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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed and walked over to them "She just did not know how to break the news, I did, now please, if you only have today left, are you going to spend it moping around, angry at each other?"

Almost all the pedestals in the room glowed, except the gun, some armour, and some other things she could not use due to being a dragon
Frostbite was confused at first. They had fought Muel in the Guardian Forest? But they had been in the wierd underground caverns... and then Shui said she had died, and from there on she had lost him. However, he understood the tension in the room, and with Flarea’s words he felt like it was his fault. He tried to back out of the room, but it was an awkward process and he stopped.
Flarea sighed. "I just, I just, nevermind." She looked at Shui sorrowfully. Though she wished Shui well, she hated the fact she was leaving. She knew she was selfish for wanting Shui not to have that job, but she could not help it. They planned everything together, how they were going to trick Ragenrok, how they were going to defeat him, how they were going to distract Windraza, and even how they were going to celebrate their victory. She knew that there were going to be some problems in their plans, but now she had to scrap them altogether. And the thought of being completely alone due to everyone in Dragnos being against her did not help her either.

Windraza looked at the things that did not glow. "Interesting. What stuff can I use that will not harm me in the process." She looked around again, hoping that it would listen to her again.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed, then looked over at Shui, as if he had and idea, but was unsure about it, he wondered how well it would work with the beings around him would take it

A pedestal near her light up, it appeared to house a necklace with intricate carvings and twelve holes on the front of it, nine deep skinny holes, three shallow large holes
Windraza looked nodded. "And what are these 'greater powers'? she asked. She did not want to not understand what sort of power she would be wielding if she took the necklace. She knew that it would attract some attention, but she would not wear it willy-nilly. She, unlike Ragenrok, always thought things through. She knew she would make a better leader than he would, but she pushed the thought aside and tried to regain her full loyalty to her uncle, but the seed inside of her mind was already planted.

Shui gave a questioning look and followed Eli.
Windraza nodded. "And it will not harm me?" She reaffirmed as she reached to pick up the necklace. She wanted this fact to be clear. Besides, if she was dead, how could she recreate anything? No, she needed to be alive and well. But what about Ragenrok? She would deal with him later, besides, he would not get in her way, yet.

Shui crossed her arms. "Ok, what is it then?" She like the others, hated it when Eli cut off like this. She liked to hear what he was going to say instead of just sitting there, thinking about what it might be.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli hesitated “You remember my energy?” He let his lightning like energy flow over him “I said it was harmless, and did not lie, but it’s not useless, it’s hard to explain what it does” he reached out his hand, full of energy “Touch my hand and you’ll see my plan”

“You will not be harmed by that”
Shui nodded and grabbed his hand, a bit hesitantly of course. Shui still was totally sure of whether she should trust him or not. Sure, she trusts him far more than Windraza, but that is a given. Windraza has tried to kill her multiple times and Eli has not tried at all. And he had been a huge ally to them. She just guessed that trust came easier to Flarea then it did her. She barely trusted Yuro at all still.

Windraza nodded. "Is it fine if I take it then?" She was no thief, and if the ship gave her permission, then she would rely on that to keep her safe from accusations.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The energy jumped from Elis body to Shuis, covering her in a thin layer of the lightning like energy, not painful, just a bit odd. Eli sat back again "It's hard to explain what will happen, but, You'll see, it takes a few seconds" the lightning began to turn from dark blue to light blue, when it stopped, it began to start to dance around faster, then Eli recalled the energy, a bright flash occurred, after the flash, the human was gone, replaced by a smiling sprite, which looked identical to Shui when she was alive, except the new sprite had a grey eye and scar

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Shui winced when the energy jumped over, expecting some amount of pain. However, she was wrong. It was a bit weird, as it went on, but the main thing that surprised her was the second sprite. She could not find any words to express her bewilderment, except for "Ehh, what?!" She was unsure of how to react to Eli looking a lot like her, except for the one eye and scar thing. "What did you do?" she asked after she regained herself some more.

