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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

Flarea sighed as Andhera relaxed a bit. "So it wasn't Flarea not protecting you as she should? Very well then." Her gaze softened as she turned to Flarea. "Make sure Shui doesn't get hurt anymore. Got that?" Flarea nodded as she padded over to Eli. Andhera went back to her sleeprock and laid down.
Flarea looked at Eli. "So, you're not going to tell them you're not Shui?" she whispered. "I'm surprised that she did not ask about the grey eye, but she might think the scar affected it or something." Flarea sighed. "When you allow others to believe a lie, you are lying. Both Shadow and Andhera believe that you are Shui. I know you said that you're not impersonating her, but right now, you kinda are. I'm just worried alright. Andhera, while it takes a lot to make her angry, is hardly the same dragon."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli raised an eyebrow "In my experience, exposing something like this, is a very bad idea, you can tell her if its that bad" she looked down at her hand, as if remembering something unpleasant
Flarea sighed. "I won't tell her, but don't say anything suspicious. Something that Shui would not say. And when we are talking about my training period with her, let me do the talking." She wanted to know the story, but that would definitely expose the fact Eli was not really Shui. "I just have to be careful and whatnot. The worst that happens is that she traps us here until she feels like we can take care of ourselves." Flarea shuddered at the idea, though she did not explain why.
Flarea nodded as she laid down and yawned. Andhera looked at her. "Did you hear that Windraza in now quote on quote, queen?" She laughed. "Get rid of that insult to your mother's image."
Flarea nodded, not exactly knowing what Andhera was talking about. Flarea looked at Andhera with confusion. "Did you know my mother? I don't really remember her, it's been so long."
Andhera smiled. "Knew her? I was her best friend, youngling. She and I did almost everything together until those two princes got interested in her." She laughed a bit, her eyes clouded with thoughts of the past. "I didn't mind, she was happy with them. Although I could tell she was happier with Firos than with future evil." She sighed. "Those days were carefree. Sometimes I wish I could go back to them, though all I can do is remember."
Flarea nodded, not completely understanding. She did not remember much of her time as a whelp with her parents, only the takeover remained in her mind.
The Skycats did not feel the need to sleep at night. They were cats, naturally nocturnal creatures. Or at least Star and Stella did not feel the need to sleep. Sol and Storm did start to feel a bit tired. Sky was already asleep, however, she was stirring. Inside the mind of the calico, she ran. She ran from the dream beast that wanted to eat her. Sky was lost inside of her own dream, and she could not wake herself. She wanted free. She wanted to be back in real life. She wanted the comforting darkness to envelop her again. She wanted to hear everyone. She wanted to stop running in her head but run in real life. She wanted out of her dream. But there was no way out, at least no way out that she knew of. And Sky knew that if there was a way out on their end, her friends would have already done it by now. All Sky could really do was run.
There was a small amount of muttering. Sky twitched her ear. It was Star! Was she waiting for her to wake up? If so, were the others there as well. Knowing Storm, he would not leave Star's side, and she had a feeling that Sol was nearby as well. She ran harder, pushing off her back legs more as she ran in the direction that she heard the muttering. While it was true that she could not hear what Star was saying, she knew it was her dear friend. Sky ran and ran, her pelt bristled as she bounded towards her exit. The beast was running faster as well, knowing that she might escape his grasp. The beast was at her tail now, and Sky knew that she had to wake up soon, or not at all. She lept forward, knowing that she would either die from it, or it would save her life. She closed her eyes, waiting to see, or not see what happened.
Sky opened her eyes, seeing nothing but hearing and smelling everything. Star was in front of her while Sol was curled up next to her. Sky could feel Star's excitement and imagined Star's eyes filling with pure joy. "Everyone!" She heard Star announce, "Sky's awake!"
Sky felt her pelt grow hot. Was she going to be surrounded by all her friends? And what was with the weird smells. She never smelled any of these sents before. She frowned for a bit, getting disoriented due to the fact she could not figure out where she was and who she was with, other than her friends of course!
Sky turned her head in Eli's general direction. She did not know who this was, nor how she knew about the nightmare. Star must have tried to read her mind then told others about her nightmare. She flattened her ears at the mention of the nightmare, however, there was no sign of displeasure on her face. "Yeah, it was." If one looked at her eyes, they would notice that they did not reflect light and that they were much paler than a normal cat's. Her eyes were also two different colors, green and amber. She stood up and swiveled her ears around. There was scraping on some rock, not on purpose but the sound of something that did not have retractable claws.
"So, you're Sky?" a female asked. She smelled a bit like a small fire, something that Sky instively raised her fur in fear to.
She quickly flattened her fur again, looked at the new voice's direction and nodded.
Sky, in reaction to the buzzing noise the wings made, entered a defensive position. She faced above her, her ears trying to pick up where it was coming from. It was moving. The unknown buzzing was moving. Her fur stood on end, not knowing what the buzzing above her was. She tentatively took a step forward, making sure there was some ground below her before she finalized the step. She hoped the buzzing would leave her alone now.
Star glared at Eli, non-verbally asking her to stop flying around her friend.
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Sky sat down, glad that the buzzing was over. She started sniffing the ground. Someone definitely lived here. Her ears swiveled some more. She started to walk around, carefully placing each paw down to make sure there was something beneath her paws.

