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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

The scratches that the Skycats gave the dragons did not hurt, for their scales were too thick due to the fact dragons have much sharper claws and are much stronger than housecat-sized cats. Flarea found her opening and blew a freezing cold breath at the Shadow Dragons. They, as well as Yuro who merely felt the cold air, shivered. Flarea gave Yuro an apologetic smile before coming in closer to attack with her talons. All the Shadow Dragons could do now was try to escape as they fought with talons and teeth.

Shui sighed and flew over to Eli. "Hey, you do know you can cheer on right? Oo! Oo! Or you can make snarky comments as the fight goes on. As long as you're not used as some sort of hostage, you're doing fine." She gave Eli a wink. "Welcome to the land of being too small to help in fighting much." She crossed her arms and smiled at the fighting dragons. "At least we can cheer on. Right?"
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Shui looked confused for a second before a look of realization entered her face. "Oh right! I forgot I could use it right now! Whoops! Better help everyone out!" She darted towards the others, then faced Eli for a second to apologize before she took her weapon out. It was sheathed at the moment, so it merely looked like a pole.

Steela wandered around town, her eyes gazing at the streets. She decided to take matters into her own talons. Besides, everyone here was hiding something. She kinda felt bad about not getting Silver before she left, but she knew that he could find her quickly if he needed to.

Windraza waited patently for her New Shadow Team to return, however, Ragenrok and Blaze returned first. "Windraza, you look impatient. What are you waiting for?" Ragenrok narrowed his eyes as he waited for his niece's answer.
Windraza flicked her tail dismissively. "None of your concern."
Ragenrok looked at Windraza. "Answer me, what are you waiting for?"
Blaze stepped forward. "Perhaps I can be of-"
"SILENCE! GO BACK TO YOUR DEN BLAZE!" Ragenrok thundered. He turned back to Windraza as soon as Blaze left. "Now that he's gone, will you tell me?"
Windraza whipped around! "No! I said that it is none of your concern!"
"Everything that happens in MY kingdom is my concern!"
Windraza felt like if he was still around, that the hole plan that she would have to make would fail. Besides, when has Ragenrok truly shown that he could properly lead Dragnos. She knew she was a better leader than he was already. A fait smile crept on her face. "Then maybe I should take all that weight off your shoulders."
Ragenrok looked confused. "What?"
She smiled. "You heard me. Either hand over Dragnos peacefully, or I'll take it." Ragenrok was stunned. "Don't look so surprised, Ragenrok. You raised me to take over for you. It's just-" She waved her front right talons around. "Coming earlier than expected. That's all."
Ragenrok upturned his lips into a snarl. "Windraza, don't make me punish you."
Windraza's smile grew. "So, I'll take that as a no?"
Frostbite had tried to help in the fight, but in the darkness and confusion there was not much he could do. He lashed out at any of the enemy shadow dragons he could reach, but he was still doing very little to stop them. Swiftbrush had taken cover as soon as the fight broke out. To him, this looked like a catfight from home but on a much, much larger and more dangerous scale. He shivered as he crouched down, trying not to be noticed.
Shui made sure that the Shadow Dragon she was aiming for was not Yuro. She nodded when his scale color was more of a black color with darker grey of eyes. She looked behind her and saw Yuro and Flarea fighting together, nothing too unusual in that. Except they were fighting off of each other. A bit too well. She brushed it off, no way Flarea would be falling for someone who was going to kill her only a few days ago, right? Right. She shoved her brandistock at his leg, with enough force to reveal the blade concealed inside of the polearm. The Shadow Dragon flinched in pain and refused to fight with that leg.

Ragenrok frowned at his niece, thinking it was some sort of phase she was going through. "It's a no. Now go to your den." Ragenrok narrowed his eyes and gave Windraza a snarl. "DO NOT come out until I tell you to."
Windraza was about to enact her plan right then, but she needed to catch Ragenrok off guard. She nodded and went off to her cave. When she entered she laughed. "Do you really think that I'm just going to give up like that? You're stupider than I thought." She found the necklace that she took from Muel's ship and wore it. "I'm just waiting, old fool. Soon my reign will begin, and yours end." She flicked her tail and smiled, waiting for a better opportunity. Maybe in a few moments when he thought she did truly listen to him.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli thought about the artifacts she had trying to think of something useful, she had power rings, but they were to big, a lot of stuff she had was way to big, but. She raced into her terminals and retrieved a few shock discs, flying back into the room to help.
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Shui went to another one of the attackers and did the same thing to her. The Shadow Dragon whipped her head around and snapped at Shui with her large maw. "Bad dragon! "Bad dragon! Attack someone your own size!" Flarea and Yuro continued to attack the four dragons as a pair.