Windraza took the necklace off the pedestal. She would not put it on, yet. First, she required to get some sort of Shadow Team together, due to the fact the last one either died or joined Flarea. She snorted at Yuro's treasonous behavior and left the vault. She gazed around the main room to try to see if anything else of importance was around.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli laughed "It's my power, I was blocked of from my others to learn mastery in this one, I manipulate dimensional barriers to copy someone on the most basic level" she jumped off the side and hovered in the air "I'm not trying to replace you, but do you think it would comfort her?"

Nothing of note beside the controls to the ship
Shui shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Flarea is kinda," Shui took in a sharp intake of breath, "unpredictable in how she reacts to things like this. For all I know, she could be so angry with this that she refused to talk to either one of us for the rest of her life, her words not mine. When she says that, she means an hour or two. And even then she struggles not to say anything." Shui crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Trust me, she has done that multiple times with me before."

Windraza left the ship and flew off to Volcain. When she returned, she called for a team of Shadow Dragons. "I'm going to send a team of Wind Dragons to find Eli's ship, they will report back to you and you will find some way to turn off the power. Once you do that, quickly find the tenth terminal hall and enter. Find me a scroll. There will be no mistakes, no failure, no telling Ragenrok. Is that understood?" The new Shadow Team nodded fearfully. They did not want to upset their princess. "Good, watch for the team that I'm sending." She called for some of the fastest Wind Dragons. "Find Eli's ship. Do not tell Ragenrok. That is an order." The Wind Dragons flew off, looking for Eli's ship.
Frostbite couldn’t figure out how he should sit down or relax. He wanted to lay down, but he also didn’t want to break anything, and he also felt a need to be... formal, in Flarea’s presence. His eyes fell on her, and then on Swiftbrush, who was licking his tail. He focused on staring at the kitten so he wouldn’t have to think about how he should behave in the presence of a Royal Dragon.
Shui shrugged. "The worst that could happen is that Flarea yells at both of us and then refuses to talk to either one of us for two hours." She lifted one finger to her chin. "Which isn't like her at all." She shrugged again. "But that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is, why not. It's not like she's going to turn evil or something from this." She chuckled. "Flarea's to nice for that."

The Wind Dragons returned to the Shadow Team and told them where to go. The Shadow Dragons made haste and entered shadow form before landing. Well, one of them did. She was known for her long periods of remaining in shadow form and the fact she never turned into a shade. She always said it was due to the fact she always waited last second before turning back, thus increasing her time inside of the limited form, but that did not stop the other dragons being amazed at this fact. She looked for something to turn off the power for the ship, thus fulfilling her princess's wishes.

Flarea glanced over at Frostbite. "Why are you staring at that cat?" she asked. She found it a bit wierd that he was watching a cat groom itself. Well, himself.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
There was nothing outside the ship that could turn off the power without a ridiculous amount of force, the best point of weakness would be the wires coming out of the power generator inside the ship

Eli landed on the ground, deciding to walk "Lets go back then" she began to walk
Frostbite shrugged. “Ah, uhh... I didn’t really have anything else to do... and I find their wings interesting. The only lynxes I’ve seen were strictly land predators. They like mice... and hares” It was true that he was interested in their wings, although it wasn’t really the reason he was staring. He was feeling very awkward at the time, and his tail was twitching in agitation.
Shui sighed. "You do realize that it'll be much easier and faster to fly, right. Besides, our tiny legs can't go anywhere fast. Better off using those wings. They're there for a reason." She looked down and mumbled to herself, "Geez, it's like I'm talking to a Newbud."

The Shadow Dragon sighed and went to enter the ship. She hoped that she would not be found. Her smoky form billowed to the entrance. Keeping it open? Wow, I thought that it would be harder to sneak onboard than this. She entered and went through the main room, trying not to be spotted by the dragons and kitten inside of the room. She would have to find a way to shut off the power and fast. Sure, she could stay in shadow form for a long time, but she still did not want to waste a second of it. Luckily for her, two of the dragons did not see her. The traitor and the false Guardian Dragon.