Flarea walked up to Eli. "Do you think there's something wrong with Sky? I mean, she looks in our direction, but not at us, and she was totally freaked out about the fact you were flying around her. And just look at the way she walks." There was some concern in Flarea's eyes as she watched Sky for a bit.
Flarea flicked her tail. "Oh, so she can't see a thing." Flarea gave Sky a worried glance. "Hope she can keep up." She swore Sky started facing their direction like she knew that they knew she was blind. Sky twitched her whiskers as she curled her tail a bit before she went to explore the den again. Flarea could not help but give Sky a smile back, even if the calico did not see it. Flarea gave a huge yawn. "I should be heading off to sleep soon."
The sun's rays entered the cave, giving warmth to whoever laid within one. The cool den was now slightly warmer. Flarea woke up, as did Sky, Sol, Star, Stella, Storm, and Yuro. She looked around her, knowing that they had to leave soon. Star padded up to her. "I'm going to go hunting for the Skycats in the group. Everycat, especially Sky, needs it." Flarea nodded, watching the silver cat leave the den to find something for them to eat. Flarea sighed. She would not leave until everyone was ready.

Windraza awoke. She remembered Muel's old ship. Could it be trusted, it made no move to harm her, and she knew she was not going to get any help here. She decided that it was the best course of action. Leaving without guards, she flew towards Muel's old ship.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli woke up, she was hungry, but suddenly realized she had no clue what a sprite would eat, so he decided to fein not being hungry for the moment
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Flarea tapped her tail on the ground, feeling a bit hungry herself. When was the last time she ate? About a week and a half ago, plus it has been very eventful. Flarea also knew that sprites had to eat a lot more than dragons do, every other day if she remembered correctly. Flarea sighed as she strode over to Eli. "Sprites eat berries and other plants," she whispered to Eli before exiting the cave to go hunting.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded gratefully as she flew out of the cave and looked around for berries she spotted a bush a landed next to it, she smiled to herself and muttered "The great thing about being small, all the food is massive now!" she ate a few berries before grabbing some more, flying them back to the cave to eat there
Flarea flew, spotting a herd of deer. She grinned. They did not seem to notice the fact she was hunting them, yet. Of course, the only way they would know about her was from her shadow, and since it was early morning, the ground was covered with shadows. She chose a deer that looked like a nice catch, something easy to grab, and dove down, talons outstretched. A buck grunted when he saw her swooping down on them, having the herd raise their tails and leap away. However, the one she chose was lagging behind. This was an easy catch, something she could eat in a hurry. She landed on top of her, bit down on the neck, and snapped it, killing her quick. She looked down at the doe and gave thanks for her meal before she ate it. She did not feel bad for the deer, she was merely a piece of prey that had to feed the predator. Besides, Flarea would be dead if she did not eat. She did not give any chase to the rest of the herd. One doe was enough.