Windraza thought that it was time to state her claim to the throne. She flew out of her den and entered Ragenrok's den. "What are you doing here?!" he demanded.
Windraza smiled as she flicked her tail. "Oh, just wondering just how quickly I can take the throne. Can you please help me find out?"
Ragenrok glared at Windraza. "GET. OUT. NOW!"
Windraza shook her head. "No. Your time is done. Hand over the throne, and you won't have to fight me. Don't, and it'll be the last mistake you'll make."
Ragenrok held his head up proudly, thinking that Windraza was bluffing. "I AM king of Dragnos. No YOUNGLING will take the throne from ME!"
Windraza smile grew. "Your choice." She lunged at Ragenrok, who was unprepared for the attack. He recoiled and prepared a fire-breath, but then stopped, not wanting to hurt Windraza. She smiled, this was going to be easier than she thought. She opened her maw, trying to grab his throat. He jumped back, not allowing her to take his life that easily. He lunged at her, talons outstretched. However, not a lot of force as behind the claws, and it barely left a scratch. Ragenrok tripped over his tail, and Windraza pinned him down.
His eyes glistened with fear. "Please Windraza, reconsider," he croaked. He honestly loved Windraza and hated the fact she was trying to kill him. "Please, just be my little cloud again."
Windraza's eyes glittered darkly. "No." In one motion, Windraza killed her uncle by biting into his throat. She got off of him and smiled. She was queen now. She walked out of the cave and rose up into the sky. "KING RAGENROK IS DEAD! I, WINDRAZA WILL TAKE HIS PLACE! MY REIGN HAS BEGUN! THE REIGN OF WINDRAZA HAS BEGUN," she bellowed. Below her, dragons roared her name, reaching the ears of the dragons in the ship. Albit, faintly. They to roared in recognition of their new queen.
Frostbite tried to assist Flarea and Yuro how he could without getting in the way, attacking the enemy shadow dragons whenever he saw a good opening. However, the fight seemed to pause as an enormous, rumblimg roar reached the combatants, and the shadow dragons roared a response. Frostbite didn’t know what was happening, but seeing that the opponents had stopped fighting, he took the opportunity to make a full out attack. He pounced at the nearest of the dragon in an attempt to pin them, and swiped his tail at another.

Swiftbrush was shivering in fear in his hiding, spot. He gave a faint mew as he caught a glimpse of Stella.
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The one who got pinned did not fight back, though he did growl. "What do you think you're doing! A new dragon has ascended the throne! It is a time of peace! I understand you follow this," he looked at Flarea with scornful eyes. "False Guardian. But you must at least uphold the peace that comes after a new ruler roars their victory." The dragon that had the tail swung at her lept away. "Yeah!" she agreed. Flarea made no more move to harm the Shadow Team, as did Yuro. Flarea, while she would not bow to Windraza, she would not deny a time of peace for this group of dragons that seem to be younglings. Or just reached adulthood. Shui looked at Eli, wondering what they should do now.

The single Shadow Team member that made it out of the reality wave waited for his teammates before he handed Windraza the scroll. Besides, she was busy at the moment.
Frostbite still didn’t entirely understand what was going on, but from the way Flarea was acting he was forming an impression. He got off the pinned Dragon with a growl, retreating back to where he had stood previously. He didn’t understand the tradition, and he looked curiously at Flarea, trying to read from her expression what was going on.
Flarea noticing that the whole fight was over, looked at the two Shuis. "Ok, why am I seeing two Shuis? What happened? Shui, what did you do with Eli? And how did one of you know about those things Eli uses a lot?" She studied at the two while flicking her tail.

The Shadow Dragons tried to move, but they were stuck. One, who had is mouth opened when he was paralyzed started speaking gibberish because he could not move his jaws. He did his best to growl at the fact he could not get his words across to the others. The others were only able to hum now.

The fastest member of the New Shadow Team could not wait for his teammates any longer and gave Windraza the scroll she asked for. He entered her new den and trembled at the sight of Ragenrok's dead body, his neck still bleeding. Windraza just got done cleaning herself off and smiled at the Shadow Dragon. "So, you brought me what I asked for?"
He nodded and handed over the scroll. "I'm not sure if the others are still alive though."
Windraza waved one talon dismissively. "I'm sure they're fine." She took the scroll and was about to read it when she felt the Shadow Dragon's eyes still on her. "Do you mind?" she growled.
"Yes, yes, sorry your majesty!" The Shadow Dragon bowed as he left hurriedly.
Windraza snorted and read the scroll.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "I had a more in depth explanation planned, but oh well" she turned around "You see, remember my lightning? I said it was harmless, but its not useless, lets me perfectly copy someone via barrier manipulation, I'm not trying to replace your frein, but thought it might comfort you if I stayed here like this, whats another hundred years on my quest for vengeance"
Flarea looked slightly uncomfortable as she sat down, her tail wrapping around her feet. "You don't have to stay here because I'm too selfish to be one-hundred present onboard with Shui's new job. No need to help such a-" Her tail tightened around her talons. "Selfish dragon. Besides, I don't want to be the reason you're stuck here for such a long time." She smiled at Eli. "That would just be wrong of me." She stood up and looked in the direction of Volcain. "That roar was the sign of a new leader for the dragons. That means either Windraza or Blaze took over." Flarea looked down, her eyes narrowed in thought. "Blaze, I'm not totally sure if he is even alive still, but Windraza. She seems likely. But how did she take over? Unless." She looked up, worry written all over her face. "No, she didn't."
Yuro looked at the four then tapped the ground with his talons twice. "Hey, Eli, how many Shadow Dragons did you see when you checked on whatever controls the lights and 'computer'?" He looked a bit worried.

