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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "Kind of, anyways, the champions are picked in a different manner for each, some who believe in the fairest life, those who see chaos is what makes thing meaning full, those who see order as a necessity, and those who see death as the necessary end to the story, and have died"
Flarea placed the pieces together. "Wait, so Shui is the champion for one of them now?" She glanced at Eli and Shui, not sure if she got it correct. It would explain all of her friend's weird behavior ever since she came back. She curled her tail over her talons. If this was the case, why did Shui not tell her? She was her best friend for Fenix's sake! Did she really not trust her? The thought took root in her mind, no matter how much she tried to shake it out.

Stella narrowed her eyes, recounting the number of names Eli said. She would not bring it up yet, but she would after he was done trying to tell whatever he was telling Flarea.
Stella trotted to Eli and pawed his leg, trying to grab his attention. "You said there were nine beings, you only mentioned six. You left three out." She narrowed her eyes as she flicked her tail. "Did you really think that would go unnoticed?"

Flarea did not look at Shui, the though that took root started to grow. "So, you don't trust me," she said quietly.
Shui gulped. "I do trust you, I just didn't know how to tell you."
Flarea shot her head up, looking Shui in the eye. "Then why did you tell Eli before me."
"Because I knew you were going to get all mad and stuff! Besides, he found out, I didn't just tell him!"
Flarea drew her lips into a snarl. "I'm not mad that you became a champion! I'm mad because you just admitted that you don't trust me enough to tell me something like that!" Her face softened into a worried expression. "Do you really not trust me? I've always tried to make sure that we both benefit from all the decisions that we make. And we always make them together."
Shui reached her hand out to comfort the red dragoness. "Flarea,"
Flarea's wings drooped, the thought fully matured and now was like a sturdy tree of brambles in her mind. "Good luck, Shui." She gave the sprite a smile, trying not to have her own emotions corrupt the smile which failed miserably.
Stella flicked her ears and tail and frowned. "So, can you please tell me?" she begged, She tried to give the most pitiful face she could muster, her green and blue eyes glistening with fake sorrow, her ears folded down and her tail in between her legs as she gazed up at Eli, hungry to know more.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at the pedestal again sighing and closing the panel "Sure, the last two are Destruction, who was banished to below reality, creating the Ultimate void, Creaton, who was banished to above reality, creating, the ether, and Undeath, who was imprisoned for being Evil, the only one that was objectively bad"
Stella nodded as she flicked her tail again. She shifted away from the pedestal a bit, not being comfortable around the book that she read when Eli was not around. She really did not want to feel the urge to read it again, though she knew that she would not do it when Eli was around. "Can you please explain to me the different jobs the nine do? Please!" Her curious mind still wanted more to ponder on, and she always did enjoy learning new stuff.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"Well, Death makes sure that everything dies, to bring an end to every story, Life, Harmony, and Chaos make the multiverse have meaning in their own way, Life governing life and make the multiverse have meaning FOR something, chaos making sure existence does not consist of repetitive events that would become meaningless, Harmony makes sure the multiverse has order so that things don't become meaningless by being complete nonsense, the last two were in charge of what's called the cycle, still are, Destruction making sure things stay beautiful by making sure nothing last forever, Creation in charge of making something for the multiverse to consist of, even now in the Ultimate void and Ether"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli gave a small glance to the cat "I was not done, anyways a while after the beginning of the multiverse, a divide about how the universe was ran began, eventually getting to the point where three new beings were created, Balance from Chaos and Harmony, making sure there was a perfect mix of the two, Eternity from Creation and Destruction, determining how long thing should exist and Undead from Life and Death, Balance and Eternity brought the group together, while undead spread misery and thing against how the multiverse should have run, causing him to be imprisoned by Life and Death, bringing them together inthe end I guess, way way later on, destruction began to tend towards a more greedy outlook, threatening the very existence of the multiverse, eventually being banished to below existence, doing his job in a more controlled manner, a while after that it was discovered that Creation would be completely unbalanced without Destruction, causing them to banich Creation above reality, Eternity taking a much more prominent role, deciding thing should last much longer than before, nowadays few thing go into the Ultimate void, and only a trickle out of the ether" He looked up "That's an old story, there are only 13 beings who remember it from their own life"
Stella cocked her head. "Who are the three manifestations and Nobody?"She had a feeling she was now asking way too many questions, but she did not care. Stella just cared about learning more. She would need to if what Eli said about their universe opening up to the multiverse was true.
Stella nodded and seemed to run out of questions. Her eyes sparkled with satisfaction and she turned to go back to her reading, then she realized that she was keeping Eli from doing something. She spun around with an apologetic look on her face. "Oh, so sorry that I distracted you! Can I do anything to help? I am ready to help with most anything that I can physically do."
Stella nodded and walked away, afraid of what he was going to find. She wanted to be away from him when he found out. Would he pretend that he did not know? Well, that was an option. She entered the room she was reading in previously and went back to her studies of what Kyaal was reading before he sent it to her and, well. She did not like to think about it. She never did care much for him, but his constant boasting really helped push her to where she was now, a trusted student with a guaranteed job working for the Empire if she accepted.
Stella looked up from her book, worried. She was not called for, and she did not hear him storming around looking for her. Was he really letting her off? Her guilt increased ten-fold. How could he forgive her after she disobeyed him so awfully! She shook her head and decided to look for Eli and apologize, her pelt feeling hot from guilt.

