Flarea thought for a second. "Earth, poison, and magic. All three would be helpful for defeating Ragenrok. I mean, he isn't the smartest dragon and the poison breath is mainly used for traps, from what I experienced anyway." Flarea knew that facing Ragenrok without these breaths would be futile since he would have too many followers defending him. Besides, her fire-breath would be ineffective against the behemoth.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli slowly nodded "Would you explain what these breaths would do for you?" the door of the ship closed, a whirring sound in the back of the ship started, and the ship began to fly
Frostbite had been asleep when Yuro entered the room, and therefore missed his question. He snored gently, not waking up even when the ship launched into space. However, he was just beginning to stir as the ship began moving again and he opened his eyes partway to see the Shadow Dragon nearby. He nodded, but made no other sign.

Swiftbrush had woken up a bit before, when they first took off into space, but was too distracted by grooming himself to see what the others were talking about.
Flarea smiled. "Of course! The poison-breath makes a toxic cloud. Magic-breath does, well I honestly don't know. They say it's different for each dragon. And I honestly don't know if Earth Dragons have a breath. If they don't, then they'll have a special skill for me to learn." Flarea never stopped to consider what each breath did before, however, she knew she would probalby need all of them at somepoint or another. ANd she would rather go up against Ragenrok fully prepared instead of not knowing one breath that could save her life.

Yuro felt stupid. It was simple as that. He waited for a sleeping dragon to wake up and he did not even know it. He gave a small snort in aggatation with himself. "So," he asked, "how's your wing?"
Frostbite tested his wing, gingerly rotating it to get an accurate answer to Yuro’s question. It hurt, for sure, but it was definitely better than it had been.

“Well... it hurts, but it’s better than it was...”

Frostbite paused, not knowing what else to say. Sure, he had been traveling with this Dragon, and he was also a friend of Flarea, but Frostbite had barely talked to the Shadow Dragon at all. His tail swung slowly back and forth as he looked around the medical bay.
Flarea watched Eli. "What is that thing?" she asked, montioning at the book he was touching. She stepped forward then sat down, not wanting to stand over Eli's shoulder.
Stella took her bag with the books and left, not wanting to deal with the temptation of looking again. Who would want to deal with that? She shook the almac out of her mind and entered one of the sleeping quarters. Laying down, she took one of the books out and started to read it.
"Magic Dragons like to live around Fire Dragons, who used to live around Vulcan. Now they live all over the place. I think I remember one Magic Dragon being my father's advisor. That time is all a blur though. She now lives near Ragenrok or is dead," Flarea recounted, squinting her eyes in thought. She looked at Eli again. "Why?"
Shui thought for a few moments. "I don't really know. Honestly, it's been so long since Flarea and I wasn't flying for our lives. Or just trying to stay ahead of Ragenrok."
Flarea's eyes glistened at her newest thought of comfort.
Shui knew this look and got worried. "No, no! That is where I place my foot down! We are not going to the Dragon Spires!" Flarea gave a slightly playful growl at her friend, showing her displeasure.
Flarea's mouth grew into a huge smile as her eyes sparkled. "Only the most amazing place in Dragnos! Out in her shore of the sea, there are large pillars rising out of the ocean. It is one of my favorite flying spots because Ragenrok cannot get through!"
"But Windraza can," Shui muttered.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli bit his lips as he thought "Tell you what, I have two things to add, we can go explore the other side of the world, seeing this might be your only chance, or you can enjoy the dragon spires, I can keep watch"
Flarea gave a smirk. "Pro for Dragon Spires, it is familiar. Cons for exploring, we might encounter something we are unable to handle. Another con is the fact we travel all the time!"
Shui sighed. "Pro for exploring, we will see new things. Cons for Dragon Spires, Flarea might fly into a giant pillar and seriously hurt herself. Another one is that we go there a lot."
"Hey! I never ran into one of the pillars!" Shui just rolled her eyes.
"Pro, Dragon Spires are closer," Flarea pointed out.
"Pro, we won't be seeing the same old," Shui resorted.
"Pro, I could train in the Dragon Spires."
Shui asked, "And what sort of training is that?"
"Tight turns and quick reflexes in flight training, duh." Flarea thought that it was obvious. Of course, not everyone thought as she did and Flarea was already alright in those categories.
Shui sighed, not buying the pro that Flarea gave. "Pro, we can learn about where others live."
Flarea smiled, her confidence increasing tenfold. "Why not! We'll be going to the Dragon Spines in no time!"
Shui gave Flarea an agitated look as she crossed her arms. "I don't think Eli is going to chose something one-sided. Besides, I think that my option has just a likely chance to win."
Stella got worried. What if he found out? She got up and controlled her feelings, making her fur lie flat. She sighed and padded out of the room, almost running into Star, who did not look too happy. Stella gave a nervous laugh. "So, how are you doing?"
Star looked even more irritated. "All. I want. To do. Is. Stay. Near Sky. Is that so hard to ask? But noo, he 'requires our presence'."
Stella looked a bit uncomfortable. She did not realize that Star was going to vent! "Um, I do not know how to help you?"
Star sighed. "I don't expect you to. By the way, we're here."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli fworned "Well, they will allowed all over the ship, and we need one per challenger to follow, so they can do it at the same time, otherwise one would be stuck in place, since they can't read" he turned around "If you can't take the challenge, I can get someone else"
"I understand tree drawings! Pictures drawn in the trees by a guardian. Though, it isn't consistent," Flarea offered, though by drawing by her own thought, she knew that the tree drawings would not be accepted by Eli as a written language.
Star stifled a bout of laughter from hearing Flarea. "Fine, I'll help. But I want to assist the red one. I like her better."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sat down "I'll be looking into something right here, computer listen as well" he pointed down one hallway "Down there you have access to the first two doors" he pointed to another "The bedrooms, go ahead, but you won't find much there" another "Utilities, kitchen, workshop, other things you'll have to find out for yourself" he pointed at the last "Not down there" he nodded "You have one hour, whoever can answer the question best, wins" he leaned forward "Flarea and Shui must tell me" he leaned back "Ok, listen I have a few, they are related, but listen, what is an atom, what is the periodic table, on the atomic level, what does it mean to be hot or cold, what is electricity, bonus if you know how a star works, especially neutron stars", Now Go!"