A second Shadow Dragon went onboard, also in shadow form. He was to scout the ship and find the tenth terminal, whatever that was. His princess required something inside of there, and he would not let her down.

Flarea gave Frostbite a weird look. "Ok then. Go back to staring at a cat grooming himself."
Frostbite would have liked to bury his face in his paws. Sure, the cat was just licking its tail, but the way Flarea put it made it sound really wierd. He was so distracted by this embarrassment that he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. However, Swiftbrush had paused in his grooming, since he though they were talking about him. He caught a glimpse of something, and stared at the spot. However, he blinked and it was gone.
Shui rolled her eyes as she followed Eli. "So, how are you going to explain this to Flarea, hm? She's going to ask a lot of questions, you know." Shui thought she saw a wisp of smoke, but it was gone as soon as she blinked.

Yuro laid down next to Flarea, placing his head on her as he tried to comfort her. He knew that he should be more respectful, but she always seemed to grumble whenever her friend tried to exalt her. Maybe she hated being placed at the center of attention and be treated as better. She did not show any signs that she noticed Yuro, other than a slight smile. He felt delighted as he was not told to go somewhere else. Guess she was not mad about the whole refusal thing.

The female Shadow Dragon looked down one of the hallways, the one where Eli and Shui were at. She hoped she was not spotted and she went by, being there only for a brief second. The male just so happened to go down the numbered hallway. He decided not to touch anything, yet. He was given clear orders. He swiftly left the ship and returned to the group, waiting for a sign.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "I'll explain it like I did to you, and tell her why I did it" she walked in the room, flying in a way flarea could not see her grey eye

The power generator was in a room a few feet into the hall and had visible wires leading from the machine to the walls, a low, deep hum could be heard from it
Flarea looked up. "Shui, you're back. What did Eli have to talk about?" Yuro lifted his head off of Flarea, a bit begrudgingly. Flarea watched whom she thought was Shui with interest, flicking her tail back and forth. Though, she was still sad about her friend having to leave. Shui watched, unsure if she should come out or not.

The shadowy dragoness stalked up to the generator and slashed at it with her talons. She was skilled enough to interact with the real world if she wanted to.

The Shadow Team waited outside for the power to go out. Every single one of them was now in shadow form. They knew they had to be quick, that is why they sent in the scout the same time they sent in the dragon who was to take out the power.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli motioned for Shui to come in

The box, having had some wires shredded, had some of its current try to flow threw the dragon to complete its circuit, about fifteen yottajoules

The lights flickered a second before turning off as the computer tried to speak "Si-i-i-ir, the-er-er, has b-ee-ee-een a-a-a pow---" the last word tapering off with it getting deeper to the point it disappeared, metal walls slammed around the prisons cells as the magnets holding them turned off
Shui was about to follow Eli out until the power went out. She sped out. "What happened!" She looked around, fearfully.
Flarea stood up, ignoring the fact there were now two Shuis. She sniffed the air, trying to find any sent. "How did the inner lights go out?" She looked around for any signs of movement, however, the dark and shadows were best for the Shadow Dragons to move undetected. They quickly followed the scout to terminal ten and entered. They started looking for the scroll that Windraza told them to get.

The Shadow Dragon was now dead, the power that surged through her killing her. She regained her normal form, becoming a dark purple with grey eyes, similar to Yuro's. She was also awfully small, the size one was when they just become a youngling.

Yuro also stood up and looked. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkened room, however, he was unable to catch the Shadow Dragons before they entered the hallway that he was too scared to look down since it reminded him of his former team's demise. He still felt partially responsible, but they were not the best dragons.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at the lights "And the computer shorted out... I'm checking the generator, wait here" Eli flew of to the workshop, grabbing a light so she could see

Right next to the door was a shelf with a handful of scrolls, as Eli never thought someone would get in, he never bothered to chain down the scrolls
As soon as the room was plunged into darkness, Frostbite froze. He had no idea what to do, and he could t see very well as his eyes hadn’t had enough time to adjust. He growled slightly, alerting the others to his position until they could see again. Meanwhile, Swiftbrush gave a yowl of fright and tried to run, however, he was soon stopped as he ran into something in the dark.
"Which one does she want? We can't take them all!" One signed.
Another growled as he signed. "Well, look at them! Every single one! Look for something she might be interested in. I dunno, just look!"
All of the Shadow Dragons, seven in all, started going through the scrolls.