Windraza was reading the scroll that the New Shadow Team retrieved for her.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "I found a dead one, but that was it, I need to get an inventory bot up to see if anything's missing, but I need electricity for that, and I have not had battery batteries on this ship in ages"

The scroll read: Dear Fuhrer, I have found something that will greatly further our society, the ability to travel further back than the sands of time, you see, as you know, time does not go infinitely back, but stops after a time, an metaphor could be a computer, only so much memory before it throws out the old for the new, but I found to go back even further, you need to not reverse time, but reactions. In my research, to reverse every reaction in the multiverse, you need 13 things, Life essence, to reverse death itself, Death essence, to reverse the beginning of life, Harmony essence to quell chaos, and Chaos essence to undo order and harmony, Destruction essence to undo creation, and Creation essence to undo destruction, as well and the Undead, balance and Eternity essences to keep the other six together, a Dimeshinal Diamond to spread the effects to the multiverse, a Temporal Diamond to straighten time travel and tricks, as well as help keep the effects going, and a Reality Diamond, to undo other effects, the final thing you will need would be something to wield that, but in your greatness, I'm sure you can provide

Now naturally, you will need to collect those things, I have found the only fundamental reliably willing to give up a vial of their essence would be Undead, simply tell him what your doing, and he will most likely give it to you, so he would be rid of his chains, the best one to go after next would be Life, as with Undeads any life of hers you kill, will fight with you against her, if done properly, after that, Death would be a good target, my time is running short, so, know what I have told you, get the Diamonds and the Fundamentals essaces, the location of Undead is the center of the multiverse

The rest of the letter had a bit of blood splattered on it
"You sure there was only one?" Yuro sounded more worried. He looked at the four and then tapped three times. "That can't be right!" Flarea and Shui looked confused. As did all of the Skycats, except for Sky, who was still sleeping, trapped in her nightmare.

Windraza snarled. How was she supposed to find what she needed? Last time she checked she had no way of gathering what she needed. It angered her, greatly. She quickly regained her composure though. "I'm going to need some sort of help," she muttered to herself. She definitely would not ask Muel, he would probably try to betray her as soon as he possibly could, as he did with her uncle. If she could find someone else that was willing to assist her without double-crossing her, she would be relieved.
"The Shadow Team, a group of trained Shadow Dragons, or serverly punished Shadow Dragons in my case, always work in multiples of two. The fact that there were only seven that I counted means one escaped undetected." The Shadow Dragons growled at Yuro for saying something that was kept quiet. Yuro turned at them and snorted. "That means that whatever they took, they might have gotten away with." Flarea looked at Yuro. "So, you're saying that we missed one?"
Yuro nodded. "Simple Shadow Team trick really. The smallest, fastest dragon in shadow form hides behind the others, makes their escape and hopes that the rest comes out. That way the mission is a success. Honestly one of the first things they teach you." Yuro thought for a second. "There's also the sneak-behind, the shadow, and the fact that it's a lost cause because they became a shade."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed "Yeah, but I need some electricity, and there's only one place we can get something to do that for us" he offered the paper to Flarea, it was a map, showing the location of the steel dragons "You know where that is?"
Flarea looked at the map for a split second before knowing exactly where it was. "Undi Plains! I was going there when I first met you, but then your ship sorta threw us off course, so we just went to the closest place. We were really close to it when we were at Phyross." She smiled at Eli. "Shouldn't take to long to get there, maybe a day or two flying, why?"
Flarea twitched her tail. "So I'm supposed to get them and bring them back here?" She wanted to make sure this was the plan before setting off. Though, she did not like the thought of being alone. To be totally honest, she was afraid of being alone. She hoped that she would have at least someone to accompany her. Though, Shui would have to leave soon.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"No, I thought we would all go, come get some things with me and lets set off" he headed into the back, down the bedroom hall, leading them to the repair and inventory bots, he pointed at a repair bot "Get a couple of those" pointed at the inventory bots "and one or two of those"
Flarea nodded as she followed Eli, as did Yuro, Stella, and Shui. Shui, being too small to pick anything up, watched Yuro and Flarea pick up the robots. Stella could not pick up a robot either due to the fact she had paws. Flarea and Yuro could only pick up one robot. They both chose a repair bot.
Star, Storm, and Sol also followed for a bit until they got to the room that Sky was staying in. If they were leaving, then they would bring her. Besides, they did not want to leave her in an unfamiliar and dangerous place, espesially with her disability. Sol carried Sky on his back as Star and Storm entered the room Eli entered. "I'll try to take one, but if I get tired, it might fall. I'll also be helping to carry Sky, so I might not be able to."
Star used her telekinesis to pick up the inventory bot. She found it much lighter than she thought it was. Maybe she could carry this all the way to to this 'Undi Plains'. She was glad that she and her friends did not have to explain why they were so persistent about bringing Sky along. They knew that they could not leave her alone somewhere. She could seriously hurt herself. Star padded up the entrance along with Storm and Sol. Flarea, Stella, Yuro, and Shui were behind them, ready to go.
Flarea nodded as she rose up into the sky, carrying the robot that Eli told her to take. Yuro, Stella, Star, Storm, Sol, and Shui followed. Storm made sure Sky would not fall. They did not want their friend to die because she was unable to fly in her sleep. Flarea looked back at Eli. "So, what do you think happened? Like, did they take anything, did they just want to shut down the power? I mean, it doesn't have to be true, just a theory." Shui rolled her eyes at Flarea's question as she looked at the position of the sun.
Flarea was confused. "What would they take? I mean, I'm pretty sure dragons can't use any of your stuff. Big claws, extremely strong, and all that sort of stuff." Shui still watched the sky.

