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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

"Which is?" Yuro's grey eyes blinked as the fear drew away from the dark grey dragon. He had an urge to look in as well but fought against it. He didn't know what was in there, and he didn't want to see something that he would regret.
Yuro followed Eli inside, not knowing what kind of 'terror' he was about to face. True, Eli did warn him, but the warning was just awful. There were no details other than 'you won't get hurt'. Yeah, like that helped a lot.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
A reality black mist appeared neared the entrance and solidified into a feminine reality black figure that seemed to be in a large dress, her voice sounded like it came from everything around her, as if the very objects shared her thoughts "Brother informed me of your arrival"
Yuro closed his eyes and shrank back as he gave a whimper. The dark grey dragon didn't know why he was so scared, he just was. He entered Shadow Form as a sort of defense and took a few steps back as he shook with terror.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked up at her as the ushal feeling of dread washed over him, but hanging around angel for so long had somewhat normalized him to this as he nodded "I'm here to keep the diamond safe" Mistress reality nodded "I know" a intricate Black and gold box appeared in her hands as she walked past Yuro to the pedestal
Yuro just stood there, trying to make himself disappear. For once, he didn't care about how long he could stay in his shadowy form. The only thing he cared about was disappearing so then no one knew where he was at. So then this massive amount of terror would go away.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Mistress reality opened the box, which was reality black on the inside as she picked up the diamond and placed it in the box as she traveled back to Eli "And you will handle this with the upmost care!" she said, pretty much like a command "Of course I will"
Yuro wished that this meeting would be over soon. That he could escape. That he could go back to the comfort of Eli's ship. He started the feel the tug of becoming a Shade but ignored it. No, there was a much larger fear here. Something that he could not just shake. Any longer and he would become a Shade.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli accepted the box and looked it over and raised a brow "No blessing" jokingly. Mistress reality closed her eyes "You know only one has more than one of our blessings, but if you need it for this mission, come back and I might grant it if you really need it" Eli looked shocked as he nodded
The tug grew stronger, and Yuro couldn't fight it anymore. Nor could he change back into normal form. He opened his eyes in shock as a new terror flooded him. One that was pure and not some sort of thing conjured up from the reality black. He panicked as he struggled to go back to normal, but it was no use. He was lost now. A Shade.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked over at where Yuro was "Wel, its been fun but we need to go" he looked around "Oh, right, could you?" Mistress reality nodded as she flicked her hand, yanking Yuro back to the normal plane of reality
Yuro, still panicking about becoming a Shade, breathed rapidly as he looked around for a bit, then looked down at his talons. They were there. They were there! He was back! But how? He looked at Eli with a curious look then at Mistress Reality, a sudden sense of dread flooding over him again. He looked at Eli, giving a silent plea to leave the place.
Yuro followed Eli. When Eli showed him the box, Yuro merely nodded, still feeling the effects from the temple. However, there was one question that burned on his mind. One that he was able to ask, even in his state. "How was I brought back after becoming a Shade?" Yuro asked quietly like he had to force it out.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at him "Well, your powers work by displacing you to another layer of reality, being a shade is just being displaced to far, Mistress reality happens to, well, control reality, kinda is reality"
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Yuro nodded. "So she just brought me back?" The feeling of dread was now dissipating. Besides, he was going someplace that was almost like a home to him now. At least, someplace that he felt safe at. Unlike Ragenrok's army.
Yuro gave Eli a curious look as he entered the ship. "You seem like you're in a good mood." Yuro glanced at Flarea, who rose her head up in greeting. To Yuro, it was like Eli took Flarea's energy from her, leaving her empty. He knew that wasn't the case, but it did seem like that.
Flarea looked away from both Eli and Yuro as she growled under her breath. She didn't need to bother them with her selfishness. She laid her head down, glancing at the two every once and a while to see if they left.
Flarea's eyes widened with fear at that thought. She would be alone! She looked down at her talons, searching for the words to say. "It's my fault that Shui is no longer here." She lowered her head and closed her eyes out of sadness. She had more to say, but she couldn't find the words for her next thought.
"I should've done more! I should've tried to warn her! I should've done something more than what I did." Flarea lashed her tail and glared at her talons, her mouth drawn back into a snarl of disgust. "Instead I was Muel's pawn for a few minutes."
Flarea shook her head. "Like I would want to talk to him," she growled. For once, there was pure hatred in her blue eyes. She sighed. "It still doesn't excuse the fact that I attacked you, fought Yuro, and almost planted the rod myself."
Flarea shook her head slowly. "Other than she really dislikes me. And was with Ragenrok, before she killed him, nothing. Unless whelphood is important for this." Flarea blinked in surprise at how little she knew about her sister.

Yuro listened to Eli's question. "Um, I know that the dragons placed under her control feared her like crazy. Some say that the only dragon that truly mattered to her was Ragenrok and herself. I can see where they come from."
Flarea closed her eyes. "She liked being in control and loved things to be orderly when we were whelps." She was unsure if this changed exactly. Besides, she knew that dragons changed.
Yuro nodded. "Still is, but she also punishes easily as well. If you don't show up on time, she make sure that you remember next time, with pain. I was fortunate enough to not be on one of her squads. I couldn't imagine lasting long with what I've seen." He shuddered when he thought about dragons with new scratches that would turn into scars within a week.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed "Its our best lead so far, well computer, search the database for a 4a Champion, go to the nearest one" he swiveled to the others "Well, if we play our pieces right, we should be able to stop her"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at her "It means Harmony Champion, and there are too many codes to explain to you, besides, I can just tell you long the way" he coughed again "We are checking out Harmony first"
Flarea sat up to her full height and glared at Eli, assessing his condition. "You sure? You don't exactly sound fine." Her wings were folded back slightly as she thought about everything bad that could be happening. To Yuro, her position slightly reminded him of Windraza, except she wasn't judging whether they were truly late to something or not, she was judging someone's well-being. Flarea relaxed and stopped glaring at Eli. "Just don't want something bad happening to you, ok."