The body laid near the generator, her left talon blackened due to the electrical surge. She showed no signs of life as she laid there. She was gone, her necklace now a dulled grey.

Flarea nodded, not following whom she presumed to be Shui, though how would Shui know where the generator was, or what it was for that matter. She then realized that there were two Shuis. She knew she would demand answers when the Shui with the lamp came back.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
A good nine tenths of them were in foreign tongues, but there were three on the special all read paper, one about the reshaping of the multiverse, the one windazra wanted, one about some anti super material something, and the final one a blank piece of paper (The words only seeable to celestials)

Eli flew into the main room, then to the generator, she turned on the light and looked an the machine, which had a large tear in it, she then saw the body and then began to inspect it
The dragon who found the scroll that Windraza wanted held onto it. "Place the others back, if you cannot read it. If you can, show the rest and then we'll decide from there." They placed most of the scrolls back onto the shelves and only had two left. The seven dragons glanced at the two and decided that Windraza probably did not want to know about some sort of anti-super material, whatever that was. They quickly left the ship, counting one of the eight dead.

The body held nothing. No note, no order, nothing. Everything she knew died with her, as all members of the Shadow Team did. They could never allow others to find out what the secretive team did if they died while on a mission. The only clue to who she was, was her appearance which did not help much. But her eyes, if less glassy, looked scarily a lot like Yuro's.
Flarea narrowed her eyes and looked for any signs of movement, as did Yuro. Shui did as well, but she could not see well in the dark, so she mostly focused on where Eli held the light at. Stella walked out of the room where she was at and demanded, "What happened!" Star, Storm, and Sol were not far behind.

The Shadow Team hissed quietly when they saw the higher security at the main room. Though, they only needed one dragon to take the scroll back to Windraza. They chose the fastest to go and bring the scroll to Windraza, the others being a distraction. The one in charge of the scroll kept behind one of the distracting Shadow Dragons, making it out. The others were not so lucky. Flarea entered shadow form herself and pounced on one, another was pounced on by Yuro in his own shadow form. However, if one could not enter a state like shadow form, then they could not harm the dragons.
Flarea tried to keep all six dragons she counted inside the ship, but her shadow form was much weaker than other dragons, if she wasted a bunch of energy trying to keep them put, she would become a shade in no time. After starting to feel the pull of becoming a shade, Flarea went back to normal. Star tried to grab hold of them but was unable to because she could not grab onto anything physical. Storm, Sol, Stella, and Shui were unable to do anything due to the fact they could not fight the Shadow Dragons in shadow form. The only one able to keep them was Yuro, and one dragon against six was pretty improbable. Two more escaped. Four remained inside of the ship.
The five dragons on board the ship that was in shadow form, four members of the Shadow Team and Yuro, returned to normal. Yuro did not mind too much. Besides, he was not the one or part of the group that turned off the power. No, he was keeping them onboard while they tried to escape. He knew that they had to recharge their shadow form before they entered it again. Now everyone attacked, except for Shui, who was moral support. Sol and Stella scratched the Shadow Dragons normally, while Storm had a bit of a jolt in his scratches. Star tried to use her telekinesis to fight the dragons but had nothing to throw at them, so she resorted to scratching as well. However, she did consider looking into one of the dragon's mind to find out what they were doing but decided against it. Once they were captured, she would. Flarea did not want to harm any of her allies, so she stayed back, trying to find an opening.

The two dragons who escaped trembled in fear. Why they did not know. But they were sure something terrible was coming, after seeing the black wave come through.

The fastest Shadow Dragon flew back to Windraza. If he brought back this scroll, then the mission would be a success and the dragons that did not make it would be considered heroes. That is what mattered, right? If they failed, then they would either be forgotten by everyone or turned into terrible villians by the royal family.