Blaze was on his way to Undi Plains and Mount. Pyross. His sister, Queen Windraza, sent him there to let the dragons there know of the change in leadership. But he had an alternative motive. Two guards flapped behind him. It was just like his sister to send guards, probably there to make sure he was not planning something. He found it irritating.
Flarea looked at the sky, then looked below her. She instantly knew the perfect place to stop for the night. She smiled "It's not a when, but a where. It's about thirty minutes away at this speed." Shui broke away from the group. She did not want to have to enter a fight with Eli as soon as night fell. That would be to stressful on everyone.
Flarea looked at Shui sorrowfully, wishing for a better goodbye. She sighed and placed a smile back on her face, forcefully. She did her best to sound excited still. "A little secret. One of my past teachers. They're very friendly and I know they'll let us stay for the night." She turned to smile at Shui, 'til she remembered that she just left. She sighed. "I know you'll like both of them. Only one was my teacher, but she has a friend that'll never leave her side."
Flarea landed outside of a cave. It was a shabby and unassuming cave, overgrown with plants, vines, and other things. It seemed abandoned. However, Flarea did not look deterred. "Hello? Andhera? You here?" A grey sprite popped out of one of the bushes.
"Flarea?" He sounded confused "Why are there a lot of winged felines with you? And a Shadow Dragon?" His eyes widened in fear. "You're not betraying us are you!"
Flarea rolled her eyes. "Do I look like someone that betrays a friend? If he was going to eat you, I would of never allowed him to come close to the den."
Yuro opened his jaw to say something but was instantly hushed with a shake of Flarea's head. She looked back at everyone. "It's best if I do all the talking. Andhera and Shadow are a bit," she waved her front talon for a bit while she searched for the word. "Paranoid."
Shadow crossed his arms as he gave a fake cough. FLarea returned her attention to the grey sprite. "You done talking to them?"
Flarea nodded and followed Shadow into the den, along with Yuro, Star, Stella, Sol, and Storm.
A dragon with midnight-black scales looked up, her dark blue eyes gleaming when she saw Flarea and whom she believed to be Shui. She curled her tail above her body, which was laying on the stone floor. "Very well. We were just talking about moving caves again. You caught us at a good time. In three days, we wouldn't have been here anymore." Shadow shook his head as he pointed at the Skycats and Yuro, whispering to the dragon. She shook her head. "They're friends of Flarea, she would never betray our trust." She turned her head to Flarea, her voice becoming more of a threating tone. "Right, Flarea?"
Flarea nodded. "Of course not, Andhera!" She glared at Eli for a bit, hoping that Andhera and Shadow did not notice.
Andhera got up and padded over to Eli. "Shui, how did you get that? Flarea! I told you to protect Shui with your life! She's the only sprite that you'll ever bond too!"
Flarea cowered a bit from Andhera's scolding. She was a mother at heart, even if she had no whelps to call her own.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli gave a subtle gesture to Flearea, communicating "What? I haven't lied" he looked at the dragon that approached her, reaching her hand up and running her hand down the scar, without skipping a beat, she responded "Well, its a bit of a story, lets just say I lost my temper and paid for it" this held no sign of deceit, as she was not lying