Windraza made it to the ship. She wondered if the door was still open, or if it closed after she left. In her talons was the scroll that she needed. She could not remember all she needed! What was she, a dragon that remembered everything she saw? That was impossible! Besides, she knew that she would need it later, or that was what she thought anyway.
Star came back into the den and dropped all of the prey, all of it small rodents. She looked around her. "Where's Flarea?" Sky smelled the prey and had grown comfortable inside of the den, so she padded over to the prey without hesitation. She nearly tripped on a rock, unknownest to her. Sol watched her carefully.

Flarea continued to eat, licking the blood off of her jaws every once in a while.

Windraza entered the ship. "I need some help," she told the ship while she strode in pridefully. "I need someone that can help me without betraying me and won't try to take the glory for themselves. Someone I can get rid of easily if they try to take more than I offered them."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli pointed outside "Hunting I think" she flew up looking around the cave "Where did you put those robots by the way? I don't think I saw them since we came here"

The ship responded "Looking through database... ... ... ... Option found, master thief Kerco, highly knowledgeable"
Yuro yawned as he got up and left the cave. He walked over to a bush and took all three out, one at a time. "See, still there." He gave another yawn as Flarea swooped down. Her teeth still had some blood from the deer she ate. "So, is everyone ready?"

Windraza nodded. "Please give me some information on the Kerco. I don't want to go in blind."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "Thank you" when Fleara swooped in, she jumped up and nodded "Ready as ready!" she looked at the other, waiting for their response

"Kerco is a personal thief, records show that for enough pay, he will do a job and stay quiet about it, he cares not for leadership, being in the right, or fame"
Star glanced at Eli and Flarea. "Wait will you? Let us eat first. What do you want to do? Starve us? Sky hasn't eaten in five days!" Sky looked up from her mouse and nodded real quick before diving right in again, careful not to eat a bone. All the Skycats ate faster, and Sky waited for someone to finish their's, still hungry.

Windraza nodded. "What sort of jobs does he do?" she asked. A sickly green dragon stood outside the ship, looking at her queen. She wanted to enter to assist her queen in any way possible, but she had to wait for her to do what she was doing, whatever it was.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"He has robbed the bank of celestials and demons, assassinated Kings, made barters and trades between nations, begun wars among other things"

Eli nodded, willing to wait, but needing to hurry
Windraza was deep in thought again for a bit until she saw the green dragon by glancing behind her. "Otruta, don't linger out there. If you have something to tell me, let me know now."
Otruta nodded as she stepped inside. "I don't think you should be alone, your majesty. I don't mean offense by this, but I think someone should protect you. Not that you should need it, with your greatness and all."
Windraza narrowed her eyes. "I don't like flattery. What is it that you want?"
The sickly green dragon sighed. "I think that you need a bodyguard, Queen Windraza."
Windraza closed her eyes. "I'll think about it." When Otruta left and she was thought to be out of earshot, Windraza narrowed her eyes. "Would he be willing to let me know where Undead is, once I pay him that is?"

The Skycats hurried up and got done, Sky finishing Sol's and Stella's meal. They were ready and Flarea took off towards Undi Plains, making sure Sky kept up. Surprisingly, the blind Windfeather was able to keep up with everyone and seemed to know where they were flying. Well, she confident flew in the direction she was flying in. Her ears were faced completely forward.
Windraza thought for a moment. "How would he like to have a place in my new multiverse?" she asked after a good amount of thought. She was still unsure if she could trust this ship, but so far it has only been helpful to her. It would be necessary for her plan to keep it.
Windraza nodded. "We better hurry then. Don't want anything to mess up my plans." Windraza sat down, not knowing what flight without wings and inside of something was like. However, she would never make the mistake Flarea did by tensing her talons. She trained herself to remain calm in most situations.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The ships door closed as it lifted of the ground, a sound building up, then stopping before the ship blasted of at absurd speeds, it then created what looked like a massive crack in the sky, leaving it behind as the ship entered the multiverse
"About Shui being presented to the public?" She sighed as she looked down. "I don't like you having to pretend to be her around dragons that I know. You have no idea how guilty I feel. They trust me to do nothing but act in their best interest, and I know that it doesn't harm them, but I feel like I'm lying. Do you understand what I mean?"

Windraza grumbled a bit but said nothing.
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