Ragenrok flew with a group of dragons, looking for Muel. After his betrayal, he wanted his blood. Leaving him to die when he was injured like that, if one of his dragons did that, he would make their life torture before sending them to the Endless Tunnels. He looked down and saw Muel's ship. He glared at it and landed nearby. "So, my old 'friend' is nearby." He looked at his dragons and gave an authoratertic stance. "Keep an eye out!"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lily walked into the room with Eli "So, I was thinking, what about angel?" Eli stopped what he was doing "I... Want to see her again to, tell you what, take a pod and go look for her, I think I'll be here a while" Lily nodded, hugged Eli before smiling, Eli handed LIly her coin "This is yours" Lily took it and spoke once before leaving the room for the pods "I love you" after she left, Eli leaned on the table behind him, staring into space
Ragenrok edged closer to the ship, his eye narrowed. He did not trust the ship at all and would rather stay away from it. But, he had a feeling that it held something that would help him find Muel. He stalked close to the entrance and glared at it, his teeth bared.

Stella padded along, not knowing where to find Eli. She wanted to apologize, terribly so. Her guilt from her actions was immense, much greater than what was expected. She knew she was found out, and she knew that she had to confess, even if what she did was already known.
Ragenrok entered the ship. He did not know what to expect, so he just gave a quick glance around. Was this a sort of trap that Muel set up for him? He did not think so, but he could not be too careful. He walked close to the wooden door and looked like he was going to destroy it. He did not know how to open doors.

Stella kept on looking, entering every room that she had access to and glancing around before turning around to look in a different room. She made it to the workshop and checked in there. She saw Eli and clenched her teeth, trying not to run again. She padded up to him, full of guilt. "I'm sorry for looking in your book," she said quietly, "I just got very curious, and I was not thinking. I will try not to do it again, but it is very tempting to take another peek. That is why I am distancing myself from it. I understand if you do not really like me or want to answer any of my other questions."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli was a bit startled, being deep in his thought, bur he listened and shook his head "You're fine, besides, it reminded me to turn on the defenses, and I never told you not to read it, but please don't"

Muels ship spoke "It is recommended you open the door with the handle as opposed to breaking the door"
Stella nodded. "As I said, I am distancing myself from it so then I do not read it again." She flicked her ears and then looked at Eli. "Oh, sorry for interrupting you again! I am going to go back to reading Kyaal's studies. For some reason, he gave them to me. I swore he hated me." She looked confused for a few seconds before turning to go back to the room she was reading in.

Ragenrok was not built for opening doors. His talons and strength made that extremely difficult. He tried to open the door with the handle, but his talons were too large. It seemed as if the ship was not made for large dragons.
Ragenrok carefully entered the room, looking around. His face was drawn back into a snarl as he looked around trying to explore the place a bit before going through the other door.

Windraza was looking for her uncle. She knew he led a patrol out near the forest, due to the fact he himself suggested going there for the most blessed part of the world. She could not believe that he made such an important decision without her! She looked behind her, noteing that the red drake that was her brother was still following her. He did not seem like he was going to do anything, but then again he was Blaze, he did not do much. She rolled her eyes and snorted. Below her, she saw a group of dragons that were by the ship Muel used. She landed without hesitation, Blaze on her tail. She walked up to one of the dragons, a Poison Dragon. "Tell me, where is Ragenrok," she ordered.
The Poison Dragon nodded. "He's inside the ship."
Windraza nodded and walked up to the ship, Blaze still following. "Why in all of Dragnos are you following me, brother," she hissed.
Blaze flinched but did not back off. "I want to find Ragenrok just as much as you do. Besides, I would rather have him be in charge than you."
Windraza glanced at Blaze. Was that a threat? No, Blaze was to nice to do something like that. It was only his personal preference. She stood in front of the ship's entrance next to Blaze. Every once in a while she glanced at him, ready for an attack. If she was in Blaze's postion then she would attack her, but she was told she was much more ambitious than her brother.
Swiftbrush had been napping. He had slept for longer than he knew, and when he woke up he had almost forgotten where he was. He saw some of the others nearby, but didn’t adress them. For the time being he merely began to groom himself with his tongue.

Meanwhile, Frostbite was getting up. He had had enough of laying on his side, and wanted to know what was going. However, he didn’t really know his way around, so once he was up he only stuck his head out of the medical bay.
Windraza and Blaze entered the ship, went through the opened wooden door, and padded to Ragenrok who was turning away from the desk. Windraza peered over her uncle to see the contents and her eyes caught interest in the note. She was sure her uncle read it, but he was only interested in Dragnos. How closed-minded he could be sometimes. She looked squarely at Ragenrok. "I believe that a resistance is gathering at Phyross."
Ragenrok shook his massive head. "First, let's find out what our friend has been hiding from us." He turned and walked out of the room, a watchful Blaze following him. A bit too watchful. Sometimes she felt like her brother was really a spy for the rebels. She shook her head as she got a closer look at the note that was on Muel's desk. Recreating the multiverse, now that was an interesting idea. Unlike Ragenrok, she did not push these ideas aside for smaller goals.

Ragenrok stood in front of the metal door, searching for the handle so that he was not scolded about doors again. He glanced back at Blaze, who was silent whenever he was near. Maybe it was because he did not like to hear his nephew. It made him think of his brother more, and he did not want to attack this dragon, yet. He had yet to prove to be useful, but he was not really given a chance yet. Besides, he had seen the red drake's strength, he was a strong dragon that if he needed to, he could probably rely on in a battle. Though, he was very soft on the prisoners, something that worried him.

Yuro stood in the hallway outside of the medical wing, pacing. He looked up and saw Frostbite. "You're awake! Thank Fenix! So, I think everyone is in the main room, but I'm not sure." He shifted his wings nervously as he tapped his claws together.
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“Okay, then... how is everyone else, by the way? And how long was I out? Last I remember outside of this place was that loud boom...”

Fristbite looked back at his wing for a moment and then back to Yuro. He had warmed up slightly to the shadow dragon. He gingerly reached one of his back legs forward to scratch himself, trying not to hurt himself while doing so, and then nodded for Yuro to lead the way. He didn’t know his way around the ship, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself by going the wrong way.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The door had no handle, but the computer spoke "Would you like me to open the vault sir?"

The note read: "Dear Muel, I have found something that might peak you interest, so I'm sending this to you in payment for my debt, I have heard of something that might take the multiverse further back than the sands of time, to a time where you can take over and make the multiverse over again, whats more I have the location of the scroll that can tell you about it, aboard the ship of the warrior, Eli, in the tenth door of his terminal hall, I believe the best strategy is would be to take down the power to the doors before going in, to prevent resistance"
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Ragenrok nodded. "Yes, I would like that."

Windraza looked at the note, read it over again, and took it. It sounded like a good plan, however, she had a feeling that Ragenrok would not let her pull it off. She needed to do this in secret, and the dragons would not tell the king if she told them not to. She walked out of the room and met up with her brother and uncle.

Yuro led the way back to the main room, Flarea and Shui were facing away from each other, one glancing at the other when they thought the other was not looking. Yuro walked over to Flarea and sat next to her, enjoying her company.
Frostbite looked around the room, feeling slightly awkward. He was feeling like he had failed them during the previous fight. Since Yuro hadn’t answered his question, he decided to ask the others instead in the hopes they could tell him.

“Hi... What happened while I was... out?”

His tail swished slighty as he asked. He felt a bit nervous, and only entered the room, and didn’t sit down.
Shui looked at Frostbite and spoke up. "Um, we fought Muel at the tree in the Guardian's Forest, I kinda died than came back to life because I now work for Death. Um, Muel is now captured, and I think that's it. Oh! And Flarea doesn't want to talk to me now!" Flarea rolled her eyes to the last one, then snorted. It was unclear if she was laughing or she was slightly angry.

Ragenrok found the room not useful at all so he left, however, Windraza found it rather interesting and entered. Blaze, not knowing who to follow, padded after Ragenrok. Windraza snorted at the two, calling them 'simple-minded fools' before exploring the things inside of the vault.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
There were many things in the vault that would be useless to Windazra, because they required hands or technological experience, but there were crystals, necklaces,and orbs, along with a copy of Muels gun in the middle of the room

Eli entered the room "Whats happening in here?"
Windraza dared not to touch anything due to her past experience with that one gem. However, she was deeply intrigued by everything. "Is there anything in this room that can hurt me if I touch it and if so what is it?" she asked herself, aloud. She remained calm as she watchfully went over everything.

Shui glared at Flarea, telling her it was her turn. Flarea noticed and sighed. "Shui was just explaining what happened while he was out to Frostbite, and apparently she trusts Frostbite more than me. She didn't even stop to think before she told him. And she had someone else tell me about her new job for her!" Flarea stopped herself. She could not take her anger out on anyone, even if it is just her venting. She could tell that Shui was sorry, but she did not care. Flarea just did not want Shui to leave. She knew it was impossible now, but Flarea hated the idea of being alone. At least she would have a friend in Eli, but then again he was a traveler, so he was going to leave at some point. She closed her eyes and laid down, trying not to think about how lonely she was going to be.